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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

TowardsWeb User-Centric Development / Vers un développement Web orienté utilisateur

Pascalau, Emilian 07 April 2014 (has links)
World Wide Web (WWW) est devenu le plus grand dépôt d’informations que l’homme ait jamais assemblé et il est en croissance continue. WWW s’est transformé en un environnement génératif qui favorise l’innovation par le développement des technologies et par un changement dans la perception des gens sur le Web et comment l’utilisent. Le nouveau WWW ou l’Internet de l’Avenir est celui d’un Internet des Services et un Internet des Objets.Naturellement, une série des questions se posent à partir de ce contexte : comment filtrez-vous les choses pour créer plus de valeur que vous obtenez actuellement ? Comment pouvez-vous regrouper les choses d’une manière intelligente et facile au lieu de la faire dans votre tête? Le monde ne peut pas être décrit sans ambiguïté, alors comment pouvez-vous permettre aux utilisateurs de traiter avec le monde à leur manière, en fonction de leurcompréhension? Levine dans son livre "Cluetrain manifesto" a argumenté que les marchés sont conversations, alors comment peut-on impliquer les utilisateurs dans la conversation ? Comment les utilisateurs peuvent être autorisés à la consommation facile des services, de l’information, des choses qu’ils trouvent autour?Cependant, la conception et le déploiement d’un tel logiciel capable d’interaction directe et l’autonomisation de l’utilisateur final reste toujours un problème. On a, d’une part, les utilisateurs qui ont des idées, mais qui n’ont pas l’environnement technique et les capacités en programmation pour faire eux-mêmes le développement. D’autre part, on a un grand volume des données, ressources et services qui qui pourraient être regroupées à la fois en termes de données, mais le plus important, en termes de comportement d’innover et de créer nouveaux objets. Notre objectif dans cette thèse est de combler ce manque d’outils qui sont capables d’une interaction directe et l’autonomisation des utilisateurs finaux, de manière unifiée. Ainsi, notre principale contribution dans cette thèse est le développement d’une approche holistique pour les systèmes basés sur le Web qui sont centrés sur l’utilisateur etqui intègrent des données, les services et le comportement disponible sur le Web 2.0. / World Wide Web (WWW) has become the greatest repository of information that man has ever assembled and it is continuously growing. WWW transformed itself into a generative environment that fosters innovation through the advance of technologies and a shift in people’s perception of the Weband how they use it. The new WWW or Future Internet is that of an Internet of Services and Internet of Things.Naturally, a series of questions arise from this context: how do you filter things to create more value than you currently get? how do you aggregate things in an intelligent and easy way instead of doing it in your head? The world cannot be described unambiguously, so how can you allow users to deal with the world in their own way, based on their understanding? Levine in his book "Cluetrain manifesto" was arguing that markets are conversations so how can users be involved in the conversation? how can users be empowered with easy consumption of the services, information, things that they found around?However design and deployment of such software capable of direct interaction and empowerment of the end-user is still an issue. We have on one side users that have ideas, but do not have technical background and lack programming skills to do the development by themselves. On the other side, we have large amounts of data, resources and services that could be aggregated both in terms of data, but most important in terms of behavior to innovate and create new things.Our goal in this thesis is to address this lack of tools that are capable of direct interaction andempowerment of end-users, in a unified manner. Thus our main contribution in this thesis is the development of a holistic approach for web based systems that are user-centric and that integrate data, services and behavior available on the Web 2.0.

Anforderungsgetriebene Qualitätsmodellierung und -auswertung in kompositen Web-Mashups

Rümpel, Andreas 07 May 2019 (has links)
Komposite Web-Mashups stellen durch die intelligente Verknüpfung von User-Interface-Services und anderen Web-Ressourcen einen Mehrwert für Anwendungsszenarien in verschiedenen Situationen des privaten und geschäftlichen Lebens bereit. Obwohl die Verwendung solcher Mashups bereits viele Nutzerzielgruppen erreicht und Anwendungsdomänen erschlossen hat, ist die bedarfsgerechte Auswahl von Anwendungsbausteinen und deren intelligente Komposition immer noch eine große Herausforderung. In dieser Arbeit werden deshalb Konzepte für die verbesserte Durchführung des Erstellungsprozesses und die Nutzung kompositer Web-Mashups entwickelt und vorgestellt. Kernidee ist dabei die Modellierung und Auswertung anpassbarer Qualitätsanforderungen. Erstmals wird es mit Hilfe eines speziell auf die Belange kompositer Web-Mashups zugeschnittenen Modells für Qualitätseigenschaften ermöglicht, solche Anforderungen passgenau für die Auswahl von Anwendungsbausteinen und die automatisierte Auswertung zu nutzen. Neben der Spezifikation von Bedingungen und Vergleichswerten für bestimmte Eigenschaften erlaubt es das ebenfalls hier vorgestellte Metamodell für Qualitätsanforderungen, die Rahmenbedingungen der Auswertung sowie zuzuordnende Aktionen festzulegen. Schwerpunkte der Arbeit sind außerdem der Prozess der qualitätsbewussten Komposition, die Nutzung der resultierenden Web-Mashups sowie die dazu gehörende Referenzarchitektur. Die betrachteten Anwendungsszenarien decken insbesondere die Teilprozesse der Auswahl von Kompositionsfragmenten, die Erweiterung in Betrieb befindlicher Anwendungen sowie die intelligente Adaption innerhalb der Laufzeitplattform ab. Neben Werkzeugen zur Modellierung und der automatisierten Auswertung von Qualitätsanforderungen setzt die Referenzarchitektur das kontextsensitive Monitoring von Qualitätseigenschaften um. Ein weiterer Fokus liegt auf der unscharfen Spezifikation anpassbarer Qualitätsanforderungen, da zur Zielgruppe insbesondere auch Menschen ohne Programmiererfahrung, jedoch mit guter Kenntnis in aktuellen Web-Technologien und in der jeweiligen fachlichen Domäne, zählen. Diese Ausrichtung wird sowohl bei der Modellierung mit Fuzzy-Mengen als auch in Form von Interaktionskonzepten berücksichtigt. Anhand typischer Anwendungsfälle und unter Zuhilfenahme einer implementierten Infrastruktur und Anwendungslandschaft werden die vorgestellten Konzepte validiert und optimiert. Dabei fließen sowohl die Meinungen von Nutzern und Experten als auch die Betrachtungen zur Komplexität ressourcenintensiver Vorgänge sowie die Ergebnisse von Performance-Analysen ein. Durch das Verwenden der Modelle, Konzepte, Prozesse und Architekturen dieser Arbeit wird somit eine verbesserte Erstellung, Verfeinerung und Nutzung bedarfsgerechter, situativer Mashup-Anwendungen mit Hilfe anpassbarer Qualitätsanforderungen ermöglicht.:Kapitel 1 Motivation und Zielstellung Abschnitt 1.1 Problemdefinition Abschnitt 1.2 Forschungsthesen Abschnitt 1.3 Forschungsziele Abschnitt 1.4 Abgrenzung Abschnitt 1.5 Aufbau der Arbeit Kapitel 2 Grundlagen der Entwicklung und Nutzung kompositer Web-Mashups Abschnitt 2.1 Charakteristika und Einordnung des Anwendungstyps Abschnitt 2.2 Entwicklungsmethoden und Anwendungsszenarien Abschnitt 2.3 Rollen im Entwicklungsprozess von Web-Mashups Abschnitt 2.4 Qualitätseigenschaften und -anforderungen im Kontext von Web-Mashups Kapitel 3 Stand der Forschung und Technik Abschnitt 3.1 Normen und Standards für Qualitätsmodelle bei Softwareprodukten Abschnitt 3.2 Strukturierung und Erstellung von Qualitätsmodellen Abschnitt 3.3 Anforderungsmodellierung mit Aufgaben und Fuzzy-Mengen Abschnitt 3.4 Bewertungskriterien und Übersicht der Cluster für existierende Arbeiten Abschnitt 3.5 Qualität in Web-Mashups Abschnitt 3.6 Qualitätsanforderungen im Web-Engineering Abschnitt 3.7 Qualitätseigenschaften und -anforderungen bei der Auswahl und Komposition von Web-Services Abschnitt 3.8 Qualitätsanforderungen in kompositen Softwaresystemen Abschnitt 3.9 Fazit zum Stand der Forschung und Technik Kapitel 4 Modellierung von Qualitätseigenschaften für Mashups Abschnitt 4.1 Modellüberblick und Abhängigkeiten Abschnitt 4.2 Anforderungen an das Eigenschaftsmodell Abschnitt 4.3 Metamodell zur Strukturierung von Qualitätseigenschaften Abschnitt 4.4 Unscharfe Eigenschaftswerte mit Fuzzy-Mengen Abschnitt 4.5 Nutzung von Qualitätseigenschaften in der Mashup-Plattform Abschnitt 4.6 Referenzmodell der für Mashups typischen Qualitätseigenschaften Abschnitt 4.7 Zusammenfassung und Bewertung des Modells für Qualitätseigenschaften Kapitel 5 Festlegen und Auswerten von Qualitätsanforderungen Abschnitt 5.1 Herausforderungen im Umgang mit Anforderungen Abschnitt 5.2 Qualitätsanforderungen in der Mashup-Architektur Abschnitt 5.3 Aufbau von Qualitätsanforderungen Abschnitt 5.4 Erzeugen und Bearbeiten von Qualitätsanforderungen Abschnitt 5.5 Auswertung von Qualitätsanforderungen Abschnitt 5.6 Zusammenfassung Kapitel 6 Qualitätsbewusster Entwicklungs- und Nutzungsprozess Abschnitt 6.1 Entwicklung und Nutzung von Web-Mashups mit Qualitätsanforderungen Abschnitt 6.2 Aktionen im Kontext von Qualitätsanforderungen Kapitel 7 Validierung und Implementierung Abschnitt 7.1 Validierungsmethodik Abschnitt 7.2 Überblick der implementierten Infrastruktur Abschnitt 7.3 Implementierung von Kompositionsfragmenten Abschnitt 7.4 Implementierung der Referenzarchitektur Abschnitt 7.5 Implementierung der Werkzeuge Abschnitt 7.6 Nutzerstudie zum Anforderungsassistenten Abschnitt 7.7 Validierungsergebnisse zu Performance und Awareness-Indikatoren Abschnitt 7.8 Diskussion zur Validierung und Implementierung Kapitel 8 Zusammenfassung, Diskussion, Bewertung und Ausblick Abschnitt 8.1 Zusammenfassung der Kapitel Abschnitt 8.2 Diskussion und Bewertung der Forschungsergebnisse Abschnitt 8.3 Ausblick auf aktuelle und künftige Arbeiten Anhang A Metamodelle und Schemata Anhang B Referenzmodelle Anhang C Komponentenimplementierungen Anhang D Werkzeuge Anhang E Dienste, Verwaltung und Tests

sALERT : an intelligent information alerting and notification web service / Intelligent information alerting and notification web service

Bhaduri, Sashmit B. 13 August 2012 (has links)
Web services increasingly serve as large repositories and conduits of information. However, they do not always allow for the efficient dissemination of this information, particularly in a reactive way. In this report, I describe sALERT, a web-based application that allows for targeted information from various web services to be combined and cross-referenced in order to produce a system that is more convenient and more efficient in reactively disseminating information. This dissemination is performed using mobile notification mechanisms such as text messages, and information targeting is performed using data from social networks and geolocation sources. I present the design, implementation, and plans for future improvement for this service within this report. / text

Music, Media, and Subjectivity: On The Limits of Determinism

Vallee, Mickey Unknown Date
No description available.

Music, Media, and Subjectivity: On The Limits of Determinism

Vallee, Mickey 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis explores the limitations of determinism in regards to music, media, and the constitution of subjectivity. Its methodological resource is derived from a synthesis between media ecology, social psychoanalysis, and music semiotics. The case studies describe the incorporation of nostalgia into popular music ballads, the domestication of the phonograph, the contemporary trend of mashups, and the studio technique of backmasking. The conclusion asks that we readjust our approach to music, media, and subjectivity to account for the possibility of creative acts that are bound within a network of determinants. I use, finally, the writings of Maurice Merleau-Ponty to explore the body as a primary site of indeterminate mediation, which renders possible for the subject a potential of creative embodied expression.

Music, Media, and Subjectivity: On The Limits of Determinism

Vallee, Mickey 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis explores the limitations of determinism in regards to music, media, and the constitution of subjectivity. Its methodological resource is derived from a synthesis between media ecology, social psychoanalysis, and music semiotics. The case studies describe the incorporation of nostalgia into popular music ballads, the domestication of the phonograph, the contemporary trend of mashups, and the studio technique of backmasking. The conclusion asks that we readjust our approach to music, media, and subjectivity to account for the possibility of creative acts that are bound within a network of determinants. I use, finally, the writings of Maurice Merleau-Ponty to explore the body as a primary site of indeterminate mediation, which renders possible for the subject a potential of creative embodied expression.

The creation and mediation of political texts in virtual spaces cybercommunities, postmodern aesthetics, and political MUSICKING OF MULTIMEDIA MASHUPS /

Bernhagen, Lindsay M., January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Ohio State University, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 82-87).

Performance management of IT service processes using a mashup-based approach / Gerenciamento de Desempenho e modelagem quantitativa de processos de gerência de TI usando Mashups

Santos, Carlos Raniery Paula dos January 2013 (has links)
Modernas provedoras de serviços de TI estão sob constante pressão para aumentar sua competitividade. Meios de reduzir os custos e aumentar o desempenho (i.e., produtividade e qualidade) dos serviços oferecidos são temas centrais na indústria de TI. Contudo, apesar de todos os esforços feitos até hoje, modelar e otimizar processos de TI que envolvem operadores humanos continua sendo uma tarefa complexa. O humano pode ser influenciado por inúmeros fatores e executar o processo de uma forma diferente a cada vez, portanto, introduzindo uma significativa variabilidade no resultado final do processo. Apesar de todas as pesquisas feitas até hoje terem introduzido melhorias significativas no gerenciamento de serviços, ainda restam muitos desafios (e.g., mudanças rápidas, limites orçamentários, falta de conhecimento, complexidade dos sistemas, atuais e futuros requisitos dos usuários e finalmente aumento nas expectativas dos usuários) que não foram completamente resolvidos pelos esforços atuais. Dentre todas as tecnologias disponíveis atualmente, uma em especial, conhecida como Web 2.0, ainda não foi investigada pela indústria e pela acadêmia no contexto da gerência de serviços de TI. Dentre todas as tecnologias e aplicações que definem aWeb 2.0, uma é de especial interesse nesta tese: os mashups. Mashups sao aplicacoes Web criadas a partir da composicao de recursos disponiveis online (e.g., mapas interativos, Web services, paginas HTML). Facilidade de uso, extensibilidade e desenvolvimento específico de contexto são exemplos de características apresentadas pelos mashups que os candidatam como uma solução viável para aprimorar o gerenciamento de serviços de TI. Desta forma, o objetivo desta tese é investigar a aplicabilidade de mashups como uma solução efetiva para melhorar o desempenho (i.e., em termos de produtividade e confiabilidade) de atividades de gerência de serviços de TI que envolvem operadores humanos. Em particular, esta tese tem como objetivo definir soluções de gerenciamento necessárias para melhorar e avaliar o desempenho de processos de TI. Especificamente, esta tese foca nos passos do processo que podem ser medidos através de observação ou intrumentação e que podem ser aprimorados através de projeto e automação. As soluções de gerenciamento introduzidas são investigadas através de um estudo de caso real, relacionado ao processo de Cumprimento de Requisição. O foco deste estudo de caso é nos operadores humanos com a responsabilidade de receber as requisições dos clientes e encaminhá-las paras administradores de sistema responsáveis por resolver as requisições. Neste contexto, os mashups são investigados como uma solução efetiva para lidar com ineficiências e erros introduzidos pelos operadores humanos enquanto executam suas atividades diárias relacionadas à gerência de serviços de TI. Foi realizada uma extensa investigação das tarefas realizadas por um grupo de especialistas em um centro global de suporte e entrega de serviços de TI. Os resultados demonstram a viabilidade da tecnologia de mashups como solução para aprimorar a gerência de serviços de TI. / Modern IT service provider organizations are under a continuous pressure to increase their competitiveness. Ways to reduce costs while improving performance – in terms of productivity and quality – of services are a key focus area for companies in the IT industry. However, despite all the solutions that have been proposed, modelling and optimizing human-centered processes remains a burdensome task. The human operator may be influenced by multiple factors and execute the process in a different way each time, thus introducing a significant variability in the final process outcome. Although the research proposed so far have introduced improvements on service management, there are several challenges (e.g., rapid change, budgetary constraints, skill shortages, system complexity, current and future user requirements, and growing user expectations) that are not completely covered by the current efforts. Among the new technologies available today, a set of novel ones, referred to as Web 2.0, has not yet been investigated by both industry and academia in the ITSM context. In the myriad of technologies and applications that define the Web 2.0, one is of special interest in this thesis: the mashups. Mashups are Web applications created through the composition of preexisting Web resources (e.g., interactive maps, Web services, traditional HTML pages, or even Flash presentations). Easiness of use, extensibility, and context specific development are examples of characteristics presented by mashups that candidate them to be a viable technology for improving IT Service Management. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to investigate the feasibility of mashups as an effective approach to improve performance (i.e., in terms of productivity and reliability) of human-centered ITSM activities. In particular, this thesis aims to define management solutions required to deliver and demonstrate improvements in performance of humancentered ITSM processes. Specifically, the focus is on individual steps in the process that can be assessed through instrumentation or observation, and can be improved through design and automation. The analysis of exogenous events are not addressed, such as answering telephone calls or other interruptions. The introduced management solutions are examined through a real case study, related to the Request Fulfillment process. The focus of this case study is on dispatch, an activity centered on human operators called dispatchers, with knowledge of standard fulfillment procedures. In this context, mashups are analyzed as an effective approach to cope with inefficiencies and errors introduced by human operators while performing their daily activities in the context of ITSM. An extensive analysis of tasks performed by a group of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in a global IT Service Support and Delivery organization was performed. The results demonstrate the viability of the mashups technology as a means for improving IT Service Management.

Um ambiente para processamento de consultas federadas em linked data Mashups / An environment for federated query processing in linked data Mashups

Magalhães, Regis Pires January 2012 (has links)
MAGALHÃES, Regis Pires. Um ambiente para processamento de consultas federadas em linked data Mashups. 2012. 117 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em ciência da computação)- Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza-CE, 2012. / Submitted by Elineudson Ribeiro (elineudsonr@gmail.com) on 2016-07-12T16:08:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_dis_rpmagalhaes.pdf: 2883929 bytes, checksum: 1a04484a7e875cd8ead588d91693577a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rocilda Sales (rocilda@ufc.br) on 2016-07-21T16:05:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_dis_rpmagalhaes.pdf: 2883929 bytes, checksum: 1a04484a7e875cd8ead588d91693577a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-21T16:05:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_dis_rpmagalhaes.pdf: 2883929 bytes, checksum: 1a04484a7e875cd8ead588d91693577a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Semantic Web technologies like RDF model, URIs and SPARQL query language, can reduce the complexity of data integration by making use of properly established and described links between sources.However, the difficulty to formulate distributed queries has been a challenge to harness the potential of these technologies due to autonomy, distribution and vocabulary of heterogeneous data sources. This scenario demands effective mechanisms for integrating data on Linked Data.Linked Data Mashups allow users to query and integrate structured and linked data on the web. This work proposes two architectures of Linked Data Mashups: one based on the use of mediators and the other based on the use of Linked Data Mashup Services (LIDMS). A module for efficient execution of federated query plans on Linked Data has been developed and is a component common to both proposed architectures.The execution module feasibility has been demonstrated through experiments. Furthermore, a LIDMS execution Web environment also has been defined and implemented as contributions of this work. / Tecnologias da Web Semântica como modelo RDF, URIs e linguagem de consulta SPARQL, podem reduzir a complexidade de integração de dados ao fazer uso de ligações corretamente estabelecidas e descritas entre fontes.No entanto, a dificuldade para formulação de consultas distribuídas tem sido um obstáculo para aproveitar o potencial dessas tecnologias em virtude da autonomia, distribuição e vocabulário heterogêneo das fontes de dados.Esse cenário demanda mecanismos eficientes para integração de dados sobre Linked Data.Linked Data Mashups permitem aos usuários executar consultas e integrar dados estruturados e vinculados na web.O presente trabalho propõe duas arquiteturas de Linked Data Mashups:uma delas baseada no uso de mediadores e a outra baseada no uso de Linked Data Mashup Services (LIDMS). Um módulo para execução eficiente de planos de consulta federados sobre Linked Data foi desenvolvido e é um componente comum a ambas as arquiteturas propostas.A viabilidade do módulo de execução foi demonstrada através de experimentos. Além disso, um ambiente Web para execução de LIDMS também foi definido e implementado como contribuições deste trabalho.

Performance management of IT service processes using a mashup-based approach / Gerenciamento de Desempenho e modelagem quantitativa de processos de gerência de TI usando Mashups

Santos, Carlos Raniery Paula dos January 2013 (has links)
Modernas provedoras de serviços de TI estão sob constante pressão para aumentar sua competitividade. Meios de reduzir os custos e aumentar o desempenho (i.e., produtividade e qualidade) dos serviços oferecidos são temas centrais na indústria de TI. Contudo, apesar de todos os esforços feitos até hoje, modelar e otimizar processos de TI que envolvem operadores humanos continua sendo uma tarefa complexa. O humano pode ser influenciado por inúmeros fatores e executar o processo de uma forma diferente a cada vez, portanto, introduzindo uma significativa variabilidade no resultado final do processo. Apesar de todas as pesquisas feitas até hoje terem introduzido melhorias significativas no gerenciamento de serviços, ainda restam muitos desafios (e.g., mudanças rápidas, limites orçamentários, falta de conhecimento, complexidade dos sistemas, atuais e futuros requisitos dos usuários e finalmente aumento nas expectativas dos usuários) que não foram completamente resolvidos pelos esforços atuais. Dentre todas as tecnologias disponíveis atualmente, uma em especial, conhecida como Web 2.0, ainda não foi investigada pela indústria e pela acadêmia no contexto da gerência de serviços de TI. Dentre todas as tecnologias e aplicações que definem aWeb 2.0, uma é de especial interesse nesta tese: os mashups. Mashups sao aplicacoes Web criadas a partir da composicao de recursos disponiveis online (e.g., mapas interativos, Web services, paginas HTML). Facilidade de uso, extensibilidade e desenvolvimento específico de contexto são exemplos de características apresentadas pelos mashups que os candidatam como uma solução viável para aprimorar o gerenciamento de serviços de TI. Desta forma, o objetivo desta tese é investigar a aplicabilidade de mashups como uma solução efetiva para melhorar o desempenho (i.e., em termos de produtividade e confiabilidade) de atividades de gerência de serviços de TI que envolvem operadores humanos. Em particular, esta tese tem como objetivo definir soluções de gerenciamento necessárias para melhorar e avaliar o desempenho de processos de TI. Especificamente, esta tese foca nos passos do processo que podem ser medidos através de observação ou intrumentação e que podem ser aprimorados através de projeto e automação. As soluções de gerenciamento introduzidas são investigadas através de um estudo de caso real, relacionado ao processo de Cumprimento de Requisição. O foco deste estudo de caso é nos operadores humanos com a responsabilidade de receber as requisições dos clientes e encaminhá-las paras administradores de sistema responsáveis por resolver as requisições. Neste contexto, os mashups são investigados como uma solução efetiva para lidar com ineficiências e erros introduzidos pelos operadores humanos enquanto executam suas atividades diárias relacionadas à gerência de serviços de TI. Foi realizada uma extensa investigação das tarefas realizadas por um grupo de especialistas em um centro global de suporte e entrega de serviços de TI. Os resultados demonstram a viabilidade da tecnologia de mashups como solução para aprimorar a gerência de serviços de TI. / Modern IT service provider organizations are under a continuous pressure to increase their competitiveness. Ways to reduce costs while improving performance – in terms of productivity and quality – of services are a key focus area for companies in the IT industry. However, despite all the solutions that have been proposed, modelling and optimizing human-centered processes remains a burdensome task. The human operator may be influenced by multiple factors and execute the process in a different way each time, thus introducing a significant variability in the final process outcome. Although the research proposed so far have introduced improvements on service management, there are several challenges (e.g., rapid change, budgetary constraints, skill shortages, system complexity, current and future user requirements, and growing user expectations) that are not completely covered by the current efforts. Among the new technologies available today, a set of novel ones, referred to as Web 2.0, has not yet been investigated by both industry and academia in the ITSM context. In the myriad of technologies and applications that define the Web 2.0, one is of special interest in this thesis: the mashups. Mashups are Web applications created through the composition of preexisting Web resources (e.g., interactive maps, Web services, traditional HTML pages, or even Flash presentations). Easiness of use, extensibility, and context specific development are examples of characteristics presented by mashups that candidate them to be a viable technology for improving IT Service Management. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to investigate the feasibility of mashups as an effective approach to improve performance (i.e., in terms of productivity and reliability) of human-centered ITSM activities. In particular, this thesis aims to define management solutions required to deliver and demonstrate improvements in performance of humancentered ITSM processes. Specifically, the focus is on individual steps in the process that can be assessed through instrumentation or observation, and can be improved through design and automation. The analysis of exogenous events are not addressed, such as answering telephone calls or other interruptions. The introduced management solutions are examined through a real case study, related to the Request Fulfillment process. The focus of this case study is on dispatch, an activity centered on human operators called dispatchers, with knowledge of standard fulfillment procedures. In this context, mashups are analyzed as an effective approach to cope with inefficiencies and errors introduced by human operators while performing their daily activities in the context of ITSM. An extensive analysis of tasks performed by a group of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in a global IT Service Support and Delivery organization was performed. The results demonstrate the viability of the mashups technology as a means for improving IT Service Management.

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