Spelling suggestions: "subject:"medicin"" "subject:"biomedicin""
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Bevarandet av patientens autonomi vid palliativ vård utifrån ett etiskt perspektiv - en litteraturstudieStröberg, Åsa, Tenghagen, Lisa January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: More focus has been placed towards autonomy when it comes to care and in special towards palliative care. The purpose with palliative care is to relieve and support at the end of the life. When the patient has difficulties to communicate to those around him due to his illness it is hard to preserve the patients right of self-determination. It is very important to consider the patient as autonomous during the course of the illness. Different alternatives have been developed to preserve the patient’s autonomy such as dedicate a deputy or plan the care of the patient in advance. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe, from an ethical point of view, how the patient’s autonomy could preserved at palliative care. Method: A general literature study where 11 scientific articles have been analysed from a qualitative checklist whereof the result has been discussed based on the principles of ethics. A literature study was conducted through a search of articles in electronic data bases. Result: Through participation of the patient during the decision-making, which is based on qualitative information and communication with those among him, his or her autonomy could be preserved. The patient should be considered to be in the centre and participate during the decision-making as far as possible even though the illness will limit the actions of the patient more and more. Conclusions: It is important that the patient will not be harmed since the patient is vulnerable during the palliative phase. The purpose of the care is to strengthen the patient’s autonomy. This will be achieved by the treatments and investigations that are provided will improve the being of the patient and not cause any harm. The autonomy of a patient in palliative care will be strengthened and preserved by holistic thinking, meeting the patient in his situation and identifying his or her needs.</p>
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Äldre vårdtagares måltidssituationEklund, Anette, Holmgren, Anna-Lena, Glansk, Henrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>To become old and live in an institution could mean that the habits and routines they have obtained during their lifetime and are used to may become changed. There are fixed norms and rules which the elderly more or less have to adjust to. The aim of this study was to describe how nursing staff attitudes influence on elderly care takers meal situation. The method of this study was a literature review. The result showed that norms and rules not always are adjusted to caretakers’ wishes and needs. The work situation influenced the elderly in such ways that they saw that the staff were stressed and therefore withheld to express their wishes. The result showed that the nursing staff tried to effective their work which lead to inadequate nursing. The nursing staff attitudes may depend on stress and stressful work situations. The nursing staff may not have the time to obtain the knowledge they should have about every caretaker’s wishes and habits.</p>
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Kunskaper om karies och gingivit hos barni årskurs 3-5 - en enkätstudieKnowledge of caries and gingivitis among third to fifth grade school childrenHenriksson, Sofia, Samuelsson, Emelie January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge of caries and gingivitis among third to fifth grade school children. A questionnaire was distributed to 117 children of a primary school in the south of Sweden. The result of the study indicate that the children had good knowledge regarding development and prevention of caries and gingivitis. However, the children did not know the meaning of the words caries and gingivitis. The children also appeared to lack important information about dietary measures to achieve good dental health. </p>
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Jämförelse av plackutbredningen under fyra veckor hos individer som kompletterar sin mekaniska tandrengöring med munsköljning innehållande antingen essenslösning eller CPC samt upplevelser av smak och känsla i munnen - en pilotstudieComparison of plaqueformation during four weeks in individuals who complement their toothbrushing with a mouthrinse containing either essential oils or CPC and their experience of taste and sensation - a pilotstudyLindstedt, Maria, Simeonidis, Stefanos January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this pilotstudy was to compare the plaqueformation during four weeks in individuals using a mouthrinse containing either essential oils (Listerine Cool Mint) or CPC (Colgate Total) as a complement to their ordinary toothbrushing. Another purpose was to evaluate the individual’s experiences regarding taste and sensation in the mouth after rinsing. </p><p>A semiblind, clinical pilotstudy was conducted in 20 individuals at a university in southern Sweden. According to a screening-plaqueindex the individuals were stratified into two intervention-groups of ten people, one group rinsing with essential oils and one group with CPC twice daily as a complement to their toothbrushing routine. At baseline (day 1) individuals received a prophylaxis and were given instructions in how to use the mouthrinse. The intervention substances were handed out by a third person at this time. Plaqueformation was then registered after one, two, three and four weeks using the modified Quigley-Hein (1962) index (Turesky et al. 1970). At the last registration the individuals were given a questionnaire concerning their experiences of taste and sensation. Thirteen individuals completed the study. </p><p>Results showed no statistically significant difference in plaqueformation between individuals rinsing with an essential oil mouthrinse and those rinsing with CPC. The individuals showed a positive attitude towards using a mouthrinse as a complement to their daily oral health routine and could consider to continue using a mouthrinse in the future.</p>
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Arbetsuppgifter och dess tidsåtgång hos yrkesverksamma privat anställda tandhygienister– en observationsstudie/Duties and its time consumption at professionally active private employee dental hygienists- an observation studyCastenhammar, Patricia, Mehic, Aida January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of the observation study was to examine working tasks and its time consumption among private employed professionally active dental hygienists. The study was carried out as an observation study and of four private employed dental hygienists during 16 days.</p><p>Total time observed was 80 h and 35 minutes. Of 80 h and 35 minutes, 20 h and 24 minutes were used to scaling. For cooperation with other personnel, at the clinic 150 minutes was used. 405 minutes was used for administrative tasks. 174 minutes were used to information about tobacco, mouth hygiene, diet, the etiology of caries and periodontitis</p>
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Den kommunala folkhälsosamordnaren söker sin arbetsrollLönnqvist, Sofia, Persson, Johanna January 2006 (has links)
<p>Coordinator of public health has recently become a new profession in the field of Health Promotion. During the last few years the pedagogic perspective has been increasingly important for the coordinators as a way of adapting their work methods to the circumstances. The conditions for coordinators of public health differ between municipalities and thus their tasks and responsibilities may vary with the local structure. According to the literature there are several ways to conduct Health Promotion and it is in the hands of the coordinator to adjust the methods to fit local conditions. The purpose of the study was to examine what influences the coordinators of public health and how that affects their work methods. In order to collect data for the study eight interviews were carried out with coordinators of public health in the region of Scania. The theories applied in the study included learning, levels of action and professional competence. The result showed that projects were the most common work method and one-way communication the most common way to convey a message. Factors which affected the work method included structural conditions, politicians’ view of public health and impact of the participants. In most cases the empirical material supported former studies but some exceptions were observed. In general the coordinators work was founded on their practical knowledge and could possibly be interpreted as a routine- or regular based level of action. The idea of this study is to make people who work within this field reflect over their work method and thereby develop their professional competence.</p>
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Vi-kan-ju-banken - Hälsorelaterat förändringsarbete i arbetslivetPersson, David January 2006 (has links)
<p>With starting point in the increasing ill-health in Swedish working life today, in form of for example absence due to sickness and early retirement pension, and the knowledge that the working environment effects peoples health in a big extent, I found it very interesting to inquire into how people within the working life experience health promotion and how this can be developed. A qualitative method was used to receive a deeper understanding for the employees’ experiences and data was collected through semi structured interviews with employees on a bank called Ikanobanken, in Älmhult. The result shows, among other things, that respondents find responsibility and the opportunity to influence the learning processes and development important. It also became clear that the respondents find participation, motivation, communication and safety essential factors when related to changes in health behaviours. The result also shows that the respondents in general find the health promoting work within the organization something very positive and they feel that the attitude the company has towards health promoting work is crucial whether this work is going to be successful or not. The result presents a number of aspects and factors that are incorporated in learning, change and development. This study emphasizes a number of factors and aspects that could be understood as health promoting factors for people within the working life and that could point out the direction for future health promoting work both within organizations and in general.</p>
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Omvårdnadspersonalens upplevelser av att möta patienter inom palliativ vårdFagerström, Martina, Petersson, Isabelle January 2006 (has links)
<p>En god vård i livets slutskede ställer stora krav på personalen. Det krävs kompetens på flera områden och en kreativ förmåga för att kunna möta enskilda patienters behov utifrån ett holistiskt perspektiv. Dessa särskilda omständigheter kan ge upphov till mycket tankar och känslor hos omvårdnadspersonalen. Syftet med studien var att beskriva omvårdnadspersonalens upplevelser av att möta patienter inom palliativ vård. En litteraturstudie genomfördes. Via databassökning hittades vetenskapliga artiklar som granskades systematiskt. Resultatet visade att omvårdnadspersonalen hade både negativa och positiva upplevelser i mötet med patienten. De negativa upplevelserna speglades främst av otillräcklighet, frustration, osäkerhet, skuld, utsatthet, upplevelse av oetiskt handlande och emotionell påfrestning hos omvårdnadspersonalen. De positiva upplevelserna i mötet med patienten karaktäriserades av omvårdnadspersonalens känsla av närhet, tillfredställelse och ett berikat liv. De negativa upplevelserna som var mest framstående hos omvårdnadspersonalen kan i längden leda till utbrändhet. Klinisk handledning är en åtgärd som har visat gott resultat med ökat samarbete inom omvårdnadsteamet och därmed positiva upplevelser i mötet med patienten. </p><p> </p>
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Spiritual and Existential needs in palliative careWestergren, Maja, Södergren, Oscar January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: Previous research has shown that the understanding and knowledge about the spiritual needs is not given high priority among nursing staff. During the latest years the body and its functions has controlled the healthcare and the spiritual needs has been placed in the background. All humans have spiritual needs that must be satisfied irrespective of religious background. Aim: The aim of this study was to in a caring perspective illustrate patients’ spiritual and existential needs in palliative care. Method: The study is a literature review where 12 articles has been analyzed and summarized to give an overview of rescent research. The approach for the work of the analysis of the articles was qualitative content analysis. Results: The spiritual needs increase in palliative care. To handle the increased needs coping strategies are needed. Nursing staff, relatives and religion are considered by the patient to be important resourses in order to handle the situation. The spiritual needs are not always payed attention to because of lack of knowledge among health care personal. Discussion: The older generation are most likely more spiritual and religious convinced. The sum of this becomes that most of the palliative care patients have a religious belief, that might explain the meaning of spirituality in palliative care. Conclusion: The spiritual needs increase in palliative care and the most important as a nurse is to pay attention to and answer these needs. Through education and increased awareness of spiritual needs, the palliative care could improve considerably. </p>
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Synen på munhälsa och tandvård hos pensionärer som deltar i olika pensionärsföreningar - en enkätstudie : The opinion of oral health and dental care now and in the future among retirement individuals that participate in different retirement organization.Safeen, Karolina, Milkovic, Marija January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to examine retiared individuals view of oral health and dental care. A questionnaire was sent to three different retirement organizations and answared by 106 participants. Our studie showed that irrespective of education or health status, the majority considered oral health and dental care was important and will become so in the future. Most elderly individuals can consider getting help with their oral health with oral health care in the future. This studie showed that the elderly are concerned about their appearance. Despite that the majority was satisfied with the dental care, stated that the price for dental care was too expensive.</p>
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