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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The origin of fibre charge in chemical pulp / Fiberladdningars ursprung i kemisk massa

Lindén, Pär January 2013 (has links)
Chemical components in wood contain multiple anionic groups, including carboxyl groups and hydroxyl groups. During kraft cooking and bleaching, such structures are also formed, degraded or modified by the action of reactions both deliberate and unwanted. It has previously been found by Laine that anionic groups with pKa values of 3.3 and 5.5 can explain the observed anionic charge on chemical fibres, corresponding to carboxylic acids on hemicelluloses as well as oxidized lignin structures, respectively. It has further been found that most of the fibre charge can be accounted for through the contribution from methylglucuronic acids as well as hexenuronic acids. This study aimed to provide additional information regarding the charge component unaffiliated with either of the aforementioned uronic acids by studying kraft pulps procured from an industrial kraft mill corresponding to unit operations through a fibreline using the ODHot(EOP)D1D2 bleaching sequence. Each sample had its total charge determined by means of conductometric titration, its content of methylglucuronic acid determined by means of methanolysis followed by GC, and its content of hexenuronic acids determined by means of the HUT-method for the determination of hexenuronic acids, followed by either UV absorbance measurements or calculations based on the reduction in kappa number during the selective acid hydrolysis. The lignin content was determined by means of kappa number analysis as well as by calculations based on the kappa number after selective acid hydrolysis, which was assumed to be characteristic of the kappa number addition from the lignin content of the samples. The hexenuronic acid content was successfully determined according to the HUT-method. A difference in content was observed when results for the unbleached and oxygen delignified samples that was obtained from UV measurements were compared with the observed difference in kappa number prior and after selective acid hydrolysis for said samples. In both cases, the results based on the difference in kappa number was higher. No correlation between remaining charge and lignin content could be made. It was instead observed that individual bleaching steps had binary effects on each of the analysed components of the fibre charge. A significant increase in charge unaffiliated with methylglucuronic acid or hexenuronic acid was observed during the EOP step, indicating an oxidation of chemical structures in the pulp: this effect could not be correlated to lignin content. / Kemisk massa kan ses som ett kompositmaterial bestående av cellulosa, hemicellulosa och lignin. Dessa beståndsdelar, liksom separata lågmolekylära föreningar, innehåller anjoniska kemiska grupper som bidrar till att ge träfibrer en anjonisk laddning. Ytterligare sådana grupper kan bildas under reaktioner vid kokning och blekning, tillika kan sådana grupper modifieras eller brytas ner. Laine har tidigare visat att fiberladdningen kan förklaras genom två skilda kategorier av kemiska grupper med pKa värden på 3,3 samt 5,5, vilka kan kopplas till karboxylsyragrupper på hemicellulosor respektive till lignin. Man har därtill funnit att stora delar av fiberladdningen kan förklaras genom tillskott från de två uronsyrorna metylglukuronsyra och hexenuronsyra. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka det laddningstillskott som inte kan länkas till någon av dessa två uronsyror. Detta har gjorts genom att studera kemiska massor från industrin, tagna från de olika stegen i en bleksekvens av typen ODHot(EOP)D1D2. Massornas totalladdning mättes medelst konduktometrisk titrering, emedan metylglukuronsyrahalten mättes via methanolysis följt av GC och hexenuronsyrahalten mättes via selektiv syrahydrolys per HUT-metoden följt av UV-karakterisering respektive beräkningar baserade på differensen i kappa tal före och efter sagda hydrolys. Ligninhalten i samtliga prov mättes via kappatalsmätningar samt genom beräkningar baserade på kappatalet efter selektiv syrahydrolys, vilket anses vara kappatalsbidraget från ligninföreningarna. Hexenuronsyrahalterna uppmätta medelst UV-karakterisering respektive kappatalsdifferens jämfördes mot varandra och fanns ge olika resultat för de oblekta och syrgasdelignifierade massorna. I bägge fallen gav mätningen baserade på kappatalsdifferens högre utslag. Ingen korrelation mellan kvarvarande laddning - totalladdning minus tillskottet från uronsyrorna - och ligninhalt kunde observeras. Istället observerades binära effekter för varje uppmätt komponent under vardera blekningssteg. Under EOP-steget observerades ett tillskott till den kvarvarande laddningen, vilket skulle kunna förklaras genom oxidation av trästrukturer. Dock kan ej heller detta relateras till ligninhalten i proverna.

Mechanistic insights into enzymatic and homogeneous transition metal catalysis from quantum-chemical calculations

Crawford, Luke January 2015 (has links)
Catalysis is a key area of chemistry. Through catalysis it is possible to achieve better synthetic routes, exploit molecules normally considered to be inactive and also attain novel chemical transformations. The development of new catalysts is crucial to furthering chemistry as a field. Computational chemistry, arising from applying the equations of quantum and classical mechanics to solving chemical problems, offers an essential route to investigating the underlying atomistic detail of catalysis. In this thesis calculations have been applied towards studying a number of different catalytic processes. The processing of renewable chemical sources via homogeneous reactions, specifically cardanol from cashew nuts, is discussed. All routes examined for monoreduction of a diene model by [Ru(H)(iPrOH)(Cl)(C₆H₆)] and [Ru(H)(iPrOH)(C₆H₆)]⁺ are energetically costly and would allow for total reduction of the diene if they were operating. While this accounts for the need of high temperatures, further work is required to elucidate the true mechanism of this small but surprisingly complex system. Gold-mediated protodecarboxylation was examined in tandem with experiment to find the subtle steric and electronic effects that dictate CO₂ extrusion from gold N-heterocyclic carbene activated benzene-derived carboxylic acids. The origin of a switch in the rate limiting step from decarboxylation to protodeauration with less activated substrates was also clearly demonstrated. Studies of gold systems are closed with examinations of 1,2-difluorobenzene C–H activation and CO₂ insertion by [Au(IPr)(OH)]. Calculations highlight that the proposed mechanism for oxazole-derived substrates cannot be extended to 1,2-difluorobenzene and instead a digold complex offers more congruent predicted kinetics. The lens of quantum chemistry was turned upon palladium-mediated methoxycarbonylation reactions. An extensive study was undertaken to attempt to understand the bidentate diphosphine ligand dependency on forming either methylpropanoate (MePro) or copolymers. Mechanisms currently suggested in literature are shown to be incongruous with the formation of MePro by Pd(OAc)₂ and bulky diphosphines. A possible alternative route is proposed in this thesis. Four mechanisms for methoxycarbonylation with Pd(2-PyPPh₂)ₙ are detailed. The most accessible route is found to be congruent with experimental reports of selectivity, acid dependency and slight steric modifications. A modification of 2-PyPPh₂ to 2-(4-NMe₂-6-Me)PyPPh₂ is shown to improve both selectivity and turnover, the latter by four orders of magnitude (highest transition state from 22.9 kcal/mol to 16.7 kcal/mol ∆G), and this new second generation in silico designed ligand is studied for its applicability to wider substrate scope and different solvents. The final chapter of this thesis is a mixed quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics (QM/MM) examination of an enzymatic reaction, discussing the need for certain conditions and the role of particular amino acid residues in an S[sub]N2 hydrolysis reaction.

Σύνθεση και χαρακτηρισμός υβριδικών ανόργανων/οργανικών νανοδομημένων στερεών καταλυτών

Καραμήτρου, Μέλπω 11 July 2013 (has links)
Η δυνατότητα να συνδυαστούν οι ιδιότητες οργανικών και ανόργανων συστατικών σε ένα μοναδικό νανοδομημένο υβριδικό υλικό αποτελεί μία σημαντική επιστημονική πρόκληση στο σχεδιασμό υλικών, τα οποία μπορούν να εμφανίζουν νέες βελτιωμένες ιδιότητες και να τύχουν προηγμένων εφαρμογών. Τα υβριδικά υλικά, γενικά, μπορούν να ταξινομηθούν σε δύο μεγάλες κατηγορίες: στην κατηγορία I (class I), όπου οι δύο φάσεις συνδυάζονται μέσω ασθενών αλληλεπιδράσεων, και στην κατηγορία II (class II), όπου οι δύο φάσεις είναι σταθερά συνδεδεμένες. Στην παρούσα εργασία διερευνήθηκε η δυνατότητα εφαρμογής νανοδομημένων υβριδικών υλικών ως ετερογενείς καταλύτες στη διεργασία παραγωγής βιοντίζελ από διαφόρων ειδών έλαια. Κατά τη διεργασία αυτή, η οποία καλείται μετεστεροποίηση ή μεθανόλυση, τριγλυκερίδια αντιδρούν με μια αλκοόλη παρουσία ισχυρού οξέος ή βάσης προς παραγωγή εστέρων και γλυκερίνης. Σε πρώτη φάση, εστιάσαμε στη σύνθεση και το χαρακτηρισμό class I και class II υβριδικών οργανικών/ανόργανων υλικών αποτελούμενων από έναν ανόργανο πυρήνα διοξειδίου του πυριτίου (silica), ο οποίος θα περιβάλλεται από πολυμερικές αλυσίδες. Έτσι, στην προσπάθεια σύνθεσης υβριδικών υλικών class I αξιοποιήθηκαν οι πιθανές αλληλεπιδράσεις καθαρών και αμινοτροποποιημένων νανοσωματιδίων διοξειδίου του πυριτίου με υδατοδιαλυτά συμπολυμερή P(SSΗ-co-MA) του στυρενοσουλφονικού οξέος (SSH), με το μηλεϊνικό οξύ (ΜΑ), τα οποία φέρουν τόσο καρβοξυλικές όσο και σουλφονικές ομάδες. Ως αποτέλεσμα του όξινου χαρακτήρα των πολυμερών, τα υβριδικά νανοσωματίδια θα μπορούσαν δυνητικά να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως όξινοι καταλύτες κατά την παραγωγή του βιοντίζελ. Στην προσπάθεια σύνθεσης class II υβριδικών υλικών αξιοποιήθηκε κυρίως ο πολυμερισμός ελευθέρων ριζών μέσω μεταφοράς ατόμου (ATRP), μονομερών όπως στυρενοσουλφονικό νάτριο (SSNa), Ν-ισοπροπυλακρυλαμίδιο (NIPAM) και 2-(διμεθυλαμινο)μεθακρυλικός αιθυλεστέρας (DMAEMA). Για την εκκίνηση του πολυμερισμού χρησιμοποιήθηκαν νανοσωματίδια silica χημικά τροποποιημένα με 3-αμινοπροπυλοτριαιθοξυσιλάνιο και ακολούθως με 2-χλωροπροπιονυλοχλωρίδιο. Εναλλακτικά, χρησιμοποιήθηκαν νανοσωματίδια silica χημικά τροποποιημένα με 3-χλωροπροπυλoτριαιθοξυσιλάνιο (ATRP πολυμερισμός), ή βινυλοτριμεθοξυσιλανιο (πολυμερισμός ελευθέρων ριζών, FRP). Ο χαρακτηρισμός των δειγμάτων κατά περίπτωση έγινε με φασματοσκοπία πυρηνικού μαγνητικού συντονισμού υδρογόνου (1H NMR), φασματοσκοπία υπερύθρου με μετασχηματισμό Fourier (FTIR), θερμοσταθμική ανάλυση (TGA) και τιτλοδότηση οξέος-βάσεως. Στο τελευταίο μέρος της εργασίας ελέγχθηκε η καταλυτική δράση κάποιων εκ των συντεθέντων υλικών στην αντίδραση μεθανόλυσης της τριοξικής γλυκερόλης, χρησιμοποιώντας την τεχνική 1H NMR. Διαπιστώθηκε πως τα αμινοτροποποιημένα νανοσωματιδία silica εμφανίζουν σημαντική καταλυτική δράση. Αντίθετα η ικανότητα των υβριδικών οργανικών/ανόργανων υλικών silica-NH2(B)/P(SSH50-co-MA50), silica-NH2(D)/P(SSH75-co-MA25), και silica-VTMS-PDMAEMA να δρουν ως όξινοι ή βασικοί καταλύτες της ίδιας αντίδρασης είναι πολύ περιορισμένη. / The possibility to combine the properties of organic and inorganic components in a unique nanostructured hybrid material is a major scientific challenge in designing novel materials exhibiting improved properties and finding advanced applications. Hybrid materials generally can be classified into two categories: class I, where the two phases are combined through weak interactions, and class II, where the two phases are covalently connected. The aim of the present study was to develop novel hybrid organic/inorganic nanomaterials, potentially applied as heterogeneous catalysts in the biodiesel production process. In this process, called transesterification or methanolysis, triglycerides from various oils react with an alcohol in the presence of a strong acid or base to produce the respective esters and glycerin. In the first part of this work, we focused on the synthesis and characterization of class I and class II hybrid organic/inorganic nanomaterials consisting of an inorganic silicon dioxide (silica) core and a polymer shell. Thus, for the class I hybrid materials we took advantage of the weak interactions between net or amino-functionalized silica nanoparticles and water-soluble P(SSH-co-MA) copolymers of styrene sulfonic acid (SSH), with maleic acid (MA), carrying both carboxyl and sulfonic groups. These hybrid nanoparticles could potentially be used as acidic catalysts in the production of biodiesel, as a consequence of the acidic nature of the polymer used. For the class II hybrid materials, we mostly applied atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of monomers such as sodium styrene sulfonate (SSNa), N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) and 2-(dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA). To initiate the polymerization, silica nanoparticles chemically modified with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane and subsequently with 2-chloropropionylchloride were used. Alternatively, we also used silica nanoparticles chemically modified with 3-chloropropyltriethoxysilane (ATRP polymerization), or vinyltrimethoxysilane (free radical polymerization, FRP). In all cases, the products were characterized through a combination of techniques, such as proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and acid-base titration. In the latter part of this work, the catalytic activity of some materials in the methanolysis process of glycerol triacetate was investigated, using the 1H NMR technique. It was found that the aminofunctionalized silica nanoparticles exhibit significant catalytic activity, whereas the ability of the hybrid materials silica-NH2(B)/P(SSH50-co-MA50), silica-NH2(D)/P(SSH75-co-MA25) and silica-VTMS-PDMAEMA to act as acidic or basic catalysts is very limited.

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