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Vilniaus miesto mokyklų 9-12 klasių mokinių nuomonė apie lytinį švietimą mokyklose / Pupils‘ opinion of 9-12th grades of vilnius city schools about sex educationChmylko, Julija 27 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas. Nustatyti Vilniaus miesto 9-12 klasių mokinių nuomonę apie lytinį švietimą mokyklose. Metodai. Vilniaus mieste 2010-2011 mokslo metais sistemingos atrankos būdu buvo atrinktos 10 mokyklų. Kiekvienoje mokykloje po vieną devintą, dešimtą, vienuoliktą, dvyliktą klases. Imties skaičiavimui naudota EpiInfo programa. Apklausti 983 mokiniai pagal specialiai šiam tyrimui parengtą anketą. Duomenų analizei naudota SPSS 17.0 versija bei WinPepi kompiuterinės programos. Ranginių kintamųjų sąsajoms nustatyti naudota Sperman‘o, dviejų kiekybinių kintamųjų ryšio nustatymui – Pearson‘o koreliacijos. Ranginių kintamųjų analizei taikytas Mann-Whitney metodas. Ankstyvus lytinius santykius sąlygojančių veiksnių įtakos tikimybei įvertinti naudota binarinė logistinė regresija. Lytinių santykių paplitimas vertintas procentais. Rezultatai. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, jog trečdalis (30,1 proc.) paauglių turėjo lytinio gyvenimo patirties. Pirmųjų lytinių santykių amžiaus mediana – 15 metų. Merginos lytinių partnerių turi mažiau nei vaikinai. Tyrimo duomenimis, pagrindinis veiksnys, sąlygojantis ansktyvus lytinius santykius – alkoholio/narkotikų vartojimas. Daugiau nei pusė (56,1 proc.) apklaustųjų nurodė, jog lytinis švietimas jų mokyklose vyksta ir jį mokiniai vertina 4,77± 2,26 balais. Didžioji dauguma norėtų, kad lytinio švietimo pamokėlės būtų atskira disciplina ir būtų integruotos į privalomojo mokymo programą. 51,6 proc. paauglių mano, jog efektyviausias lytinio auklėjimo metodas yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Key words: student‘s opinion, sexual education Objective. To evaluate opinion on sexual education of the students of the 9th-12th grades in the schools of Vilnius City. Methods. By the means of systemic sampling 10 schools were selected in Vilnius city in 2010-2011 year of the study. One of the 9th, the 10th, the 11th and the 12th grades were selected in every school. The EpiInfo program was used for the calculation of the set. 983 students were interviewed under the questionnaire formed especially for this study. Data analysis was processed by SPSS version 17.0 and WinPepi software. Sperman’s correlations were to evaluate links of range variables and Pearson’s correlations were used to evaluate connection of two quality variables. A method of Mann-Whitney was applied for analysis of range variables. To evaluate the probability of influence of factors conditioning early sexual intercourses the binary logistic regression was used. The prevalence of sexual intercourse was estimated by percent. Results. The results of the study show that one third (30.1 per cent) of teenagers had experience of sexual life. The median of first sexual intercourses is 15 years. The girls had less sexual partners than boys. The main factors influencing early intecourse are alkohol and drugs. More than a half (56.1 per cent) of questioned pointed out that the sexual education in their school was present and the students evaluated it by 4.77±2.26 points. The greater part wanted the lessons of sexual... [to full text]
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5-7 metų berniukų ir mergaičių kompetencijų lyginamoji analizė / Comparative analysis of peculiarity remits of boys and girls at the age of 5-7 yearJermakovičienė, Dijana 27 June 2005 (has links)
Dijana Jermakovičienė. Comparative analysis of peculiarity remits of boys and girls at the age of 5-7 year. Sciential leader – O.Monkevičienė. Vilnius Pedagogical University. Department of preschool psychology. 2005. Sex education is very important part of the common upbringing. It ensures universal welfare of human life. This upbringing process becomes more topical, because of the popular past-west culture. It stimulates to look for the sex upbringing programs which are oriented to national upbringing traditions also humanistic worth. With reference analysis of theoretical resources, topics of the gender role and sexual self-conception, sexual upbringing peculiarities were revealed. Society is changing, traditional roles of man and woman looses faith. Children have to readjust to new conditions. Undoubtedly, it is important to research remit peculiarities of boys and girls in today’s fast-changing society. Also we should reach for the better education quality and stimulate perfection in this range. The research of peculiarity remits of boys and girls at the age of 5-7 year displayed that children have their attitude to gender roles. Despite the influence of modern society, there are traditional role repartition. While processing Lithuanians integration to cultural – civilization space, girls modern trend is very noticeable.
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Tėvų požiūris į neįgalių vaikų lytinį ugdymą / Parents' Attitudes towards Sexual Education of Children Having DisabilitiesKalinkevičienė, Aušra 15 June 2005 (has links)
The present postgraduate thesis analyses the importance of sexual education of children having disabilities and essential related features with regard to the fast process of disabled people’s integration into the general society, paying special attention to integration of disabled children into the educational system. The work also examines peculiarities of children’s sexual education in families and parent roles in the sexual education process.
The aim of the work is to disclose parent attitudes towards sexual education of children having disabilities.
Parent attitudes towards disabled children’s sexual education have been analysed with regard to several basic evaluation criteria: parent attitudes towards sexual education in general, problems related to disabled children’s sexual education and disclosure of parent opinions on organising sexual education.
The following methods have been used in the research work: analysis of educational, psychological and other scientific literary sources related to the topic analysed, questionnaire-based surveying of parents, statistical analysis of the empirical data obtained (calculation of absolute and percentile (relative) frequencies using the SPSS PC/10.0 software) and individual conversations with parents helpful in clarification of questionnaire survey data.
The research involved 101 parents having children with disabilities including 85 women (84.2 %) and 16 men (15.8 %) of different ages and educational backgrounds.
The research... [to full text]
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Mokytojų, įgyvendinančių Rengimo šeimai ir lytiškumo ugdymo programą, profesinio tobulėjimo poreikiai / Profesional improvement needs of teachers, who implement preperation for family and sexuality education programBoicova, Saulė 08 June 2010 (has links)
Šis tyrimas skirtas atskleisti etikos ir biologijos mokytojų, įgyvendinančių „Rengimo šeimai ir lytiškumo ugdymo programą“ (toliau RŠLU), profesinio tobulėjimo poreikius Kauno vidurinėse mokyklose ir gimnazijose. Išanalizavus mokslinę pedagoginę, psichologinę, metodinę literatūrą nagrinėjamos problematikos aspektu, buvo suformuluoti reikalavimai, kurie reikalingi įgyvendinti RŠLU programą. Atskleidžiama mokytojų žinios vykdyti RŠLU programą, tiriamųjų vertybinės nuostatos šeimos, kontracepcijos ir užsimezgusios gyvybės atžvilgiu.
Tyrime dalyvavo 69 mokytojai iš 34 Kauno vidurinių mokyklų ir gimnazijų. Pagrindiniai tyrimo metodai – anoniminė anketinė apklausa (tyrimo ataskaitos anketos dalis adaptuota S. Ustilaitės ir kt.) ir testas. Testą – anketą pildė etikos ir biologijos mokytojai.
Mokytojai, įgyvendinantys RŠLU programą, privalo gebėti atskirti tokius sąvokų apibrėžimus kaip lytiškumas, lytinis švietimas, lytinis ugdymas ir lytiškumo ugdymas, taip pat turi žinoti lytinio ir lytiškumo ugdymo principus, amžiaus tarpsnių psichologiją, tėvų vaidmenį lytinio ir lytiškumo ugdyme ir kaip turi būti pateikiamos ugdytiniams žinios apie kontracepciją.
Tyrimo duomenys rodo, jog ne visi respondentai turi pakankamai specifinių žinių, reikalingų įgyvendinti RŠLU programą. Didžioji dauguma respondentų (65%) negeba atskirti lytiškumo sąvokos nuo lyties apibrėžimo, taipogi lytinio švietimo, lytinio ugdymo ir lytiškumo ugdymo sąvokų. Didžioji dauguma respondentų (68%) nežino kaip turėtų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This research is aimed to reveal improvement needs of ethics and biology teachers who implement “preparation for family and sexuality education program” (hereafter PFSE) in Kaunas high schools and gymnasiums. After traversed scientific pedagogical, psychological, methodical literature based on problematic consideration aspect, needs were formed which are essential for PFSE program implementation. Detectable knowledge needed to implement PFSE program, respondent valuation attitude to family, contraception and life forming aspect.
69 teachers from 34 Kaunas high schools and gymnasiums took part in this investigation. Main investigation methods – anonymous questionnaire survey (research report questionnaire part is adapted by S. Ustilaitė and others) and test. Test was completed by ethic and biology teachers.
Teachers who implement PFSE program have to manage to separate such definitions as sexuality, sexual education, sexual upbringing and sexuality upbringing, also have to know sexuality and sexual principles, age phase psychology, role of parents in sexuality and sexual education, and how information about contraception has to be revealed.
Results of investigation educe that not all respondents have enough specific knowledge which are needed to implement PFSE program. Mayor parts of respondents (65%) are not able to separate sexuality concept from sex definition also sexual upbringing and sexuality upbringing meanings. Most part of respondents (68%) does not know how... [to full text]
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