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席勒與孔子的美育思想──從席勒對康德的批判談起 / Schiller and Confucius' asthetic thinking──Schiller's Critique of Kant's Ethics李宗澤, Lee, Chung Tse Unknown Date (has links)
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《單純理性限度內的宗教》、《宗教經驗之種種--人性的探究》、《不可言說的言說--我們時代的上帝問題》三書教育蘊義之研究 / A Study on the Implication for Education of the Three Volumes of Religion Books郭騰淵, Guo, Teng-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:康德(Immanuel Kant)、詹姆斯(William James)、奧特(Heinrich Ott)、宗教(religion)、教育(education) / This research is to explore the basic conception of Christianity based on the pioneers’ studies in Kant, James, and Ott. Three volumes of important religion books -Religion innerhalb der Blossen Vernunft , The Varieties of Religious Experience : A Study in Human Nature , and Das Reden vom Unsagbaren : Die Frage nach Gott in unserer Zeit-are chosen respectively for this research.
In this research, three methods are used:1. pädagogische Hermeneutik, and the code system for analysis. 2. The framework of the human- picture of education by scholar Feng Chao Lin. 3. The framework of the theory for religious education in Taiwan by scholar Fang Yuan Chuan .
We get three conclusions:1. The three books above have their religious core ideas. For Kant, he insists on the reflecting of belief. For James, he emphasizes the experience of integrity with higher beings. For Ott, he focuses on the loving solidarity in Christianity with the meaning of ethics in the secular world. 2. The implication for education can be fulfilled through the analysis of human nature, and ultimate concern etc. 3. It will be helpful for the readers to understand the results of this research through the framework of the theory for religious education in Taiwan.
The suggestions to the future research are :
-To adopt the systematic methods established by this research to explore the implication of other religious civilizations.
-To develop a scale for quantitative survey to enhance our local research related to religious education.
Key words: Kant (Immanuel Kant ) , James (William James ) , Otto (Heinrich Ott ) , religion , education .
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羅爾斯的人觀探析劉煥麒 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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誘人的反感:怪物及厭噁美學 / Alluring Aversion: The Monstrous and Aesthetics of Disgust林嘉鴻, Lin, Chia Hung Unknown Date (has links)
哥德研究創建了自我的世界。批評與理論努力地透過客製化的方法與術語去捕捉與檢視哥德文學中不同的黑暗與恐怪模式。哥德不只是虛構的故事;它形塑與發聲了某些人類的經驗,並且探索了社會與文化的場境。關於哥德美學研究,大多是關於艾德蒙.伯克與伊曼紐.康德的壯美概念,闡釋人類主觀經驗的黑暗性,其中多著重於壯美與恐怖的力量,特別是其「壓倒性」效果的特色。這些方面,雖經研究開發,但仍未盡察其暗黑藝術。在哥德研究方面,厭噁曾被提及其影響的價值,但卻缺乏有系統地檢視與理論化。除了關於恐怖在哥德小說方面廣泛的研究,另一個原始的情動,厭噁,被指出其影響的價值,扮演重要的角色在於捕捉愉悅的厭噁與厭噁的愉悅於哥德黑暗美學的模稜性,如此重要但仍缺乏闡釋與理論化。此論文目標在於,透過重新解讀在《夜訪吸血鬼》、《沉默的羔羊》與《美國殺人魔》中有名/惡名的哥德怪物,多面檢視研究厭噁美學特性。 / Gothic studies have developed a world of its own. Criticisms and theories struggle to capture and examine various patterns of darkness and eeriness in Gothic literature through employing customized methods and jargons. The Gothic is not just about fictional stories; it shapes and articulates certain human experiences, and explores the societal and cultural circumstances. The studies of the Gothic aesthetics are mostly related to Edmund Burke’s and Immanuel Kant’s concepts of the sublime, elaborating the darkness of human subjective experience, in which the force of the sublime and terror is emphasized, especially the feature of “overwhelming” effect. Gothic aesthetics, in facets of sublime, terror, and horror, has been elaborated but not exhausted its art of darkness. Apart from extensively studied terror in Gothic novels, another primitive affect, disgust, which cannot be denied its affecting value but still lacks elaboration and theorization, plays a significant roles in the grasp of the ambivalence of pleasurable aversion and aversive pleasure of Gothic aesthetics of darkness. This dissertation aims at interrogating the multifaceted aesthetics of disgust via re-examinations of in/famous Gothic monsters in Interview with the Vampire, The Silence of the Lambs, and American Psycho.
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康德法權論在其道德哲學中之定位 / The Status of Kant’s Rechtslehre in His Moral Philosophy王冠龍, Wang, Kuan Lung Unknown Date (has links)
做為康德道德哲學最後一本主要的著作,《道德底形上學》一書長期以來一直受到康德研究者們的忽視。許多論者們認為,〈法權論〉做為《道德底形上學》一書中的第一部份,其中的許多觀點與康德道德哲學中的理念並不一致。然而,在本論文中,筆者即試圖捍衛〈法權論〉的道德地位,以及《道德底形上學》一書的重要性。是故,本論文有兩個主要的論點:第一,康德的〈法權論〉並不會與其道德哲學理念產生衝突,相對的,法權的法則必須由定言令式演繹而來,而法權的系統本身也未違反自律的原則;第二,《道德底形上學》一書扮演了「道德義務學」及「道德實踐學」的角色,從而與《道德底形上學之基礎》及《實踐理性批判》共同構成康德道德哲學系統中不可或缺的重要部份。 / As the last major work of Kant’s morality, the Metaphysics of Morals has long been neglected in Kantian literatures. Many Scholars argue that the Rechtslehre, or Doctrine of Right, as the first part of Metaphysics of Morals, is not consistent with Kant’s moral theory. This research intends to defend the moral status of Rechtslehre and the importance of Metaphysics of Morals in Kant’s moral philosophy. There are two main arguments - firstly, Rechtslehre does not conflict with Kant’s moral theory; instead, the laws of Right should be derived from categorical imperative, and the system of Right does not contradict to the principle of autonomy. Secondly, the Metaphysics of Morals can be regarded as the “doctrine of moral duties” and the “doctrine of practical morality”, and, together with the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals and the Critique of Practical Reason, constitutes an essential part in Kant’s moral philosophy.
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漢娜˙阿蓮政治行動論之解析李培元, LI, PEI-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
係)。本論文便是在解析當代最受爭議的政治哲學家--漢娜•阿蓮(Hannah Aren-
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馬克思的實踐論韋玉莉, WEI, YU-LI Unknown Date (has links)
踐在認識論的定義 本章旨在針對西方研究馬克思實踐論的趨勢及爭論做個簡介,並
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財產權與統一性─康德社會契約論之研究 / Property and Unity:A Study of Kant's Social Contract Theory周家瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本文認為:康德所提出的作為理念的原初契約,是一種提供給已處身在政治社會之下的個人,去設想當下所面對的法律強制力之正當性的方式。藉由康德在《純粹理性批判》之中對於「理念」的界定,可以將賦予原初契約一個確實的契約作用:人民的同意。儘管是一個被想像的同意,但康德賦予它積極的意義即形塑公民為一個自主、自律的主體,因此,在這個面向上,本文認為康德提出了儘管與霍布斯、洛克、盧梭迥異但卻仍然極富意義的契約論。 / The purpose of this thesis is that Kant should be seen as a theorist of the social contract theory in the discourse of the Metaphysics of Morals. This thesis will perceive the social contract theory provided by Kant in accordance to two clues, including the theory of property and the problem of unity.
The main point of the thesis is that the original social contract as an idea of reason is the method providing for the individual existing in the civil society of constructing the legitimacy of the political authority. By definition of “Idea” in Critique of Pure reason, Kant gives the original social contract a meaningful function: the consent of people. Though the consent is a concept imagined by the people, Kant gives it a positive meaning of forming the people to the independent subject in politics.
In conclusion, this thesis claims that Kant provided a meaningful social contract theory different from other theorists in the social contract tradition, such as Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.
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道德判斷之根據:康德與孟子的道德思考及其教育意義 / The Ground of Moral Judgment: The Moral Thinking of Immanuel Kant and Mencius and Its Implication for Education羅智韋, Chih-Wei, Luo Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究康德與孟子對於「道德判斷之根據」的論述。首先討論康德在前批判時期的道德思考歷程,發現其思考兼具理性主義和經驗主義之色彩。但到了〈論感性世界與智思世界的形式及其原則〉一文發表,康德已經確立兩重世界觀,將倫理學領域歸屬在智思世界。在批判時期,康德明確地以「道德法則」為核心,而將其視為倫理學上最後的評斷規準,其中,康德談論了諸多人類不同的心智狀態,俱是其論道德判斷之根據的不同說法。復次,在孟子哲學方面,本研究將其定位在「一接續人心與他者、萬物、天地間之歷程」。第三,關於康德與孟子之對比下,本研究以兩種模式作為對比之進路:一是「文化類型」;另一是「生活世界」,結果指出,可以「基督宗教倫理觀影響」和「存有的相契與連續性」作為兩者道德思考的關鍵性因素。基於以上所述,本研究嘗試說明康德與孟子哲學之道德教育意義及其限制性。 / This thesis studies the ground of moral judgment of Immanuel Kant and Mencius. I'll divide it into three parts. In the first part, I attempt to explicate the process of moral thinking of Immanuel Kant in his pre-critical period. In this period, it is proved that both idealism and empiricism are included in his thinking. After the paper On the Form and Principles of the Sensible and the Intelligible World (Kant, 1770) was presented, Immanuel Kant firmly established the theory, dualism of world, in which the sphere of ethics is classified under an intelligible world. After that, in his critical period, the moral law is much emphasized and considered the last standard for ethic judgment. Besides, it is also indicated that there are many different states of human mind underpinning the distinct statements of what the ground of moral judgment is. In the second part, the moral thinking of Mencius is under discussion. Mencius argues that there is a process of human mind connecting others, all things on earth and heaven and earth. In the third part, I try to compare Immanuel Kant with Mencius by two approaches: “cultural type” and “life-world.” The conclusion is drawn that the impact of ethical viewpoints of the Christian religion and the connection and continuity of being are the crucial factors in their moral thinking. Therefore, on the basis of the mentioned above, the implication and limitation of moral education of Immanuel Kant and Mencius are explained.
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康德認識論中的刺激問題潘柏安 Unknown Date (has links)
當康德一方面強調物自身不可能為我們所知,另一方面卻又宣稱物自身刺激了我們的感官、觸發認知機能並產生經驗與現象時,這兩項主張即構成了不一致的情形,也就形成了所謂的刺激問題(the problem of affection)。其中最顯著的困難,是在缺乏感性基礎的物自身上使用因果範疇:現象作為認知能力作用於物自身的結果。因為我們對知性範疇的運用是被康德限制在感性領域之內的。
本文將藉由Henry Allison的理論,在第二章介紹上述為康德辯護的觀點。我們將看到在Allison的詮釋下,物自身與現象如何不是原因與結果的區分,而是基於對感性認知條件限度之界定而得出的同一事物之兩種概念。其中的關鍵在於是以存有論還是認識論的角度去理解康德關於感性認知能力的各種主張。Allison的詮釋除了解消原有的刺激問題,並以其對物自身與現象之區分方式重新賦予刺激概念不同以往的意義:它雖不再將刺激對象視為具有原因性的物自身,卻能夠以認識論的觀點將其理解為經驗中質料方面的先驗認知條件,因而保留了物自身概念在康德認識理論中積極而必要的理論功能。
對於康德物自身與現象區分的正確理解,因而就成為了解決其認識論中刺激問題的決定性因素。Allison稱自己的詮釋為雙重觀點論,而稱視物自身與現象為因果的觀點為雙重世界論。在第三章,本文將介紹持雙重世界論立場的詮釋者James Van Cleve對Allison觀點的批評,以及其為本身立場的辯護:雙重觀點論將為康德的認識論帶來另一種矛盾,而雙重世界論本身就有具有解決刺激問題的能力。
上述兩種處理刺激問題的觀點,分別來自於對康德主張的先驗認知機能不同的理解方式— 認識論或存有論的。不同的理解也就決定了物自身與現象的兩種相異的區分方式。在第四章,本文將介紹Nicholas Rescher 所提出的另一種區分物自身與現象的觀點,以及此觀點對刺激問題的處理。此詮釋不同於上述兩者的是,它不從對康德先驗觀念論的解讀去論現象與物自身的區分,而是以理性設準的角度提出康德另外一種進行此項區分的必要性:物自身和現象外部原因的概念是人類心靈本身的設定,我們如果不預設這些概念,就無法提供知識的客觀性,也無法以完備性為指導原則進行知識體系的建構。
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