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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of land use change using GIS and spatial analysis : a case study of the Seoul metropolitan region perimeter

Kim, Jung-Hoon January 2001 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with analytical and technical capability in using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and spatial analysis as relevant to the policy challenge of urban fringe management, taking as a case study the Seoul Metropolitan Region Perimeter. The primary purpose of this study is to analyse land use change using the tools of GIS and Spatial Analysis as a spatial decision support system for the task of managing the fragmented development of the urban fringe caused by the policy changes introduced by the Korean government in 1994. The case study analysed in this research shows whether GIS and spatial analysis can be applied to manage and monitor land use change in the urban fringe area at a very detailed level using municipal parcel data which occupies about 80% of administrative affairs, especially at the local government level in Korea. The major determinants of land use change in the study area have been investigated in an attempt to enhance the knowledge of how to provide decision support information for local government in Korea using GIS and spatial analysis. The results of the analysis represent the distribution of land use change from 1994 to 1998, the distribution of parcels with more than 50% of their neighbours in urban use and the transition probability of land use within a GIS, etc. The analysis using GIS and spatial analysis proved to be effective ones when providing the information base for modelling land use change in the urban fringe of the Seoul Metropolitan Region in Korea, to enable informed decisions to be made about land management policies in such areas. The lesson which could be drawn from this study is that a GIS and spatial analysis capacity is quite useful for local government to understand where and why land use change is concentrated, how the pattern of land use has changed, and which areas are susceptible to land use change. This study represented the results of analysis as a map, showed the significant patterns of land use change in the study area, displayed the relationship between neighbouring land use and the pattern of land use change, and suggested the transition probability of land use in the urban fringe in the future. Better understanding of the results may enhance the capability of local government to predict future land use change dynamics and devise more effective land use management strategies. This study brings a new approach to understanding the evolution of development patterns using the methods of combining spatial statistical analysis techniques with GIS application at site level.

Statistical Methods for Dating Collections of Historical Documents

Tilahun, Gelila 31 August 2011 (has links)
The problem in this thesis was originally motivated by problems presented with documents of Early England Data Set (DEEDS). The central problem with these medieval documents is the lack of methods to assign accurate dates to those documents which bear no date. With the problems of the DEEDS documents in mind, we present two methods to impute missing features of texts. In the first method, we suggest a new class of metrics for measuring distances between texts. We then show how to combine the distances between the texts using statistical smoothing. This method can be adapted to settings where the features of the texts are ordered or unordered categoricals (as in the case of, for example, authorship assignment problems). In the second method, we estimate the probability of occurrences of words in texts using nonparametric regression techniques of local polynomial fitting with kernel weight to generalized linear models. We combine the estimated probability of occurrences of words of a text to estimate the probability of occurrence of a text as a function of its feature -- the feature in this case being the date in which the text is written. The application and results of our methods to the DEEDS documents are presented.

製作中小企業信用評分卡 / An implementing "Small & Middle enterprises Credit Scorecard System

王明國, Wang,Ming- Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
根據經濟部中小企業處統計,中小企業融資餘額占整體企業融資餘額近20%,若以商業活動往來頻率觀點而言,目前臺灣之經濟主體架構係以中小企業為主軸,故中小企業對臺灣就業水準、物價、所得分配及經濟榮枯有決定性的影響。本研究思索如何有效將資訊不對稱的因素列入風險評估中,以有效衡量中小企業信用風險,幫助優良中小企業取得所需資金,並提供銀行建立進階法 BIS計算之參考,建立衡量信用風險之機制。 本研究以國內某商業銀行之中小企業授信客戶為研究基礎,該銀行係目前台灣少數經營中小企業授信業務成功之銀行,累計至2005年授信往來戶數達20,000餘家,具足夠之研究樣本。依規模大小區分為小型企業及中型企業,本研究採用Weight of Evidence (WOE)模式來進行變數有效性篩選,透過統計分析建置信用評等及加成式評分卡,同時為了兼顧巴塞爾資本協定要求模型必須公開揭露以及計算正確之違約機率之考量,因此選定羅吉斯迴歸(Logistics Regression)作為統計演算法。 經實證分析兩評分卡內容歸納如下: 小型企業信用評分卡:由於小型企業特殊之經營型態,在原始變數之篩選即不導入財務變數,在最終會顯著影響申貸企業信用危機之因素中,除「公司最近三個月查詢銀行家數」及「負責人有無配偶」倆變數外,餘8個變數是負責人(部份加計配偶)之銀行往來狀況及歷史信用記錄,其中有5個變數與現金卡及信用卡使用情況有關,足見小型企業資金需求仍透過負責人名義向銀行籌措,且以高資金成本之借款為主。 中型企業信用評分卡:由於中型企業營業顯然較小型企業具規模,且以公司名義向銀行申請融資的現象亦較為普遍,但其財務報表絕對數字失真情形嚴重,故在原始變數之篩選導入財務變數趨勢。在最終會顯著影響申貸企業信用危機之因素中,除「公司最近三個月查詢銀行家數」、「負責人有無配偶」及「公司最近三個月不含逾催呆總餘額成長率」參變數外,餘10個變數是負責人(部份加計配偶)之銀行往來狀況及歷史信用記錄,其中有5個變數與現金卡及信用卡使用情況有關,可見中型企業與負責人之財務具有絕對關連性(資金互用),利用高成本資金之情況應仍普遍。

Statistical Methods for Dating Collections of Historical Documents

Tilahun, Gelila 31 August 2011 (has links)
The problem in this thesis was originally motivated by problems presented with documents of Early England Data Set (DEEDS). The central problem with these medieval documents is the lack of methods to assign accurate dates to those documents which bear no date. With the problems of the DEEDS documents in mind, we present two methods to impute missing features of texts. In the first method, we suggest a new class of metrics for measuring distances between texts. We then show how to combine the distances between the texts using statistical smoothing. This method can be adapted to settings where the features of the texts are ordered or unordered categoricals (as in the case of, for example, authorship assignment problems). In the second method, we estimate the probability of occurrences of words in texts using nonparametric regression techniques of local polynomial fitting with kernel weight to generalized linear models. We combine the estimated probability of occurrences of words of a text to estimate the probability of occurrence of a text as a function of its feature -- the feature in this case being the date in which the text is written. The application and results of our methods to the DEEDS documents are presented.

Desarrollo del producto innovador verde desde sus antecedentes hasta el impacto: evidencia de acuerdo con la Encuesta Europea de Innovación en Producción

Serrano García, Jakeline 30 March 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La esencia del presente trabajo radica en comprender el fenómeno del desarrollo del producto innovador verde y cómo se puede estar constituyendo a nivel de las empresas del sector manufacturero en beneficio del desempeño organizacional. Por tanto, desde una perspectiva teórico-exploratoria, con esta tesis doctoral se desea contribuir al conocimiento mediante una propuesta de reconfiguración sistémica organizacional enfocada a la creación del producto innovador verde, de tal manera que permita a las empresas del sector manufacturero mitigar y/o eliminar impactos negativos al medio ambiente, posibilitando, asimismo, la obtención de ganancias financieras, procurando el desarrollo sostenible. Para los fines mencionados anteriormente, se constituyen tres rutas estratégicas. En primera medida, se constituye un framework que contempla a la organización como un sistema abierto interrelacionado, sobre la base de determinantes del producto innovador verde, de siete nuevas capacidades de innovación y de cinco dimensiones organizacionales. Seguidamente, se procede con el análisis con relación a qué configuración de capacidades de innovación verde y dimensiones organizacionales pueden explicar un mayor logro del producto innovador verde. Finalmente, a modo específico se prueba si la adopción y el uso alto de la capacidad de producción verde y la tecnología como puede estar afectando al desempeño organizacional. Los análisis exploratorios parten de dos ediciones de la Encuesta Europea de Innovación en Producción, la cual es aplicada a empresas del sector manufacturero. En esta tesis, en un primer momento, se trabajan con las sub-muestras de España y Croacia, posteriormente, con las sub-muestras de Croacia, Lituania, España, Serbia, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia y Suecia. La tesis está constituida por tres artículos, donde respectivamente se desarrollan los objetivos de investigación y se presentan los hallazgos que surgen a partir de los estudios. Los resultados advierten sobre la necesidad de una reconfiguración organizacional a nivel de empresas del sector productivo, estipulada sobre la base de las siete capacidades de innovación verde y las cinco dimensiones organizacionales analizadas, en procura de dar soporte a los determinantes del producto innovador verde, contribuyendo de forma directa al desempeño sostenible. Asimismo, se identifica como la capacidad de producción verde y la tecnología en su adopción y sus niveles de uso alto presentan un impacto significativo en el desempeño ambiental y en el financiero. Por tanto, esta tesis de doctorado brinda aportes que confirman repercusiones teóricas y prácticas que pueden corresponder a oportunidades para académicos, profesionales y entidades gubernamentales. En consecuencia, esta investigación entrega orientaciones sobre cómo utilizar estos resultados en el desarrollo de futuros trabajos de investigación, planes estratégicos o gubernamentales. / [CA] L'essència del present treball radica a comprendre el fenomen del desenvolupament del producte innovador verd i com es pot estar constituint a nivell de les empreses del sector manufacturer en benefici de l'exercici organitzacional. Per tant, des d'una perspectiva teorico-exploradora, amb aquesta tesi doctoral es desitja contribuir al coneixement per mitjà d'una proposta de reconfiguració sistèmica organitzacional enfocada a la creació del producte innovador verd, de tal manera que permeta a les empreses del sector manufacturer mitigar i/o eliminar impactes negatius al medi ambient, possibilitant així mateix l'obtenció de guanys financers, procurant el desenvolupament sostenible. Per als fins esmentats, es constitueixen tres rutes estratègiques. En primera mesura, es constitueix un framework que contempla a l'organització com un sistema obert interrelacionat, sobre la base de determinants del producte innovador verd, de set noves capacitats d'innovació i de cinc dimensions organitzacionals. A continuació, es procedeix amb l'anàlisi amb relació a quina configuració de capacitats d'innovació verda i dimensions organitzacionals poden explicar un major èxit del producte innovador verd. Finalment, a mode específic es prova si l'adopció i l'ús alt de la capacitat de producció verda i la tecnologia pot estar afectant l'exercici organitzacional. Els anàlisis exploradores parteixen de dos edicions de l'Encuesta Europea de Innovación en Producción, la qual és aplicada a empreses del sector manufacturer. En aquesta tesi, en un primer moment, es treballen amb les submostres d'Espanya i Croàcia, posteriorment, amb les submostres de Croàcia, Lituània, Espanya, Sèrbia, Eslovàquia, Eslovènia i Suècia. La tesi es constitueix de tres articles, on respectivament es desenvolupen els objectius d'investigació i es presenten les troballes que sorgeixen a partir dels estudis. Els resultats adverteixen sobre la necessitat d'una reconfiguració organitzacional a nivell d'empreses del sector productiu, estipulada sobre la base de les set capacitats d'innovació verda i les cinc dimensions organitzacionals analitzades, en procura de donar suport als determinants del producte innovador verd, contribuint de forma directa a l'exercici sostenible. Així mateix, s'identifica com la capacitat de producció verda i la tecnologia en la seua adopció i els seus nivells d'ús alt presenta un impacte significatiu en l'exercici ambiental i en l' financer. Per tant, aquesta tesi de doctorat, brinda aportacions que confirmen repercussions teòriques i pràctiques que poden correspondre a oportunitats per a acadèmics, professionals i entitats governamentals. En conseqüència, aquesta investigació entrega orientacions sobre com utilitzar aquests resultats en el desenvolupament de futurs treballs d'investigació, plans estratègics o governamentals. / [EN] The essence of this work lies in understanding the phenomenon of the development of green product innovation and how it can be constituted at the level of companies in the manufacturing sector for the benefit of organizational performance. Therefore, from a theoretical-exploratory perspective, this doctoral thesis aims to contribute to knowledge through a proposal of organizational systematic reconfiguration focused on creating green product innovations, in such a way that it allows companies in the manufacturing sector to mitigate and/or eliminate negative impacts on the environment, also enabling the obtaining of financial profit, and seeking sustainable development. For the above-mentioned purposes, three strategic routes are constituted. In the first place, a framework that contemplates the organization as an interrelated open system is constituted, based on determinants of the green product innovation, seven new innovation capabilities, and five organizational dimensions. Next, an analysis is made in relation to which configuration of green innovation capabilities and organizational dimensions can explain a greater achievement of green product innovation. Finally, it specifically tests whether the adoption and high use of green production capability and technology may be affecting organizational performance. The exploratory analyses are based on two editions of the European Manufacturing Survey, which is applied to companies in the manufacturing sector. In this thesis, at first, the sub-samples of Spain and Croatia were used, and subsequently the ones from Croatia, Lithuania, Spain, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Sweden. The thesis consists of three articles, where the research objectives are respectively developed and the findings that arise from the studies are presented. The results warn of the need for an organizational reconfiguration at the level of enterprises in the productive sector, stipulated on the basis of the seven green innovation capabilities and the five analyzed organizational dimensions, in order to support the determinants of green product innovation, contributing directly to sustainable performance. Likewise, it is identified as the green production capacity and the technology in its adoption and its high levels of use present a significant impact on environmental and financial performance. Therefore, this doctoral thesis provides contributions that confirm theoretical and practical reactions that may correspond to opportunities for academics, professionals, and government entities. Consequently, this research provides guidance on how to use these results in the development of future research work and strategic or governmental plans. / The study recieved funding from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO, Spain) project titled Efficiency, Innovation, Competitiveness and Sustainable Business Performance (EFICOSPER), ECO2017-86054-C3-3-R. T / Serrano García, J. (2023). Desarrollo del producto innovador verde desde sus antecedentes hasta el impacto: evidencia de acuerdo con la Encuesta Europea de Innovación en Producción [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192654 / Compendio

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