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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspekty zásob v maloobchodě: modely přirozených úbytků zásob a ztratného / Aspects of Inventories in Retail Business: Models of Natural Shrinkage and Accidental Losses of Retail Stock

Beranová, Michaela January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with the problem of relevant volume of natural shrinkage and accidental losses of retail stock quota calculation. In frame of the dissertation thesis, factors affecting an extent of accidental shortage of inventories in retail business are investigated here. Then, possible approaches to a calculation of relevant volume of such a quota are recognized as well. By its scope, the dissertation thesis reacts on a problem that exists within the income taxes law since 1995, but any conceptual solution of this problem is still missing. This current problem that is felt especially in retail business is right the problem of relevant volume of a quota of natural shrinkage and accidental loses calculation. The dissertation thesis is based on wide research that has been done in both, in retail businesses and on the side of tax administration too. On the basis of this research’s outcomes, the main factors affecting an extent of accidental losses of retail stock have been determined. Then these factors and evaluation of their influence became construction elements of two mathematic models for the calculation of relevant volume of a quota of natural shrinkage and accidental losses of inventories in retail business. These models are the model that is based on the statistic method of multiple regression and the model based on the fuzzy logic, respectively on the fuzzy mathematics. For the conclusion of the dissertation thesis, both models are discussed from the point of their relevance as well as from the view of their practical application. Theoretical and practical contributions of the dissertation thesis are also concluded here along with an outline of possible future research in this area.

Návrh a implementace nástroje pro formální verifikaci systémů specifikovaných jazykem RT logiky / Design and Implementation of a Tool for Formal Verification of Systems Specified in RT-Logic Language

Fiedor, Jan January 2009 (has links)
As systems complexity grows, so grows the risk of errors, that's why it's necessary to effectively and reliably repair those errors. With most of real-time systems this statement pays twice, because a single error can cause complete system crash which may result in catastrophe. Formal verification, contrary to other methods, allows reliable system requirements verification.

Využití vybraných metod umělé inteligence pro nalezení malých povodí nejvíce ohrožených povodněmi z přívalových dešťů / Use of selected artificial intelligence methods for finding small watersheds most at risk of flash floods

Ježík, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
In our region, heavy rains may occur virtually everywhere. Nowadays there are instruments to predict these events in sufficient advance, but without precise localisation, which is a problem. Present instruments for searching endangered watersheds are focused on operative evaluation of meteorological situation and actual precipitation forecast processing (nowcasting). The thesis brings quite different approach. Potentially endangered areas are detected with evaluation of long-term statistical variables (N-year discharges and rain characteristics) and properties of specific watershed. The whole issue is handled out of situation of actual danger, this attitude is so called off-line solution. The thesis describes a model based on selected artificial intelligence methods. The model forms the core of final map application. The use of model and final application is supposed to be used in area of preventive flood protection, and related investment decision-making. The model focuses on heavy rains and flash floods.

Inteligentní systém pro generování a analýzu obchodních doporučení na finančních trzích / Intelligent System for Generating and Analysis of Trading Recommendations on Financial Markets

Martinský, Ondrej January 2009 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the price prediction on financial markets. It describes automated trading systems based on technical analysis and discusses a soft computing approach to construction of such systems. Also, this thesis combines conventional trading strategies with the fuzzy logic. The practical part of this thesis contains also a framework for composing, simulation and analysis of the automated trading strategies. The simulator contained in this framework is implemented in the Java language and based on DEVS formalism. Because of this, there is a possibility to embed real-time components into the trading model. This work contains also a database of historical financial data and tools for their automatic actualization.

Vzory myšlenek a čísel: dějiny matematické logiky v pozdně republikánské a raně socialstické Číně (1930-1960) / Patterns of Thought and Numbers: A History of Mathematical Logic in Late-Republican and Early-Socialist China (1930-1960)

Vrhovski, Jan January 2022 (has links)
This PhD dissertation surveys the development of the concept and the academic discipline of mathematical logic in the transitional period between late Republican and early socialist China. Providing a contrastive analysis of the main developmental aspects of its conceptual variegations, its institutional life and research-related development, this dissertation focusses on the main continuities and discontinuities between these two important periods of its existence in the period of China's modernisation. The main analytical apparatus of this treatise is divided into two main parts. The first part outlines the main developmental milestones in research and teaching of mathematical logic in Chinese academic community in the late Republican period (1930-1949). Its main focus lies on the establishment of mathematical logic as a philosophical discipline in framework of the "Qinghua School of Logic" at National Qinghua University, on the one side, and the beginnings of Chinese mathematicians' research in mathematical logic in the early 1930s, on the other. The second part, on the other hand, closely examines the main three aspects of change which the idea and discipline of mathematical logic underwent in the first decade after the founding of the People's Republic (PRC): from its unique role in Chinese...

Mediální skandalizace sexuálních afér v církvi v českém tisku na jaře 2010 / Medial muck-raking of sexual affairs in fold in czech press in spring 2010

Šulcová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis "Medial muck-raking of sexual affairs in the Church in Czech press in spring 2010" through the use of medial ruts, stereotypes and logic, inquires into medial texts from the springtime 2010, which have referenced to sexual affairs in Catholic Church. Based on medial theories (gatekeeping, social construction of reality, agenda setting etc.) the thesis follows up the reflection of the theme and specifics of media discourse. This view is complemented with interviews with members of the Church, which give the thesis out-of- media extent. Qualitative part of the thesis takes sexual affairs in Church as illustrative theme, which is meant in connection with the Roman Catholic Church reflected by Czech media. The thesis also attempts to generalize the actual medial reflection of the Church on the background of current medial trends. It tries to offer a way how to improve the relationship between two part of culture - media and the Roman Catholic Church. To put the thesis into context it will be provided with information about history of the Roman Catolic Church and relationship of Czech society to matters of the church, because it determinates perception of medial news about this theme.

Algebraická a kripkovská sémantika substrukturálních logik / Algebraic and Kripke semantics of substructural logics

Arazim, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is about the distributive full Lambek calculus, i.e., intuicionistic logic without the structural rules of exchange, contraction and weakening and particularly about the two semantics of this logic, one of which is algebraic, the other one is a Kripke semantic. The two semantics are treated in separate chapters and some results about them are shown, for example the disjunction property is proven by amalgamation of Kripke models. The core of this thesis is nevertheless the relation of these two semantics, since it is interesting to study what do they have in common and how can they actually differ, both being a semantics of the same logic. We show how to translate frames to algebras and algebras to frames, and, moreover, we extend such translation to morphisms, thus constructing two functors between the two categories. Key words:distributive FL logic, distributive full Lambek calculus, structural rules, distributive residuated lattice, Kripke frames, frame morphisms, category, functor 2

Bezpečnost dopravního letounu při poškození draku teroristickým útokem / Safety of a Commercial Aircraft after Damage to Airframe due to Terrorist Attack

Lošťák, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
Modern-day terrorist attacks present a considerable danger for commercial aircrafts. This thesis analyzes potential methods of such attacks with a critical analysis of the most dangerous type: an attack from the outside of the aircraft via a fragmentation missile warhead. Such missiles cause damage to the airframe of the aircraft through fragments created by the explosion. In this thesis, analytical geometry is used to determine the area of the aircraft affected by the fragmentation. The aircraft’s geometry and the fragments’ dispersion are calculated by analytical functions, and the effect of the damage is analyzed. A shooting experiment was also carried out, in which fragments were shot at a reinforced skin panel that was manufactured according to the real design of commercial aircraft. The results of the experiment revealed that only directly hit sections of the structure are damaged. Data obtained by the experiment was then used for the creation and improvement of the model used in the simulation by means of the finite element method. This model is used for the numerical calculation of the damage sustained. Further included in the thesis is an analysis of the change in the load-bearing capacity after such an attack. The relationship between the size of the damage and its effect on the load-bearing capacity of the component as well as the entire structure is defined. First, the effect of component damage is analyzed via the FMEA/FMECA methods. This analysis is then extended using fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic analysis is based on the determination of the size of the damaged component area and the component’s importance on the structure’s carry loads. Application of the defined approach is described for several parts of an aircraft’s life cycle, including development, operation after the terrorist attack, and assessment of causes after a crash caused by a fragmentation missile warhead.

Intelligent multiagent systems based on distributed non-axiomatic reasoning / Inteligentni multiagentski sistemi zasnovani na distribuiranom ne-aksiomatskom rezonovanju

Mitrović Dejan 14 September 2115 (has links)
<p>The agent technology represents one of the most consistent approaches to distributed artificial intelligence. Agents are characterized by autonomous, reactive, proactive, and social behavior.&nbsp;In addition, more complex, intelligent agents are often defined&nbsp;in terms of human-like mental attitudes, such as beliefs, desires,&nbsp;and intentions.</p><p>This thesis deals with software agents and multiagent systems&nbsp;in several ways. First, it defines a new reasoning architecture&nbsp;for intelligent agents called<em> Distributed Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System </em>(DNARS). Instead of the popular Belief-Intention-Desire model, it uses Non-Axiomatic Logic, a formalism developed for the domain of articial general intelligence. DNARS&nbsp;is highly-scalable, capable of answering questions and deriving&nbsp;new knowledge over large knowledge bases, while, at the same&nbsp;time, concurrently serving large numbers of external clients.&nbsp;</p><p>Secondly, the thesis proposes a novel agent runtime environment&nbsp;named<em> Siebog.</em> Based on the modern web and enterprise stan-dards, Siebog tries to reduce the gap between the agent technology and industrial applications. Like DNARS, Siebog is a&nbsp;distributed system. Its server side runs on computer clusters&nbsp;and provides advanced functionalities, such as automatic agent&nbsp;load-balancing and fault-tolerance. The client side, on the other<br />hand, runs inside web browsers, and supports a wide variety of&nbsp;hardware and software platforms.</p><p>Finally, Siebog depends on DNARS for deploying agents with&nbsp;unique reasoning capabilities.</p> / null / <p>Agentska tehnologija predstavlja dosledan pristup razvoju distribuirane ve&scaron;tačke&nbsp; inteligencije. Ono &scaron;to agente izdvaja od ostalih pristupa su autonomno, reaktivino,&nbsp; pro-aktivno, i socijalno pona&scaron;anje. Pored toga, kompleksniji, inteligentni agenti se često defini&scaron;u koristeći ljudske mentalne konstrukcije, kao sto su verovanja, želje i namere.</p><p>Disertacija se bavi softverskim agentima i multiagentskim sistemima sa nekoliko aspekata. Prvo, definisana je nova&nbsp; arhitektura za rasuđivanje sa primenom u razvoju&nbsp; inteligentnih agenata, nazvana Distribuirani sistem za ne-aksiomatsko rasuđivanje&nbsp; (eng. <em>Distributed Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System</em>) (DNARS). Umesto popularnog&nbsp;&nbsp; BDI modela za razvoj inteligentnih agenata (eng. <em>Belief-Desire-Intention</em>),&nbsp; arhitektura&nbsp; se zasniva na tzv. <em>ne-aksiomatskoj</em> logici, formalizmu razvijenom u domenu ve&scaron;tačke&nbsp; op&scaron;te inteligencije. DNARS je skalabilan softverski sistem, sposoban da odgovara na&nbsp;&nbsp; pitanja i da izvodi nove zaključke na osnovu veoma velikih&nbsp; baza znanja, služeći pri&nbsp;&nbsp; tome veliki broj klijenata.</p><p>Zatim, u disertaciji je predložena nova multiagentska platforma nazvana Siebog. Siebog je zasnovan na modernim standardima za razvoj veb aplikacija, čime poku&scaron;ava da smanji razliku izmedu multiagentskih sistema i sistema koji se koriste u&nbsp;industriji. Kao DNARS, i Siebog je distribuiran sistem. Na serverskoj strani, Siebog se izvr&scaron;ava na računarskim klasterima, pružajući napredne funkcionalnosti, poput automatske distribucije agenata i otpornosti na gre&scaron;ke. Sa klijentske strane, Siebog&nbsp;se izvr&scaron;ava u veb pretrazivačima i podržava &scaron;iroku lepezu hardverskih i softverskih platformi.</p><p>Konačno, Siebog se oslanja na DNARS za ravoj agenata sa jedinstvenim sposobnostima za rasuđivanje.</p>

Klasifikace (in)finitárních logik / Classification of (in)finitary logics

Lávička, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
In this master thesis we investigate completeness theorems in the framework of abstract algebraic logic. Our main interest lies in the completeness with respect to the so called relatively (finitely) subdirectly irreducible models. Notable part of the presented theory concerns the difference between finitary and infinitary logical systems. We focus on the well-known fact that the completeness theorem with respect to relatively (finitely) subdirectly irreducible models can be proven in general for all finitary logics and we discuss the possible of generalizing this theorem even to infinitary logics. We show that there are two interesting inter- mediate properties between this completeness and finitarity, namely (completely) intersection-prime extension properties. Based on these notions we define five classes of logics and propose a new hierarchy of finitary and infinitary logics. As a main contribution of this dissertation we present an example of a logic separat- ing some of these classes. Keywords: Abstract algebraic logic, completeness, relatively (finitely) sub- directly irreducible models, RSI-completeness, RFSI-completeness, (completely) intersection-prime extension property, IPEP, CIPEP.

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