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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sewoon Mixed Use Building redevelopment project

Choi, Jeongseok 03 January 2014 (has links)
Sewoon Mixed Use Building was the 1st Mixed Use building in Korea and the largest electricity shops and apartment in Asia at that time. In 1970s, it was the symbol of rebirth of Korea from the demolition of Korean War. However, Sewoon Mixed Use Building was a mega structure that was not harmonious with the urban context. Although architects thought shops and elevated streets of Sewoon Mixed Use Building could vitalize the vicinity, it did not work as their ideal plan. As a result, the mega structure has been working as an urban wall that makes nearby districts such a slum area. Moreover, people don’t want to live in the apartment of Sewoon Mixed Use Building so that many housing units have been changed into offices. In this situation, I want to find an architectural solution to revitalize Sewoon Mixed Use Building area by reusing the old mega structures. The Sewoon mixed use building is divided in four buildings. People call them (Sewoon, Daerim, Jinyang, Sinseong) just Sewoon Plaza and the area Sewoon Plaza is located is considered as Sewoon Plaza district. This study focused on two buildings (Sewoon, Daerim). These two buildings are located nearby Jongmyo shrine park and Cheonggye creek park, and they have coonenient public tranfortation condition. Therefore, they have a potential background to be a successful renovated project. The project goal is to make an incubator to change nearby area including Sewoon buildings. The first strategy is making an arcade. Through this long arcade, new Sewoon plaza could become a part of urban context by connecting nearby urban streets and parks. This condition would make people visit Sewoon plaza easier, and new programs of Sewoon plaza would spread out and change slaum areas at the same time. The second strategy is to add new programs. New progrmas are apartment, shop, restaurant, studio for shop, theater, museum and gellery. Residents who can stay even at night are essential element to escape a slum area. Shops that sell artistic craft items and studios for them would make Sewoon arcade attractive. Museum and theater are for young artist, independent movie and small play. In the future, if new programs work well in Sewoon arcade, neighbor buildings would accept these programs and the slum area would disappear continuously. / text

Trippelhybriden / The Triple Hybrid

Vibegaard, Charlotte January 2014 (has links)
Sedan ett antal år tillbaka väljer allt fler att bo i innerstaden med små barn. Det har skapat ett enormt behov av nya förskoleplatser. Den vanligaste lösningen har blivit paviljonger med tillfälligt bygglov där antalet moduler monteras efter behov.  Med denna flexibla möjlighet tycks dock barackerna ha kommit för att stanna och blir oftast något helt annat än den provisoriska lösning de en gång var ämnade för.   Ett annat problem som förskolan står inför är att maten inte tillagas på plats utan körs ut från storkök och levereras i värmeslådor. Det fungerar förvisso men den pedagogiska poängen går om intet.   Syftet med projektet har varit att rita ett dagis i Stockholms innerstad som med samutnyttjade funktioner ger ett flexibelt förslag. Till förskolan hör ett restaurangkök som också serverar en restaurang, öppen för allmänheten. Kvällstid används vissa av barnens lokaler till en dansstudio. Samutnyttjandet blir kärnan och drivkraften i projektet.   Tomten är belägen i ena hörnet av Tantolunden på Södermalm.  Den avgränsas av bilväg och tågspår samt stora nivåskillnader. Buller och trafikfaror är påtagliga. Samtidigt delar den norra sidan ett fantastiskt parkläge med den kulturmärkta Ekermanska malmgården som funnits flera hundra år på platsen.   Att bygga i park är kontroversiellt och byggnaden har därför fått som uppgift att tydliggöra platsen som i nuläget är svåranvänd. Med publika verksamheter mot Ringvägen blir den en destination istället för en passage. Med en förlängning av Ekermanska gårdens riktning definieras också parkrummets gräns. Volymen i sig omsluter en innergård som blir barnens trygga oas. / An increasing number of families with small children are now choosing to live in Stockholm’s inner city, which has led to a tremendous need for more pre-schools. The most common solution today is to use pavilions with temporary building permits where modules are assembled as required from time to time. As they provide such a flexible solution, these barracks are however often being used in a permanent manner, quite different from the interim solution they were once intended to be.   Another problem that pre-schools face is that the children’s food is not cooked on location, but is instead prepared in industrial kitchens and delivered to the pre-schools. Although this is a viable solution, it does not fulfill the intended educational objective. The purpose of this project has been to design a pre-school in Stockholm’s inner city which provides a flexible option due to co-usage features. The pre-school’s kitchen also caters a restaurant which is open to the public. In the evenings, part of the children's space is used as a dance studio. This co-usage of space and function becomes the core and driving force of the project.   The grounds of the pre-school are located in one corner of the park Tantolunden on Södermalm. One side of the grounds is adjacent to motor roads and railroad tracks and significant differences in level. Noise and traffic dangers are obvious. At the same time, the north side of the grounds shares an amazing park with the heritage listed Ekermanska malmgården which has existed at this site for centuries. Building in parks is controversial and the building has therefore been given the task of clarifying this site, which is currently difficult to use. By providing businesses open to the public along Ringvägen, it becomes a destination instead of merely a place of transit. By providing an extension of Ekermanska malmgården's direction, the boundaries of the park are also defined. The volume itself encloses a courtyard that becomes the children's safe haven.

Mišrios paskirties pastatas Vilniaus Naujamiestyje / Mixed Use Building in Naujamiestis District, Vilnius

Žygaitis, Marius 25 June 2014 (has links)
Iš žmonėms projektuojamų pastatų galima nesunkiai nuspręsti, koks tos socialinės grupės gyvenimo stilius, vertybės ir siekiai. Vertinti architektūrą – reiškia vertinti žmonių kultūros lygį, technologinius pasiekimus ir pažangos kryptį – ar ji koncentruota tik į dabartinių poreikių tenkinimą, ar atsižvelgiama ir į aplinkos tausojimą, jos puoselėjimą. Pastaruoju metu ryšį su aplinka ir žmonių socialumą galima apibrėžti vienu terminu – tvarumas. Šio termino esmė yra trijų sąvokų – socialumas, ekologiškumas ir ekonomiškumas (racionalumas) – ryšys ir tarpusavio proporcija. Tad tvari architektūra – žmonių socialumą skatinanti, draugiška aplinkai ir racionali architektūra. Iš šio žodžio junginio – tvari architektūra – kyla baigiamojo darbo tema ir problematika. Tad tyrimo objektas – tvari architektūra ir jos pritaikomumas Lietuvoje. Tyrimo tikslas – išaiškinti žodžio tvarumas praktines ir teorines suvokimo bei panaudojimo galimybes. Tuomet rasti neracionaliai išnaudotą vietą miesto centre. Joje sukurti mišrios paskirties architektūrinį objektą, kuris nagrinėjamas pagrindiniais aspektais – ekologija, socialumu ir ekonomija, o taip pat ir estetiniu, bei kontekstualumo atžvilgiu būtų ženkliai pranašesnis už buvusią struktūrą. Tyrimo rezultatas – suprojektuotas mišrios paskirties pastatas Vilniaus Naujamiestyje. Šiame pastate numatyta gyvenamoji ir visuomeninė funkcijos. Jos užtikrina nuolatinį žmonių srautą, kuris didina individų socialumą, saugumą bei patrauklumą komercinių veiklų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / By analyzing buildings it is easy to decide what the social group life style, values and aspirations are. To judge architecture means to assess the cultural level, technological achievement and civilization progress in the direction - whether it is focused only on the current needs, or takes into account environmental sustainability and its nurturing. Recently, the relationship with the environment and people's sociability can be defined in one term - sustainability. The essence of the term lies in three concepts - sociability, ecology, cost-effectiveness (rationality) and their interconnection. Sustainable architecture promotes sociability, consciousness to the environment and does not require a lot of resources. This compound word - sustainable architecture is my thesis theme and main topic. So the study object is sustainable architecture and its application in Lithuania. The aim of this work is to explain the word sustainability in practical and theoretical means. Next step is to find irrationally used site near the city center. Finally create there a mixed-use architectural object, which may be examined in ecological, social, economic, aesthetic and contextual aspects. In all those points new structure should be significantly better than the previous one. Research result is a mixed-use building designed in the Naujamiestis district of Vilnius. This building consists of residential and public functions. These functions ensure a continuous flow of people, which increases... [to full text]

Polyfunkčný dom / Mixed-use building

Herceg, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
The subject of master thesis is new building of mixed-use building in the cadastral area Brno city part Černá Pole in a row of residential buildings. The building is designed with five storeys with one underground and 4 aboveground floors. The property is located in a sloping terrain. There are garages with a capacity of 18 parking spaces in underground floor and a technical room. On the first floor there are business premises and the background of the apartment building. From the second to fourth floor there are flats. The main entrance to the building is north-facing.

Polyfunkčný dom / Mixed-use building

Mareček, Patrik January 2018 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis was a project of a new mixed-use building in the land register of Brno. The object is a 5 storey building that is with basement. In the basement is garage for 13 cars. The first floor will be located several shops. Between the second and the fourth floor will be dwelling units. It is covered by flat roof with Attica. I designed the project with emphasis on disposal orientation according to the cardinal points and constructed arrangements of the building. During the process I tried to use modern methods, common material and I tried to separate space for living and space for public.

Polyfunkční dům / Mixed-use building

Procházka, Milan January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a work out project documentation of multifunctional building. The new building is located in the cadastral area of Moravské Budějovice. The object will have two uses. The first part of the building will be used as flats and the second part will be used as office space for design company with facilities. There are three floors in the residental part where seven flats are proposed (4x 3+1, 2x 2+kk and a barrier free flat 2+1). The other part of the object has two floors with offices. Their area is about 260 m2. There are 23 parking lots for cars in the building. The roof is designed as a vegetation flat roof. The object is based on concrete foundation strips. The vertical load-bearing constructions are made of ceramics bricks, the ceillings and stairs are made of reinforced concrete.


Ingridsson, Björn January 2012 (has links)
Projektet avser att undersöka hur en byggnad som ska möta en divers användning i urban miljö kan dela på resurser. Projektet avser att fungera som en tvärprogrammerad yta där olika användare växelverkar med sina aktiviteter över dygnets timmar likt ett stafettlopp där avlämningen blir en spännande kontaktyta. De kommersiella aktiviteterna över dagen ska samtidigt kunna fungera som allmän service på kvällstid. Kontaktytan för detta ska verka främjande för spontan social kontakt för både boende passerande och arbetande.

Polyfunkční budova / Mixed-use building

Slabý, Václav January 2022 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the elaboration of project documentation for the construction of a multifunctional building. The building is concerning three floors in one part and two floors in the other part. Entrances for residential area and services are separate. On the first floor there is a barrier-free apartment, technical facilities and there is also space for trade and services. On the second floor there are three residential units and office space. On the third floor there are housing units. The roof above the 3rd floor and partly above the 2nd floor is designed as a flat vegetation with limited access. The load-bearing and non-load-bearing masonry in the above-ground floors is made of ceramic blocks. Overhanging walls, as well as shaft walls, are designed from plasterboard. The facade is solved by the ETICS system. Ceiling structures are composed of pre-tensioned SPIROLL panels. The roof is vegetative, flat.

O edifí­cio multifuncional em São Paulo: desafios e potencialidades para sua inserção no quadro urbano contemporâneo / The mixed use building in São Paulo: challenges and potentialities of its urban insertion into the contemporary urban scenario.

Cunha Junior, Jaime 09 May 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o tema do edifício multifuncional na cidade contemporânea de São Paulo, e foi conduzida pela hipótese de que para cada uma das novas centralidades que se constituíram historicamente na cidade, a solução de inserção urbana do edifício multifuncional assumiu características específicas, decorrentes de variáveis representadas pelas características morfológicas do tecido urbano; pelo modelo de cidade contido nos planos urbanísticos ou nas obras viárias que engendraram a consolidação de tais centralidades, e ainda de acordo com o parâmetros contidos códigos ou na legislação de parcelamento, uso e ocupação do solo vigentes. A compreensão deste quadro evolutivo, e o deslocamento das contribuições resultantes de tal análise para o âmbito das propostas apresentadas pelo Plano Diretor Estratégico de São Paulo (PDE 2014), desdobrou-se em uma hipótese complementar: de que a retomada da solução do edifício multifuncional no contexto dos Eixos de Estruturação da Transformação Urbana (ZEU), deverá reconhecer as particularidades deste território da cidade, com destaque aos padrões de inserção urbana e do modelo de cidade contidos nos elementos que compõem a atual rede de mobilidade, bem como os aspectos morfológicos que os contituem. / This project\'s goal is to analyse the mixed-use building theme in the contemporary city of São Paulo. The project has been conducted by the hypothesis that for each and single one of the new centralities that were historically constituted in this particular city, the urban insertion solution of the multifunctional building has taken specific characteristics that come from variables represented by the morphological features of the urban fabric. Such as the city model contained in the urbanization plans or in the roadworks that had engendered the consolidation of such centralities, and yet in the codes and installment legislation, soil usage and its ocupation. The comprehension of this evolutionary scenario and the analyses\' contributions that were deslocated to the proposals\' scope presented by the Plano Diretor Estratégico de São Paulo (São Paulo\'s Strategic Master Plan - PDE 2014) have unfolded into a complementary hypothesis: that the resumption of the mixed-use building solution in the context of the Structure Pivots of the Urban Transformation (ZEU - Eixos de Estruturação da Transformação Urbana) should recognize the particularities of this city\'s territory, focusing on the urban insertion patterns and the city model contained in the elements that compose the current mobility net, as well as the morphological aspects that constitute those territories.

O edifí­cio multifuncional em São Paulo: desafios e potencialidades para sua inserção no quadro urbano contemporâneo / The mixed use building in São Paulo: challenges and potentialities of its urban insertion into the contemporary urban scenario.

Jaime Cunha Junior 09 May 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o tema do edifício multifuncional na cidade contemporânea de São Paulo, e foi conduzida pela hipótese de que para cada uma das novas centralidades que se constituíram historicamente na cidade, a solução de inserção urbana do edifício multifuncional assumiu características específicas, decorrentes de variáveis representadas pelas características morfológicas do tecido urbano; pelo modelo de cidade contido nos planos urbanísticos ou nas obras viárias que engendraram a consolidação de tais centralidades, e ainda de acordo com o parâmetros contidos códigos ou na legislação de parcelamento, uso e ocupação do solo vigentes. A compreensão deste quadro evolutivo, e o deslocamento das contribuições resultantes de tal análise para o âmbito das propostas apresentadas pelo Plano Diretor Estratégico de São Paulo (PDE 2014), desdobrou-se em uma hipótese complementar: de que a retomada da solução do edifício multifuncional no contexto dos Eixos de Estruturação da Transformação Urbana (ZEU), deverá reconhecer as particularidades deste território da cidade, com destaque aos padrões de inserção urbana e do modelo de cidade contidos nos elementos que compõem a atual rede de mobilidade, bem como os aspectos morfológicos que os contituem. / This project\'s goal is to analyse the mixed-use building theme in the contemporary city of São Paulo. The project has been conducted by the hypothesis that for each and single one of the new centralities that were historically constituted in this particular city, the urban insertion solution of the multifunctional building has taken specific characteristics that come from variables represented by the morphological features of the urban fabric. Such as the city model contained in the urbanization plans or in the roadworks that had engendered the consolidation of such centralities, and yet in the codes and installment legislation, soil usage and its ocupation. The comprehension of this evolutionary scenario and the analyses\' contributions that were deslocated to the proposals\' scope presented by the Plano Diretor Estratégico de São Paulo (São Paulo\'s Strategic Master Plan - PDE 2014) have unfolded into a complementary hypothesis: that the resumption of the mixed-use building solution in the context of the Structure Pivots of the Urban Transformation (ZEU - Eixos de Estruturação da Transformação Urbana) should recognize the particularities of this city\'s territory, focusing on the urban insertion patterns and the city model contained in the elements that compose the current mobility net, as well as the morphological aspects that constitute those territories.

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