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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

PurificaÃÃo, caracterizaÃÃo e atividade antifÃngica da Mm-POX, uma peroxidase do lÃtex de Marsdenia megalantha (GOYDER; MORILLO, 1994) / Purification, characterization and antifungal activity of Mm-POX, a peroxidase of latex Marsdenia megalantha (Goyder; MORILLO, 1994)

Henrique Pinho Oliveira 12 December 2013 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / As peroxidases estÃo presentes em todos os organismos vivos e constituem um grupo de enzimas multifuncionais com diversas aplicaÃÃes biotecnolÃgicas. Nesse grupo, as peroxidases de plantas classe III (POX) (EC sÃo enzimas bem caracterizadas, com participaÃÃo na lignificaÃÃo, suberizaÃÃo, catabolismo de auxinas, cicatrizaÃÃo e defesa vegetal. Tais enzimas tÃm sido detectadas em diferentes partes do vegetal, inclusive no lÃtex. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo a purificaÃÃo, caracterizaÃÃo e avaliaÃÃo da atividade antifÃngica de uma peroxidase presente no lÃtex de Marsdenia megalantha, uma espÃcie endÃmica da Caatinga. O lÃtex foi coletado de plantas nativas da regiÃo do Quixadà CearÃ, Brasil, diluÃdo (1:2) em Tris-HCl 0,05 M, contendo NaCl 0,15 M, pH 8,0 e submetido à centrifugaÃÃo e diÃlise contra Ãgua. O sobrenadante foi aplicado em matriz de DEAE-Celulose, equlibrada com tampÃo acetato de sÃdio 0,05 M, pH 5,2, resultando nas proteÃnas nÃo retidas (FnRd) e nas proteÃnas retidas (FRd), essas Ãltimas eluÃdas com a adiÃÃo de NaCl 0,2 M no tampÃo inicial. A FnRd foi submetida à cromatografia em matriz de Superose 12 HR 10/30, originando duas fraÃÃes proteicas (S1 e S2). S1 se mostrou como uma proteÃna pura, com atividade peroxidÃsica, massa molecular aparente de 60 kDa, pI de 5,2 e identidade com outras POXs, que foi denominado de peroxidase de M. megalantha (Mm-POX). Mm-POX obedece à cinÃtica de Michaelis-Menten, apresenta alta afinidade pelo guaiacol e H2O2, estabilidade tÃrmica elevada (60 ÂC, 1 hora) e pH Ãtimo em torno de 6,0. A atividade catalÃtica da Mm-POX foi reduzida diante de inibidores clÃssicos de peroxidases, incluindo azida, DTT, EDTA e Na2S2O5 e de concentraÃÃes elevadas Na+, Mn2+ e Ãcido salicÃlico. Por outro lado, os Ãons Ca2+ e Mg2+, mesmo em baixas concentraÃÃes, foram capazes de potencializar a atividade enzimÃtica da Mm-POX. Testada contra fungos, Mm-POX (0,2 Âg/mL) foi capaz de inibir a germinaÃÃo de conÃdios de Fusarium oxysporum e F. solani, aÃÃo que provavelmente decorre de alteraÃÃo na membrana celular e induÃÃo de estresse oxidativo. Os dados em conjunto demonstram que a Mm-POX à uma peroxidase classe III, se constituindo na primeira proteÃna isolada de M. megalantha, com possibilidade de uso no controle de doenÃas vegetais ocasionadas por fungos, agregando valor biotecnolÃgico a essa enzima. / The peroxidases are present in all living organisms and constitute a group of multifunctional enzymes with several biotechnological applications. In this group, the class III plant peroxidases (POX) (EC are enzymes well characterized, with involvement in lignification, suberization, auxin catabolism, wound healing and plant defense. These enzymes have been detected in different parts of the plant, including the latex. The aim of this work was the purification, characterization and antifungal activity evaluation of a peroxidase from Marsdenia megalantha latex, an endemic species of the Caatinga. The latex was collected from plant grown in QuixadÃ, CearÃ, Brazil, diluted (1:2) in 0.05 M Tris-HCl containing 0.15 M NaCl, pH 8.0, and subjected to centrifugation and dialysis against water. The supernatant was applied to a DEAE-Cellulose matrix previously equilibrated with 0.05 M sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.2 and two protein fractions were obtained. Elution of the non retained proteins (FnRd) was achivied by the equilibrium buffer, whereas the bound proteins (FRd) were eluted with 0.2 M NaCl in the same buffer. FnRd was subjected to a chromatography on Superose 12 HR 10/30 column, yielding two protein fractions (S1 and S2). S1 was shown to be a pure protein with peroxidasic activity, apparent molecular mass of 60 kDa, pI 5.2 and identity with other POXs, being named of M. megalantha peroxidase (Mm-POX). Mm-POX follows the Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with high affinity for guaiacol and H2O2, elevated thermal stability (60 ÂC, 1 hour) and optimum pH around 6.0. The catalytic activity of Mm-POX was reduced in the presence of classic peroxidases inhibitors, including azide, DTT, EDTA and Na2S2O5 and also in high concentrations of Na+, Mn2+ and salicylic acid. On the other hand, Ca2+ and Mg2+, even at low concentrations, were able to enhance the enzymatic activity of Mm-POX. In addition, Mm-POX was able to inhibit the Fusarium oxysporum and F. solani conidia germination. This action is probably due to changes in the cell membrane as well as induction of oxidative stress. The results reveal that Mm-POX is a class III peroxidase, being the first enzyme isolated from M. megalantha species, with potential use in the control of plant disease caused by fungi, adding biotechnological value to this enzyme.

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