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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analiza osobina dinamičkih postuslova u Horovim tripletima / Analyses of characteristics of dynamic postconditions in Hoare triplets

Kupusinac Aleksandar 01 January 2010 (has links)
<p>Doktorska disertacija prezentuje nov i opštiji način analiziranja&nbsp;semantike strukturiranih i objektno orijentisanih programa i to&nbsp;isključivo u okvirima predikatske logike prvog reda. Doktorska&nbsp;disertacija razmatra sledeće teme:<br />1.) S-programski račun,<br />2.) Definicija i osobine dinamičkih postuslova u S-računu,<br />3.) Konceptualne definicije objekta, klase i invarijante,<br />4.) Analiza invarijanata u klasi (SP-analiza i DP-analiza).</p> / <p>Doctoral thesis presents a new and more general method for analizing of&nbsp;structured and object-oriented program semantics, based on the first-order&nbsp;predicate logic. Doctoral thesis consideres next topics:<br />1.) S-program calculus,<br />2.) Definition and characteristics of dynamic postconditions in S-calculus,<br />3.) Conceptual definitions of object, class and invariant,<br />4.) Analyses of invariants in class (SP-analyses and DP-analyses).</p>

Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Service Dominant Logic

Sebhatu, Samuel Petros January 2010 (has links)
The process of globalization over the past five decades has given impetus to drivensustainability and related thinking in business. It is also observed that there areunprecedented trends in corporate strategy towards sustainable thinking - the emergenceof sustainability as corporate strategy and the concern of business for ecology and society.This forces companies to rethink their standard business models and increase theirinterest in innovating products and services based on the challenges of global sustainabledevelopment. The pressure from external stakeholders, mainly non-governmentalorganizations (NGOs), as drivers of change may also contribute strongly to thisendeavour. This substantial change pressure clearly reflects companies’ recognition of themounting pressures for social responsibility and governance. The overall aim of this thesisis to describe and understand how social responsibility and value-creation of customers’influence the overall service quality of companies in developing a sustainable servicebusiness. The theoretical and conceptual frame of reference finds its stimulation from the researchin sustainable development – corporate social responsibility, service research and qualitymanagement. In this way it attempts to bridge the gap between business and socialresponsibility. Theoretically and conceptually, the thesis amalgamates sustainabilitythinking and the service logic. Here, value creation and co-creation of Service DominantLogic (S-D logic) approach expands to integrate the values based approach of CorporateSocial Responsibility (CSR) in management thinking and have created the prevailingbusiness practices and service quality (SQ) improvement. This thesis is a compilation offive different papers that follow an interpretative case study approach. The empiricalstudy developed from the cases of multinational companies, small and mediumenterprises, smallholders and NGOs. In this thesis, ‘Sustainable Service Dominant Logic’ (SSDL) was labelled to argue thatvalue-based co-creation of the S-D logic framework can be used to create values-basedservices for sustainable business by examining the link between CSR and S-D logic basedon value, values and service quality for sustainable business. This is this thesis’scontribution to the ongoing discussion of the paradigm shift in service research. Theframework is of the integration of CSR thinking into service business to create sustainablebusiness thinking. This signifies the new thinking of incorporating different managementsystems in creating the organizational change process, sustainability and finally SQimprovement. This counters the critique against S-D logic by expanding the societal andethical dimensions by using CSR, and showing real business cases. This depends on theintegration of different change pressures for value creation, whether related to economicand social resource integration. This involves the shift of the focus of managerial controlfrom a preoccupation with financial issues to a wider awareness of CSR thinking. Theseissues are also explored by demonstrating, based on cases, how the adoption of thisperspective can also enable the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) framework to become animportant aspect of value creation. Finally, the paradigm shift can be generalized to newthinking in S-D logic and the social responsibility of businesses as the major phenomenonof the changing and globalizing business environment; time for the CSR framework to permeate S-D logic.

Pour une autre rationalite en islam le defi de la Complexite et la quete de science / For another rationality in Islam. The challenge of Complexity and the quest for science

Benkirane, Réda 16 September 2016 (has links)
Notre recherche se concentre sur les possibilités de renouveler, par la rencontre avec la philosophie des sciences et de la complexité, le champ philosophique de l’islam contemporain. En pratiquant une certaine circulation d’idées, de disciplines, d’espaces et moments distincts, nous scrutons les conditions de création d’un espace métaphysique susceptible d’opérer une contamination cognitive, en générant des effets de transversalité interdisciplinaire, des éclairages obliques qui feraient autant de captures instantanées d’une phénoménologie théologico-politique dont nous entendons également au préalable faire une lecture critique. La philosophie des sciences contemporaines intervient comme une manière de réhumaniser la raison religieuse en islam, qui – c’est là une de nos hypothèses de travail – semble n’être plus que réductionniste, matérialiste, dogmatique. Scientificité et positivisme sont du côté de ce fondamentalisme religieux qui, selon notre définition, « essentialise l’accessoire et accessoirise l’essentiel ». Notre recherche explore de nouveaux champs de circulation d’idées ; entre l’idéal bachelardien de complexité et une raison élargie post-occidentale plus accueillante ; entre une raison coranique dont nous entendrons montrer sa texture complexe et la monadologie leibnizienne qui reste l’expression harmonique la plus achevée qui soit, entre le fragment signifiant et le tout incommensurable. Cette vaste circulation d’idées contribue selon nous à élargir les perspectives philosophiques de l’islam contemporain à un moment où il entame, sur le sol européen et après les révolutions sociales arabes, une nouvelle phase de son devenir. / Our research focuses on the conceptual potential of renewing the philosophical field of contemporary Islam – thanks to the encounter with the philosophy of science and complexity. By undertaking a certain circulation of ideas between different disciplines, spaces and times, we explore the opportunities of creating a metaphysical space capable of operating a kind of cognitive contamination, by generating some effects of transversality and interdisciplinarity , as well as, oblique insights into a theological-political phenomenology which we also intend to analyze. The philosophy of science interferes as a way to re-humanize the religious rationality in Islam, which – and this is one of our main assumptions – seems to be more and more reductionist, materialistic, dogmatic. Positivism and scientificity are on the side of a religious fundamentalism that according to our definition "essentializes what is accessory and accessorizes what is essential". Our research explores new areas of circulation of ideas ; between the Bachelardian "ideal of complexity" and a more welcoming extended and post-Western rationality; between a Qur'anic reason for which we intend to show its complex texture and Leibniz’s Monadology which remains the most complete harmonic expression of what exists, between the significant fragment and the immeasurable whole. This vast flow of ideas helps us to enlarge the philosophical horizons of contemporary Islam at a time when it initiates, particularly on the European soil and after the Arab social revolutions, a new phase of its development.

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