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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The antimicrobial effects of para-hydroxybenzyl isothiocyanate on Escherichia coli O157:H7 in beaker sausage and the sensory influence of deheated yellow mustard on dry-fermented sausage

Li, Shuliu 06 September 2012 (has links)
Para-hydroxybenzyl isothiocyanate (p-HBIT) formed in yellow mustard following hydrolysis of the glucosinolate, sinalbin, is a natural antimicrobial agent. p-HBIT is not dependably available commercially, and a small amount was synthesized for use in beaker sausage fermentations. For these trials stabilized p-HBIT was used in dry sausage meat batter to reduce the viability of inoculated Escherichia coli O157:H7. A >4 log CFU/g reduction of E. coli O157:H7 was achieved in the beaker sausage containing p-HBIT. For sensory evaluation of fermented sausages containing ≤ 4% (w/w) yellow mustard powder, consumer preference tests were done. Deodorized (deheated) yellow mustard was added at 1,2,3 and 4% (w/w) to dry-fermented sausage and it was found that 3% and 4% mustard negatively affected the flavour, texture and overall acceptability of the fermented sausage. Dry-fermented sausage containing 1% and 2% mustard had a slight change in flavour, texture and overall acceptability.

The antimicrobial effects of para-hydroxybenzyl isothiocyanate on Escherichia coli O157:H7 in beaker sausage and the sensory influence of deheated yellow mustard on dry-fermented sausage

Li, Shuliu 06 September 2012 (has links)
Para-hydroxybenzyl isothiocyanate (p-HBIT) formed in yellow mustard following hydrolysis of the glucosinolate, sinalbin, is a natural antimicrobial agent. p-HBIT is not dependably available commercially, and a small amount was synthesized for use in beaker sausage fermentations. For these trials stabilized p-HBIT was used in dry sausage meat batter to reduce the viability of inoculated Escherichia coli O157:H7. A >4 log CFU/g reduction of E. coli O157:H7 was achieved in the beaker sausage containing p-HBIT. For sensory evaluation of fermented sausages containing ≤ 4% (w/w) yellow mustard powder, consumer preference tests were done. Deodorized (deheated) yellow mustard was added at 1,2,3 and 4% (w/w) to dry-fermented sausage and it was found that 3% and 4% mustard negatively affected the flavour, texture and overall acceptability of the fermented sausage. Dry-fermented sausage containing 1% and 2% mustard had a slight change in flavour, texture and overall acceptability.

An analysis of variable costs in small great plain meat processors with a focus on food safety costs

Callis, William January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agricultural Economics / John A. Fox / The United States has been inspecting commercial meat processing for over 100 years. Currently there is a push to increase the number of bacteria that meat processors are responsible to test for, which would lead to an increase in the costs of production. The goal of this thesis was to investigate antimicrobial practices used in small beef processing facilities across the Great Plains and the costs associated with those practices. A survey instrument was constructed and administered resulting in a total of 39 usable surveys for analysis. Preliminary analysis of the data was followed by an ordinary least squares regression to determine cost increasing or decreasing practices and attributes of the small processors. It was determined that on average small meat processors face a per ton variable cost of $914.71 or $0.46 per pound. Regression analysis indicated that plants can benefit from economies of scale. It was also determined there are no cost savings from being a state inspected as opposed to a federally inspected plant. Certain practices such as dry aging beef to increase quality and decrease bacterial load were found to increase the variable cost per pound. Microbial testing accounted for only 0.5% of the total variable cost of production.

Advancing the hygiene management system at poultry abattoirs in Gauteng, South Africa

Govender, R. January 2012 (has links)
Published Article / The Meat Safety Act, Act 40 of 2000 compels all registered abattoirs in South Africa to implement and maintain a Hygiene Management System (HMS) to ensure the safe processing of meat. The HMS is a basic food safety system that focuses on process standards that are designed to reduce the risk of contamination of meat and meat products during processing. Part of the Poultry regulations provide the requirements of HMS and were published by government on the 24th of February 2006. However, no guidelines were published or made available to poultry abattoir operators on how to interpret and implement the requirements of the HMS. The aim of this research was to determine the extent of HMS implementation at poultry abattoirs in Gauteng. The intention was to identify short comings, if any, within implemented HMSs with the intention of promoting compliance. This was achieved by developing common themes from research audit findings. These themes were then used to suggest critical areas that should be addressed during the development of an HMS implementation guideline document.

Haptoglobin, makroskopski i bakteriološki indikatori rizika po bezbednost mesa na klanici / Haptoglobin, macroscopic and bacterial indicators of the risk for meat safety at abattoir

Blagojević Bojan 10 November 2011 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify; ">Glavni cilj ovog rada je bio da se razviju i optimizuju objektivni i merljivi&nbsp;indikatori biolo&scaron;kih rizika po bezbednost mesa trupova, kao i da se &ndash; na osnovu&nbsp;kvalitativne ocene rizika - objektivno sagledaju i uporede performanse glavnih strategija&nbsp;za upravljanje tim rizicima na klanicama za goveda i svinje.<br />Ispitan je potencijal haptoglobina goveda i svinja, podeljenih u grupe na osnovu&nbsp;njihove pred-istorije ili nalaza tokom inspekcije mesa, kao indikatora za njihovu rizičnu&nbsp;kategorizaciju pre klanja u pogledu prisustva patolo&scaron;kih lezija. Svaka životinja je bila&nbsp;podvrgnuta aktuelnoj zvaničnoj inspekciji mesa i određen je nivo haptoglobina u krvnom&nbsp;serumu. I u svinja i u goveda, srednje vrednosti koncentracije haptoglobina su bile&nbsp;značajno vi&scaron;e u grupama kod kojih su detektovane abnormalnosti u odnosu na grupe ovih&nbsp;životinja bez nađenih promena, ali takva korelacija nije utvrđena na nivou individualne<br />životinje. Studija je ukazala da određivanje srednjeg nivoa haptoglobina u grupa životinja&nbsp;namenjenih klanju može da služi kao dodatni, objektivni indikator op&scaron;te prihvatljivosti&nbsp;zdravstvenog statusa i/ili farme porekla životinja, u okviru analize informacija iz lanca&nbsp;hrane kao dela premortalne inspekcije. Ovo je važno zbog dono&scaron;enja odluke o&nbsp;sprovođenju pojednostavljene ili detaljnije postmortalne inspekcije određenih životinja ili&nbsp;grupa životinja na klanicama.&nbsp;U pogledu indikatora rizika od mikrobiolo&scaron;ke kontaminacije obrađenih goveđih&nbsp;trupova, ispitana je mogućnost kori&scaron;ćenja numeričke ocene vizuelne čistoće goveda pre&nbsp;klanja. Vizuelno je ocenjena čistoća kože goveda (na skali od 1 do 4), a zatim su na&nbsp;obrađenim trupovima određeni nivoi generičke mikrobiote i prisustvo Escherichia coli&nbsp;O157. Utvrđena je globalna korelacija između vizuelne čistoće kože i nivoa generičke&nbsp;mikrobiote na obrađenim trupovima, ali su se ti nivoi značajno razlikovali samo između&nbsp;trupova vrlo prljavih goveda (kategorija 4) i svih drugih manje prljavih ili čistih&nbsp;(kategorije 1, 2 i 3). U pogledu vizuelne čistoće goveda i prisustva Escherichia coli O157&nbsp;na obrađenim trupovima, jasna korelacija nije utvrđena. Potvrđena je opravdanost&nbsp;kori&scaron;ćenja sistema vizuelne ocene čistoće goveda i korisnost ove ocene kao jednog od&nbsp;indikatora nivoa rizika od mikrobiolo&scaron;ke kontaminacije obrađenih trupova u pogledu&nbsp;generičke mikrobiote.&nbsp;Takođe, ispitana je mogućnost kori&scaron;ćenja kvantitativnog odnosa između nivoa&nbsp;ulazne (na koži) i finalne (na obrađenim trupovima) mikrobiolo&scaron;ke kontaminacije kao&nbsp;potencijalnog indikatora za rizičnu kategorizaciju goveđih i svinjskih klanica u pogledu&nbsp;njihovih performansi u redukciji rizika od mikrobiolo&scaron;ke kontaminacije mesa. Na&nbsp;kožama i trupovima goveda i svinja su određeni nivoi generičke mikrobiote i prisustvo&nbsp;najznačajnijih patogena u lancu goveđeg (Escherichia coli O157) i svinjskog mesa&nbsp;(Salmonella). Rezultati su pokazali da je odnos statusa kože i obrađenog trupa u pogledu&nbsp;nivoa generičke mikrobiote precizniji i pouzdaniji u diferencijaciji performansi procesne&nbsp;higijene klanica, u poređenju sa zvaničnim aktuelnim kriterijumima procesne higijene&nbsp;navedenim u legislativi Evropske Unije. S druge strane, rezultati su ukazali da kori&scaron;ćenje&nbsp;prevalencije patogena kao parametra u karakterizaciji procesne higijene klanica nije&nbsp;korisno.&nbsp;Pored toga, upoređeni su potencijalni doprinosi glavnih dana&scaron;njih strategija u&nbsp;upravljanju biolo&scaron;kim rizicima za bezbednost mesa na klanicama za goveda i svinje -&nbsp;aktuelne inspekcije mesa i procesne higijene klanice - ukupnom osiguranju biolo&scaron;ke&nbsp;bezbednosti mesa. Kvalitativno su ocenjeni rizici po zdravlje ljudi od alimentarnih&nbsp;hazarda povezanih sa goveđim ili svinjskim mesom, koje je moguće kontrolisati jednom&nbsp;od ove dve strategije na klanicama. Poređenjem nivoa ocenjenih rizika, utvrđeno je da&nbsp;adekvatna procesna higijena danas značajno vi&scaron;e doprinosi ukupnoj biolo&scaron;koj&nbsp;bezbednosti mesa trupova goveda i svinja u odnosu na aktuelnu inspekciju mesa. Ipak, u&nbsp;globalnom sistemu bezbednosti mesa, obe navedene strategije moraju da imaju specifičnu&nbsp;ulogu, shodno oceni rizika od hazarda koje kontroli&scaron;u.&nbsp;Svekupno, ova studija je pružila naučnu osnovu za dalje unapređenje savremenog,&nbsp;longitudinalnog i integrisanog sistema biolo&scaron;ke bezbednosti goveđeg i svinjskog mesa,&nbsp;kao i za kori&scaron;ćenje nekih novih indikatora biolo&scaron;kih rizika u tom sistemu. Istovremeno,&nbsp;ukazala je i na potrebu i smer za dalja/dublja istraživanja za optimizaciju i&nbsp;implementacije tog modernog sistema i predloženih indikatora rizika u praksi.</p> / <p> The main aim of this work was to develop and optimize objective and measurable<br /> indicators of biological risks for the safety of carcass meat, and to - based on qualitative<br /> risk assessment - identify and objectively compare performances of the main risk<br /> management strategies in cattle and pig abattoirs.<br /> The potential of haptoglobin as an indicator of animal pre-slaughter risk<br /> classification regarding the presence of pathological lesions was investigated in cattle and<br /> pigs which were divided into groups, based on their pre-history or meat inspection<br /> findings. Each animal was subjected to the current official meat inspection and blood<br /> serum haptoglobin level determination. In both cattle and pigs, the mean haptoglobin<br /> concentrations were significantly higher in groups with abnormalities than in those<br /> without, but such a correlation was not been established at the level of individual animals.<br /> The study indicated that the mean haptoglobin level in groups of animals intended for<br /> slaughter can be used as an additional, objective indicator of general health status of<br /> animals and/or appropriateness of farm of their origin, when analysing the food chain<br /> information as a part of the ante-mortem inspection. This is important in deciding<br /> whether to perform simplified or detailed post-mortem inspection of certain animals or<br /> groups of animals at abattoirs.<br /> The numerical assessment of cattle cleanliness before slaughter was evaluated as a<br /> risk indicator of dressed beef carcasses&rsquo; microbial contamination. Cattle hide cleanliness<br /> was visually assessed (on a scale of 1 to 4) and levels of generic microbiota and<br /> occurrence of Escherichia coli O157 on dressed carcass were determined. A global<br /> correlation was found between the visual hide cleanliness and generic microbiota levels<br /> on dressed carcasses, but these levels significantly differed only between very dirty cattle<br /> (category 4) and all other less dirty or clean cattle (categories 1, 2 and 3). Regarding the<br /> visual cattle cleanliness and the presence of Escherichia coli O157 on dressed carcasses,<br /> a clear relationship was not determined. The validity of cattle cleanliness visual<br /> assessment system and usefulness of this as an indicator of risk of generic microbiota<br /> contamination of dressed carcasses was confirmed.<br /> Also, the quantitative relationship between the levels of incoming (hide/skin) and<br /> final (dressed carcasses) microbiological contamination was evaluated as an indicator for<br /> risk categorization of cattle and pig abattoirs in terms of their performances in reducing<br /> the risk of microbiological contamination of meat. Levels of generic microbiota and<br /> occurrence of the major pathogens in beef (Escherichia coli O157) and pork chain<br /> (Salmonella) were determined on hides/skins and dressed carcasses. The results showed<br /> that the ratio between generic microbiota levels on dressed carcasses and hides/skins is<br /> more precise and more reliable in the differentiation of process hygiene performances of<br /> abattoirs, compared to the official current process hygiene criteria laid down in the<br /> European Union legislation. On the other hand, the results indicated that the prevalence<br /> of pathogens is not useful as a parameter in the characterization of abattoir process<br /> hygiene.<br /> Additionally, potential contributions of the main current strategies in biological<br /> meat safety risk management in cattle and pig abattoirs - the current meat inspection and<br /> abattoir process hygiene - in ensuring the overall biological safety of meat were<br /> compared. Human health biological foodborne risks associated with beef or pork that can<br /> be controlled by one of the two strategies at abattoirs were qualitatively assessed.<br /> Comparing the levels of assessed risks, it was concluded that adequate process hygiene<br /> currently contributes significantly more to the overall biological safety of beef and pork<br /> VIII<br /> carcasses than current meat inspection. However, in the global meat safety assurance<br /> system, both of these strategies must have a specific role, according to the risk<br /> assessment of hazards which they individually control.<br /> Overall, this study has provided a scientific basis for the further development of<br /> contemporary, longitudinal and integrated risk management system for biological safety<br /> of beef and pork, as well as the use of some new indicators of biological risk in such a<br /> system. At the same time, it has indicated the needs and directions for further and more<br /> intensive research to optimize and implement that modern system and the proposed risk<br /> indicators in practice.</p>

Prisustvo, karakterizacija i kontrolne opcije za Salmonella enterica u lancu mesa divlje svinje / The presence, characterization and control options for Salmonella enterica in the wild boar meat chain

Mirčeta Jovan 29 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Istraživanje je sprovedeno u cilju utvrđivanja prisustva i ra&scaron;irenosti infekcije sa Salmonella enterica u populaciji divljih svinja u lovnim gazdinstvima u Republici Srbiji, kao i uticaju procesa lova i obrade trupova divljih svinja na njihov mikrobiolo&scaron;ki status. U pogledu jednog od najznačajnijih alimentarnih patogena u divljih svinja, Salmonella enterica, ukupno je ispitano 425 jedinki, odstreljenih u 12 lovnih gazdinstava. Ukupna prevalencija Salmonella je iznosila 4,2%. Najvi&scaron;e izolata je dobijeno iz fecesa (13, odnosno 3,1%), dok je iz brisa kože i povr&scaron;ine mesa trupova dobijeno 3 (0,7%) odnosno 4 izolata (0,9%) i samo 1 izolat iz mezenterijalnog limfnog čvora (0,2%). Serotipizacijom izolata Salmonella enterica potvrđeni su serotipovi S. Enteritidis (71.4% od ukupnog broja izolata), S. Typhimurium (23,8%) i S. Infantis (samo jedan izolat, 4,8%). Salmonella enterica je statistički značajno če&scaron;će utvrđena kod životinja iz otvorenog lovi&scaron;ta, kao i kod jedinki ženskog pola starijih od 36 meseci i težih od 75 kg. Molekularnom karakterizacijom izolata Salmonella enterica metodom elektroforeze u pulsirajućem polju (PFGE) utvrđeni su identični profil S. Typhimurium iz fecesa i na povr&scaron;ini mesa trupa iste divlje svinje, &scaron;to ukazuje na prenos ovog patogena sa fecesa na meso trupa tokom evisceracije. Takođe su metodom PFGE utvrđeni identični i/ili visoko srodni profili Salmonella enterica kod divljih svinja poreklom iz različitih lovi&scaron;ta i između divljih svinja, domaćih svinja i živine poreklom sa farmi u okolini lovi&scaron;ta. Ovo ukazuje na postojanje genetske veze, kao i mogućnost postojanja epidemiolo&scaron;ke veze između divljih svinja i domaćih životinja u pogledu ovog patogena. Utvrđena je visoka mikrobiolo&scaron;ka kontaminacija kože i mesa trupova divljih svinja bakterijama indikatorima op&scaron;te i fekalne kontaminacije. Na osnovu uzorkovanih 210 divljih svinja, izlovljenih u 8 lovi&scaron;ta, prosečan ukupan broj bakterija (ACC) utvrđen na koži bio je je 5,2 log10 cfu/cm2, a broj Enterobacteriaceae (EBC) 3,6 log10 cfu/cm2. Prosečan ACC utvrđen na mesu trupova iznosio je 5,4 log10 cfu/cm2, a EBC 3,8 log10 cfu/cm2. Vi&scaron;i nivo mikrobiolo&scaron;ke kontaminacije na mesu trupova divljih svinja u odnosu na kožu ukazuje da drugi izvori kontaminacije (prolivanje sadržaja creva kao posledice ustreljivanja u abdomen i druge nehigijenske procedure tokom obrade trupova) igraju važniju ulogu u kontaminaciji mesa trupova nego koža. Na mikrobiolo&scaron;ki status trupova su najvi&scaron;e uticale procedure lova i obrade trupova, pa je na nivou pojedinih lovi&scaron;ta utvrđena statistički značajna razlika između trupova ispravno odstreljenih životinja i onih pogođenih u abdomen. Na vi&scaron;i nivo mikrobiolo&scaron;ke kontaminacije sa ACC i EBC su takođe uticale procedura evisceracije na terenu na otvorenom u ležećem položaju na zemlji i bez dostupne čiste vode, kao i veoma nehigijenska praksa pranja kože i unutra&scaron;njih povr&scaron;ina trupova nakon obavljene evisceracije. Rezultati ovog istraživanja značajno doprinose razumevanju epidemiologije Salmonella enterica u divljih svinja u Srbiji i rizičnih faktora koji utiču na njeno &scaron;irenje i mogućnost prenosa na ljude alimentarnim putem, kao i uticaja procesa lova i obrade trupova divljih svinja na njihov mikrobiolo&scaron;ki status. Oni takođe predstavljaju i naučnu osnovu za dalji razvoj strategija za kontrolu S. enterica u populaciji divljih svinja u Srbiji i sveukupne mikrobiolo&scaron;ke kontaminacije mesa trupova.</p> / <p>The presence and distribution of Salmonella enterica infection in wild boar population in hunting estates in Serbia was studied, as well as the impact of hunting and carcass dressing procedures on their microbiological conditions.&nbsp; With respect to the main foodborne pathogen from wild boars, Salmonella enterica, the total number of 425 wild boars, originating from 12 hunting estates, was examined. The overall Salmonella prevalence was 4.2%. Isolates were recovered from faeces (13, representing 3.1%), while fewer from skin and carcass meat swabs, i.e. 3 (0.7%) and 4 (0.9%) respectively and only one isolate from mesenteric lymph node (0.2%). Serotyping of S. enterica isolates confirmed serotypes S. Enteritidis (71.4% of total numbers of isolates), S. Typhimurium (23.8%) and S. Infantis (only one isolate, 4.8%). Salmonella enterica was more often found in animals originating from open hunting estates, and from females older than 36 months weighing &gt;75 kg. Molecular characterisation of S. enterica isolates using Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) revealed identical profile of S. Typhimurium from the faeces and carcass meat surface of the same animal, indicating transmission of this pathogen from the faeces to carcass meat during evisceration. Also, identical and/or highly related profiles of S. enterica were determined from wild boars from different hunting estates and between wild boars and domestic pigs and poultry from nearby farms in close proximity to hunting estates. This indicate the existence of genetic link, and possibility of epidemiological link as well between wild boars and domestic animals in respect to this microbial pathogen. High microbial contamination of wild boar skin and carcass meat with indicators of general and faecal contamination was found. Based on 210 sampled wild boars from eight hunting estates, the mean aerobic colony counts (ACC) on wild boar skin was 5,2 log10 cfu/cm2 and Enterobacteriaceae counts (EBC) 3,6 log10 cfu/cm2. The mean ACC on carcass meat was 5,4 log10 cfu/cm2, and EBC 3,8 log10 cfu/cm2. Higher levels of microbial contamination on wild boar carcass meat comparing to the skin indicate that sources other than skin (such as gut content spilage due to abdominal shot, as well as other unhygienic carcass dressing procedures) play important role in carcass meat contamination. Hunting and dressing procedures mostly influenced carcass meat microbial conditions, hence statistically significant difference was observed between properly shot animals and animals shot in abdominal region, as shown on the individual hunting estate level. Other procedures also had an influence on the higher carcass meat microbial contamination with ACC and EBC, such as evisceration in the field in lying position on the ground and without access to a clean water, as well as very unhygienic practice of washing skin and interior carcass surfaces after completed evisceration. The results from this study significantly contribute to the understanding of Salmonella enterica epidemiology in wild boars in Serbia and risk factors that contribute to its spread and transmission to humans, as well as to the impact of hunting and carcass dressing procedures on their microbial status. These results are also sound scientific basis for further development of control strategies for S. enterica in wild boar population in Serbia and control of overall microbial contamination on wild boar carcass meat.</p>

Exploring South African consumers' attitudes toward game meat

Wassenaar, Anjolize 11 1900 (has links)
The study explores South African respondents’ attitudes toward game meat and finds the differences between the attitudes of consumer and non-consumer respondents of game meat toward the following attributes of game meat: sensory characteristics; health benefits; game meat production ethics; animal welfare; safety for human consumption; availability; price; promotion; and preparation. This quantitative study determined the attitudes of 1096 consumers and 310 non-consumers of game meat with an online survey using questionnaires. Recruitment was done through social media and e-mail forwarding. The differences in attitudes between consumer and non-consumer respondents were determined using Fishbein’s attitude-toward-the-object model. Based on attitudes toward individual attributes, respondents classified some product attributes as important in their decision to consume, or not to consume, game meat. Respondents indicated that the availability, sensory characteristics, game meat production ethics and health benefits are considered to be important in their consumption of game meat. To market game meat purposefully, the industry should focus on these attributes. / Life and Consumer Sciences / MCS (Life and Consumer Sciences)

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