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“‘It’s a Cu’ous Thing ter Me, Suh’: The Distinctive Narrative Innovation of Literary Dialect in Late-Nineteenth Century American Literature”Goering, Kym M 01 January 2016 (has links)
American literature and verse advanced in dialectal writing during the late-nineteenth century. Charles Chesnutt’s “The Goophered Grapevine” (1887), “Po’ Sandy” (1888), and “Hot-Foot Hannibal” (1899); Joel Chandler Harris’ Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings (1881); Thomas Nelson Page’s “Marse Chan” (1884); and Mark Twain’s “Sociable Jimmy” (1874) and “A True Story, Repeated Word for Word as I Heard It” (1874) provided diverse dialect representations. Dialect expanded into poetry with
James Whitcomb Riley’s “She ‘Displains’ It” (1888), “When the Frost is on the Punkin” (1882), and “My Philosofy” (1882) and Paul Laurence Dunbar’s “The Spellin’ Bee” (1895), “An Ante-Bellum Sermon” (1895), and “To the Eastern Shore” (1903). Dialect styles and how they conveyed political or social perspectives are assessed. Correspondence between late-nineteenth century literary figures as well as periodical reviews reveal attitudes toward the use of dialect. Reader responses to dialect based on their political or social interpretations are explored.
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Abundance and distribution of delphinids in the Red Sea (Egypt)Costa, Marina January 2015 (has links)
Knowledge about cetaceans in the Red Sea is limited with only a handful of sporadic or spatially-limited studies carried out to date. Funded by the Italian Cooperation through a Debt-for-Nature Swap programme and carried out in collaboration with the Egyptian NGO HEPCA, this thesis presents the results from the first ever systematic vessel-based surveys conducted in the southern Egyptian Red Sea from 2010 to 2013 using linetransect methodology. The main aims of the thesis were (a) to estimate cetacean abundance, (b) to determine distribution patterns and habitat use of the cetacean species, (c) to investigate movement patterns for species for which individual recognition techniques were suitable and (d) to identify areas of conservation concern for cetaceans with a particular focus on existing protected areas. Eight species were identified, of which five were commonly encountered (Stenella longirostris, S. attenuata, Tursiops truncatus, T. aduncus, and Grampus griseus) and three were rare (Pseudorca crassidens, Sousa plumbea, Balaenoptera edeni). Estimates of abundance using design-based line transect sampling techniques were obtained for five species: S. attenuata 10,268 (CV=0.26); S. longirostris 6,961 (CV=0.26); T. aduncus 659 (CV=0.69); T. truncatus 509 (CV=0.33), and G. griseus 367 (CV=0.37). Habitat modelling revealed that the two Stenella species were widely distributed across the study area. In contrast, T. truncatus was concentrated in waters around Ras Banas peninsula (in particular Satayah offshore reef), and T. aduncus was mainly found along the coast with possibly separate sub-populations in the northern and southern study area. G. griseus was only encountered in the southern part. The information provided in this study will allow the development of a conservation strategy for the protected areas and will serve as baseline information to carry out future survey work in the Red Sea.
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Kommunernas prissättning av kommunal mark vid markanvisningar för bostäder : En granskning av Gävle kommun och Stockholm kommunBjörklund, Leo January 2017 (has links)
I dagsläget råder det en stor bostadsbrist i Sverige eftersom bostadsbeståndet inte räcker för att tillfredsställa efterfrågan. För att lösa problemet måste det byggas fler bostäder. Bara under första halvåret 2016 byggdes ca 21 000 nya bostäder och ytterligare ca 28 000 bostäder har påbörjats. Innan byggherrarna kan starta konstruktionen av nya bostäder måste det finnas lämplig mark att bygga på. Stor del av den mark som är lämplig för bostadsändamål ägs av kommunerna, vilket gör att byggherrarna ofta är beroende av kommunal mark. Samtliga 289 kommuner som svarat på frågan i 2016 års bostadsmarknadsenkät, om de äger lämplig mark för bostadsbyggande svarade ”Ja”. Frågeställningarna som behandlas i detta arbete är: A. Hur prissätter kommunerna mark för byggande av flerbostadshus? B. Hur påverkar kvalitetskrav (t.ex. miljö- gestaltnings- och hållbarhetskrav) markpriset och hur kontrolleras dessa krav av kommunen? C. Hur skiljer sig markpriset mellan anbud- och fastprisanvisning? För att få svar på dessa frågeställningar har tre olika metoder använts.Den första metoden var att granska kommunernas markanvisningspolicy som de ska ha enligt Lag om riktlinjer för kommunala markanvisningar. Det utfördes också en granskning av markanvisningar där några skett via anbud på pris och några som skett via fastpris för att avgöra om det finns en skillnad i markpriserna. Till sist utfördes också en intervju med tjänstemän från kommunerna med frågor utifrån de tidigare genomförda granskningarna. Genom de utförda metoderna framkom det svar på frågeställningarna. Båda kommunerna ger mark för byggande av flerbostadshus ett värde i kr/kvm BTA där källare och kalla ytor exkluderas. En skillnad där var att Gävle kommun använder externa värderingsföretag och Stockholm kommun har två interna värderingsenheter. Detta arbete visade att kommunerna inte har några tydliga metoder för kvalitetsuppföljning. Det framkom under intervjuerna att de flesta krav som ställs vid markanvisningarna är kopplade till bygglovens giltighet. Granskningen av markanvisningarna visar att 4 av 5 markanvisningar som skett via anbud på pris markanvisats till ett dyrare pris än de andra. Det kan därför vara av intresse att vidare undersöka frågan för att kontrollera om det stämmer överlag. / Sweden is currently suffering from a major shortage of housing because the number of houses can’t satisfy the demand. To solve the problem more houses needs to be built. In the first half of 2016 approximately 21 000 new houses were built and another 28 000 got started. Before the builders can start the construction of the new houses, there need to be suitable land to build on. The municipalities own a large part of the land that is suitable for residential purposes, which means that the builder often are dependant on municipal land. All municipalities who answered the question, in the 2016 housing market survey, if they own suitable land for housing replied “Yes”. There are three main questions that will be answered in this paper: A. How do the municipalities price land for the construciton of apartmentbuildnings? B. How does quality requirements affect the land price and how are theserequirements checked by the municipality? C. How does the land price differ between bid and fixed priced landallocations? To answer these questions a few different methods have been used. The first method was to review the municipal policy for land allocation which they are requeired by law to have. There were also a review done of land allocation agreements, some that were sold by bid and some that were sold with a fixed price. Finally interviews were performed with questions based on the previously done reviews. Through the methods performed, the questions were answered. Both municipalities gives the land a value of SEK/sqm gross area where basements and cold areas are excluded. One difference is that Gävle uses external valuators while Stockholm has two internal units that performs the valuations of the land. This work showed that neither of the municipalies have a clear method of following up on the quality requirements. During the interviews it was explained that most of the requirements were tied to the building permits validity. The review of the land allocation agreements showed that 4 out of 5 land allocations that were made by bid were priced higher then thoose with a fixed price. It may therefore be of interest to further investigate the question.
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Comparative Biology of Three Species of Costa Rican HaeteriniAlexander, Laura 16 May 2014 (has links)
Documenting life history characteristics of populations, especially of herbivorous insects such as butterflies, is fundamental to the ecological study of tropical rainforests. However, we know relatively little about tropical forest butterflies. Here, I combine information gathered using the mark-release-recapture (MRR) approach with manipulative and observational experiments in a natural environment to explore aspects of the population biology of three closely-related species of Costa Rican fruit-feeding understory butterflies (Cithaerias pireta, Dulcedo polita, and Pierella helvina), specifically: vertical stratification, attraction to and persistence in fruit-baited traps, relative abundance and distribution, movement patterns, probabilities of recapture and daily survival, and factors that affect those probabilities. Among the three focal species there were differences in capturability, recapturability, spatial distribution, and degree of vertical stratification. Males appear to fly within smaller home ranges than females, and P. helvina can traverse the entire forest reserve in a single day. These findings have implications for the genetic diversity of these populations and for the risk of local extinction in the face of changing ecological conditions.
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From the Desire to Mark Essex: The Catalysts of Militarization for the New Orleans Police DepartmentMartin, Derrick W.A. 13 May 2016 (has links)
The ultimate goal in the South was to end segregation, but nationwide equal-rights were the common goal of all African-Americans. Nonviolent protests and over aggressive police departments became the norm within the African-American community. Understated in the history of the Civil Rights Era is the role of armed resistance and Black Nationalism. Marcus Garvey, Stokely Carmichael, Huey P. Newton, and Malcolm X were Black Nationalists that led the charge of Black Nationalism worldwide. The Deacons of Defense, the Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO) and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense transformed the social makeup of the country and became major causes of the militarization of police departments across the United States. Many police departments across America began to create SWAT teams and use military-style weaponry following an outbreak of riots and the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In New Orleans, Louisiana, stand-offs and shoot-outs with Black Panther members warranted a call for military backup, but it was the acts of Mark James Robert Essex that totally militarized the New Orleans Police Department.
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Croissance de l'albacore (Thunnus albacares) de l'Océan Indien : de la modélisation statistique à la modélisation bio-énergétique / Growth of Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) : statistical modelling to bioenergetic modellingDortel, Emmanuelle 11 June 2014 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 1960, la croissance de l'albacore fait l'objet d'une attention particulière tant dans le domaine de la recherche que pour la gestion des pêcheries. Dans l'océan Indien, la gestion du stock d'albacores, sous la juridiction le Commission Thonière de l'Océan Indien (CTOI), souffre de nombreuses incertitudes associées à la courbe de croissance actuellement considérée. En particulier, des lacunes subsistent dans notre connaissance des processus biologiques et écologiques élémentaires régulant la croissance. Leur connaissance est pourtant fondamentale pour comprendre la productivité des stocks et leur capacité de résistance à la pression de pêche et aux changements océanographiques en cours. À travers la modélisation, cette étude se propose d'améliorer les connaissances actuelles sur la croissance de la population d'albacore de l'océan Indien et de renforcer ainsi les avis scientifiques sur l'état du stock. Alors que la plupart des études sur la croissance de l'albacore s'appuient sur une seule source de données, nous avons mis en œuvre un modèle hiérarchique Bayésien qui exploite diverses sources d'informations sur la croissance, i.e. des estimations d'âge obtenues par otolithométrie, des analyses de progressions modales et les taux de croissance individuels issus du marquage-recapture, et intègre explicitement des connaissances d'experts et les incertitudes associées à chaque source de données ainsi qu'au processus de modélisation. En particulier, le modèle de croissance a été couplé un à modèle d'erreurs dans les estimations d'âge par otolithométrie apportant une amélioration significative des estimations d'âge et des paramètres de croissance en résultant et permettant une meilleure évaluation de la fiabilité des estimations. Les courbes de croissances obtenues constituent une avancée majeure dans la représentation du patron de croissance actuellement utilisé dans les évaluations de stock d'albacore. Elles démontrent que l'albacore présente une croissance en phases, caractérisée par une forte accélération en fin de phase juvénile. Cependant, elles n'apportent aucune information sur les mécanismes biologiques et écologiques à l'origine de ces phases de croissance. Afin de mieux comprendre les facteurs impliqués dans l'accélération de la croissance, nous avons mis en œuvre un modèle bio-énergétique s'appuyant sur les principes de la théorie des bilans dynamiques d'énergie (DEB). Deux hypothèses apparaissant comme les plus pertinentes ont été testées : (i) une faible disponibilité alimentaire liée à une forte compétition inter et intra-spécifique chez les jeunes albacores formant des bancs et (ii) un changement dans le régime alimentaire des adultes s'accompagnant de la consommation de proies plus énergétiques. Il apparait que ces deux hypothèses sont susceptibles d'expliquer, au moins partiellement, l'accélération de la croissance. / Since the early 1960s, the growth of yellowfin has been enjoyed a particular attention both in the research field and for fisheries management. In the Indian Ocean, the management of yellowfin stock, under the jurisdiction of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), suffers from much uncertainty associated with the growth curve currently considered. In particular, there remain gaps in our knowledge of basic biological and ecological processes regulating growth. Their knowledge is however vital for understanding the stocks productivity and their resilience abilities to fishing pressure and oceanographic changes underway.Through modelling, this study aims to improve current knowledge on the growth of yellowfin population of the Indian Ocean and thus strengthen the scientific advice on the stock status. Whilst most studies on yellowfin growth only rely on one data source, we implemented a hierarchical Bayesian model that exploits various information sources on growth, i.e. direct age estimates obtained through otolith readings, analyzes of modal progressions and individual growth rates derived from mark-recapture experiments, and takes explicitely into account the expert knowledge and the errors associated with each dataset and the growth modelling process. In particular, the growth model was coupled with an ageing error model from repeated otolith readings which significantly improves the age estimates as well as the resulting growth estimates and allows a better assessment of the estimates reliability. The growth curves obtained constitute a major improvement of the growth pattern currently used in the yellowfin stock assessment. They demonstrates that yellowfin exhibits a two-stanzas growth, characterized by a sharp acceleration at the end of juvenile stage. However, they do not provide information on the biological and ecological mechanisms that lie behind the growth acceleration.For a better understanding of factors involved in the acceleration of growth, we implemented a bioenergetic model relying on the principles of Dynamic Energy Budget theory (DEB). Two major assumptions were investigated : (i) a low food availability during juvenile stage in relation with high intra and inter-specific competition and (ii) changes in food diet characterized by the consumption of more energetic prey in older yellowfin. It appears that these two assumption may partially explain the growth acceleration.
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Estudo in vitro das marcas de desgaste na resina acrílica em relação à força de mordida / In vitro study of the wear marks on the acrylic resin in relation to the bite forceOliveira, André Camilo de 27 November 2018 (has links)
Dentre os fatores etiológicos das Disfunções Temporomandibulares (DTMs) merecem destaque os hábitos parafuncionais, que muitas vezes são responsáveis pela manutenção da dor, perda de estrutura dental, como as facetas de desgaste, abfrações e por alterações na mucosa jugal e língua. Uma das terapêuticas mais utilizadas para o tratamento da DTM, está relacionada ao uso da placa estabilizadora oclusal (PEO). Apesar de seu uso ser estudado em vários artigos, não são encontrados relatos sobre as marcas encontradas nesse dispositivo devido ao atrito sofrido pelos dentes tampouco quais são os parâmetros e variáveis que poderiam estar relacionados à estas marcas. O presente estudo procurou reproduzir as marcas observadas na PEO, em 36 corpos de prova de resina acrílica ativada quimicamente, em ambiente controlado e analisou os parâmetros e variáveis para avaliação entre marcas fracas e fortes. Para reprodução das marcas nas amostras, foram utilizadas esferas de aço com diâmetros de 3 mm, 4 mm e 5 mm. Para cada diâmetro de esfera foram utilizados os seguintes parâmetros: carga de 2 kgf e 65 kgf e ciclos de repetições de 600 e 1200 vezes. As amostras foram randomizadas com números aleatórios e estabelecido padrão entre marcas fracas e fortes para cada diâmetro de esfera, com apenas uma amostra de cada triplicata. Na sequência, 3 observadores cegos fizeram suas classificações para correlação do padrão. Para correlação do padrão vs. observadores e observadores entre observadores, foi realizado o teste kappa de Fleiss. Foram obtidos níveis excelentes em todos os testes, quando não havia mistura de diâmetro de esfera, e nível razoável quando os observadores avaliaram as amostras com os diâmetros de esferas misturados. Relacionado aos resultados, as variáveis consideradas foram, diâmetro da calota impressa e profundidade calculada da calota com a fórmula da dureza Brinell. As variáveis, dureza e diâmetro de calota impressa, não demostraram robustez para estabelecer critério na avalição entre marca forte e fraca. Já a variável \"profundidade calculada de calota\" demostrou que ao passo que aumentava a profundidade calculada da calota, a marca tinha maior tendência a ser classificada como forte. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que o parâmetro carga foi o fator de maior relevância na classificação entre as marcas fracas e fortes. A variável profundidade calculada da calota mostrou relevância na classificação das marcas fortes e fracas e os diâmetros de esferas diferentes, com mesma carga e quantidade de ciclos geraram marcas diferentes. / Among the etiological factors of TMDs is the parafunctional habits, which are often responsible for the loss of dental structure, such as the wear facets and abfraction and changes in the oral mucosa, such as cheeks and tongue. One of the most used therapies for the treatment of TMD is related to the use of the occlusal splint (OS). Although its use is reported in several articles, no reports are found on the marks found in this device due to the friction suffered by the teeth, nor are the parameters and variables that are related to these marks. The present study reproduced the observed marks in the OS in 36 chemically activated acrylic resin samples in a controlled environment and analyzed the parameters and variables for evaluation between weak and strong marks. For the reproduction of the marks in the samples, stainless steel sphere with different diameters of 3 mm, 4 mm and 5 mm were used. For each sphere diameter the following parameters were used: load of 2 kgf and 65 kgf and repetition cycles of 600 and 1200 times. Samples were randomized with random numbers and established pattern between weak and strong marks for each sphere diameter, with only one sample from each triplicate. Subsequently, 3 observers made their classifications for pattern correlation. For correlation of the Standard vs. Observers and Between Observers, the Fleiss kappa test was performed. Excellent levels were obtained in all tests, when there was no sphere diameter crossing, and fair level when observers evaluated the samples with the sphere diameters crossed. Regarding the results, the variables considered were Brinell hardness, diameter of the printed cap and depth of the cap. The variables, hardness and diameter of printed cap, did not demonstrate the robustness to establish standard in the evaluation between weak and Strong marks. The variable depth of printed cap proves that while the depth of the printed cap increased, the mark had a more tendency to be classified as strong. In this way, we can conclude that the load parameter is the factor of greater relevance in the classification between the weak and strong marks. The variable depth of the printed cap demonstrated relevance in the classification of the weak and strong marks, and finally the diameters of different spheres with the same load and number of cycles created different marks.
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\'Ele está fora de si\': Discurso Religioso e Linguagem Popular no Evangelho Conforme Marcos / \'He is beside himself\': popular language and religious discourse at gospel according to MarkLeite, Francisco Benedito 01 August 2019 (has links)
O presente trabalho de pesquisa doutoral apresenta uma proposta de leitura e interpretação do Evangelho conforme Marcos, fundamentada nas teorias das Ciências da Linguagem, advindas das elaborações teóricas dos estudiosos Mikhail M. Bakhtin, Erich Auerbach e Northrop Frye e também de perspectivas das novas retóricas e da narratologia, as quais têm em comum a influência de Ernst Cassirer e sua filosofia das formas simbólicas. Segundo a concepção proposta na tese, o discurso religioso da fonte advinda do mundo antigo, que é o objeto da presente pesquisa, é estudado a partir do texto, compreendido como realidade imediata por detrás do qual não se pode sondar a realidade concreta. As investigações realizadas a partir do referencial teórico mencionado conduzem à compreensão de que o Evangelho conforme Marcos é um discurso religioso que se manifesta em linguagem popular, cujo estudo dirigido a um breve trecho de seu conteúdo (Mc 3.20-35) assim nomeado como perícope revela a subversão simbólica que pode ser descrita pelo conceito bakhtiniano de carnavalização. / The present doctoring academic research has a way of reading and interpretation of the gospel based on the Gospel of Mark, mainly based on the theories of the Sciencies of Language, which they have their origins in theorical elaborations of Mikhail M. Bakhtin, Erich Auerbach and Northrop Frye, also, this academic research is based on perspectives from new speeches and the plot theory and they have in common the influence of Ernst Cassirer and his philosophy of the symbolical forms. In the thesis, the religious discourse which comes from the ancient world, and which is the object of this research, is studied through the text, and this text is understood as an imediate reality which it is impossible to scrutiny the concrete reality beyond this text. All investigations done based on these theories lead us to the comprehension that the Gospel of Mark is a religious discourse which comes from the popular speech. This study is based on a brief part of its contents (Mk 3.20-35) and this part of the text is called an excerpt and it reveals the symbolic subversion which can be explained by the bakhtinian concept of carnivalization.
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Minimiarmering i grundplattor : En studie om hur konstruktörsföretag väljer armering och hur valet påverkar den färdiga konstruktionen / Minimum reinforcement in ground slabs : A study of how structural engineering companies choose minimum reinforcement and how the choice affects the finished constructionNurro, Matti, Jönsson, Emanuel January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: Concrete is a widely used construction material for mainly buildingfoundations. In Sweden Eurocode is used to dimension the minimum reinforcement that is supposed to limit the cracking of the concrete after casting, but cracking is nevertheless a common problem. The aim of this paper is to investigate how structural engineers choose the reinforcement in slabs on ground and how the construction is affected by the choice of reinforcement. Method: In the study, a literature study is made with articles within minimum reinforcement and cracking problems. A document analysis is made of how the Eurocode should be interpreted and used to calculate the minimum reinforcement amounts and crack widths. There are structured interviews with five design companies to investigate how minimum reinforcement is chosen for three different types of slabon ground. Findings: The results of the study show that the final construction might be both physically and economically affected in a negative way due to the fact that the wanted minimum reinforcement levels and crack widths are not always reached. Implications: The findings implicate that the choice of minimum reinforcement is done in different ways among engineers, and a significant difference in the levels could be seen. The recommendations are that the formula for crack width limitation should be used first, lower rebar dimensions should be used and that the communication between building construction engineer and builder should beimproved. Limitations: The study was limited to five interviews with building construction engineers, only three different slab examples were given to the interviewees for calculation of crack limitation reinforcement. Hence the results are not generally useful for all types of slab on ground. Keywords: Crack width, eurocode, eurokod, minimum reinforcement, slab on ground
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Effekten av olika typer av biokol på metallers löslighet i förorenad urban jord / Effects of different types of biochar on metal solubility in contaminated urban soilsNorberg, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Förorenade markområden utgör ett stort miljöproblem som orsakar spridning av toxiska metaller till grund- och ytvatten. Samtidigt är många metaller toxiska för djur och människor, vilket gör att markmiljön kan påverkas och risker för människors hälsa uppkommer om de vistas på platsen. I Sverige finns idag över 80 000 förorenade områden och saneringstakten anses inte vara tillräckligt snabb. Metallerna koppar (Cu), bly (Pb) och zink (Zn) hör till de allra vanligasteme tallföroreningarna i jord. Lösligheten av dessa är avgörande för hur biotillgängliga deär samt i hur stor utsträckning de kan spridas till yt- och grundvatten. Biotillgängligheten och halterna i yt- och grundvattnet har i sin tur stor betydelse för hur stor exponeringen blir för människor och djur. Biokol är ett organiskt material som genomgått kemisk omvandling i en syrefattig miljö vid höga temperaturer. Dessa framställningsbetingelser gör att biokol har stora möjligheter att fastlägga metaller genom adsorption till funktionella grupper på dess yta. Samtidigt fungerar biokol som ett jordförbättrande medel. Det anses även kunna lagra kol i upp till 1000 år och därmed fungera som en kolsänka. Biokol kan dessutom tillverkasav organiskt avfall vilket gör att avfallsströmmen minskar när detta framställs. I studien har sex olika biokol blandats in i en jord förorenad med Cu, Pb och Zn. Syftet var att undersöka hur inblandningen påverkade lösligheten av metallerna. Samtidigt testades också fastläggningen av metallerna till tre rena biokol. Det visade sig att lösligheten förändrades när biokolen blandades in i jorden. I pH-intervallet 4 - 6 minskade lösligheten av alla metaller. Det framkom att ett av biokolen var bättre på att fastläggametallerna än de andra. Detta biokol kom från anläggningen i Högdalen, Stockholm och var framställt av trädgårdsavfall. / Contaminated ground constitutes an environmental problem that causes spread of metals to groundwater and surface water. Many of the contaminating metals are toxic to animals and humans and their spreading can cause negative effects on soil environment. In Sweden there are more than 80 000 contaminated sites and the decontamination rate is considered to be too slow. The metals copper, zinc and lead are some of the most common contaminants in soils. The solubility of these metals affects how bioavailable they are and how much they can spread to groundwater and surface water. Bioavailability and concentration in water is crucial for the exposure of metals to humans and animals. Biochar is an organic material that has been chemically transformed in an environment with little or no oxygen, at high temperatures. Due to these conditions, biochar is efficient for reducing the solubility of metals through adsorption to functional groups on its surface. Biochar also improve soil fertility, and it might also remain in the soil up to 1000 years and acts as a carbon sink. Furthermore, biochar can be produced from organic wastes and thus production of biochar can contribute to a reduced waste stream. In this study, six different samples of biochar were mixed with a contaminated soil containing copper, lead and zinc. The aim was to investigate how the adding of biochar would affect the solubility of the metals, since the solubility is crucial for the spread of metals and their bioavailability. The sorption of the metals in three pure samples of biochar was also tested. It was found that the solubility changed when biochar was addedto the soil. In the pH range 4 - 6, the solubility decreased for each metal. One of thebiochar samples had better sorption capacity in the soil than the others. This biochar was produced from garden wastes in Högdalen, Stockholm.
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