Spelling suggestions: "subject:"medieteknik"" "subject:"medieteknisk""
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The consequences of a logotype - How a logotype can be designed for a musician / Sanning och konsekvens av logotyper - Hur en logotyp kan utformas för en musikartistHallén, Evelina, Norrbom, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Musikartisters varumärkesidentitet är många gånger splittrad och logotyp används inkonsekvent, detta i förhållande till hur produkt- och tjänsteföretags användande ser ut. Studien syftade därav till att undersöka om en logotyp borde anses viktigt för en musikartist och hur en logotyp kan utformas på ett så fördelaktigt sätt som möjligt för en musikartist. Få studier har tidigare utförts inom ämnet musikartister och logotyper, varför tidigare forskning om varumärkesidentitet och logotypers utformning riktad mot produkt- och tjänsteföretag studerades. Dessa studier visade att en varumärkesidentitet bör kommunicera vem du är som företag genom ett enhetligt utseende som används konsekvent. Studierna visade även att en logotyp bör vara kontrastrik, särskiljande och något detaljerad för att anses som stark. För att besvara syftet skapades tre olika typer av logotyper och värderades genom intervjuer med 15 personer. De tre typerna var textbaserad logotyp, abstrakt symbolbaserad logotyp och föreställande symbolbaserad logotyp. Dessa värderades utifrån uppfyllande av värdeord, skapande av rätt associationer, överensstämmelse med musik samt möjlighet till igenkänning. Studien visade att en logotyp med symbol var att föredra, eftersom det skapade bättre igenkänning. Vidare föredrogs även typen abstrakt symbol av respondenterna och den uppnådde även flest kriterier och aspekter för en stark logotyp. Den abstrakta utformningen möjliggjorde också skapande av ny inneboende mening som kan anpassas för att motsvara musikartistens varumärke. / Brand identities among musicians often have a shattered appearance and are used inconsistent, compared to product and service corporations. Thereof, the study aimed to research if a logotype should be considered important for a musician and how a logotype can be designed to be as advantageous as possible for a musician. Few studies have been made within the subject of musicians and logotypes, therefore, research about brand identities and logotype design intended for product- and service corporations was studied. The studies showed that a brand identity should communicate who you are as a company through a uniformed appearance that is used consistently. Furthermore, the studies showed that a logotype should have high contrast, be distinguishing and slightly detailed, to be considered as strong. To answer the objective, three different sorts of logotypes were designed and evaluated through interviews with 15 respondents. The three types were text logotype, abstract symbol logotype and picturing symbol logotype. These were valued based on fulfillment of key values, creation of the right associations, conformance with the music and the opportunity for recognition. The evaluation showed that a logotype with a symbol was preferable since it gave a higher level of recognition. Furthermore, the abstract logotype was preferred by the respondents and it achieved the most criterias and aspects considered for a strong logotype. The abstract design also enabled the creation of new intrinsic meaning that can be adapted to suit the brand of the musician.
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Magic mirror using motion capture in an exhibition enviromentEriksson, Daniel, Persson, Thom January 2010 (has links)
Motion capture is a commonly used technique in the movie and computer gameindustries to record animation data. The systems used in these industries areexpensive high end systems that often use markers on the actor together withseveral cameras to record. Reasonable results can be achieved using no markersand a single webcam. In this report we will take a look on such a system andthen use it together with our own animation software. The final product willbe placed in an exhibition environment, restricting the level of interaction withthe user that is practical.
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To what extent are documentary films superior to fictional motion pictures?Rezaei, Rashin Maral January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine if documentaries have become more superior to fictional motion pictures. By focusing on defining the categories and pointing out what their differences are, viewers get a deeper understanding of what the project wants to tell. Even viewing some popular movies that are in its field, will help the conclusion become more accurate. My main source of method will lay in literature but my main focus will be on a survey that will be provided by the answers, to the topic in hand.
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En marknadsförares ansvar för hållbar utveckling : Marknadsförare - morgondagens filosoferGustavsson, Henrik January 2015 (has links)
Marknadsföring handlar om kommunikation. I en värld där bl.a. miljöförstörelse är en del av vardagen är det viktigt att kommunicera de alternativ som ger en bättre förutsättning för en hållbar utveckling. Detta arbete undersöker möjligheten för marknadsförare att verka för hållbar utveckling, genom ansvarsgrundad marknadsföring och att marknadsföra med ansvar. Utvalda företag har blivit undersökta på deras sätt att marknadsföra sig på samt hur de säger sig värna om en hållbar utveckling genom den. Den teoretiska delen av arbetet ligger till grund för en gestaltande produktion som resulterade i ett sätt att tillämpa en ansvarsgrundad marknadsföring. Det växande ansvaret hos marknadsförare har med tiden blivit allt större. Vad kan marknadsföringsyrket bidra med för att skapa en bättre hållbar framtid? / Marketing is all about communication. In a world where environmental degradation is a part of everyday life, it is important to communicate the options that provides a better condition for sustainable development. This work examines the ability of marketers to promote sustainable development through accountability-based marketing and to promote responsible. Selected companies have been investigated on their way to market themselves and how they claim to uphold sustainable development through it. The theoretical part of the work is the basis for a drama production which resulted in a way to apply a responsibility based marketing. The growing responsibility of marketers have with time become much bigger. What can the profession of marketing contribute to a better sustainable future?
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Personalisering för mobila användare med avseende på användarvänlighet : Personalization for mobile users in terms of usabilityEnmark, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
Umeå universitet håller i nuläget på att utveckla ett nytt intranät som är tänkt att användas av anställda på Umeå universitet. Detta intranät har ett inloggat och utloggat läge. Det utloggade läget är öppet för allmänheten och det inloggade är tänkt ska vara en personaliserad del där den anställde ska kunna anpassa sitt inloggade läge efter behov. Denna inloggade del kommer till stor del bestå av sociala forum, såsom aktivitetsflöde där man kan läsa statusuppdateringar eller delade dokument från andra anställda på Universitetet som användaren prenumererar på. Det ska också gå att bilda grupper kring projekt, kunna samtala och ha samarbetsytor för gemensamma dokument. För att den inloggade mobila versionen ska fungera bra på mobilen krävs det att det finns ett uttänkt gränssnitt som är baserat på hur användaren resonerar. Vikten av att den mobila versionen är situationsanpassad, det vill säga att den är designad utifrån var användaren kommer att använda det mobila intranätet är stor. För att kunna tillgodose användarens behov har i detta projekt en mobil prototyp skapats för att se hur ett intranät i mobilen skulle kunna se ut, och hur denna ska skapas för att användaren ska behöva fundera så lite som möjligt vid interaktion. Efter att ett flertal olika typer av prototyper skapats har det slutligen blivit en kvar. Denna prototyp är helt och hållet baserad på de olika designregler som finns att utgå ifrån. För att användaren ska kunna känna igen sig finns det också vissa exempel på delar som påminner om utseendet på webbplatsen. Eftersom det är viktigt att det dock finns en skillnad mellan webbplatsen och mobila gränssnittet har jag försökt att skala av så mycket som möjligt för att få fram en mobil prototyp som fungerar för någon i farten, där användaren ska kunna göra snabba ärenden men också för längre läsning om man så önskar. Strukturen för menyn är uppbygd på ett sådant sätt där det finns möjlighet att lägga in många steg och därför kunna rymma all relevant information.
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An IP-multicast based framework for designing synchronous distributed multi-user applications on the InternetParnes, Peter January 1999 (has links)
This thesis examines the problems of how to design scalable, robust, and distributed real-time media applications for the Internet. An agent based framework for solving this problem is presented. The framework promotes several important design requirements such as modularity and reusability of software modules, remote management of applications, adaptiveness, robustness, accessibility, symmetry and the most important scalability. The issue of scalability is examined on several levels including data-distribution, different end-user platforms, scalability of real-time media flows, bandwidth adaption and scalability of sessions. The design of the framework is based on the important concept of IP-multicast, which allows for scalable distribution of data on the Internet. How this decision has influenced the design of the framework is examined in the thesis. The design of the framework have been verified by building a reference implementation in Java and building a number of high-level end-user applications for real-time e-meetings, e-learning (net-based learning) and social awareness via the e-corridor. / Godkänd; 1999; 20061004 (ysko)
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Interaction aspects of wearable computing for human communicationDrugge, Mikael January 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents the use of wearable computers for aiding human communication over a distance, focusing on interaction aspects that need to be resolved in order to realize this goal. As wearable computers by definition are highly mobile, always on, and always accessible, the ability to communicate becomes independent of place, time and situation. This also imposes new requirements on the user interface of the wearable computer, calling for natural and unobtrusive interaction with the user.One of the key challenges in wearable computing today is to streamline the user’s interaction, so that it is tailored for the situation at hand. A user interface that takes too much effort to use, interrupts or requires more than a minimum of attention, will inevitably hamper the user’s ability to perform tasks in real life. At the same time, human communication involves both effort, interruptions and paying attention, so the key is to find a balance where wearable computers can aid human communication without being intrusive. To design user interfaces supporting this, we need to know what roles different aspects of interaction have in the field of wearable computing. In this thesis, the use of wearable computing for aiding human communication is explored around three aspects of interaction.The first aspect deals with how information can be conveyed by the wearable computer user, allowing a user to retrieve advice and guidance from experts, and remote persons to share experiences over a distance. The thesis presents findings of using wearable computing for sharing knowledge and experience, both for informal exchange among work colleagues, as well as enabling more efficient communication among health-care personnel. The second aspect is based on findings from these trials and concerns how the wearable computer interacts with the user. As the user performs tasks in the real world, it is important to determine how different methods of notifying the user affects her attention and performance, in order to design interfaces that are efficient yet pleasant to use. The thesis presents user studies examining the impact of different methods of interruption, and provides guidelines for how to make notifications less intrusive. The third and final aspect considers how the user’s physical interaction with the wearable computer can be improved. The thesis presents rapid prototyping of systems employing user centric design. Furthermore, a framework for ubiquitousmultimedia communication is presented, enabling wearable computers to be dynamically configurable and utilize resources in the environment to supplement the user’s equipment.All in all, the thesis presents how wearable communications systems can be developed and deployed, how their human-computer interaction should be designed for unobtrusive operation, and how they can come to practical use in real world situations. / <p>Godkänd; 2006; 20080521 (ysko)</p>
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On technologies for ubiquitous multimedia communicationKristiansson, Johan January 2006 (has links)
The proliferation of multimedia and deployment of wireless networks over the last decade have made it possible for users to communicate and share information using e-meeting services from almost any location at anytime. While these new services offer new ways to communicate, they are not always easy to use because of the heterogeneity of networks and devices, which must be managed by the users to take full advantage of the possible benefits. Switching to another communication service running on another terminal requires even more configuration efforts. In addition, it is expected that the configuration efforts required by the users will become more time-consuming in the future as the need for richer communication grows and the diversity of services and networks increases. This doctoral thesis proposes and evaluates new methods to create a ubiquitous multimedia communication system, which makes it easier for users to participate in online e-meetings using the most suitable network or terminal. The thesis makes several contributions related to mobility and bandwidth management. One contribution is a new mobility protocol called the Resilient Mobile Socket and an algorithm called Competition-based Soft-Handovers Management designed to manage host mobility and seamlessly migrate media streams between different network connections. To deal with bandwidth variation, the thesis proposes a method based on microeconomic theory to adapt and share bandwidth efficiently between media within an application, thereby relieving the users from manually adjusting bandwidth utilization after switching network. In regards to switching terminals, the thesis proposes a concept called media resources, and a framework for managing media resources using context-awareness. The most beneficial media resource is automatically selected using an algorithm, which is also presented in the thesis. The proposed methods, frameworks, and algorithms have been evaluated through a combination of theoretical analysis, controlled laboratory experiments, user studies, and exploratory experiments using prototypes. The results from these investigations show that it is possible to create a ubiquitous multimedia communication system that enables richer communication in mobile settings by better utilizing available networks and combining multiple terminals. A final conclusion is that it is crucial to minimize configuration efforts, but the user should always have the final decision if a configuration procedure cannot be automated with complete accuracy. / <p>Godkänd; 2006; 20061208 (haneit)</p>
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Technology for supporting informal communication in multimedia conferencing systemsScholl, Jeremiah January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation presents work on designing multimedia conferencing systems that better support informal communication among groups. In this case the term “informal” refers to the ability of the system to support unplanned communication and side conversations between members of the group. This contrasts from the classical goal of video-conferencing systems, which was to support room-to-roommeetings between participants at scheduled intervals. The work in the dissertation includes problems related to computer communication and human computer interaction in order to achieve this goal. More specifically, work in the field of computer communication is presented on how to design multimedia systems that use available network resources more efficiently so that a larger number of end users can be supported. This problem of scalability is important when trying to support informal communication because the room-to-room model of deployment is viewed as the primary reason why classical conferencing systems could not support side conversations between participants. Thus, while it may be an option to pack a large number of participants into a few conferencing rooms for a formal meeting, informal communication is better achieved when each participant can join from their own conferencing client. Other work in the field of human computer interaction deals with various usability issues related to improving the flow of unplanned communication. This includes work on the visualization of file systems in order to make it easier for users to locate shared files when coordination and planning on the structure of the file system has not taken place. It also includes user studies that focus on identifying new requirements and new design goals for supporting spontaneous communication. In addition, some interdisciplinary work is also included that seeks to make it easier to unify research in computer communication and human computer interaction so that network resources may be allocated to the various functions in these applications while giving the user the most benefit. A variety of methods are used to investigate the problems including the design and testing of prototypes and algorithms and studies of users in laboratory and naturalistic settings. / <p>Godkänd; 2005; 20060916 (ysko)</p>
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Large scale and mobile group communication systemsParviainen, Roland January 2005 (has links)
This doctoral thesis examines different attributes of large scale group communication systems such as scalability, security and mobility by studying two different prototype systems - mIR (multicast Interactive Radio) and MES (Mobile E-meeting Services). mIR is a system for large scale real-time music distribution, designed as an interactive radio system for the Internet. MES is a collection of tools for improving the use of e-meeting and video conferencing tools in a mobile environment. The mIR prototype has been used to study scalability and security. Scalability in mIR concerns how to support as many users as possible without degrading the experience. This is achieved using IP multicast together with algorithms that limits the bandwidth usage regardless of the number of users. The work on security have focused on copy prevention through digital watermarking. By adding a unique watermark, i.e. a fingerprint, to each media copy a pirated copy can be traced back to a specific user, which can act as a deterrent. The thesis shows how we can combine the different goals of fingerprinting and IP-multicast while still maintaining the scalability features of multicast. Many issues need to be considered if e-meetings and video conferencing will become widespread and popular. Scalability and security, discussed in the first part of the thesis are two examples, and the second part of the thesis tries to address a third issue: mobility. In particular we are interested in enabling access to an e-meeting in a mobile environment, where we often have difficult conditions such as bad network connections, the user only have access to the Internet through a web browser or the available devices are small and limited. In many cases it is currently impossible to participate in an e-meeting when you're not in the office. The prototype system developed in the second part of the thesis aims to enable participation from any location and device that have some sort of Internet connection. We try to achieve this by allowing a mobile user to access an e-meeting session from a web browser or from a Java enabled mobile phone. Further, the system makes it possible to review missed events in an e-meeting as it is likely that there are many times where no Internet connection at all is available. The general style of work has been prototype driven with a goal of creating usable prototypes - i.e. the prototypes should be easy to deploy and it should be possible to use and test the prototypes daily. Most the prototypes described in this thesis have indeed been deployed and have seen daily use. / <p>Godkänd; 2005; 20061004 (ysko)</p>
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