Spelling suggestions: "subject:"medicin"" "subject:"biomedicin""
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Patientens upplevelser av smärta vid venösa bensår och dess påverkan på livet : Patient´s experiences of pain at venous leg ulcer and the effects on their daily life.Wahlgren, Katarina, Olsson, Linda, Kursu, Satu January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: Patients with leg ulcer suffers often of woundpain. Healthcare professionals will strive after having knowledge and understanding for how woundpain influences the patient's quality of life. Aim: The aim is to elucidate the patient's experiences of pain at venous leg ulcer and the effects on their daily life. Method: The procedure has been a systematic literature overview with a systematic search in different databases. The search resulted in nine scientific articles. Results: In the result, four central categories arrived; how the patient's lives were changed, how the patient's psychic health was changed, how the patient's experience of nursing and how the patient's thoughts about the future where. Conclusion: Although each people is unique so exists that certain phenomena that are too many common patients with difficult healing leg ulcer and that has importance for their quality of life. It is important with a good communication average patient and nurse when it comes to handling the pain at venous leg ulcer.</p>
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Beröringens betydelse vid depression och nedstämdhet : En litteraturstudieThe importance of gentle touch related to depression and depressed mood:A literature reviewNiklasson, Ulrika, Ravenborn, Monica January 2006 (has links)
<p>There are an increasing number of people suffering from depression and depressed mood. Concurrently important benefits have been noticed from the effects of massage, effects that can be assumed to restore individual’s health with depression and depressed mood. The aim of the study was to examine the importance of gentle massage in connection with depression and depressed mood. The research was based on scientific studies that were applied through the databases Cinahl, elin@Kristianstad, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, PubMed and the journal Vård i Norden as well as by manual searches. In all, ten studies were included and content analysed. The contents were analyzed through identifying variables, establishing subject areas and creating categories. The important effects of gentle massage resulted in three categories: biological, emotional and social change. The categories underlie a holistic model over the research results. The results show that gentle massage had a positive influence in individuals with depression and depressed mood. The model can be used for increased knowledge and understanding about gentle massage importance in depression and depressed mood. Through the model, nurses can explain how the categories influence each other in a dynamic process. More research in this specific area is needed.</p>
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Jag lever som jag vill, eller jag lever som jag lär? En enkätstudie med avseende att undersöka 15 åringars BMI, kost-motionsvanor samt socialisationens påverkan av dessaOlsson, Teresia, Wågdahl, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>The habits of living are seen as important factors for public health, and are related to the primary socialization. Exercise and food habits are two main factors for development of health or ill health and are both related to the overweight epidemic. The overweight increase among children and youth has been given particular attention. The aim of this study is to examine how 15 year olds Body Mass Index, food- and exercise habits are connected to each other and also how they are related to socialization. The study is a cross sectional survey among 208 pupils in ninth grade, Kristianstad. 168 pupils were responding the questionnaire. The result showed less prevalence of overweight and higher prevalence of underweight than were expected. There emerged no connection between Body Mass Index and the pupil’s habits of living. On the other hand we found a strong connection between the primary socialization and habits of living. The study also shows a link between the different habits of living. We propose that public health work directed to children’s and youths in many ways should be focused on the primary socialization. We also want to attract more attention to the underweight among youths because of the indications that the prevalence is higher than expected.</p>
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Den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskans behov av handledningRexhagen, Pamela, Nilsson, Linda January 2006 (has links)
<p>Den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan lämnar en trygg studievärld, där god handledning och reflektion har varit av stor betydelse för den individuella utvecklingen. Det är av yttersta vikt att fortsätta belysa och klargöra begreppet handledning, för att skapa och bevara professionaliteten hos denna yrkesgrupp. Syftet var att belysa den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskans behov av handledning.</p><p>Specifika frågeställningar var vilka faktorer som har betydelse för behovet av handledning och vilka typer av handledning den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan har behov av. Metod: Studien bygger på nio vetenskapliga artiklar som hittades i databaser samt via manuell sökning. Artiklarna analyserades genom en innehållsanalys. Textdelar plockades ur artiklarnas resultat vilket gav meningsbärande enheter och subkategorier, som resulterade i tre huvudkategorier. Resultat: Studien resulterade i tre huvudsakliga handledningstyper; Individuell handledning, Grupphandledning och Yrkeshandledning. Det framkom tydligt i studien att handledning är en individuell process där fyra faktorer; Stress, Självkänsla, Ansvar och Samspel visade sig vara de tyngsta argumenten i behovet av handledning. Slutsats: Det finns många Review artiklar inom området handledning, men få vetenskapliga artiklar riktar sig till den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskans upplevelser och behov av handledning. Denna studie kan inspirera till vidare forskning inom begreppet handledning där individen lyfts fram i centrum.</p><p> </p><p> </p>
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Sjuksköterskors preventionsarbete inom primärvården till familjer med atopi - en litteraturstudie med fokus på atopiskt eksem hos barnNurses´ prevention work in primary care to families with atopi - a literature study with focus on atopic eczema among childrenGustafsson, Sylvia, Nilsson, Annika January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: Atopic eczema has increased in the last decade among children. The nurse can have a major role to prevent the disease. Aim: the aim of this study as to describe the nurses´ work in primary care with prevention to families with atopi with focus on atopic eczema among children. Method: A literature review based on analysis of fifteen scientific articles was done. Results: If the child was breastfed both positive and negative effects were evident. Exposure to smoking lead to increased development of the eczema. Studies showed that if the child is exposed to animals, the developing eczema declined. Increased education, information and demonstration of the medical treatment lead to less flares of eczema outbreak and increased quality of life for the family. Discussion: Whether the Swedish guidelines of allergy studies should be followed or not needs more research. Improved information about the effects of smoking is important to reduce the risk of developing eczema. Conclusion: The Calgary Family Models can be efficent tools to help the nurse educate the family from their perspective. By involving the family in the education, the child may not develop further in this disease or can become a manageable condition.</p>
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Unga kvinnors upplevelser av abortBroberg, Lena, Johansson, Sofie, Paulsson, Katarina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: How a young woman approaches an abortion </p><p>and how she handles its emotional impact is influenced by </p><p>many factors. Mixed emotions about </p><p>terminating a pregnancy are common to women of all </p><p>backgrounds and circumstances. Aim: To illuminate young </p><p>women´s experiences of abortions. Method: The study was</p><p>based on literature from online databases and printed </p><p>materials and involved the analysis of ten articles and one thesis. </p><p>Result: Women contemplating abortion experience mixed </p><p>emotions before, during, and after an abortion. Despite mixed </p><p>or conflicting feelings of guilt, grief, and shame, in addition to </p><p>relief, most women do not regret having an abortion. A woman’s </p><p>ability to accept the experience, and her feelings about it, is </p><p>affected by the support and understanding of her family, </p><p>friends and health care staff. Conclusion: Further studies in this </p><p>field are requested in order to gain additional knowledge and</p><p>increase nurses understanding on how to treat women who have </p><p>an abortion.</p>
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Möjligheter till utveckling av en hälsofrämjande skolaKarlsson, Jill, Lindkvist, Therese January 2006 (has links)
<p>School can be an effective environment for achieving a more equal health among children and adolescents, since many individuals can be reached by the health promoting work in the school. In the year of 2000 a project in Skåne was started for the development of health promoting schools. The health promoting projects however, have shown to be of short duration. So, as an alternative, the integration of the health in school ought to be tried. The aim of this study is to give examples how health promoting schools can strengthen their profile. Seven principals on health promoting schools were interviewed. The barriers against the integration were the lack of plans and goals for the health promoting work, few engaged staff, weak parent involvement and lack of resources. Possibilities for integration of health in schools on the other hand, appeared when a new principal entered the school, earlier health thinking existed among the staff, engaged staff, existing discussions, education and resources. The conclusion of this study is that it takes comprehension and knowledge about the importance of the health promoting school, if a health culture is to be accomplished. </p>
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Familjens situation då barnet insjuknar i Diabetes typ 1 - LitteratursammanställningKarlsson, Sara, Roth, Helen, Tuvesson, Nina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: Diabetes mellitus Type 1 is one of the most common chronicle diseases in childhood. This signifies big changes in the daily life for the child and its family. Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate the family’s situation when the child falls ill in Type 1 diabetes. Method: The search for literature has been done both manually and in databases. The collected materials have been red and analysed by the authors. Result: The result of the 13 selected qualitative and quantitative present literature reviews show that a child’s chronic condition is traumatic for all family members and it usually changes family life and requires parents to adapt. The role of the family when it comes to interventions and adaptability to the disease are important factors; it has a big significance in the child’s health. Conclusion: The nurse could play a considerable part by knowing the burden of nursing. The qualification for a long-term effect in nursing is empathy and consideration for the patient. The study will increase the nurse’s understanding to give a good and supportive care to the family. </p>
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Omvårdnadsaspekter för att förhindra viktnedgång hos äldre personer med Alzheimers sjukdom LitteraturstudieEriksson, Rasmus, Munthe, Pernilla January 2006 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Alzheimers sjukdom (AD) är den vanligaste demenssjukdomen i Sverige och dess konsekvenser kan göra att dagliga aktiviteter som bl.a. ätande påverkas. Sjuksköterskan har omvårdnadsansvaret när det gäller den drabbades näring, även om personen kan gå ner i vikt som en naturlig del av sjukdomen. </p><p>Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa omvårdnadsaspekter som kan förhindra viktnedgång hos äldre personer med AD. </p><p>Metod: Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie där tio stycken vetenskapliga artiklar systematiskt analyserats enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. </p><p>Resultat: Resultatet av studien visar att de drabbades självständighet kan komma i konflikt med vårdgivarnas önskan att främja fysiskt välmående och deras ansvar att ge vård. När patientcentrerad omvårdnad användes ökade samspelet mellan de båda parterna och personen åt bättre. Matkonsumtion och viktnedgång kan påverkas av beteendestörningar samt av både fysisk och social miljö. </p><p>Diskussion: Etisk medvetenhet, patientcentrerad omvårdnad, samspel mellan den drabbade och vårdgivaren samt miljö runt den drabbade diskuterades. Slutsats: De viktigaste fynden i denna studie var samspelet mellan vårdgivare och personer med AD, miljöns betydelse för den drabbade och eventuell viktnedgång. </p>
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Verbal och icke verbal kommunikation mellan sjuksköterska och patientHeringhaus, Alina, Nilsson, Kristian, Rosdahl, Malin January 2006 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Verbal och icke verbal kommunikation är ett utbyte av information eller känslor mellan två personer. Inom omvårdnadsarbetet är kommunikation ett viktigt redskap att använda sig av som sjuksköterska. Syfte: Att belysa verbal och icke verbal kommunikation mellan sjuksköterska och patient vid det akuta omhändertagandet av patienten. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie med systematisk artikelsökning samt innehållsanalys av artiklarna. Resultat: Det finns både positiva och negativa sätt att kommunicera. Sjuksköterskorna var väl medvetna om vikten av god kommunikation, men trots detta visade det sig att det fanns påtagliga brister i omvårdnaden vid det akuta omhändertagandet. Sjuksköterskans sätt att kommunicera påverkades av många faktorer, bland annat patientens tillstånd och bakgrund samt störande faktorer som tidsbrist och telefon. Slutsats: Det tycks finnas ett behov av utökad utbildning och träning inom kommunikation för samtliga som arbetar inom omvårdnad. Dessutom bör forskningen inom kommunikation utökas.</p>
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