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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Web-based diagnosis of misconceptions in rational numbers

Layton, Roger David January 2016 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Wits School of Education, Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, 2016. / This study explores the potential for Web-based diagnostic assessments in the classroom, with specific focus on certain common challenges experienced by learners in the development of their rational number knowledge. Two schools were used in this study, both having adequate facilities for this study, comprising a well-equipped computer room with one-computer-per-learner and a fast, reliable broadband connection. Prior research on misconceptions in the rational numbers has been surveyed to identify a small set of problem types with proven effectiveness in eliciting evidence of misconceptions in learners. In addition to the problem types found from prior studies, other problem types have been included to examine how the approach can be extended. For each problem type a small item bank was created and these items were presented to the learners in test batteries of between four and ten questions. A multiple-choice format was used, with distractor choices included to elicit misconceptions, including those previously reported in prior research. The test batteries were presented in dedicated lessons to learners over four consecutive weeks to Grade 7 (school one) and Grade 8 (school two) classes from the participating schools. A number of test batteries were presented in each weekly session and, following the learners’ completion of each battery, feedback was provided to the learner with notes to help them reflect on their performance. The focus of this study has been on diagnosis alone, rather than remediation, with the intention of building a base for producing valid evidence of the fine-grained thinking of learners. This evidence can serve a variety of purposes, most significantly to inform the teacher on each learners’ stage of development in the specific micro-domains. Each micro-domain is a fine-grained area of knowledge that is the basis for lesson-sized teaching and learning, and which is highly suited to diagnostic assessment. A fine-grained theory of constructivist learning is introduced for positioning learners at a development stage in each micro-domain. This theory of development stages is the foundation I have used to explore the role of diagnostic assessment as it may be used in future classroom activity. To achieve successful implementation into time-constrained mathematics classrooms requires that diagnostic assessments are conducted as effectively and efficiently as possible. To meet this requirement, the following elements of diagnostic assessments were investigated: (1) Why are some questions better than others for diagnostic purposes? (2) How many questions need to be asked to produce valid conclusions? (3) To what extent is learner self-knowledge of item difficulty useful to identify learner thinking? A Rasch modeling approach was used for analyzing the data, and this was applied in a novel way by measuring the construct of the learners’ propensity to select a distractor for a misconception, as distinct from the common application of Rasch to measure learner ability. To accommodate multiple possible misconceptions used by a learner, parallel Rasch analyses were performed to determine the likely causes of learner mistakes. These analyses were used to then identify which questions appeared to be better for diagnosis. The results produced clear evidence that some questions are far better diagnostic discriminators than others for specific misconceptions, but failed to identify the detailed rules which govern this behavior, with the conclusion that to determine these would require a far larger research population. The results also determined that the number of such good diagnostic questions needed is often surprisingly low, and in some cases a single question and response is sufficient to infer learner thinking. The results show promise for a future in which Web-based diagnostic assessments are a daily part of classroom practice. However, there appears to be no additional benefit in gathering subjective self-knowledge from the learners, over using the objective test item results alone. Keywords: diagnostic assessment; rational numbers; common fractions; decimal numbers; decimal fractions; misconceptions; Rasch models; World-Wide Web; Web-based assessment; computer-based assessments; formative assessment; development stages; learning trajectories.

Exploring grade 11 learner routines on function from a commognitive perspective

Essack, Regina Miriam 25 July 2016 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy September 2015 / This study explores the mathematical discourse of Grade 11 learners on the topic function through their routines. From a commognitive perspective, it describes routines in terms of exploration and ritual. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with 18 pairs of learners, from six South African secondary schools, capturing a landscape of public schooling, where poor performance in Mathematics predominates. The questions pursued became: why does poor performance persist and what might a commognitive lens bring into view? With the discursive turn in education research, commognition provides an alternate view of learning mathematics. With the emphasis on participation and not on constraints from inherited mental ability, the study explored the nature of learner discourse on the object, function. Function was chosen as it holds significant time and weight in the secondary school curriculum. Examining learners’ mathematical routines with the object was a way to look at their discourse development: what were the signifiers related to the object and what these made possible for learners to realise. Within learners’ routines, I was able to characterise these realisations, which were described and categorised. This enabled a description of learner thinking over three signifiers of function in school Mathematics: the algebraic expression, table and graph. In each school, Grade 11 learners were separated into three groups according to the levels at which they were performing, from summative scores of grade 11 assessments, so as to enable a description of discourse related to performance. Interviews were conducted in pairs, and designed to provoke discussion on aspects of function and its signifiers between learners in each pair. This communication between learners and with the interviewer provided data for description and analysis of rituals and explorations. Zooming in and out again on these routines made a characterisation of the discourse of failure possible, which is seldom done. It became apparent early in the study that learners talked of the object function, without a formal mathematical narrative, a definition in other words, of the object. The object was thus vested in its signifiers. The absence of an individualised formal narrative of the object impacts directly what is made possible for learners to realise, hence to learn. The study makes the following contributions: first, it describes learners’ discursive routines as they work with the object function. Second, it characterises the discourse of learners at different levels of performance. Third, it starts exploration of commognition as an alternate means to look at poor performance. The strengths and limitations of the theory as it pertains to this study, are discussed later in the concluding chapter. Keywords commognition, discourse, communication, participation, routines, exploration, ritual, learners, learning, narratives, endorsed narratives, visual mediators.

Intervening to improve the grade 6 learners’ use of models and strategies in solving addition and subtraction word problems

Kanyane, Mphokane Hellen January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Science, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, University of the Witwatersrand. Johannesburg, October 2016. / This research study makes an attempt at intervening in the Grade6learners’ use of models and strategies in solving addition and subtraction word problems based on Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) theory. RME theory advocates for the provision of understandable contexts that learners can relate with to support them in developing models and strategies, with specific reference to the empty number line model in assisting learners to develop an understanding of the structure of number and to work flexibly in solving addition and subtraction word problems. It is in understanding the models and strategies learners are using that we can begin to understand how the learners need to be supported in order to operate at the appropriate mathematics levels for their grade. Participants in this research study, forty boys and girls doing grade six, all with a weaker mathematical background, wrote the same tests in the form of pre test, post test and the delayed post test. After writing the pre test, the learners attended a series of six intervention lessons before writing the post tests. The intervention lessons encouraged learner engagement with word problems and the development of models as representations of problem situations and strategies which represent learner’s manipulation of models in an RME-advocated approach. Learner responses were analysed aiming at the identification of models and strategies they employed, as well as the correctness and success in solving the problems. The analysis found out that mainly there have been some improvements in the repeat sittings from predominantly using the column model with a lot of incorrect answers to using the empty number line with more correct answers. I would therefore encourage the maximum participation of teamwork amongst teachers for identifying and using efficient models and strategies in order to promote performance levels in mathematics through developing an understanding of the structure of number and working flexibly in solving addition and subtraction word problems. / LG2017

The effect of the knowledge of logic in proving mathematical theorems in the context of mathematical induction

Unknown Date (has links)
"Let P(n) be a statement for every positive integer n. We denote the set of all positive integers by N and consider G = {n [is an element of] N [such that] P(n) is true}. The principle of mathematical induction can now be stated as follows: If [(i) 1 [is an element of] G and, (ii) for all k [is an element of] N if k [is an element of] G, then k + 1 [is an element of] G], then G = N. Now symbolize this statement as follows: P: 1 [is an element of] G. R: k [is an element of] G. S: k + 1 [is an element of] G. Q: G = N. Therefore the statement of the principle of mathematical induction can be seen in the following form. If [P and, [for all] k [is an element of] N (if R, then S)], then Q. One strategy for teaching this principle is to explain that in order to apply the principle of mathematical induction and assert Q, one must appeal to the logical rule of modus ponens (the law of detachment). That is, we must affirm the antecedent [P and, [for all] k [is an element of] N (if R, then S)], and then we can assert Q. Therefore the research hypothesis for this study was that if people have the prerequisite knowledge of logic, and that if they are taught the principle of mathematical induction in terms of logic, then they will perform better on a criterion test over the principle of mathematical induction than people who are not taught in terms of logic"--Introduction. / Typescript. / "June, 1972." / "Submitted to the Department of Mathematics Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in Mathematics Education." / Advisor: E. D. Nichols, Professor Directing Dissertation. / Includes bibliographical references.

Inductive discovery learning, reception learning, and formal verbalization of mathematical concepts

Unknown Date (has links)
Theoretical speculations abound on all sides of the following two questions: 1. What are the relative merits of the reception and discovery modes of learning? 2. What effect does forcing a student to immediately verbalize his newly discovered concept have on his ability to retain and transfer this concept? The purpose of the present study is to seek answers to these questions on the basis of experimental evidence. / Typescript. / "June, 1967." / "Submitted to the Graduate School of Florida State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy." / Advisor: E. D. Nichols, Professor Directing Dissertation. / Includes bibliographical references.

A constituição do conhecimento matemático em um curso de matemática à distância /

Barbariz, Taís Alves Moreira. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Aparecida Viggiani Bicudo / Banca: Adlai Ralph Detoni / Banca: Flávio de Souza Coelho / Banca: Marcus Vinicius Maltempi / Banca: Orlando de Andrade Figueiredo / Resumo: Esta pesquisa tem por meta compreender a constituição de conhecimento matemático, tomando como foco a experiência vivenciada no mundo-vida da Educação a Distância. O desdobramento dos estudos persegue a questão, objetivo da investigação: Como se constitui o conhecimento matemático quando se está junto à Matemática, ao computador e aos cossujeitos? A pesquisadora assume, para isso, a postura filosófica-fenomenológica, entendendo que a Fenomenologia busca a ir-às-coisas-mesmas, não deduzindo consequências de pressupostos teóricos. Assim, a pesquisadora foca sua análise nas vivências em que o sentido vai se fazendo para ela. Para a constituição dos dados foi projetado um curso na modalidade à distância sobre Geometria, tomando como inspiração o tratado em dois capítulos de duas obras de Hans Freudenthal que tratam dessa parte da Matemática. Os procedimentos que conduzem a investigação tomam como dados, constituídos para esse fim, dois momentos distintos. O primeiro momento se deu na temporalidade da preparação do curso, quando se constituíram os dados que tiveram como solo os registros da pesquisadora, sujeito da investigação, que buscou, de modo atentivo, dar-se conta do por ela percebido nesse movimento, descrevendo essa percepção tal como a ela aparece no fluxo de sua lembrança. O segundo momento selecionado para análise e interpretação se constituiu de um dos diálogos, destacado entre todos os que ocorreram durante a realização do curso. Este diálogo mostrou-se exemplar pelo fato de apresentar diferentes maneiras de participações nas atividades do curso, como a apresentação de outros autores, que não os indicados no curso, para dialogar e auxiliar nas compreensões dos assuntos tratados, e, também por trazer outros alunos no movimento do diálogo em que um comenta a fala do outro... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research aims to understand the constitution of mathematical knowledge, focusing on the experience lived in the Distance Education life-world. The studies unfolding pursues the question which is the aim of the investigation: How is mathematical knowledge constituted when one is close to Mathematics, the computer and co-subjects? The researcher assumes, for this, the philosophical-phenomenological position, understanding that Phenomenology aims to go-to-things-themselves, without deducing consequences of theoretical presuppositions. The researcher thus focuses her analysis on her living experiences in which it is making sense to her. For the constitution of data, a Geometry distance learning course was projected, inspired in two chapters of two Hans Freudenthal works that deals with this branch of Mathematics. The investigation procedures took two distinct moments as data, which was constituted specifically for this purpose. The first moment occurred in the temporality of the preparation of the course, when the constituted data had the researcher, the investigations subject, own records as its soil. She has attentively sought of her perceptions in the movement to describe this as it shows in her remembrance flow. The second moment selected for analysis and interpretation consisted of one of the dialogues, highlighted among all occurred during the realization of the course. This dialogue showed itself exemplary because it presented different ways of participating in the course activities, such as the presentation of authors other than those indicated in the course, dialoguing and helping in understanding some matters discussed, and also to bring other students into the dialogue movement in which one comments the speech of the other, ratifying it or bringing it in his/her own reflection. All records, from the first ... (Complete abstract electronic access below) / Doutor

Mathematical games in secondary education

Ewing, David Eugene January 2010 (has links)
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Diagrammatic Reasoning Skills of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers

Karrass, Margaret January 2012 (has links)
This study attempted to explore a possible relationship between diagrammatic reasoning and geometric knowledge of pre-service mathematics teachers. Diagrammatic reasoning skills, as a sequence of steps from visualization, to interpretation, to formalisms, are at the core of teachers' content knowledge for teaching. However, there is no course in the mathematics curriculum that systematically develops diagrammatic reasoning skills, except Geometry. In the course of this study, a group of volunteers in the last semester of their teacher preparation program were presented with "visual proofs" of certain theorems from high school mathematics curriculum and asked to prove/explain these theorems by reasoning from the diagrams. The results of the interviews were analyzed with respect to the participants' attained van Hiele levels. The study found that participants who attained higher van Hiele levels were more skilled at recognizing visual theorems and "proving" them. Moreover, the study found a correspondence between participants' diagrammatic reasoning skills and certain behaviors attributed to van Hiele levels. However, the van Hiele levels attained by the participants were consistently higher than their diagrammatic reasoning skills would indicate.

Diagrammatic Reasoning Skills of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers

Karrass, Margaret January 2012 (has links)
This study attempted to explore a possible relationship between diagrammatic reasoning and geometric knowledge of pre-service mathematics teachers. Diagrammatic reasoning skills, as a sequence of steps from visualization, to interpretation, to formalisms, are at the core of teachers"™ content knowledge for teaching. However, there is no course in the mathematics curriculum that systematically develops diagrammatic reasoning skills, except Geometry. In the course of this study, a group of volunteers in the last semester of their teacher preparation program were presented with "visual proofs" of certain theorems from high school mathematics curriculum and asked to prove/explain these theorems by reasoning from the diagrams. The results of the interviews were analyzed with respect to the participants"™ attained van Hiele levels. The study found that participants who attained higher van Hiele levels were more skilled at recognizing visual theorems and "proving" them. Moreover, the study found a correspondence between participants"™ diagrammatic reasoning skills and certain behaviors attributed to van Hiele levels. However, the van Hiele levels attained by the participants were consistently higher than their diagrammatic reasoning skills would indicate.

Statistics for Learning Genetics

Charles, Abigail Sheena January 2012 (has links)
This study investigated the knowledge and skills that biology students may need to help them understand statistics/mathematics as it applies to genetics. The data are based on analyses of current representative genetics texts, practicing genetics professors' perspectives, and more directly, students' perceptions of, and performance in, doing statistically-based genetics problems. This issue is at the emerging edge of modern college-level genetics instruction, and this study attempts to identify key theoretical components for creating a specialized biological statistics curriculum. The goal of this curriculum will be to prepare biology students with the skills for assimilating quantitatively-based genetic processes, increasingly at the forefront of modern genetics. To fulfill this, two college level classes at two universities were surveyed. One university was located in the northeastern US and the other in the West Indies. There was a sample size of 42 students and a supplementary interview was administered to a select 9 students. Interviews were also administered to professors in the field in order to gain insight into the teaching of statistics in genetics. Key findings indicated that students had very little to no background in statistics (55%). Although students did perform well on exams with 60% of the population receiving an A or B grade, 77% of them did not offer good explanations on a probability question associated with the normal distribution provided in the survey. The scope and presentation of the applicable statistics/mathematics in some of the most used textbooks in genetics teaching, as well as genetics syllabi used by instructors do not help the issue. It was found that the text books, often times, either did not give effective explanations for students, or completely left out certain topics. The omission of certain statistical/mathematical oriented topics was seen to be also true with the genetics syllabi reviewed for this study. Nonetheless, although the necessity for infusing these quantitative subjects with genetics and, overall, the biological sciences is growing (topics including synthetic biology, molecular systems biology and phylogenetics) there remains little time in the semester to be dedicated to the consolidation of learning and understanding.

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