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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociální prostředí transformujícího se Karlína / Social environment of transforming Karlín

Korytářová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The main objektive of my thesis is a knowledge of social environment of prague district Karlín, one of the most dynamic part of inner Prague, which is undergoing a transformation of a physical, funcional and social structure. The concept of social environment is used in this work, whereby the social environment is consisted of a social structure and a social climate of a locality. By an analyse of the social, physical and funcional structure and a research of daily rhythms it tries to identify main pacemakers, to deeply learn about proceses and key moments during the day, which structurated the locality, and to capture social groups of users of the locality. The research is focused on three selected basic administrative units: 'Karlín - západ', 'Rohanský ostrov' and 'Za Invalidovnou'. Each of these localities has its own daily rhythm, which is structurated by the resident population and the temporarily present population,and different social environments, which influence each other, are dependent on each other and create the whole character of the prague district Karlín.The work tries to deepen and criticaly evaluate a current metodology. Keywords Karlín, Prague, social environment, social climate, social structure, daily rhythm, pacemaker, locality, mobility, time geography.

Faciální a architekturní analýza kontinentálních sedimentů klikovského souvrství na lokalitě Hosín-Orty, svrchní křída, českobudějovická pánev. / Facies and architecture analysis of the continental deposits of Klikov Formation, Hosín-Orty locality, Upper Cretaceous, České Budějovice Basin.

Kavková, Radana January 2016 (has links)
The Klikov Formation (Upper Cretaceous) represents the lowest stratigraphic unit of the South Bohemian basins. It provides record of continental deposits related to fluvial processes. Analysis of facies and architectures supplemented with paleocurrents data provided a basis for interpretation of depositional system exposed underground on the locality Hosín-Orty. In this study identifies sedimentary facies corresponding to high-energy river environmnent with dominance of traction current deposition are identified. Next to this, facies corresponding to low-energy deposition from suspension is preserved. From the perspective of architecture analysis depositional record represent active river channels and their fills eventuelly fills of abandoned channels. Low dispersion of paleocurrent values is consistent with a low-sinuosity river. Vertical aggradation of channels, dominance of river bars in channel-fill, downstream accretion, absence of ripples, point-bars, lateraly accreted patterns and floodplain deposits correspond with braided river environment. Stratigraphic units A, B, C, D, E, F corresponding to fluvial environment or environment of abandoned channel were distinguished. The direction of river flow is interpreted to northeast in unit A, and northwest in unit B, respectively. Autogenic and...

Kompetence a předpoklady obecní územní samosprávy k efektivní politice sociálního začleňování / Competencies and requierements of municiapalities fot the social inclusion policy

Švec, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with competencies of local municipalities in social inclusion policy. Social exclusion is a key phenomenon of contemporary policy, and municipalities play an important role in such policy. Though, municipalities often tend to fail in their role. The thesis describes and analyse the competencies of local governments and tries to set up and ideal local inclusion policy: a complete set of possible measures that a municipality can use in dealing with social inclusion. This ideal is further on used in two case studies: formative evaluation of local policies in two small towns in South Bohemia. The result is interpreted in perspective of social construction of target groups theory, explaining why do or do not municipalities use concrete inclusive measures. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Tělesné složení a motorická výkonnost u Romských dětí v okrese Most / Body Composition and Motor Performance of Roma Children in the Most District

Česák, Petr January 2020 (has links)
Title: Body Composition and Motor Performance of Roma Children in the Most District Background: The Roma way of life, or rather the values they live up to, is different from the values and way of life of the majority population. This results in a lower life expectancy of the Roma and a worse social position in Czech society, even in total social exclusion. Since the individual's lifestyle evolves from childhood on, we focused on assessing the lifestyle using several parameters of body composition and motor performance of Roma children in socially excluded Roma localities Aims: The aim of this thesis is to find out the influence of the lifestyle of Roma children living in socially excluded Roma localities in the Most district on their body composition and motor performance. The second goal is to compare the body composition and motor performance of the children from majority population and socially excluded children from the Most district with the Czech children population standards. Methods: In total 733 children 7-15 years of age participated in the study, of which 448 were from majority population of the Most district (221 girls and 227 boys) and 285 children were from socially excluded Roma localities in the Most district (124 girls and 161 boys). Bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA 2000 M...


19 March 2018 (has links)
[pt] Em uma série de aplicações, os pontos de dados podem ser representados como distribuições de probabilidade. Por exemplo, os documentos podem ser representados como modelos de tópicos, as imagens podem ser representadas como histogramas e também a música pode ser representada como uma distribuição de probabilidade. Neste trabalho, abordamos o problema do Vizinho Próximo Aproximado onde os pontos são distribuições de probabilidade e a função de distância é a divergência de Kullback-Leibler (KL). Mostramos como acelerar as estruturas de dados existentes, como a Bregman Ball Tree, em teoria, colocando a divergência KL como um produto interno. No lado prático, investigamos o uso de duas técnicas de indexação muito populares: Índice Invertido e Locality Sensitive Hashing. Os experimentos realizados em 6 conjuntos de dados do mundo real mostraram que o Índice Invertido é melhor do que LSH e Bregman Ball Tree, em termos de consultas por segundo e precisão. / [en] In a number of applications, data points can be represented as probability distributions. For instance, documents can be represented as topic models, images can be represented as histograms and also music can be represented as a probability distribution. In this work, we address the problem of the Approximate Nearest Neighbor where the points are probability distributions and the distance function is the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence. We show how to accelerate existing data structures such as the Bregman Ball Tree, by posing the KL divergence as an inner product embedding. On the practical side we investigated the use of two, very popular, indexing techniques: Inverted Index and Locality Sensitive Hashing. Experiments performed on 6 real world data-sets showed the Inverted Index performs better than LSH and Bregman Ball Tree, in terms of queries per second and precision.

Romové na českém venkově: determinanty vyloučení a potenciál pro inkluzi / Roma on the Czech countryside: Determinants of exclusion, potentials for inclusion

Hurrle, Jakob January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation project Roma on the Czech countryside: Determinants of exclusion, potentials for inclusion deals with the situation of Roma in Czech rural municipalities. The starting motivation for the author's exploration of this topic has been information about the growing number of segregated localities in rural areas. In the local public discourses within the peripheral areas, this phenomenon has often been explained as the consequence of poverty-driven urban-rural migration. However, as the migration of socially excluded populations into disadvantaged areas stirs a lot of fears and negative emotions that provide a fertile ground for the spread of rumours, the author's preparatory research soon revealed that it is necessary to carefully distinguish between myths and reality. The author's desire to understand the complex processes behind the emergence of new Roma localities in rural areas required a combination of working methods: The author analysed the national policy and regulatory framework and realized empirical research in five micro-regions in different parts of the Czech Republic. In addition to this, data were gained through the realization of a country-wide survey with two different sets of questionnaires, which targeted rural municipalities with socially excluded localities and urban social...

Locality-aware loadbalancing in a Service Mesh / Lokalitets-medveten lastbalansering i en Service Mesh

Mitic, Aleksandar January 2021 (has links)
Most services today are developed with a microservice architecture where each component is deployed with multiple replicas on servers all over the world. When requests go between service components, the role of a load balancer is to route each request to the least loaded instance of the target component. There are many algorithms that evaluate different parameters and select an instance from those. One approach is to optimize for latency, i.e., choose the instance that will result in the lowest latency. However, this approach does not take into consideration the geographical distribution of servers, or when requests have to cross networking boundaries, i.e., go from one physical data center to another. Crossing networking boundaries comes with an increased cost as connecting two data centers far apart is an expensive task. Therefore, the cloud computing provider will charge this traffic more than when just sending traffic within a single data center. This study set out to use Google Traffic Director, a service mesh that has information about the whole system and can, therefore, offer locality-aware load-balancing that tries to minimize the amount of traffic that crosses networking boundaries. This is compared to a latency-based algorithm without a service mesh architecture, namely Expected Latency Selector. The study was set up to evaluate how the different approaches performed in terms of cost, latency, and resilience. This evaluation was performed by setting up two testing environments where both load-balancing algorithms could run and relevant metrics were collected. This was then tested in three different scenarios: no disturbance, random delay in a zone, and the final being a zone failing all requests. Results show that in a perfect environment, a locality-aware approach with Traffic Director can reduce the networking cost to an optimal level by only sending a negligible amount of requests cross-zone, while still performing equally well as the latency-based approach in terms of latency. However, when a delay or failure is introduced, Traffic Director, in our setup, keeps the same behavior of prioritizing the locality instead of distributing requests to other zones to even out the latency and circumvent the faulty servers. / De flesta online tjänsterna idag är utvecklade med en mikrotjänst arkitektur där varje komponent är distribuerad med många kopior på servrar över hela världen. När en förfrågan går mellan en tjänsts komponenter, är en lastbalanserares roll att dirigera en förfrågan till den minst belastade instansen av målkomonenten. Det existerar många algoritmer som evaluerar olika parametrar och väljer en instanser på det sättet. Ett tillvägagångssätt är att optimera för latens d.v.s. välja den instansen som kommer att ge lägst latens. Detta tillvägagångssätt kommer däremot inte ta den geografiska distributionen av servrar eller när en förfrågan behöver korsa nätverksgränser i åtanke. Att korsa nätverksgränser kommer med en öka kostnad eftersom att förbinda två datacenter är omständigt och dyrt. Därav kommer molntjänstleverantören att ta mer betalt för denna typ av nätverkstrafik än trafik som håller sig inom ett datacenter. Denna studie använde sig därav av Googles Traffic Director, en service mesh som erbjuder lokalitets-medveten lastbalansering som försöker minimera mängden trafik som korsar nätverksgränser, och jämför det med en latens-baserad algorithm kallad Expected Latency Selector. Studie evaluerar hur de två olika tillvägagångsätten presterar sett till kostnad, latens och resiliens. Evalueringen genomfördes genom att sätta upp två testmiljöer där båda algoritmerna kunde köras och relevant data samlades. Detta kördes sedan under tre olika scenarion: ingen störning, slumpmässig fördröjning och en zon där varje förfrågan misslyckas. Resultaten indikerar att in en perfekt miljö kan ett lokalitets-medvetet tillvägagångssätt med Traffic Director reducera nätverkskostnaden till en optimal nivå genom att endast skicka en försumbar mängd förfrågan till andra zoner, och samtidigt prestera ekvivalent med latens-baserade tillvägagångssättet sett till latens. Däremot, när en fördröjning eller misslyckande av förfrågan introduceras kommer Traffic Director att behålla samma beteende av att prioritera lokalitet istället för att distribuera förfrågningar till andra zoner för att jämna ut latensen och kringgå felaktiga servrar.

Vývoj pohraničních sídel a jejich obyvatel na území Českého lesa / Development of the border settlements and their inhabitants of the Český les

Angelovová, Kamila January 2011 (has links)
The presented report surveys development of settlements and their native inhabitants in area of the Czech Forest Mountains in the West of the Czech Republic. This area was almost inaccessible during the communist era because it belonged to strictly monitored area on the border with the Federal Republic of Germany. Many villages, originally settled by Germans, became extinct. They became ruins in the course of time. The first part of the text is a case study of community called Lísková which is situated about 20 kilometers from Domažlice. The second part of the text describe a very similar village, which was not destroyed in 1956 unlike the village of Lísková. This village has survived up to this day. The aim of this dissertation is to find out what factors lead to the process of the extinction of the village and what were the reasons for other settlements having survived the ordered demolition in the borderland. Key words: border locality, human settlements, expulsion, extinct villages, borderline, fluctuation of population, social construction of reality, "take root", nations

Vývoj české politiky sociálního začleňování / Development of Czech social inclusion policies

Šálková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "Development of Czech social inclusion policies" looks at what factors influenced the development of social inclusion policy, focusing primarily on socially excluded Roma since 1989. In the period after 1989 Czech public and social policy was under influence of many factor including both external ones, resulting from the efforts of the Czech Republic to join the European Union, or later from the membership itself, as well as internal ones, arising from the need to ensure the functioning of the system in a rapidly changing socio-economic conditions. When mapping the development of the policy attention is paid particular to the impacts of the process of European integration and institutional changes that are reflected in the implementation of social inclusion policies. Furthermore, the text seeks to uncover the causes and effects of changes in development of examined policy. Those identifying factors that may be considered essential for the development of Czech social inclusion policies, went from thematic analysis of interviews with experts. Data obtained from respondents are then often supplemented by more detailed information from literature and public policy documents. Changes in the Czech social inclusion policies since 1989 are explained also using theories of Europeanization and the...

Sociálně vyloučená lokalita Mojžíř? / Socially excluded locality Mojžíř?

Prokopcová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the analysis of socially excluded localities beginning Mojžíř. It focuses on the exploration of problems of local people, the reasons for their occurrence and their possible remedies. Another important part of the work is to analyze existing programs and projects in support of the site and its inhabitants and to assess their adequacy. The paper used methods: secondary data analysis, interviews with experts, surveys within the case studies, in-depth interviews with selected residents, tree location problems. The research results show a large number of problems which are faced by local residents and minimal opportunities to face those challenges and most preventable. The key consider high unemployment, debt and morbidity of local people. The site works by People in Need, which significantly contributes to help local, it runs but very reluctant to arrogance in cooperation with local authorities in Neštěmice under which settlement Mojžíř falls.

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