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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um estudo sobre reconstrução de carregamentos dinâmicos usando pseudo-inversa de Moore-Penrose

Santos, Ariane Rebelato Silva dos January 2018 (has links)
Determinar as forças que estão agindo em um dado sistema é uma questão frequente em dinâmica estrutural, de modo que a reconstrução ou a identificação de carregamento se torna um importante problema de engenharia. Quando um sistema é exposto a um carregamento desconhecido e/ou não se é possível medir diretamente a força atuante nesse sistema, se torna necessária a utilização de métodos inversos. Esta metodologia consiste essencialmente na aplicação de cargas dinâmicas pontuais nos modelos de estudo e posterior recuperação de estimativas dessas cargas nos pontos de interesse. Na prática, há situações em que o número de pontos de interesse diferem do número de pontos testados, sendo assim, a matriz da função de resposta de freqüência (FRF) do sistema resulta retangular, fazendo-se necessário o uso da pseudo-inversa de Moore-Penrose. No presente trabalho, essa metodologia é aplicada a modelos númericos a fim de testar sua eficácia. Os resultados dos processos de reconstrução de carregamento dinâmico utilizando a presente metodologia foram obtidos a partir de aplicações analíticas e numéricas. Além disso, diretrizes para utilização da pseudo-inversa de Moore-Penrose na reconstrução de carregamento dinâmico são apresentadas ao final deste trabalho. / Determining the forces acting on a given system is a frequent issue in structural dynamics, so that load reconstruction or load identification becomes an important engineering problem. When a system is exposed to an unknown load and/or if it is not possible to directly measure the force acting on that system, it is necessary to use inverse methods. This methodology consists essentially in the application of punctuals dynamics load in the study models and later recovery of estimates of these loads at points of interest. In practice, there are situations where the number of points of interest differ from the number of points tested, so the matrix of the frequency response function (FRF) of the system is rectangular, making it necessary to use the pseudo-inverse of Moore-Penrose. In the present work, this methodology is applied to numerical models in order to test their effectiveness. The results of the dynamic load reconstruction processes using the present methodology were obtained from analytical and numerical applications. In addition, guidelines for using Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse in the dynamic load reconstruction are presented at the end of this work.

Um estudo sobre reconstrução de carregamentos dinâmicos usando pseudo-inversa de Moore-Penrose

Santos, Ariane Rebelato Silva dos January 2018 (has links)
Determinar as forças que estão agindo em um dado sistema é uma questão frequente em dinâmica estrutural, de modo que a reconstrução ou a identificação de carregamento se torna um importante problema de engenharia. Quando um sistema é exposto a um carregamento desconhecido e/ou não se é possível medir diretamente a força atuante nesse sistema, se torna necessária a utilização de métodos inversos. Esta metodologia consiste essencialmente na aplicação de cargas dinâmicas pontuais nos modelos de estudo e posterior recuperação de estimativas dessas cargas nos pontos de interesse. Na prática, há situações em que o número de pontos de interesse diferem do número de pontos testados, sendo assim, a matriz da função de resposta de freqüência (FRF) do sistema resulta retangular, fazendo-se necessário o uso da pseudo-inversa de Moore-Penrose. No presente trabalho, essa metodologia é aplicada a modelos númericos a fim de testar sua eficácia. Os resultados dos processos de reconstrução de carregamento dinâmico utilizando a presente metodologia foram obtidos a partir de aplicações analíticas e numéricas. Além disso, diretrizes para utilização da pseudo-inversa de Moore-Penrose na reconstrução de carregamento dinâmico são apresentadas ao final deste trabalho. / Determining the forces acting on a given system is a frequent issue in structural dynamics, so that load reconstruction or load identification becomes an important engineering problem. When a system is exposed to an unknown load and/or if it is not possible to directly measure the force acting on that system, it is necessary to use inverse methods. This methodology consists essentially in the application of punctuals dynamics load in the study models and later recovery of estimates of these loads at points of interest. In practice, there are situations where the number of points of interest differ from the number of points tested, so the matrix of the frequency response function (FRF) of the system is rectangular, making it necessary to use the pseudo-inverse of Moore-Penrose. In the present work, this methodology is applied to numerical models in order to test their effectiveness. The results of the dynamic load reconstruction processes using the present methodology were obtained from analytical and numerical applications. In addition, guidelines for using Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse in the dynamic load reconstruction are presented at the end of this work.

Um estudo sobre reconstrução de carregamentos dinâmicos usando pseudo-inversa de Moore-Penrose

Santos, Ariane Rebelato Silva dos January 2018 (has links)
Determinar as forças que estão agindo em um dado sistema é uma questão frequente em dinâmica estrutural, de modo que a reconstrução ou a identificação de carregamento se torna um importante problema de engenharia. Quando um sistema é exposto a um carregamento desconhecido e/ou não se é possível medir diretamente a força atuante nesse sistema, se torna necessária a utilização de métodos inversos. Esta metodologia consiste essencialmente na aplicação de cargas dinâmicas pontuais nos modelos de estudo e posterior recuperação de estimativas dessas cargas nos pontos de interesse. Na prática, há situações em que o número de pontos de interesse diferem do número de pontos testados, sendo assim, a matriz da função de resposta de freqüência (FRF) do sistema resulta retangular, fazendo-se necessário o uso da pseudo-inversa de Moore-Penrose. No presente trabalho, essa metodologia é aplicada a modelos númericos a fim de testar sua eficácia. Os resultados dos processos de reconstrução de carregamento dinâmico utilizando a presente metodologia foram obtidos a partir de aplicações analíticas e numéricas. Além disso, diretrizes para utilização da pseudo-inversa de Moore-Penrose na reconstrução de carregamento dinâmico são apresentadas ao final deste trabalho. / Determining the forces acting on a given system is a frequent issue in structural dynamics, so that load reconstruction or load identification becomes an important engineering problem. When a system is exposed to an unknown load and/or if it is not possible to directly measure the force acting on that system, it is necessary to use inverse methods. This methodology consists essentially in the application of punctuals dynamics load in the study models and later recovery of estimates of these loads at points of interest. In practice, there are situations where the number of points of interest differ from the number of points tested, so the matrix of the frequency response function (FRF) of the system is rectangular, making it necessary to use the pseudo-inverse of Moore-Penrose. In the present work, this methodology is applied to numerical models in order to test their effectiveness. The results of the dynamic load reconstruction processes using the present methodology were obtained from analytical and numerical applications. In addition, guidelines for using Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse in the dynamic load reconstruction are presented at the end of this work.

Experimental Investigations On Near-Threshold Events On Fatigue Crack Growth

Yamada, Yoshinori 11 December 2009 (has links)
In the past, the disagreement of near-threshold fatigue-crack growth (FCG) rate data generated from constant Kmax tests, high load ratio (minimum to maximum load) constant R tests, and ΔKeff based data was a mysterious issue. Because of the disagreement, a variety of test or analysis methods were created to correlate FCG rate data. It was suspected that the ASTM threshold test method using load reduction was inducing remote crack closure due to plastically deformed material, which caused elevated thresholds and slower rates than steady-state behavior. The first goal of this study was the development of a test method to eliminate remote closure during threshold testing. In order to avoid/minimize remote closure effect, compression-precracking methods were used to initiate a crack from a starter notch on compact specimens. Two materials with different fatigue crack surface profiles (flat or very rough) were tested and the results generated from the conventional ASTM precracking method and the compression-precracking test method were compared. In order to understand the disagreement of near-threshold data, crack-opening load measurements were performed from locally (near crack tip) installed strain gages instead of the remote gage (i.e., back face gage). Some careful specimen preparations were performed to avoid out-of-plane bending, to maintain straight crack fronts, and to ensure testing system linearity. It was known that remote gages, such as crack-mouth- opening-displacement-gages were insensitive to measuring load-strain records near threshold. By using local gages, the crack closure effects were clearly observed even in high load ratio (R) tests, like or higher than R = 0.7, and constant Kmax tests, which were believed to be crack closure free. By measuring load-reduced-strain records from local gages, crack-opening loads were able to correlate FCG rate data and showed that ΔKeff-rate data was unique for a wide variety of materials. By comparing (ΔKeff)th values, it may provide reasonable guidance for the material resistance against FCG. Because of “high R crack closure”, some theories considered in the past may need to be reconsidered. First, constant Kmax tests are not entirely crack-closure free. Second, there is no critical load ratio, Rc, to indicate the transition from crack-closure affected to crack-closure free data, and Kmax effects that appear in ΔKth-Kmax relations. Research has shown that the three dominate crack-closure mechanisms (plasticity-, roughness- and debris-induced crack closure) FCG rate behavior in the threshold regime from low to high load ratios.

Analysis of Bolted Connections in Creo Simulate - Theory, Software Functionality and Application Examples / Analyse von Schraubenverbindungen mit Creo Simulate - Theorie, Softwarefunktionalität und Anwendungsbeispiele

Jakel, Roland 25 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Präsentation stellt kurz die Grundlagen der Berechnung von Schraubenverbindungen in Anlehnung an die VDI-Richtlinie 2230 Teil 1 dar. Auch die vier FEM-Modellklassen, die die VDI 2230 Teil 2 (Entwurf) zur Berechnung von Mehrschraubenverbindungen vorschlägt, werden behandelt, und die in Creo Simulate vorhandenen Softwarefeatures zu deren Umsetzung vorgestellt. Es folgt eine Darstellung, was bei der Linearisierung von Schraubenverbindungen zur vereinfachten Berechnung zu beachten ist, und wieso bei der Berechnung im FEM-System dann nicht notwendigerweise eine Vorspannung benötigt wird. Ausführlich wird das neue Schraubenfeature in Creo Simulate betrachtet, das eine weitgehend automatisierte Modellierung und Berechnung von Standardverschraubungen erlaubt. Weitere Features, wie die neuen Vorspannelemente, werden erläutert, sowie auch die Grenzen der Software aufgezeigt. Abschließend werden zwei anspruchsvolle Anwendungsbeispiele vorgestellt: Eine zentrisch belastete Verschraubung mit Berücksichtigung von Elasto-Plastizität und einer komplexen Lasthistorie (Anziehen durch Anzugsmoment, Setzeffekte, Entfall des Torsionsmomentes durch das Anziehen, Betriebskraft) sowie eine exzentrisch belastete Verschraubung, die wegen eines relativ dünnen Flansches starke Biegezusatzbeanspruchungen erfährt. / The presentation shows the foundations of bolt analysis according to VDI-guideline 2230 part 1. In addition, the four FEM model classes proposed in VDI 2230 part 2 (draft) are described, as well as the features available in Creo Simulate to realize these model classes. Next, the presentation shows the requirements for linearizing bolted connections, and why in a FEM analysis with a linearized connection no preload is necessary. The new fastener feature introduced in Creo Simulate is explained in detail. This feature allows the automated modeling and analysis of bolted connections having standard geometry. Further software features, like pretension elements, as well as the current software limitations are shown. Finally, two advanced application examples are shown: A centrically loaded bolted connection taking into account elasto-plasticity and a complex load history (tightening torque, embedding, removal of tightening stress, operational load), and an eccentrically loaded flange connection, which is subjected to high additional bending loads because the flange is relatively thin.

Analysis of Bolted Connections in Creo Simulate - Theory, Software Functionality and Application Examples

Jakel, Roland 25 June 2013 (has links)
Die Präsentation stellt kurz die Grundlagen der Berechnung von Schraubenverbindungen in Anlehnung an die VDI-Richtlinie 2230 Teil 1 dar. Auch die vier FEM-Modellklassen, die die VDI 2230 Teil 2 (Entwurf) zur Berechnung von Mehrschraubenverbindungen vorschlägt, werden behandelt, und die in Creo Simulate vorhandenen Softwarefeatures zu deren Umsetzung vorgestellt. Es folgt eine Darstellung, was bei der Linearisierung von Schraubenverbindungen zur vereinfachten Berechnung zu beachten ist, und wieso bei der Berechnung im FEM-System dann nicht notwendigerweise eine Vorspannung benötigt wird. Ausführlich wird das neue Schraubenfeature in Creo Simulate betrachtet, das eine weitgehend automatisierte Modellierung und Berechnung von Standardverschraubungen erlaubt. Weitere Features, wie die neuen Vorspannelemente, werden erläutert, sowie auch die Grenzen der Software aufgezeigt. Abschließend werden zwei anspruchsvolle Anwendungsbeispiele vorgestellt: Eine zentrisch belastete Verschraubung mit Berücksichtigung von Elasto-Plastizität und einer komplexen Lasthistorie (Anziehen durch Anzugsmoment, Setzeffekte, Entfall des Torsionsmomentes durch das Anziehen, Betriebskraft) sowie eine exzentrisch belastete Verschraubung, die wegen eines relativ dünnen Flansches starke Biegezusatzbeanspruchungen erfährt. / The presentation shows the foundations of bolt analysis according to VDI-guideline 2230 part 1. In addition, the four FEM model classes proposed in VDI 2230 part 2 (draft) are described, as well as the features available in Creo Simulate to realize these model classes. Next, the presentation shows the requirements for linearizing bolted connections, and why in a FEM analysis with a linearized connection no preload is necessary. The new fastener feature introduced in Creo Simulate is explained in detail. This feature allows the automated modeling and analysis of bolted connections having standard geometry. Further software features, like pretension elements, as well as the current software limitations are shown. Finally, two advanced application examples are shown: A centrically loaded bolted connection taking into account elasto-plasticity and a complex load history (tightening torque, embedding, removal of tightening stress, operational load), and an eccentrically loaded flange connection, which is subjected to high additional bending loads because the flange is relatively thin.

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