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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of South African provincial road condition on the efficiency of forest product transport

Nicholls, Stephen John 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The context of the study is concern over declining provincial road condition due to insufficient government funding of road maintenance. These roads are by their public nature used by a wide variety of commercial and private interests contributing a variety of axle loads. There was no information available on the use of these roads by forest companies and the road conditions. Consequently a survey was conducted to determine condition and length of each segment of provincial road in use by forestry companies and the volume of wood transported over them. In addition data was gathered on other users and their contribution to the volume transported over each section. The questionnaire indicated that the provincial roads are in a poor state. The literature review suggested a significant reduction in total cost of transport can be achieved by maintaining or rebuilding these roads. South African forest companies provide the majority of the heaviest axle loading to these roads and must theretore take responsibility tor damage caused to them. Also a variety of forest companies use the same roads and consequently collaborative studies between companies are needed. A modified Dijkstra's algorithm was used to quantify the effect of the condition of South African provincial roads on the efficiency of the transport ottorest products. The model requires digitised raster road and forest map layers combined with transport vehicle specification as input. The products of the model are optimum routes from all source points to a single exit point or sink, the total volume transported across all road nodes and the total cost to extract all wood from a map section. This output allows managers to identify critical roads tor management attention and make tentative estimates of possible reductions to total cost by altering the road condition. The manager is able to test the sensitivity of the solution to changes in variables and gain a better overall picture of the interactions within the system. The model results, and improved understanding, will provide input to more specific and collaborative studies. South African forest managers can respond to the poor provincial road network by conducting ad hue maintenance to these roads to prevent them becoming completely impassable or to rebuild them to their design state and maintain them at that state. The cost of taking no actions is that these roads would eventually become impassable. The road network model determined that, for the study area, a unilateral decision to rebuild and maintain all roads would result in a net increase in transport costs ofR 2 million/year. When compared to the cost of ad hue road improvements for the same area of R 8 million it is obvious that proper road management is a better option. It was shown that 75% of the reduction in total cost is generated by improving only 31 % of the provincial road surface. Consequently, by improving selected roads (20% of the total provincial road network for the area) it was possible to generate a net cost R 2.9 million lower than if the roads were left as they are. If reductions in operating costs are included the net cost to the forest industry is R 3.1 million/year lower than leaving the roads as they are. In addition to the cost being lower, an improved road network would be in place and the current ad hue spending would be unnecessary. On a larger scale it was estimated that poor provincial road management costs the industry as a whole R 26 million or R 1.52/m3/year. This money can be used to offset the costs of maintaining and upgrading roads. It is therefore concluded that the South African forest industry needs to assess its policy on provincial road management and become more active in the managing of these roads. The tool developed and presented is intended as a prototype decision support tool in developing future policies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die inhoud van hierdie studie handelaar die verval van provinsiale paaie as gevolg van die regering se onvoldoende fondse vir die instandhouding van die paaie. Hierdie paaie word as gevolg van hulle publieke aard deur 'n wye verskeidenheid kommersiële en private belange gebruik, wat bydra tot 'n verskeidenheid van asladings. Daar was geen inligting oor die bosbou maatskappye se gebruik van paaie of die toestand van die paaie beskikbaar nie. Gevolglik is 'n opname gemaak 0111 die kondisie en lengte van elke segment van die paaie wat deur die bosbou maatskappye gebruik word, vas te stel, asook die volume hout wat oor die paaie vervoer word. Data oor ander verbruikers van die paaie is verder ingesamel, asook hul bydrae tot die volume wat oor die paaie vervoer word. Die vraelys het aangedui dat die provinsiale paaie in 'n baie swak toestand is. 'n Literatuurstudie het getoon dat 'n beduidende daling in die totale vervoerkoste moontlik is deur hierdie paaie te onderhou afoor te bou. Die Suid-Afrikaanse bosbou maatskappye voorsien die meerderheid van die swaarste asladings op hierdie paaie en moet dus verantwoordelikheid neem vir beskadigde paaie, 'n Verskeidenheid bosbou maatskappye gebruik die paaie; gevolglik is gesamentlike studies tussen die maatskappye ook nodig. 'n Aangepaste Dijkstra algoritme is gebruik om die effek van die toestand van Suid- Afrikaanse provinsiale paaie op die effektiwiteit van die vervoer van bosbou produkte, vas te stel. Hierdie model benodig digitale inligting oor die hoofen bosbou paaie, asook die spesifikasies van die voertuie wat gebruik word. Die resultaat van die model is die optimale roetes vanaf alle bronpunt oorspronge tot by 'n enkele bestemming, die totale volume vervoer oor al die padnodusse en die totale koste verbonde aan die verwydering van alle hout uit 'n afgemerkte seksie op die kaart. Hierdie produk of result ate stel bestuurders in staat 0111 kritieke paaie vir aandag te identitiseer en om tentatiewe voorspellings van moontlike afname in die totale kostes te maak indien die toestande van paaie verbeter sou word. Die bestuurder kan die sensitiwiteit van die oplossing vir variasie in die veranderlikes toets en sodoende 'n beter geheelbeeld kry van die interaksie binne die sisteem. Die resultate van die model en n beter begrip daarvan, kan insterte lewer in meer spesitieke studies en gesamentlike studies tussen maatskappye. Suid Afrikaanse bosbou bestuurders kan teen die swak provinsiale padnetwerk optree deur ad hoc instandhouding toe te pas op hierdie paaie om te voorkom dat hulle totaal en alonbegaanbaar word. Ofhulle kan die paaie restoureer tot hul oorspronklike toestand en hulle dan in stand hou. Die kostes daaraan verbonde om nie op te tree nie, is dat hierdie paaie uiteindelik on-gaanbaar sal word. Die padnetwerkmodel het gewys dat vir die spesitieke studie area, 'n eenparige besluit 0111 alle paaie te herbou en onderhou, 'n algehele toename in vervoerkostes van R2 miljoen/jaar tot gevolg sal hê. Wanneer dit vergelyk word met die R8 miljoen wat die ad hoc padverbeterings kos, is dit duidelik dat geskikte padbestuur 'n beter opsie is. Daar is bewys dat 75% van die daling in totale kostes genereer kan word deur verbeteringe aan die oppervlaktes van slegs 31% van die provinsiale paaie te maak. Gevolglik was dit moontlik om netto kostes van R2,9 miljoen ruinder te genereer as vanneer geen instandhouding gedoen is nie. Dit is bewerkstellig deur verbeteringe aan geselekteerde paaie aante bring (20% van die totale provinsiale padnetwerk vir die area.) As die daling in bedryfskoste ingesluit is, sal die netto koste vir die bedryf R3.1 millioen/jaar ruinder wees as om die paaie so te los sonder enige aandag. Verder, tot laer koste sal daar 'n verbeterde pad netwerk in plek wees en die huidige ad hoc spandeering aan die paaie nie meer nodig wees nie. Op groot skaal, is die benaderd voorspelling dat 'n swak provinsialepadbestuurstelsel die bosbou bedryf R26 millioen of R 1.52/m3 uit die sakjaag. Hiedie misbruikde geld kan eerder teruggeploeg word in pad onderhoud en opgradeerings werksaamhede. Dit is dus nodig dat die bosbou bedryf sy beleid weer in oonskou moet neem in verband met die bestuur van provinsiale paaie en ook meer aktief die voortou sal moet neem in die instandhoudind van provinsiale paaie. Die metodiek hier ontwikkel kan 'n inleidende doel dien in die ontwikkeling van toekoemstige besluit neeming rakend die bestuur van provinsiale paaie.

Desenvolvimento de sistema de reparo para dutos e tubulações industriais utilizando materiais compósitos de matriz polimérica / Development piping and pipeline repair system using polymeric matrix composite materials

Ney Robson Ferreira Rohem 01 June 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O emprego de materiais compósitos de matriz polimérica como reparo e reforço em estruturas nas indústrias do petróleo tem se tornado uma prática industrial comum. O uso destes reforços compreende desde o recobrimento de superfícies com defeitos, passantes ou não, até o reforço estrutural. Na última década, muitos estudos foram feitos para o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia alternativa para reforço e reparo de dutos com materiais compósitos. Recentemente, em 2006, o sistema ISO de normas técnicas apresentou a primeira especificação técnica de "Reparo em Compósitos para dutos das indústrias de Petróleo, Petroquímica e de Gás Natural Qualificação, projeto, instalação, testes e inspeção" ISO/PDTS 24817. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um sistema de reparo, utilizando materiais compósitos de matriz polimérica para o reparo e reforço estrutural de dutos e tubulações industriais, em conformidade com a Norma ISO 24817:2006. Foram desenvolvidos procedimentos para a confecção de corpos de prova destinados a ensaios mecânicos, e para aplicação do sistema de reparo. O sistema de reparo é destinado a defeitos tais como perda de espessura, amassamentos e danos transpassantes. Foi construída, em paralelo, toda a infraestrutura para a montagem de um laboratório destinado ao estudo de materiais compósitos, no Laboratório de Adesão e Aderência. São apresentados resultados de parte dos ensaios mecânicos necessários, comparação dos resultados obtidos com modelos teóricos e testes hidrostáticos. / The use of polymer matrix composites to repair and strengthen structures in the oil industry has become a common industry practice. The use of these reinforcements extends from covering surfaces with defects, through wall or not, to structural reinforcement. In the last decade, many studies have been done to develop an alternative approach to the strengthening and repairing of pipelines with composite materials. Recently, in 2006, the ISO system of technical standards presented the document technical support "Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries Composite repairs for pipework Qualification, design, installation, testing and inspection" ISO/PDTS 24817. This study aims to develop a repair system using polymer matrix composite materials for repair and reinforcement of piping and pipelines in accordance with ISO 24817:2006. Procedures where developed for the confection of test specimens for mechanical testing, and application of the repair. The system is intended to repair defects such as thickness loss, gouges, and damage through wall or not. In parallel, an entire infrastructure was built for the conception of a laboratory for the study of composite materials at the Laboratory of Adhesion and Adherence. Here are presented the results of the required mechanical tests, the comparison results with theoretical models, and the hydrostatic testing.

Desenvolvimento de sistema de reparo para dutos e tubulações industriais utilizando materiais compósitos de matriz polimérica / Development piping and pipeline repair system using polymeric matrix composite materials

Ney Robson Ferreira Rohem 01 June 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O emprego de materiais compósitos de matriz polimérica como reparo e reforço em estruturas nas indústrias do petróleo tem se tornado uma prática industrial comum. O uso destes reforços compreende desde o recobrimento de superfícies com defeitos, passantes ou não, até o reforço estrutural. Na última década, muitos estudos foram feitos para o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia alternativa para reforço e reparo de dutos com materiais compósitos. Recentemente, em 2006, o sistema ISO de normas técnicas apresentou a primeira especificação técnica de "Reparo em Compósitos para dutos das indústrias de Petróleo, Petroquímica e de Gás Natural Qualificação, projeto, instalação, testes e inspeção" ISO/PDTS 24817. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um sistema de reparo, utilizando materiais compósitos de matriz polimérica para o reparo e reforço estrutural de dutos e tubulações industriais, em conformidade com a Norma ISO 24817:2006. Foram desenvolvidos procedimentos para a confecção de corpos de prova destinados a ensaios mecânicos, e para aplicação do sistema de reparo. O sistema de reparo é destinado a defeitos tais como perda de espessura, amassamentos e danos transpassantes. Foi construída, em paralelo, toda a infraestrutura para a montagem de um laboratório destinado ao estudo de materiais compósitos, no Laboratório de Adesão e Aderência. São apresentados resultados de parte dos ensaios mecânicos necessários, comparação dos resultados obtidos com modelos teóricos e testes hidrostáticos. / The use of polymer matrix composites to repair and strengthen structures in the oil industry has become a common industry practice. The use of these reinforcements extends from covering surfaces with defects, through wall or not, to structural reinforcement. In the last decade, many studies have been done to develop an alternative approach to the strengthening and repairing of pipelines with composite materials. Recently, in 2006, the ISO system of technical standards presented the document technical support "Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries Composite repairs for pipework Qualification, design, installation, testing and inspection" ISO/PDTS 24817. This study aims to develop a repair system using polymer matrix composite materials for repair and reinforcement of piping and pipelines in accordance with ISO 24817:2006. Procedures where developed for the confection of test specimens for mechanical testing, and application of the repair. The system is intended to repair defects such as thickness loss, gouges, and damage through wall or not. In parallel, an entire infrastructure was built for the conception of a laboratory for the study of composite materials at the Laboratory of Adhesion and Adherence. Here are presented the results of the required mechanical tests, the comparison results with theoretical models, and the hydrostatic testing.

Liability of Texas Municipalities Under Torts For Construction, Maintenance and Repair of Streets and Sidewalks

Waits, Edwin Bill 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to make a survey of the liability of municipal corporations in Texas for the construction, repair, and maintenance of their streets and sidewalks, and for injuries sustained by the traveling public through defects in same.

Kosteberekening en tariefvasstelling van konstruksiemasjiene en voertuie

Bester, Johannes Coen 04 1900 (has links)
Study project (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this assignment is to develop a method for rate making of construction machines and vehicles. An analysis of the fixed and variable cost of machines and vehicles are made together with the allocation of overhead costs. After anal ising the various cost components a model is developed for the determination of depreciation and finance charges by using the utilization of the relevant plant item. The figures obtained from this model are then used in an asset register. The information needed by the Receiver of Revenue is also included in this register for calculating the depreciation value at the end of the financial year. The maintenance and replacement of plant equipment are also discussed. Before the conclusion the necessity of keeping accurate records and the use of budgets for managing are looked at. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die werkstuk is om 'n raamwerk daar te stel wat gebruik kan word vir tariefvasstelling van konstruksiemasjiene en - voertuie. In Ontleding van die vaste en veranderlike koste van masjinerie en voertuie word gemaak, asook die hantering van oorhoofse koste in die onderneming. Nil die bespreking van die verskillende kostekomponente waaruit 'n tarief bestaan, word die klem geplaas op die berekening van waardevermindering. 'n Model vir waardeverminderingen finansieringskostebepaling aan die hand van die benutting van toerusting word ontwikkel. Die inligting sodoende verkry word saamgevat in 'n bateregister tesame met die inligting noodsaaklik vir die Ontvanger van Inkomste om waardeverminderingafskrywings te maak aan die einde van elke finansiele jaar. Die onderhoud en vervanging van toerusting word ook bespreek. Ter afsluiting word rekordhouding en die opstel van begrotings bespreek en die nut daarvan vir bestuur uitgewys.

The life expectancy of heavy earthmoving equipment on a sand dune mine in a highly corrosive environment

Klopper, Marthinus Ferreira 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Richards Bay Minerals (RBM) went through a restructuring process in 2002. The effect that these changes had on the life expectancy of the heavy earthmoving equipment (HEME) at the company’s sand dune mining operation situated at Richard’s Bay on the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal, was unknown. This study explores these, and various other factors, that influence the life expectancy of the HEME in this highly corrosive environment. During the last number of years there has been no equipment replacement philosophy at RBM and this has resulted in the average age of HEME at the mine being extremely high. This study suggests that when restructuring is implemented in the wrong way, the process can have significant negative implications. The study determines how the behaviour of especially drivers and maintenance personnel (maintainers) impacts on the expected life of the HEME at RBM. The hidden cost element of driver and maintainer unhappiness, however, is not included as part of this study. In the first part of this study project, the writer focuses on what may have caused the unhappiness, and makes suggestions for further studies aimed at addressing this unhappiness and changing the behaviour of drivers and maintainers. These suggestions should be seen as guidelines, as measures that work in one company may not necessarily work in another. The second part of the study project deals with the replacement philosophy regarding HEME at RBM. The mine has various types of equipment, but the main focus of this research falls on the following: Caterpillar 966- 980 (payloaders), track type equipment Caterpillar D7R/H (dozers), Caterpillar 988- 992 (heavy duty payloaders) and Bell B25 articulated dumptrucks (dumptrucks) Four different replacement models are investigated and discussed in detail. The model that was best aligned with the Caterpillar proposed best replacement practice, as stipulated by the Caterpillar replacement expert, is identified. Finally, a replacement cycle for the different types of equipment is proposed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Richardsbaai Minerale (RBM) het in 2002 deur ‘n herstruktureringsprogram gegaan. Die uitwerking wat die gevolge daarvan op die swaar grondverskuiwingsvoertuie (SGV) gehad het was onbekend. Gedurende die laaste aantal jare was daar geen vervangingsbeleid by RBM nie, en dit het meegebring dat die gemiddelde ouderdom van die SGV op die myn buitengewoon hoog is. Dit is belangrik om te bepaal wat die invloed van menslike gedrag van veral die drywers en herstelpersoneel op die verwagte leeftyd van SGV is. Die versteekte koste wat verbind word met ongelukkige drywers en herstelpersoneel maak nie deel uit van hierdie studie nie. As herstrukturering op die verkeerde manier toegepas word kan dit ‘n negatiewe impak hê. In die studie sal daar aandag gegee word aan wat die negatiewe elemente is en wat is die moontlike oorsaak daarvan. Daar word ook sekere voorstelle gemaak vir toekomstige studies om die ongelukkigheid aan te spreek en ‘n gedragsverandering na vore te bring. Die voorstelle is slegs riglyne en, wat in een maatskappy werk sal nie noodwendig in ‘n ander een werk nie. Die tweede deel van die werkstuk fokus op vervangingsteorieë met betrekking tot die SGV op RBM. Die myn het verskeie tipes SGVs maar die fokus het geval op vier soorte SGV. Hulle is Caterpillar 966- Caterpillar 980 (gemiddelde laaiers), spoor tipe toerusting Caterpillar D7R/H (stootskrapers), Caterpillar 988- Caterpillar 992 (swaargewig mobiele laaiers) en Bell B25 geartikuleerde stortings trokke (stortings trokke). Vier verskillende modelle is ondersoek en deeglik bespreek. Die model met die beste uitslae wat die mas opgekom het ten opsigte van die Caterpillar se voorgestelde beste vervangings praktyk, soos aangedui deur die Caterpillar voertuig vervangings kenner, is ge-identifiseer. Laastens word die vervangingsiklus vir die verskillende tipes toerusting voorgestel.

A strategic evaluation of privatisation of professional services for housing maintenance

林一鳴, Lam, Yat-ming. January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Rain-wind-induced cable vibrations in cable-stayed bridges

Unknown Date (has links)
This research is aimed at investigating and analyzing the rain-windinduced cable vibration phenomena experienced in cables of cable-stayed bridges and also the countermeasures employed by engineers to mitigate the large-amplitude vibration problem reported by various researchers around the world. In order to investigate the problem of the water rivulet creation at the top of the cable surface, a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) analytical model was developed and analyzed. This thesis studies the aerodynamic instability of cables in cable-stayed bridges by doing literature review of a typical in-situ test, developing a single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) analytical model, and an ANSYS finite element model. Furthermore, a linear viscous damper that acts as a countermeasure to the large amplitudes of vibration is reported and analyzed. The suppression characteristics and damper effectiveness of such countermeasure are summarized. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Heuristic rules for highway design and management.

Van Every, Bruce Edward January 1976 (has links)
Thesis. 1976. M.S.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Civil Engineering. / Microfiche copy available in Archives and Engineering. / Bibliography: leaves 116-118. / M.S.

Responsibility and the traditional Muslim built environment / Responsibility in the traditional Muslim built environment

Akbar, Jamel A January 1984 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1984. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH / Bibliography: p. 462-466. / This study aims to analyze the effect of the responsibility enjoyed by individuals over the built environment. To understand these effects the study concentrates on the physical state of the property. It is concluded that three claims will affect the physical state of a property: the claim of ownership, the claim of control and the claim of use. These three claims can be enjoyed by one or more individuals at the same time over the same property. A model is developed to explore the relationships between the three claims and the parties involved in sharing them, and it is then used to explain the physical state of a property. For example, given the same circumstances, we may expect a property that is owned, controlled and used by one person to be in a different state than if it is owned by one person, controlled by a second and used by a third. In the first case, responsibility is unified in one person, while in the second, it is dispersed among the three persons. In addition to these two, the developed model recognizes three more patterns of responsibility into which a property may be submitted. These five states of submission of the property are called the "Forms of Submission of Property." The relationship between the individuals sharing the responsibility over a property will affect the state of the property. If the relationships between the responsible parties change, the state of the property will change. The relationship between responsible individuals in the traditional Muslim built environment differs from that of contemporary environments which have changed the physical state of properties. By concentrating on the traditional built environments, this study highlights these differences. It investigates various elements from both traditional and contemporary environments within the different forms of submission. First, the study investigates each form of submission independently, and then it explores the coexistence of the various properties that are in different forms of submission in the traditional built environment. This explains the relationship between the individuals responsible for different properties. From these explorations the conclusion is reached that responsibility in the traditional environments has shifted to outsiders in contemporary environments. In traditional environments the users had more responsibility; in contemporary environments outsiders share the responsibility with the inhabitants through interventions in all claims. The study demonstrates that the structure of the built environment has changed because of the change in the pattern of responsibility. Examples of such changes are: the potential of the physical environment, the conventions of·the society, the social relationships between users and the territorial structure. / by Jamel A. Akbar. / Ph.D.

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