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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trends and rates of mercury and arsenic in sediments accumulated in the last 80 years in the climatic-sensitive Mar Chiquita system, Central Argentina

Stupar, Yohana Vanesa 06 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In South America and especially in Argentina, the behaviour of mercury (Hg) and arsenic (As) mainly in sediments remains poorly understood. The Mar Chiquita system and more particularly the Laguna del Plata with its associated Suquía River basin is used here as a case study to identify the dynamic of these two trace elements. Their distribution in space and time are studied in relation with the anthropic presence and the hydrological conditions that importantly changed in the last century.The methodology consisted first to study the spatial distribution of mercury and arsenic thanks to the analysis of water and sediments taken all along the Suquía River and Laguna del Plata. Secondly, the sampling and study of a sediment core taken in Laguna del Plata allowed to evaluate variations of Hg and As with time.The implementation of selective extractions allowed to better identify Hg and As bearing phases. The global interpretation of the results and the support of satellites images revealed the important role played by climate changes and hydrological variations in the control of mercury and arsenic behaviour within the Mar Chiquita system. The combination of these different approaches revealed that the dynamic of mercury and arsenic shows contrast behaviour. Hg concentrations are low when the climate conditions are dry and lake-level is low. They are mainly associated to sulphurs carried by the Suquía River. The augmentation in regional precipitations produced higher runoff, rise in the lake-level and an increment in Hg accumulations. In this period Hg is mainly associated to the organic matter. As instead is contributed to the lake in solution and by the influence of winds from the loessic Chaco Pampean Plain in drier periods. As is associated to reactive Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides throughout the core. High concentrations in the bottom of the core are also associated to sulphides while in the middle and upper part As concentrations are as well associated with carbonates.

Trends and rates of mercury and arsenic in sediments accumulated in the last 80 years in the climatic-sensitive Mar Chiquita system, Central Argentina

Stupar, Yohana Vanesa 06 December 2013 (has links)
En Amérique du Sud et notamment en Argentine, le comportement du mercure (Hg) et de l’arsenic (As) principalement dans les sédiments est encore peu compris. Le système de Mar Chiquita et plus particulièrement le lac Laguna del Plata, recevant les eaux de la rivière Suquía, sert ici de cadre à l’étude de la dynamique de ces deux éléments trace. Leurs distributions dans l’espace et le temps sont analysées en lien avec l’influence anthropique et les conditions hydrologiques qui ont changé de manière importante au cours du dernier siècle. L’approche retenue a consisté tout d’abord à examiner la distribution spatiale du mercure et de l’arsenic à travers l’analyse des eaux et sédiments pris le long de la rivière Suquía et dans Laguna del Plata. Dans un second temps, l’étude fine d’une carotte de sédiment prélevée dans Laguna del Plata a permis d’analyser les variations temporelles de Hg et As. De plus, la réalisation d’extractions sélectives a conduit à l’identification des phases porteuses de Hg et As. L’interprétation globale des résultats et l’appui des images satellites ont révélé le rôle majeur joué par les changements climatiques et les variations hydrologiques dans le contrôle du comportement du mercure et de l’arsenic au sein du système de Mar Chiquita. Au final, l’association des différentes approches a démontré les comportements différents du mercure et de l’arsenic. Les concentrations de mercure sont faibles quand les conditions climatiques sont plus arides et le niveau du lac bas. Elles sont principalement associées aux sulfures transportés par les sédiments de la rivière Suquía. La hausse des précipitations régionales aboutit à un ruissellement plus important et une montée du niveau du lac conduisant à l’augmentation d’accumulation de mercure. Durant cette période, Hg est principalement associé à la matière organique. L’arsenic, quant à lui, est apporté en solution par les eaux jusqu’au lac et, durant les périodes plus sèches, un apport supplémentaire s’effectue par les vents balayant la plaine loessique de Chaco Pampean. Dans la carotte de sédiment, l’arsenic est associé aux oxyhydroxydes réactifs de fer et de manganèse. Ses fortes concentrations dans la partie basse de la carotte sont également liées aux sulfures mais sont aussi associées, dans les parties moyenne et haute, aux carbonates. / In South America and especially in Argentina, the behaviour of mercury (Hg) and arsenic (As) mainly in sediments remains poorly understood. The Mar Chiquita system and more particularly the Laguna del Plata with its associated Suquía River basin is used here as a case study to identify the dynamic of these two trace elements. Their distribution in space and time are studied in relation with the anthropic presence and the hydrological conditions that importantly changed in the last century.The methodology consisted first to study the spatial distribution of mercury and arsenic thanks to the analysis of water and sediments taken all along the Suquía River and Laguna del Plata. Secondly, the sampling and study of a sediment core taken in Laguna del Plata allowed to evaluate variations of Hg and As with time.The implementation of selective extractions allowed to better identify Hg and As bearing phases. The global interpretation of the results and the support of satellites images revealed the important role played by climate changes and hydrological variations in the control of mercury and arsenic behaviour within the Mar Chiquita system. The combination of these different approaches revealed that the dynamic of mercury and arsenic shows contrast behaviour. Hg concentrations are low when the climate conditions are dry and lake-level is low. They are mainly associated to sulphurs carried by the Suquía River. The augmentation in regional precipitations produced higher runoff, rise in the lake-level and an increment in Hg accumulations. In this period Hg is mainly associated to the organic matter. As instead is contributed to the lake in solution and by the influence of winds from the loessic Chaco Pampean Plain in drier periods. As is associated to reactive Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides throughout the core. High concentrations in the bottom of the core are also associated to sulphides while in the middle and upper part As concentrations are as well associated with carbonates. / En Sudamérica y especialmente en Argentina, el comportamiento del mercurio (Hg) y del arsénico (As) principalmente en los sedimentos sigue siendo poco conocido. El sistema de Mar Chiquita y más particularmente la Laguna del Plata, asociada con la cuenca río Suquía se utiliza aquí como un caso de estudio para identificar la dinámica de estos dos elementos traza. Su distribución en el espacio y el tiempo son estudiados en relación con la presencia antrópica y las condiciones hidrológicas que fluctuaron grandemente en el siglo pasadoLa metodología consistió primero en estudiar la distribución espacial de mercurio y arsénico, gracias al análisis de agua y sedimentos tomadas a lo largo del río Suquía y en la Laguna del Plata. En segundo lugar, la recolección de muestras y el estudio de un núcleo de sedimento tomadas en Laguna del Plata les permitió evaluar las variaciones de Hg y As en el tiempo. La puesta en práctica de extracciones selectivas permitió identificar de una mejor manera las fases portadoras de Hg y As. La interpretación global de los resultados y el apoyo en el análisis de imágenes satelitales revelan el importante papel desempeñado por los cambios climáticos y las variaciones hidrológicas en el control del comportamiento de mercurio y arsénico en el sistema de Mar Chiquita. La combinación de estos diferentes enfoques reveló que la dinámica del mercurio y del arsénico muestra un comportamiento contrastante. Las concentraciones de mercurio son bajas cuando las condiciones climáticas son secas y el nivel de la laguna es bajo. Éstas se asocian principalmente a sulfuros transportados por el río Suquía. El aumento en las precipitaciones regionales produjo mayor escorrentía, aumento en el nivel de la laguna y un incremento en la acumulación de Hg. En este período el Hg se asocia principalmente a la materia orgánica. Por el contrario, As es aportado a la laguna en solución y por la influencia de los vientos provenientes de la llanura Chaco Pampeana en periodos secos. As está asociado a oxihidróxidos reactivos de Fe y de Mn en todo el núcleo de sedimentos. Las altas concentraciones en la parte inferior del núcleo de sedimentos también se asocian a los sulfuros, mientras que en la parte media y superior las concentraciones de As están asociadas a los carbonatos. / Na América do Sul , especialmente na Argentina, o comportamento do mercúrio (Hg) e arsênio (As), principalmente em sedimentos permanece mal compreendida. Sistema de Mar Chiquita, e mais particularmente a Laguna del Plata, associada a bacia do rio Suquía é usado aqui como um estudo de caso para identificar a dinâmica desses dois elementos-traço. A sua distribuição no espaço e no tempo são estudados em relação à presença antrópica e as condições hidrológicas que oscilou muito no século passadoA metodologia foi o primeiro a estudar a distribuição espacial de mercúrio e arsênico, graças à análise de água e sedimentos tomadas ao longo do rio Suquía ea Laguna del Plata. Em segundo lugar, a coleta de amostras eo estudo de um núcleo de sedimentos tomada em Laguna del Plata lhes permitiu avaliar as mudanças na Hg e As em tempo.A implementação de extrações seletivas permitido uma melhor maneira de identificar as fases de transporte de Hg e As como a interpretação global dos resultados e apoio na análise de imagens de satélite revelam o importante papel desempenhado por mudanças no clima e as variações hidrológicas controlar o comportamento do mercúrio e arsênio em sistema de Mar Chiquita. A combinação destas diferentes abordagens revelaram que a dinâmica de mercúrio e arsénio mostra um comportamento contrastante. As concentrações de mercúrio são baixos quando as condições meteorológicas são secos e o nível do lago está baixo. Estes são principalmente associado com sulfetos transportados pelo rio Suquía. O aumento da precipitação regional, produzido mais do escoamento, aumento do nível da laguna e um aumento na acumulação de Hg . Durante este período, Hg está associada principalmente com matéria orgânica. Em contraste, como contribuiu para a lagoa em solução e As influência dos ventos do Chaco pampeana em períodos secos. Como está associada com reagentes oxihidróxidos Fe e Mn em todo o núcleo do sedimento . Concentrações elevadas no sedimento de fundo do núcleo também estão associados sulfuretos, enquanto que as porções média e superior, como as concentrações estão associadas com os carbonatos.

Impact des oxydes de fer naturels et des nanoparticules manufacturées sur la dynamique des éléments traces dans les sols de zones humides / Impact of natural iron oxydes and engineered nanoparticles on trace metal mobility in wetland soil

Al-Sid-Cheikh, Maya 02 October 2015 (has links)
La nanoscience est basée sur les changements de propriétés des particules lorsque leur diamètre est inférieur à 100 nm (i.e. nanoparticules, NPs). Devant l’utilisation croissante de tels NPs, et leur déversement probable dans l’environnement, l’évaluation de leurs risques sur la santé humaine et l’environnement est un enjeu majeur. Dans le cadre de la protection des eaux et des sols, l’évaluation de la qualité des eaux de surface est particulièrement importante, notamment dans les zones humides (ZHs), où la dynamique des métaux toxique (i.e. As, Pb, Ni, Cr, Hg) est complexe et dépend des conditions redox du milieu. Comme les NPs de magnétite (nano-Fe3O4), naturelles ou manufacturées, sont reconnues pour leur capacité d’adsorption importante face aux métaux lourds, leurs interactions dans les ZHs ripariennes (ZHRs) avec les ETMs restent critiques quant à leurs impacts directs ou indirects. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier le rôle des nano-Fe3O4 manufacturées (~10nm) et des oxydes de fer naturels sur la dynamique des ETMs dans les eaux de surfaces et les sols de ZHRs. Ainsi, dans un premier volet portant sur des précipités colloïdaux naturels provenant de produits de reoxydation en milieu riparian (soumis à des oscillations redox), la distribution spatiale des éléments a été effectuée par cartographie isotopique nanoSIMS (i.e. 75As-, 56Fe16O-, le soufre (32S-) et la matière organique (12C14N-), alors que la spéciation du soufre a été évaluée par adsorption des rayons X au seuil K du soufre (S) (XANES). Ces analyses ont permis de mettre en évidences les interactions entre les oxydes de fer naturels, la matière organique naturelle (MON) et un métalloïde toxique, l’arsenic. Nos résultats suggèrent, par colocalisation statistique des images nanoSIMS, l’existence de deux types d’interaction : (1) 12C14N-, 32S-, 56Fe16O- et 75As-, et (2) 12C14N-, 32S- et 75As-. La coexistence des formes de S oxydées et réduites, confirmées par les analyses XANES, pourrait être attribuée à la lente cinétique d’oxydation de la MON. Ainsi, ce premier volet montre qu’en plus des interactions MON, oxydes de fer et As, de possibles interactions directes entre As et NOM à travers des groupements fonctionnels soufrés (e.g. thiols) sont aussi possibles en milieu oxydé. Dans un second volet, l’effet des nano-Fe3O4 (~ 10 nm) sur la mobilité des éléments traces (ETs) et des colloïdes, dans l'horizon organominéral d’un sol naturel de ZHR, a été évaluée à l’aide de colonnes de sol. Nos résultats montrent que l’enrobage des nanoparticules semble influencer la mobilité de la MON et des ETs du sol. En effet, la mobilité des ETs semble augmenter en présence de nano-Fe3O4 nus, suggérant des associations où la MON stabiliserait les nanoparticules et augmenterait leur mobilité ainsi que celle des ETs associés. / Nanoscience is based on changes in particle properties when their diameter is below 100 nm (ie nanoparticles, NPs). Considering the increasing use of such NPs and their discharge into the environment, the assessment of their risks to human health and the environment is a major issue. Underneath the protection of waters and soils, the surface water assessment quality is particularly important, especially in wetlands, where the toxic metals dynamic (e.g. As, Pb, Ni, Cr , Hg) is complex and depends on the redox conditions of the environment. As magnetite (nano-Fe3O4), a natural or manufactured NP, is known for its significant adsorption capacity with heavy metals, their interactions in riparian wetlands with trace metals (TMs) remain critical concerning their direct of indirect impact on trace metals (TMs) mobility. The objective of this thesis was to study the role of manufactured nano-Fe3O4 (~ 10nm) and natural iron oxides on the TMs dynamics in wetland surface waters and soils. Therefore, in a first part considering natural colloidal precipitates from reoxidation products from riparian areas (subject to redox oscillations), a spatial distribution of elements was performed using nanoSIMS isotope mapping (i.e. 75As-, 56Fe16O-, sulfur (32S-) and organic matter (12C14N-), while the sulfur speciation was evaluated X-ray adsorption at K edge of the sulfur (S) (XANES). These analyzes allowed to highlight the interactions between natural iron oxides, natural organic matter (NOM) and a toxic metalloid, As. Our results suggest, with a statistical colocalization of nanoSIMS images, the existence of two interaction types: (1) 12C14N-, 32S-, 56Fe16O- and 75As-, and (2) 12C14N-, 32S- and 75As-. The coexistence of the oxidized and reduced forms of S, confirmed by the XANES analyses might be attributed to the slow oxidation kinetic of MON. Thus, this first part shows that in addition to the known interactions between MON, iron oxides and As, a possible direct interaction between As and NOM through sulfur functional groups (e.g. thiols) are also possible in oxidized environment. In a second part, the effect of nano-Fe3O4 (~ 10 nm) on trace elements (TEs) and colloids mobility in the organomineral horizon of a natural wetland soil was assessed using soil columns. Our results show that the nanoparticles coating influences the mobility of NOM and TMs. Indeed, the TMs mobility increases in presence of naked nano-Fe3O4, suggesting associations where NOM stabilizes the nanoparticles and increase the nanoparticles and associated TMs mobility. This mechanism seems less possible with coated nano-Fe3O4 where MON blocks the coating adsorption sites and therefore the adsorption of metals.

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