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尼采的真理觀與知識觀--權力意志的一種表現型態黃尹姿 Unknown Date (has links)
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傅柯《性史》中的倫理與自由 / The ethics and freedom in Foucault's history of Sexuality謝宗宜, Hsieh, Tzung Yi Unknown Date (has links)
法國思想家傅柯於1984年6月出版了《性史》的第二、三卷。此二卷與第一卷的出版之間長達八年的間隔,取材的範圍也從原先16到19世紀的現代西方社會,往前推移至西元前到西元初的古希臘社會及希臘化羅馬時期。除此之外,傅柯更清楚地表明,他的研究旨趣已經從原先對權力運作的解析,轉移到關於倫理修身實踐的議題上。儘管傅柯本人對於這個轉折十分坦然,但他卻又透過主體化、真理和自由實踐等概念,說明這個轉向其實可以放進他整個研究的藍圖中。本文即以《性史》作為主要的討論素材,首先,將探討傅柯在《性史》第二、三卷中所提出的倫理是什麼?接著,由此回溯《性史》第一卷中對權力的研究,討論傅柯是怎樣分析現代西方文明中的主體化歷程?對權力的分析是否促使傅柯轉向研究自我倫理?最後,我們將綜合上述有關倫理、權力、真理及主體化的討論,說明傅柯所謂自由實踐的意涵為何? / Michel Foucault published the second and third volumes of History of Sexuality in June 1984. The interval between the first and the rest of the volumes was as long as eight years, and the scope of the first volume was modern European society from the sixteen to the nineteen century, whereas in the second and the third volumes it extended to as early as from ancient Greek to the Hellenistic period. In addition, the central issue was shifted from “power” to “ethics” in those later volumes respectively. He frankly admitted that the central concern of this work did encounter a change described above, however, he also claimed that the change can be regarded as the link between two phases of a continued project, that is, the discussions of “power” and “ethics” are indeed integral parts of his project viewed in light of the concepts of subjectivation, truth, and practice of freedom.
This dissertation attempts to explore the implication of “ethics” in the second and third volumes of History of Sexuality and, based on this implication explored, to elucidate the way Foucault analyses the process of subjectivation in modern Western civilization. Then in turn we try to answer whether this analysis of “power” caused Foucault’s shift of interest to “ethics.” Finally, as a conclusion, through integrated examination of the concepts of “ethics,” “power,” “truth” and “subjectivation,” we try to explicate the significance of “practice of freedom” Foucault propounds.
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從《存有與時間》中的器具到〈藝術作品的本源〉中的作品巫佩珊 Unknown Date (has links)
在海德格一生的思考中,最核心的問題就是「存有」(Sein)。 長期以來傳統哲學在處理存有問題時,已經形成了各式各樣的認識論或形上學種種的學說,但也就是這眾多種種的知識化的學說體系,使得海德格想要扭轉傳統哲學這種以日常生活經驗去符應已經僵化的知識體系的處理存有問題的方式。就海德格來看,傳統哲學中的主體是一個知識化的主體,不管主張唯我或唯物,主體與外界始終是分離的,主體對外界的掌握是靠知識模式來進行掌握,於是各式各樣的學說主要的目的是在彌補或證成主客體之間這道不可跨越的鴻溝。然而,不管主體多精準地描述出客體,這種知識上的精準度對海德格來說都只是次生的。在《存有與時間》中海德格就是要以現象學的精神「回到事物自身」,來說明知識上的掌握要以最原初的日常生活經驗為依據,倘若抽離了日常生活經驗,那麼我們就成了失去真實體驗的掛空主體。
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論戴維森詮釋理論中的慈善原則謝佩珊 Unknown Date (has links)
筆者在這篇論文中所要說明的是:慈善原則(Principle of Charity)在戴維森(Donald Davidson)詮釋理論中的必要性。 在本篇論文中,筆者並不刻意的採取支持或是反對的立場。筆者所要做的是,以戴維森的角度著眼,並進而探討為什麼對於戴維森而言,慈善原則是其詮釋理論中一個極為重要的主張,並且,是一個無法避免的一個預設。在此,我們將說明此原則所涉及的實質內容與作用是什麼,以及戴維森是如何證成此原則的。
慈善原則在戴維森的詮釋理論中不僅僅對我們的經驗做出某些要求,而且此原則還是一個先驗的原則。它所涉及的範圍包括了我們的信念、欲望、意義以及行動的部分。 從詮釋理論的角度來看,慈善原則所允許的是,在不同的語言之間者,我們依然能夠進行了解以及溝通的工作。這個原則所要求的是,我們必須將我們的詮釋對象視為大體上與我們的理性是相一致的。換而言之,詮釋者必須假設與被詮釋者之間,擁有基本的理性模式。在這個先驗原則的要求與限制下,包含了一個對詮釋理論的限制,而其所依據的亦即是慈善原則。
在本篇論文的鋪陳上,將分為三個章節來說明其所主張的觀點。筆者希望能夠透過上述各個章節的鋪陳,而展示出慈善原則在戴維森的詮釋理論中為什麼是不可避免的預設,以及這個主張的實質作用為什麼涉及了信念、欲望、意義以及行動的部分。最後,我們將以「三角測量隱喻」(triangulation metaphor)初步的證成此原則。首先,要知道的是,我們可以把戴維森的詮釋理論視為是真理理論,意義理論以及行動理論相互連結的理論,此三個要素在戴維森的詮釋理論是相互依存但卻不同的詮釋要素。我們將在第一章的討論內容中說明真理理論與意義理論的部分。在此,將可以看到戴維森的詮釋理論是由語意的形式結構把握語言的意義,並採取外延(extension)的進路表明公共且客觀的世界是個人信念和語言的主題所在; 而在第二章以及第三章的內容說明中,其所關連到的是意義理論以及信念理論的部分。同時,這亦即是是本篇論文所要處理的重點-----徹底詮釋的討論。在這部分的討論上,戴維森訴諸意義的經驗證據,他認為信念內容和語言意義得根據共同生活的人的思想內容、意向性行動等等。
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柏拉圖《理想國》中的知識問題-從線段譬喻與洞穴譬喻出發陳宛萱, Chen, Wan-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
經由對於兩個譬喻以及其他相關的概念之解析,我們將可以發現,柏拉圖在《理想國》中提出的真理觀,清楚地指出了存有者與其存有間有一個連結的關係,在真理作為解蔽性的意義中為心靈所掌握,於此對存有的揭示越多、則越真(越「沒有-遮蔽」),其遮蔽的程度越少;但另方面他又明確地排拒那些在存有者的領域中被他描述為「涉及感知與意見的」,並一再地指出上昇之旅除了「前往、趨近存有」外,亦在於排除感知的影響,在這個意義下,他特別強調數理知識的中介作用,並指出數理圖形與數字的抽象作用,可以幫助靈魂向存有趨近。但持平而論,柏拉圖仍為我們指引出一條通往存有的道路,並將《理想國》的知識論以一個完整的存有論的連結關係展現給我們(雖然不無理論上的困難),要求著我們將「真理」的本質與「存有」緊密結合起來,而哲學研究的目的與任務則明確地被定義為對存有的追問,以及將存有與真理之光帶回到「世界」中。 / The theme of the sixth and seventh Book of Plato’s "Republic", especially the whole sixth Book, is usually considered to be the discussion of the knowledge problem (or the epistemology) ; among them there are two main paragraphs about this issue, they are the divided-line simile and cave simile, so how to understand those two similes separately, and at the same time place them under one whole structure to interpret them correctly, namely is the most important task to understand the knowledge problem of Plato's " Republic ". Through the discussion of this thesis, we could see that Plato connected knowledge together with Being and Truth, and Being and Truth are the concepts which explain each other; so Truth is through knowing activity to grasp the revealing of the beings’ Being (Idea), to know is understanding Being, such as 'seeing by eyes of soul'. And to exercise this knowing activity of the beings’ Being, must be dependent on the Idea of Good as the empowerment, offer the power for the Knower to know, and offer Truth to the Knowable (idea) to be known, the two (the Knower and the Knowable) in Truth as the power that makes the beings’ Being shown connect together in the knowing activity, thus the Knowable been regarded as something ' true', and participated Truth. Hence the idea of Good as the cause of Knowledge and Truth, and also as the ultimate cause of the Being of the all beings, but to reach the Idea of Good is not a easy thing, we must endeavor really hard to obtain the Idea of Good. The way to obtain it is that we have to by means of the research of Dialectic and philosophy, ascend step by step from the world seen by bodily eyes, to the purely rational world seen by soul’s eyes.
Plato made a very careful description of knowledge requirement here, with two different similes – divided Line and cave, to interpret the route led to this supreme principle. He first discriminates and defines the classification of knowledge and their corresponding subordinated soul states in the divided line simile, then in the cave simile, he brings up the primitive uneducated state of the human nature, and the different states after educated or enlightened, to explain the importance of education or the upward journey of soul.
Via the analysis of two similes and other relevant concepts, we could discover, the Truth View which Plato puts forward in " Republic ", clearly states there is a relation linked between beings and Being, grasped by the mind in the Truth as the Unhiddenness; therefore the more revealing of Being, the truer (more ' un- hidden'), and the less its degree hidden is. But on the other hand he distinctly discards those which he described as ‘involved sensual perception and opinion’ in the field of beings, and constantly points out the upward journey not only about 'going to and close to the Being’, also about discarding the influence of sensual perception. Thus he especially emphasizes the intermediate position of mathematical knowledge, and point out that the abstract function of the mathematical figures and numbers could help soul come toward Being. But generally speaking, Plato still leads us to the road toward Being, and shows us the epistemology of "Republic" with one intact ontology interrelation (though there are still some difficulties in his theory), therefore forces us to integrate the essence of ‘Truth’ and ‘Being’ closely; in this way the purpose and task of philosophic study are clearly defined as the questioning of Being, and bringing the light of Being and Truth back to 'the World'.
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新聞專業中的真實性:一種倫理主體的探究模式鄭宇君, Cheng,Yu-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
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藝術作品中真理作為啟示--在海德格和阿多諾之間 / Truth Of The Artwork As Illumination -- Heidegger and Adorno吳承澤, Wu, Chen-Tse Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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ヒエロニュムスの「ヘブライ的真理」の研究 : その聖書翻訳論と旧約引用理解とを手がかりに / ヒエロニュムス ノ「ヘブライテキ シンリ」ノ ケンキュウ : ソノ セイショ ホンヤクロン ト キュウヤク インヨウ リカイ トオ テガカリ ニ / ヒエロニュムスのヘブライ的真理の研究 : その聖書翻訳論と旧約引用理解とを手がかりに加藤 哲平, Teppei Kato 02 March 2017 (has links)
ギリシア語訳旧約聖書である七十人訳の擁護者たちに対し、ヒエロニュムス(347–420)はヘブライ語原典の優越性、すなわち「ヘブライ的真理」を主張した。しかし、その聖書翻訳論と旧約引用理解とを考慮すると、ヒエロニュムスが「ヘブライ的真理」と言うとき、彼はヘブライ語テクストと七十人訳との文献学的な問題に留まらず、これら二者と新約聖書における旧約引用との神学的な問題をも解決しようとしていたと言える。 / Against many defenders of the Septuagint, namely, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, Jerome (347–420) claims the superiority of the original Hebrew text. Jerome names this idea Hebraica veritas, or "Hebrew Truth." Considering his theory of biblical translation and his understanding of Old Testament quotations in the New Testament, this study concludes that Jerome's real purpose concerning Hebraica veritas is to solve not only the philological problem between the Hebrew text and the Septuagint, but also the theological problem between these two texts and the Old Testament quotations. / 博士(神学) / Doctor of Theology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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ヒューム『人間本性論』における「知覚」的世界の自然主義的再構成 : 印象と観念の差異としての「生気」にかんする因果的解釈を軸として / ヒューム ニンゲン ホンセイロン ニオケル チカク テキ セカイ ノ シゼン シュギテキ サイコウセイ : インショウ ト カンネン ノ サイ トシテノ セイキ ニカンスル インガテキ カイシャク オ ジク トシテ / ヒューム人間本性論における知覚的世界の自然主義的再構成 : 印象と観念の差異としての生気にかんする因果的解釈を軸として大槻 晃右, Kosuke Otsuki 20 March 2021 (has links)
本論の目的は、「知覚」的世界の実相の解明を通じて、『人間本性論』におけるヒュームの哲学の基本的枠組みを闡明するところにある。本論文は、印象と観念の差異としての「生気」を因果的力能と捉える解釈を軸とし、次のように展開する。最初に、関係的知覚の構造と、因果の観念の知覚的起源を究明する。それに基づいて、「生気」にかんする因果的解釈を明確化する。最後に、この解釈に依拠して、観念の表象性および真理についての自然主義的な説明を試みる。 / The purpose of this dissertation is to make explicit the basic framework of Hume's philosophy, by clarifying the nature of Humean 'perceptions' upon which his arguments in Treatise are founded. I begin with the hypothesis that the liveliness of perceptions, to which Hume refers to differentiate impressions and beliefs from ideas, is a kind of causal power to produce certain effects. I firstly investigate Hume's view on the perceptions of relations and on the perceptual origin of causal ideas. I then articulate the causal interpretation of liveliness. Finally I pursue its consequences, reconstructing Hume's conception of ideas as representations from a naturalistic point of view about truth and inquiry. / 博士(哲学) / Doctor of Philosophy / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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