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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôles des mécanismes épigénétiques dans la régulation de l’expression de gènes impliqués dans l’invasion de cellules tumorales. / Role of elastin peptides in epigenetic regulation of cell proliferation- and invasivity-related genes in human tumour cells

Poplineau, Mathilde 07 December 2012 (has links)
Les propriétés invasives des cellules cancéreuses sont liées à des modulations importantes de l’expression de gènes. Des protéases doivent être exprimées afin de permettre la dégradation de la matrice extracellulaire (MEC), l’activation protéolytique de protéines matricielles et la libération de facteurs de croissance, de cytokines, de récepteurs et de molécules d’adhérence. Parmi ces protéases, les métalloprotéinases matricielles (MMPs) jouent un rôle crucial dans la dégradation de la MEC et dans le remodelage tissulaire observéau cours de l’invasion tumorale. L’émergence de thérapeutiques anticancéreuses basées sur des stratégies épigénétiques nécessitent d’évaluer leurs effets sur les propriétés des cellules tumorales. Ce travail a pour objectif d’analyser les effets de modulateurs épigénétiques (un agent hypométhylant de l’ADN et des inhibiteurs d’histone désacétylases (inhibiteursd’HDACs ou HDIs)) sur l’expression des MMP-1, -2 et -9 dans la lignée cellulaire de fibrosarcome humain HT1080. Dans un premier temps, il apparaît que l’agenthypométhylant de l’ADN, la 5-aza-2’désoxycytidine (5-azadC), augmente l’expressiongénique et protéique des MMP-1, -2 et -9. Ces modifications de l’expression sont associées à (i) une déméthylation globale de l’ADN et (ii) des modifications de la supra-organisation chromatinienne correspondant globalement à une chromatine moins condensée. De plus, la5-azadC est capable d’accroître les propriétés invasives des cellules par l’intermédiaire,notamment, d’une augmentation de l’expression de la MMP-1 par un mécanisme transcriptionnel. Cette augmentation de la transcription implique le recrutement du facteurSp1 et un remodelage chromatinien au niveau du promoteur du gène de la MMP-1.Néanmoins, une déméthylation totale de ce promoteur n’est pas nécessaire à cette induction. De manière complémentaire, le traitement des cellules HT1080 par différents HDIs révèle le rôle potentiel d’HDACs dans la régulation de l’expression de la MMP-1. Un HDIà large spectre, la trichostatine A (TSA), est capable de moduler l’expression de la MMP-1 et la texture nucléaire, mais uniquement après déméthylation préalable de l’ADN par la 5-azadC. Par contre, l’HDI spécifique des HDACs de classe I, le MS-275, est capable d’induire, à lui seul, l’expression génique et protéique de la MMP-1. Cette expression génique requiert un remodelage de la chromatine et le recrutement de l’histone acétyltransférase p300 au niveau du promoteur du gène de la MMP-1. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggèrent que des mécanismes épigénétiques jouent un rôle crucial dans le contrôle de l’expression de laMMP-1 dans les cellules HT1080, influençant ainsi les propriétés invasives de ces cellules. / Invasive properties of cancer cells require critical changes in gene expression. Proteasesmust be expressed for the degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM), the proteolyticactivation of matrix proteins and the release of bioactive molecules such as growth factors,cytokines, receptors and adhesion molecules. Among these proteases, the matrixmetalloproteinase (MMP) family members play a crucial role in the ECM breakdown andremodeling of tissues during tumor invasion. The introduction of epigenetic strategies in thetherapeutic arsenal against cancer led to the need to evaluate the effects of suchtherapeutic approaches on cell behavior. Here we focused our attention on the effects ofepigenetic modulators, a DNA hypomethylating agent and histone deacetylase inhibitors(HDAC inhibitors or HDI), on the expressions of MMP-1,-2, and -9 in the human HT1080fibrosarcoma cell line. First, we showed that the DNA hypomethylating drug 5-aza-2’deoxycytidine (5-azadC) increases MMP-1, -2, -9 expressions both at the mRNA andprotein levels. These changes in gene expression are associated with (i) a global DNAdemethylation and with (ii) modifications in chromatin supra-organization which globally correspond to a more decondensed chromatin. Moreover, 5-azadC is able to increase theinvasive properties capability of the HT1080 cells mainly via MMP-1 transcription-dependent expression. This enhancement of transcription occurs through (i) Sp1 recruitment, (ii)chromatin remodeling and (iii) in absence of full demethylation on the MMP-1 genepromoter. Using different HDIs reveals that HDACs could potentially play a role in MMP-1expression. The pan-HDI trichostatin A (TSA) act in synergy with 5-azadC and is able tomodulate MMP-1 expression and nuclear texture, but only after DNA demethylation. Incontrast, the HDAC class I inhibitor, MS-275, which display additive effect with 5-azadC, isable to induce, alone, MMP-1 gene expression through chromatin remodeling and p300recruitment to its promoter. These data suggest that epigenetic mechanisms play a crucialrole in MMP-1 expression control in HT1080 cells thus influencing the invasive potential ofthese cells.

Catalyst for courage: college athletes’ experience participating in a mindfulness and self-compassion intervention

Cote, Trevor Allan 29 September 2019 (has links)
Over the past 2 decades, mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) in sport have grown from a niche application for performance excellence into a mainstream intervention for performance enhancement and well-being among athletes. The Mindfulness Meditation Training for Sport 2.0 intervention has contributed to the growth through its initial empirical support. Open trials and feasibility studies have shown encouraging results in several student-athlete populations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of a MBI in sport, MMTS 2.0, through the lens of a mixed methods quasi-experimental design examining specific psychometric correlates related with performance enhancement and well-being and a sport-specific outcome measure. The aim is to provide a more in-depth understanding of student-athletes’ experience completing Mindfulness Meditation for Sport 2.0 (MMTS) and demonstrate the opportunity for performance enhancement and holistic development through a MBI in sport. Participants were 60 student-athletes from two Division III collegiate men’s soccer teams who competed a sport-specific performance marker and seven psychometric measures at two time points (pre-intervention and post-intervention). One team (n=30) was selected as the experimental group who received the MMTS 2.0 intervention, and another team (n=30) was selected as the control group (no-treatment). In contrast to the hypothesis, the experimental group showed no significant difference in the performance marker and the seven psychometric measures when compared to the control group. Though, exploratory additions showed significant improvement for the MTMS 2.0 experimental group in self-compassion from pre-intervention to post-intervention, while no change was found with the control group. The study offers promising results that indicate the MMTS 2.0 increase student-athletes scores of self-compassion. While the statistical findings are limited, the qualitative responses from the participants (n=9) suggest that the MMTS 2.0 had a strong impact on their performance as a student and athlete. These findings provide insight into how the delivery of mindfulness and self-compassion skills in a time-limited environment help male athletes combat competition distress. Recommendations for new mindfulness and self-compassion scales to capture impact of a time-limited intervention are offered.

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