Spelling suggestions: "subject:"media anda communications"" "subject:"media anda kommunications""
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En granskning av Fotbollskanalens nyhetsbevakning : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av fotbollen för damer vid de Olympiskaspelen och Europamästerskapet för herrar under år 2021Edvardsson, Ludwig, Molund, Philip January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine the differences in news reporting regarding the Swedishfemale Olympic team in Football and the Swedish mens’ UEFA European football championship team. To achieve this, the paper will conduct a quantitative analysis on all the articles written during the chosen championships on the Swedish website Fotbollskanalen.se.The material used for this paper is all collected from Fotbollskanalen.se’s archive where over600 articles were found within both championships. Furthermore, the thesis will provide an analysis by applying framing and gender theories to critically review the articles fromFotbollskanalen.se. The result will highlight the differences and similarities in the reporting regarding both genders.
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“Lite mer ärligt från männen, kvinnorna är lite för vanilj” : Mediepublikens uppfattning om kvinnliga respektive manliga fotbollskommentatorerÖhgren, Emma, Rööse, Alexandra January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka om publikens uppfattning av fotbollsevenemang påverkas när matcherna kommenteras av kvinnor jämfört med när de kommenteras av män, och om kön spelar roll i bedömningen av kommentatorernas prestation. Uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk utgår från Gunilla Jarlbros teori om kön och maktstrukturer i media, sport och genus genom Peter Dahlén, Jesper Enbom och Eric Carlsson och slutligen George Gerbners teori om kultivering. Syftet besvaras genom två frågeställningar, på vilket sätt publikens upplevelse av fotbollsmatchen påverkas beroende på om kommentatorn är kvinna eller man, samt vilka skillnader det finns mellan hur män respektive kvinnor uppfattar kommentatorernas sätt att kommentera. Metoden som tillämpats till studien är en kvantitativ undersökning i form av en webbenkät. Detta för att på bästa sätt få en bredare förståelse kring publikens tankar om fotbollskommentatorer. Enkäten publicerades på egna sociala kanaler och besvarades av totalt 266 respondenter. Resultatet av studien visar att kvinnor och män tänker övervägande lika kring ämnet. De flesta respondenterna anser att de inte påverkas beroende på om det är en manlig eller kvinnlig kommentator. Nästan hälften av respondenterna motiverar däremot skillnader i kommentatorernas sätt att kommentera fotbollsmatcher, beroende på om de är kvinnor eller män. Där anser respondenterna att de besitter olika typer av egenskaper och kompetenser. Utifrån analys av svar på både slutna frågor samt öppna frågor från respondenterna, går det att tyda ett mönster i att flertalet är mer positivt inställda till de manliga kommentatorerna gentemot de kvinnliga. / The aim of this study is to examine whether the audience's perception of soccer events is affected when the matches are commented on by women compared to when they are commented on by men, and whether gender plays a role in the assessment of the commentator's performance. The thesis theoretical framework is based on Gunilla Jarlbro's theory of gender and power structures in media, sport and gender through Peter Dahlén, Jesper Enbom and Eric Carlsson, and finally George Gerbner's theory of cultivation. The aim is to be answered through two questions, in which way the audience's experience of the soccer match is affected depending on the gender of the commentators and what differences there are between how men and women perceive the commentators' way of commenting. The method applied to the study is a quantitative survey in the form of a web survey. This is to best gain a broader understanding of the audience's thoughts on soccer commentators. The survey was published on our own social channels and was answered by a total of 266 respondents. The results of the study show that women and men think predominantly the same about the subject. Most of the respondents believe that they are not influenced by the fact that there are male or female commentators. Almost half of the respondents justify differences in the commentators' way of commenting on soccer games, depending on whether they are women or men. There they believe that men and women possess different types of characteristics and competencies. Based on the analysis of answers to both closed questions and open questions from the respondents, it is possible to discern a pattern in that most are more positively disposed to male commentators than female ones.
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Living Langston: Entangled Knowledge in a Broadly Imagined CommunityFulkerson, Joy, Lange, Shara K. 01 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Online Threats to Journalists in Sweden and the US : An investigation into the orgnizational protections of journalists in an era of outrage-culturevon Cotzhausen Modin, Anneli January 2022 (has links)
The growing presence of social media in our modern-day world has changed the nature of journalism, as the introduction of Twitter as a tool in modern newsrooms has introduced new threats against journalists. This subject of Twitter in the newsroom has been thoroughly researched in the past; however, the research has largely been quantitative and the consequences of the behavior of journalists using Twitter somewhat less explored. Therefore, this research aims to answer the following questions: How has twitter affected the newsroom? How do journalists cope with online threats and hate on Twitter? and How do Aftonbladet (Sweden) and The New York Times (US) protect their journalists from threats and hate on Twitter? The research methods for this study have mainly been from semi-structured qualitative interviews with six journalists. Interviews were chosen to get a deeper understanding of individual experiences at large news organizations. It explores two different newspapers, the Swedish based Aftonbladet and US based The New York Times. The theoretical framework consisted of the Spiral of Silence Theory and Uses and Gratifications Theory. The findings indicate that (1) Twitter effects the newsrooms in terms of online threats, causes journalists and news organizations to cater to the few, Twitter can negatively affect people, and creates the opportunity for journalists to become brands outside of their employer; (2) journalists cope with online hate and threats by reporting threats, ignoring threats or hate, filtering social media, turning off their phones and avoiding topics; and lastly (3) Aftonbladet recognized that social media use is up to the journalist and that there should be less reliance or emphasis on the platform, they protect their journalists by offering training for the current online environment (threats training, persona training). While training is unknown for The New York Times, the organization put too much emphasis on the platform as a reporting and feedback tool which led to providing little protection for journalists who receive hate and threats on the platform (unless threats are deemed as a physical danger to the journalist).
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För sanning och frihet : En nätnografisk fallstudie om censurens påverkan på Frihetsrörelsens facebookgruppRoslund, Anni, Lembke, Moa January 2022 (has links)
The Corona Pandemic 2019 has taken a toll on the skepticism against vaccination and once again the conflict about vaccination has risen. Due to the speed of technological development in correlation with more people being drawn to digital networks these movements has grown bigger than ever. The purpose of this study is to investigate the Swedish anti-vaccination movement Frihetsrörelsens and how the members' experience censorship of vaccination skepticism regarding Covid-19 and if it has affected their interactions on Facebook. The method that forms the basis for the study is qualitative interviews and netnographic study. The material is collected from Frihetsrörelsens Facebook group and thereafter coded to seek underlying themes in the transcripted interviews and the published posts on Facebook. The results show that the members experience censorship to the extent that they can not express themselves freely about opinions that are against or critical towards vaccination. In the study there appeared to be a general distrust of government agencies, the media and pharmaceutical companies among the members. Mistrust also seemed to have resulted in arguments that there is a hidden agenda behind the Covid-19 pandemic because of the censorship. The experience and awareness of censorship has led to members moving to the uncensored platform Telegram.
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"Klimatomställningen är vår tids ödesfråga" : En kvalitativ studie av svenska politiska partiers gestaltning av klimatet i sina valmanifest år 2022 / “Climate change is the fateful issue of our time”Setterstig, Amanda, Aigner, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Under den svenska valrörelsen år 2022 riktades kraftig kritik mot de politiska partiernas smala debatt om vår tids viktigaste fråga, klimatet. Syftet med studien är därför att bidra med kunskap om hur klimatet gestaltas i politisk kommunikation i den svenska valrörelsen år 2022. Det görs genom att synliggöra hur Moderaterna, Liberalerna, Socialdemokraterna och Vänsterpartiet gestaltar klimatet i sina valmanifest år 2022. Studien baseras på Robert Entmans definition av gestaltningsteori samt Fairhurst och Sarrs gestaltningsverktyg: metafor, jargong, kontrast, vinkling och berättelse. Som komplement används retorisk teori med argumentationsverktygen ethos, logos och pathos. Den metod som används för att analysera empirin är kvalitativ systematisk innehållsanalys. Studien placeras inom forskningsfältet politisk kommunikation. Resultatet visar att Moderaterna, Liberalerna, Socialdemokraterna och Vänsterpartiet gestaltar klimatet på skilda sätt i sina valmanifest år 2022, däremot använder alla partier Nisbets gestaltningsram Moral och etik. Moderaterna och Liberalerna gestaltar klimatet genom att fokusera på en specifik aspekt, energikrisen, medan Socialdemokraterna och Vänsterpartiet gestaltar klimatet genom flera aspekter som energi, biologisk mångfald och ekosystem. Det kan därför konstateras att det råder begränsad gestaltningskonkurrens mellan partierna. Studien bidrar med kunskap kring den inverkan som svenska partiers valmanifest har på valrörelser samt hur partier utformar sin strategiska politiska kommunikation. Bidraget kan dessutom vara en länk i övrig forskning som studerar varför klimatet är mer eller mindre presenterat hos väljarna. / During the Swedish election campaign of 2022 massive criticism was directed towards the political parties' narrow debate about the most important issue of our time, the climate. The aim of this study is to contribute with knowledge about how the climate is framed in political communication in the Swedish election campaign of 2022. This is done by making visible how the Moderates, the Liberals, the Social Democrats, and the Left Party frame the climate in their election manifestos of 2022. The study is based on Robert Entman’s definition of framing theory and Fairhurst and Sarr’s framing tools: metaphor, jargon, contrast, spin and stories. As a complement rhetorical theory is used based on the triad, ethos, logos and pathos. The method used to analyze the material is qualitative systematic content analysis. This study is placed within the research field of political communication. The result shows that the Moderates, the Liberals, the Social Democrats and the Left Party frame the climate in different ways in their manifestos of 2022, however, every party use Nisbet’s frame Moral and ethic. The Moderates and the Liberals frame the climate by focusing on one aspect, the energy crisis, while the Social Democrats and the Left Party frame through several aspects as energy, biodiversity and ecosystem. There is limited framing competition between the parties. The study contributes with important knowledge concerning the influence that parties election manifestos have on election campaigns, and also how parties design their strategic political communication. The study can also be seen as a link to other research about why the climate is less or more presented within voters.
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Kvinnor och män i sportsidorna : En undersökning av sportsidorna i Örnsköldsviks Allehanda och Sportbladet ur ett genusperspektiv / Women and men in the sports paper : A study of the sports paper in Örnsköldsviks Allehanda and Sportbladet with a gender perspectiveJohansson, Adam, Åström, Ann January 2015 (has links)
Our goal with this paper is to see how male and female sport is described through a gender perspective in the newspapers Örnsköldsviks Allehanda and Aftonbladet (Sportbladet). Is there any difference between male and female sport reporting? Are the different sexes described in a certain way? How are they described? Do men and women get as much space in the sport-pages of the newspapers? And are there any differences or similarities over a ten year period? To look on some of these factors we have been doing a quantitative- and qualitative analysis of data. The quantitative analysis to show patterns that could be easy to count. For example we looked if the article was about men our women, what sport, whom had written the article and how much space the article were given. This to easy estimate if there was any differences in the sports reporting. After that we studied four articles very carefully, articles that had indicated signs and patterns that we could use to answer our main questions. According to our study, we can see that women are underrepresented in sports reporting. The survey shows that men often are portrayed after the cultural stereotype where they are portrayed as strong, confident and safe. The women on the other hand get to talk about things that isn’t related to their sports. The survey also showed that when the women got space in the sports pages, it was often because they have won something big, but men got the same amount of space for much smaller successes. We could not find any correlation between the writers sex and which sex he or she was writing about, but over our ten year period we could see that although the female writers at Sportbladet increased the sport reporting of women stood still. In Örnsköldsviks Allehanda on the other hand, the female writers stood still but the reporting increased.
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"VEM KALLAR SIG ENS INFLUENCER?” : -En kvalitativ studie om följares attityd till influencers på Instagram / “Who call themselves an influencer?” : – A qualitative study regarding followers attitude to influencers on InstagramTova, Rydfjäll, Rosanna, Pistone January 2018 (has links)
An influencer’s task is to reinforce and strengthen a company’s brand, but can there be any risk that they weaken their own trust towards their followers in the process? This study aims to examine influencers as a social phenomenon from the followers point of view to investigate any elements that can challenge the concept. Influencer marketing is visualized as something positive with a successful impact on the commercial industry. The question is: do the followers ever reflect whether the collaboration between the company and the influencer is genuine? The focus of this essay is directed towards distinguishing patterns which oppose the positive and favorable phenomenon as its seen in today’s social light. The study embodies the follower’s perspective since they possess the power on social media, which entails that their perspective is an interesting perspective to examine. The purpose of the study is to examine followers, aged between 18-35, with relationships to influencers on Instagram. In doing so, identify potential criticism or other negations that can reflect on the phenomenon. The method that is used, contains qualitative semi-structured group interviews. For the study, the snowball method was applied. Sixteen respondents were divided into four separate interview groups and were faced with sixteen open questions, concerning influencers on Instagram. The result is a negative attitude towards the phenomenon known as influencers. The largest contributing factor towards this result, was the financial gains behind the influencers’ sponsored posts. What eliminates the credibility towards influencers is the financial advantages, which generates a questionable attitude concerning the influencers authentic interest in their posts. The respondents’ attitudes also stands doubtful regarding the influencer as a profession
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Media representation of climate change in local media in rural IrelandHelleberg, Janet January 2024 (has links)
Climate change is one of the most prescient global development challenges of our time, and media plays an essential role in communicating awareness and knowledge sharing for mitigation and adaptation solutions. Although there is a significant amount of academic literature on the role media plays in communicating climate change, only a few studies examine the role of media coverage of the climate crisis in Ireland. These studies have yet to examine how climate change is represented in local media in Ireland. Accordingly, this study contributes to the recent growing body of research examining the portrayal of climate change in local media. This project explored how local media in rural Ireland represents climate change. The project utilised framing and ecological modernisation theories and employed a content analysis methodology to explore how climate change has been framed in local media from 2015 to March 2024. The findings from this examination indicated that media attention to climate change in local media in Ireland is on the rise, reflecting a growing community awareness and commitment to climate action. While reporting often leans towards agricultural interests, there is room for more balanced coverage that acknowledges the agriculture sector's significant contribution to Ireland's GHG emissions. Encouragingly, there has been progress in linking local impacts with climate change, though such news reporting could further engage the community and local government in discussions about creating context specific local solutions.
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Estudo de Mapeamento entre a ISAD/ISAAR e o Modelo CIDOC-CRM para a Descrição de Objetos Culturais da Torre do TomboInês Dias Koch 07 September 2019 (has links)
O Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, que coordena o arquivo a nível nacional, tem na sua posse uma coleção única de objetos culturais históricos e contemporâneos que datam do século IX até a atualidade.O arquivo tem identificado problemas no que toca à limitação da recuperação de informação relativa a entidades, visto que estas estão presentes nos campos textuais descritivos e necessitam de ser interpretadas e retiradas desses mesmos campos. As normas ISAD(G) e ISAAR(CPF), utilizadas atualmente para a representação dos objetos culturais, não respondem a todas as necessidades atuais, entre as quais se encontram a pesquisa por metadados que estão presentes nos campos textuais da norma. É, por isso, necessário encontrar um modelo de dados que permita recuperar toda a informação e ligar à rede internacional de dados. Tendo em vista a resolução deste problema, a Torre do Tombo considerou o modelo CIDOC-CRM, modelo de dados criado e aplicado na área dos museus, como a ferramenta de metadados indicada a explorar num novo sistema de informação para os arquivos.Este trabalho tem, por isso, como objetivo compreender no que é que consiste o CIDOC-CRM e como é que este se pode aplicar à área dos arquivos, utilizando o exemplo do Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo para orientar a elaboração do modelo. Para isso serão analisadas as diversas entidades e propriedades presentes no modelo CIDOC-CRM, de modo a ver como é que estas podem ser associadas e mapeadas no que diz respeito aos metadados utilizados atualmente nas normas de arquivo (ISAD(G) e ISAAR(CPF)).Do presente trabalho resultou a ontologia ArchOnto, o novo modelo de dados para os arquivos. Esta tem como base o modelo CIDOC-CRM e a ontologia Data Object, criada para se fazer a validação dos dados a inserir nos campos de descrição arquivística. Resultou ainda uma primeira caracterização dos objetos culturais da base de dados do Digitarq, base de dados onde se encontram os registos de todos os arquivos nacionais. / The Torre do Tombo National Archive, which coordinates the archive at national level, has in its possession a unique collection of historical and contemporary cultural objects that date from the ninth century to the present day.The archive has identified problems with the limitation of the retrieval of entity information, since these are present in the descriptive textual fields and need to be interpreted and removed from those same fields. The ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF) standards, currently used for the representation of cultural objects, do not respond to all current needs, among which are the search for metadata that are present in the text fields of the standard. It is therefore necessary to find a data model that allows retrieving all the information and connecting to the international data network. In order to solve this problem, Torre do Tombo considered the CIDOC-CRM model, a data model created and applied in the area of museums, as the metadata tool indicated to explore in a new information system for archives.This work has, therefore, to understand what CIDOC-CRM is and how it can be applied to the archives area, using the example of the Torre do Tombo National Archive to guide the elaboration of the model. In order to do this, we will analyse the different entities and properties present in the CIDOC-CRM model, in order to see how these can be associated and mapped with respect to the metadata currently used in the ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF)).The present work resulted in the ArchOnto ontology, the new data model for the archives. This is based on the CIDOC-CRM model and the Data Object ontology, created to validate the data to be inserted in the archival description fields. It also resulted in a first characterization of the cultural objects of the Digitarq database, a database of the records of all national archives.
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