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Damage modelling for composite structuresLee, Hao January 2015 (has links)
Modelling damage in composite materials has played an important role in designing composite structures. Although numerical models for the progressive damage in laminated composites (e.g. transverse cracking, delamination and fibre breakage) have been developed in the literature, there is still a need for further improvement. This thesis aimed at developing damage models suitable for predicting intra-laminar and inter-laminar damage behaviour in fibre-reinforced composite materials. Several approaches such as fracture mechanics and continuum damage mechanics have been adopted for constructing the damage model. Meso-macro-mechanics analysis was performed to gain an insight into the entire damage process up to the final failure of the composite laminate under various conditions. Cohesive elements were placed in the finite element model to simulate the initiation and propagation of matrix crack and delamination in cross-ply laminates. This helped to understand the direct interactions between damage modes, i.e. whether one damage mode would initiate the other damage mode. The formation of a single matrix crack and its propagation across the layer thickness was also revealed. A new cohesive zone/interface element model was developed to consider the effect of through-thickness compressive stress on mode II fracture resistance by introducing friction into the constitutive law of the conventional cohesive zone model. Application of the model to practical problem in composite laminates shows that this model can simulate delamination failure more accurately than the cohesive element in ABAQUS.Damage models based on continuum damage mechanics were proposed for predicting intra-laminar damage and interlaminar damage. Five intra-laminar failure modes, fibre tension, fibre compression, matrix tension, matrix compression and shear failure, were modelled. Damage initiation was predicted based on stress/strain failure criteria and damage evolution law was based on fracture energy dissipation. The nonlinear shear behaviour of the material was considered as well. These models have been implemented into ABAQUS via a user-defined material subroutine and validated against experimental/numerical results available in the literature. The issue related to numerical implementation, e.g. convergence in the softening regime, was also addressed. Numerical simulation of the indentation test on filament-wound pipe was finally conducted and damages generated in the pipe were predicted using the above developed damage models. The predictions show an excellent agreement with experimental observations including load/indentation responses and multiple delaminations shape and size. Attempt was made to detect damage-induced leakage path in the pipe after indentation.
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Robust Estimation of Scatter Matrix, Random Matrix Theory and an Application to Spectrum SensingLiu, Zhedong 05 May 2019 (has links)
The covariance estimation is one of the most critical tasks in multivariate statistical analysis. In many applications, reliable estimation of the covariance matrix, or scatter matrix in general, is required. The performance of the classical maximum likelihood method relies a great deal on the validity of the model assumption. Since the assumptions are often approximately correct, many robust statistical methods have been proposed to be robust against the deviation from the model assumptions. M-estimator is an important class of robust estimator of the scatter matrix. The properties of these robust estimators under high dimensional setting, which means the number of dimensions has the same order of magnitude as the number of observations, is desirable. To study these, random matrix theory is a very important tool. With high dimensional properties of robust estimators, we introduced a new method for blind spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks.
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Evaluační platforma pro řízení maticových světlometů / Pixel Controller evaluation platform for automotive front-lightingVlasatý, Andrej January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the front LED headlamps in the automotive industry. This paper describes the supply options and how to control these headlamps. The theoretical part describes the parameters and communication interfaces of the NCV78343 device. The practical part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter focuses on the design of the evaluation platform, the functional blocks and the configuration options. The second chapter deals with the implementation of the control software and the last part shows the measurements that were made on the evaluation board. At the end, obtained results are summarized.
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WALD TYPE TESTS WITH THE WRONG DISPERSION MATRIXRajapaksha, Kosman Watte Gedara Dimuthu Hansana 01 September 2021 (has links)
A Wald type test with the wrong dispersion matrix is used when the dispersion matrix is not a consistent estimator of the asymptotic covariance matrixof the test statistic. One class of such tests occurs when there are k groups and it is assumed that the population covariance matrices from the k groups are equal, but the common covariance matrix assumption does not hold. The pooled t test, one way AVOVA F test, and one way MANOVA F test are examples of this class. Two bootstrap confidence regions are modified to obtain large sample Wald type tests with the wrong dispersion matrix.
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Kalibrace geometrie vln vytvořených na matrici(lisovnici) z plechu / Sizing of the waves geometrical parameters fabricated on the sheet metal dieStupárek, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
This thesis approaches the problem of the return of the original geometric shape of the wave which is created on die panels. Die is used as a structural feature of the fiber-cement roofing material in its shipment in the production line. Based on the study of the theory of cold formed sheet metal determine the actual status in the plant. The method of calibration was designed from the collected informations about the original manufacturer of sheet metal panels. Under this proposal and calculation of the required forming power for the recalibration wave in the factory device for the die calibration was designed and constructed. Equipment calibration was performed on two types of corrugated panels and the result fulfilled the theoretical assumptions. In conclusion is processed technological-economic evaluation and the accompanying drawings.
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Matrix Metalloproteinase-28 (MMP-28) is the newest and least characterized member of MMP family. To date several potential substrate candidates for MMP-28 have been proposed but no in vivo substrates for this enzyme were confirmed. In the central nervous system (CNS) MMP-28 is believed to be important factor during myelination of the developing nervous system as well as during remyelination that follows neuronal injury. On the other hand, MMP-28 has been found in actively demyelinating lesions in both experimental autoimmune encephalopathy (EAE) and multiple sclerosis patients suggesting its possible role in pathological events associated with autoimmune neurodegenerative processes. In addition, MMP-28 has been linked to modulation of immune response and activation of macrophages which presents another role of this enzyme in autoimmune pathologies. In the study described herein, MMP-28 has been shown to affect myelin composition and appearance, mitochondrial protein content, and vesicular transport proteins. Moreover, the decrease in myelin basic protein quantity observed in healthy MMP-28KO animals affected the myelin staining intensity in various brain regions including corpus callous. Cellular energetic studies did not reveal differences in mitochondrial function in MMP-28KO animals and no difference in reactive oxygen species was observed. In the EAE model, MMP-28 deletion increased the occurrence of atypical form of EAE characterized by increased inflammation of arbor vitae of the brain. In addition, MMP-28 deletion decreased the inflammatory infiltrates present in brains obtained from EAE animals. Lastly, MMP-28 has been shown to affect cellular energetics and activation of bone marrow derived macrophages during the initial stages and after 24 h activation. In addition, MMP-28 deletion increased proinflammatory cytokines and receptors CD86 and iNOS found in M1 polarized macrophages. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2020. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Human Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a 3D Spheroid Culture System - Extracellular Matrix Development, Adipogenic Differentiation, and Secretory Properties / Humane mesenchymale Stammzellen aus dem Fettgewebe in einem 3D Sphäroid Kultursystem - Entwicklung der Extrazellulärmatrix, adipogene Differenzierung und sekretorische EigenschaftenHöfner, Christiane January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
The ability to differentiate into mesenchymal lineages, as well as immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, and angiogenic properties give ASCs great therapeutic potential. Through their culture as multicellular, three-dimensional spheroids this potential can even be enhanced. Accordingly, 3D spheroids are not only promising candidates for the application in regenerative medicine and inflammatory disease therapy, but also for the use as building blocks in tissue engineering approaches. Due to the resemblance to physiological cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, 3D spheroids gain higher similarity to real tissues, what makes them a valuable tool in the development of bioactive constructs equivalent to native tissues in terms of its cellular and extracellular structure. Especially, to overcome the still tremendous clinical need for adequate implants to repair soft tissue defects, 3D spheroids consisting of ASCs are a promising approach in adipose tissue engineering. Nevertheless, studies on the use of ASC-based spheroids as building blocks for fat tissue reconstruction have so far been very rare. In order to optimally exploit their therapeutic potential to further their use in regenerative medicine, including adipose tissue engineering approaches, a 3D spheroid model consisting of ASCs was characterized extensively in this work. This included not only the elucidation of the structural features, but also the differentiation capacity, gene expression, and secretory properties. In addition, the elucidation of underlying mechanisms contributing to the improved therapeutic efficiency was addressed. / Humane mesenchymale Stammzellen aus dem Fettgewebe (ASCs) verfügen über ein großes therapeutisches Potenzial. Dieses reicht von ihrer Fähigkeit zur Differenzierung entlang der mesenchymalen Linien bis hin zu entzündungshemmenden und immunmodulatorischen Eigenschaften, was sie zu vielversprechenden Kandidaten im Einsatz für die regenerative Zelltherapie macht. Die Routinekultur dieser Zellen unter herkömmlichen 2D-Kulturbedingungen führt durch den Verlust der Umgebung in einem dreidimensionalen Gewebeverbund zur Beeinträchtigung ihrer regenerativen Fähigkeiten. Die Kultivierung in dreidimensionalen Zellaggregaten (Sphäroiden), in denen die Zellen in einem mehr physiologischen 3D Verbund innerhalb ihrer sekretierten Matrix interagieren können, erscheint somit als geeignete Möglichkeit das therapeutische Potential von ASCs zu steigern. Dies macht ASC-basierte Sphäroide nicht nur zu einem vielversprechenden Ansatz in der regenerativen Medizin im Allgemeinen, sondern auch zu einem innovativen Tool in ihrer Verwendung als „Bausteine“ für das Konzept des Tissue Engineerings. Insbesondere im Bereich des Fettgewebe-Engineerings besteht ein immenser klinischer Bedarf an der Entwicklung geeigneter Implantate für die Rekonstruktion von Weichteildefekten. Hierfür erscheinen Sphäroide aus den leicht und in ausreichender Menge zu isolierenden ASCs besonders attraktiv. Der effektive Einsatz solcher Sphäroide in der regenerativen Medizin, sowie im Fettgewebe-Engineering, erfordert jedoch zunächst ihre umfassende Charakterisierung in Bezug auf Strukturmerkmale, Differenzierungsfähigkeit und sekretorische Eigenschaften. Dazu wurden im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit der Prozess der Sphäroidbildung sowie die daran beteiligten Zell-Zell- und Zell-ECM-Interaktionen untersucht. Mit Hilfe der sogenannten Liquid-Overlay Technik gelang die reproduzierbare und kontrollierte Zusammenlagerung der ASCs in dreidimensionale Sphäroide innerhalb von 24 h. Hinsichtlich der Entwicklung von Extrazellulärmatrix-Komponenten während der Sphäroidbildung zeigte sich Fibronektin als die Matrix-Komponente, welche als Erste während des Prozesses zu detektieren war. Durch das Blockieren des Fibronektin-spezifischen β1-Integrins mittels eines spezifischen Antikörpers konnte ein Einfluss dieser frühen Fibronektin-Expression auf den Verlauf der Zellaggregation gezeigt werden. Bei dem hier blockierten β1-Integrin handelt es sich um einen zellulären Rezeptor, welcher maßgeblich an der Fibronektinbindung beteiligt ist. Eine Abhängigkeit der Sphäroidbildung von der Zell-Zell Interaktion mittels Cadherine konnte hingegen für die ASCs nicht nachgewiesen werden. Somit konnten im ersten Abschnitt neben einer detaillierten Beschreibung der ASC-Sphäroidbildung zusätzlich erste Erkenntnisse über die dem Prozess zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen gewonnen werden.
Der effektive Einsatz von ASC-basierten Sphäroiden als Bausteine für das Fettgewebe-Engineering erfordert Kenntnisse sowohl über die Entwicklung der ECM als wichtigen gewebe-inhärenten Faktor, als auch über eine effiziente adipogene Induktion. Somit lag der Fokus im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit auf der Charakterisierung der Extrazellulärmatrix in den ASC-Sphäroiden, sowie auf deren Fähigkeit zur adipogenen Differenzierung im Vergleich zur konventionellen 2D-Kultur unter der Verwendung verschiedener Induktionsprotokolle. Differenzierte Sphäroide weisen mit Laminin, Kollagen Typ I, IV und VI als nachgewiesenen Hauptbestandteilen eine Fettgewebs-spezifische Matrixzusammensetzung auf, die eine ausgeprägte Ähnlichkeit zu der des nativen Fettgewebes zeigt. Darüber hinaus konnte eine verbesserte Differenzierungsfähigkeit der ASC-Sphäroide nach einem kurzen induktiven Stimulus gegenüber der 2D kultivierten Zellen gezeigt werden. Dies wurde sowohl hinsichtlich des Triglyceridgehalts, sowie der Expression adipogener Markergene nachgewiesen. Diese verbesserte Differenzierbarkeit und die Möglichkeit mit den Sphäroiden fettgewebeähnliche Mikrogewebe herzustellen, machen diese Zellaggregate zu vielversprechenden Bausteinen für Ansätze im Fettgewebe-Engineering.
Inzwischen ist bekannt, dass die Extrazellulärmatrix nicht nur als inertes, unterstützendes Gerüst wirkt, sondern auch zelluläre Prozesse, einschließlich der Differenzierung, durch die Interaktion mit zellulären Rezeptoren beeinflusst. Laminin als wichtige ECM Komponente der Basalmembran reifer Adipozyten konnte in der ECM der adipogen differenzierenden Sphäroide im Gegensatz zu 2D Kulturen zu einem sehr frühen Zeitpunkt der Adipogenese nachgewiesen werden. Um einen positiven Einfluss des Laminins auf den Prozess der adipogenen Differenzierung weitergehend zu untersuchen, wurde ein shRNA-vermittelter Knockdown eines spezifischen Laminin-Gens, welches für die Lamininkette α4 des adipospezifischen Laminin-8 Heterotrimers kodiert, durchgeführt. Obwohl ein stabiler Knockdown des LAMA4 Gens in den ASCs erreicht wurde, so konnte dennoch keine direkte Korrelation zur adipogenen Differenzierungsfähigkeit der Zellen festgestellt werden, da die reduzierte Expression dieses einzelnen Laminin-Gens sich nicht konsequent in der Expression des Gesamtlaminins auf Proteinebene durchsetzte.
Das verbesserte therapeutische Potenzial mesenchymaler Stammzellen in einer dreidimensionalen Umgebung beschränkt sich nicht nur auf ihre verbesserte Differenzierungsfähigkeit, sondern umfasst auch die parakrine Sekretion der Zellen, die angiogene, anti-apoptotische, entzündungshemmende und immunmodulatorische Eigenschaften vermittelt. Um dies auch für ASCs zu bestätigen, wurden im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit die Genexpression von ASC-basierten Sphäroiden im Vergleich zu 2D kultivierten Zellen untersucht. Durch mRNA Genexpressionsanalysen konnte für ausgewählte entzündungshemmende, anti-apoptotische und anti-tumor wirksame Zytokine eine signifikant höhere Expression in den Sphäroiden gegenüber der 2D Kultur gezeigt werden. Für einen der wichtigsten entzündungshemmenden Faktoren, Prostaglandin E2, konnte eine erhöhte Sekretion von ASCs, kultiviert als 3D Sphäroide, auch auf Sekretionsebene bestätigt werden.
Die Identifizierung intrinsischer Faktoren, welche zu dem verbesserten therapeutischen Potenzial der Zellen in einer dreidimensionalen Umgebung beitragen, ist noch ausstehend. Zur Untersuchung des Einflusses von Zell-Zellkontakten diente ein PCR-Array zum Screening hierfür relevanter Gene. Durch den Vergleich der beiden Kulturbedingungen, 2D Monolayer und 3D Sphäroide, sollten mögliche Unterschiede in den ASCs festgestellt werden können, welche eventuell für das verbesserte therapeutische Potenzial der Sphäroide mitunter verantwortlich sind. Dabei konnten eindeutige Unterschiede zwischen ASCs aus der 3D bzw. 2D-Kultur festgestellt werden. Diese Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage für weitere Untersuchungen auf diesem Gebiet, um einem umfassenden Verständnis der Rolle von Zell-Zell- und Zell-ECM-Interaktionen in einem 3D-Sphäroid-Kultursystem näherzukommen.
Zusammengefasst tragen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zu einer umfangreichen Charakterisierung der ASC Sphäroide hinsichtlich struktureller Merkmale, Differenzierungsfähigkeit und sekretorischer Eigenschaften bei. Es wurde gezeigt, dass ASCs der 3D Sphäroide nicht nur eine verbesserte Differenzierungsfähigkeit, sowie eine erhöhte Expression von Genen aufweisen, welche für verschiedene Zytokine codieren, sondern ebenso in der Lage sind Fettgewebs-ähnliche Mikrogewebe zu bilden. Diese Erkenntnisse tragen dadurch insgesamt zur Förderung der ASC Sphäroide in ihrer effektiven Anwendung in der regenerativen Medizin und im Bereich des Fettgewebe-Engineerings bei.
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Inhibition of Matrix Metalloproteinases Improves Left Ventricular Function in Mice Lacking Osteopontin After Myocardial InfarctionKrishnamurthy, Prasanna, Peterson, J. T., Subramanian, Venkateswaran, Singh, Mahipal, Singh, Krishna 01 January 2009 (has links)
Osteopontin (OPN) plays an important role in left ventricular (LV) remodeling after myocardial infarction (MI) by promoting collagen synthesis and accumulation. This study tested the hypothesis that MMP inhibition modulates post-MI LV remodeling in mice lacking OPN. Wild-type (WT) and OPN knockout (KO) mice were treated daily with MMP inhibitor (PD166793, 30 mg/kg/day) starting 3 days post-MI. LV functional and structural remodeling was measured 14 days post-MI. Infarct size was similar in WT and KO groups with or without MMP inhibition. M-mode echocardiography showed greater increase in LV end-diastolic (LVEDD) and end-systolic diameters (LVESD) and decrease in percent fractional shortening (%FS) and ejection fraction in KO-MI versus WT-MI. MMP inhibition decreased LVEDD and LVESD, and increased %FS in both groups. Interestingly, the effect was more pronounced in KO-MI group versus WT-MI (P < 0.01). MMP inhibition significantly decreased post-MI LV dilation in KO-MI group as measured by Langendorff-perfusion analysis. MMP inhibition improved LV developed pressures in both MI groups. However, the improvement was significantly higher in KO-MI group versus WT-MI (P < 0.05). MMP inhibition increased heart weight-to-body weight ratio, myocyte cross-sectional area, fibrosis and septal wall thickness only in KO-MI. Percent apoptotic myocytes in the non-infarct area was not different between the treatment groups. Expression and activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the non-infarct area was higher in KO-MI group 3 days post-MI. MMP inhibition reduced MMP-2 activity in KO-MI with no effect on the expression of TIMP-2 and TIMP-4 14 days post-MI. Thus, activation of MMPs contributes to reduced fibrosis and LV dysfunction in mice lacking OPN.
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Citrullination of the matrix: a potential link to age related changes in bone tissueSontha, Sainikhil 14 June 2019 (has links)
There is a strong correlation between aging and risk of fractures that is independent of changes in bone quantity. Although the underlying processes that dysregulate the structural health and integrity of bone tissue without affecting bone-quantity with aging are unknown, one hypothesis is that changes affecting extra-cellular components of bone, particularly components of the mineralized matrix, may contribute to the decline in bone quality with aging. Citrullination is a post-translational modification where a peptidyl arginine is enzymatically modified to a peptidyl Citrulline by enzymes knowns as peptidyl arginine deiminases (PADs). Increased citrullination of proteins is associated with altered protein function and a loss of structural stability. We propose that citrullination could have negative effects on the structural integrity of bone matrix proteins by inducing a loss of proteostasis, a conditional loss of protein homeostasis. To address this, we examined whether the levels of citrullinated bone matrix proteins differs between young and old mice. Our results show that there is a profound increase in citrullination of extractable bone matrix with ageing. To assess if changes in citrullination contribute to bone mass and/or mechanical strength, we utilized an existing murine model in which citrullination is increased. Mice deficient in Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Nonreceptor 22 (PTPN22), an inhibitor of PAD4, and thus of citrullination, have been shown to have increased histone H3 citrullination in macrophages derived from Ptpn22-/- mice compared to WT controls. We assessed several properties of bone in both young and aged Ptpn22-/- animals. In young mice, deficiency in PTPN22 leads to an increase in bone matrix citrullination. However, we did not find a link between increased citrullination and bone loss, as measured by formation of bone resorbing osteoclasts. Further, no difference in bone mass or structural parameters was seen in either young or old Ptpn22-/- mice compared to wild-type littermates. Interestingly, there was also no clear relationship between degree of citrullinated bone matrix and genotype in older mice, possibly due to overall increases in bone matrix citrullination with aging. However, as it is clear that bone matrix citrullination increases with age and that this citrullination in younger mice can be modulated by PTPN22 deficiency, we plan to use Ptpn22-/- mice as a model to learn more about the effects of increased citrullination on mechanical strength and bone matrix properties, therefore unearthing new insights into the role of post-translational modification in the function of bone matrix proteins.
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Modèles de signaux musicaux informés par la physiques des instruments : Application à l'analyse automatique de musique pour piano par factorisation en matrices non-négatives / Models of music signals informed by physics : Application to piano music analysis by non-negative matrix factorizationRigaud, François 02 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse introduit des nouveaux modèles de signaux musicaux informés par la physique des instruments. Alors que les communautés de l'acoustique instrumentale et du traitement du signal considèrent la modélisation des sons instrumentaux suivant deux approches différentes (respectivement, une modélisation du mécanisme de production du son, opposée à une modélisation des caractéristiques "morphologiques" générales du son), cette thèse propose une approche collaborative en contraignant des modèles de signaux génériques à l'aide d'information basée sur l'acoustique. L'effort est ainsi porté sur la construction de modèles spécifiques à un instrument, avec des applications aussi bien tournées vers l'acoustique (apprentissage de paramètres liés à la facture et à l'accord) que le traitement du signal (transcription de musique). En particulier nous nous concentrons sur l'analyse de musique pour piano, instrument pour lequel les sons produits sont de nature inharmonique. Cependant, l'inclusion d'une telle propriété dans des modèles de signaux est connue pour entraîner des difficultés d'optimisation, allant jusqu'à endommager les performances (en comparaison avec un modèle harmonique plus simple) dans des tâches d'analyse telles que la transcription. Un objectif majeur de cette thèse est d'avoir une meilleure compréhension des difficultés liées à l'inclusion explicite de l'inharmonicité dans des modèles de signaux, et d'étudier l'influence de l'apport de cette information sur les performances d'analyse, en particulier dans une tâche de transcription. / This thesis introduces new models of music signals informed by the physics of the instruments. While instrumental acoustics and audio signal processing target the modeling of musical tones from different perspectives (modeling of the production mechanism of the sound vs modeling of the generic "morphological'' features of the sound), this thesis aims at mixing both approaches by constraining generic signal models with acoustics-based information. Thus, it is here intended to design instrument-specific models for applications both to acoustics (learning of parameters related to the design and the tuning) and signal processing (transcription). In particular, we focus on piano music analysis for which the tones have the well-known property of inharmonicity. The inclusion of such a property in signal models however makes the optimization harder, and may even damage the performance in tasks such as music transcription when compared to a simpler harmonic model. A major goal of this thesis is thus to have a better understanding about the issues arising from the explicit inclusion of the inharmonicity in signal models, and to investigate whether it is really valuable when targeting tasks such as polyphonic music transcription.
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