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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo do comportamento dos aços ferramenta Thyrotherm 2999 EFS supra e H13 sob fadiga de baixo ciclo a altas temperaturas / Evaluation of Thyrotherm 2999 EFS supra and H13 tool steels, under low cycle fatigue, at higher temperature

Diego José Inforzato 13 May 2005 (has links)
Realizou-se neste trabalho uma investigação comparativa do comportamento dos aços ferramenta H13 e THYROTHERM 2999 EFS SUPRA, destinados à fabricação de matrizes para conformação a quente, quando submetidos à fadiga de baixo ciclo a altas temperaturas (FBCAT). A partir de suas curvas de revenimento, foram definidas três durezas de trabalho para cada material (durezas de 42, 52 e 58 HRC), correspondendo a três temperaturas de revenimento distintas e três condições de estudo, buscando-se a condição ótima apresentada por estes materiais para este tipo de aplicação, visando-se então analisar a influência da dureza inicial do material na vida do componente. Foi determinada também a temperatura de ensaio de fadiga isotérmica, em 400°C, correspondente à temperatura de utilização da matriz, ou seja, uma temperatura crítica típica que a matriz atinge durante a solicitação em trabalho. A seguir foram realizados para cada material os ensaios de tração a temperatura ambiente, e na seqüência, os ensaios de tração na temperatura de trabalho definida, que permitiram a determinação dos primeiros parâmetros monotônicos dos materiais, dentre eles uma previsão para os níveis de deformação a serem utilizados nos ensaios de fadiga (0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0 e 1.1%), e demais parâmetros como E, k, n, σe, σ’f, ε’f, b, c, que permitiram a elaboração de curvas ε−N, com um modelo estimativo já existente. Finalmente, foram então realizados os ensaios de fadiga isotérmica de baixo ciclo, à temperatura de 400°C, e os resultados foram utilizados para a elaboração das curvas ε−N, resultando então na proposta de um modelo de previsão de resistência à fadiga específico para os materiais pesquisados. / It was made in this work an investigative comparison of the behavior of the tool steels H13 and THYROTHERM 2999 EFS SUPRA, designed for die steels for hot forming, when exposed to high temperature low cycle fatigue (HTLCF). From their tempering curves three material working hardness were defined for each material (hardness of 42, 52 and 58 HRC), corresponding to three different tempering temperatures, and so three study cases for each material, searching for the best condition for this kind of application, and to assess the influence of the initial hardness on the part material life. The isothermal low cycle fatigue test temperature was either defined at 400°C, corresponding to the used temperature at the die steel, i.e., a critical typical temperature that the forging dies reach on hot working. After that, tensile tests were performed for both materials, at room temperature, and at the working temperature formerly defined, and these tests allowed the definition of the first monotonic parameters for these materials, among them predictions for strain levels (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0 and 1.1%), to be used on fatigue tests, and further parameters like E, k, n, σe, σ’f, ε’f, b, c, that allowed the elaboration of ε−N curves, based on a still existing prediction model. Finally, isothermal low cycle fatigue tests were performed, at 400°C, and the results were used for ε−N curves elaboration, resulting on a prediction model of the fatigue strength specified for the assessed materials.

Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas de fadiga de baixo e alto ciclo e tenacidade à fratura de um aço inoxidável austenítico do sistema Cr-Mn-N / Evaluation of the low and high cycle fatigue and fracture toughness mechanical properties of a Cr-Mn-N austenitic stainless steel

Luiz Vicente Vareda 20 March 1997 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foram determinadas as propriedades mecânicas de fadiga de baixo e alto ciclo e de tenacidade à fratura JIC de um aço inoxidável austenítico do sistema Cr-Mn-N, utilizado na confecção de colares para perfurações pela indústria de exploração de petróleo. Foi também avaliada a influência da temperatura de serviço nas propriedades mecânicas do aço, que apresentou um decréscimo significativo nos valores dos limites de escoamento e de resistência e do alongamento com o aumento da temperatura. Na temperatura ambiente, os ensaios de fadiga de baixo e alto ciclo foram realizados segundo as normas ASTM E606 e ASTM E466. Em temperaturas superiores, as propriedades de fadiga foram estimadas utilizando alguns métodos atualmente disponíveis, que utilizam somente as propriedades mecânicas de tração. Os resultados obtidos mostraram uma pequena influência da temperatura na vida à fadiga na região de baixo ciclo e uma grande influência na região de alto ciclo. A curva tensão-deformação cíclica do material foi obtida pelo método convencional e pelo método do passo incrementai, que utiliza somente um corpo de prova. Os ensaios de JIC foram realizados nas temperaturas ambiente e 150°C, segundo a norma ASTM E813, utilizando a técnica de variação da flexibilidade elástica. Na temperatura ambiente, foi observada uma grande dispersão nos valores obtidos de JIC, atribuída à presença de uma fase frágil, identificada como precipitados de carbonitretos mistos de ferro, cromo, manganês e nióbio. Foi também observada uma diminuição no valor médio de JIC com o aumento da temperatura. / In the present work, the low and high cycle fatigue and fracture toughness properties of a Cr-Mn-N austenitic stainless steel used for application in drill collars were investigated. Also, the temperarure dependence of the tensile properties was determined, and it was found that the yield strength, ultimate strength and elongation values decrease significantly with the temperature. The low and high cycle fatigue testing were carried out at room temperature according to ASTM E606 and ASTM E466 standards. At high temperarure, the fatigue properties were estimated from monotonic propetties obtained in the tensile testing. The results showed small influence of temperature in the fatigue life in the short-life range and great influence in the long-life range. The cyclic stress-strain curve was obtained by companion specimen tests and incremental step tests methods. The last method showed to be advantageous because only one specimen and short testing time were required. The fracture toughness was detennined at room temperature and at 150°C applying elastic-plastic fracture mechanics concepts. The single specimen elastic compliance technique for crack length determination was employied. At room temperature a great scattering of the JIC values was observed due the presence of the brittle phase identified as a precipitates of carbonitride content Fe, Cr, Mn, Nb elements. Also a decreasing of average value o f the JIC was observed with the increasing of temperature.

Estudo do comportamento em fadiga de baixo ciclo e fadiga sob cargas multiaxiais das ligas de alumínio AA6005, AA6063 e AA6351 / Low cycle and multiaxial fatigue behavior of aluminum alloys AA6005, AA6063 e AA635

Denise Ferreira Laurito Nascimento 23 February 2015 (has links)
O uso das ligas de alumínio em aplicações estruturais tem crescido consideravelmente nas últimas décadas. Nos transportes, a baixa massa específica do alumínio resulta em uma alta razão resistência/ peso, favorecendo a fabricação de aviões, trens e automóveis. Com a crescente preocupação em reduzir a emissão de gases poluentes, vem tornando-se promissora a alternativa de reduzir o peso dos veículos substituindo peças convencionalmente produzidas com outros materiais por peças de alumínio. As ligas tratáveis termicamente da série 6xxx são frequentemente escolhidas para estas aplicações. Assim, para que o emprego dessas ligas seja otimizado, é importante um estudo mais detalhado de suas propriedades mecânicas, principalmente sob solicitações cíclicas. Neste trabalho foram estudadas ligas de Al-Si-Mg que são amplamente utilizadas nas indústrias automotivas, em especial na fabricação de componentes de carroçarias para caminhões e ônibus. Foi realizado o estudo do comportamento em fadiga de baixo ciclo e fadiga multiaxial das ligas AA6005 T6, AA6063 T6 e AA6351 T6, fornecidas pela CBA (Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio) visando caracterizar e comparar essas ligas em sua microestrutura, propriedades de tração e fadiga. As propriedades básicas de fadiga foram determinadas por meio do método ε-N (fadiga de baixo ciclo) e os ensaios foram realizados com controle de deformação total, onda triangular e taxa de deformação 0,005 seg-1. As análises dos laços de histerese elasto-plástica permitiram inferir sobre aspectos microestruturais relacionados às propriedades mecânicas das ligas estudadas. O comportamento em fadiga multiaxial foi avaliado por meio de carregamentos combinados axial-torcional em fase e fora de fase. Para ajustar os dados experimentais obtidos, foram testados alguns dos modelos encontrados na literatura. Os cálculos baseados no modelo de plano crítico, proposto por Fatemi e Socie, apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. Também foram realizadas análises microestruturais e fractográficas para as três ligas. As superfícies de fratura dos ensaios de fadiga multiaxial mostraram resultados diferentes de acordo com o carregamento adotado. A avaliação comparativa das três ligas estudadas fornece subsídios para fundamentar a seleção de materiais para a fabricação de componentes estruturais para o setor automotivo. / The use of aluminum alloys in structural applications has grown considerably in recent decades. In transportation, the low density of aluminum results in a high strength-to weight ratio, proving attractive for production of aircrafts, trains and automobiles. With a growing concern for the reduction of pollutant gas emissions, aluminum alloys are becoming a promising alternative to diminish vehicle weight through the replacement of conventionally produced parts made from other heavier materials for aluminum parts. The heat treatable alloys from the 6xxx series are often chosen for these applications. Therefore, to optimize the employment of these alloys, a detailed study of their mechanical properties, primary under cyclic solicitations is necessary For the present study Al-Mg-Si alloys were chosen, which are widely used in automotive industries, particularly in the manufacturing of components for trucks and bus bodies. The low-cycle fatigue behavior and multiaxial fatigue of the three following aluminum alloys: AA6005 T6, AA6063 T6 and AA6351 T6, provided by CBA (Brazilian Aluminum Company), were assessed, with the aim of characterizing and comparing these alloys in their microstructure, tensile properties and fatigue. The basic properties of fatigue were studied by ε-N method (low cycle fatigue) and the experiments were performed with total strain control, triangular waveform and with a constant deformation rate of 5.0x10-3 s-1. The analyses of hysteresis loops elasto-plastic provided insight about microstructural aspects, related to mechanical properties of the studied alloys. Multiaxial fatigue behavior was assessed in combined axial-torsion loading in phase and out of phase. To adjust the experimental data, some models found in the literature were tested. Calculations based on critical plane model, proposed by Fatemi Socie, presented satisfactory results. Furthermore, microstructure analyses and fractography were performed for these three alloys. The fracture surface of multiaxial fatigue assays demonstrated different results according to the adopted loading. Comparative evaluation of the three studied alloys provides support for the selection of materials for manufacturing structural components of the automotive sector.

Caracterização e proposição de métodos estimativos das propriedades monotônicas e cíclicas dos ferros fundidos nodulares / Characterization and estimative models of monotonic and cyclic properties of ductile iron

Elton Franco de Magalhães 09 March 2012 (has links)
Para o correto dimensionamento da maioria dos componentes estruturais é necessário informações sobre a resposta do material quando submetido à fadiga de alto e baixo ciclo, bem como conhecer as propriedades monotônicas (não-cíclicas) e cíclicas dos materiais. Na literatura são encontradas amplas divulgações de dados sobre diversos materiais de engenharia (Ex. SAE J1099 Technical Report on Fatigue Properties). Porém, quando se trata de ferro fundido nodular estas informações são limitadas, sendo assim, visa-se neste trabalho caracterizar as propriedades monotônicas e cíclicas destes materiais em complemento aos trabalhos já publicados na literatura e propor métodos para a estimativa destas propriedades a partir da dureza. Faz-se necessário a proposição de métodos estimativos das propriedades mecânicas destes materiais baseados na dureza devido às suas grandes variações que são inerentes ao processo de fundição. Em um mesmo componente podem existir diferentes classes de ferro fundido, que apesar de possuir a mesma composição química, podem apresentar variações nas propriedades mecânicas devido à formação de diferentes estruturas metalúrgicas que são sensíveis às taxas de resfriamento do material que variam de acordo com as características geométricas da peça que está sendo fundida, principalmente a variação da espessura. Neste estudo a determinação das relações entre as propriedades monotônicas e cíclicas dos ferros fundidos nodulares foram obtidas a partir do tratamento dos dados publicados na literatura levando-se em consideração o índice de qualidade. Foi proposto um modelo contínuo com relação à dureza para a estimativa das propriedades monotônicas, do coeficiente de resistência cíclico e do expoente de encruamento cíclico e para a estimativa das propriedades cíclicas que experimentalmente demonstraram não ter correlação com a dureza foi proposto uma forma discreta, que consistiu na recomendação de valores típicos definidas por faixas de dureza. / For the correct design of the most part of structural components is necessary to have information about the material response under both high cycle and low cycle fatigue, as well as the knowledge of monotonic and cyclic materials properties. In literature a major publication of several engineering material data can be found (e.g, SAE J1099 - Technical Report on Fatigue Properties), but regarding to ductile iron this information is quite limited. Therefore, this work aims to characterize the monotonic and cyclic properties of this material in complementing to the available data in the literature and also make a proposition of methods to estimate this properties from hardness. The mechanical properties estimation model from hardness is relevant to take into account the inherent variations of casting process, which for the same chemical composition can be found different grades in a same part. This fact occurs due to the formation of different metallurgical structures that is influenced by cooling ratio which changes accordingly to geometrical characteristic of the part, especially the thickness variation. In this study the determination of the relation between monotonic and cyclic properties from hardness has been determined from literature data processing taking into account the Quality Index. For monotonic properties, the cyclic strength coefficient and the cyclic strain hardening exponent estimation has been proposed a continuous method based on hardness and for the cyclic properties that experimentally showed to remain independent of hardness has been recommended one set of properties for specific hardness ranges.

Návrh axiálního stromečkového závěsu lopatky regulačního stupně pro parní turbíny / Design of the axial dendritic suspension of steam turbine rotor blade

Vrbka, Dušan January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis deals with axial dendritic suspension of steam turbine rotor blade. The initial shape of the suspension was design on the basis of available data. There was performed stress-strain analysis of this shape and most dangerous spots were picked. There were made several geometrical changes of the shape of suspension. Their affection on stress-strain responding of the suspension was examined. The best shape was chosen which was used to perform analysis of infinite life according to ASME code and due to loading low cycle fatigue analysis. According to results of low cycle fatigue analysis the maximum loading was established. At the end of this work the further steps were suggested.

Návrh nového typu obvodového závěsu pro lopatky parní turbíny / Proposal of a new type of steam turbine blade attachement

Vrbický, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes design of new circumferential blade attachment on last grade of steam turbine and following stress-strain analysis by FEM with static and cyclic loading. It was created two new design of geometry, which were created based on existing and operating constructional solution of oblique double T blade attachment. It was made stress-strain FEM analysis on original design of blades. Its results served to realize change of construction. Their target was increase load capacity and service life of new types of blade attachment.

Early Stages of Fatigue Damage of Steels for Fusion Energetics / Early Stages of Fatigue Damage of Steels for Fusion Energetics

Kuběna, Ivo January 2012 (has links)
Hlavním cílem této práce bylo vysvětlit únavové chování ocelí ODS Eurofer, 14Cr ODS feritické oceli vyráběné v CEA (Commissariat a l’énergie atomique, Saclay, France) a 14Cr ODS feritické oceli vyráběné v EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Laussane, Switzerland). Pokud to bylo možné byly získané výsledky porovnány s ocelí Eurofer 97. Tato práce je součástí široké spolupráce, která je zaměřena na vývoj konstrukčních materiálů pro fuzní reaktory. V průběhu práce byly provedeny následující experimenty: • Standardní únavové zkoušky za pokojové teploty, při 650 a při 750 , byly získány křivky cyklického zpevnění/změkčení, cyklické deformační křivky, Coffinovy–Mansonovy a Wöhlerovi křivky. Hysterezní smyčky byly detailně analyzovány. • Pozorování mikrostruktury výchozího stavu pomocí TEM a porovnání s mikrostrukturou po cyklickém zatížení. • Pozorování povrchového reliéfu, který vznik díky lokalizaci cyklické plastické deformace - byla odhalena místa iniciace únavových trhlin a byl analyzován mechanismus jejich vzniku. • Měření kinetiky únavových trhlin. Oxidická disperse značně zpevňuje materiály, redukuje cyklické změkčení a stabilizuje mikrostrukturu v celém rozsahu teplot. Byly nalezeny velké rozdíly v životnosti jednotlivých ocelí. Ty byly vysvětleny pomocí rozdílných mechanismů iniciace trhlin a jejich různou rychlostí.

Optimalizace tvaru nového typu obvodového závěsu pro lopatky parních turbín / Shape optimization of new circumferential steam turbine blade attachment type

Mívalt, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis describes selection and shows calibration of material model, capable of describing cyclic softening of material. Stress-strain FEM analysis of circumferential blade attachment for last section of rotor blades of steam turbine is performed, expected lifetime of existing attachment is evaluated. Multi-parameter optimization of new-shape attachment was done, resulting in dimensions for new-shape attachment with longer lifetime. Improvements in strain amount in comparison with existing attachment were evaluated and possible RPM increase of turbine with new attachment type was calculated.

Verifieringsmetod för flexibla avgasledande element - Felmodsanalys / Verification method for flexible exhaust hose Definition and modelling of damage

Mohammadi, Ramona January 2016 (has links)
Detta examensarbete utfördes på Scania CV AB och behandlar delar i lastbilens avgassystem som utsätts för korrosion och nötning. Huvudmålet med detta arbete är att utveckla en provmetod för livslängdsundersökning av flexibla slangar. En serie tester utfördes för att förstå grundorsakerna till brott och en FE-analys utfördes för att verifiera resultaten till dessa prov. En stor del av den flexibla slangen blir stel på grund av höga avgastemperaturer och som leder till plastisk deformation av slangen. Men de tre första lindningarna som ligger närmast motorn behåller sin flexibilitet på grund av kontinuerliga motorvibrationer. Slutsatsen är att huvudorsaken som gör att de flexibla slangarna går av, är slitage som leder till sprickinitiering. Den sprickan sprider sig i form av lågcykelutmattning d.v.s att det tar ganska kort tid tills brott sker i den flexibla slangen. Korrosion initierar mellan de icke-flexibla delar av slangen Korrosionshastigheten ökar med tiden och det orsakar små hål på ytorna. Baserat på testresultaten är den mest lämpliga stället för livslängdsundersökningar Scanias komponentprovceller. Genom att mäta slitagedjupet under repeterbara förhållanden som rekommenderas i rapporten och med hjälp av data från kundutfall, kan en livslängd uppskattas. För att kunna förbättra livslängden för de flexibla slangarna, rekommenderas att använda rostfritt stål typ 1.4828 vid tillverkning av dessa slangar bör varmformning användas, samt att avståndet mellan lagrena respektive tjockleken ökas. Flera tester med olika teststidsintervall behöver göras för att ta reda på nötningshastigheten. / This thesis was conducted at Scania CV AB with information based on corrosion and wear. The main goal of this work is to develop a test method to investigate the stripwounded hose’s lifetime. A series of tests were performed to understand the reasons of their failure and a FE analysis was performed to verify the results obtained from these tests. It was observed that a large part of stripwounded hose becomes stiff due to high temperatures of the exhaust gas. The high temperature leads to plastic deformation of the hose. In contrast, the three first windings closest to the engine keep their flexibility due to continuously engine vibrations while there is sign of wear between the layers in these three windings more than other parts of the stripwounded hose. Hence, it is concluded that the main reason for stripwounded hose’s unpredictable failures is wear which leads to crack initiation. The crack propagation is in type of low cycle fatigue which means that it takes a short time until the stripewounded hose breaks. Corrosion is initiated between the non-flexible parts of the hose. The rate of corrosion is increased by time and causes small holes on the surfaces. According to results from the experiments the most suitable location for the lifetime investigation is Scania’s component test cells . Several tests with different time spans needs to be performed. By measuring the wear depth rate under repeatable test conditions and bycomparing with stripwounded hoses from customer trucks, a lifetime can be estimated. To improve the fatigue lifetime of the stripwounded hoses, it is recommended to use stainless steel of type 1.4828, manufactured through hot-forming with larger distance between layers and thicker layers to find out the wear rate.

Low cycle fatigue of shape memory alloys / Fatigue à faible nombre de cycles des matériaux à mémoire de forme

Zhang, Yahui 22 June 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une analyse globale multi-échelles de la fatigue à faible nombre de cycles des matériaux à mémoire de forme (MMF). Dans un premier temps, une large campagne d’essais a été menée pour différents chargements thermomécaniques comprenant des tests de fatigue sous contrainte et déformation imposée et pour différentes fréquences de chargement. A partir des résultats des essais, un critère de fatigue, basé sur l’énergie de déformation, a été développé ; on montre que l’énergie de déformation est un paramètre pertinent pour prédire la fatigue des MMF en tenant compte du couplage thermomécanique et du type de chargement : contrainte ou déformation imposée. Ensuite, en prenant appui sur la répartition de l’énergie de l’hystérésis en dissipation et énergie stockée, on avance une interprétation physique du mécanisme de la fatigue des MMF. Dans la troisième partie, on propose une modélisation multi-échelles de l’initiation des fissures de fatigue dans les MMF à partir de la notion de plasticité de transformation (PlTr). Dans ce cadre, on montre que la fatigue de MMF est contrôlée par la (PlTr) et que la température maximale lors de la transformation de phase est le paramètre à retenir pour prédire la rupture par fatigue des MMF. Le modèle permet également de prédire le lieu d’initiation des premières fissures de fatigue. Enfin, un procédé – fondé sur l’«éducation» des MMF – permettant d’améliorer la résistance à la fatigue est proposé. / The thesis proposes a multi-scale comprehensive analysis of low cycle fatigue of shape memory alloys (SMAs). First, low cycle fatigue of SMAs is experimentally investigated; comprehensive tensile-tensile fatigue tests under both stress and strain controlled loadings at different frequencies are carried out and results are discussed. Second, a new strain energy-based fatigue criterion is developed; it is shown that the use of total strain energy is a relevant parameter to predict fatigue lifetime of SMAs for different thermomechanical conditions and under different types (strain-control or stress-control) loadings. A physical interpretation of the mechanism related to the low-cycle fatigue of SMAs is then provided based on the conversion of hysteresis work into dissipation and stored energy. Third, fatigue crack initiation during cyclic stress-induced phase transformation is modeled based on transformation induced plasticity (TRIP); it is shown that the maximum temperature during the cyclic loading is a relevant indicator of the fatigue of SMA. Furthermore, the effect of the macroscopic mechanical load on the the fatigue lifetime is addressed as well as the spatial location of crack initiation. Finally, a mechanical training process that allows enhancing resistance to low cycle fatigue of SMAs is proposed.

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