Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bitter quality"" "subject:"critter quality""
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Effects of nutrient cycling through litter of different broadleaved deciduous tree species on soil biochemical properties and the dynamics of carbon and nitrogen in soilLangenbruch, Christina 04 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Tree species as determinants of the structure of oribatid mite communities (Oribatida) and the incorporation of plant carbon and nitrogen in the soil animal food webEißfeller, Verena 08 February 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Zu den Auswirkungen experimenteller Waldneugründungs- und Waldumbaumaßnahmen auf die saprophage Invertebratenfauna an extrem immissionsgeschädigten Kammlagenstandorten des Osterzgebirges (Sachsen): Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae; Acari: Oribatida; Insecta: Collembola: Bodenzoologisch-ökologische UntersuchungenLa France, Martin 29 November 2002 (has links)
The effects of reafforestation with seedlings of spruce, birch, mountain-ash, beech and larch, partially in combination with liming and removal of the topsoil layer before planting, on the community of saprophagous invertebrates (lumbricids, enchytraeids, oribatids, collembolans) were examined. The study area was located on plateau sites of the eastern Ore Mountains (Saxonia, Germany). Investigations were carried out on study sites exposed to high sulphur dioxide immissions and reforested 3 respectively 10 years ago. Invertebrates were sampled by the extraction of soil cores and by the ?electro-octett-method? (lumbricids). Additionally, the ?minicontainer method? was used to investigate decomposition rates of different types of litter. On the control area, a diedback spruce stand, the decomposer community showed high adaptations to the acidic soil substrate and was dominated by few enchytraeid species. Long-termed loss of tree shelter, liming and topsoil removal before planting resulted in a severe decline of most saprophagous species. However, changes in invertebrate community pattern due to different plantations were not found. A comparison of leaf and needle litter decomposition rates resulted in the following order: birch (k = 0.50) > mountain-ash (0.40) > spruce (0.30) >> larch (0.12). Considering all investigated taxa, the metabolic decomposing capacity of the larch litter reached 39 %, that the spruce litter 54 % of the foliage litter results. / Anläßlich des kompletten Ausfalls der Fichte in den extrem immissionsbelasteten Kammlagen des Osterzgebirges (Sachsen) wurden im Rahmen eines interdisziplinären Verbundprojektes verschiedene Waldbaukonzepte hinsichtlich ihrer Einflüsse auf die saprophage Invertebratenfauna (Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae, Oribatida, Collembola) untersucht. Zur Disposition standen Verfahren zur Waldneugründung (Kulturparzellen mit Reihenpflanzung von Birke, Eberesche oder Fichte; zusätzlich waldbaulich unbeeinflußte Sukzessionsparzellen) und zum Waldumbau (Kulturparzellen mit Reihenpflanzung von Buche oder Lärche nach Abtrieb und flächigem Oberbodenabschub). Ein absterbender Fichtenreinbestand in fortgeschrittener Auflösung diente als Referenz- bzw. Korrelationsmaßstab. Die Erfassung der Mesofauna erfolgte über die Extraktion von Stechrohrproben. Lumbriciden wurden mit der Elektrooktett-Methode aufgenommen. Neben der flächenbezogenen Datenerfassung wurden 1.200 mit Blattstreu von Birke, Eberesche, Fichte und Lärche befüllte Minicontainer über 19 Monate auf einer Sukzessionsparzelle exponiert, um substratspezifische Abbaugeschwindigkeiten zu ermitteln und faunistische Sukzessionsverläufe zu studieren. Die Referenzfläche zeichnete sich durch eine stark enchytraeendominierte Zersetzergemeinschaft aus, die deutliche Anzeichen einer kalkungsbedingten Überprägung erkennen ließ. Der Enchytraeenanteil an den potentiellen Umsatzleistungen der untersuchten Destruententaxa (berechnet über metabolische Äquivalenzwerte) lag bei über 90 %. Hiervon ausgehend zeigten die Zersetzergemeinschaften der Versuchsanlagen "Waldneugründung" und "Waldumbau" stark divergierende Entwicklungsrichtungen. Als ausschlaggebende Faktoren konnten Schirmverlust, Kalkung und Oberbodenbeseitigung wahrscheinlich gemacht werden. Dagegen waren Einflüsse der unterschiedlichen Kulturbaumarten kaum nachzuweisen. Die streuspezifischen Dekompositionsgeschwindigkeiten unterschieden sich wie folgt: Birke (k = 0,50) > Eberesche (0,40) > Fichte (0,30) >> Lärche (0,12). Diese vergleichsweise geringen Abbauraten stehen überwiegend mit dem rauhen Montanklima in Zusammenhang. Enchytraeen besiedelten alle Streutypen zügig, während Collembolen vor allem die Ebereschenstreu verzögert aufsuchten und mit geringster Dichte bevölkerten. Oribatiden zeigten die geringste Besiedlungsgeschwindigkeit und hatten wie die Enchytaeen in der Laubstreu signifikant höhere Wohndichten. Nur Steganacarus spinosus zeigte eine besondere Affinität für Nadelstreu. Das metabolische Leistungspotential des Destruentenbesatzes der Lärchenstreu erreichte 39 %, das der Fichtenstreu 54 % der Laubstreuresultate.
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Amoebae in the rhizosphere and their interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi : effects on assimilate partitioning and nitrogen availability for plants / Amibes dans la rhizosphère et leurs interactions avec les mycorhizes à arbuscules : effets sur la répartition des assimilats et sur la disponibilité en azote pour les plantesKoller, Robert 14 November 2008 (has links)
Les interactions entre les végétaux et les organismes telluriques sont déterminantes pour la décomposition des matières organiques et la nutrition minérale des plantes. L’objectif général de la thèse était de comprendre comment les interactions multi-trophiques dans la rhizosphere agissent sur la disponibilité en azote minéral et l’allocation en carbone dans la plante. Nous avons mis au point des dispositifs de culture de plante, permettant de contrôler l’environnement biotique des racines (inoculation par des espèces symbiotiques modèles : un protozoaire bactériophage et/ou une espèce mycorhizienne à arbuscules). Nous avons utilisé l’azote 15N et le carbone 13C pour tracer le cheminement de l’azote du sol vers la plante et le carbone assimilé par photosynthèse, de la plante vers le sol et les microorganismes du sol. L’allocation de C vers les racines et la rhizosphère est dépendante de la qualité de la litière foliaire enfouie. La structure de la communauté microbienne déterminée par l’analyse des profils d’acides gras (PLFA) est modifiée par la présence de protozoaires pour la litière à C/N élevé. Les mycorhizes à arbuscules et les protozoaires présentent une complémentarité pour l’acquisition du C et de N par la plante. Les protozoaires remobilisent l’azote de la biomasse microbienne par leur activité de prédation. Les hyphes fongiques transportent du C récent issu de la plante vers des sites riches en matière organique non accessibles aux racines. Ainsi, l’activité de la communauté microbienne est stimulée et la disponibilité en N augmentée lorsque des protozoaires sont présents. Les perspectives de ce travail sont de déterminer si (i) les interactions étudiées dans ce dispositif modèle peuvent être généralisées à d’autres interactions impliquant d’autres espèces de champignons mycorhiziens et de protozoaires (ii) la phénologie de la plante et la composition des communautés végétales influence la nature et l’intensité des réponses obtenues / Plants interact with multiple root symbionts for fostering uptake of growth-limiting nutrients. In turn, plants allocate a variety of organic resources in form of energy-rich rhizodeposits into the rhizosphere, stimulating activity, growth and modifying diversity of microorganisms. The aim of my study was to understand how multitrophic rhizosphere interactions feed back to plant N nutrition, assimilate partitioning and growth. Multitrophic interactions were assessed in a single-plant microcosm approach, with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intraradices) and bacterial feeding protozoa (Acanthamoeba castellanii) as model root symbionts. Stable isotopes enabled tracing C (13C) and N (15N) allocation in the plant and into the rhizosphere. Plant species identity is a major factor affecting plant-protozoa interactions in terms of N uptake and roots and shoot morphology. Plants adjusted C allocation to roots and into the rhizosphere depending on litter quality and the presence of bacterial grazers for increasing plant growth. The effect of protozoa on the structure of microbial community supplied with both, plant C and litter N, varied with litter quality added to soil. AM-fungi and protozoa interact to complement each other for plant benefit in C and N acquisition. Protozoa re-mobilized N from fast growing rhizobacteria and by enhancing microbial activity. Hyphae of AM fungi acted as pipe system, translocating plant derived C and protozoan remobilized N from source to sink regions. Major perspectives of this work will be to investigate whether (i) multitrophic interactions in our model system can be generalized to other protozoa-mycorrhiza-plant interactions (ii) these interactions are depending on plant phenology and plant community composition
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Ecological and Edaphic Correlations of Soil Invertebrate Community Structure in Dry Upland Forests of Eastern AfricaMauritsson, Karl January 2018 (has links)
Natural forests are characterised by great vegetation diversity and create habitats for a major part of Earth’s terrestrial organisms. Plantation forests, which are mainly composed of a few genera of fast-growing trees, constitute an increasing fraction of global forests, but they only partly compensate for loss of area, habitat and ecological functions in natural forests. Plantation forests established near natural forests can be expected to serve as buffers, but they seem to be relatively poor in invertebrate species and it is not clear why. This bachelor’s degree project aimed at establishing the ecological and edaphic factors that correlate with soil invertebrate diversity in dry upland forests and surrounding plantation forests in eastern Africa. Some aspects of the above-ground vegetation heterogeneity were investigated since this was assumed to influence the heterogeneity of the soil environment, which is considered as critical for soil biodiversity. The obtained knowledge may be valuable in conservation activities in East African forests, which are threatened by destruction, fragmentation and exotic species. The study area was Karura Forest, a dry upland forest in Nairobi, Kenya. Three different sites were investigated; a natural forest site characterized by the indigenous tree species Brachylaena huillensis and Croton megalocarpus, and two different plantation forest sites, characterized by the exotic species Cupressus lusitanica and Eucalyptus paniculata, respectively. For each forest type, six plots were visited. Soil invertebrates were extracted from collected soil and litter samples by sieving and Berlese-Tullgren funnels. The invertebrates were identified, and the taxonomic diversity calculated at the order level. The ecological and edaphic factors, measured or calculated for each plot, were tree species diversity, ratio of exotic tree species, vertical structure of trees, vegetation cover, vegetation density, litter quality, soil pH, soil temperature and soil moisture. One-way ANOVA was used to compare soil invertebrate diversity and other variables between different forest types. Akaike’s Information Criterion and Multiple Linear Regression were used to establish linear models with variables that could explain measured variations of the diversity. There was some evidence for higher soil invertebrate diversity in natural forests than in surrounding plantation forests. The abundance of soil invertebrates was also clearly higher in natural forests, which indicates that natural forests are more important than plantation forests for conservation of soil invertebrate populations. Soil invertebrate diversity (in terms of number of orders present) was found to be influenced by forest type and litter quality. The diversity was higher at places with high amounts of coarse litter, which here is considered as more heterogenous than fine litter. The dependence on forest type was partly a consequence of differences in soil pH since Eucalyptus trees lower soil pH and thereby also soil biodiversity. No relation to heterogeneity of above-ground vegetation was found. For future conservation activities in Karura Forest Reserve it is recommended to continue removing exotic plant species and replanting indigenous trees, to prioritize the removal of Eucalyptus trees before Cypress trees, to only remove a few trees at a time and to establish ground vegetation when doing so.
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