Spelling suggestions: "subject:"forvoltage"" "subject:"kilovoltage""
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Analýza působení spínacího systému jističe nn na tepelnou spoušť / Analysis of effect of the switching system of low voltage breaker on the thermal tripping unitLiščák, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
Main aims of this master’s thesis are executing measurements and simulations on low voltage circuit breaker and analyzing effect of the switching mechanism on the thermal tripping unit. There are two programs used for simulations in this thesis ANSYS and SolidWorks Flow Simulation. As another part of the thesis were done two types of tests. First was electrical durability test and second one was warming test. In this thesis were measured values of warming on whole current path not only on thermal tripping unit.
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The theses is focused on efficient use of numerical methods in development of low-voltage switching devices, namely to create a physically correct and reliable numerical model of the temperature field to find an application in the design of the current path of a device for various operating conditions. The creation of this numerical model requires not only correct inclusion of all modes of heat transfer - conduction, convection and radiation, but also correct solution of problematic transient resistance - both electrical and thermal in electrical contacts at different stages of usage. Therefore an essential part of the theses forms a thorough experimental analysis of the necessary material properties and dependencies which forms input data for the numerical model that is based on the finite volume method. The last part of the theses deals with debugging and verification of numerical model to correspond with experimentally obtained data. The result of the theses is the numerical model which is able to solve correctly both steady and various transient states of swiching devices.
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Návrh rozvoje a řešení konfigurace sítě 22 kV / Distribution Network Development and ConfigurationPospíšil, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The theme of this master‘s thesis is distribution network development and configuration in the part of Brno – Trnitá. There is expected to be investments there in the next few years. The thesis consists of two parts. For better understanding of this problem, the first theoretical part concerns with the description of electrical network (subdivision in accordance with voltage levels, conductor types, network types and other electrical network parts), solution of grid’s steady state (as a linear task and also non-linear task, elimination of the balancing node, the iterative method) and Brno distribution network characteristics. The second part concerns with distribution network development and configuration depending on anticipated load development in Trnitá. The result is proposal for transformer station construction Opuštěná fitted with three transformers of nominal output SN = 40 MVA and network configuration change required both for providing new consumption supply as well as sustaining current one.
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Návrh rekonstrukce distribuční sítě 0,4 kV E.ON v zadané oblasti / Proposal of the reconstruction of 0,4 kV distribution network in a specific areaFojtík, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with the problem of distribution electrical network with a focus on solving the steady operation of the electrical distribution network for E.ON Brno - Lisen. The calculation is made by using BIZON PAS Off-Line. The first part of thesis is specialized on the distribution of individual LV and MV networks.The second part of thesis is specialized on the general calculation of the steady operation distribution network and describe criteria for the design and evaluation of this network. In the practical part is calculate existing network in selected area in which is located 53 distribution transformers. In the final part is evaluate the status of existing network and perform design optimization and assessment of this network.
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Návrh a zkoušení rozváděčů nn / Designing and testing of low voltage switchgearsKovář, Zdeněk January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is focused on a temperature-rise of a low-voltage switchgear. The first part of the work deals with a technical standard related to the chosen topic, compares software used for designing switchgear in practice and familiarizes with the working environment of the software selected for this work. The main part of the work is dedicated to a measurement and a simulation of the temperature-rise of the low-voltage switchgear. The measurement involved testing of the switchgear with regard to the individual functional units and to the whole switchgear. Subsequently, the simulation of the temperature-rise of the switchgear followed. Software used in this work is SolidWorks Flow Simulation chosen due to a wide range of functions. According to the findings there were proposed adjustments of the switchgear with respect to the technical parameters and the economic aspect in the last part of the thesis.
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Vliv akumulace na provoz distribuční sítě / The Effect of Accumulation on Distribution Grid OperationJestřáb, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis introduces the reader to the possible types of electric energy storage technologies, their comparisons and utilization. After its introduction, it follows the description of individual technologies and principles that are currently meaningful and useful in practice. The thesis continues with the part characterizing the ways of using the accumulation in the grid. However, the main points of this thesis include the analysis of the influence of the photovoltaic installation on the specified distribution grid operation at the low voltage level and the analysis of the influence on the grid with connected accumulation. Another important objective was the model for the calculation of steady-state, which was programmed on the basis of the theory supported by the principles of production from intermittent sources and the principle of accumulation function. The outputs of the model in the form of the calculated voltage ratios at the individual supply points and current flows at the distribution transformer point were used to evaluate the analyzes mentioned above. The courses of the calculated parameters are broken down by different scenarios (according to the period, the degree of integration of production and the accumulation or the power output of the production), graphically processed and compared from the point of view of voltage fluctuations and changes in the power (or current) balance of the supply transformer.
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sLORETA-basierte Untersuchung niederamplitudiger Aktivität im Ruhe-EEG in Abhängigkeit vom Vorhandensein langsamer Augenbewegungen (SEM)Jödicke, Johannes 07 July 2014 (has links)
Im unter Ruhebedingungen abgeleiteten Elektroenzephalogramm (Ruhe-EEG) können Episoden niedergespannter EEG-Aktivität sowohl mit Schläfrigkeit, als auch mit geistiger Aktivität assoziiert sein. Aus diesem Grunde stellt niedergespannte EEG-Aktivität eine potentielle Fehlerquelle bei der Interpretation des Ruhe-EEGs dar. Wird niedergespannte EEG-Aktivität jedoch von für das Einschlafen charakteristischen, langsamen Augenbewegungen (Slow horizontal eye movements, SEM) begleitet, ist eine Assoziation mit geistiger Aktivität ausgeschlossen. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist die Untersuchung der Frage, ob niedergespannte EEG-Aktivität im Ruhe-EEG, welche von SEM begleitet wird (B1+), sich von solcher ohne begleitende SEM (B1-) hinsichtlich ihrer spektralen und räumlichen Zusammensetzung unterscheidet. Hierzu wurden 35 Ruhe-EEGs gesunder Probanden analysiert, welche jeweils mindestens 10s B1-, B1+ sowie 10s niedergespannter EEG-Aktivität während der Bearbeitung einer Kopfrechenaufgabe (calc) präsentierten. Unter Verwendung der Methode der standardized low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA) wurden für calc, B1- und B1+ die kortikalen Stromdichteverteilungen in vier verschiedenen, individuell angepassten Frequenzbändern berechnet. Die statistische Auswertung ergab signifikante Unterschiede zwischen B1- und B1+: Es zeigte bei B1- sowohl im Delta- als auch im Theta-Band eine geringere Aktivität im Bereich des Cingulums sowie benachbarten Teilen der Frontal-, Parietal- und Okzipiallappen. Zusätzlich zeigte sich eine erhöhte Aktivität im Frequenzbereich des Beta-Bandes in den Temporallappen für B1- verglichen mit B1+. Der Vergleich von calc mit B1+ erbrachte ähnliche Resultate. Die Befunde lassen eine Zugehörigkeit von B1- zu einem, verglichen mit B1+ höheren Vigilanzniveau vermuten und liefern Evidenz für die Einteilung niedergespannter Episoden im Ruhe-EEG in solche mit und ohne begleitende SEM.
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Estudo da capacidade LVRT de sistemas eólicos com DFIG durante a ocorrência de faltas elétricas /Costa, Christielly Fernandes da January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: André Luiz Andreoli / Resumo: Nos últimos anos, questões relacionadas ao meio ambiente, principalmente, ao uso de combustíveis fósseis e à emissão de gases poluentes na atmosfera, ganharam grande destaque internacional. Com os avanços da comunidade científica e o aumento no preço do petróleo no começo da década de 1970, o uso de fontes renováveis, não poluentes e limpas teve grande investimento por parte de diversos países. Nesse contexto, a geração eólica vem se destacando como uma das mais promissoras, especialmente devido a sua viabilidade econômica e ao seu rápido desenvolvimento tecnológico. Entre as diferentes topologias utilizadas nos sistemas de geração eólica, destaca-se a configuração elaborada para operação em velocidade variável, que emprega o gerador de indução duplamente alimentado (DFIG), associado ao conversor eletrônico back-to-back para controle de sua operação. Como principais vantagens da utilização do DFIG, destacam-se sua maior eficiência na conversão de energia, menor estresse mecânico do rotor, controle independente de potência ativa e reativa limitada a valores típicos de 30% da potência nominal. Por outro, sabe-se que, durante a ocorrência de um distúrbio, as correntes do rotor podem atingir altas magnitudes e causar danos ao conversor. Além disso, sobretensões no capacitor do elo CC ocorrem devido à perda de capacidade de transferência de energia do conversor do lado da rede. Entretanto, os aerogeradores podem ser requisitados a permanecerem em funcionamento mesmo durante uma fa... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In the last years, issues related to the environment, especially the use of fossil fuels and the emission of polluting gases into the atmosphere, have gained great international prominence. With the advances of scientific community and the increase of the oil price in the beginning of the 1970s, the use of renewable, non-polluting and clean sources had a great investment by several countries. In this context, wind generation has stood out as one of the most promising, especially due to its economic viability and its fast technological development. Among the different topologies used in wind generation systems, the configuration developed for operation at variable speed is highlighted, which employs the doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) associated with back-to-back electronic converter to control its operation. The main advantages of using DFIG include its greater efficiency in energy conversion, less mechanical rotor stress, independent control of active and reactive power limited to typical values of 30% of the rated power. On the other hand, it is known that, during the occurrence of a disturbance, such as an electrical fault, the rotor currents can reach high magnitudes in order to damage the rotor side converter. In addition, overvoltages in the DC link capacitor occur due to the loss of power transfer capacity on grid side converter. However, wind turbines may be required to main in operation even during a fault, in addition to contributing the restoration of voltage... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Precipitation Study in a High Temperature Austenitic Stainless Steel using Low Voltage Energy Dispersive X-ray SpectroscopyGharehbaghi, Ali January 2012 (has links)
Precipitation of second phase particles is a key factor dominating the mechanical properties of high temperature alloys. In order to control and optimize the precipitation effect it is of great importance to study the role of alloying elements in the formation and stability of precipitates. As a favored family of corrosion and creep resistant austenitic stainless steels the 20Cr-25Ni alloy was modified by addition of copper, molybdenum, nitrogen, niobium and vanadium. A set of alloys with similar matrix but varying contents of niobium, vanadium and nitrogen were prepared. Sample preparation process included melting, hot forging, solution annealing and finally aging for 500 h at 700, 800 and 850 ºC. Light optical and scanning electron microscopy revealed micron-scale precipitates on grain and twin boundaries as well as sub-micron intragranular precipitates in all samples. Characterization of precipitates was carried out by means of energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Among micron-scale precipitates M23C6 carbide was the dominant phase at 700 ºC aging temperature; whereas silicon-rich eta phase (M5SiC) was the main precipitate in samples aged at 800 and 850 ºC. A few sigma phase particles were found in one of the niobium containing samples aged at 700 and 800 ºC. Sub-micron intragranular precipitates were analyzed using low voltage EDS. The spatial resolution of EDS microanalysis at 5 kV accelerating voltage was estimated as almost 100 nm which was at least eight times better than that using the ordinary 20 kV voltage. Also, low voltage EDS revealed the presence of light elements (carbon, nitrogen and boron) in the composition of sub-micron particles thanks to the less matrix effect in absorption of low energy X-rays of light elements. In samples aged at 700 ºC niobium-rich and vanadium-rich carbonitrides were found as the dominant precipitates; whereas they contained much less carbon in samples aged at 800 ºC and mostly became carbon-free nitrides with well-defined cuboidal shapes at 850 ºC aging temperature. This showed that niobium/vanadium-rich nitride phases are stable precipitates at aging temperatures above 700 ºC. The drawbacks of low voltage EDS were indicated as high detection limit (no detection of low- content elements), poor accuracy of quantitative analysis and high sensitivity to surface contamination. Some possible ways to improve the accuracy of low voltage EDS, e.g. longer acquisition time were examined and some other suggestions are proposed for future works.
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Analys av solcellers påverkan pålågspänningsnätets elkvalitet / Analysis of Photovoltaics Impact on the Low-voltage Network Electric Power Quality.Byström, André January 2021 (has links)
I takt med att Sverige går mot ett mer klimatsmart och hållbart samhälle samtidigt somskatteavdragen på solceller blir mer lönsamma och mindre komplicerat, så har installationer avsolceller genomgått en enorm ökning dem senaste åren. En ökningstakt som väntas fortsätta. Omsedan flertalet kunder väljer att installera solceller i ett svagt område skulle detta kunna leda tillproblem i form spänningsvariationer och överbelastningar i elnätet.Syftet med studien är därför att identifiera de områden där många solelinstallationer kan leda tillproblem, utreda vilka faktorer som är risker för problematiska nät, lista och prioritera nät i behov avåtgärder samt undersöka vilka områden som är troligast att en storskalig installation av solcelleruppstår i först.I studien utfördes en vid analys av Ellevios lågspänningsnät, där spänningsvariationer ochöverbelastning i nätet undersöktes. Tre områden från analysen med låg potential för solcelleranalyserades djupare för att kontrollera mellanliggande näts tillstånd. Mätdata från områden medinstallerade solceller bearbetades för att utgå som referens för hur verklig sol-produktion kan se ut.För att undersöka var framtida solceller kan installeras studerades granskapseffekten ochmedelinkomst per postnummer. Slutligen listades och prioriterades Ellevios nät utefter behov avåtgärder, där prioriteringen utgår från områden med högst konsekvens och vart framtida solcellertroligast uppstår.Resultatet blir en riskvärdering där andel av områden presenteras utifrån sannolikheten att solcelleruppstår och konsekvenser. Analysen visar att den parameter som påverkade flest områden ilågspänningsnätet är spänningsvariation i sammankopplingspunkt. I djupanalysen framgår attmellanliggande nät är lika, om inte mer sårbara för stor installation av solceller. De områdena medinstallerade solceller visar att den individuellt högsta producerade effekten aldrig kommer upp tillden installerade samt att den sammanlagrade effekten för solelproducenterna i ett område hamnarlångt under den installerade effekten. / As Sweden moves towards a more climate-smart and sustainable society at the same time as the taxdeductions on solar cells become more profitable and less complicated, installations of solar cellshave undergone an enormous increase in recent years. A rate of increase that is expected tocontinue. If many customers choose to install large solar cells with high power in a weak area, thenthis could lead to problems in the form of voltage variations and overloads in the electricity grid. Thepurpose of the study is therefore to identify the areas where many solar installations can lead toproblems, investigate the factors that are risks for problematic networks, list and prioritize networksin need of measures. As well as to investigate in which areas large-scale installation of solar cells aremost likely to occur in.In the study, a broad analysis was performed of Ellevio's low voltage network, where voltagevariations and overloads in the network were investigated. Three areas from the analysis with lowpotential for solar cells were analyzed more deeply to check the condition of intermediate networks.Measurement data from areas with installed solar cells were processed to be used as a reference forwhat actual solar production can look like. To investigate where future solar cells can be installed,the spatial neighborhood effect and average income by postcode were studied. Finally, Ellevio'snetwork was listed and prioritized according to the need for measures, where the prioritization isbased on areas with the highest consequence and where future solar cells are most likely to arise.The result is a risk assessment where the proportion of areas is presented based on the probabilitythat solar cells arise and consequences. The analysis shows that the parameter that affected mostareas in the low-voltage network is voltage variation in the connection points. The in-depth analysisshows that intermediate networks are similar, if not more vulnerable to large-scale installation ofsolar cells. The areas with installed solar cells show that the individually highest produced powernever reaches the installed one and that the combined power for the solar producers in an area endsup far below the installed power.
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