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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automated flow systems for total and isotopic analysis of thorium and uranium in samples of environmental interest

Avivar Cerezo, Jessica 16 March 2012 (has links)
Tenint en compte, les característiques i la presència d’urani i tori al medi ambient, així com la evolució de les directives que estipulen els nivells màxims de materials radioactius al medi ambient, en aquesta tesis es presenten dues revisions exhaustives i quatre mètodes analítics per a la determinació total e isotòpica de tori i urani, com alternatives a les separacions radioquímiques clàssiques, que es caracteritzen per ser laborioses i de llarga duració. Aquestes metodologies varen ser automatitzades mitjançant l’ús de tècniques d’anàlisis en flux multiconmutades, les quals proporcionen un important estalvi de reactius, amb la conseqüent reducció de cost per anàlisis i de generació de residus permetent una major freqüència d’anàlisis, i una mínima manipulació de les mostres. La espectrofotometria de llarg pas òptic i la espectrometria de masses de plasma acoblat inductivament (ICP-MS) varen ser les tècniques de detecció emprades en els mètodes desenvolupats com alternatives a detectors radiomètrics. / Taking into account the occurrence, the characteristics of uranium and thorium in the environment as well as the evolution of the directives which stipulate the limit values of radioactive materials in water samples, in this thesis two comprehensive reviews and four automated analytical systems for total and isotopic thorium and uranium determination are presented as alternatives to classical radiochemical separations which are laborious and time consuming. These methodologies have been automated exploiting multicommutated flow techniques, which provide minimal sample handling, low reagent consumption and waste generation and a high frequency of analysis. Long path length spectrophotometry and ICP-MS have been implemented in the developed methods as detection techniques instead of radiometric detectors in order to obtain fully automated, low cost and fast thorium and uranium analyzers. All the developed methods proposed in this thesis have been satisfactorily applied to environmental samples and have been validated with reference materials

Aplicaciones de interés medioambiental, clínico e industrial del análisis por inyección en flujo multiconmutado

Manera Fuente, Matias 30 November 2007 (has links)
El creciente número de controles analíticos requeridos en áreas como la sanitaria, el medio ambiente o la alimentación conlleva la necesaria automatización de los procesos analíticos.De acuerdo con ello, en esta tesis se han desarrollado, implementado y puesto a punto nuevos métodos automáticos de análisis robustos y económicos para la determinación de analitos de interés medioambiental, clínico e industrial. La automatización de las metodologías, empleando las técnicas de flujo MSFIA y MPFS, simplifican de forma considerable el procesamiento analítico con un importante ahorro de reactivos y tiempo, y permiten una mayor frecuencia de análisis, con la consecuente reducción del coste por análisis y en la generación de residuos. Los métodos propuestos son selectivos, reproducibles, precisos, robustos y en casi su totalidad son ejecutados sin la intervención del analista. / O crescente número de controlos analíticos requeridos em diversas áreas como o médio ambiente, a indústria sanitária ou a alimentar, conduziu à necessidade de automatização dos processos analíticos.Indo de encontro a estes requisitos, nesta tese desenvolveu-se, implementou-se e colocou-se em prática novos métodos de análise automáticos robustos e económicos para a determinação de analitos com interesse ambiental, clínico e industrial. A automatização das metodologias aplicando as técnicas de fluxo MSFIA e MPFS, simplificam de forma considerável o procedimento analítico com um decréscimo importante de reagentes gastos e tempo de análise, permitindo uma maior frequência de análise, com consequente redução do custo de análise e de geração de resíduos. Os métodos propostos são selectivos, reprodutíveis, precisos e robustos.

Interfacial and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes: A Force Spectroscopy Study

Poggi, Mark Andrew 22 September 2004 (has links)
Next generation polymer composites that utilize the high electrical conductivity and tensile strength of carbon nanotubes are of interest. To effectively disperse carbon nanotubes into polymers, a more fundamental understanding of the polymer/nanotube interface is needed. This requires the development of new analytical methods and techniques for measuring the adhesion between a single molecule and the sidewalls of carbon nanotubes. Atomic Force Microscopy is an integral tool in the characterization of materials on the nanoscale. The objectives of this research were to: 1) characterize the binding force between single molecules and the backbone of a single walled carbon nanotube (SWNT), and 2) measure and interpret the mechanical response of carbon-based nano-objects to compressive loads using an atomic force microscope. To identify chemical moieties that bind strongly to the sidewall of the nanotubes, two experimental approaches have been explored. In the first, force volume images of SWNT paper were obtained using gold-coated AFM tips functionalized with terminally substituted alkanethiols and para-substituted arylthiols. Analysis of these images enabled quantification of the adhesive interactions between the functionalized tip and the SWNT surface. The resultant adhesive forces were shown to be dependent upon surface topography, tip shape, and the terminal group on the alkanethiol. The mechanical response of several single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes under compressive load was examined with an AFM. When the scanner, onto which the substrate has been mounted, was extended and retracted in a cyclic fashion, cantilever deflection, oscillation amplitude and resonant frequency were simultaneously monitored. By time-correlating cantilever resonance spectra, deflection and scanner motion, precise control over the length of nanotube in contact with the substrate, analogous to fly-fishing was achieved. This multi-parameter force spectroscopy method is applicable for testing the mechanical and interfacial properties of a wide range of nanoscale objects. This research has led to a clearer understanding of the chemistry at the nanotube/polymer interface, as well as the mechanical response of nanoscale materials. A new force spectroscopic tool, multi-parameter force spectroscopy, should be extremely helpful in characterizing the mechanical response of a myriad of nanoscale objects and enable nanoscale devices to become a reality.

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