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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biochemical and MALDI-MS Methods for Characterization of Ribosomal Proteins

Hamburg, Daisy-Malloy 22 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Structural Studies of Oligosaccharides Attached to Proteins Expressed in Different Organisms and PEGylation of a non-Glycosylated Protein

Motari, Edwin Mwamba 26 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Invasive \(Haemophilus\) \(influenzae\)-Isolate in Deutschland: Methodenvalidierung des VITEK MS IVD MALDI-TOF-MS und Untersuchung von Resistenzen gegen Imipenem und Cefotaxim / Invasive \(Haemophilus\) \(influenzae\) Isolates in Germany: Method Validation of the VITEK MS IVD MALDI-TOF-MS and Investigation of Imipenem and Cefotaxime Resistance

Nürnberg, Sebastian January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Die Inzidenz invasiver H. influenzae-Infektionen in Deutschland steigt seit Jahren an. Die akkurate Identifizierung und Resistenztestung dieses Erregers sind von großer klinischer und epidemiologischer Bedeutung. Daher wurden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit umfangreiche Untersuchungen zur Diagnostik und zur Epidemiologie von Antibiotikaresistenzen bei H. influenzae durchgeführt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die in der Routinediagnostik mittlerweile weit verbreitete MALDI-TOF-MS-Diagnostik durch das VITEK MS IVD nur eingeschränkt zur sicheren Unterscheidung von H. influenzae und H. haemolyticus einsetzbar ist. H. influenzae-Isolate erkannte das System mit einer Genauigkeit von 100 %. Bei H. haemolyticus-Isolaten wurden dagegen 42 % der untersuchten Stämme fälschlicherweise als H. influenzae erkannt. Dieser Fragestellung wurde mit der bisher umfangreichsten molekularbiologisch charakterisierten Studienpopulation beider Bakterienspezies nachgegangen. Die kalkulierte antibiotische Therapie einer Sepsis oder Meningitis erfolgt häufig mit Carbapenemen, die leitliniengerechte Therapie invasiver H. influenzae-Infektionen mit Drittgenerations-Cephalosporinen. Imipenem und Cefotaxim gehören zu den Hauptvertretern dieser Gruppen. Bezüglich der Antibiotikaresistenztestung wurde erstmalig für H. influenzae herausgefunden, dass die routinemäßig verwendete Gradientenagardiffusion (GAD) bei der Testung von Cefotaxim im Vergleich zum Goldstandard Bouillon-Mikrodilution gleichwertig und bei Imipenem sogar sensitiver in der Detektion von Heteroresistenzen ist. Die Epidemiologie dieser Resistenzen wurde in dieser Arbeit erstmalig für Deutschland systematisch erfasst, indem alle verfügbaren invasiven Isolate gemeldeter H. influenzae-Infektionen der Jahre 2016 (Imipenem) beziehungsweise 2016-2019 (Cefotaxim) untersucht wurden. Es wurde eine hohe Prävalenz einer Imipenem-Resistenz von 13,5 % festgestellt. Die Prävalenz einer Cefotaxim-Resistenz lag bei 0,9 %. Zur molekularen Typisierung wurde bei den Imipenem-resistenten Isolaten eine Multilocus-Sequenztypisierung, bei den Cefotaxim-resistenten Stämmen eine Sequenzierung des vollständigen Genoms durchgeführt. Hierbei wurde eine hohe genetische Diversität der Stämme festgestellt, was die Schlussfolgerung zulässt, dass resistente Mutanten sporadisch entstehen. Die Untersuchung möglicher spatio-temporaler Cluster führte zum Nachweis einer sehr selten vorkommenden Übertragung eines Imipenem-resistenten Stamms. Durch die Sequenzierung von Resistenzgenen wurde die Epidemiologie und Relevanz bekannter Aminosäuresubstitutionen beleuchtet. Unter anderem wurde für die PBP3-Substitutionen L389F und Y557H eine hochsignifikante Korrelation mit dem Auftreten von Cefotaxim-Resistenzen nachgewiesen. Die gewonnenen Genomdaten bieten die Grundlage für die Forschung an weiteren Antibiotikaresistenzdeterminanten von H. influenzae. / Haemophilus influenzae is a fastidious, facultative anaerobic, Gram-negative bacillus that colonizes the respiratory tract and can cause respiratory and invasive infection such as meningitis and sepsis. Invasive H. influenzae infections are potentially life-threatening and incidence rates have been increasing for years. Therefore, fast and accurate diagnostics, reliable testing of antibiotic resistance and a successful antibiotic treatment is of great importance. Therefore, the objective of the first part of this thesis was to evaluate the diagnostic and discriminative potential of the MALDI-TOF-MS system VITEK® MS regarding H. influenzae and H. haemolyticus. H. influenzae can cause invasive infections, whereas H. haemolyticus is mostly apathogenic. The system showed excellent accuracy for the identification of H. influenzae isolates, as 100 % of the 236 isolates were correctly identified. When testing 50 H. haemolyticus strains, however, the system showed significant limitations, since 42 % of these strains were misidentified as H. influenzae. According to the current German guidelines for the treatment of sepsis and meningitis, treatment of invasive H. influenzae infections is carried out using carbapenems, such as imipenem, or third-generation cephalosporins, such as cefotaxime. Therefore, the prevalence of antibiotic resistances to these substances was investigated and possible resistance mechanisms were examined. The two antibiotic susceptibility testing methods Gradient agar diffusion (GAD) and broth microdilution (BMD) were compared. As a result, for the determination of the cefotaxime MIC, the two methods showed an excellent correlation, whereas for imipenem there were significant differences in the measured MIC values. Since strains tested by GAD often showed double or fuzzy inhibition zones, heteroresistances may be more apparent using this method and GAD may be more sensitive at detecting imipenem resistance. The prevalence of imipenem resistance was determined for the year 2016. The analysis of 474 different invasive isolates showed a high prevalence of 5.5 %. If including all resistant isolates according to GAD, the prevalence would be even as high as 13.5 %. MLST was performed on all isolates to investigate the genetic relationship. As a result, however, some sequence types were observed more frequently, it revealed a significant diversity. Both the analysis of ftsI and acrR showed previously described amino acid substitutions. Cefotaxime resistance was investigated for all 2432 invasive H. influenzae for the years 2016-2019. The low prevalence of 0.9 % shows that cefotaxime is still well suited for the treatment of invasive H. influenzae infections. For the investigation of the genetic relationship and possible causes of cefotaxime resistance whole genome sequencing (WGS) was performed on all resistant isolates. The strains showed high genetic diversity and the geographic analysis also showed that the resistant strains were evenly spread throughout the population in Germany. This led to the conclusion that cefotaxime resistance is more likely caused by sporadic mutation events rather than by specific clones spreading in certain areas. The analysis of the ftsI gene showed that the amino acid substitutions L389F and Y557H are significantly associated with elevated cefotaxime MICs. This dissertation provides comprehensive data regarding diagnostics, antimicrobial susceptibility testing and the epidemiology of antibiotic resistances of invasive H. influenzae. It could be shown that the VITEK MS IVD, although established in the routine diagnostics, can only be used to a limited extent for reliably differentiating H. influenzae and H. haemolyticus isolates. Regarding antibiotic susceptibility testing, it was found that GAD showed similar results compared to the gold standard BMD when testing cefotaxime. When testing imipenem, this method was even more sensitive in detecting heteroresistances compared to the gold standard. For the first time, the epidemiology of antibiotic resistance against cefotaxime and imipenem was carried out using a large set of precisely defined invasive H. influenzae isolates to obtain representative data for the prevalence of imipenem and cefotaxime resistance in Germany. By investigating amino acid substitutions in the ftsI and acrR gene the epidemiology and relevance of these substitutions could be shown. A well-founded statement on the relationship of the resistant strains could be made using the state-of-the-art typing methods MLST and whole genome sequencing. The genome data also offers the possibility of examining other genes of these strains in more detail.

Undersökning av jonvätskematrisers detektion på olika typer av MALDI plattor / Detection of ionic liquid matrices on variousMALDI plates

Börjesson, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Examensarbetet gjordes för att undersöka om det istället för 2,5-dihydroxidbensoesyra fanns en jonvätskematris som hade en lika bra eller bättre detektionsgrad. Examensarbetet undersökte också om det var någon detektions skillnad på stål- och koncentrationsplatta när analysmetoden matris-assisterande laser desorption-jonisation-masspektrometri (MALDI-MS) analysmetod används. Jonvätskematris är en matris som binder till en svag bas och är till för att skydda peptiderna från addukter. Baserna som undersöktes var etylamin, dietylamin, diisopropylamin och N,N-etyl-diisopropylamin. Examensarbetet jämförde matrisen med jonvätskematriserna som alla var upplösta i etanol, vatten eller en vätskeblandning (TA 30) (0,1 % trifluorättiksyra i vatten och acetonitril i 7:3 volym). Det utfördes tester genom att matrisen och jonvätskematriserna blandades med en peptidblandning innehållande åtta stycken peptider. Blandningen deponerades på en stål- och en koncentrationsplatta. Efter att blandningen hade torkat på plattorna och bilde till kristaller eller en vätskefilm placerades plattorna i MALDI-apparaturen. Testerna utvisade att N,N-etyl diisopropylamin blandningen i etanol och vätskeblandningen var bättre än 2,5-dihydroxybenzene på att detektera antalet peptider på koncentrationsplattan. Det visades att etylamin och dietylamin hade samma detektiongrad som 2,5-dihydroxidbensoesyra i etanol och vatten vid detektion av antal peptider på koncentrationsplattan. En detektionsskillnad fanns mellan stål- och koncentrationsplatta. Stålplattan var bättre på att detektera tyr-bradykinin. Vid vidare studier på området skulle testerna utföras på stålplatta för att detektera tyr-bradykinin och resterande peptider på koncentrationsplatta. Vid vidare studier skulle TA 30 och etanol som lösningsmedel användas och matriserna ska upplösas i mol-koncentration istället för vikt-koncentration, för att få en mer jämförbar detektion. / This degree project was made to examine if there was a better ionic liquid matrix instead of the matrix 2,5-dihydroxybenzene. The aim of the project was also to investigate if there were any detection differences between anchorchip and groundsteel plate when testing matrix assisted laser desorption ionization masspectrometry (MALDI-MS). An ionic liquid matrix is a matrix that binds to a base used to protect the peptides from adducts. In the degree project 2,5-dihydroxybenzene was compared with the ionic liquid matrices which is 2,5-dihydroxybenzene combined with a base. The bases were ethylamine, diethylamine, diisopropylamine and N,N- ethyldiisopropylamine. All matrices were dissolved in ethanol, water or a liquid mix (0,1 % Trifluoroacetic acid in water and acetonitril in 7:3 volume). The tests were performed by mixing the matrix and the ionic liquid matrices with a peptide mix which contained 8 types of peptides. The matrix/ionic liquid matrices and peptide mix was deposited on a ground steel and anchorchip MALDI plate. After the mixture had evaporated and transformed to crystals/film, the plates were put in MADLI equipment. The results showed that N,N- ethyldiisopropylamine in ethanol and liquid mix had better detection than 2,5-dihydroxybenzene. Ethylamine and diethylamine had the same detection as 2,5-dihydroxybenzene in ethanol on anchorchip plate. There were detection differences between the anchorchip and ground steel plate. In favor of ground steel plate when detecting tyr-bradykinin, but for detecting the rest of the peptides anchorchip is favorable. If further studies would be performed in this area it would be done in the liquid mix and ethanol as solvent. For more comparable detection results the matrices concentration should be in mol/L instead of g/L.

Methods for protein analysis by capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry

Romson, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
Protein analysis is important to understanding biological systems, but sample diversity necessitates a multitude of analysis techniques and methods. Challenges that are addressed include analysis of low abundance samples, fractionation to reduce sample complexity, and automation to reduce time and cost. Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) is an important technique for protein characterization. In Paper I, the sensitivity of MALDI-MS was enhanced through the fabrication of a hydrophobic coating for the MALDI target plate, yielding analyte concentration. The plate outperformed a commercial concentration plate. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) separation offers low sample consumption and high efficiency, and in Paper II, offline CE-MALDI-MS fractionation was employed. A robot system for automation was constructed and used in analysis of spermatophore proteins from the butterfly Pieris napi. The robot was also used in automated on-target trypsin digestion under a lid of liquid fluorocarbons, a simpler and cheaper alternative to controlled humidity chambers. An indication of indigenous proteolysis of the sample was seen. Electrospray ionization (ESI) is the other technique for protein analysis in MS. In Paper III, the biomarker protein osteopontin (OPN) was analyzed by ESI-MS in order to find suitable conditions for its detection. A preliminary optimization of solvents and ionization conditions was done, and tandem MS (MSn) performed to increase the reliability of identification. / Proteinanalys är viktigt för att förstå biologiska system, men mångfalden av prov kräver en mängd olika analystekniker och metoder. Utmaningar som tas upp inkluderar analys av små provmängder, fraktionering för att minska provkomplexiteten, och automatisering för att minska tidsåtgång och kostnad. Matris-assisterad laserjoniserings-masspektrometri (MALDI-MS) är en viktig teknik för proteinkarakterisering. I Artikel I förbättrades känsligheten i MALDI-MS genom tillverkning av en hydrofob beläggning på MALDI-provplattan, vilket gav en koncentration av provet. Provplattan gav bättre resultat än en kommersiell koncentrationsprovplatta. Kapillärelektroforesseparation (CE) har låg provåtgång och hög separationseffektivitet och i Artikel II användes offline CE-MALDI-MS-fraktionering. Ett robotsystem för automatisering konstruerades och användes för analys av spermatoforproteiner från fjärilen Pieris napi. Roboten användes även i automatiserad trypsinklyvning under en yta av en flytande fluorkolförening, ett billigare alternativ tilli nkubationskammare med kontrollerad luftfuktighet. En indikation på naturlig enzymatisk proteinklyvning i provet hittades. Elektrospray jonisering (ESI) är den andra tekniken för proteinanalys i MS. I Artikel III analyserades biomarkören osteopontin (OPN) med ESI-MS för att hitta lämpliga förhållanden för dess detektion. En preliminär optimering av lösningsmedel och jonisationsförhållanden gjordes, och tandem-MS (MSn) utfördes för att öka identifikationens tillförlitlighet. / <p>Full text will not be uploaded due to unpublished results. QC 20181121</p>

Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry to Characterize Inorganic Coordination Complexes and Cyanobacteria

Hunsucker, Stephen Warren 25 April 2001 (has links)
Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS) is used to study several inorganic coordination complexes and a variety of compounds from cyanobacteria. Also presented is a discussion of TOFMS instrumentation and the improvements in resolution and instrument automation that have lead to widespread and diverse applications of MALDI-TOFMS in all areas of science. The feasibility of using direct laser desorption/ionization (LDI) TOFMS to detect trace elements in a variety of glass samples using a lithium borate fusion technique for sample preparation is investigated. The result of the fusion technique is a homogeneous incorporation of the analytical sample into a glass. The fusion technique is investigated as a way to eliminate matrix effects in direct LDI-TOFMS analysis. However, the high concentration and low ionization potential of lithium suppress ionization of the elements of interest. The detection limits of elements in glass samples were not at the trace level. Therefore the technique is not as useful as well-established analytical methods like X-ray fluorescence and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Direct laser ablation and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometric analysis of four inorganic coordination complexes are discussed. The compounds studied include [Ir(dpp)2Cl2](PF6), {[(bpy)2Ru(dpp)]2RuCl2}(PF6)4, [(tpy)Ru(tpp)Ru(tpp)RhCl3](PF6)4 and {[(bpy)2Ru(dpp)]2IrCl2}(PF6)5 (dpp = 2,3-bis-(2'-pyridyl)-pyrazine, bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine, tpy = 2,2',6',2"-terpyradine, tpp = 2,3,5,6,-tetrakis-(2'-pyridyl)-pyrazine). Spectral intensities and fragmentation patterns are compared and evaluated for several instrument parameters, matrices, and matrix-to-analyte ratios. Direct ablation and MALDI mass spectra of the monometallic complex showed the same ion peaks and differed only in the relative peak intensities. Direct ablation of the trimetallic complexes produced only low-mass fragments containing one metal atom at most. MALDI spectra of the trimetallic complexes exhibited little fragmentation in the high-mass region (>1500 Da) and less fragmentation in the low-mass region compared to direct laser ablation. Proper matrix selection for MALDI analysis was vital, as was an appropriate matrix-to-analyte ratio. The results demonstrate the applicability of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for the structural characterization of labile inorganic coordination complexes. A correlation is made between the gas-phase redox chemistry in the MALDI plume and the solution phase electrochemistry for this series of complexes. MALDI-TOFMS was also used to study compounds isolated from cyanobacteria. A MALDI screening method has been developed to detect the presence of scytonemin, a UV-absorbing pigment. Detection of scytonemin is accomplished by a simple solvent extraction of cyanobacteria in the desiccated state with subsequent MALDI-TOFMS analysis. The method is rapid and semi-quantitative. Cyanobacteria is the only known organism to produce scytonemin, and it is only produced when the organism is subjected to UV stress. Laboratory-grown cultures were subjected to different amounts of UV radiation, and the screening method was used to detect the presence or absence of scytonemin. Cultures grown under ambient conditions (low UV) did not show the presence of scytonemin, while those grown under UV lamps did show the detectable scytonemin. Because scytonemin acts as a biomarker for UV stress, the MALDI screening method could find application in molecular ecology studies of cyanobacteria. Peptide mass fingerprinting is used to monitor the isolation of the water stress protein from N. commune. The protein is produced by recombinant growth in E. coli in order to assess the role of Wsp in the desiccation tolerance of N. commune. The results show that SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis are not sufficient to detect the presence of Wsp after purification using ion-exchange chromatography. Three E. coli proteins were identified in the same molecular weight range as Wsp and one of them cross-reacts with the series of antibodies used for the Western blot. The presence of contaminating proteins that cross-react with the immuno assay make it difficult to determine which fractions contained Wsp. Peptide mass fingerprints were obtained for a series of fractions collected after ion-exchange chromatography to pinpoint the location of Wsp. Peptide mass fingerprinting was also used to monitor the stability of the clone and results show that the clone is modified over a six month period. / Ph. D.

Click Chemistry on DNA and Targeting RNA structure with Peptide Boronic Acids

Crumpton, Jason B. 30 May 2012 (has links)
The utilization of click chemistry to perform inter- and intramolecular ligation on DNA has become ubiquitous in the literature. Advances in copper (I) stabilizing ligands that prevent DNA degradation via redox pathways have provided nucleic acid researchers access to the efficiency and quantitative nature of the click reaction. The majority of ligation procedures in the literature are performed in solution after DNA assembly and modification with alkyne reporter groups. However, without specialty alkyne reagents that can be sequentially and selectively deprotected, the solution phase method requires that the click reaction be performed on all DNA-attached alkynes simultaneously. Therefore, the variability of the azide reagent is limited to a singular R group. However, performing the click reaction on DNA during synthetic elongation (immediately after each alkyne installation) allows for the possibility of performing multiple click reactions with variable azide reagents. Unfortunately, most solid phase click procedures require long reaction times or the utilization of microwave irradiation to accelerate the reaction. The development of methods for the ligation of azides to alkynes without the use of microwave irradiation on solid phase is potentially very useful. Herein, we report a simple, efficient, and robust solid phase synthetic method for the ligation of azido-diamondoids to the alkyne-modified phosphate backbone of DNA with click chemistry using [Cu(CH₃CN)₄]PF₆ without stabilizing ligand. Interestingly, it was found that as the size of diamondoid increased, a corresponding increase in melting temperature of hybridized duplexes was observed. The developed method has the potential to complement existing DNA ligation procedures for applications in biotechnology and diagnostics. Interest in peptides incorporating boronic acid moieties is increasing due to their potential as therapeutics/diagnostics for a variety of diseases such as cancer. The utility of peptide boronic acids may be expanded with access to vast libraries that can be deconvoluted rapidly and economically. Unfortunately, current detection protocols using mass spectrometry are laborious and confounded by boronic acid trimerization, which requires time consuming analysis of dehydration products. These issues are exacerbated when the peptide sequence is unknown, as with de novo sequencing, and especially when multiple boronic acid moieties are present. Thus, a rapid, reliable and simple method for peptide identification is of utmost importance. Herein, we report the identification and sequencing of linear and branched peptide boronic acids containing up to five boronic acid groups by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). Protocols for preparation of pinacol boronic esters were adapted for efficient MALDI analysis of peptides. Additionally, a novel peptide boronic acid detection strategy was developed in which 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) served as both matrix and derivatizing agent in a convenient, in situ, on-plate esterification. Finally, we demonstrate that DHB-modified peptide boronic acids from a single bead can be analyzed by MALDI-MSMS analysis, validating our approach for the identification and sequencing of branched peptide boronic acid libraries. It is well known that RNA ligands incorporating basic and intercalating moieties display high RNA affinity. Unfortunately, these ligands are also often plagued by promiscuous binding to off-target substrates. Due to the potential utility of RNA ligands in biology and medicine, it is imperative to elucidate RNA binders which display high specificity as well as affinity. Boronic acid peptides promise unique RNA binding motifs through the interaction between the empty p-orbital of boron and the 2'-hydroxyl group of RNA. Herein, we describe the incorporation of lysine and phenylalanine boronic acid analogues into a branched peptide combinatorial library in an effort to impart increased selectivity towards the HIV-1 Rev Response Element (RRE). We were able to easily select and deconvolute 6 resulting "hit" peptides from 65,536 unique library members by high throughput screening and de novo sequencing. Although we were unable to evaluate peptide selectivity towards RRE due to general insolubility in aqueous media, we demonstrated the efficient deconvolution of a branched peptide library that incorporates boronic acids. / Ph. D.

Targeting of Hypoxia in AQ4N-treated Tumour Xenografts by MALDI-Ion Mobility Separation-Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Djidja, M-C., Francese, S., Claude, E., Loadman, Paul, Sutton, Chris W., Shnyder, Steven, Cooper, Patricia A., Patterson, Laurence H., Carolan, V.A., Clench, M.R. 04 January 2013 (has links)
No / Hypoxia is a common feature observed in solid tumours. It is a target of interest in oncology as it has been found to be closely associated with tumour progression, metastasis and aggressiveness and confers resistance to a variety of chemotherapeutic agents as well as radiotherapy. AQ4N, also known as banoxatrone or 1,4-bis-[2-(dimethylamino-Noxide) ethyl]amino-5,8-dihydroxyanthracene-9,10-dione is a very promising bioreductive prodrug. This paper, describes an application of MALDI-MSI combined with ion mobility separation and an "on-tissue" bottom up proteomic strategy to obtain proteomic data from AQ4N dosed tumour xenograft tissue sections. These data are then correlated with the drug distribution determined also using MALDI-ion mobility separation-mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-IMS-MSI). PCA-DA and OPLS-DA have been used to compare treated and untreated xenografts and of note is the marked increase in expression of Histone H3.

Precision pharmacology: Mass spectrometry imaging and pharmacokinetic drug resistance

Jove, M., Spencer, Jade A., Clench, M., Loadman, Paul, Twelves, C. 10 July 2019 (has links)
Yes / Failure of systemic cancer treatment can be, at least in part, due to the drug not being delivered to the tumour at sufficiently high concentration and/or sufficiently homogeneous distribution; this is termed as “pharmacokinetic drug resistance”. To understand whether a drug is being adequately delivered to the tumour, “precision pharmacology” techniques are needed. Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is a relatively new and complex technique that allows imaging of drug distribution within tissues. In this review we address the applicability of MSI to the study of cancer drug distribution from the bench to the bedside. We address: (i) the role of MSI in pre-clinical studies to characterize anti-cancer drug distribution within the body and the tumour, (ii) the application of MSI in pre-clinical studies to define optimal drug dose or schedule, combinations or new drug delivery systems, and finally (iii) the emerging role of MSI in clinical research. / Spanish Medical Oncology Society (SEOM) for contribution with a grant for research abroad of Dr. Jove, “Instituto Carlos III” for contribution with a “Río Hortega” Grant (nº CM17/00008) for Dr. Jove

Identification et caractérisation par spectrométrie de masse de substances à activités biologiques produites par des souches de BacillusS

Ballade Tosco, Armelle 24 March 2011 (has links)
Les substances synthétisées par les bactéries du genre Bacillus présentent un grand intérêt en raison de leurs nombreuses activités antimicrobiennes. L’objectif de ce travail a consisté à mettre au point un protocole analytique fiable pour extraire ces substances, et les caractériser par spectrométrie de masse et par leurs activités biologiques. Une première approche par spectrométrie de masse MALDI-ToF ne nous a pas donné de résultats satisfaisants en raison d’un phénomène de suppression spectrale. Une seconde stratégie d’étude combinant deux techniques analytiques a alors été envisagée. Les composés et les familles lipopeptidiques ont d’abord été séparés par chromatographie liquide analytique et analysés en ligne en mode de couplage ESI-IT. Ensuite les fractions collectées ont été caractérisées par spectrométrie de masse MALDI-Q-ToF (et ESI-Q-ToF) pour déterminer les masses exactes et obtenir des spectres de fragmentation complémentaires des premiers. Ce procédé nous a permis d’établir des critères d’identification des composés et des familles de lipopeptides de structures connues. Cette caractérisation est basée sur des temps de rétention en chromatographie, des mesures de masses exactes et sur des schémas de fragmentations. Nous avons fait de même avec les composés non identifiés et ensuite évalué leur activité biologique en réalisant des tests de diffusion sur agar. Cette stratégie d’étude permet de faire un criblage de l’ensemble des biomolécules produites par des souches de Bacillus et de relier une structure à une activité biologique. Ce protocole, mis au point pour des cultures réalisées en milieu liquide, a ensuite été adapté aux cultures sur boîtes de Pétri pour pouvoir analyser les composés produits à l’échelle de la colonie bactérienne. / Compounds produced by Bacillus bacteria present a major interest because of their biological activities. The aim of this work was to develop a reliable analytical methodology to extract these compounds, and to characterize them by mass spectrometry and by their biological activities. A first approach by MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry doesn’t give satisfactory results because of strong spectral suppression effects. Therefore, we have designed a second strategy which combined two analytical technologies. First, compounds and lipopeptides families were separated by analytical liquid chromatography and analysed by ESI-IT. Then, collected fractions were characterized by MALDI-Q-ToF (and ESI-Q-ToF) in order to determine accurate mass measurements and obtain complementary product ion spectra. This process led us to establish identification criteria of compounds and lipopeptides families which have known structures. This characterization is based of retention times in chromatography, accrurate mass measurements and fragmentation schemes. We have achieved the same experiments with non identified compounds and then assessed their biological activity by agar well diffusion test.This strategy allows to obtain a screening of whole of the biomolecules produced by bacillus strains and establishes a link between structure and biological activity. This methodology, designed for cultures in liquid medium, was then adapted to cultures in Petri disches in order to analyse compounds producted at the bacterial colony scale.

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