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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Remote M2M healthcare : applications and algorithms

Prudêncio João Carlos Figueiredo Rodrigues January 2012 (has links)
Tese de mestrado. Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2012

Estudo de uma plataforma aberta para comunicações M2M

Reis, Daniel de Oliveira January 2012 (has links)
Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2012

Utveckling av mobilapplikation för övervakning och larmhantering / Development of mobile application for monitoring and alarm handling

Muric, Dino January 2012 (has links)
Netadmin Systems är ett Linköpingsbaserat IT-företag där huvudprodukten NETadmin är ett Operation support system/Business support system (OSS/BSS) som i huvudsak används i öppna nät för bl.a. kund- och lagerhantering, provisionering, övervakning och ärendehantering. Ett växande behov finns att göra det möjligt att använda övervakningssystemet via mobila enheter för att kunna felsöka och hantera driftstörningar effektivt. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka hur övervakningssystemet kan göras tillgängligt på Android samt att ta fram en prototypapplikation för hantering av grundläggande övervakning. Genom fallstudien som har genomförts har slutsatsen dragits att Netadmin API är lämpligt för kommunikation via mobila enheter men att API behöver vidareutvecklas med ytterligarefunktioner. De viktigaste av dessa har implementerats och arbetet har även mynnat ut i en applikationsprototyp för Android. Genom utvecklingen av denna applikation ges Netadmins kunder möjlighet att hantera övervakningssystemet via mobila enheter. / Netadmin System is a Linköping based IT company that develops the NETadmin software – an Operation support system/Business support system (OSS/BSS) that is primarily used in open access networks for customer and inventory management, monitoring and ticket handling. There is a growing demand for making its monitoring system available on mobile devices in order to efficiently deal with network disruptions. The purpose of the report is to investigate how the monitoring system can be accessed from the Android platform and develop a prototype application for basic monitoring. The performed case study concludes that Netadmin API is a suitable way for communicating with the Netadmin system but that the API must be extended with a number of functions. The most important of these have been implemented and the work has also resulted in an application prototype for Android. The development of the prototype application have given Netadmins customers the possibility of accessing and handling the monitoring system through mobile devices.

Radio access mechanisms for massive machine communication in long-range wireless networks / Mécanismes d'accès radio pour la télécommunication de type machine massive dans les réseaux sans fil à longue portée

Song, Qipeng 07 November 2017 (has links)
En tant qu'étape importante vers une société intelligente, hormis la communication d'humain à humain (H2H), les réseaux sans fil de l'avenir devraient prendre en charge la communication machine-à-machine (également connue sous le nom de MTC). Ce dernier est un nouveau paradigme de communication dans lequel les terminaux peuvent parler les uns avec les autres sans ou avec peu d'intervention humaine. Avec la prolifération rapide des applications M2M, un grand nombre de terminaux seront déployés dans de nombreux types d'applications telles que le comptage intelligent, l'automatisation de l'industrie, la télésanté, etc.Cependant, les réseaux sans fil actuels ne sont toujours pas prêts pour écouler correctement le trafic des MTC. La raison en est double. Tout d'abord, l'évolution du réseau sans fil vise à augmenter le débit et à réduire le délai. Deuxièmement, les caractéristiques spéciales des MTC, telles qu'un nombre très élevé de terminaux déployés, une petite charge utile mais une transmission fréquente, un emplacement souvent d'installation défavorable, etc., font que les exigences de H2H ne sont pas partagés par la plupart des cas d'utilisation M2M.À partir de l'état de l'art, nous distinguons deux orientations de recherche possibles pour gérer efficacement le trafic M2M: Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) et adaptation des réseaux cellulaires existants. Pour les deux pistes, les mécanismes d'accès radio, utilisés dans le réseau d'accès radio (RAN) sont d'une importance vitale pour assurer le succès de MTC. De ce point de vue, le mécanisme d'accès radio est le principal objectif de nos études. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons les contributions couvrant les aspects susmentionnés.Les contributions de cette thèse sont résumées dans les points suivants:Nous faisons état de l'art sur les études liées à l'efficacité énergétique des MTC de la littérature. La contribution principale de cette enquête est de passer en revue, classifier les travaux de recherche existants dans différentes catégories, et de comparer les avantages et les inconvénients entre les catégories. Nous parlons également des progrès de l'approche basée sur les LPWAN.Nous étudions l'impact de la diversité du niveau de puissance d'émission et du contrôle de puissance imparfait sur les systèmes LPWAN en slotted-ALOHA. Quelques directives de conception perspicaces sont obtenues en manipulant le modèle analytique établi.Nous étudions les performances du système LPWAN avec la diversité de la réception macro. En utilisant la géométrie stochastique, nous établissons des formules simples de forme fermée pour le taux de perte de paquets et le débit spatial. Ces formules sont très utiles pour analyser les réseaux LPWAN (en particulier dans les zones urbaines) et pour quantifier le gain de capacité du système. En rassemblant plusieurs résultats disponibles sur l'analyse de l'ALOHA pure, nous obtenons finalement un cadre de synthèse pour étudier le RAN de LPWAN.En termes d'adaptations au RAN des réseaux LTE, nous analysons d'abord le mécanisme d'accès aléatoire conventionnel dans LTE et identifions les inefficacités existantes. Nous proposons ensuite un service d'interrogation multipériodique pour les cas d'utilisation M2M périodiques. Le service proposé est comparé au mécanisme d'accès aléatoire conventionnel en LTE dans un modèle fluide. Les résultats numériques montrent que le service proposé réduit considérablement la consommation des ressources système telles que l'identificateur temporaire de réseau radio (RNTI), le bloc de ressources (RB) et a une efficacité énergétique supérieure en raison de l'évitement de la procédure d'accès aléatoire et des messages de signalisation associés. / As a key step toward a smart society, apart from the Human-to-Human (H2H) communication, the future wireless networks, are expected to accommodate Machine-to-Machine Communication (also known as Machine Type Communication (MTC)). The latter is a new communication paradigm in which the devices can talk with each other without or with little human intervention. With the rapid proliferation of M2M applications, a huge number of devices will be deployed in many types of use cases such as smart metering, industry automation, e-health, etc. However, the current wireless networks are still not ready to hold traffic from MTC. The reason is twofold. First, the evolution of the wireless network seeks for higher throughput and lower latency. Second, the special features that MTC exhibits, such as huge number of deployed devices, small payload but frequent transmission, adverse installation location, etc., lead to that the requirements by H2H are no longer required by most of M2M use cases.From the state-of-the-art work, we find that two possible research orientations to efficiently handle M2M traffic: Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) and adaption of the existing cellular networks. For both of them, the radio access mechanisms, used in Radio Access Network (RAN), is vitally important to make MTC a promising technology. From this view, radio access mechanism is the main focus of our studies. In this thesis, we present the contributions covering the aforementioned aspects: performance evaluation of ALOHA-based LPWAN networks, and a polling service that is an extension to RAN of LTE networks for periodic M2M traffic.The contributions of this thesis are summarized on the following axis: We make a survey about the energy efficiency related studies in the literatures. The main contribution in this survey is to review, classify the existing research works into different categories, and compare the pros and cons between categories. We also review the advances of the LPWAN related study. We study the impact of transmit power level diversity and imperfect power control to the slotted ALOHA based LPWAN systems. Some insightful design guidelines are obtained by manipulating the established analytical model. We study the performance of LPWAN system with macro reception diversity. By stochastic geometry, we get simple closed-form formulas for the packet loss rate and spatial throughput, which were unknown before. These formulas are very useful to analyze LPWAN networks (especially in urban areas) and to quantify the system capacity gain. By gathering several available results about the analysis of non slotted ALOHA, we finally get a synthesis framework to study the RAN of LPWAN. In terms of adaptations to RAN of LTE networks, we first analyze the conventional random access mechanism in LTE and identify the existing inefficiencies. We then propose a multiple period polling service for periodic M2M use cases. The proposed service is compared with conventional random access mechanism in LTE in a fluid model. The numerical results show that the proposed service dramatically reduces the consumption of system resources such as Radio Network Temporary Identifier (RNTI), Resource Block (RB) and has a higher energy efficiency due to the avoidance of random access procedure and related signaling messages.

Machine-to-machine communication congestion mechanism / Mécanisme de congestion en M2M communication

El Fawal, Ahmad Hani 03 December 2018 (has links)
Nos travaux s’orientent vers les problèmes de réseaux sans fil liés à la coexistence des communications machine-to-machine (M2M) et humain-humain (H2H). On souhaite souligner l'impact mutuel entre les trafics M2M et H2H dans un contexte d’Internet des objets (IoT : Internet Of Things) en particulier lors des catastrophes. Les communications M2M, qui devraient connaître une roissance exponentielle dans un avenir proche, constitueront un facteur important pour affecter tous les réseaux mobiles. On prévoit un grand nombre d'appareils M2M qui entraînera inévitablement des problèmes de saturation et aura des impacts remarquables sur les trafics, les services et les applications M2M et H2H. Pour étudier les influences mutuelles M2M et H2H, nous développons un nouveau modèle markovien à temps continu (CTMC) pour simuler, analyser et mesurer les différentes stratégies d'accès aux réseaux sans fil. Notre modèle nous a permis de contourner certaines limitations des simulateurs professionnels de LTE-A (Long Term Evolution-Advanced) comme SimuLTE en terme d’un nombre massif d'appareils M2M, une flexibilité de certains paramètres ou pour élaborer plus des outils statistiques. Lors d’un sinistre et suite à un énorme nombre de M2M souhaitant accéder aux réseaux sans-fil, nous avons constaté un épuisement rapide de la bande passante allouée dans les réseaux LTE-M (Long Term Evolution for Machines) ou Narrow Band for IoT (NB-IoT). Pour résoudre ce problème, nous proposons une nouvelle approche appelée Adaptive eNodeB (A-eNB) pour les réseaux LTE-M et NB-IoT. Selon nos simulations, l’A-eNB peut résoudre progressivement le problème de surcharge tout en assurant une satisfaisante qualité de service (QoS) pour le trafic H2H. Avec le concept d’A-eNB, un réseau LTE-M pourra adapter ses ressources pour faire face à une augmentation progressive du nombre de connexions M2M accédant au réseau LTE-M / NB-IoT et en même temps réduire l'impact sur le trafic H2H. / This Ph.D. work aims to study the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) congestion overload problem and the mutual impact among M2M and Human-to-Human (H2H) traffics in IoT (Internet of Things) environments specifically during disaster events. M2M devices with their expected exponential booming in the near future, will be one of the significant factors to influence all mobile networks. Inevitably, the expected huge number of M2M devices causes saturation problems, and leads to remarkable impacts on both M2M and H2H traffics, services and applications. To study the M2M and H2H mutual influences, we create a new platform model based on Continuous-Time Markov Chain (CTMC) to simulate, analyze and measure radio access strategies due to the limitations of existing Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) simulators (i.e, SimuLTE) in term of massive M2M devices, parameter flexibility and statistical tools. Additionally, during disaster events, a fast bandwidth depletion of the limited bandwidth assigned to M2M devices in Long Term Evolution for Machines (LTE-M) and Narrow Band for IoT (NB-IoT) networks is expected due to the high arrival request of M2M device network access. To address this problem, we propose a new approach named Adaptive eNodeB (A-eNB) for both LTE-M and NB-IoT networks. The A-eNB can solve gradually the overload problem, while keeping the H2H traffic Quality of Service (QoS) not to be affected badly. The network adaptation is provided through a dynamic LTE-M resource reservation aiming to increase the number of M2M connections accessing the LTE-M/NB-IoT network and to decrease the impact on H2H traffic.

Utveckling av produktprototyp för sortering av hushållsavfall / Development of a product prototype for sorting of household waste

Hamrin, Hamrin January 2015 (has links)
Abstract Embedded systems are involved more and more into our daily lives thanks to the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT). An important step in this development is the communication between the systems that been used. The possibilities of sending data in a compressed format based on a protocol standard and use a server with built-in functions, can be a good basis for complex system solutions constructed in Internet of Things (IoT). The simple protocol Messages Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is described to be a protocol that minimizes any bottlenecks in the Machine - To - Machine (M2M) communications while it offers a number of implementing security solutions as data encryption, unique user credentials (username and password) And authentication thereof, and three different Quality of Service (QoS) levels since the data is transmitted over TCP / IP. Along with this server solution is examined in this report, the ability to implement the protocol in a real communication between the development board and an Android mobile application, where the data handled by the broker HiveMQ and stored in a MySQL database and then transferred via a web server to the mobile application. The purpose of the report is therefore to examine the implementations possibility for MQTT in a real scenario with the broker HiveMQ. Where the project resulted in a complete communications solution that corresponds to the protocol can be implemented as well as a theoretical explanation of the security solutions that can be taken to and how well the protocol can scale in a theoretical example. During the work, the development board CC3200 LaunchPad used as target platform. Keywords: CC3200 LaunchPad, HiveMQ, Broker, SQL, Android

Návrh marketingové orientace operátora při uplatnění vybrané moderní technologie / Proposal of marketing orientation for operator by application of chosen modern technology

Sláma, Igor January 2011 (has links)
The Diploma thesis describes telecommunication market in Czech Republic and the most important telecommunication companies in Czech Republic and in the world. Also provides the marketing application of new technologies. The goal of diploma thesis is the proposal of product eHealth care from the health industry for T --Mobile company. This product will use technology with high added value could help T -- Mobile to get product with high added value to get to goal to prevent falling revenues.

Lightweight M2M Solution on Android Platform

Gustafsson, Magnus January 2011 (has links)
Machine-to-machine communication (M2M) is a generic term for technologies dealing with autonomous communication between machines. For the last 10 years a wide range of business areas utilize a variety of different M2M solutions for remote management of equipment. Common for almost all of those solutions is that they are expensive and require the infrastructure to be adapted to them. They are also usually built out of several different systems working together and thus there are several systems that require maintenance. This thesis investigates the possibility to develop a lightweight alternative to existing M2M solutions using only common devices and protocols. Lightweight here means that the system should be flexible, have a low cost for set-up and operation and that both ends should be mobile. By developing a lightweight M2M architecture the technology may become available in new business areas and new types of services may arise.  In the thesis a prototype is implemented. The purpose of the prototype is to practically verify whether a lightweight M2M solution is possible to develop in this manner. The solution uses the Android platform for back-end and user interface and a Cinterion TC65T as slave device to which the sensors can be connected. The implemented system is limited in terms of security and performance but still acts as a proof of concept for this kind of M2M solution.

Device Sensor Fingerprinting : Mobile Device Sensor Fingerprinting With A Biometric Approach / Fingeravtryck i Mobila Enheter

Karlsson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The number of connected devices connected to the Internet is growing rapidly. When talking about devices it also covers the ones not having any contact with humans. This type of devices are the ones that are expected to increase the most. That is why the field of device fingerprinting is an area that requires further investigation. This thesis measures and evaluates the accelerometer, camera and gyroscope sensor of a mobile device to the use as device fingerprinting. The method used is based on previous research in sensor identification together with methods used for designing a biometric system. The combination with long-proven methods in the biometric area with new research of sensor identification is a new approach of looking at device fingerprinting.

Univerzální komunikační zařízení využívající technologie LoRaWAN a Narrowband IoT / Multi-radio Tester Utilizing LoRaWAN and Narrowband IoT Communication Technologies

Novotný, Jaromír January 2019 (has links)
This Master thesis is focused on the design and consequential realization of the Multi-RAT communication device. The theoretical part describes a comparison of two promising communication LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) technologies that are available to use in the Czech Republic. These technologies are NB-IoT (NarrowBand-Internet of Things) and LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network). The practical part contains a description used components, their consequential fitting and testing of designed printed circuit board of the device. The thesis also describes the implementation of software and realized measurement. Technical documentation of a device can be found in the appendix of this thesis.

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