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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stratigraphic and structural framework of Himalayan foothills, northern Pakistan

Pogue, Kevin R. 03 December 1993 (has links)
The oldest sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks exposed in the Himalayan foothills of Pakistan record a gradual transition seaward from the evaporites of the Salt Range Formation to pelitic sediments deposited in deeper water to the north. The Upper Proterozoic Tanawal Formation was derived from erosion of a northern highland produced during the early stages of Late Proterozoic to early Ordovician tectonism. Early Paleozoic tectonism is indicated by an angular unconformity at the base of the Paleozoic section, the intrusion of the Mansehra Granite, and the local removal of Cambrian strata. Paleozoic shallow-marine strata are preserved in half-grabens created during extensional tectonism that began during the Carboniferous and climaxed with rifting during the Permian. Paleozoic rocks were largely or completely eroded from northwest-trending highlands on the landward side of the rift shoulder. Thermal subsidence of the rifted margin resulted in transgression of the highlands and deposition of a Mesozoic section dominated by carbonates. Compressional tectonism related to the impending collision with Asia commenced in the Late Cretaceous. Rocks north of the Panjal-Khairabad fault were deformed and metamorphosed during Eocene subduction of northern India beneath the Kohistan arc terrane. Following their uplift and exhumation, rocks metamorphosed beneath Kohistan were thrust southward over unmetamorphosed rocks along the Panjal and Khairabad faults which are inferred to be connected beneath alluvium of the Haripur basin. Contrasts in stratigraphy and metamorphism on either side of the Panjal-Khairabad fault indicate that shortening on this structure exceeds that of any other fault in the foothills region. The migration of deformation towards the foreland produced south- or southeast-vergent folds and thrust faults in strata south of the Panjal-Khairabad fault and reactivated Late Cretaceous structures such as the Hissartang fault. The Hissartang fault is the westward continuation of the Nathia Gali fault, a major structure that thrusts Proterozoic rocks in the axis of a Late Paleozoic rift highland southward over Mesozoic strata. Fundamental differences in stratigraphy, metamorphism, and relative displacement preclude straightforward correlation of faults and tectonic subdivisions of the central Himalaya of India and Nepal with the northwestern Himalaya of Pakistan. / Graduation date: 1994

Geological development of the East African coastal basin of Tanzania

Mpanda, Samson January 1997 (has links)
The East African coastal basin of Tanzania, which is characterised by an extensional tectonic style, is located along the passive continental margin of the western Indian Ocean. The present study is concerned with the Mafia Island and the Mafia Channel which together form a subbasin within the north-south elongated coastal sedimentary basin of Tanzania. In the time interval from late Paleozoic to Recent, the passive margin of the region was subjected to a three-fold geological development, namely the Karoo rifting phase (1) which is characterised by extensional tectonics, the Gondwana break-up and opening of the Somali basin (2) which was contemporaneous with the movement of Madagascar off the east African coast in the Mesozoic, and the Cenozoic East African rift system (3). This structural framework made provision to the basin deposition history. The development started with the deposition of the continental, terrigenous, Karoo sequence in the Upper Permian to Lower Jurassic. The Karoo deposition was followed by a series of transgressions and regressions under full marine conditions which started in the Middle Jurassic and continued into the Tertiary. The deposits include marine marls, detrital limestones, fossiliferous shales and calcareous sandstones, reaching in places thicknesses of more than 4000 m of Mesozoic, and more than 6000 m of Cenozoic, sediments. Seismostratigraphic techniques applied in the Mafia Channel and Island identified five deposition sequences separated by regional unconformity surfaces i.e. sequence boundaries. Including the pre-Upper Cretaceous sequence they are; the Upper Cretaceous to Middle Eocene sequence (DS I), the Middle Eocene to Lower Miocene sequence (DS II), the Lower Miocene to Pliocene sequence (DS III), and the Pliocene to Recent sequence (DS IV). In the Mafia Channel up to 6000 m of sediments are present. Their ages range from Middle Eocene to Quaternary. The deposits start with marine shales which are overlain by carbonate rocks of Upper Eocene . These carbonates are in the present investigation regarded as the acoustic basement in the central and northern parts of the study area. On top of Upper Eocene carbonates, deltaic and shallow marine sediments are deposited. Southwards in the Channel, the sequences are located at shallower depths which makes it possible to trace also the Upper Cretaceous sequence with confidence. On the Mafia Island, the deposition on top of the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) acoustic basement mainly includes deltaic sandstones, followed by intercalations of carbonate and argillaceous rocks. The structural framework reflects the different tectonic regimes which prevailed in the area. Above the acoustic basement structural elements of Mafia Channel and Island are interpreted as originating from the superimposition of the Cenozoic East African rifting event, and from the uplifts of the mainland coast and Mafia Island during Late Eocene time. As a result the central part collapsed and formed an asymmetric sag structure in the channel. These elements are seismically identified and subdivided as (from northwest to southeast), the Dar-es-Salaam Platform Offshore, the Central Mafia Channel and the Mafia Island Rise. These domains are separated by respective NE-SW major faults (MF1, MF2 and MF3) and can be demonstrated in the profiles which run in a NW-SE direction. With respect to petroleum potential, the Mafia Channel and Island indicate a considerable content. Three hydrocarbon plays are introduced, namely; 1) the Neocomian regressive sands of Songosongo play 2) the Upper Eocene limestone and 3) the Upper Oligocene turbidites.

Petrologia dos diabásios da Região de Ubatuba, SP / Petrology of diabases of Ubatuba region, SP

Fábio Peres da Silva 25 August 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os diques de diabásio da região de Ubatuba são subverticais e têm orientação preferencial NE-SW, mais precisamente N40-50E, seguindo o trend principal das fraturas na área. Este padrão é concordante com aquele da suíte de alto-TiO2 do Enxame de Diques da Serra do Mar (EDSM) do litoral sudeste do Brasil. As espessuras desses corpos variam de 30 cm a 55 m, tendo, a maioria, entre 1,5 e 8 metros. Subordinadamente, ocorrem diques orientados segundo as direções NW-SE e ENE-WSW. Com relação às formas das fraturas-conduto, a mais comum na qual os diques da área de estudo afloram é a retilínea. No entanto, também foram observadas feições como degraus, pontes, tocos, bifurcações, escalonamento e diques em ziguezague. Os diabásios estudados têm cor preta, por vezes variando em tons avermelhados, de acordo com o grau de alteração. Podem tanto apresentar-se afaníticos quanto finos e, comumente, são porfiríticos, com fenocristais de plagioclásio. Em alguns casos, podem ser observadas amígdalas milimétricas de carbonato de coloração branca. A composição mineralógica desses diabásios é pouco variável, em geral, representada, essencialmente, por plagioclásio, clinopiroxênio rico em Ca (augita) e/ou clinopiroxênio pobre em Ca (pigeonita). Como acessórios podem ocorrer olivina, mineral opaco e apatita. Quanto às características geoquímicas, das 27 amostras selecionadas para análise de elementos maiores e traços, os resultados mostraram que 22 amostras plotam no campo subalcalino e têm afinidade toleítica. A afinidade toleítica da grande maioria das amostras (22 em um total de 27) é corroborada pela presença de quartzo e hiperstênio (e ausência de nefelina) na norma CIPW e, dessa forma, as mesmas podem ser classificadas como quartzo-toleítos. Em três das amostras estudadas, há presença de olivina e hiperstênio normativos e ausência de quartzo, o que as inclui em um grupo de olivina-toleítos. De todas as 25 amostras de diabásio toleítico estudadas, 24 foram inseridas dentro de uma suíte de alto-TiO2 (TiO2 > 2%peso) e apenas 1 foi inserida dentro de uma suíte de baixo TiO2 (TiO2 < 2%peso). O estudo petrológico revela a existência de quatro suítes de alto-TiO2, tendo sido as mesmas discriminadas com base nas razões La/Yb de amostras com o teor semelhante de MgO. Destas, apenas as suítes 2 e 3 tem quantidade mínima de amostras para avaliação de processo evolutivo e os resultados indicam a cristalização fracionada com mudança de assembléia fracionante como processo evolutivo mais provável. A discriminação de fontes mantélicas foi feita exclusivamente com base nas razões entre elementos traços de amostras representativas de líquidos parentais das quatro suítes discriminadas. Os resultados indicam que todas as suítes originaram-se pela fusão de fontes mantélicas enriquecidas, tendo, assim, pelo menos uma contribuição de componentes litosféricos. / The diabase dykes of the study area (Ubatuba region) consist, predominantely, of NE-SW (N40-50E) subvertical bodies which follow the main trend of fractures in the area. This pattern is concordant with that of the high-TiO2 suite of the Serra do Mar Dykes Swarm in southeast coast of Brazil. Subordinately, these dikes follow a NW-SE or a NE-WSW orientation. The thickness of those bodies varies from 0,3 to 55 meters, although most of them have thickness between 1,5 and 8 meters. Regarding the forms of the fracture-conduit, the great majority of the dikes are emplaced within straight fractures. However, features like steps, bridges, stubs, bifurcations, stagger and dykes in zigzag are also observed. The studied diabases have black color, per times varying in red tones, as a reflection of the alteration degree. Most often, diabases are aphanitic or fine grained and, commonly, display porphyritic texture with plagioclase phenocrysts. In some cases, white carbonate-filled milimetric amigdals can be observed. The mineralogical composition of those diabases is little variable, consisting, essentially, of plagioclase, Ca-rich clinopyroxene (augite) and/or Ca-poor clinopyroxene (pigeonite). Acessory minerals are, commonly, olivine, opaque mineral(s) and apatite. Considering the lithogeochemical study, results indicate that, of the 27 samples selected for analysis of major and trace elements, 22 are tholeiitic diabases. The tholeiitic affinity of the great majority of the samples (22 in a population of 27) is corroborated by the presence of quartz and hypersthene (and absence of nepheline) in the CIPW norm, which lead to the classification of these diabases as quartz- tholeiites. In three of the studied samples, the presence of normative olivine and hypersthene (and absence of normative quartz) includes them in an olivine- tholeiite group. Of all the 25 samples of tholeiitic diabases, 24 were accounted to a high-TiO2 suite (TiO2> 2%peso) and only 1 was accounted to a low TiO2 one (TiO2 <2%peso). On the basis of La/Yb ratios and its relations to MgO, it was possible to discriminate four distinct high-TiO2 suites (suites 1, 2, 3 and 4). Of these, only suites 2 and 3 include a minimum amount of samples necessary for the evaluation of evolutionary process, and results indicate, for both suites, that fractional crystallization with change of fractional assembly as a more plausible evolutionary process. The discrimination of mantle sources was made exclusively on the basis of incompatible trace element ratios of samples considered as representative of parental liquids of the four discriminated suites. Results indicate that all four suites were generated by partial melting of an enriched source, which points to the consideration of lithospheric components contribution.

Tect?nica p?s-rifte na Bacia Potiguar

Lima, Elissandra Nascimento de Moura 08 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-24T19:48:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ElissandraML_TESE.pdf: 4127116 bytes, checksum: 96a227a009bb7f315ba51270ad826be9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-08 / The study of Brazilian sedimentary basins concentrates on their rift phase, whereas the Post-rift phase has been considered a tectonic quiescent period. The post-rift sequence of the Potiguar Basin, in the far northeastern Brazil, was once considered little deformed, however several studies have shown how that it was affected by major fault systems. The purpose of this thesis is to characterize the post-rift tectonic. The specific objectives are: to characterize the Neogene and Quaternary sedimentary units that outcrop of the Potiguar Basin; to show how the NW-SEtrending Afonso Bezerra Faults System deformed outcrop rocks in the Basin; to describe soft-sediment deformation in gravels of the Quaternary Alluvial Deposits from A?u River. Facies analyses, grain-size studies, luminescence dating, remote sensing, structural mapping, shallow geophysics (georadar), paleostress and petrography were carried out. The structural mapping and the georadar sections indicated that the Carnaubais and Afonso Bezerra fault systems formed fractures, silicified and non-silicified faults or deformation bands, affecting mainly the A?u, Janda?ra and Barreiras formations. The petrographic data indicate that the strong silicification resulted in a sealant character of the faults. Paleostress analysis indicates that two stress fields affected the Basin: the first presented N-S-trending compression, occurred from the Neocretaceous to the Miocene; the second stress field presents E-W-trending compression, acts from the Miocene to the present. It was verified once the Afonso Bezerra System Faults was reactivated in periods post-Campanian and affects all post-rift lithostratigraphic units of Potiguar Basin, including Quaternary sedimentary covers. The study about soft-sediment deformation structures indicates that they are similar in morphology and size to modern examples of seismically-induced deformation strutures in coarse sediments. TL and OSL ages indicate that sediment deposition and associated soft-sediment deformation occurred at least six times from ~352 Ka to ~9 Ka. Finally these studies demonstrate how recent is tectonics in the Basin Potiguar / Os estudos sobre as bacias sedimentares brasileiras se concentram em sua fase rifte, enquanto a fase p?s-rifte tem sido considerada um per?odo de pouca atividade. A sequ?ncia p?s-rifte da Bacia Potiguar, no extremo nordeste brasileiro, j? foi considerada pouco deformada, contudo, in?meros trabalhos v?m demonstrando como ela ? afetada por importantes sistemas de falhas. A finalidade geral desta tese ? caracterizar a tect?nica p?s-rifte na Bacia Potiguar. Os objetivos espec?ficos s?o: caracterizar as unidades sedimentares cenozoicas aflorantes e a tect?nica associada; evidenciar como o Sistema de Falhas de Afonso Bezerra deformou rochas aflorantes da Bacia; descrever deforma??o em sedimentos inconsolidados nos conglomerados dos Dep?sitos Aluviais quatern?rios do Rio A?u. An?lises de f?cies, estudos granulom?tricos, data??o por luminesc?ncia, sensoriamento remoto, mapeamento estrutural, geof?sica rasa (georadar), an?lises de paleotens?es e petrografia foram realizados. O mapeamento estrutural e as sec??es de georadar indicaram que os sistemas de falhas Carnaubais e Afonso Bezerra formaram juntas, falhas silicificadas e n?o-silicificadas e bandas de deforma??o, afetando principalmente as forma??es A?u, Janda?ra e Barreiras. Os dados petrogr?ficos indicam que a forte silicifica??o deu ?s falhas um car?ter selante. O estudo de paleotens?es indica dois campos de tens?es afetando a Bacia: o primeiro, com compress?o N-S, atuou do Neocret?ceo ao Mioceno; o segundo, com compress?o E-W, atua do Mioceno ao presente. Constatou-se que o Sistema de Falhas de Afonso Bezerra foi reativado em per?odos p?s-campanianos e afeta todas as unidades litoestratigr?ficas p?s-rifte da Bacia Potiguar, inclusive as coberturas quatern?rias. O estudo sobre deforma??o em sedimentos inconsolidados indica que esta ? similar na morfologia e no tamanho aos exemplos modernos de estruturas de deforma??o sismicamente induzida em sedimentos grossos. Idades por TL e LOE indicam que a deposi??o dos sedimentos e a deforma??o associada ocorreram pelo menos em seis eventos entre aproximadamente 352 Ka e 9 Ka. Enfim estes estudos demonstram qu?o recente ? a tect?nica na Bacia Potiguar

Petrologia dos diabásios da Região de Ubatuba, SP / Petrology of diabases of Ubatuba region, SP

Fábio Peres da Silva 25 August 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os diques de diabásio da região de Ubatuba são subverticais e têm orientação preferencial NE-SW, mais precisamente N40-50E, seguindo o trend principal das fraturas na área. Este padrão é concordante com aquele da suíte de alto-TiO2 do Enxame de Diques da Serra do Mar (EDSM) do litoral sudeste do Brasil. As espessuras desses corpos variam de 30 cm a 55 m, tendo, a maioria, entre 1,5 e 8 metros. Subordinadamente, ocorrem diques orientados segundo as direções NW-SE e ENE-WSW. Com relação às formas das fraturas-conduto, a mais comum na qual os diques da área de estudo afloram é a retilínea. No entanto, também foram observadas feições como degraus, pontes, tocos, bifurcações, escalonamento e diques em ziguezague. Os diabásios estudados têm cor preta, por vezes variando em tons avermelhados, de acordo com o grau de alteração. Podem tanto apresentar-se afaníticos quanto finos e, comumente, são porfiríticos, com fenocristais de plagioclásio. Em alguns casos, podem ser observadas amígdalas milimétricas de carbonato de coloração branca. A composição mineralógica desses diabásios é pouco variável, em geral, representada, essencialmente, por plagioclásio, clinopiroxênio rico em Ca (augita) e/ou clinopiroxênio pobre em Ca (pigeonita). Como acessórios podem ocorrer olivina, mineral opaco e apatita. Quanto às características geoquímicas, das 27 amostras selecionadas para análise de elementos maiores e traços, os resultados mostraram que 22 amostras plotam no campo subalcalino e têm afinidade toleítica. A afinidade toleítica da grande maioria das amostras (22 em um total de 27) é corroborada pela presença de quartzo e hiperstênio (e ausência de nefelina) na norma CIPW e, dessa forma, as mesmas podem ser classificadas como quartzo-toleítos. Em três das amostras estudadas, há presença de olivina e hiperstênio normativos e ausência de quartzo, o que as inclui em um grupo de olivina-toleítos. De todas as 25 amostras de diabásio toleítico estudadas, 24 foram inseridas dentro de uma suíte de alto-TiO2 (TiO2 > 2%peso) e apenas 1 foi inserida dentro de uma suíte de baixo TiO2 (TiO2 < 2%peso). O estudo petrológico revela a existência de quatro suítes de alto-TiO2, tendo sido as mesmas discriminadas com base nas razões La/Yb de amostras com o teor semelhante de MgO. Destas, apenas as suítes 2 e 3 tem quantidade mínima de amostras para avaliação de processo evolutivo e os resultados indicam a cristalização fracionada com mudança de assembléia fracionante como processo evolutivo mais provável. A discriminação de fontes mantélicas foi feita exclusivamente com base nas razões entre elementos traços de amostras representativas de líquidos parentais das quatro suítes discriminadas. Os resultados indicam que todas as suítes originaram-se pela fusão de fontes mantélicas enriquecidas, tendo, assim, pelo menos uma contribuição de componentes litosféricos. / The diabase dykes of the study area (Ubatuba region) consist, predominantely, of NE-SW (N40-50E) subvertical bodies which follow the main trend of fractures in the area. This pattern is concordant with that of the high-TiO2 suite of the Serra do Mar Dykes Swarm in southeast coast of Brazil. Subordinately, these dikes follow a NW-SE or a NE-WSW orientation. The thickness of those bodies varies from 0,3 to 55 meters, although most of them have thickness between 1,5 and 8 meters. Regarding the forms of the fracture-conduit, the great majority of the dikes are emplaced within straight fractures. However, features like steps, bridges, stubs, bifurcations, stagger and dykes in zigzag are also observed. The studied diabases have black color, per times varying in red tones, as a reflection of the alteration degree. Most often, diabases are aphanitic or fine grained and, commonly, display porphyritic texture with plagioclase phenocrysts. In some cases, white carbonate-filled milimetric amigdals can be observed. The mineralogical composition of those diabases is little variable, consisting, essentially, of plagioclase, Ca-rich clinopyroxene (augite) and/or Ca-poor clinopyroxene (pigeonite). Acessory minerals are, commonly, olivine, opaque mineral(s) and apatite. Considering the lithogeochemical study, results indicate that, of the 27 samples selected for analysis of major and trace elements, 22 are tholeiitic diabases. The tholeiitic affinity of the great majority of the samples (22 in a population of 27) is corroborated by the presence of quartz and hypersthene (and absence of nepheline) in the CIPW norm, which lead to the classification of these diabases as quartz- tholeiites. In three of the studied samples, the presence of normative olivine and hypersthene (and absence of normative quartz) includes them in an olivine- tholeiite group. Of all the 25 samples of tholeiitic diabases, 24 were accounted to a high-TiO2 suite (TiO2> 2%peso) and only 1 was accounted to a low TiO2 one (TiO2 <2%peso). On the basis of La/Yb ratios and its relations to MgO, it was possible to discriminate four distinct high-TiO2 suites (suites 1, 2, 3 and 4). Of these, only suites 2 and 3 include a minimum amount of samples necessary for the evaluation of evolutionary process, and results indicate, for both suites, that fractional crystallization with change of fractional assembly as a more plausible evolutionary process. The discrimination of mantle sources was made exclusively on the basis of incompatible trace element ratios of samples considered as representative of parental liquids of the four discriminated suites. Results indicate that all four suites were generated by partial melting of an enriched source, which points to the consideration of lithospheric components contribution.

Évolution géomorphologique du Massif armoricain depuis 200 MA : approche Terre-Mer / Geomorphological evolution of the Armorican Massif since 200 Ma

Bessin, Paul 05 December 2014 (has links)
Le Massif armoricain est un domaine de socle cadomo-varisque ouest-européen de faible altitude (maximum 400m), caractérisé par des surfaces d'aplanissement, dont l'évolution géologique et géomorphologique mésozoïque et cénozoïque est débattue. L'objectif de cette étude est de reconstituer la croissance du relief de ce massif. Une analyse géomorphologique, à terre et à mer, des surfaces d'aplanissement à été réalisée. Celle-ci est basée sur leur (i) cartographie, (i) chronologie relative, (iii) relations avec les profils d'altération et (iv) datation au moyen des dépôts sédimentaires datés les fossilisant. Six surfaces d'aplanissement ont été identifiées et datées et la plupart sont exhumées. Elles sont d'âge anté-Jurassique inférieur (PS1 à PS3), anté-Jurassique moyen (PS4), ante-Crétacé inférieur (PS5) et Paléocène (PS6). Au moins deux phases d'enfouissement/exhumation ont été identifiées : (1) un enfouissement au cours du Jurassique suivi d'une exhumation au Crétacé inférieur et (2) un enfouissement au Crétacé supérieur suivi d'une dénudation du Crétacé terminal à l'Éocène inférieur. La première période d'exhumation est probablement reliée à l'initiation puis l'ouverture du rift entre les paques Ibérie et Eurasie (Golfe de Gascogne) et la seconde à la convergence entre ces deux plaques. Enfin, les mouvements verticaux cénozoïque du massif ont été quantifiés à partir (i) de la position des sédiments marins datés et de milieu de sédimentation connus et (ii) des paléoniveaux marins respectifs de ces dépôts déduits de différentes chartes eustatiques. Ces travaux mettent en évidence (i) une surrection au Paléocène, (ii) une susidence à l'Éocène supérieur et (iii) la surrection déjà caractérisée au Pléistocène. / The Armoricain massif is a west-european Cadomo-variscan domain of low altitude (maximum 400 m), characterized by planation surfaces, whose Mesozoic and Cenozoic geological and geomorphological evolution is still debated. The purpose of this study is to retrace the growth of this relief. A geomorphological analysis of the planation surfaces was performed on land and at sea. It is based on their (i) mapping, (ii) relative chronology, (iii) relationships with weathering mantles and (iv) dating using dated sediments that seal those them. Six stepped planation surfaces have been identified and mapped and most of them are exhumed. They are pre-early Jurassic (PS1 to PS3), pre-middle Jurassic (PS4), pre-late Cretaceous (PS5) and Paleocene (PS6). At least two phases of burial and exhumation have been identified: (1) burial in Jurassic time followed by denudation during the early Cretaceous and (2) burial in late Cretaceous time followed dy denudation during the latest Cretaceous to early Eocene. The first period of exhumation is probably related to the initiation and break-up of the rift between Iberia and Eurasia (Bay of Biscay) and the second to the convergence betwenn these two plates. At last, Cenozoic vertical movements of the massif have been quantified from (i) position of dated marine sediments of known depositional environment and (ii) their respective paleo-sea levels deduced from different eustatic charts. This work highlights (i) Paleocene uplift, (ii) late Eocene subsidence and (iii) the already characterized Pleistocene uplift.

Biostratigraphie intégrée à nannofossiles calcaires et ammonoïdes : développement et implications pour la définition et la valorisation des stratotypes d’unité et de limite. L’exemple des étages Berriasien et Valanginien et de leur limite (~140 Millions d’années) / Integrated biostratigraphy of calcareous nannofossils and ammonites : development and implications for the definition and valorization of unity and limit stratotypes. The example Berriasian and Valanginian stages and their boundary (~ 140 million years)

Kenjo, Samer 21 July 2014 (has links)
L'étude biostratigraphique intégrée des ammonites et des nannofossiles calcaires de trois coupes du SE de la France (Vergol, Courchons et Berrias) a permis de proposer un nouveau schéma de biozonation solide pour l'intervalle Berriasien supérieur – Valanginien inférieur. Cette étude devrait permettre d'appuyer la proposition de la coupe de Vergol comme GSSP de la base du Valanginien. Pour ce qui concerne les ammonites, une exploitation intensive banc par banc et une révision taxonomique de l'ensemble des groupes ont montré un grand renouvellement faunique et ont amené à préciser le schéma zonal. Le Berriasien supérieur est caractérisée dans sa partie haute par une nouvelle zone, la zone à Alpillensis, qui remplace la partie supérieure de la zone à Boisseri sensu Le Hégarat. La zone à Alpillensis est subdivisée en deux sous-zones, à Alpillensis et à Otopeta. Pour le Valanginien inférieur, il a été reconnu la zone à Petransiens, pour laquelle deux nouvelles sous-zones, à Premolicus et à Salinarium, sont proposées, et la zone à Neocomiensiformis. Pour ce qui concerne les nannofossiles calcaires, plusieurs événements caractérisent la limite Berriasien/Valanginien, ainsi qu'un changement important des assemblages mis en évidence par une Analyse en Composante Principale. Ces changements sont liés probablement à une régression globale pendant la zone à Alpillensis suivie par une transgression pendant la zone à Pertransiens. Les Associations Unitaires ont mis en évidence une AU 1 dont le sommet se situe au dessus de la première apparition du nannofossile C. oblongata et de l'ammonite « Thurmanniceras » pertransiens. La succession de ces trois événements (« T. » pertransiens, C. oblongata et sommet de l'AU 1) m'ont amené à proposer l'identification de la limite Berriasien/Valanginien avec la première apparition de « T. » pertransiens / The integrated biostratigraphic study of ammonites and calcareous nannofossils in three sections from SE France (Vergol, Courchons, and Berrias) allowed a solid new biozonation scheme to be proposed here. This study should enable us to strengthen the proposition of the Vergol section as GSSP for the lower boundary of Valanginian. Concerning ammonites, an intensive exploitation bed by bed coupled to a taxonomic revision of all groups have shown a faunal renewal and brought to the proposal of a new zonal scheme. The Upper Berriasian is characterized in its upper part by a new zone, the Alpillensis zone, which replaces the upper part of the Boisseri zone sensu Le Hégarat. The Alpillensis zone is subdivided into two subzones, Alpillensis and Otopeta. For the Lower Valanginian, the Pertransiens (with the introduction of two new subzones, Premolicus and Salinarium) and Neocomiensiformis zones have been recognized. Concerning calcareous nannofossils, many events are recorded across the Berriasian/Valanginian boundary, underlying a major change in the assemblages as indicated by Principal Component Analysis. These changes are very likely linked to sea level changes. In fact, a major regression occurred in the Alpillensis zone, followed by a transgression in the Petransiens zone. Unitary Associations resulted in an UA 1 whose topmost part occurs just above the first occurrences of the nannofossil C. oblongata and of the ammonite « Thurmanniceras » pertransiens. The stratigraphic succession of these three events (namely, the FOs of « T. » pertransiens and of C. oblongata and the top of UA 1) allow us to identify the boundary between the Berriasian and Valanginian in this work with the FO of « T. » pertransiens

Sediment Histories: Early Mesozoic Ice and North American Pleistocene-Holocene Deglaciation

Chang, Clara Yunn January 2024 (has links)
We use sedimentary structures, fossil evidence, sediment petrophysical properties, and geochemistry to investigate past climate. In the first two chapters, we outline a toolkit to identify the presence of ice rafted debris in lake sediments using a combination of grain size analysis, computed tomography and image analysis. We apply this toolkit to sediments from the early Mesozoic, paleo-Arctic Junggar Basin, and describe the first evidence of continental freezing from this time period. We also discuss characteristics of algae rafted debris; clusters of coarse sediment suspended in a fine sediment matrix can be deposited without freezing conditions and may be a confounding factor in the geological record. In chapters three and four, we examine sediment cores from the coast of New York and the effects of sea level rise after the last deglaciation. New AMS radiocarbon dates from submerged terrestrial sediments on the US Atlantic continental shelf provide key constraints on the timing of marine transgression following the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. We use sediment elevation tables (SETs) and sediment cores to measure the accretion rate in a Hudson River tidal wetland to determine its vulnerability to sea level rise. We find that SETs overestimate accretion and underestimate vulnerability on timescales relevant to coastal flooding risk. Together, these chapters outline novel tools and approaches in imaging, geochemistry, and micro-stratigraphy broadly applicable for investigations on paleoclimate research through time and space.

Modélisation géologique 3D et hydrodynamique appliquées aux réservoirs carbonatés karstiques : caractérisation des ressources en eau souterraine de l'Unité du Beausset (Var et Bouches-du-Rhône, SE France)

Fournillon, Arnaud 28 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but de contribuer à l'étude des réservoirs carbonatés karstiques par une approche intégrant modélisation géologique numérique 3D et hydrogéologie. Une méthodologie originale a été ainsi développée pour être appliquée à la caractérisation des ressources en eau souterraine de l'Unité du Beausset (Bouches-du-Rhône et Var, SE France). Cette méthodologie lie l'architecture géologique 3D du réservoir à ses propriétés hydrodynamiques extraites de son étude hydrogéologique. Cette zone est un synclinal de roches sédimentaires mésozoïques d'une épaisseur pouvant atteindre 3000m. Ces roches affleurent sur environ 650 km², et ont subi de nombreuses phases de fracturation et karstification. A partir de la synthèse des données existantes géologiques, hydrogéologiques et karstologiques, sept intervalles lithostratigraphiques ont été définis. Ces intervalles ont également été caractérisés hydrodynamiquement par l'analyse des séries temporelles de hauteur, température et conductivité électrique enregistrées en continu en sept sources représentatives. Cette caractérisation a été complétée par des campagnes exhaustives d'hydrochimie et de mesures de débit. L'ensemble des données et des résultats obtenus ont permis de définir où sont les unités de stockages et d'écoulement de l'eau souterraine. Ces dernières ont été intégrées de manière qualitative en 3D à l'aide d'un modèle surfacique de l'architecture géologique de l'Unité du Beausset. Cette intégration a permis de définir les meilleures zones de captage potentiel pour de nouvelles ressources en eau souterraine. / The aim of this PhD thesis is to provide an original approach for the characterization of karstic carbonate reservoirs that integrates 3D geological modeling and hydrodynamics. The 3D geological model stands for the structural compartmentalization of the reservoir and the hydrodynamics provide dynamic properties for the understanding of the fluid flow. This methodology is applied to the characterization of the groundwater resources of the Beausset Unit (SE France). The study area is a syncline composed of nearly 3000 m of Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, which age from late Triassic to Upper Cretaceous. These rocks, which are mainly carbonates, crop out over an area of 650 km² and have known several phases of fracturation and karstification. This study is divided in four parts: (1) synthesis of existing data, (2) 3D geological modeling, (3) study of hydrodynamics, and (4) integration of static and dynamic data in order to discuss the characterization of the groundwater resources in the Beausset Unit. The existing data on stratigraphy, lithology, petrophysical properties, karstology and hydrogeology allow the definition of seven lithostratigraphic intervals that have been chosen for modeling. These intervals represent the vertical compartmentalization of the reservoir: each interval has a unique combination of karst and rocks properties. The integration of all this data end results leads to the recognition of the flow and reservoir units in each lithostratigraphic interval. A qualitative link has been made between the 3D architecture of the basin and the reservoir properties; it allows the characterization of the best potential targets for new groundwater tapping zones.

\"Tectônica rúptil mesozóico-cenozóica na região da Serra dos Órgãos, RJ\" / \"Mesozoic-Cenozoic brittle tectonics of the Serra dos Órgãos range, RJ\"

Hartwig, Marcos Eduardo 10 November 2006 (has links)
Aspectos referentes à tectônica rúptil mesozóico-cenozóica da Serra dos Órgãos, nome local dado a Serra do Mar na porção correspondente ao Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos - PARNASO (municípios de Petrópolis, Teresópolis e Magé, Estado do Rio de Janeiro), foram investigados por meio da análise morfoestrutural e de levantamentos de campo. A área estudada compreende elevações que ultrapassam 2.200m de altitude e está incluída no Terreno Oriental do setor central da Faixa Ribeira, de idade neoproterozóica-cambriana, onde afloram rochas metassedimentares intrudidas por várias gerações de rochas granitóides. A análise conjunta dos resultados provenientes dos modelos digitais de elevação, mapas morfométricos, lineamentos, estruturas rúpteis e litotipos, associada ao quadro tectônico regional do sudeste do país, permitiu admitir que a formação das principais feições rúpteis verificadas no PARNASO pode estar relacionada a seis regimes tectônicos superpostos. O primeiro regime remontaria ao Neoproterozóico-Cambriano e seria caracterizado por transcorrência sinistral, com binário de direção geral E-W (compressão de direção NE-SW e distensão NW-SE). Regimes semelhantes foram ativos durante o Eocretáceo e Neocretáceo-Paleoceno, reponsáveis, respectivamente, pela colocação do enxame de diques básicos que ocorre na porção centro ocidental do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e pelos centros intrusivos e diques de rochas alcalinas dispostos ao longo do Alinhamento Magmático de Cabo Frio. Estes regimes ocasionaram intenso fraturamento de orientação NE-SW distribuído por todo o PARNASO. Novo regime tectônico teria operado no Eoceno, caracterizado por distensão de direção NW-SE, considerado como gerador do Rift Continental do Sudeste do Brasil. Embora as feições rúpteis associadas a esta fase tectônica não estejam muito evidentes, sua principal conseqüência no PARNASO seria a compartimentação do relevo da sua porção sul-sudeste em blocos alongados e escalonados abatidos para sudeste. Concomitantemente a este abatimento, deu-se a deformação de uma antiga superfície de aplainamento, que teria nivelado a cimeira da Serra dos Órgãos em torno de 2.000 m. O regime tectônico seguinte, caracterizado por cisalhamento dextral com binário de direção E-W (compressão de direção NW-SE e distensão NE-SW), de idade pleistocena a holocena, teria reativado fraturas de orientação NW-SE, hoje realçadas pelas facetas trapezoidais observadas ao longo do vale do Rio do Bonfim. O último regime tectônico registrado encontra correspondência com uma compressão de direção E-W, de idade holocena. / Mezosoic-Cenozoic brittle tectonics of the Serra dos Órgãos range in the Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil, was investigated using morphostructural analysis and field surveys. The study area is a sector of the Serra do Mar coastal range, with summits over 2.200 m a.s.l., and is included in the central segment of the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Ribeira Belt, where metassedimentary and several generations of granitoid rocks occur. Integrated analysis of digital elevation models, morphometric maps, lineaments, brittle structures and distribution of lithotypes, and comparison with the regional tectonic context of Southeastern Brazil, allowed us to admit that the main brittle features observed in the region are related to six superimposed brittle tectonic regimes. The first tectonic regime, of Neoproterozoic-Cambrian age, was characterized by left-lateral E-W-trending strike-slip, with NE-SW compression and NW-SE extension. Similar regimes were active during Early Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous to Paleocene, when they were responsible, respectively, for the emplacement of basic dykes swarm of the central-western portion of Rio de Janeiro State, and of the intrusive centers and alkaline dykes along the Cabo Frio Magmatic Lineament. This regime caused intense and widespread NE-SW-trending fracturing throughout the study area. During the Eocene, a NW-SE-trending extensional regime, considered as generator of the Continental Rift of Southeastern Brazil, operated in the region. It was responsible for the relief segmentation in the south-southeast part of the area, where NE-SW-trending elongated blocks in a step-like array descending to the southeast are observed. At the same time occurred the deformation of an old erosion surface, which had previously leveled the summit of the Serra dos Órgãos range at around 2.000 m a.s.l. The next tectonic regime is related to a NW-SE Late Pleistocene-Holocene compression which have reactivated NW-SE-trending fractures as normal faults, partially preserved as trapezoidal facets in the landscape. The last tectonic regime recorded in the region finds correspondence with an E-W Holocene compression.

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