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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林俞安 Unknown Date (has links)


周伯恆 Unknown Date (has links)

重建或解構:海德格對政治性的思考 / Reconstruction or deconstruction: Heidegger's thinking on the political

蔡慶樺 Unknown Date (has links)

誘人的反感:怪物及厭噁美學 / Alluring Aversion: The Monstrous and Aesthetics of Disgust

林嘉鴻, Lin, Chia Hung Unknown Date (has links)
哥德研究創建了自我的世界。批評與理論努力地透過客製化的方法與術語去捕捉與檢視哥德文學中不同的黑暗與恐怪模式。哥德不只是虛構的故事;它形塑與發聲了某些人類的經驗,並且探索了社會與文化的場境。關於哥德美學研究,大多是關於艾德蒙.伯克與伊曼紐.康德的壯美概念,闡釋人類主觀經驗的黑暗性,其中多著重於壯美與恐怖的力量,特別是其「壓倒性」效果的特色。這些方面,雖經研究開發,但仍未盡察其暗黑藝術。在哥德研究方面,厭噁曾被提及其影響的價值,但卻缺乏有系統地檢視與理論化。除了關於恐怖在哥德小說方面廣泛的研究,另一個原始的情動,厭噁,被指出其影響的價值,扮演重要的角色在於捕捉愉悅的厭噁與厭噁的愉悅於哥德黑暗美學的模稜性,如此重要但仍缺乏闡釋與理論化。此論文目標在於,透過重新解讀在《夜訪吸血鬼》、《沉默的羔羊》與《美國殺人魔》中有名/惡名的哥德怪物,多面檢視研究厭噁美學特性。 / Gothic studies have developed a world of its own. Criticisms and theories struggle to capture and examine various patterns of darkness and eeriness in Gothic literature through employing customized methods and jargons. The Gothic is not just about fictional stories; it shapes and articulates certain human experiences, and explores the societal and cultural circumstances. The studies of the Gothic aesthetics are mostly related to Edmund Burke’s and Immanuel Kant’s concepts of the sublime, elaborating the darkness of human subjective experience, in which the force of the sublime and terror is emphasized, especially the feature of “overwhelming” effect. Gothic aesthetics, in facets of sublime, terror, and horror, has been elaborated but not exhausted its art of darkness. Apart from extensively studied terror in Gothic novels, another primitive affect, disgust, which cannot be denied its affecting value but still lacks elaboration and theorization, plays a significant roles in the grasp of the ambivalence of pleasurable aversion and aversive pleasure of Gothic aesthetics of darkness. This dissertation aims at interrogating the multifaceted aesthetics of disgust via re-examinations of in/famous Gothic monsters in Interview with the Vampire, The Silence of the Lambs, and American Psycho.


楊尚儒, Yang, Shang-ju Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試藉由求力意志作為討論的核心,架構出尼采的思想體系,並藉由這個體系來理解,為何當代對於尼采的討論會呈現出兩個不同的面貌:企圖解構傳統形上學的尼采以及作為最後一位形上學者的尼采。並且以這兩種不同的尼采來看待主體和認同之間的問題,便會在該問題上呈現出兩個傾向。 第一種傾向,是較為進步的,而這主要來自於傅柯對於尼采系譜學的使用。這種使用方式同樣解構了傳統主體哲學對於人的預設,並且暴露出認同是被建構的,而非實存的這個事實。故認同是透過對差異者的排除,才能夠被凝聚起來,主體則是在認同的建構過程中一併被建構出來的。 第二種著重於「支配」的傾向,則來自於海德格對於尼采求力意志的詮釋。這種詮釋方式將求力意志視作為尼采形上學的核心,並將人類的意志帶到最高點,而超人就是意欲求力意志並投身於求力意志的最高主體。但這種新的主體建構卻會造成一種新的認同形式的出現,而使得對差異的排除和壓抑更為劇烈。

海德格〈藝術作品起源〉中大地之說 / Illumination of “the Earth ”in Heidegger's “The Origin of Work of Art”

陳文怡, Chen, Wen-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
伊底帕斯解答斯芬克斯之謎,同時拯救了人民的恐慌,但亦使自己陷入更驚駭的悲痛之中,這表現了斯芬克斯之謎本身蘊含歧義的意義;海德格繼《存有與時間》後的重要作品〈藝術作品起源〉中提出,可以發現與展開存有整體的是藝術作品,藝術作品的起源-藝術乃是謎,此謎可為謎,筆者認為即是海德格試圖說的處在拒絕被我們穿透的情況下才得以彰顯的「大地」之說,換言之,斯芬克斯之謎與藝術之謎的歧義是來自大地本身的狀態,由此,筆者以同時交織這兩件作品中謎的意義,作為本論文獨特的創作方式,如此寫作的安排是由於,一、筆者將伊底帕斯王的故事,作為海德格所強調的「藝術作品是存有物之真理的置入」的偉大作品,來理解海德格想要努力說而又難以說的〈起源〉中大地蘊含的深層意義。二、相較於單以海德格個人作品的論述,並連結評論者對〈起源〉的闡釋,以伊底帕斯之悲劇作為真理置入其中的藝術作品,除了要以蘊含真理的作品將大地意義拉出比〈起源〉本身未說出而更為廣大的理解領域外,同時也使海德格難懂的〈起源〉更為平易近人些。三、如此,除了闡釋與理解〈起源〉之大地,同時本文亦以此方式創建與表達出使大地成為大地的實踐意義。 論文前兩章是將海德格於三十年代使用「大地」一詞的來源詳加說明,首章即是由一個故事開始說起,繼之筆者將伊底帕斯故事中分為三部曲,相應於〈起源〉中三大段落的方式進行。首先,第一部曲是伊底帕斯解答斯芬克斯之謎語,這相應於〈物與作品〉中海德格說明傳統哲學對物之為何之解答,形同為走至娶母般的悲劇之中,但卻又富含歧義的蘊義。第二部曲是伊底帕斯通過祭司之語才發現自己到底是誰的轉折,而這連繫著人與神的祭司之語即為〈起源〉中的第二大段-〈作品與真理〉中所強調的,藝術作品乃可開展出存有整體之意義,最後,當伊底帕斯自掘雙目,浪跡天涯之際,以自身生命保持著大地的無可穿透的張顯狀態,即呈現了〈真理與藝術〉中所要闡釋的此有使大地成為大地。 在論文最後一章中,除了回應評論者們對大地諸多相異的看法外,筆者說明此論文的排序是要突顯起源就是其呈現,呈現的無非就是來自起源。起源的豐沛元素就由此有所擁有的世界中呈現,換言之,此文所展開的,只是開始創建我們自身故事的序幕。 關鍵詞:Heidegger、earth、the Origin of Work of Art、Oedipus

予欲無言,「道」何言哉? ——對海德格晚期語言思想的探討 / A Discussion on the Later Heidegger’s Thought of Language

梁曉涵, Liang, Xiao Han Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討中晚期海德格的語言思想。主要分為兩部分:首先,從論述一種「現象學的語言」出發,探討一種前暴力、前表達、前表象、前概念化的語言如何可能。其次,從論述一種「語言的現象學」出發,探討海德格晚期之語言思想與現象學突破之間的關係。 / This thesis aims to discuss later Heidegger's thinking from language. It mainly divided into two parts. Firstly, starting from the “language from phenomenology”, we intend to quest that, how could a pre-violent, pre-expressing, pre-representing and pre-conceptualized language be possible. Furthermore, starting from the “phenomenology from language”, we attempt to inquire the relationship between later Heidegger’s thinking from language and the breakthrough of phenomenology.

藝術作品中真理作為啟示--在海德格和阿多諾之間 / Truth Of The Artwork As Illumination -- Heidegger and Adorno

吳承澤, Wu, Chen-Tse Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

萊維納斯思想中的意識概念 / The Concept of Consciousness in Levinas’ Thought

劉澤佳, Liu, Tze Chia Unknown Date (has links)
萊維納斯是二十一世紀最重要的哲學家之一。他早期的哲學著作聚焦在現象學的知識論與方法論的問題上。由於曾師事海德格,所以他也展現了如何將胡賽爾的著作視為一種存有學。但這不意味著他的哲學是一種胡賽爾現象學或海德格存有學。如同海德格一般,他穿梭於現象學中,但以某種方式同時靠近、同時遠離海德格的學說。他堅持必須超克的不只是現象學,還有存有學,而這最徹底的層次便是倫理,或他所稱的 「異於存有」。但這種 「異於」如何可能?而萊維納斯的倫理與胡賽爾的現象學、海德格的存有學之間的關係又為何?意識概念便是其中的關鍵。而這也是這本博士論文的主要任務。 這份探詢分三個部分,第一部分帶出現象學對自然哲學的批判,並處理萊維納斯對胡賽爾的理解與批判,例如意識不再是一個封閉的、不變的實體,而是具有朝向外在世界的可能。這朝向外在的可能,作為ㄧ種超越,來自意識結構本身。 「意識總是某物的意識」說明了意識本身的結構,這結構以能思-所思 (noesis-noema) 這樣的方式呈現。在這種運作方式,解讀為將外在化為內在的過程,所有被納入意識的事物都變成一種以 「現在」為優位的表象(representation)。 第二部分說明何為萊維納斯所謂的 「意識」。而這個論述是從理論態度進入到實踐的態度開始,同時這也是萊維納斯與海德格的關係。在此我們將看到萊維納斯如何抗拒海德格的基礎存有學,並確立 「實顯」作為意識的定位。在定位之後才開始有欲望、營養與家園等將他者化為同一的活動。另在第二部分結尾說明萊維納斯將 「意識」一詞區分為兩的向度,意向性與非意向性,同時這也是存有學與倫理的的區別。 第三部分著重在非意向性,亦即倫理的層次。在這裡說明如何從存有學層次的欲望、營養與家園轉變為責任、鄰近性與替代。非意向性意識所能建構的不是以自我為核心的帝國,而是以他人為優先的整個宇宙。在這之中,問題不在是存有或非存有,而是我的存有是否正當?我們可以發現,非意向性意識的功能不在於對反、摧毀意向性意識的功能,而只是打斷其安於現狀的安全感。正因不斷擾動、不斷質問,意識總是可以活躍的運作,而不只是陷入某個固定的迴圈。這種非意向性意識是強烈的,但它不是一種貪婪,或許可以說它是一種獻身的大愛。 / Emmanuel Levians, internationally renowed as one of the gtreat philosophers in the twentith century. In his early philosophical writings he focused on the epistemological and methodological problems of phenomenology. Having studied with Heidegger, he also showed how Husserl's work can be read as an ontology. But that does not means that his Philosophy is a sort of Husserlian phenomonology or Heideggerian ontology. Like Heidegger, he passed through phenomenology, but in a way simultaneously close and very foreign to that of Heidegger. An insistence on the necessity of overcoming not noly phenomenology but also ontology, and this most radical sphere is ethic, or what Levinas calls "byomd Being". But how can this beyond be possible, and what is the relation between Levinas's ethic with Husserlian phenomenology or heideggerian ontology? The Key point is the concept of consciousness. And this is the central task of this dissertion. This inquiry is divided into three parts. The first part brings out the phenomenology of natural philosophy and handles Levinas' understanding and criticism of Hussail. For example, consciousness is no longer a closed and unchanged entity, It is possible toward the outside world. This possibility, as a transcendence, comes from the structure of consciousness itself. "Consciousness is always the consciousness of something" illustrates the structure of consciousness itself, which is presented in such a way as noesis-noema. In this mode of operation, interpreted as the process of externalization into an internal process, all things that are incorporated into consciousness become a representation of the present. The second part explains what Levinas called "consciousness." And this discourse begins with the theoretical attitude into practical attitude, and this is also the relationship between Levinas and Heidegger. Here we will see how Levinas resisted Heidegger's fundamental ontology and established the "hypostasis" as the location of consciousness. Only after the positioning of consciousness, then, it begin the the movement that absorb the other to the Same by desire, nutrition and at home. At the end of the second section, another chapter shows Levinas's division of the word "consciousness" into two dimensions, intentionality and non-intentionality. At the same time, this is the difference between ontology and ethics. The third part focuses on non-intentionality, that is, ethical level. Here we show how we can shift the desire, nutrition and at home from the ontology leve to responsibility, proximity and substitution. The non-intentional consciousness can construct not the self-centered empire, but the entire universe, which is prioritized by others. Among them, the question is not to be or not to be, but is my existence right to be? We can see that the function of non-intentional awareness lies not in the function of opposing and destroying intentional awareness, but only in disrupting the security of the status quo. It is precisely because of constant disturbance, constant questioning, consciousness can always be active operation, not just fall into a fixed loop. This non-intentional awareness is strong, but it is not a kind of greed, perhaps it can be said that it is a devoted love.

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