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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A responsabilidade médica nos tribunais / The medical liability in the courts

Fortes, Paulo Antonio de Carvalho 22 September 1994 (has links)
o presente trabalho objetivou identificar e analisar as decisões jurídicas que se referem à responsabilidade médica, quanto à ocorrência de formação jurisprudencial relativa às faltas decorrentes de atos ou procedimentos técnicos, assim como das faltas contra o humanismo médico, nas esferas civil e penal. Pesquisou-se as decisões judiciais relativas à responsabilização da atividade médica, de 1960 a 1989, apresentadas na Revista dos Tribunais e Revista de Jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo. Foram estudados os casos relativos a faltas por erro de diagnóstico, determinação do tratamento, condução do tratamento e elaboração de falsos atestados médicos, classificados como faltas técnicas. Como faltas cometidas contra o humanismo médico foram estudadas as decisões concernentes ao direito ao consentimento, à informação, à liberdade, à privacidade, à segurança e o dever da solidariedade. Analisa-se e comenta-se as diversas tendências jurisprudenciais envolvendo a matéria pesquisada, através de abordagem que possa subsidiar os profissionais de saúde ao melhor conhecimento da realidade da interpretação jurídica da atividade médica. / The aim of this thesis was to identify and to analyse the juridical resolutions which refer to the medical responsibility for the ocurrence of the jurisprudence concerning failures due to performance or technical procedures, as well as failures against medical humanism, in civil or penal fields. The responsibility of medical activity, from 1960 to 1989, published by Revista dos Tribunais and Revista de Jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo, were searched. Ocurrences related to failures due to errors on diagnosis, instruction and conduction treatment, the filling out of wrong medical certificates, all of these, classified as technical failures, were inquired. As failures against medical humanism, resolutions regarding the right to consentment, to information, to liberty, to privacy and to security and the duty of solidarity were studied. A number of jurisprudential tendencies involving the searched matter were analysed and commented, through an approach which could give elements to health professionals for a better knowledge of the reality of juridical understanding of the medical activity.

A responsabilidade médica nos tribunais / The medical liability in the courts

Paulo Antonio de Carvalho Fortes 22 September 1994 (has links)
o presente trabalho objetivou identificar e analisar as decisões jurídicas que se referem à responsabilidade médica, quanto à ocorrência de formação jurisprudencial relativa às faltas decorrentes de atos ou procedimentos técnicos, assim como das faltas contra o humanismo médico, nas esferas civil e penal. Pesquisou-se as decisões judiciais relativas à responsabilização da atividade médica, de 1960 a 1989, apresentadas na Revista dos Tribunais e Revista de Jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo. Foram estudados os casos relativos a faltas por erro de diagnóstico, determinação do tratamento, condução do tratamento e elaboração de falsos atestados médicos, classificados como faltas técnicas. Como faltas cometidas contra o humanismo médico foram estudadas as decisões concernentes ao direito ao consentimento, à informação, à liberdade, à privacidade, à segurança e o dever da solidariedade. Analisa-se e comenta-se as diversas tendências jurisprudenciais envolvendo a matéria pesquisada, através de abordagem que possa subsidiar os profissionais de saúde ao melhor conhecimento da realidade da interpretação jurídica da atividade médica. / The aim of this thesis was to identify and to analyse the juridical resolutions which refer to the medical responsibility for the ocurrence of the jurisprudence concerning failures due to performance or technical procedures, as well as failures against medical humanism, in civil or penal fields. The responsibility of medical activity, from 1960 to 1989, published by Revista dos Tribunais and Revista de Jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo, were searched. Ocurrences related to failures due to errors on diagnosis, instruction and conduction treatment, the filling out of wrong medical certificates, all of these, classified as technical failures, were inquired. As failures against medical humanism, resolutions regarding the right to consentment, to information, to liberty, to privacy and to security and the duty of solidarity were studied. A number of jurisprudential tendencies involving the searched matter were analysed and commented, through an approach which could give elements to health professionals for a better knowledge of the reality of juridical understanding of the medical activity.

Réflexions autour de la pénalisation de l’activité médicale / Thoughts about the criminalisation of the medical activity

Liévaux, Chloé 29 November 2018 (has links)
Envisager une étude de la pénalisation de l’activité médicale peut apparaître de prime abord surprenant. En effet, l’activité médicale n’est naturellement pas à même de faire l’objet d’une répression pénale dans la mesure où elle vise le rétablissement de la santé des personnes et en cela, est fondamentalement tournée vers la protection de la personne humaine. Elle partage ce fondement axiologique avec le droit pénal qui, en sus de l’ordre public, a pour vocation initiale cette même protection. Il n’est dès lors pas évident d’appréhender la pénalisation d’une branche qui, par sa nature, n’est pas soumise à une telle répression. Paradoxalement, il apparaît que l’activité médicale est en elle-même constitutive d’infractions pénales, tout acte médical étant en lui-même une atteinte au corps. Plus encore, les activités biomédicales et biotechnologiques portent parfois atteinte à l’homme, en dehors de toute nécessité médicale pour lui-même. C’est de cette ambivalence forte qu’est apparu le besoin d’une étude ayant pour objet la pénalisation de l’activité médicale. Cette recherche se propose d’évaluer et de mesurer les interactions existantes entre le droit pénal et l’activité médicale afin de porter un regard critique sur ce processus. La pénalisation a été marquée par un mouvement allant du droit pénal à l’activité médicale. Il résulte de cette analyse le constat peu satisfaisant d’une pénalisation dévoyée au contact de cette activité. Par les difficultés d’appréhension jurisprudentielle de l’acte médical, la multiplicité des normes pénales à caractère technique, l’absence de choix axiologique de politique criminelle, le droit pénal semble particulièrement inadapté et peu à même de se saisir de l’acte médical. Cette étude se propose de porter un regard renouvelé de la pénalisation de l’activité médicale, au travers des enjeux qu’elle représente. C’est alors par un mouvement contraire, allant des particularités de l’activité médicale vers le droit pénal, que ce dernier pourrait trouver un support à son renouvellement. En prenant davantage en considération les singularités techniques et éthiques de l’activité médicale, le droit pénal peut se trouver reconsidéré dans ses fonctions effective et expressive, tirant ainsi profit de l’objet mis à son contact. Ces réflexions auront pour objet de mettre en œuvre différentes pistes de réflexions et de propositions en ayant pour support les singularités de l’activité médicale. Des modifications pourront être proposées partant des techniques, notamment marquées par le risque, que le droit pénal devrait prendre en considération. De même, l’éthique médicale, par la place qu’elle accorde au consentement saura questionner la place que le droit pénal lui octroie. / It may seem surprising at first sight to consider a study about the penalization of medical activity. Actually, medical activity is not naturally in a position to be the object of a penal crackdown insofar as it aims at restoring people’s health and in that, is fundamentally focused on protecting human beings. It shares this moral base with criminal law which, in addition to public order, is initially dedicated to this very protection. Consequently, it is not that easy to comprehend the penalization of a field which is not subjected to such a crackdown by nature. Paradoxically, it appears that medical activity constitutes a criminal offence, any medical treatment or act being an infringement to a body. Moreover, biomedical and biotechnological activities can sometimes undermine human beings, even though no medical treatment is necessary. Therefore, the need of a study about the penalization of medical activity emerged because of this strong ambivalence. This research intends to assess and measure the existing interactions between criminal law and medical activity in order to have a critical look at this process. Penalization was marked by a movement going from criminal law to medical activity. The unsatisfactory result of this analysis shows a perverted penalization in contact with this activity. Because of the difficulties in apprehending the medical treatment in legal case, the multiplicity of technical penal norms, the lack of moral choice in criminal policy, criminal law seems particularly unsuited or not really able to seize the medical activity. This study intends to look at the penalization of medical activity in a new light through the stakes it represents. Criminal law could change by going the opposite way round, from the particularities of medical activity to criminal law. By taking more into account the technical and ethical distinctive features of medical activity, penal law can gain more respect in its effective and expressive functions, thus taking advantage of the object brought into contact. The scope of these thoughts will be to set up different ways of thinking, as well as some suggestions will be made, relying on the particularity of the medical activity. Some modifications will be proposed, based on various technics notably risky to be taken into consideration by the criminal law. Likewise, medical ethic, by the importance it let to the consent, will make think about the place given to it by criminal law.

Féminisation, activité libérale et lieu d'installation : quels enjeux en médecine générale ? : Analyses micro-économétriques de l'offre de soins / Feminisation, services provision and practice location : what issues in general medicine? : Micro-econometric analyses of outpatient care supply.

Dumontet, Magali 29 June 2015 (has links)
Dans un contexte de grandes transformations de la médecine générale, cette thèse s’intéresse aux déterminants de l’offre de soins des médecins généralistes. Nous avons développé différentes stratégies micro-économétriques pour dans premier temps comprendre l’effet de la féminisation sur les revenus des médecins généralistes et plus particulièrement sur leurs comportements d’activité en termes de volume de soins fournis mais également de composition de l’activité. Dans un deuxième temps, nous cherchons à étudier les déterminants du choix du lieu d’installation des jeunes médecins généralistes, au sein d’une région et à identifier les leviers qui pourraient améliorer leur répartition sur le territoire. Nos résultats confirment que les femmes ont d’une part une offre de soins quantitativement plus faible que celle des hommes et que le contenu de leur offre est également différent. Toutefois, ils adoptent des comportements d’installation similaires. Les facteurs qui influencent le choix du lieu d’installation sont plutôt des caractéristiques du lieu, comme les caractéristiques associées à l’offre de soins, à la demande de soins, ou aux équipements. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche est, à travers une approche micro-économétrique, de mieux appréhender les préférences des médecins. Nous souhaitons comprendre ces préférences à travers les arbitrages travail/loisir du médecin et donc l’intensité de l’offre de travail (arbitrage entre nombre d’actes et durée de consultation), mais aussi selon les choix d’installation du médecin tant par le choix du lieu que par les modalités de cette installation, à savoir une activité libérale et ou salariée tout en sachant que ces décisions dépendent fortement des revenus espérés et donc de contextes différenciés de demande de soins. / In the context of changes of general practice (uneven distribution of young general practitioners (GPs) across the country, strong feminisation), this thesis focuses on the determinants of the outpatient care supply of general practitioners. Using different micro-econometric analyses, firstly we want to understand the impact of feminization on the incomes of general practitioners and specifically on their private practice behaviours in terms of volume of care provided but also composition of the activity (consultations, home visits). Secondly, we study the determinants of the practice location choice within the region and we identify the levers that could improve the distribution of GPs in the area. Our results confirm that female GPs provide fewer services than male GPs and they also have a different composition of private practice activity. However, we show that male and female GPs adopt a similar practice location choice. Factors characterizing the place of installation as the characteristics associated with the supply of care, the demand for care, or equipment influence the practice location choice.

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