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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cinétique d'expression hypothalamique des microARN chez le rat : impact d'un régime maternel hyperlipidique / Hypothalamic Kinetik Expression of MicroRNA in the Rat : Impact of Maternal High Fat Diet

Doubi kadmiri, Soraya 28 January 2016 (has links)
Le concept de programmation métabolique repose sur les études épidémiologiques pionnières menées par David Barker à la fin des années 1980 : une sous-nutrition maternelle durant la grossesse est un contributeur majeur au faible poids de naissance d’une part, et au développement du syndrome métabolique à l’âge adulte d’autre part. Ces dernières années, le concept de programmation métabolique a été étendu de l’état physiopathologique à l’état de santé. Le concept « Developmental Origins of Health and Disease » (DOHaD) postule que l’environnement périnatal (grossesse et allaitement) conditionne la physiologie de la descendance à long terme. Au delà d’une sous-nutrition périnatale, de nombreuses études expérimentales menées chez l’animal ont montré qu’un régime maternel hyperlipidique périnatal pouvait également entrainer des modifications métaboliques chez les descendants adultes.Au niveau central, le noyau arqué hypothalamique (ARC) est un régulateur important du métabolisme. L’environnement périnatal altère-t-il certaines régulations moléculaires dans l’ARC ? Chez les mammifères, l’expression du génome est modulée par de petits ARN d’une vingtaine de nucléotides, les microARN (miARN), inhibiteurs de la traduction des ARNm en protéines ou initiateurs de leur dégradation. Les miARN participent-ils à la régulation de l’expression génique dans l’ARC ? Un régime hyperlipidique modifie-t-il leur expression ? C’est l’hypothèse que j’ai testée au cours de ma thèse.Mon travail de thèse a consisté d’une part à caractériser physiologiquement un modèle de programmation métabolique par un régime maternel hyperlipidique chez le rat, et d’autre part à étudier les populations de miARN dans l’ARC de la descendance. Pour cela, des mères ont été nourries avec un régime équilibré ou différents régimes hyperlipidiques (HF1 et HF2) durant les périodes de gestation et lactation.Le régime maternel hyperlipidique HF1 entraine une hyperinsulinémie attestant une insulino-résistance qu’il soit donné durant la période périnatale ou à l’âge adulte. La conjonction d’un régime HF durant la période périnatale et à l’âge adulte entraine en plus une hyperglycémie.J’ai étudié la descendance de mères nourries avec le régime HF1 (mères HF) à cinq stades postnataux (P4, P8, P14, P21 et P28), un stade juvénile (P75) et un stade adulte (P216). J’ai également étudié l’éventuel effet additif d’un régime hyperlipidique donné à l’âge adulte.J’ai étudié les profils d’expression de plus de 500 miARN pour chaque ARC par la technologie de séquençage haut-débit. J’ai tout d’abord établi la cinétique d’expression des miARN de chacune de ces descendances. 10% à 20% des miARN montrent une différence d’expression supérieure à trois fois stade à stade. Ceci est vrai que les descendants soient nés de mères nourries avec le régime équilibré ou HF1. Le régime maternel HF1 montre peu d’impact sur les profils d’expressions de miARN à ces stades de développement précoces. A chaque stade, seuls 3% à 7% des miARN ont une expression statistiquement supérieure à trois fois. Ces données démontrent que les miARN présentent une expression robuste au cours du développement post-natal, c’est à dire durant la période de maturation des circuits neuronaux de l’ARC.Aucune différence n’est observée durant la période juvénile. Cependant à l’âge adulte, 8% des miARN ont une expression statistiquement supérieure à trois fois chez les descendants HF1. L’ensemble de ces résultats démontre que l’expression des miARN chez l’adulte, après une période de latence, reflète le contexte lipidique périnatal. L’expression des miARN de l’ARC, tout comme la sensibilité à l’insuline, est soumis à une programmation par le régime alimentaire maternel. / The concept of metabolic programming is based on the pioneering epidemiological studies realised by David Barker in the late 1980s : maternal undernutrition during pregnancy is a major contributor to low birth weight on one hand and the development of metabolic syndrome in adulthood on the other hand. In the last few years, the metabolic syndrom spreads to the“Developmental Origins of Health and Disease”(DOHaD) concept that postulates that the perinatal (pregnancy and lactation) environment influences the long term offspring’s physiology. Beyond the perinatal undernutrition impact, many experimental studies carried out on the animals have highlighted that a maternal perinatal high fat diet is responsible for metabolic disorders on the offspring.In the central nervous system, the arcuate nucleus (ARC) is an important regulator of metabolism. May an perinatal environment impares the molecular regulations in the ARC ? In the mammals, the genome expression is modulated by small RNAs of about twenty nucleotides, the microRNAs (miRNAs), that regulate, post-transcriptionnally, target mRNA degradation or translation. May the miARN participate to the gene expression regulation in the ARC ? May a high fat diet modify their expression ? This is the hypothesis tested in my thesis.My thesis work consisted on one hand to characterized a metabolic programming experimental model by a high fat maternal diet in the rat and on the other hand to study the miRNA populations of the ARC of the offspring. To this end, the dams were fed with a balanced or different high fat diet (HF1 and HF2) during gestation and lactation.The maternal HF1 diet lead to an hyperinsulinemia revealing the insulino-resistance when the diet is given during the perinatal periode or adulthood stages. The combination of a HF diet during the perinatal period and in adulthood leads to an hyperglycaemia.I have studied the offspring of dams fed HF1 (dams HF1) at five developmental stages (P4, P8, P14, P21 et P28), one juvenile stage (P75) and one adulthood stage (P216). I also studied the potential impact of an additionnal high fat diet given at adulthood stages.I have studied the expression pattern of over 500 miARN for each ARC by the high throughput sequencing technology. First of all, I have established the miARN expression kinetiks of each offspring. 10 percent to 20 percent of miARN have a fold-change more than 3 between stages. This is right for the offspring of HF dams or balanced dams. The maternal HF1 diet reveals few impacts on miRNA expression pattern during the early post-natal period. At each stages, only 3 percent to 7 percent of miARN have a fold-change more than 3. This results demonstating the high dynamics and robustness of miRNA populations in ARC at a time of maturation and circuitry organization of ARC neurons.No differences were observed during the juvenile period. However, in adulthood, 8% of miRNAs have a fold-change more than 3 in offspring HF1. All of these results demonstrating that the miARN expression of the adult, after a period of latence, reflects the perinatal lipidic context. The miARN expression of the ARC, as well as the insulin sensitivity, is submitted to a programming by a maternal diet.

Molecular mechanisms connecting genotype and phenotype in Tbx1 deficiency

De Mesmaeker, Julie Anne Laurence Nathalie January 2012 (has links)
Background: The 22q11 deletion syndrome (22q11DS), also known as DiGeorge Syndrome, affects ~1/5000 live born children. Congenital heart defects (typically outflow tract and interrupted aortic arch) are present in 75% of individuals with 22q11DS and are the major cause of mortality. Other defects are cleft palate, thymus hypoplasia, inner ear defects and neuropsychiatric abnormalities. Df(16)1 mice carry a ~1 Mb hemizygous deletion on mouse chromosome 16 in a region syntenic with 22q11 and phenocopies 22q11DS. TBX1 is a DNA-binding transcription factor located in this interval and is required for neural crest cell proliferation and migration and for cardiac development. TBX1 point mutations have been identified in patients with DiGeorge syndrome. Thus TBX1 is thought to be a major gene responsible for the cardiac phenotype in 22q11DS. A key unresolved issue is the mechanism of reduced penetrance of cardiac malformations. One possibility is environmental variation during cardiogenesis. A second possibility is that variation in the TBX1 protein interaction network results in variable penetrance of the phenotype. Mutations in TBX1 or interacting partners could affect the structure of this protein interaction network. Aim: The aim of this thesis is to characterize the molecular mechanism of TBX1 function using biochemical and genetic approaches and to define the role of environmental variation on the DiGeorge phenotype. Results First part. Interaction of Df(16)1 with high-fat maternal diet. To determine if a maternal high-fat diet affects the penetrance of cardiac and thymus malformations in the Df1 deletion mouse model, wild-type and Df1 heterozygous embryos from control and high-fat diet groups were analyzed. No significant difference in the penetrance or the severity of cardiac malformations between these groups was found. These results do not support the idea that change in the fat content of maternal diet affects phenotype in this model. Thus, it is possible that high-fat diet interacts specifically with left-right patterning rather than with the genetic control of pharyngeal arch development and neural crest cell migration and survival. Second part. George, a novel ENU induced mutation in Tbx1. The George mutation, identified and mapped to Chr16 between rs4161352 and D16Mit112, results in fully penetrant cleft palate, cardiac malformations (VSD, IAA, CAT), absent cochlea and abnormal semicircular canals, and absent thymus resembling the human DiGeorge phenotype. Tbx1 lies in this interval and sequencing identified a G > A point mutation in exon 3 which is predicted to cause a Arginine to Glutamine change at amino acid position 160. George fails to genetically complement a Tbx1 null allele, confirming that it is causative and that George is functionally a null allele. RT-PCR showed that the George mutation affects splicing, resulting in a transcript lacking exon 3. This causes the loss of 34 amino acids within the TBX1 T-box domain, thus predicting that it affects DNA binding. Transactivation assays show that while the R160Q amino acid substitution significantly reduces the transactivation capacity of TBX1, surprisingly the loss of exon 3 does not affect this function. Analysis of endogenous TBX1 in developing embryos by Western blot showed that the protein expression is absent or significantly reduced. This finding suggests that the observed George phenotype is caused primarily by a loss of TBX1 protein expression. Third part. Investigation of the protein interaction network surrounding TBX1. In order to get a better insight into the protein network surrounding TBX1, a TBX1 split renilla-luciferase protein complementation assay was set up which allowed to test the physical interaction between TBX1 and several putative interactors. It was found that GATA4, SMARCAD1, RBBP5 and PTDSR interact with wild-type TBX1 in HEK293T cells. The R160Q point mutation and the loss of exon 3 affect some of these interactions supporting the idea that variation in the protein interaction network may, at least in part, be responsible for the DGS phenotype.

Le contrôle hypothalamique de l’homéostasie énergétique : impact de l’environnement maternel et implication du CNTF / H ypothalamic control of the energetic homeostasis : Impact of the maternal environment and the implication of the CNTF

Couvreur, Odile 21 December 2011 (has links)
Le maintien de l’homéostasie énergétique est placé sous le contrôle de cytokines qui agissent dans le système nerveux central, notamment au niveau de l’hypothalamus. En particulier, la leptine, cytokine produite par le tissu adipeux, diminue la prise alimentaire et stimule la perte de poids. L’obésité est une épidémie mondiale qui progresse de façon alarmante, notamment chez les enfants et souvent associée à des pathologies sévères et des désordres endocriniens comme la résistance à la leptine ou à l’insuline. Le CNTF (Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor) est une neurocytokine de la même famille que la leptine dont l’un des principaux avantages est qu’il stimule la perte de poids dans les cas de leptino-résistance en activant les mêmes voies de signalisation que la leptine (Benomar et al., 2009). Face à l’épidémie mondiale d’obésité,chez la population adulte comme enfantine, il apparaît nécessaire de décrypter les mécanismes impliqués dans la genèse de la maladie ainsi que les potentiels agents thérapeutiques.L’objectif premier de ce travail de thèse a été de caractériser l’impact d’une alimentation maternelle hyperlipidique (HF) sur les capacités de contrôle de l’homéostasie énergétique chez la descendance. En effet, le concept de « programmation métabolique » propose que des pertubations de l’environnement périnatal puissent influencer durablement la descendance, la rendant plus susceptible de développer une obésité dans un contexte nutrionnellement riche.Des études menées au sein du laboratoire ont montré qu’un régime maternel HF pouvait programmer l’acquisition de la leptino-résistance chez la descendance à l’âge adulte (Ferezou-Viala et al., 2007b). Nous avons donc testé la prédispostion de ces animaux à prendre du poids lorsqu’ils étaient nourris avec un régime hypercalorique (P). Nos données ont montréqu’étonnamment, le régime maternel HF protégeait la descendance contre le gain de poids induite par le régime P, induisait des modifications d’expression des marqueurs de l’homéostasie énergétique dans le foie et l’hypothalamus, ainsi que de profondes réorganisations cytoarchitectoniques dans le noyau arqué. Plus précisément, le régime maternel HF était associé à une réorganisation de la couverture astrocytaire périvasculaire dans le noyau arqué de la descendance qui persistait à l’âge adulte.Dans une seconde partie de la thèse, nous avons étudié les mécanismes d’action du CNTF. En effet, notre équipe a récemment mis en évidence que le CNTF endogène pourrait jouer un rôle dans la régulation de l’homéostasie énergétique. Les niveaux hypothalamiques de cette cytokine, présente dans les astrocytes et les neurones du noyau arqué, augmentent chez les animaux résistant à une alimentation hypercalorique. Cela pourrait suggérer un rôle protecteur du CNTF contre la prise de poids chez certains individus (Vacher et al., 2008). A ce jour, les mécanismes d’action du CNTF restent cependant mal compris car ce dernier ne possède pas de peptide signal et n’est donc pas sécrété selon des mécanismes d’exocytose classiques. Partant du constat que le CNTF et ses sous-unités réceptrices étaient distribuées de façon similaire dans les cellules du noyau arqué, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que le CNTF pourrait exercer une action intracellulaire sur les cellules de cette structure. Dans cette étude nous démontrons que le CNTF peut interagir directement avec ses récepteurs dans le noyau des neurones anorexigènes du noyau arqué, pour réguler leur activité transcriptionnelle. Ces données proposent ainsi un nouveau mécanisme à l’action anorexigène du CNTF / Obesity is a major health disease which involves numerous metabolic disorders. Increasing evidence suggests that the risk of developing the pathology in adulthood may be influenced through inappropriate perinatal nutrition. In our study, we first investigated the impact of a maternal high-fat (HF) diet, which is known to induce hypothalamic leptin resistance in adult offspring (Férézou-Viala et al., 2007), to develop obesity in a rich diet environment (P diet). Our results showed that surprisingly, HF maternal diet protected offspring against body weight gain induced by P diet. In a second part of the thesis, we studied mechanisms of action of CNTF, a neurocytokine which could protect some people against body weight gain induced by a P diet (Vacher et al., 2008). Results of this study showed that CNTF ant its subunits receptors could translocate to the hypothalamic cell nucleus to induced POMC transcription.

Dieta hiperlipídica materna e pós-natal promove remodelamento adverso do fígado, pâncreas e tecido adiposo na prole / Maternal and postnatal high fat diet provoke adverse liver, pancreas and adipose tissue remodelling in offspring

Bianca Martins Gregório 21 July 2010 (has links)
A dieta hiperlipídica (high-fat, HF) materna durante a gestação e/ou lactação aumenta a susceptibilidade da prole para o desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas na fase adulta. Verificar a hipótese que a ingestão materna de dieta HF nos períodos críticos de desenvolvimento (gestação e/ou lactação) predispõe à doença não alcoólica do fígado gorduroso e alterações pancreáticas e no tecido adiposo de camundongos machos adultos. Camundongos C57BL/6 fêmeas receberam durante a gestação e/ou lactação dieta padrão (standard chow, SC) ou HF. Filhotes machos foram divididos em cinco grupos: SC provenientes de mães SC; G provenientes de mães HF durante a gestação; L provenientes de mães HF durante a lactação; GL/HF provenientes de mães HF durante a gestação/lactação, mantendo a mesma dieta HF no período pós-natal (do desmame aos 3 meses deidade); GL provenientes de mães HF durante a gestação/lactação trocando a dieta para SC no período pós-natal (do desmame aos 3 meses deidade). Foi analisada ao longo do experimento a massa corporal da prole. No sacrifício (3 meses), o fígado, o pâncreas e a gordura epididimária foram removidos, pesados e processados e o sangue foi coletado para análise bioquímica. Ao nascimento e ao desmame, filhotes GL/HF foram mais pesados (+6% e +44%, p<0,05, respectivamente) que os filhotes SC. Os filhotes G apresentaram resistência à insulina e menor expressão do transportador de glicose no fígado (GLUT-2). A esteatose hepática foi observada nos grupos G, L, GL e principalmente nos filhotes do grupo GL/HF. A expressão hepática da proteína ligante de elementos regulatórios de esteróis (SREBP-1c) estava aumentada nos filhotes G, GL e GL/HF. Os filhotes G, GL e GL/HF apresentaram hipertrofia da ilhota pancreática e dos adipócitos quando comparados com o grupo SC. O consumo de dieta HF durante a gestação mostra-se ser o período mais prejudicial para os filhotes adultos de camundongos. A programação metabólica por dieta HF leva ao remodelamento adverso do fígado, do pâncreas e do tecido adiposo / Maternal high-fat diet (HF) during gestation and/or lactation period increases the susceptibility to development of chronic disease in offspring adult life. This work aimed to verify the hypothesis that maternal intake of high-fat diet in critical periods of pregnancy and/or suckling period predisposes to non alcoholic fatty liver disease, pancreatic and adipose tissue alterations in adulthood mice offspring. C57BL/6 female mice were fed, during gestation and/or lactation phases, with standard chow (SC) or HF diet. Male pups were divided into 5 groups: SC- from SC fed dam; G- from HF fed dam during gestation period; L- from HF fed dam during lactation period; GL- from HF fed dam during gestation and lactation periods and GL/HF- from HF fed dam during gestation and lactation, maintaining HF diet from post-weaning to adulthood. We analyzed body mass in all experiment, and at the euthanasia (3 mo-old), liver, pancreas and adipose tissue were removed, weighted and embedded. Blood was collected to biochemical analyses. At birth and at weaning, GL/HF pups were heavier than SC pups (+6% and +44%, p<0.05, respectively). G offspring showed insulin resistance and lower glucose transporter-2 expression (GLUT-2). Hepatic steatosis was present in G, L, GL and mainly in GL/HF offspring. Sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) expression was higher in G, GL and GL/HF offspring. It is important to mention that pancreatic islet hypertrophy and adipocyte hypertrophy were affected in G, GL and GL/HF offspring in comparison to SC. HF diet administration during gestation period is worse than lactation period. Furthermore, this type of programming by HF predisposes to adverse remodeling in liver, pancreas and adipose tissue in adult mice offspring

Dieta hiperlipídica materna e pós-natal promove remodelamento adverso do fígado, pâncreas e tecido adiposo na prole / Maternal and postnatal high fat diet provoke adverse liver, pancreas and adipose tissue remodelling in offspring

Bianca Martins Gregório 21 July 2010 (has links)
A dieta hiperlipídica (high-fat, HF) materna durante a gestação e/ou lactação aumenta a susceptibilidade da prole para o desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas na fase adulta. Verificar a hipótese que a ingestão materna de dieta HF nos períodos críticos de desenvolvimento (gestação e/ou lactação) predispõe à doença não alcoólica do fígado gorduroso e alterações pancreáticas e no tecido adiposo de camundongos machos adultos. Camundongos C57BL/6 fêmeas receberam durante a gestação e/ou lactação dieta padrão (standard chow, SC) ou HF. Filhotes machos foram divididos em cinco grupos: SC provenientes de mães SC; G provenientes de mães HF durante a gestação; L provenientes de mães HF durante a lactação; GL/HF provenientes de mães HF durante a gestação/lactação, mantendo a mesma dieta HF no período pós-natal (do desmame aos 3 meses deidade); GL provenientes de mães HF durante a gestação/lactação trocando a dieta para SC no período pós-natal (do desmame aos 3 meses deidade). Foi analisada ao longo do experimento a massa corporal da prole. No sacrifício (3 meses), o fígado, o pâncreas e a gordura epididimária foram removidos, pesados e processados e o sangue foi coletado para análise bioquímica. Ao nascimento e ao desmame, filhotes GL/HF foram mais pesados (+6% e +44%, p<0,05, respectivamente) que os filhotes SC. Os filhotes G apresentaram resistência à insulina e menor expressão do transportador de glicose no fígado (GLUT-2). A esteatose hepática foi observada nos grupos G, L, GL e principalmente nos filhotes do grupo GL/HF. A expressão hepática da proteína ligante de elementos regulatórios de esteróis (SREBP-1c) estava aumentada nos filhotes G, GL e GL/HF. Os filhotes G, GL e GL/HF apresentaram hipertrofia da ilhota pancreática e dos adipócitos quando comparados com o grupo SC. O consumo de dieta HF durante a gestação mostra-se ser o período mais prejudicial para os filhotes adultos de camundongos. A programação metabólica por dieta HF leva ao remodelamento adverso do fígado, do pâncreas e do tecido adiposo / Maternal high-fat diet (HF) during gestation and/or lactation period increases the susceptibility to development of chronic disease in offspring adult life. This work aimed to verify the hypothesis that maternal intake of high-fat diet in critical periods of pregnancy and/or suckling period predisposes to non alcoholic fatty liver disease, pancreatic and adipose tissue alterations in adulthood mice offspring. C57BL/6 female mice were fed, during gestation and/or lactation phases, with standard chow (SC) or HF diet. Male pups were divided into 5 groups: SC- from SC fed dam; G- from HF fed dam during gestation period; L- from HF fed dam during lactation period; GL- from HF fed dam during gestation and lactation periods and GL/HF- from HF fed dam during gestation and lactation, maintaining HF diet from post-weaning to adulthood. We analyzed body mass in all experiment, and at the euthanasia (3 mo-old), liver, pancreas and adipose tissue were removed, weighted and embedded. Blood was collected to biochemical analyses. At birth and at weaning, GL/HF pups were heavier than SC pups (+6% and +44%, p<0.05, respectively). G offspring showed insulin resistance and lower glucose transporter-2 expression (GLUT-2). Hepatic steatosis was present in G, L, GL and mainly in GL/HF offspring. Sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) expression was higher in G, GL and GL/HF offspring. It is important to mention that pancreatic islet hypertrophy and adipocyte hypertrophy were affected in G, GL and GL/HF offspring in comparison to SC. HF diet administration during gestation period is worse than lactation period. Furthermore, this type of programming by HF predisposes to adverse remodeling in liver, pancreas and adipose tissue in adult mice offspring

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