Spelling suggestions: "subject:"medicago."" "subject:"nedicago.""
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Le rôle des cytokinines dans la mise en place de l’architecture racinaire des légumineuses / Role of cytokinins in legume root architectureBoivin, Stéphane 10 February 2016 (has links)
En réponse à une carence en azote dans le sol, les légumineuses sont capables d’interagir avec une bactérie du sol, Rhizobium, pour former un nouvel organe spécifique: la nodosité fixatrice d’azote atmosphérique. Chez la plante modèle des légumineuses Medicago truncatula, le récepteur aux cytokinines MtCRE1 est essentiel pour cette interaction symbiotique. Cependant, trois autres récepteurs aux cytokinines CHASE Histidine Kinase (CHK) existent chez M. truncatula. Les quatre CHKs ont des profils d’expression redondants dans les étapes précoces de la formation des nodosités, et plus divergeant dans les nodosités différenciées, même si MtCRE1 est le plus exprimé. Le locus génomique du plus proche homologue de MtCRE1 chez la plante non-symbiotique Arabidopsis, AHK4, complémente l’initiation des nodosités, mais seulement partiellement les phénotypes de croissance des nodosités et de fixation d’azote. Parmi les Régulateurs de Réponse de type B agissant en aval des CHKs, RRB3 a été sélectionné pour réaliser une stratégie de délétion de domaines protéiques, révélant son rôle positif dans la nodulation. Des données transcriptomiques indiquant une régulation de MtCRE1 dans l’épiderme en réponse à un « traitement symiotique », des approches fonctionnelles ont été réalisées et ont permis d’identifier un rôle négatif des cytokinines et de la voie MtCRE1 dans l’épiderme en réponse à ces « conditions symbiotiques ».En parallèle de ces travaux, des mutants des CHKs chez le pois ont été générés. A terme, ces recherches permettront de sélectionner un génotype tolérant à différents stress biotiques et abiotiques sans affecter les symbioses bénéfiques chez une espèce d’intérêt agronomique. / Legume plants adapt to low nitrogen by developing an endosymbiosis with nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria to form a new specific organ: the nitrogen-fixing nodule. In the Medicago truncatula model legume, the MtCRE1 cytokinin receptor is essential for this symbiotic interaction. As three other CHASE Histidine Kinase (CHK) cytokinin receptors exist in M. truncatula, we determined their potential contribution to this symbiotic interaction. The four CHKs have extensive redundant expression patterns at early nodulation stages but diverge in differentiated nodules, even though MtCRE1 has the strongest expression. Interestingly, a genomic locus of the MtCRE1 homolog from the aposymbiotic Arabidopsis plant, AHK4, rescues noduleinitiation, but only partially the nodule growth phenotype, and not the nitrogen fixation capacity. Among type-B Response Regulators acting downstream of CHKs, RRB3 has been selected to perform protein deletions, revealing a positive role RRB3 in nodulation. Transcriptomic data indicating an epidermis MtCRE1 regulation during a « symbiotic traitment », functional approaches showed a negative role of cytokinins and MtCRE1 pathway in epidermis in response to « symbiotic conditions ». chk mutants have been generated in Pisum sativum. Ultimately, the aim of these researches is to set the bases to select in legume species of agronomic interest a genotype tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses without affecting beneficial symbioses.
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Étude du rôle d’une Ribonucléase de type III, MtRTL1b, lors du développement des nodosités fixatrices d’azote chez l’espèce modèle Medicago truncatula / Role of a type III Ribonuclease, MtRTL1b, during nitrogen fixing nodule development in Medicago truncatulaMoreau, Jérémy 30 November 2018 (has links)
La majorité des Légumineuses sont capables d’établir une symbiose avec des bactéries du sol nommées Rhizobia. Lors de cette interaction symbiotique, un nouvel organe est formé, la nodosité. Dans cet organe, les bactéries fixent l’azote atmosphérique au profit de la plante hôte. Pendant la symbiose Rhizobia-Légumineuse, deux grands changements transcriptômiques ont été observés par différentes technologies, comme le RNASeq (Maunoury et al., 2010) ou les expériences de microarrays (Benedito et al., 2008). Ces grands changements interviennent aux différentes étapes de développements des nodosités et sont médiés par différents régulateurs de l’expression génique comme certains FTs clés et des petits ARN. Ces petits ARN régulateurs sont produits après le clivage de précurseurs de long ARN double brin ou d’ARN en épingle à cheveux par des enzymes particulières de la famille des ribonucléases de type III (RNase III), nommées DICER-LIKE (DCL). De plus, des gènes codant des RNases III additionnelles sont présents dans le génome de plantes et leurs rôles restent encore à être déterminés.Dans cette étude, nous avons caractérisés la famille des RNases III chez Medicago truncatula mais aussi chez d’autres espèces de légumineuse. Nous avons également recherchés l’implication de MtRTL1b, une RNase III, lors du développement des nodosités.Cette RNase III est un orthologue spécifique des nodosités d’AtRTL1, un répresseur de silencing chez Arabidopsis thaliana. Tout d'abord, nous avons montré que l’expression de ce gène est activée juste avant la différenciation et est principalement restreinte à l’interzone, là où les bactéroïdes deviennent totalement différenciés dans les cellules hôtes, et dans la zone de fixation de la nodosité. La répression de l’expression de MtRTL1b, par ARN interférence dans des racines transgéniques, affecte le développement de la nodosité, la fixation de l’azote et la viabilité des bactéroïdes. Un phénotype opposé est observé lorsque MtRTL1b est exprimé de façon ectopique dans la racine. Les analyses des données de séquençage nous ont permis de mettre en évidence que le RNAi conduit à la sous-expression de 1038 gènes, incluant plus de 109 gènes codant des NCRs qui sont des peptides intervenant dans le développement des bactéroïdes et/ou pour leur viabilité dans les nodosités indéterminées. De plus,des gènes impliqués dans les voies métaboliques et la régulation de l’état d'oxydo-réduction mais aussi dans le processus symbiotique, comme la leghémoglobine, sont également sous-exprimés. Des données de séquençage de petits ARN et d’ARN double brins sont en cours d’analyse afin de caractériser les changements dans les populations de petit ARN et identifier les substrats ARN double brin de cette RNase III lors du développement des nodosités. / Almost all Legumes are able to establish symbiosis with soil bacteria called Rhizobia. During this interaction, a new organ is formed, the nodule. In this organ, bacteria fix the atmospheric nitrogen for the host plant. During Rhizobia-Legumes symbiosis twotranscriptomic changes were observed by different technologies like RNAseq (Maunoury et al., 2010) or microarrays experiment (Benedito et al., 2008). These dramatic changes occur at the different steps of nodule development and are mediated by various gene expression regulators including several keys transcription factors and small RNAs. These small regulatory RNAs are produced after cleavage of long double-stranded or hairpin RNA precursors by particular enzymes of the ribonuclease III (RNase III) family, called DICERLIKEproteins (DCL). However, additional RNase III encoding genes are present in plant genomes, whose roles remain to be fully determined.In this work, we characterized the RNAse III family in the model M. truncatula, as well as other legumes species. We also investigated the involvement in nodule development of MtRTL1b, one RNAse III, a nodule-specific orthologue of AtRTL1, a putative silencing repressor in Arabidopsis thaliana. First, we showed that the expression of this gene is activated just before differentiation and is mainly restricted in the interzone, where bacteroid become fully differentiated into the host cells and in the nitrogen fixation zone of the nodule. Repression of MtRTL1b expression, by RNA interference in transgenic roots, affected nodule development, nitrogen fixation and bacteroid viability while an opposite phenotype was observed in roots with ectopic expression of this gene. Then, RNASeq analyses showed that the RNAileads to the down-regulation of 1038 genes, including more than 109 NCRs, encoding peptides involved in bacteroid development and/or viability in indeterminate nodules. Moreover, genes involved in metabolic pathways and redox regulations as well as other genes involved in symbiosis, like leghemoglobins, are also down-regulated. RNAseq of small RNAs and double strand RNAs are under analysis to characterize changes in sRNA populations and identify dsRNA substrates of this RNAse III during nodule development.
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Caractérisation fonctionnelle de facteurs de transcription associés à la signalisation des cytokinines et impliqués dans la nodulation symbiotique chez Medicago truncatula / Functional characterization of cytokinin signalling transcription factors involved in Medicago truncatula symbiotic nodulationTan, Sovanna 13 February 2019 (has links)
L’interaction symbiotique légumineuses-rhizobium nécessite l'infection des racines de la plante par les bactéries et l’initiation de divisions cellulaires dans le cortex racinaire.Les cytokinines sont des hormones végétales agissant via une signalisation par phosphotransfert qui conduit à l’activation de Régulateurs de Réponse de type B (RRBs), des facteurs de transcription régulant l'expression des gènes de réponse primaire aux cytokinines. Une étude phylogénétique menée sur plusieurs espèces de légumineuses a révélé une expansion génique de la famille des RRBs et l’apparition de formes non-canoniques de ces facteurs de transcription. Chez Medicago truncatula,MtRRB3 est le RRB le plus fortement exprimé dans les racines et les nodosités et est impliqué dans la nodulation. En effet, les plantes dont l’expression de MtRRB3 a été réduite par ARNi ainsi que des mutants rrb3 présentent une diminution significative du nombre de nodosités formées. De plus, l’expression de gènes associés à la nodulation, tels que "Nodulation Signalling Pathway 2" (MtNSP2) et "Cell Cycle Switch 52A"(MtCCS52A), est réduite en réponse aux cytokinines dans ces mutants. Des fusions transcriptionnelles avec le rapporteur GUS montrent que MtRRB3, MtNSP2 et MtCCS52Aprésentent un profil d’expression spatiale largement chevauchant dans les racines et lesnodosités. Des expériences de ChIP-qPCR et de trans-activation en protoplastes indiquent par ailleurs que MtRRB3 peut respectivement interagir avec et activer les promoteurs des gènesMtNSP2 et MtCCS52A. Cette thèse a donc permis d’établir des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans les régulations transcriptionnelles médiées par les cytokinines lors de la mise en place des nodosités symbiotiques fixatrices d’azote. / The legume-rhizobium interaction requires the infection of plant roots by rhizobia and the initiation of cell divisions in the root cortex. Cytokinins, a class of plant hormones acts trough a phosphotranfert signalling leading to the activation of Type-B Response Regulators(RRBs) which are transcription factors regulating the expression of cytokinins primary response genes. Phylogenetic analyses carried out indifferent legume species genomes showed anexpansion of the RRB genes family associated toan increase in non-canonical RRBs. In Medicago truncatula nodules, MtRRB3 is the most expressed RRB in roots and nodules. MtRRB3 islinked to nodulation as MtRRB3 RNAi silencedplants as well as rrb3 mutants display asignificant decrease of nodule number. Inaddition, the expression of the nodulation related genes Nodulation Signalling Pathway 2(MtNSP2) and Cell Cycle Switch 52A(MtCCS52A) is reduced in response to cytokininsin rrb3 mutants. The expression pattern of apMtRRB3-GUS fusion overlaps with thepMtNSP2-GUS and pMtCCS52A-GUS fusions in roots and nodules. Finally, ChIP-qPCR and protoplast trans-activation experiments showed that MtRRB3 can respectively interacts with and activate MtNSP2 and MtCCS52A promoters. This thesis have thus established molecular mechanisms associated to transcriptional regulations mediated by cytokinins during the legume symbiotic nitrogen-fixing nodulation.
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Forward Genetic Characterization of Medicago truncatula Tnt1 Insertion Mutants Defective in Nodule Development and Symbiotic Nitrogen FixationKadel, Khem L. 05 1900 (has links)
Legumes are unique plants because they form special structures “nodules”, via symbiotic relationships with rhizobial bacteria present in the soil. Once rhizobia mature inside nodules, they fix atmospheric nitrogen providing a source of bioavailable nitrogen to the plant. To discover novel genetic components involved in the legume-rhizobia symbiosis by using forward genetic screening, we have isolated Medicago truncatula Tnt1 insertion mutants in the R108 ecotype, which are defective in nodule development and symbiotic nitrogen fixation in response to Sinorhizobium meliloti. Out of three mutants NF11044, NF11217 and NF8324, one of the mutants showed brown nodules and Fix- phenotype that is defective in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. The other two mutants showed white nodules and Fix- phenotype, also indicator of defects in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. To identify the underlying mutation causing the phenotype, we have developed molecular genetic markers by obtaining genomic sequences flanking the Tnt1 insertions by TAIL-PCR and Illumina sequencing. To carry out co-segregation analysis, back-crossed BC1F2 segregating populations were obtained. These are being phenotyped, genotyped and analyzed for co-segregation of the phenotype with the Tnt1 genetic markers. Back-crossing also has the effect of reducing the Tnt1 insertions, which are not linked to the nodulation defective phenotypes. Out of the three mutants, NF8324 harbors exactly the same insertion as in the rsd-1 Tnt1 mutant NF11265. The defect in NF11217 is caused by a Tnt1 insertion in the previously described PLC gene; the site of this insertion is close to that found in a different mutant, NF0217. For mutant NF11044, we developed linkage markers that place the defective locus on chromosome 7. To further characterize co-segregation in NF11044, a mapping population has been created by crossing the mutant with other ecotypes: A17 and A20. We tested mutants and wild type plants with linkage marker A20 X NF11044 BC1F2 that segregates 3:1(wild type: mutant). The recombination frequency ratio is similar as compared to back-crosses to ecotype R108. However, we did not observe mutant phenotypes in the A17 X NF11044 BC1F2 population. Future identification of the defective gene and functional characterization of it once it is identified will be carried out to better understand the mechanism of nodule organogenesis and symbiotic nitrogen fixation.
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Genetic Analysis of Medicago truncatula Plants with a Defective MtIRE GeneAlexis, Naudin 08 1900 (has links)
Leguminous plants are able to fix nitrogen by establishing a symbiotic relationship with soil dwelling bacteria, called rhizobia. The model plant Medicago truncatula forms a partnership with Sinorhizobium meliloti whereby the plant gains bioavailable nitrogen and in exchange the bacteria gains carbohydrates. This process occurs within nodules, which are structures produced on the roots of the plants within which nitrogen is fixed. M. truncatula incomplete root elongation (MtIRE) was localized to the infection zone, which is zone II of indeterminate nodules. It was shown to encode a signaling kinase so it was anticipated to play a role in nodulation. Mutants of MtIRE in the R108 background, mutagenized with the Tnt1 retrotransposon, were obtained from reverse screen, and were assessed to determine if a disrupted MtIRE gene was the cause of nitrogen fixation defective nodules. Mutant line NF1320, having a mutant phenotype, showed typical Mendelian segregation of 3:1 when backcrossed to R108. Experimental results show that MtIRE gene is not the cause of the mutant phenotype, but was linked to the causative locus. MtIRE co-segregated with the mutant phenotype 83%. Southern blot and the first version of the M. truncatula genome (version 3.5) reported a single MtIRE gene and this was shown to be on chromosome 5 but the latest version of the M. truncatula genome (version 4.0) showed a second copy of the gene on chromosome 4. The genome sequence is based on the A17 reference genome. Both genes are 99% identical. Genetic markers that originate from flanking sequence tags (FSTs) on both chromosome 4 and 5 were tested in an attempt to find an FST that co-segregated with the mutant phenotype 100%. An FST derived from a Tnt1 insertion in Medtr4g060930 (24F) co-segregated with the mutant phenotype closely, with 76% co-segregation. Medtr4g060930 (24F) is on chromosome 4, making it likely that the Tnt1 inserted in the MtIRE gene is also on chromosome 4, and thus the defective gene is on chromosome 4.
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Estudio sobre la morfología, variabilidad molecular y biología reproductiva de Medicago citrina (Font Quer) Greuter (Leguminosae): bases para su conservaciónJuan, Ana 08 May 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Specialized Replication Operons Control Rhizobial Plasmid Copy Number in Developing Symbiotic CellsPerry, Clarice Lorraine 01 December 2015 (has links)
The rhizobium – legume symbiosis is a complex process that involves genetic cooperation from both bacteria and plants. Previously, our lab described naturally occurring accessory plasmids in rhizobia that inhibit this cooperation. A transposon mutagenesis was performed on the plasmids to detect the genetic factor that blocked nitrogen fixation. Several of the plasmids were found to possess a replication operon that when disrupted by transposon insertion, restored symbiotic function. This study describes an in-depth investigation into one of those plasmids, pHRC377, and into its replication operon. The operon, which we have called repA2C2, comes from the repABC family of replication and partitioning systems commonly found in alphaproteobacteria. In this study we show that this operon is not necessary for pHRC377 replication in LB culture or free living cells, but is necessary for plasmid amplification in the plant, specifically during rhizobial differentiation into nitrogen fixing bacteroids. We also show how the other repABC type operons on pHRC377 function in relation to plasmid maintenance and copy number during endoreduplication and how they do not have the same phenotypic effect as repA2C2.
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The association of homeotic gene expression with stem cell formation and morphogenesis in cultured medicago truncatulaChen, Shih-kuang January 2009 (has links)
Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Somatic embryogenesis (SE) can be induced in vitro in Medicago truncatula 2HA by auxin and cytokinin but not in wild type Jemalong. Wild-type Jemalong will only form callus in the presence of auxin and cytokinin and both Jemalong and 2HA will form roots in response to auxin alone. The F2 analysis of 2HA X Jemalong crosses suggest that a single gene may open the way to SE but additional genes are required to maximise the process. Auxin and cytokinin are required for 2-3 weeks for SE and for de novo root formation auxin is essential for about one week. Abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene, both stress related hormones, enhance SE induction but inhibit callus and de novo root formation. The WUSCHEL (WUS) gene was investigated in M. truncatula (Mt) and identified by the similarity with Arabidopsis WUS in amino acid sequence, phylogeny, promoter element patterns, and expression patterns in planta. MtWUS is induced by cytokinin after 24-48 h in embryogenic cultures and maximum expression occurs after 1 week which coincides with totipotent stem cell induction. MtWUS expression, as illustrated by promoter-GUS studies, subsequently localises to the embryo and corresponds to the onset of MtCLV3 expression. RNAi studies show that MtWUS expression is essential for callus and somatic embryo production. There is evidence based on the presence of MtWUS promoter binding sites that MtWUS is required for the induction of MtSERF1 which appears to have a key role in the signalling required for SE induced in 2HA. MtWOX5, as for MtWUS, was identified by similarity to Arabidopsis WOX5 based on amino acid sequence, phylogeny, promoter element patterns, and expression patterns in planta. MtWOX5 expresses in the auxin induced root primordium and root meristem and appears to be involved in pluripotent stem cell induction. GA suppresses the MtWOX5 expression in the root apex and suppresses the root primordium induction, consistent with the importance of MtWOX5 in in vitro root formation. The evidence is discussed that the homeotic genes MtWUS and MtWOX5 are “hijacked for stem cell induction which is key to somatic embryo and de novo root induction. In relation to SE, a key role for WUS in the signalling involved in induction is discussed and a model developed.
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Variation in the sensitivity of nodulation and nitrogen fixation to nitrate in annual "Medicago" species / by Hossein Heidari Sharif Abad.Heidari Sharif Abad, Hossein January 1994 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 153-179. / xvi, 179 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Annual species of Medicago, or medics, are important pasture legumes in the neutral to alkaline soils of southern Australia but their nodulation and nitrogen fixation processes are retarded by soil nitrate. This study ascertains whether an observed tolerance to nitrate among medic species can be substantiated, and attempts to understand the underlying factors responsible. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Plant Science, (1995)
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Improving medic pastures in pasture-wheat rotations in the Mallee district of North-Western VictoriaLatta, Roy A. (Roy Alexander) January 1994 (has links) (PDF)
Bibliography: leaves 115-130.
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