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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

When do Systematic Gains Uniquely Determine the Number of Marriages between Different Types in the Choo-Siow matching model? Sufficient Conditions for a Unique Equilibrium

Decker, Colin 22 February 2011 (has links)
In a transferable utility context, Choo and Siow (2006) introduced a competitive model of the marriage market with gumbel distributed stochastic part, and derived its equilibrium output, a marriage match- ing function. The marriage matching function defines the gains generated by a marriage between agents of prescribed types in terms of the observed frequency of such marriages within the population, relative to the number of unmarried individuals of the same types. Left open in their work is the issue of existence and uniqueness of equilibrium. We resolve this question in the affirmative, assuming the norm of the gains matrix (viewed as an operator) to be less than two. Our method adapts a strategy called the continuity method,more commonly used to solve elliptic partial differen- tial equations, to the new setting of isolating positive roots of polynomial systems. Finally, the data estimated in [4] falls within the scope of our results.

When do Systematic Gains Uniquely Determine the Number of Marriages between Different Types in the Choo-Siow matching model? Sufficient Conditions for a Unique Equilibrium

Decker, Colin 22 February 2011 (has links)
In a transferable utility context, Choo and Siow (2006) introduced a competitive model of the marriage market with gumbel distributed stochastic part, and derived its equilibrium output, a marriage match- ing function. The marriage matching function defines the gains generated by a marriage between agents of prescribed types in terms of the observed frequency of such marriages within the population, relative to the number of unmarried individuals of the same types. Left open in their work is the issue of existence and uniqueness of equilibrium. We resolve this question in the affirmative, assuming the norm of the gains matrix (viewed as an operator) to be less than two. Our method adapts a strategy called the continuity method,more commonly used to solve elliptic partial differen- tial equations, to the new setting of isolating positive roots of polynomial systems. Finally, the data estimated in [4] falls within the scope of our results.

Theory and Algorithms on the Median Graph. Application to Graph-based Classification and Clustering

Ferrer Sumsi, Miquel 06 June 2008 (has links)
Donat un conjunt d'objectes, el concepte genèric de mediana està definit com l'objecte amb la suma de distàncies a tot el conjunt, més petita. Sovint, aquest concepte és usat per a obtenir el representant del conjunt. En el reconeixement estructural de patrons, els grafs han estat usats normalment per a representar objectes complexos. En el domini dels grafs, el concepte de mediana és conegut com median graph. Potencialment, té les mateixes aplicacions que el concepte de mediana per poder ser usat com a representant d'un conjunt de grafs. Tot i la seva simple definició i les potencials aplicacions, s'ha demostrat que el seu càlcul és una tasca extremadament complexa. Tots els algorismes existents només han estat capaços de treballar amb conjunts petits de grafs, i per tant, la seva aplicació ha estat limitada en molts casos a usar dades sintètiques sense significat real. Així, tot i el seu potencial, ha restat com un concepte eminentment teòric. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi doctoral és el d'investigar a fons la teoria i l'algorísmica relacionada amb el concepte de medinan graph, amb l'objectiu final d'extendre la seva aplicabilitat i lliurar tot el seu potencial al món de les aplicacions reals. Per això, presentem nous resultats teòrics i també nous algorismes per al seu càlcul. Des d'un punt de vista teòric aquesta tesi fa dues aportacions fonamentals. Per una banda, s'introdueix el nou concepte d'spectral median graph. Per altra banda es mostra que certes de les propietats teòriques del median graph poden ser millorades sota determinades condicions. Més enllà de les aportacioncs teòriques, proposem cinc noves alternatives per al seu càlcul. La primera d'elles és una conseqüència directa del concepte d'spectral median graph. Després, basats en les millores de les propietats teòriques, presentem dues alternatives més per a la seva obtenció. Finalment, s'introdueix una nova tècnica per al càlcul del median basat en el mapeig de grafs en espais de vectors, i es proposen dos nous algorismes més. L'avaluació experimental dels mètodes proposats utilitzant una base de dades semi-artificial (símbols gràfics) i dues amb dades reals (mollècules i pàgines web), mostra que aquests mètodes són molt més eficients que els existents. A més, per primera vegada, hem demostrat que el median graph pot ser un bon representant d'un conjunt d'objectes utilitzant grans quantitats de dades. Hem dut a terme experiments de classificació i clustering que validen aquesta hipòtesi i permeten preveure una pròspera aplicació del median graph a un bon nombre d'algorismes d'aprenentatge. / Given a set of objects, the generic concept of median is defined as the object with the smallest sum of distances to all the objects in the set. It has been often used as a good alternative to obtain a representative of the set. In structural pattern recognition, graphs are normally used to represent structured objects. In the graph domain, the concept analogous to the median is known as the median graph. By extension, it has the same potential applications as the generic median in order to be used as the representative of a set of graphs. Despite its simple definition and potential applications, its computation has been shown as an extremely complex task. All the existing algorithms can only deal with small sets of graphs, and its application has been constrained in most cases to the use of synthetic data with no real meaning. Thus, it has mainly remained in the box of the theoretical concepts. The main objective of this work is to further investigate both the theory and the algorithmic underlying the concept of the median graph with the final objective to extend its applicability and bring all its potential to the world of real applications. To this end, new theory and new algorithms for its computation are reported. From a theoretical point of view, this thesis makes two main contributions. On one hand, the new concept of spectral median graph. On the other hand, we show that some of the existing theoretical properties of the median graph can be improved under some specific conditions. In addition to these theoretical contributions, we propose five new ways to compute the median graph. One of them is a direct consequence of the spectral median graph concept. In addition, we provide two new algorithms based on the new theoretical properties. Finally, we present a novel technique for the median graph computation based on graph embedding into vector spaces. With this technique two more new algorithms are presented. The experimental evaluation of the proposed methods on one semi-artificial and two real-world datasets, representing graphical symbols, molecules and webpages, shows that these methods are much more ecient than the existing ones. In addition, we have been able to proof for the first time that the median graph can be a good representative of a class in large datasets. We have performed some classification and clustering experiments that validate this hypothesis and permit to foresee a successful application of the median graph to a variety of machine learning algorithms.

Criterios de teoría de la información en procesado adaptativo de la señal y aplicaciones

Sala i Álvarez, Josep 15 June 1995 (has links)
En esta tesis hemos querido básicamente considerar el diseño de funciones de coste para adaptación ciega en un amplio margen de aplicaciones en el ámbito de las comunicaciones digitales, tomando en consideración los siguientes problemas de recuperación de señales:Ecualización, recorrelación y conformación de haz.Introducimos un criterio de diseño para algoritmos ciegos, así como dos funciones de coste que implementan dicho criterio.El diseño de funciones de coste para los problemas anteriores se consigue mediante aplicación de los criterios de referencia espacial y referencia temporal, normalmente, de tipo error cuadrático medio. La idea motriz de esta tesis consiste en añadir un tercer criterio a los dos anteriormente citados: el criterio de referencia estadística, aplicable a algoritmos de adaptación ciega. Es decir, en la recuperación de señales tomamos como referencia la distribución de probabilidad de la señal que deseamos recuperar, que suponemos, naturalmente, conocida. Este criterio es especialmente robusto en el caso de conformación adaptativa de haz donde deseamos recuperar una señal de una determinada estadística de entre todas las incidencias en el array.Incluso, la recuperación es posible en presencia de interferencias más potentes que la misma señal deseada.Otro ejemplo como el de recorrelación de señales CDMA, presenta un cariz algo distinto. En este caso las señales de todos los usuarios tienen la misma estadística. Por lo tanto debemos utilizar un criterio de referencia estadística que utilice información sobre la función de densidad de probabilidad conjunta de todos los usuarios.Análogamente a los criterios de referencia temporal, se introduce el concepto de función de regeneración de datos. La ausencia de una referencia en algoritmos ciegos se resuelve entonces mediante una función no lineal, que al aplicarla a la señal de salida del sistema adaptativo regenera una referencia. / This thesis considers a design criterion for cost functions in adaptive signal processing, in order to enforce a target probability density function at the output of an adaptive system. This philosophy is named Statistical Reference, in contrast to temporal and spatial reference methods used in array processing. The Kullback-Leibler distance between probability density functions contitutes the theoretical basis to achieve the so-called "distribution matching". Applications are considered in the field of digital communications: blind cannel equalization and array processing

Graph matching using position coordinates and local features for image analysis

Sanromà Güell, Gerard 14 February 2012 (has links)
Encontrar las correspondencias entre dos imágenes es un problema crucial en el campo de la visión por ordenador i el reconocimiento de patrones. Es relevante para un amplio rango de propósitos des de aplicaciones de reconocimiento de objetos en las áreas de biometría, análisis de documentos i análisis de formas hasta aplicaciones relacionadas con la geometría desde múltiples puntos de vista tales cómo la recuperación de la pose, estructura desde el movimiento y localización y mapeo. La mayoría de las técnicas existentes enfocan este problema o bien usando características locales en la imagen o bien usando métodos de registro de conjuntos de puntos (o bien una mezcla de ambos). En las primeras, un conjunto disperso de características es primeramente extraído de las imágenes y luego caracterizado en la forma de vectores descriptores usando evidencias locales de la imagen. Las características son asociadas según la similitud entre sus descriptores. En las segundas, los conjuntos de características son considerados cómo conjuntos de puntos los cuales son asociados usando técnicas de optimización no lineal. Estos son procedimientos iterativos que estiman los parámetros de correspondencia y de alineamiento en pasos alternados. Los grafos son representaciones que contemplan relaciones binarias entre las características. Tener en cuenta relaciones binarias al problema de la correspondencia a menudo lleva al llamado problema del emparejamiento de grafos. Existe cierta cantidad de métodos en la literatura destinados a encontrar soluciones aproximadas a diferentes instancias del problema de emparejamiento de grafos, que en la mayoría de casos es del tipo "NP-hard". El cuerpo de trabajo principal de esta tesis está dedicado a formular ambos problemas de asociación de características de imagen y registro de conjunto de puntos como instancias del problema de emparejamiento de grafos. En todos los casos proponemos algoritmos aproximados para solucionar estos problemas y nos comparamos con un número de métodos existentes pertenecientes a diferentes áreas como eliminadores de "outliers", métodos de registro de conjuntos de puntos y otros métodos de emparejamiento de grafos. Los experimentos muestran que en la mayoría de casos los métodos propuestos superan al resto. En ocasiones los métodos propuestos o bien comparten el mejor rendimiento con algún método competidor o bien obtienen resultados ligeramente peores. En estos casos, los métodos propuestos normalmente presentan tiempos computacionales inferiores. / Trobar les correspondències entre dues imatges és un problema crucial en el camp de la visió per ordinador i el reconeixement de patrons. És rellevant per un ampli ventall de propòsits des d’aplicacions de reconeixement d’objectes en les àrees de biometria, anàlisi de documents i anàlisi de formes fins aplicacions relacionades amb geometria des de múltiples punts de vista tals com recuperació de pose, estructura des del moviment i localització i mapeig. La majoria de les tècniques existents enfoquen aquest problema o bé usant característiques locals a la imatge o bé usant mètodes de registre de conjunts de punts (o bé una mescla d’ambdós). En les primeres, un conjunt dispers de característiques és primerament extret de les imatges i després caracteritzat en la forma de vectors descriptors usant evidències locals de la imatge. Les característiques son associades segons la similitud entre els seus descriptors. En les segones, els conjunts de característiques son considerats com conjunts de punts els quals son associats usant tècniques d’optimització no lineal. Aquests son procediments iteratius que estimen els paràmetres de correspondència i d’alineament en passos alternats. Els grafs son representacions que contemplen relacions binaries entre les característiques. Tenir en compte relacions binàries al problema de la correspondència sovint porta a l’anomenat problema de l’emparellament de grafs. Existeix certa quantitat de mètodes a la literatura destinats a trobar solucions aproximades a diferents instàncies del problema d’emparellament de grafs, el qual en la majoria de casos és del tipus “NP-hard”. Una part del nostre treball està dedicat a investigar els beneficis de les mesures de ``bins'' creuats per a la comparació de característiques locals de les imatges. La resta està dedicat a formular ambdós problemes d’associació de característiques d’imatge i registre de conjunt de punts com a instàncies del problema d’emparellament de grafs. En tots els casos proposem algoritmes aproximats per solucionar aquests problemes i ens comparem amb un nombre de mètodes existents pertanyents a diferents àrees com eliminadors d’“outliers”, mètodes de registre de conjunts de punts i altres mètodes d’emparellament de grafs. Els experiments mostren que en la majoria de casos els mètodes proposats superen a la resta. En ocasions els mètodes proposats o bé comparteixen el millor rendiment amb algun mètode competidor o bé obtenen resultats lleugerament pitjors. En aquests casos, els mètodes proposats normalment presenten temps computacionals inferiors.

Efficient and Flexible Search in Large Scale Distributed Systems

Ahmed, Reaz January 2007 (has links)
Peer-to-peer (P2P) technology has triggered a wide range of distributed systems beyond simple file-sharing. Distributed XML databases, distributed computing, server-less web publishing and networked resource/service sharing are only a few to name. Despite of the diversity in applications, these systems share a common problem regarding searching and discovery of information. This commonality stems from the transitory nodes population and volatile information content in the participating nodes. In such dynamic environment, users are not expected to have the exact information about the available objects in the system. Rather queries are based on partial information, which requires the search mechanism to be flexible. On the other hand, to scale with network size the search mechanism is required to be bandwidth efficient. Since the advent of P2P technology experts from industry and academia have proposed a number of search techniques - none of which is able to provide satisfactory solution to the conflicting requirements of search efficiency and flexibility. Structured search techniques, mostly Distributed Hash Table (DHT)-based, are bandwidth efficient while semi(un)-structured techniques are flexible. But, neither achieves both ends. This thesis defines the Distributed Pattern Matching (DPM) problem. The DPM problem is to discover a pattern (\ie bit-vector) using any subset of its 1-bits, under the assumption that the patterns are distributed across a large population of networked nodes. Search problem in many distributed systems can be reduced to the DPM problem. This thesis also presents two distinct search mechanisms, named Distributed Pattern Matching System (DPMS) and Plexus, for solving the DPM problem. DPMS is a semi-structured, hierarchical architecture aiming to discover a predefined number of matches by visiting a small number of nodes. Plexus, on the other hand, is a structured search mechanism based on the theory of Error Correcting Code (ECC). The design goal behind Plexus is to discover all the matches by visiting a reasonable number of nodes.

OOMatch: Pattern Matching as Dispatch in Java

Richard, Adam January 2007 (has links)
We present a new language feature, specified as an extension to Java. The feature is a form of dispatch, which includes and subsumes multimethods, but which is not as powerful as general predicate dispatch. It is, however, intended to be more practical and easier to use than the latter. The extension, dubbed OOMatch, allows method parameters to be specified as patterns, which are matched against the arguments to the method call. When matches occur, the method applies; if multiple methods apply, the method with the more specific pattern overrides the others. The pattern matching is very similar to that found in the "case" constructs of many functional languages, with an important difference: functional languages normally allow pattern matching over variant types (and other primitives such as tuples), while OOMatch allows pattern matching on Java ob jects. Indeed, the wider goal here is the study of the combination of functional and ob ject-oriented programming paradigms. Maintaining encapsulation while allowing pattern matching is of special importance. Class designers should have the control needed to prevent implementation details (such as private variables) from being exposed to clients of the class. We here present both an informal "tutorial" description of OOMatch, as well as a formal specification of the language, and a proof that the conditions specified guarantee run-time safety.

An Analogical Paradox for Nonhuman Primates: Bridging the Perceptual-Conceptual Gap

Flemming, Timothy M. 14 July 2010 (has links)
Over the past few decades, the dominant view by comparative psychologists of analogical reasoning in nonhuman primates was one of dichotomy between apes, including humans, and monkeys: the distinction between the analogical ape and paleological monkey (Thompson & Oden, 2000). Whereas evidence for analogy proper by representation reinterpretation in monkeys is sparse and debated, the gap between that which is analogic and paleologic has been narrowed by the studies presented here. Representation of relational concepts important for analogy proves difficult for rhesus and capuchin monkeys without the ability to rely on a greater amount of perceptual variability, implicating a perceptually-bound predisposition in problem-solving (Chapters 2-3). A shift in attention from perceptual features to abstract concepts for employment in relational matching is again difficult, but not impossible given cognitive incentive in the form of differential outcomes to refocus attention on conceptual properties (Chapter 4). Finally, chimpanzees unlike monkeys appear more apt to reason by analogy, perhaps due to a more default conceptual focus (Chapter 5). Taken together, these studies provide an account for the emergence of analogical reasoning skills throughout the primate lineage in contrast to views regarding analogy a hallmark of human intelligence.

A Lexicon for Gene Normalization / Ett lexicon för gennormalisering

Lingemark, Maria January 2009 (has links)
Researchers tend to use their own or favourite gene names in scientific literature, even though there are official names. Some names may even be used for more than one gene. This leads to problems with ambiguity when automatically mining biological literature. To disambiguate the gene names, gene normalization is used. In this thesis, we look into an existing gene normalization system, and develop a new method to find gene candidates for the ambiguous genes. For the new method a lexicon is created, using information about the gene names, symbols and synonyms from three different databases. The gene mention found in the scientific literature is used as input for a search in this lexicon, and all genes in the lexicon that match the mention are returned as gene candidates for that mention. These candidates are then used in the system's disambiguation step. Results show that the new method gives a better over all result from the system, with an increase in precision and a small decrease in recall.

Design of Ultra Wideband Antenna Array for Microwave Tomography

Riaz, Laeeq January 2011 (has links)
Microwave tomography is a classical approach for non destructive evaluation. Microwave tomography has many biomedical applications such as brain imaging, temperature sensing in different biological tissues and breast cancer detection. In a microwave tomography system, numbers of radiators are used to transmit microwave signal into an object under test and the scattered fields are recorded. The collected data is used to quantitatively reconstruct the dielectric profiles of the object under test through inverse scattering mechanism. It has been shown that by using wide band data, highly stable and high resolution reconstructions can be obtained. Lower frequency components provide stability of the reconstructions, while higher frequency components contribute to the resolution.  Accordingly, ultra wideband antennas are required in UWB microwave tomography systems. In addition to ultra wide bandwidth, the antennas in a microwave tomography system should be easy to model with computational program. In this thesis Printed elliptical monopole antenna (PEMA) is investigated for microwave tomography. It is a multi resonant antenna with simple structure and yield ultra wide bandwidth. The performances of a single antenna and an antenna array are studied. The reflection coefficients of the antenna, mutual coupling between antennas and energy distribution in the near field are obtained by means of simulations in CST microwave studio.    The simulation result shows that reflection coefficients of the designed antenna are below         -10dB over the entire frequency band of interest (1-4.5GHz), mutual coupling between antennas at different locations are below -20dB over the entire frequency band of interest and the designed antenna also has good electric field distribution in an array configuration which makes the radiated power concentrating in the imaging region. These results indicate that PEMA is a potential antenna for microwave tomography applications.

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