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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Time is Power: Aging and Control of Public Space in a Traditional Middle Class Neighborhood in Lima / Tiempo es Poder: Envejecimiento y Control del Espacio Público en un Barrio de Clase Media Tradicional en Lima

Pereyra Cáceres, Omar 25 September 2017 (has links)
Este artículo estudia el efecto del envejecimiento de los vecinos sobre las organizaciones locales en San Felipe, un barrio de clase media en Lima, Perú. Ilustro el efecto de este fenómeno usando el caso del control del espacio público en el barrio. Para esta investigación realicé observación participante durante un año. Durante ese año observé la dinámica de las asambleas locales, entrevisté a 46 vecinos de distintas características y observé una gran cantidad de situaciones y controversias entre vecinos en los espacios públicos de San Felipe. Encuentro que los adultos-mayores son los que imponen su punto de vista respecto al destino del barrio. Dicho resultado es sorprendente pues los adultos-mayores no son ni el grupo demográficamente más importante, ni el de mayores recursos. Sostengo que ello ocurre porque los adultos-mayores transforman el tiempo (un recurso escaso para los adultos-jóvenes, pero ampliamente disponible para los adultos-mayores) en poder organizacional. Con dicho poder organizacional, los adultos-mayores logran influir en los funcionarios municipales quienes no sólo defienden el punto de vista de los adultos-mayores respecto al espacio público, sino que además lo transforman de acuerdo al mismo. / In this article, I study the effect of aging of neighbors on local organizations in San Felipe, a middle-class neighborhood in Lima, Peru. I elaborate on this effect by using the case of the control of public space in the neighborhood. I conducted participant observation during a year. During that year, I observed the dynamics of local organizations’ meetings; I interviewed 46 residents of different characteristics; and I observed a large amount of situations andcontroversies among actors in San Felipe’s public space. I find that senior residents are the ones who impose their point of view about the neighborhood’s fortune. This result is surprising considering that senior residents are neither the most numerous group in the neighborhood, neither the one with higher resources. I claim that that happens because senior residents transform time (a scarce resource for young-adult neighbors, though abundant for the seniorneighbors) into organizational power. With that organizational power, senior residents are able to influence on the municipality’s functionaries who not only defend the discourse of senior residents regarding the use of public space, but also transform it according to this discourse.

Process And Participation In The Legal Regulation Of Urban Regeneration: The Case Of Zeytinburnu, Istanbul

Cicek, Huseyin 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
High risks imposed by natural hazards, and changes in economic, socio-cultural and technological conditions compel Turkey to transform its cities rather than promote growth. In this respect, urban regeneration became a significant concern demanding a comprehensive and integrated vision and action. Turkey will have to focus on regenerating the built environment in the near feature, rather than follow conventional trends of city-extension development. As scope and methods of urban regeneration planning differ from that of development-planning, a special legal framework and process for urban regeneration is required. The development of comprehensive urban regeneration policies to coordinate physical, social and environmental issues, together with relevant procedural steps, all accommodated within a legal framework are today the most challenging problem in urban planning. To identify the needs in detail, procedural and legal aspects of Zeytinburnu Urban Regeneration Project one of the current urban regeneration projects, related laws and draft laws, and experience abroad are comparatively reviewed here. The main finding is that the procedural steps and legal arrangements of recent regulations represent single-minded understandings of the scope of urban regeneration. There are tendencies of centralizing the powers of implementation, relying only on physical regeneration as a linear process, discouraging all forms of participation. The recent regulatory attempts in special laws concerning regeneration, as well as in laws of &amp / #8216 / development&amp / #8217 / , &amp / #8216 / local administrations&amp / #8217 / and &amp / #8216 / municipalities&amp / #8217 / need to be modified in their procedural and legal provisions. Local authorities can be charged to designate regeneration areas at 1/5000 city master plans which could be coordinated by changing an article within Development Law (3194). Tasks and responsibilities for comprehensive regeneration could be provided with the Law of Municipalities (5272), and the Law of Provincial Administration (5302). These laws could also equip local authorities with prerogatives of implementing regeneration projects. A second procedural requirement concerns the preparation of plans. This demands steps for participatory interventions as well as a versatile structure to allow feedback and returns to former stages of planning. This could be introduced by means of a regulation regarding preparation of regeneration projects. This resembles the regulation on technical specifications for the preparation of development plans of Law 3194. This can enforce the participation of local citizens and stakeholders to the process. Changing the article 13 of the Municipality Law would suffice for the realization of participation processes. The article (24n) of the Greatercity Municipalities Law that enable partnerships between public, private bodies and NGOs can be further introduced to the Municipality Law for the very necessary synergies in regeneration projects.

Dynamika vnitrostranického teroru na lokální úrovni KSČ v době pozdního stalinismu / Dynamics of Terror on the Local Level of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in Late Stalinism

Lóži, Marián January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis is aspiring to cover and interpret processes, which in the period of culminating Stalinism determined course and results of intraparty terror in the local - mainly regional and departmental - organizations of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. It is thoroughly addressing the state of affairs on the lower levels of the party organism. It is monitoring not only techniques of functioning or on the contrary dysfunction of hierarchic machinery, but also various interests of given individuals or even whole groups emerging in the party. Under the label of intraparty terror it then comprises dictatorial practice of leading officials which established itself on the local level as well as fight against it headed be lower functionaries and active party members. Both actualities are not interpreted from the outside by some general causes, but as autonomous phenomenons with their own preconditions and dynamics, more or less different in every region. Resulting scenarios consequently demonstrated considerable variety. Finally great scope is dedicated to the Stalinist ideology, which is not percepted as a constricted doctrine creating loyal subjects, but as a complex discourse providing party members with language in which they can act and pursue their goals. It endowed necessary instruments...

L'implication des associations dans les politiques publiques de développement rural : la résonance territoriale des mondes associatifs / The participation of local organizations in government rural development policy : the impact of non-profit organizations on local communities

Loredo, Jean-Pierre 07 December 2011 (has links)
Depuis plus d'un siècle, les associations accompagnent les changements que vivent les espaces ruraux français. Longtemps laissées à l’écart, elles sont aujourd'hui très sollicitées dans la mise en œuvre de l'action publique de développement rural. Des premiers contrats de pays des années 1970 à la LOADDT de 1999, en passant par le programme européen LEADER, les associations sont invitées, ou s’invitent, pour faire vivre une démarche de démocratie participative. Elles se mobilisent afin de faciliter la construction d'un projet partagé de territoire. Cette thèse s’interroge sur le rôle du rapport au territoire dans les modalités d’implication des associations dans ces procédures de développement. En analysant les processus de construction des mondes associatifs, nous proposons une lecture socio-spatiale de la nébuleuse associative. L’action publique de développement rural, en sollicitant les associations, va interagir, plus ou moins fortement, avec ces mondes associatifs et les amener à se redéfinir. L’espace politique choisi par les élus, va entrer en résonance avec les configurations socio-spatiales associatives et orienter les modalités d’implication des associations dans la construction du projet territorial. Prescrite, volontaire ou volontariste, l’implication associative va se moduler aussi en fonction de la pédagogie de conduite du projet territorial mise en œuvre par les élus et les chargés de mission. Ce modèle d’analyse est appliqué au Pays Quercy Rouergue, projet de pays avorté, à l’origine de la modification de la LOADDT. / Local organizations have witnessed the changes in French rural areas for over a century. Long ignored, they are currently in demand in the implementation of government policy regarding rural development. Local organizations have been asked or asked to advance participative democracy from the first local contracts in the 70’s to the LOADDT including the European LEADER program. They have been active in facilitating the setting up of common regional projects. This thesis deals with the relationship of local organizations with local communities and the way they are involved in development procedures. In the analysis of the setting up of local organizations we have adopted a socio-spatial approach to the network of organizations created. Government policy on rural development, by asking local organizations to participate, will interact to a greater or lesser degree with these organizations and cause them to redefine themselves. The political sphere chosen by the local elected officials will influence the socio-spatial configurations of the organizations and guide their involvement in the setting up of the regional project. Whether volunteered or requested, their involvement will vary according to the guidelines followed in the setting up of the regional plan by the local elected officials and project managers. This analytical model has been applied to Pays Quercy -Rouergue, a regional project which was never implemented , which led to the modifications in the LOADDT.

Vidaus rinkodaros priemonių taikymo Prienų rajono savivaldybės administracijoje tobulinimo galimybės / Improvement Possibilities of Inner Marketing Measures Application in Administration of Prienai District Municipality

Simonaitytė, Vaida 13 June 2012 (has links)
Magistro studijų baigiamasis darbas, 55 puslapiai, 15 paveikslų, 3 lentelės, 50 literatūros šaltinių, 10 priedų, lietuvių kalba. PRASMINIAI ŽODŽIAI: vidaus rinkodara, vidaus rinkodaros priemonės, vidaus rinkodaros priemonių taikymo vietos savivaldos organizacijose funkcijos, vietos savivaldos organizacija. Tyrimo objektas – vidaus rinkodara. Tyrimo tikslas – pagrįsti Prienų rajono savivaldybės administracijos vidaus rinkodaros tobulinimo kryptis. Mokslinė problema. Viešojo administravimo organizacijos, kaip paslaugas gyventojams teikiančios organizacijos, yra mažai analizuotos vidaus rinkodaros požiūriu. Jose taikomos vidaus rinkodaros priemonės darbuotojų komunikacijai, lojalumui, motyvavimui ir konsultavimui skatinti nesudaro naujų sąlygų pažinti ir suprati bendradarbį ir klientą bei patenkinti jų poreikius. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išnagrinėti vidaus rinkodaros teorinius aspektus. 2. Parengus vietos savivaldos organizacijos vidaus rinkodaros veiklos tyrimo metodiką, atlikti Prienų rajono savivaldybės administracijos vidaus rinkodaros veiklos tyrimą ir analizę. 3. Identifikuoti pagrindines Prienų rajono savivaldybės administracijos vidaus rinkodaros priemones ir jų taikymo ypatumus. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, dokumentų analizė, anketinė apklausa, sintezė, grafinis vaizdavimas, modeliavimas. Darbo struktūra: Pirmoje dalyje aprašoma vidaus rinkodaros koncepcija ir pagrindinės priemonės, aprašomas vidaus rinkodaros priemonių taikymas vietos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The final work of University Master studies: 55 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables, 50 references, 10 appendices, the Lithuanian language. KEY WORDS: inner marketing, items of inner marketing, functions of the items of inner marketing measures in local organizations, local organization. Object of the research: inner marketing. Aim of the research: to substantiate the directions of inner marketing improvement in Prienai district municipality. Scientific problem: Public administrative organizations, which provide services to local people have been little analyzed according to the aspect of marketing. The items of inner marketing developed for the employees' communication, loyalty, motivation and consultation do not condition knowledge and understanding of the needs of colleagues and clients. Objectives of the research: 1. To analyse the theoretical aspects of inner marketing. 2. To prepare research methodology of inner marketing of local organization, to analyze inner marketing of Prienai district municipality. 3. To identify the main measures of inner marketing and pecularities of their application in Prienai district municipality. Methods of the research: analysis of scientific literature and documents, questionnaire, synthesis, graphical representation. Research results: The first part describes the conception of inner marketing, its main measures and their application in inner marketing of organizations. In the second part the research methodology is analyzed. Here is the... [to full text]

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