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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling gap dynamics, succession, and disturbance regimes of mangrove forests

Vogt, Juliane 12 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Despite their important ecosystem benefits for terrestrial and marine flora and fauna and the human livelihood mangrove forests suffer a high loss rate mainly due to human activity. Aside from these impacts, natural forest disturbances exist more commonly in mangroves compared to other forests as a direct consequence of their exposed coastal location. Within this thesis I investigate the influence of natural disturbance regimes on the mangrove forest dynamics focusing in particular on the ecological role of disturbances, disturbance patterns, forest structure, succession behavior and long-term vulnerability evaluation. The study areas were set in the Indian River Lagoon in Florida (USA) and in Can Gio an UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (Vietnam). In addition, theoretical simulation studies were carried out to complement the field studies. Thereby, in our study at the Indian River Lagoon site I investigated the ecosystem response to hurricane events of an artificially impounded mangrove forest. In Can Gio, the suitability of lightning strike – caused gaps for setting a homogenous plantation into more natural-like state according to species composition and forest structure was analyzed. Finally, a theoretical simulation study was carried out to compare lightning strike and hurricane events regarding their homogenization and heterogenization effects on the spatio-temporal forest structure. The findings of the field study in the Indian River Lagoon indicate that hurricane events had a severe impact on forest areas in higher successional stages by creating open patches, whereas areas in lower successional stages remained largely undisturbed. Furthermore, the impoundment determines the species selection of the post-hurricane succession by favoring flooding-tolerant species. However, regeneration was found to be impaired by the artificially high inundation regime at some disturbed patches. The lightning-strike disturbances enhance the species composition in the monospecific plantation in Can Gio by providing a sufficient light regime for entering seeds to establish. In addition, lightning-strike gaps increased the plantation structure complexity. Regenerating lightning-strike gaps remained as “green islands” within windthrow sites in the plantation due to their low stature and provided seeds for surrounding disturbed areas thereby accelerating their recolonization. The results of the simulation analysis of a theoretical landscape showed that in the simulated highly complex natural mature forests all disturbance regimes entail homogenization on the spatial structure compared to an undisturbed scenario. The hurricane scenario showed an increased temporal variation of the forest dynamics whereas lightning-strike gaps were not able to contribute to additional heterogeneity in the simulated area, despite of having the same tree mortality probability during disturbances. The interaction of the large-scale impoundment in the Indian River Lagoon and medium-sized hurricane events is characterized by partially impeded post-hurricane regeneration. In contrast, small-scaled lightning strikes influenced the regeneration of medium-sized windthrow sites positively within the homogenous plantation. We therefore suggest management activities aimed at creating small clearances within the plantation in Can Gio to simulate additional small-scale disturbances in order to facilitate heterogenization of the plantation structure. Natural disturbances are found to be able to enhance the species diversity and the interactions of ecological processes. In particular, where sustainable management strategies focused on maintaining ecosystem services especially in restored sites or plantations act as a supportive part. Natural disturbances are an integral component of mangrove forests and fulfill specific ecological functions. However, our findings indicate that these disturbances, on top of altered environmental conditions associated with climate change and direct human impacts, might jeopardize the natural development in unnatural forest structures as on plantations or restored sites. This thesis gives an extensive overview about the effect of various disturbances in different mangrove forest systems, including semi-natural forests and strongly modified plantations, on species composition and forest structure. Field studies and simulation analyses contribute in equal parts to the results of the thesis.

Remote sensing for developing an operational monitoring scheme for the Sundarban Reserved Forest, Bangladesh <engl.> / Entwicklung eines operationellen Überwachungsmodells für das Schutzgebiet des Sundarban Mangrovenwaldes in Bangladesh mit Hilfe von Fernerkundungsdaten

Akhter, Mariam 24 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Sundarban Reserved Forest in Bangladesh is playing a significant role in local and national economy and is providing protection to the coastline as well as to the indigenous people. During the past decades and also in recent time this forest was heavily disturbed by human intervention in many aspects. As a consequence the resources of the forest are fragmenting, shrinking and declining, which in turn leads to an increasing failure of satisfying increasing demands both at local and national levels. Therefore accurate and continuously updated spatial information is needed for optimising forest management and environmental planning on both levels to support the fulfilment of urgent needs of sustainability of the forest. Considering the specific topography and the poor accessibility of the forest versus the task of collecting information, remote sensing is an attractive, if not the only means of obtaining sound full-coverage spatial information on forest cover of Sundarban. This research used medium resolution Landsat ETM data of November 2000 and Landsat TM data of January 1989 to assess and monitor the forest for 1. Identification of the operational tools for mapping and monitoring the forest as well as on the examination of the reliability of the application of multitemporal satellite remote sensing data for building spatial databases on forest cover in Sundarban. 2. Based on the existing management plan of the forest as well as the spectral properties of Landsat ETM imagery a level III classification system was developed. 3. This classification strategy was tested by applying several methods to achieve the classification result with the highest accuracy and thus to build the most reliable methodology for mapping forest cover in Sundarban. 4. Forest cover change was assessed for the period of eleven years. Significant changes have been observed due to illegal removal of trees from the forest although a governmental moratorium on banning timber extraction exists since 1989. 5. Development of an operational monitoring scheme by means of multitemporal satellite imagery analysis, which will allow concerned authorities to set up sustainable and appropriate monitoring of the Sundarban Reserved Forest. / Das Schutzgebiet des Sundarban Mangrovenwaldes in Bangladesh spielt eine entscheidende Rolle in Hinsicht auf nationale und lokale sozio-ökonomische und sozio-ökologische Aspekte. Das Waldgebiet stabilisiert nicht nur die Küstenlinie, sondern schützt auch die Bevölkerung vor den Einflüssen von Flutkatastrophen. Durch menschlichen Einfluss wurde die Region während der letzten Jahrzehnte mehr und mehr unmittelbar gestört. Der Rückgang des Ertrags an Ressourcen aus dem Wald führte zu wachsender Unzufriedenheit in der von diesen Nutzungs-möglichkeiten abhängigen Bevölkerung. Um eine Optimierung des Waldmanagements durchführen zu können, werden kontinuierliche und genaue raumbezogene Daten benötigt. Betrachtet man die spezifische Topographie und die schlechte Zugänglichkeit der Waldgebiete, so bietet die Fernerkundung eine attraktive Möglichkeit, raumbezogene Informationen für die großen Flächen des Sundurban Mangrovenwaldes zu erfassen. Zur Analyse und Überwachung der Waldgebiete wurden zwei Satellitenbild-Datensätze mit mittlerer Auflösung verwendet, und zwar Landsat ETM Daten aus dem Jahre 2000 (November) sowie Landsat TM Daten aus dem Jahre 1989 (Januar). Die zentralen Aktivitäten im Rahmen der Bearbeitung der Dissertation beziehen sich auf 1. die Identifikation der notwendigen Werkzeuge für eine erfolgreiche Kartierung und Überwachung der Waldgebiete sowie Untersuchung der Zuverlässigkeit multi-temporaler Fernerkundungsdaten für den Aufbau einer Datenbasis für die Kartierung von Waldbedeckungsarten im Untersuchungsgebiet des Sunderban Mangroven-waldes, 2. die Entwicklung eines Klassifikationssystems nach dem USGS-Schlüssel (Auflösungsebene III) auf Grundlage des existierenden Managementplanes und der spektralen Qualität der Landsat ETM Satellitenbilddaten, 3. den Test der Klassifikationsstrategie durch Adaption unterschiedlicher Methoden und Optimierung in bezug auf Erzielung eines Ergebnisses in maximal erreichbarer Genauigkeit als Ausgangspunkt für den Aufbau einer Methodologie zum Monitoring des Sunderban Mangrovenwaldes, 4. die Extraktion der Veränderungen der Waldbedeckung über ein Zeitintervall von 11 Jahren mit weitreichenden Erkenntnissen zur Dynamik der Degradations-effekte, die hauptsächlich durch illegales Fällen trotz Verbot durch ein Regierungs-memorandum seit 1989 beschleunigt wird, 5. die Entwicklung einer operationellen Monitoring-Struktur mit Hilfe von multi-temporaler Satellitenbildanalyse für ein nachhaltiges und angepasstes raumbezo-genes Management des Sunderban-Mangrovenwaldes.

Remote sensing for developing an operational monitoring scheme for the Sundarban Reserved Forest, Bangladesh <engl.>

Akhter, Mariam 02 October 2006 (has links)
Sundarban Reserved Forest in Bangladesh is playing a significant role in local and national economy and is providing protection to the coastline as well as to the indigenous people. During the past decades and also in recent time this forest was heavily disturbed by human intervention in many aspects. As a consequence the resources of the forest are fragmenting, shrinking and declining, which in turn leads to an increasing failure of satisfying increasing demands both at local and national levels. Therefore accurate and continuously updated spatial information is needed for optimising forest management and environmental planning on both levels to support the fulfilment of urgent needs of sustainability of the forest. Considering the specific topography and the poor accessibility of the forest versus the task of collecting information, remote sensing is an attractive, if not the only means of obtaining sound full-coverage spatial information on forest cover of Sundarban. This research used medium resolution Landsat ETM data of November 2000 and Landsat TM data of January 1989 to assess and monitor the forest for 1. Identification of the operational tools for mapping and monitoring the forest as well as on the examination of the reliability of the application of multitemporal satellite remote sensing data for building spatial databases on forest cover in Sundarban. 2. Based on the existing management plan of the forest as well as the spectral properties of Landsat ETM imagery a level III classification system was developed. 3. This classification strategy was tested by applying several methods to achieve the classification result with the highest accuracy and thus to build the most reliable methodology for mapping forest cover in Sundarban. 4. Forest cover change was assessed for the period of eleven years. Significant changes have been observed due to illegal removal of trees from the forest although a governmental moratorium on banning timber extraction exists since 1989. 5. Development of an operational monitoring scheme by means of multitemporal satellite imagery analysis, which will allow concerned authorities to set up sustainable and appropriate monitoring of the Sundarban Reserved Forest. / Das Schutzgebiet des Sundarban Mangrovenwaldes in Bangladesh spielt eine entscheidende Rolle in Hinsicht auf nationale und lokale sozio-ökonomische und sozio-ökologische Aspekte. Das Waldgebiet stabilisiert nicht nur die Küstenlinie, sondern schützt auch die Bevölkerung vor den Einflüssen von Flutkatastrophen. Durch menschlichen Einfluss wurde die Region während der letzten Jahrzehnte mehr und mehr unmittelbar gestört. Der Rückgang des Ertrags an Ressourcen aus dem Wald führte zu wachsender Unzufriedenheit in der von diesen Nutzungs-möglichkeiten abhängigen Bevölkerung. Um eine Optimierung des Waldmanagements durchführen zu können, werden kontinuierliche und genaue raumbezogene Daten benötigt. Betrachtet man die spezifische Topographie und die schlechte Zugänglichkeit der Waldgebiete, so bietet die Fernerkundung eine attraktive Möglichkeit, raumbezogene Informationen für die großen Flächen des Sundurban Mangrovenwaldes zu erfassen. Zur Analyse und Überwachung der Waldgebiete wurden zwei Satellitenbild-Datensätze mit mittlerer Auflösung verwendet, und zwar Landsat ETM Daten aus dem Jahre 2000 (November) sowie Landsat TM Daten aus dem Jahre 1989 (Januar). Die zentralen Aktivitäten im Rahmen der Bearbeitung der Dissertation beziehen sich auf 1. die Identifikation der notwendigen Werkzeuge für eine erfolgreiche Kartierung und Überwachung der Waldgebiete sowie Untersuchung der Zuverlässigkeit multi-temporaler Fernerkundungsdaten für den Aufbau einer Datenbasis für die Kartierung von Waldbedeckungsarten im Untersuchungsgebiet des Sunderban Mangroven-waldes, 2. die Entwicklung eines Klassifikationssystems nach dem USGS-Schlüssel (Auflösungsebene III) auf Grundlage des existierenden Managementplanes und der spektralen Qualität der Landsat ETM Satellitenbilddaten, 3. den Test der Klassifikationsstrategie durch Adaption unterschiedlicher Methoden und Optimierung in bezug auf Erzielung eines Ergebnisses in maximal erreichbarer Genauigkeit als Ausgangspunkt für den Aufbau einer Methodologie zum Monitoring des Sunderban Mangrovenwaldes, 4. die Extraktion der Veränderungen der Waldbedeckung über ein Zeitintervall von 11 Jahren mit weitreichenden Erkenntnissen zur Dynamik der Degradations-effekte, die hauptsächlich durch illegales Fällen trotz Verbot durch ein Regierungs-memorandum seit 1989 beschleunigt wird, 5. die Entwicklung einer operationellen Monitoring-Struktur mit Hilfe von multi-temporaler Satellitenbildanalyse für ein nachhaltiges und angepasstes raumbezo-genes Management des Sunderban-Mangrovenwaldes.

Modeling gap dynamics, succession, and disturbance regimes of mangrove forests: MANDY (MANgrove DYnamics)

Vogt, Juliane 16 May 2012 (has links)
Despite their important ecosystem benefits for terrestrial and marine flora and fauna and the human livelihood mangrove forests suffer a high loss rate mainly due to human activity. Aside from these impacts, natural forest disturbances exist more commonly in mangroves compared to other forests as a direct consequence of their exposed coastal location. Within this thesis I investigate the influence of natural disturbance regimes on the mangrove forest dynamics focusing in particular on the ecological role of disturbances, disturbance patterns, forest structure, succession behavior and long-term vulnerability evaluation. The study areas were set in the Indian River Lagoon in Florida (USA) and in Can Gio an UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (Vietnam). In addition, theoretical simulation studies were carried out to complement the field studies. Thereby, in our study at the Indian River Lagoon site I investigated the ecosystem response to hurricane events of an artificially impounded mangrove forest. In Can Gio, the suitability of lightning strike – caused gaps for setting a homogenous plantation into more natural-like state according to species composition and forest structure was analyzed. Finally, a theoretical simulation study was carried out to compare lightning strike and hurricane events regarding their homogenization and heterogenization effects on the spatio-temporal forest structure. The findings of the field study in the Indian River Lagoon indicate that hurricane events had a severe impact on forest areas in higher successional stages by creating open patches, whereas areas in lower successional stages remained largely undisturbed. Furthermore, the impoundment determines the species selection of the post-hurricane succession by favoring flooding-tolerant species. However, regeneration was found to be impaired by the artificially high inundation regime at some disturbed patches. The lightning-strike disturbances enhance the species composition in the monospecific plantation in Can Gio by providing a sufficient light regime for entering seeds to establish. In addition, lightning-strike gaps increased the plantation structure complexity. Regenerating lightning-strike gaps remained as “green islands” within windthrow sites in the plantation due to their low stature and provided seeds for surrounding disturbed areas thereby accelerating their recolonization. The results of the simulation analysis of a theoretical landscape showed that in the simulated highly complex natural mature forests all disturbance regimes entail homogenization on the spatial structure compared to an undisturbed scenario. The hurricane scenario showed an increased temporal variation of the forest dynamics whereas lightning-strike gaps were not able to contribute to additional heterogeneity in the simulated area, despite of having the same tree mortality probability during disturbances. The interaction of the large-scale impoundment in the Indian River Lagoon and medium-sized hurricane events is characterized by partially impeded post-hurricane regeneration. In contrast, small-scaled lightning strikes influenced the regeneration of medium-sized windthrow sites positively within the homogenous plantation. We therefore suggest management activities aimed at creating small clearances within the plantation in Can Gio to simulate additional small-scale disturbances in order to facilitate heterogenization of the plantation structure. Natural disturbances are found to be able to enhance the species diversity and the interactions of ecological processes. In particular, where sustainable management strategies focused on maintaining ecosystem services especially in restored sites or plantations act as a supportive part. Natural disturbances are an integral component of mangrove forests and fulfill specific ecological functions. However, our findings indicate that these disturbances, on top of altered environmental conditions associated with climate change and direct human impacts, might jeopardize the natural development in unnatural forest structures as on plantations or restored sites. This thesis gives an extensive overview about the effect of various disturbances in different mangrove forest systems, including semi-natural forests and strongly modified plantations, on species composition and forest structure. Field studies and simulation analyses contribute in equal parts to the results of the thesis.

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