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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude par Time Resolved Microwave Conductivity de photocatalyseurs pour la dépollution de l’eau / Study by Time Resolved Microwave Conductivity of photocatalysts for wastewater treatment.

Hérissan, Alexandre 16 November 2015 (has links)
La photocatalyse se base sur l’excitation d’un semi-conducteur par des photons d’énergie supérieure ou égale à son gap, générant des paires électron-trous. Celles-ci sont très réactives et susceptibles de réagir à l’interface pour réaliser par exemple l’oxydation totale d’un composé organique. Cette méthode peut être appliquée sur des eaux usées pour éliminer totalement les polluants organiques qui y sont présents. Dans la perspective d’une utilisation du soleil comme source de lumière, cette méthode peut s’avérer très économique et écologique pour le traitement de l’eau.L’interaction lumière-semi-conducteur et la dynamique des porteurs de charge sont des processus physico-chimiques primordiaux pour la photocatalyse, et il est nécessaire de bien les comprendre pour maîtriser le procédé et développer des matériaux plus efficaces. La Time Resolved Microwave Conductivity (TRMC) est une technique qui se base sur la réflexion des micro-ondes sur un semi-conducteur excité qui est directement reliée avec le nombre de porteurs de charge photo-générés. Il s’agit d’un moyen de sonder en temps réel la dynamique des porteurs de charge dans les semi-conducteurs.Ce travail s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet ANR PhotoNorm. Il consiste en une étude par TRMC de dioxyde de titane TiO2 utilisé pour la dépollution de l’eau par photocatalyse. Une partie de cette étude concerne la caractérisation des propriétés opto-électroniques des matériaux, pour lesquels la dynamique des porteurs de charge sera comparée à l’activité photocatalytique. L’effet bénéfique en photocatalyse de la déposition de nanoparticules d'or, d'argent ou bimetallique or-cuivre sur des TiO2 commerciaux sera relié à une capture d’électrons libres observée en TRMC. L’effet bénéfique sur la photocatalyse en lumière visible a été relié à une injection d’électrons dans le TiO2 par des nanoparticules de bismuth. L’autre partie de ce travail consiste en une étude plus fondamentale de la dynamique des porteurs de charge dans des TiO2 commerciaux ou synthétisés dans le cadre du projet PhotoNorm. Il y sera montré l’importance de la longueur d’onde et de l’intensité d’excitation du matériau sur le rendement de génération de porteurs de charge. L’importance des effets de surface et de l’environnement seront aussi mis en évidence de plusieurs façons. La première consiste simplement en un traitement chimique de la surface (lavage), qui peut avoir une grande influence à la fois sur la dynamique des porteurs de charge et sur la photocatalyse, sûrement en lien avec la présence d’impuretés de surface. La seconde consiste à imprégner le TiO2 par des colorants organiques présentant une forte absorption en lumière visible. Les mesures de TRMC sur ces systèmes permettent de mettre en évidence l’interaction entre le semi-conducteur et les molécules extérieures adsorbées à sa surface, notamment l’injection d’électrons du colorant excité vers le semi-conducteur, mais aussi des effets de recombinaison accrus. La troisième méthode consiste à modifier l’atmosphère de travail en TRMC. Il y est observé notamment l’importance de l’oxygène sur la dynamique des porteurs de charge, et notamment les effets de captures d’électrons, phénomènes qui entrent en jeu dans le processus de photocatalyse.Au final, la TRMC s’avère être un bon moyen d’étude de la durée de vie des porteurs de charge dans les semi-conducteurs, qui peut permettre de mieux comprendre les processus fondamentaux associés à la photocatalyse. / The photocatalysis is based on the excitation of semiconductor by photons with an energy superior or equal to the gap, generating electron-hole pairs. These are very reactive and able to react at the interface, involving for exemple the total oxidation of an organic compound. This method can be used on wastewater to eliminate the organic pollutants. With a view to use the sun as a light source this method may become an economical and ecological way for the water treatment. Light interaction between light and semiconductor and the charge-carrier dynamics are fundamental processes for photocatalysis and it is necessary to understand them in order to manage with this process and develop more efficient materials. The Time Resolved Microwave Conductivity (TRMC) is a method based on the reflexion of microwaves on an excited semiconductor which is linked to the number of photo-generated charge-carriers. This method allows us to probe in real time the charge-carrier dynamics in semiconductor. This work is included in the ANR Photonorm project. It consists in a TRMC study on titanium dioxyde TiO2 used for water depollution by photocatalysis. One part of this study consists in the characterization of the opto-electronic properties of materials for which the charge-carrier dynamics will be compared with the photocatalytic activity. The beneficial effect of nanoparticles deposition of gold, silver or gold-copper bimetallics on commercial TiO2 will be linked to the observation of free electrons observed by TRMC . The beneficial effect on photocatalysis in visible light was linked to an electron injection in TiO2 by bismuth nanoparticles. The second part of this work consists in a more fundamental study of charge-carrier dynamics on commercial or synthetized for the Photonorm project. I will be shown the importance of excitation wavelength and intensities on charge carrier generation. The importance of surface effect and environment will be emphasized by several ways. The first one just consist in surface treatment which can have a major importance on charge-carrier dynamics and photocatalysis, probably in connection with the presence or not of impurities on the surface. The second way consists in impregnating TiO2 by organic dyes which show a strong visible light absorption. The TRMC measurements highlight the interaction between the adsorbed molecules and the semiconducteur, including the electron injection from the excited dye to the TiO2 but also an increased recombination effect. The third method consist in modified the working atmosphere in TRMC. The major role of oxygen is so observed on charge-carrier dynamics, with an effect of electron capture, involving in photocatalytic mechanism.Finally TRMC proves to be a convenient method for studying charge-carrier dynamics in semiconductors, which allow a better understanding of fundamental processes bound to photocatalysis.

Dual-Band Quarter Wavelength and Half Wavelength Microstrip Transmission Line Design

Imran, Md Asheque 05 1900 (has links)
The thesis represents the design for dual-band quarter wavelength and half wavelength microstrip transmission line. Chapter 2 proposed the design of a novel dual-band asymmetric pi-shaped short-circuited quarter wavelength microstrip transmission line working at frequencies 1GHz and 1.55 GHz for 50Ω transmission line and at frequencies 1GHz and 1.43GHz for 60Ω transmission line. Chapter 3 proposed the design of a novel dual-band quarter wavelength microstrip transmission line with asymmetrically allocated open stubs and short-circuited stubs working at frequencies 1GHz and 1.32GHz. Chapter 4 proposed the design of dual-band pi-shaped open stub half wavelength microstrip transmission line working at frequencies 1GHz and 2.07GHz. Numerical simulations are performed both in HyperLynx 3D EM and in circuit simulator ADS for all of the proposed designs to measure the return loss (S11) and insertion loss (S12) in dB and phase response for S12 in degree.

Design přístroje pro mikrovlnnou diatermii / Design of Microwave Diathermy Therapeutic Machine

Havlíčková, Klára January 2018 (has links)
My thesis is focused on design of a microwave diathermy therapeutic machine. Its main goal is to improve a shape, technical solution, ergonomics and visual aspects of nowadays microwave diathermy machines and to innovate this part of technology, ergonomics, economics and the usage of this device on the field of physiotherapeutical care.

Transformation optics : Application for antennas and microwave devices / Optique de transformation : application aux antennes et aux dispositifs micro-ondes

Yi, Jianjia 12 October 2015 (has links)
Le concept de l'optique de transformation qui permet de contrôler le trajet des ondes électromagnétiques à volonté en appliquant une variation spatiale judicieusement définie dans les paramètres constitutifs, est exploré pour concevoir des nouveaux types d'antennes et de dispositifs micro-ondes. Dans une première partie, basée sur la transformation de coordonnées, un dispositif d'illusion capable de modifier l'apparence d'une émission électromagnétique et de la délocaliser, est validé par le biais de simulations numériques. Un dispositif de transition de guide d'ondes, permettant d'assurer une transmission quasi totale entre deux guides d'ondes de sections transversales différentes est également conçu et validé expérimentalement par l'utilisation des résonateurs à métamatériaux. Dans une seconde partie, la transformation de l'espace basée sur l'équation de Laplace est étudiée pour concevoir des lentilles pour les applications antennaires. Une lentille de focalisation capable de restaurer les émissions en phase d'un réseau conforme d'éléments rayonnants et une lentille à dépointage qui permet de dévier la direction du faisceau rayonné d'une antenne sont conçues. Des prototypes fabriqués à partir d'un matériau isotrope tout-diélectrique grâce à la technologie d'impression en trois dimensions (3D) permettent de valider expérimentalement la fonctionnalité des lentilles sur une large bande de fréquence. / The concept of transformation optics which can control electromagnetic waves at will by applying a judiciously defined spatial variation in the constitutive parameters is explored to design novel type antennas and microwave devices. In a first part, based on coordinate transformation, an illusion device able to modify the appearance of an electromagnetic emission and then delocalize it is validated through numerical simulations. A waveguide tapering device allowing to assure quasi-total transmission between two waveguides of different cross-sections is also designed and validated experimentally through the use of metamaterial resonators. In a second part, space transformation based on Laplace's equation is studied to design lenses for antenna applications. A beam focusing lens able to restore in-phase emissions from a conformal array of radiators and a beam steering lens that allows deflecting the radiated bema of an antenna are designed. Prototypes fabricated by an all-dielectric isotropic material through three-dimensional (3D) polyjet printing technology allow to experimentally validate the functionality of the lenses on a wide frequency range.

Terahertz and Microwave Detection Using Metallic Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes

Carrion, Enrique A 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are promising nanomaterials for high frequency applications due to their unique physical characteristics. CNTs have a low heat capacity, low intrinsic capacitance, and incredibly fast thermal time constants. They can also exhibit ballistic transport at low bias, for both phonons and electrons, as evident by their fairly long mean free paths. However, despite the great potential they present, the RF behavior of these nanostructures is not completely understood. In order to explore this high frequency regime we studied the microwave (MW) and terahertz (THz) response of individual and bundled single wall nanotube based devices. This thesis is an experimental study which attempts to understand the high frequency characteristics of metallic single walled carbon nanotubes, and to develop an ultra-fast and sensitive direct THz detector. First, the appropriate high frequency detector background is introduced. CNTs previously measured behavior draws similarities to two types of detectors: diode and bolometer. Therefore, our CNT devices are geared towards those designs. Second the fabrication process of devices is reviewed. UV lithography is used to pattern THz coupling log periodic antennas, on top of which CNTs are deposited by using a dielectrophoretic process. Third, the fabricated devices are tested at DC, MW, and THz frequencies. All of these measurements are done as a function of temperature, power, and frequency. Finally, the physical processes that give rise to the diode and bolometric detections at MW and THz detection at different temperatures and under different bias regimes (i.e. low and high) are explained.

Effect of 2,450 MHz Microwave Radiation on Microorganisms

Wu, Jung Fu 05 1900 (has links)
The effect of microwave radiation on soil bacteria in situ has been studied in both lab and field conditions. Radiation and thermal profiles show that heterotrophic bacteria, spores, fungi, and actinomycetes were not affected by total microwave radiations over the range 0 to 80 seconds of exposure at a net input of 1 KW of intensity. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria and nitrifying bacteria were also resistant to these doses. The soil microorganisms were inactivated as a function of microwave radiation in the range of 80 to 480 seconds of exposure to 1 KW of continuous radiation. By studying the relationship between temperature generated in dry and wet organisms and the pattern of destruction of inoculated bacteria by microwave radiation, it was found that inactivation was a function of cell hydration. It also revealed that bacterial cells do not absorb microwave energy and that the lethal effect of microwaves is due to direct energy transfer to cell water and the temperature increase of the suspending medium.


ALEXANDRE DE REZENDE CAMINHA 12 February 2008 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho examina, sob o enfoque de custos, de investimento e operação, dois sistemas de telecomunicações usualmente empregados no estabelecimento da ligação entre dois pontos: sistema de transmissão por cabo coaxial e sistema de transmissão em microondas em visibilidade. Cada sistema está dividido em suas partes componentes, cujos custos são levantados. Calculados estes em ambos os sistemas, define-se uma grandeza que os relaciona. Um sistema é apresentado a partir do número de canais e do comprimento do enlace, ficando perfeitamente caracterizado qual dos sistemas de transmissão é mais econômico, de acordo com o critério de decisão adotado. / [en] This work examines two telecomunications systems which are usually used in the establishment and operation - the transmission system by coaxial cable and the transmission system by microwaves line-of-sight. Both are divided in their campontent parts, which calculation in surveyd. After the surveying of costs of both system, one can define a relating magnitude. The moment a system is defined, considering the number of system is the most economic, according to the adopted criterion of decision.


[pt] Este trabalho analisa o desempenho de sistemas de micro-ondas em visibilidade em função do comportamento dos equipamentos (taxa de falha e tempo de reposição) e das características de propagação (desvanecimento). Os modelos estudados correspondem às configurações dos sistemas usuais e diversos resultados numéricos são apresentados para ilustrar a formulação teórica. A confiabilidade dos equipamentos é estimada a partir de dados relativos aos sistemas da EMBRATEL ( Empresa Brasileira de Telecomunicações) e na parte de propagação são discutidas algumas expressões semi-empíricas para avaliar o efeito desvanecimento rápido. / [en] This work deals with the performance os line-of-sight microwave links as a function of equipment behavior (failure rate and reposition time) and the propagation caracteristics (fading). The studied models correspond to usual system configurations and several numerical results are presented to ilustrate the theoretical formulation. The equipment reliability is estimated from EMBRATEL ( Brasilian Telecommunications Enterprise) systems data and some semi-empirical expressions are discurred to take into account the fast fading effect.

Evaluation Of A Microwave Radiative Transfer Model For Calculating Sat

Thompson, Simonetta 01 January 2004 (has links)
Remote sensing is the process of gathering and analyzing information about the earth's ocean, land and atmosphere using electromagnetic "wireless" techniques. Mathematical models, known as Radiative Transfer Models (RTM), are developed to calculate the observed radiance (brightness temperature) seen by the remote sensor. The RTM calculated brightness temperature is a function of fourteen environmental parameters, including atmospheric profiles of temperature, pressure and moisture, sea surface temperature, and cloud liquid water. Input parameters to the RTM model include data from NOAA Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), Reynolds weekly Sea Surface Temperature and National Ocean Data Center (NODC) WOA98 Ocean Salinity and special sensor microwave/imager (SSM/I) cloud liquid water. The calculated brightness temperatures are compared to collocated measurements from the WindSat satellite. The objective of this thesis is to fine tune the RadTb model, using simultaneous environmental parameters and measured brightness temperature from the well-calibrated WindSat radiometer. The model will be evaluated at four microwave frequencies (6.8 GHz, 10.7 GHz, 18.7 GHz, and 37.0 GHz) looking off- nadir for global radiance measurement.

Recent Discoveries in 2D Plasmonics

Baker, Sarah 01 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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