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Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第15660号 / 工博第3318号 / 新制||工||1501(附属図書館) / 28197 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 伊藤 禎彦, 教授 津野 洋, 教授 米田 稔 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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當代詮釋學的詮釋特徴----在視域融合與詮釋衝突之間王巽澤 Unknown Date (has links)
在詮釋學領域中,「詮釋學」自身這個概念就是個需要釐清的概念,而這釐清的準備性功夫,需要對其歷史發展的脈絡有一定程度上的認識。隨著對詮釋學漸次逐步的認識,「理解」的概念也展現出它作為存有學上的重要觀點;因此諸如像「解釋」、「說明」、「體驗」等等概念也有其新意上的把握。不過在高達美的《真理與方法》中,關於理解的存有學論述的部份,「循環」佔據著一個很先在性的領會部份,由此方能稍有所領會其「實效歷史意識」、「時間距離」等等他的重要見地。而在呂克爾的《詮釋的衝突》中,「繞道」的抉擇是他落實詮釋學研究的重要見地,也因此他讓充斥在各篇論述中的矛盾、衝突等糾葛,形成一種「詮釋弧」 (the interpretative arc)的張力,而突顯出「中介」的詮釋學態度。
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從《存有與時間》中的器具到〈藝術作品的本源〉中的作品巫佩珊 Unknown Date (has links)
在海德格一生的思考中,最核心的問題就是「存有」(Sein)。 長期以來傳統哲學在處理存有問題時,已經形成了各式各樣的認識論或形上學種種的學說,但也就是這眾多種種的知識化的學說體系,使得海德格想要扭轉傳統哲學這種以日常生活經驗去符應已經僵化的知識體系的處理存有問題的方式。就海德格來看,傳統哲學中的主體是一個知識化的主體,不管主張唯我或唯物,主體與外界始終是分離的,主體對外界的掌握是靠知識模式來進行掌握,於是各式各樣的學說主要的目的是在彌補或證成主客體之間這道不可跨越的鴻溝。然而,不管主體多精準地描述出客體,這種知識上的精準度對海德格來說都只是次生的。在《存有與時間》中海德格就是要以現象學的精神「回到事物自身」,來說明知識上的掌握要以最原初的日常生活經驗為依據,倘若抽離了日常生活經驗,那麼我們就成了失去真實體驗的掛空主體。
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此在的時間性與存有的超越界域──對《存有與時間》的一個探究陳昀鍾 Unknown Date (has links)
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予欲無言,「道」何言哉? ——對海德格晚期語言思想的探討 / A Discussion on the Later Heidegger’s Thought of Language梁曉涵, Liang, Xiao Han Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討中晚期海德格的語言思想。主要分為兩部分:首先,從論述一種「現象學的語言」出發,探討一種前暴力、前表達、前表象、前概念化的語言如何可能。其次,從論述一種「語言的現象學」出發,探討海德格晚期之語言思想與現象學突破之間的關係。 / This thesis aims to discuss later Heidegger's thinking from language. It mainly divided into two parts. Firstly, starting from the “language from phenomenology”, we intend to quest that, how could a pre-violent, pre-expressing, pre-representing and pre-conceptualized language be possible. Furthermore, starting from the “phenomenology from language”, we attempt to inquire the relationship between later Heidegger’s thinking from language and the breakthrough of phenomenology.
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康德認識論中的刺激問題潘柏安 Unknown Date (has links)
當康德一方面強調物自身不可能為我們所知,另一方面卻又宣稱物自身刺激了我們的感官、觸發認知機能並產生經驗與現象時,這兩項主張即構成了不一致的情形,也就形成了所謂的刺激問題(the problem of affection)。其中最顯著的困難,是在缺乏感性基礎的物自身上使用因果範疇:現象作為認知能力作用於物自身的結果。因為我們對知性範疇的運用是被康德限制在感性領域之內的。
本文將藉由Henry Allison的理論,在第二章介紹上述為康德辯護的觀點。我們將看到在Allison的詮釋下,物自身與現象如何不是原因與結果的區分,而是基於對感性認知條件限度之界定而得出的同一事物之兩種概念。其中的關鍵在於是以存有論還是認識論的角度去理解康德關於感性認知能力的各種主張。Allison的詮釋除了解消原有的刺激問題,並以其對物自身與現象之區分方式重新賦予刺激概念不同以往的意義:它雖不再將刺激對象視為具有原因性的物自身,卻能夠以認識論的觀點將其理解為經驗中質料方面的先驗認知條件,因而保留了物自身概念在康德認識理論中積極而必要的理論功能。
對於康德物自身與現象區分的正確理解,因而就成為了解決其認識論中刺激問題的決定性因素。Allison稱自己的詮釋為雙重觀點論,而稱視物自身與現象為因果的觀點為雙重世界論。在第三章,本文將介紹持雙重世界論立場的詮釋者James Van Cleve對Allison觀點的批評,以及其為本身立場的辯護:雙重觀點論將為康德的認識論帶來另一種矛盾,而雙重世界論本身就有具有解決刺激問題的能力。
上述兩種處理刺激問題的觀點,分別來自於對康德主張的先驗認知機能不同的理解方式— 認識論或存有論的。不同的理解也就決定了物自身與現象的兩種相異的區分方式。在第四章,本文將介紹Nicholas Rescher 所提出的另一種區分物自身與現象的觀點,以及此觀點對刺激問題的處理。此詮釋不同於上述兩者的是,它不從對康德先驗觀念論的解讀去論現象與物自身的區分,而是以理性設準的角度提出康德另外一種進行此項區分的必要性:物自身和現象外部原因的概念是人類心靈本身的設定,我們如果不預設這些概念,就無法提供知識的客觀性,也無法以完備性為指導原則進行知識體系的建構。
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體驗與意向內容-早期胡賽爾經驗既與性之研究 / Mantal Process and Intentional Content李志成, Henry Lee Unknown Date (has links)
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Nancy與現代主體形上學之解構 / Nancy and deconstruction of modern metaphysics of subject魏建國 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文說明儂希對現代主體形上學的解構,並將之區分為「現代主體的發展與闡述」、「解構的起始-根源條件」、「主體以及共同體的解構」三個主題。在「現代主體的發展與闡述」中,本論文澄清儂希對現代主體的理解:儂希闡述了主體的自我完成,並進一步說明主體觀念在政治上的貫徹執行。儂希根據共同體的自我實現來解釋集權主義,以及它在20世紀造成的歷史與社會災難。在「解構的起始-根源條件」中,本論文澄清儂希對解構思想的探討。儂希探索了存有的離棄狀態,詳述了存有的有限性與延異。儂希以存有的意義來取代存有的真理,並以存有意義來作為解構的根源。實存與世界奠立在存有意義之中,後者將實存向外暴露以及敞開了世界的開放性。在「主體以及共同體的解構」中,本論文澄清儂希的解構策略與運作。儂希將書寫與自我完成對立起來,藉由書寫來干擾主體的自我完成。書寫產生了無作品性,並以無作品性敞開了主體。書寫重複了意義,它讓意義重新開始,並發生成為意義事件。儂希強調共在的重要性,共在分享了存有的虛無,它不是作品,它抵抗著共同體的自我實現。共在聚集著無本質的所有實存,它暴露出每個實存的它者性,並構成了它者的共同體。 / This dissertation discusses Nancy’s deconstruction of modern metaphysics of subject and divides into three themes which are “development and elaboration of modern subject”, “archi-originary condition of deconstruction” and “deconstruction of subject and community”. In “development and elaboration of modern subject”, dissertation clarifies Nancy’s understanding of modern subject: Nancy explicates the self-completion of subject and the political effectuation of the idea of subject. Based on the self-fulfillment of community, Nancy explains totalitarianism that caused historical and social disaster in the 20th century. In “archi-originary condition of deconstruction”, dissertation clarifies Nancy’s discussion of deconstructive thought. Nancy explores the abandonment of Being and illustrates the finitude and différance of Being. Nancy replaces the truth of Being with the sense of Being and designates the sense of Being as the origin of deconstruction. Existence and world grounded in the sense of Being which exposes existence outside and spaces the openness of world. In “deconstruction of subject and community”, dissertation clarifies Nancy’s strategy and operation of deconstruction. Nancy opposes writing to self-completion and interrupts the self-completion of subject through writing. Writing produces the worklessness that spaces the subject. Writing repeats sense, begins sense anew and happens as the event of sense. Nancy emphasizes the importance of being-with that shares the nothing of Being. Being-with is not a work and resists the self-fulfillment of community. Being-with gathers all existences that are without essence, exposes the otherness of every existence and constitutes the community of others.
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藝術作品中真理作為啟示--在海德格和阿多諾之間 / Truth Of The Artwork As Illumination -- Heidegger and Adorno吳承澤, Wu, Chen-Tse Unknown Date (has links)
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萊維納斯思想中的意識概念 / The Concept of Consciousness in Levinas’ Thought劉澤佳, Liu, Tze Chia Unknown Date (has links)
萊維納斯是二十一世紀最重要的哲學家之一。他早期的哲學著作聚焦在現象學的知識論與方法論的問題上。由於曾師事海德格,所以他也展現了如何將胡賽爾的著作視為一種存有學。但這不意味著他的哲學是一種胡賽爾現象學或海德格存有學。如同海德格一般,他穿梭於現象學中,但以某種方式同時靠近、同時遠離海德格的學說。他堅持必須超克的不只是現象學,還有存有學,而這最徹底的層次便是倫理,或他所稱的 「異於存有」。但這種 「異於」如何可能?而萊維納斯的倫理與胡賽爾的現象學、海德格的存有學之間的關係又為何?意識概念便是其中的關鍵。而這也是這本博士論文的主要任務。
這份探詢分三個部分,第一部分帶出現象學對自然哲學的批判,並處理萊維納斯對胡賽爾的理解與批判,例如意識不再是一個封閉的、不變的實體,而是具有朝向外在世界的可能。這朝向外在的可能,作為ㄧ種超越,來自意識結構本身。 「意識總是某物的意識」說明了意識本身的結構,這結構以能思-所思 (noesis-noema) 這樣的方式呈現。在這種運作方式,解讀為將外在化為內在的過程,所有被納入意識的事物都變成一種以 「現在」為優位的表象(representation)。
第二部分說明何為萊維納斯所謂的 「意識」。而這個論述是從理論態度進入到實踐的態度開始,同時這也是萊維納斯與海德格的關係。在此我們將看到萊維納斯如何抗拒海德格的基礎存有學,並確立 「實顯」作為意識的定位。在定位之後才開始有欲望、營養與家園等將他者化為同一的活動。另在第二部分結尾說明萊維納斯將 「意識」一詞區分為兩的向度,意向性與非意向性,同時這也是存有學與倫理的的區別。
第三部分著重在非意向性,亦即倫理的層次。在這裡說明如何從存有學層次的欲望、營養與家園轉變為責任、鄰近性與替代。非意向性意識所能建構的不是以自我為核心的帝國,而是以他人為優先的整個宇宙。在這之中,問題不在是存有或非存有,而是我的存有是否正當?我們可以發現,非意向性意識的功能不在於對反、摧毀意向性意識的功能,而只是打斷其安於現狀的安全感。正因不斷擾動、不斷質問,意識總是可以活躍的運作,而不只是陷入某個固定的迴圈。這種非意向性意識是強烈的,但它不是一種貪婪,或許可以說它是一種獻身的大愛。 / Emmanuel Levians, internationally renowed as one of the gtreat philosophers in the twentith century. In his early philosophical writings he focused on the epistemological and methodological problems of phenomenology. Having studied with Heidegger, he also showed how Husserl's work can be read as an ontology. But that does not means that his Philosophy is a sort of Husserlian phenomonology or Heideggerian ontology. Like Heidegger, he passed through phenomenology, but in a way simultaneously close and very foreign to that of Heidegger. An insistence on the necessity of overcoming not noly phenomenology but also ontology, and this most radical sphere is ethic, or what Levinas calls "byomd Being". But how can this beyond be possible, and what is the relation between Levinas's ethic with Husserlian phenomenology or heideggerian ontology? The Key point is the concept of consciousness. And this is the central task of this dissertion.
This inquiry is divided into three parts. The first part brings out the phenomenology of natural philosophy and handles Levinas' understanding and criticism of Hussail. For example, consciousness is no longer a closed and unchanged entity, It is possible toward the outside world. This possibility, as a transcendence, comes from the structure of consciousness itself. "Consciousness is always the consciousness of something" illustrates the structure of consciousness itself, which is presented in such a way as noesis-noema. In this mode of operation, interpreted as the process of externalization into an internal process, all things that are incorporated into consciousness become a representation of the present.
The second part explains what Levinas called "consciousness." And this discourse begins with the theoretical attitude into practical attitude, and this is also the relationship between Levinas and Heidegger. Here we will see how Levinas resisted Heidegger's fundamental ontology and established the "hypostasis" as the location of consciousness. Only after the positioning of consciousness, then, it begin the the movement that absorb the other to the Same by desire, nutrition and at home. At the end of the second section, another chapter shows Levinas's division of the word "consciousness" into two dimensions, intentionality and non-intentionality. At the same time, this is the difference between ontology and ethics.
The third part focuses on non-intentionality, that is, ethical level. Here we show how we can shift the desire, nutrition and at home from the ontology leve to responsibility, proximity and substitution. The non-intentional consciousness can construct not the self-centered empire, but the entire universe, which is prioritized by others. Among them, the question is not to be or not to be, but is my existence right to be? We can see that the function of non-intentional awareness lies not in the function of opposing and destroying intentional awareness, but only in disrupting the security of the status quo. It is precisely because of constant disturbance, constant questioning, consciousness can always be active operation, not just fall into a fixed loop. This non-intentional awareness is strong, but it is not a kind of greed, perhaps it can be said that it is a devoted love.
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