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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modellierung, Simulation und Homogenisierung des magnetomechanischen Feldproblems für magnetorheologische Elastomere

Lux, Christian 06 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die aus magnetisierbaren Partikeln und einer elastischen Matrix bestehenden magnetorheologischen Elastomere sind ein Verbundwerkstoff mit magnetisch steuerbaren Eigenschaften. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein kontinuumsmechanisches Modell zur Beschreibung der relevanten physikalischen Phänomene bereitgestellt. Die Lösung zugehöriger Randwertaufgaben basiert auf der erweiterten Finiten Elemente Methode. Zur Verifikation und Validierung des Modells werden analytische Referenzlösungen zweidimensionaler Problemstellungen herangezogen. Die Homogenisierung des magnetomechanischen Feldproblems erfolgt mit kleinen Deformationen. Aus einer Volumenmittelung der lokal inhomogenen Feldverteilungen ergeben sich makroskopische Variablen. Auf Basis dieser Größen lassen sich Aussagen über das effektive Verhalten ableiten. Somit ist neben den rein magnetischen und mechanischen Materialeigenschaften das gekoppelte magnetomechanische Verhalten analysierbar. Darunter sind aktuatorische Spannungen, magnetostriktive Dehnungen und der magnetorheologische Effekt zu verstehen. / Magnetorheological elastomers are composite materials consisting of magnetizable particles embedded in an elastic matrix. Their properties can be altered by an external magnetic field. In this work a continuum based formulation is applied to model relevant physical phenomena. Boundary value problems are solved by the extended Finite Element Method. For the purposes of verification and validation analytic solutions are provided. The homogenization of the magnetomechanical field problem is limited to small deformations. Macroscopic variables are obtained by volume averaging. In addition to macroscopic magnetic and mechanical properties the effective behavior is analyzed in terms of actuatoric stresses, magnetostrictive strains and the magnetorheological effect.

Élaboration et réalisation de matériaux magnétodiélectriques pour la miniaturisation d'antennes en bande UHF / Development and realization of magnetodielectric materials for antenna miniaturization in the UHF band

Le Guen, Emmanuel 20 February 2014 (has links)
La miniaturisation des antennes s'accompagne d'une dégradation leurs performances (bande passante, gain, efficacité), surtout avec l'utilisation de substrats matériaux diélectriques. Pour relever le défi « intégration / performances », la conception de nouveaux matériaux tels que les ferrites magnétoélectriques constitue une alternative des plus prometteuses. Ce travail met en avant les principaux paramètres à l'élaboration de ferrite spinelle par coprécipitation. Un traitement thermique modéré a permis l'obtention de céramiques semi poreuses pour la montée en fréquence. En parallèle, l'anisotropie magnétocristalline, liée à la composition (rapport Nickel / Zinc, Cobalt, Fer 2+…) ; ainsi que l'anisotropie magnétoélastique lors de l'application d'une contrainte, étendent encore le domaine des faibles pertes des ferrites de Nickel-Zinc de 400 MHz à plus de 1 GHz. Ces matériaux ont ainsi pu équiper des antennes sur les fréquences du DVH-H (470 – 830 MHz) et répondent aux normes du DVB-H. De façon à profiter pleinement de la miniaturisation, nous avons proposé une antenne imprimée. Une bonne corrélation est trouvée entre les résultats de simulation et de mesure, ainsi que des relations adaptées aux antennes patch. Enfin dans le domaine émergent des communications On / Off bodies, nous avons développé des antennes flexibles sur un substrat de type PDMS. Pour assurer une bonne efficacité de l'antenne, celle-ci est encapsulée, ce qui évite une métallisation hasardeuse (fissures, manque d'adhérence). / Antenna miniaturization, especially with dielectric substrates, is accompanied by a radiation loss (bandwidth, gain, efficiency). To meet the challenge "integration / performance", the design of new materials such as magnetodielectrics ferrites is a promising alternative. To satisfy these requirements, this work highlights the main parameters of ferrite spinel development by coprecipitation. A moderate thermal treatment leads to semi porous ceramics. In parallel, the magnetocrystalline anisotropy, related to the composition (ratio Nickel / Zinc, Cobalt, Iron 2+ ...), and the magnetoelastic anisotropy with application of stress, extend the field of low-loss from 400 MHz to over 1 GHz, in the Nickel-Zinc ferrite. These materials were able to equip antennas on DVH-H frequencies (470-830 MHz). In order to take full advantage of miniaturization, we proposed a printed antenna. A good correlation between simulation results and measurement is obtained, together with relations adapted to patch antennas. Finally, in the emerging field of communications On / Off bodies, we have developed flexible antennas on PDMS substrate. To ensure good antenna efficiency, it is encapsulated, thereby avoiding a hazardous metallization (cracks, loss of adhesion).

Otimização de propriedades piezomagnéticas de ligas de Fe-Al-B para utilização como atuador e sensor de força / Optimization of the piezomagnetic properties of Fe-Al-B alloys for use in the force actuators and sensors

Dias, Mateus Botani de Souza 18 September 2017 (has links)
Materiais magnetostrictivos, como o TERFENOL-D (Tb0,27-0,30Dy0,73-0,70Fe2) e o GALFENOL (Fe72-82Ga18-28), são aplicados em diversos tipos de atuadores, sensores e coletores de energia. Contudo, existe a necessidade de novos materiais que sejam mais baratos, ambientalmente amigáveis e com melhores propriedades mecânicas. Por essa razão, as ligas de Fe-Al são uma alternativa, já que o alumínio é mais abundante na natureza e é sete vezes mais barato que o gálio. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a influência de dois tratamentos termomecânicos nas propriedades magnéticas das ligas (Fe1-xAlx)98,4B1,6, onde x = 0,18; 0,13 e 0,21. No primeiro processamento, as ligas foram submetidas a um tratamento térmico sob compressão para introduzir uma anisotropia magnetocristalina extrínseca. Para compressões de até 180 MPa, as ligas tratadas sob tensão obtiveram valores de magnetostricção e dos coeficientes piezomagnéticos maiores que o das ligas sem tratamento. Ou seja, este processamento aumentou a sensibilidade das ligas como atuador (d33) e sensor (d33 *). No segundo processamento termomecânico, amostras com formato de chapa foram laminadas e tratadas termicamente para induzir um crescimento anormal de grãos e consequentemente uma textura. Embora não tenha ocorrido crescimento de grão anormal durante o tratamento térmico, os valores de magnetostricção foram maiores que o das amostras como fundidas. Ambos processamentos termomecânicos foram efetivos para melhorar as propriedades magnéticas e a liga (Fe0,87Al0,13)98,4B1,6 foi a que obteve os maiores valores de magnetostricção e dos coeficientes piezomagnéticos. Em outras palavras, dentre as ligas estudadas, esta composição foi mais promissora para ser aplicada em atuadores e sensores. / Magnetostrictive materials, like TERFENOL-D (Tb0.27-0.30Dy0.73-0.70Fe2) and GALFENOL (Fe72-82Ga18-28), are applied in several types of sensors, actuators and energy harvesting. Nevertheless, there is the necessity of new materials that are cheaper, environmentally friendly and with good mechanical properties. For that reason, the Fe-Al alloys are an alternative, since the aluminum is more abundant in nature and is seven times cheaper than gallium. The goal of this work is to study the influence of two thermomechanical proceeding at magnetic properties of the (Fe1- xAlx)98.4B1.6 alloys, which x = 0.18; 0.13 e 0.21. At the first proceeding, the alloys were submitted to a stress annealing to introduce an extrinsic magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Up to 180 MPa of compression stress, stress annealed alloys have magnetostriction and piezomagnetic coefficient values higher than the alloys without annealing. In other words, this proceeding increased the alloys sensibility to be applied like actuators (d33) and sensors (d33 *). At the second thermomechanical proceeding, samples with sheet format were rolled and annealed to induce an abnormal grain growth and, consequently, a texture. Although the annealing not produced an abnormal grain growth, the magnetostriction values are higher than for the as-cast samples. Both proceedings were efficient to improve the magnetic properties and the (Fe0.87Al0.13)98.4B1.6 alloy achieved the higher values of magnetostriction and piezomagnetic coefficient. In another words, between the studied alloys, this composition was the most promising to be applied like actuators and sensors.

Modelagem e fabricação de modulador em óptica integrada baseado em filme magnetostrictivo para aplicação como magnetômetro. / Sem título em inglês.

Lima, Bruno Luís Soares de 16 October 2017 (has links)
O trabalho de doutorado teve como objetivo desenvolver um modulador óptico baseado em filme magnetostrictivo para aplicação como magnetômetro. A modelagem e simulação do dispositivo foi realizada utilizando software com cálculo por método dos elementos finitos (MEF) e teve como finalidade auxiliar iterativamente os processos de projeto e fabricação do modulador. A originalidade da proposta baseia-se na construção de um guia de onda em óptica integrada recoberto por um filme magnetostrictivo para permitir a modulação , via efeito elasto-óptico, da onda guiada pela aplicação de campos magnéticos externos. O campo magnético aplicado provoca a deformação o material magnetostrictivo que induz uma modificação no perfil de esforço aplicado ao substrato. O substrato tem suas propriedades ópticas alteradas devido ao efeito elasto-óptico, o que provoca mudanças nas propriedades da luz transmitida. O trabalho tem seu início com o estudo e a caracterização de filmes magnetostrictivos de Tb25F275 e Tb23Co77 depositados por sputtering sobre substratos de silício. Uma técnica para preparação das amostras e medição da magnetostricção foi estabelecida e os coeficientes de magnetostrição dos filmes foram determinados a partir das medições diretas dos deslocamentos das amostras, em função dos campos magnéticos aplicados, utilizando a técnica de Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Os resultados experimentais obtidos permitiram a realização de simulações por MEF para verificação dos modos de guiamento da luz gerados pelo perfil de esforços induzidos termicamente no processo de deposição do filme magnetostrictivo sobre substrato de B12GeO4 (BGO). Foi modelado e simulado também o efeito da aplicação do campo magnético sobre o guia óptico obtido inicialmente pelo efeito de esforço térmico. No resultado das simulações foi possível verificar as alterações do índice de refração efetivo e da intensidade óptica do modo guiado em função de campos magnéticos aplicados ao modulador. Ao final do trabalho realizaram-se a fabricação de alguns protótipos. Os resultados das caracterizações dos moduladores construídos permitirão, no futuro, ajustar os modelos de simulação elaborados. / The doctoral work aims are the development and simulation of an optical modulator based on the effect of magnetostriction for application as magnetometer. The multiphysics simulations were performed using the Finite Elements Method (FEM). In the manufacturing process of optical modulator integrated optics techniques were applied. The originality of the proposal is based on the construction of an integrated optical waveguide covered by a magnetostrictive film to allow the modulation of the guided wave, through the elasto-optical effect, by the application of external magnetic fields. The applied magnetic field causes deformation of the magnetostrictive material that induces a modification of the stress profile produced in substrate. The substrate has its optical properties altered due to the elasto-optical effect, which causes changes in the properties of transmitted light. The work begins with the study and characterization of TbFe and TbCo2 magnetostrictive films deposited by sputtering on silicon substrates. A method for sample preparation and measurement of magnetostriction was established. The magnetostrictive coefficient of the films was determined from the direct measurement of displacements of samples by AFM technique for magnetic fields applied. The experimental results obtained allowed to perform MEF simulations to verify the light guided modes generated by the profile of thermally induced stress created by deposition process of magnetostrictive film on B12GeO4 (BGO) substrate. It was also modeled and simulated the effect of the application of magnetic field on the optical guide obtained initially by the effect of thermal stress. In simulation results, it was possible to verify the changes of effective refractive index and optical intensity of guided modes as functions of magnetic fields applied to the modulator. At the end of the work, some prototypes were fabricated. The results of characterizations of the built modulators will allow, in the future, adjustments in simulation models.

Avaliação da magnetostricção em ligas Fe1-xMx (M = V, Sn) e caracterização de suas propriedades magnéticas e microestruturais / Evaluation of magnetostriction and microstructural characterization of Fe-Sn and Fe-V alloys

Claudio Teodoro dos Santos 25 January 2008 (has links)
Materiais magnetostrictivos exibem deformação elástica na presença de um campo magnético aplicado e por isso são de grande interesse para aplicação em sensores e atuadores. Trabalhos publicados no ano 2000 mostraram que a adição de Ga e Al ao Fe resulta em ligas com elevada magnetostricção em campos baixos. A partir daí os esforços foram direcionados para a descoberta de novas ligas magnetostrictivas à base de Fe com propriedades similares às encontradas nas ligas Fe-Ga e Fe-Al. No presente trabalho foram adicionados o Sn e o V ao Fe com o objetivo de avaliar a magnetostricção e a microestrutura das ligas formadas. Para isso, foram produzidas por fusão a arco as ligas Fe-9%at.Sn, Fe-20%at.Sn e as ligas Fex% at.V para x = 20, 25 e 30. As ligas Fe-Sn foram submetidas a tratamentos térmicos em 550 e 750°C por 24 h e em 880°C por 6 h e depois resfriadas rapidamente para a retenção das fases (Fe?,Sn), FeSn, Fe3Sn2 e Fe5Sn3. Já as ligas Fe-V foram tratadas em 1100°C por 6 h para homogeneização da fase única (Fe?,V). A caracterização microestrutural e análise quantitativa das fases foram feitas por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura, microanálise por energia dispersiva (EDS) e difratometria de raios X. Também foi medida a microdureza Vickers das amostras. A magnetostricção foi medida por dilatometria de capacitância usando um dilatômetro de placa inclinada inserido no equipamento Maglab da Oxford Instruments, em campos na faixa de -1,5 a 1,5 T e temperaturas próximas de 203 K. A magnetização de saturação das amostras foi obtida em 77, 203 e 300 K utilizando o PPMS 6000 da Quantum Design. A magnetostricção de saturação (?S) das amostras da liga Fe-9Sn foi negativa e o comportamento das curvas similar ao do Fe puro. As amostras da liga Fe- 20Sn apresentaram ?S positiva devido à presença das fases ferromagnéticas Fe3Sn2 e Fe5Sn3. A ?S das ligas Fe-V foi positiva e maior em módulo do que a das ligas Fe-Sn. Concluiu-se que a substituição do Fe por Sn e V de modo geral melhorou a magnetostricção do Fe, porém a melhora não foi tão relevante quanto a observada pela substituição por Ga. / Magnetostrictive materials exhibit elastic strain in the presence of an applied magnetic field and therefore are of great interest for use in sensors and actuators. Works published in 2000 showed that the addition of Ga and Al in Fe results in alloys with high magnetostriction at low fields. Since then efforts have been directed to the discovery of new magnetostrictive Fe based alloys with similar properties to those found in Fe-Ga and Fe-Al alloys. In the present work Sn and V were added to Fe with the purpose of evaluating the magnetostriction and microstructure of these alloys. Therefore, Fe-9at.%Sn, Fe-20at.%Sn alloys and Fexat.% V alloys for x = 20, 25 and 30 were produced by arc melting. The Fe-Sn alloys were heat-treated at the temperatures of 550 and 750°C for 24 h and 880°C for 6 h and then rapidly cooled to the retention of the (?Fe,Sn), FeSn, Fe3Sn2 and Fe5Sn3 phases. Fe-V alloys were heat-treated at the temperature of 1100°C for 6 h to homogenize the (?Fe,Sn) single phase. Microstructural characterization and quantitative analysis of the phases were made by optical and scanning electron microscopy, microanalysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray powder diffraction. The Vickers microhardness of the samples was also measured. The magnetostriction was measured by capacitance dilatometry using a tilted plate dilatometer inserted into the Maglab platform by Oxford Instruments, using applied field in the range from -1.5 to 1.5 T and at temperatures close to 203 K. The samples saturation magnetization was obtained at 77, 203 and 300 K using the Quantum Design PPMS 6000. The saturation magnetostriction (?S) of the Fe-9Sn alloy samples was negative and the ?S vs. H curves behavior are similar to the pure Fe. Fe-20Sn alloy samples had positive ?S due to the presence of Fe3Sn2 and Fe5Sn3 ferromagnetic phases. The Fe-V alloys ?S was positive and larger in module than the Fe-Sn alloys ?S. We concluded that the substitution of Fe by Sn and V in a general way improved the magnetostriction of Fe, but the improvement was not as significant as observed with the substitution by Ga.

Modelagem e fabricação de modulador em óptica integrada baseado em filme magnetostrictivo para aplicação como magnetômetro. / Sem título em inglês.

Bruno Luís Soares de Lima 16 October 2017 (has links)
O trabalho de doutorado teve como objetivo desenvolver um modulador óptico baseado em filme magnetostrictivo para aplicação como magnetômetro. A modelagem e simulação do dispositivo foi realizada utilizando software com cálculo por método dos elementos finitos (MEF) e teve como finalidade auxiliar iterativamente os processos de projeto e fabricação do modulador. A originalidade da proposta baseia-se na construção de um guia de onda em óptica integrada recoberto por um filme magnetostrictivo para permitir a modulação , via efeito elasto-óptico, da onda guiada pela aplicação de campos magnéticos externos. O campo magnético aplicado provoca a deformação o material magnetostrictivo que induz uma modificação no perfil de esforço aplicado ao substrato. O substrato tem suas propriedades ópticas alteradas devido ao efeito elasto-óptico, o que provoca mudanças nas propriedades da luz transmitida. O trabalho tem seu início com o estudo e a caracterização de filmes magnetostrictivos de Tb25F275 e Tb23Co77 depositados por sputtering sobre substratos de silício. Uma técnica para preparação das amostras e medição da magnetostricção foi estabelecida e os coeficientes de magnetostrição dos filmes foram determinados a partir das medições diretas dos deslocamentos das amostras, em função dos campos magnéticos aplicados, utilizando a técnica de Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Os resultados experimentais obtidos permitiram a realização de simulações por MEF para verificação dos modos de guiamento da luz gerados pelo perfil de esforços induzidos termicamente no processo de deposição do filme magnetostrictivo sobre substrato de B12GeO4 (BGO). Foi modelado e simulado também o efeito da aplicação do campo magnético sobre o guia óptico obtido inicialmente pelo efeito de esforço térmico. No resultado das simulações foi possível verificar as alterações do índice de refração efetivo e da intensidade óptica do modo guiado em função de campos magnéticos aplicados ao modulador. Ao final do trabalho realizaram-se a fabricação de alguns protótipos. Os resultados das caracterizações dos moduladores construídos permitirão, no futuro, ajustar os modelos de simulação elaborados. / The doctoral work aims are the development and simulation of an optical modulator based on the effect of magnetostriction for application as magnetometer. The multiphysics simulations were performed using the Finite Elements Method (FEM). In the manufacturing process of optical modulator integrated optics techniques were applied. The originality of the proposal is based on the construction of an integrated optical waveguide covered by a magnetostrictive film to allow the modulation of the guided wave, through the elasto-optical effect, by the application of external magnetic fields. The applied magnetic field causes deformation of the magnetostrictive material that induces a modification of the stress profile produced in substrate. The substrate has its optical properties altered due to the elasto-optical effect, which causes changes in the properties of transmitted light. The work begins with the study and characterization of TbFe and TbCo2 magnetostrictive films deposited by sputtering on silicon substrates. A method for sample preparation and measurement of magnetostriction was established. The magnetostrictive coefficient of the films was determined from the direct measurement of displacements of samples by AFM technique for magnetic fields applied. The experimental results obtained allowed to perform MEF simulations to verify the light guided modes generated by the profile of thermally induced stress created by deposition process of magnetostrictive film on B12GeO4 (BGO) substrate. It was also modeled and simulated the effect of the application of magnetic field on the optical guide obtained initially by the effect of thermal stress. In simulation results, it was possible to verify the changes of effective refractive index and optical intensity of guided modes as functions of magnetic fields applied to the modulator. At the end of the work, some prototypes were fabricated. The results of characterizations of the built modulators will allow, in the future, adjustments in simulation models.

Avaliação da magnetostricção em ligas Fe1-xMx (M = V, Sn) e caracterização de suas propriedades magnéticas e microestruturais / Evaluation of magnetostriction and microstructural characterization of Fe-Sn and Fe-V alloys

Santos, Claudio Teodoro dos 25 January 2008 (has links)
Materiais magnetostrictivos exibem deformação elástica na presença de um campo magnético aplicado e por isso são de grande interesse para aplicação em sensores e atuadores. Trabalhos publicados no ano 2000 mostraram que a adição de Ga e Al ao Fe resulta em ligas com elevada magnetostricção em campos baixos. A partir daí os esforços foram direcionados para a descoberta de novas ligas magnetostrictivas à base de Fe com propriedades similares às encontradas nas ligas Fe-Ga e Fe-Al. No presente trabalho foram adicionados o Sn e o V ao Fe com o objetivo de avaliar a magnetostricção e a microestrutura das ligas formadas. Para isso, foram produzidas por fusão a arco as ligas Fe-9%at.Sn, Fe-20%at.Sn e as ligas Fex% at.V para x = 20, 25 e 30. As ligas Fe-Sn foram submetidas a tratamentos térmicos em 550 e 750°C por 24 h e em 880°C por 6 h e depois resfriadas rapidamente para a retenção das fases (Fe?,Sn), FeSn, Fe3Sn2 e Fe5Sn3. Já as ligas Fe-V foram tratadas em 1100°C por 6 h para homogeneização da fase única (Fe?,V). A caracterização microestrutural e análise quantitativa das fases foram feitas por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura, microanálise por energia dispersiva (EDS) e difratometria de raios X. Também foi medida a microdureza Vickers das amostras. A magnetostricção foi medida por dilatometria de capacitância usando um dilatômetro de placa inclinada inserido no equipamento Maglab da Oxford Instruments, em campos na faixa de -1,5 a 1,5 T e temperaturas próximas de 203 K. A magnetização de saturação das amostras foi obtida em 77, 203 e 300 K utilizando o PPMS 6000 da Quantum Design. A magnetostricção de saturação (?S) das amostras da liga Fe-9Sn foi negativa e o comportamento das curvas similar ao do Fe puro. As amostras da liga Fe- 20Sn apresentaram ?S positiva devido à presença das fases ferromagnéticas Fe3Sn2 e Fe5Sn3. A ?S das ligas Fe-V foi positiva e maior em módulo do que a das ligas Fe-Sn. Concluiu-se que a substituição do Fe por Sn e V de modo geral melhorou a magnetostricção do Fe, porém a melhora não foi tão relevante quanto a observada pela substituição por Ga. / Magnetostrictive materials exhibit elastic strain in the presence of an applied magnetic field and therefore are of great interest for use in sensors and actuators. Works published in 2000 showed that the addition of Ga and Al in Fe results in alloys with high magnetostriction at low fields. Since then efforts have been directed to the discovery of new magnetostrictive Fe based alloys with similar properties to those found in Fe-Ga and Fe-Al alloys. In the present work Sn and V were added to Fe with the purpose of evaluating the magnetostriction and microstructure of these alloys. Therefore, Fe-9at.%Sn, Fe-20at.%Sn alloys and Fexat.% V alloys for x = 20, 25 and 30 were produced by arc melting. The Fe-Sn alloys were heat-treated at the temperatures of 550 and 750°C for 24 h and 880°C for 6 h and then rapidly cooled to the retention of the (?Fe,Sn), FeSn, Fe3Sn2 and Fe5Sn3 phases. Fe-V alloys were heat-treated at the temperature of 1100°C for 6 h to homogenize the (?Fe,Sn) single phase. Microstructural characterization and quantitative analysis of the phases were made by optical and scanning electron microscopy, microanalysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray powder diffraction. The Vickers microhardness of the samples was also measured. The magnetostriction was measured by capacitance dilatometry using a tilted plate dilatometer inserted into the Maglab platform by Oxford Instruments, using applied field in the range from -1.5 to 1.5 T and at temperatures close to 203 K. The samples saturation magnetization was obtained at 77, 203 and 300 K using the Quantum Design PPMS 6000. The saturation magnetostriction (?S) of the Fe-9Sn alloy samples was negative and the ?S vs. H curves behavior are similar to the pure Fe. Fe-20Sn alloy samples had positive ?S due to the presence of Fe3Sn2 and Fe5Sn3 ferromagnetic phases. The Fe-V alloys ?S was positive and larger in module than the Fe-Sn alloys ?S. We concluded that the substitution of Fe by Sn and V in a general way improved the magnetostriction of Fe, but the improvement was not as significant as observed with the substitution by Ga.

Synchrotron Diffraction Studies of Spontaneous Magnetostriction in Rare Earth Transition Metal Compounds

Ning Yang January 2004 (has links)
19 Dec 2004. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "IS-T 1993" Ning Yang. 12/19/2004. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.

Υπολογισμός ηλεκτρομαγνητικών δυνάμεων και μελέτη των επιπτώσεών τους σε μια ασύγχρονη μηχανή

Κούλλουρος, Ζαννέτος 12 June 2013 (has links)
Σκοπός της διπλωματικής αυτής εργασίας ήταν η μελέτη των ηλεκτρομαγνητικών δυνάμεων που δημιουργούνται μέσα σε μια ασύγχρονη ηλεκτρική μηχανή, ειδικότερα των ακτινικών δυνάμεων, καθώς και η μηχανική συμπεριφορά της μηχανής λόγω των δυνάμεων αυτών. Χρησιμοποιήθηκε ένας τριφασικός ασύγχρονος κινητήρας βραχυκυκλωμένου δρομέα, ισχύος 4 kW, συνδεσμολογίας τριγώνου. Η προσομοίωση και η μελέτη έγινε με τη χρήση του προγράμματος Opera 2-D της εταιρείας Vector Fields, το οποίο χρησιμοποιεί τη μέθοδο των πεπερασμένων στοιχείων για την επίλυση των μερικών διαφορικών εξισώσεων που περιγράφουν τη ηλεκτρομαγνητική λειτουργία της μηχανής. Πρώτα γίνεται η ηλεκτρομαγνητική ανάλυση των μοντέλων της μηχανής στη μόνιμη κατάσταση. Μετά χρησιμοποιώντας τα μοντέλα αυτά, υπολογίστηκαν οι ηλεκτρομαγνητικές πιέσεις που ασκούνται σε δόντια του δρομέα και του στάτη και η συνολική ακτινική και εφαπτομενική δύναμη που ασκείται πάνω στον δρομέα. Όταν οι ιδιοσυχνότητες ταλάντωσης της μηχανής είναι κοντά στις συχνότητες που υπάρχουν στο φάσμα συχνοτήτων της ακτινικής δύναμης, δημιουργείται συντονισμός και προκαλεί θορύβους και ταλαντώσεις στη μηχανή. Για να αποφευχθούν τέτοιου είδους θόρυβοι και ταλαντώσεις υπολογίζονται τα πλάτη και οι συχνότητες της ακτινικής δύναμης καθώς και οι ιδιοσυχνότητες της μηχανής. Οι ίδιες μετρήσεις έγιναν και σε μοντέλο μηχανής με μια σπασμένη μπάρα του κλωβού. Απεικονίσθηκαν οι ακτινικές δυνάμεις και συγκρίθηκαν με αυτές του υγιούς μοντέλου στο πεδίο του χώρου, του χρόνου και της συχνότητας. Επίσης παρουσιάζεται μια μέθοδος για την ανίχνευση «υπογραφών» ηλεκτρικών σφαλμάτων, μέσω ανάλυσης Fourier της ακτινικής ηλεκτρομαγνητικής δύναμης και πίεσης. Τα αποτελέσματα δείχνουν πως η ηλεκτρομαγνητική δύναμη είναι μια καλή παράμετρος με τη χρήση της οποίας μπορεί να ανιχνευτεί το σφάλμα της σπασμένης μπάρας. / The aim of this thesis was to study the electromagnetic forces generated in an asynchronous electric machine, especially the radial forces and the mechanical behavior of the machine due to these forces. A three-phase squirrel cage asynchronous motor, 4 kW power, was used. The simulation and the study was performed using the program Opera 2-D of Vector Fields, which uses the finite element method to solve partial differential equations describing the operation of the electromagnetic machine. First of all, the electromagnetic analysis of models of the machine in steady state was performed. Using these models, the electromagnetic pressure on teeth of the rotor and stator was calculated and the total radial and tangential force exerted on the rotor was estimated. When the natural frequencies of oscillation of the machine are close to the frequencies of the radial force, coordination is generated and causes noise and vibrations in the machine. To avoid such noises and vibrations, the amplitudes and frequencies of the radial force and the natural frequencies of the machine must be calculated. The same measurements were made on a model engine with a broken bar. The radial forces were plotted and compared with those of the healthy model, in the field of space, time and frequency. Also, a method for the detection of "signatures" electrical fault, through Fourier analysis of the radial electromagnetic force and pressure is disclosed. The results showed that the electromagnetic force is a good parameter to use for the detection of the broken bar fault.

Caractéristiques magnétiques de matériaux doux sous l'action de contraintes mécaniques cycliques / Magnetic characteristics of soft materials by the action of cyclic mechanical stresses

Ghibaudo, Olivier 02 December 2016 (has links)
La thèse porte sur la caractérisation et la modélisation d'un échantillon ferromagnétique doux de Fer-Cobalt sous stimulation mécanique vibratoire. Le banc de caractérisation permet de maîtriser l'amplitude et la fréquence de la sollicitation mécanique au travers d’actionneurs piézoélectriques. Le cycle d'hystérésis magnétique ainsi que l'amplitude des déformations mécaniques sont mesurés simultanément lorsque l'échantillon torique est sollicité en flexion longitudinale. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent une réduction importante de l'hystérésis magnétique statique. Les réductions de coercivité sont corrélées linéairement à l'amplitude des contraintes élastiques exercées sur le tore quelle que soit la fréquence mécanique des vibrations. Ces réductions, observées en présence d'une contrainte externe cyclique, sont associées à des décrochements de parois de Bloch lorsque celles-ci sont piégées par des défauts de contraintes internes. Pour interpréter ces résultats, une modélisation de l'interaction paroi - défaut est proposée à l'aide d'une approche énergétique. Les profils d'interaction énergétique entre paroi et défaut permettent alors d'exprimer la coercivité attribuée aux défauts de contrainte interne en présence d'une contrainte externe d'amplitude et/ou de direction variable(s). Le modèle met en évidence la nécessité d'explorer un grand nombre d'états mécaniques pour chaque valeur de champ magnétique. Les portées applicatives de ces travaux sont proposées à l'issue d'un bilan énergétique effectué sur le système d'excitation magnéto-mécanique. Cette étude ouvre de nouvelles voies pour des dispositifs de récupération d'énergie mécanique vibratoire ainsi que pour des systèmes de désaimantation par activation mécanique. / This study deals with the characterization and modeling of a soft ferromagnetic sample of Cobalt-Iron under vibratory mechanical stimulation. The characterization test bench allows to control the magnitude and the frequency of the mechanical solicitation through piezoelectric actuators. The magnetic hysteresis loop and the magnitude of the mechanical deformations are measured simultaneously when the ring sample is placed under longitudinal bending. The experimental results show a significant reduction of the static magnetic hysteresis. Decreases of coercivity are linearly correlated to the amplitude of elastic strain applied on the torus regardless of the mechanical vibration frequency. These reductions, observed under a cyclic external stress, are associated with the depinning of Bloch domain walls when they encounter residual stress defects. To clarify these results, a modeling of the interaction between domain wall and defect is proposed using an energy approach. Energy profiles interaction is used to express the coercivity attributed to residual stress defects in the presence of an external stress of both variable amplitude and/or variable direction(s). The model highlights the need to explore a large number of mechanical states for each magnetic field value. Finally, applications raised by this work are proposed from an energy balance analysis performed on the magneto-mechanical excitation system. This study opens new opportunities for vibratory mechanical energy harvesting devices and systems for demagnetization by mechanical activation.

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