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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The systems engineering of automated fire assay laboratories for the analysis of the precious metals

McIntosh, Keith Shearer 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this work was to achieve a completely automated fire assay system for the analysis of process control samples on a flotation plant in less than 120 minutes. With this in mind, a systems engineering approach was undertaken. The physical and chemical characteristics of the technology for each subsystem were investigated in turn and the critical factors that influenced accuracy, precision and analysis time were identified and optimised. Some of the key developments achieved during this work were: · Existing technology for the sampling, filtering, drying and grinding of flotation plant samples were evaluated and where necessary, modified for this application. · The fusion system was totally re-designed with a bottom-loading configuration called FIFA (Fast In-line Fire Assay) to make automation with a central robot possible. With the fast fusing flux developed, a quantitative collection of the platinum group elements with a fifteen-minute fusion was achieved compared to an hour for the classical method. · A robust automated separator system was developed to isolate the lead collector from the fusion in the molten state thereby separating it quantitatively from the slag. This allowed the automation of the entire fire assay process. · Methods to prepare lead standards for calibration were developed. These were used to optimise analytical protocols for the analysis of platinum group elements in lead using a spark optical emission spectrometer. This made it possible to accurately determine the quantities of platinum group elements in lead samples prepared by the automated fire assay system. · A fully automated system was developed that could meet the accuracy and precision requirements for the analysis of tailings and feed grade samples in concentrator slurry streams in less than one hour compared with the 24-72 hours required when using classical methods. The new fire assay technology including flux, FIFA system, oxygen lance and separator were all patented along with the automation vendor. This technology has made the first fully automated fire assay system a reality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofoogmerk van die studie was om ‘n totale geoutomatiseerde vuuressaieering stelsel te ontwerp vir die ontleding van prosesbeheermonsters van ‘n flotasieaanleg in ‘n bestek van 120 minute. Gedurende die ontwerp is ‘n ingeneursstelselbenadering gebruik. Die fisiese en chemiese kenmerke van elke deel van die tegnologie is eers afsonderlik en dan as ‘n geheel ondersoek. Die bepalende faktore wat akkuraatheid, presisie en ontledingstyd beinvloed het was geidentifiseer en geoptimeer. Die hoofpunte van die werk behels onder andere die volgende: · Bestaande tegnologie vir monsterneming, filtrasie, droging en vermaling van flotasiemonsters was ondersoek en is, waar nodig, aangepas vir die finale stelsel. · Die smeltingsisteem was in geheel herontwerp om monsters van onder in die FIFA (Fast In-line Fire Assay) sisteem te laai en sodoende die outomatisering met ‘n sentrale robot te vergemaklik. ‘n Vinnig smeltende vloeimiddel was ontwikkel wat ‘n kwantitatiewe versameling van die platinum groep elemente binne ‘n tydsduur van vyftien minute moontlik gemaak het, in vergelyke met die oorspronklike duur van die klassieke smelt metode van een uur. · ‘n Outomatiese skeier was ontwikkel waarmee die gesmelte loodversamelaar geskei kon word van die slakfase. Met die nuwe stelsel kon die hele vuuressaieerproses outomaties verloop. · Metodes is ontwikkel om loodstandaarde vir kalibrasie doeleindes te berei. Die standaarde is op hulle beurt weer gebruik om ‘n ontleding protokol daar te stel vir die analiese van die platinum groep elemente in lood, met behulp van ‘n vonkontlading-optiese-uitstraling-spektrometriese instrument. Ten einde was dit moontlik om outomaties klein hoeveelhede van die platinum groep elemente in monsters akkuraat te bepaal, na voorbereiding met behulp van die geoutomatiseerde vuuressaieering stelsel. · Die volle geoutimatiseerde stelsel was ontwikkel wat aan die akkurate en noukeurige vereistes voldoen het vir die ontleding van flotasie-uitskot-envoergraad monsters van die konsentraataanleg binne die bestek van ‘n uur. Die nuwe vuuressaieer tegnologie, insluitend die vinnig smeltende vloeimiddel, FIFA en skeier stelsels, asook die suurstof lanset is gepatenteer met die vervaardiger. Die studie het gelei tot die eerste volle geoutomatiseerde vuuressaieering stelsel wat tans gebruik word in die industrie.

The effects of temperature, slag chemistry and oxygen partial pressure on the behaviour of chromium oxide in melter slags

Bartie, Neill J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis details results obtained in an experimental study conducted to determine the effects of operating temperature, oxygen partial pressure, bulk chromium oxide content and bulk FeOx/MgO ratio on the solubility of chromium oxide in melter type slags in the platinum industry. Two PGM-containing layers in the Bushveld Complex in South Africa, the Merensky and UG2 reefs, are currently being mined for the extraction of base metals and platinum group metals (PGM). While the Merensky reef is a pyroxenitic layer, the UG2 reef is a platiniferous chromitite seam. Due to a gradual depletion in Merensky ore reserves, platinum producers have been moving towards the processing of more UG2 concentrates, which are higher in chromium oxide content. The technical difficulties associated with the smelting of concentrates with high chromium oxide contents is a matter of concern. The formation of chromite spinels in melts increases liquidus temperatures and viscosities and subsequently hampers tapping of slags and mattes from furnaces. Bottom build-up from the smelting of high chromium oxide containing concentrates could reduce effective furnace volume. From the literature reviewed it was found that very few published investigations covered melt compositions and oxygen partial pressures similar to those encountered in the platinum industry. Relevant studies were found to deal with significantly lower bulk chromium oxide and iron oxide contents. It became clear that a need exists for information on the behaviour of chromium oxide and its effects on phase chemistry and stability in melter slags. It was decided to study the phase equilibria through drop-quench experiments using six synthetic slags with bulk FeOx/MgO ratios between 0.6 and 1.9 and bulk chromium oxide contents between 1.2 and 7 wt%. Temperatures investigated were 1400, 1500 and 1600°C. The oxygen partial pressure was varied between 6.8x10-10 atm at 1400°C to8.3x10-5 atm at 1600°C. Experiments were conducted in a sealed vertical tube furnace and the required oxygen partial pressure in the furnace tube was maintained by controlling the flow rates of purified CO and CO2 gas mixtures through the tube. Reaction products were quenched after a reaction time of between 20 and 24 hours, depending on temperature, and the phase compositions were analysed by microprobe. The experimental study revealed that chromium oxide partitions very strongly into the spinel phase relative to the liquid phase, especially at lower temperatures, and higher oxygen partial pressures and bulk chromium oxide contents. The solubility of chromium oxide in the liquid phase was found to increase with increasing temperature and decreasing oxygen partial pressure. An increase in bulk chromium oxide contents of 1 wt%, under otherwise constant conditions, resulted in an increase in slag liquidus temperature of approximately 100°C over the range of temperatures investigated. At 1500°C and bulk chromium oxide contents of 3.7 and 6.4 wt% a reduction in oxygen partial pressure from 1.1x10-5 to 1.1x10-7 atm resulted in increases in soluble chromium oxide of 0.9 and 2.0 wt%, respectively. A further decrease in oxygen partial pressure to 6.7x10-9 atm resulted in increases in soluble chromium oxide of 2.8 and 4.7 wt%, respectively. Experimental results were compared to values predicted by the multi-phase equilibrium (MPE) model developed by CSIRO, and found to agree well. Slag basicity was not varied experimentally and therefore the model was used to predict its effect on the solubility of chromium oxide in the liquid phase and the stability of crystalline phases. At constant temperature, an increase in basicity resulted in a decrease in the solubility of chromium oxide in the liquid phase as well as stabilisation of the spinel phase. It was concluded that practicable combinations of one or more of four main factors, namely increased operating temperature and decreased bulk chromium oxide content, slag basicity and oxygen partial pressure, should be applied and evaluated in a plantenvironment to optimise furnace operation. The MPE model would be a valuable tool in predicting the outcomes of such investigations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis detaileer die resultate wat verkry is uit ‘n eksperimentele studie uitgevoer om die effek van bedryfstemperatuur, die parsiële druk van suurstof, die algehele chroomoksied inhoud en die algehele FeOx/MgO verhouding op die gedrag van chroomoksied in smelter slakke in die platinum industrie te bestudeer. Twee PGM-bevattende ertslae in die Bosveldkompleks in Suid Afrika, die Merensky en UG2 riwwe, word huidiglik gemyn vir die ekstraksie van basismetale en platinumgroep metale (PGM). Die Merensky rif is ‘n piroksenitiese laag terwyl die UG2 rif ‘n platinumbevattende chromitiet laag is. As gevolg van ‘n geleidelike afname in reserwes van Merensky erts beweeg platinumprodusente al meer na die verwerking van groter hoeveelhede UG2 erts. Die tegniese probleme wat gepaard gaan met die smelting van konsentrate met hoë chroomoksied inhoud kan ‘n rede tot kommer wees. Die vorming van chromiet spinelle in die slak- en matfases verhoog likuidus temperature en viskositeite en bemoeilik die tap van hierdie fases uit oonde. Die opbou van soliede fases verlaag ook die effektiewe oondvolume. Uit die literatuurstudie is gevind dat gepubliseerde studies waarin slak samestellings en parsiële suurstofdrukke wat betrekking het op die platinumindustrie bespreek is, baie beperk is. Dit is gevind dat relevante navorsing gedoen is met aansienlik laer algehele chroom- en ysteroksied konsentrasies. Gevolglik het dit duidelik geword dat ‘n behoefte bestaan vir inligting oor die gedrag van chroomoksied in oonde en die effekte daarvan op fasechemie en –stabiliteit in smelter slakke. Daar is besluit om eksperimente uit te voer deur die gebruik van ses sintetiese slakke met algehele FeOx/MgO verhoudings tussen 0.6 en 1.9 en algehele chroomoksied konsentrasies tussen 1.2 en 7.0 % (op ‘n massabasis). Temperature van 1400, 1500 en 1600°C en suurstof parsiële drukke tussen 6.8x10-10 atm by 1400°C en 8.3x10-5 atm by 1600°C is ondersoek. Eksperimente is uitgevoer in ‘n geseëlde vertikale buisoond en dievereiste suurstofdruk in die oond is gehandhaaf deur beheer van die vloeitempos van gesuiwerde CO en CO2 gas deur die oond. Reaksieprodukte is in water geblus na ‘n reaksietyd van tussen 20 en 24 ure, afhangende van die reaksietemperatuur. Fasesamestellings is bepaal deur mikrosonde analises. Die eksperimentele studie het bewys dat chroomoksied baie sterk in die spinelfase konsentreer relatief tot die vloeistoffase, veral by laer temperature, suurstofdrukke en algehele chroomoksied konsentrasies. Dit is gevind dat die oplosbaarheid van chroomoksied in die vloeistoffase toeneem met toenemende temperatuur en afnemende suurstofdruk. ‘n Toename in die algehele chroomoksied konsentrasie van 1 massa%, onder andersins onveranderde toestande, het ‘n toename van ongeveer 100°C in likuidus temperature veroorsaak tussen 1400 en 1600°C. By 1500°C en algehele chroomoksied konsentrasies van 3.7 en 6.4 massa%, het ‘n verlaging in suurstofdruk vanaf 1.1x10-5 tot 1.1x10-7 atm respektiewelike toenames in die chroomoksied oplosbaarheid van 0.9 en 2.0 massa% veroorsaak. ‘n Verdere verlaging in suurstofdruk tot 6.7x10-9 atm het respektiewelike toenames in chroomoksied oplosbaarheid van 2.8 en 4.7 massa% veroorsaak. Eksperimentele resultate is vergelyk met waardes wat voorspel is deur die multifase ewewigsmodel (MPE), ontwikkel deur CSIRO, en goeie ooreenstemming is gevind. Verskillende slak basisiteite is nie eksperimenteel ondersoek nie en daarom is die model gebruik om die effek daarvan op die oplosbaarheid van chroomoksied in die vloeistoffase asook die stabiliteit van kristallyne fases te bepaal. By konstante temperatuur het ‘n toename in slak basisiteit ‘n afname in chroomoksied oplosbaarheid veroorsaak en die spinelfase gestabiliseer. Die aanbeveling is gemaak dat ‘n kombinasie van een of meer van vier hooffaktore, naamlik hoër bedryfstemperature en laer algehele chroomoksied konsentrasies, slak basisiteit en suurstofdruk, in die praktyk toegepas en geëvalueer moet word om sodoendeoptimum bedryfkondisies te bepaal. Die multifase ewewigsmodel is ‘n nuttige instrument wat gebruik kan word om die resultate van sulke ondersoeke te voorspel.

The control of calcium and magnesium in a base metal sulphate leach solution

Pelser, Max 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the control of calcium and magnesium in a base metal sulphate leach solution containing nickel and cobalt. The presence of calcium and magnesium in the hydrometallurgical processing of base metals, result in a number of difficulties. These problems range from the contamination of the final product, to high energy consumption and large bleed streams during electrowinning. Calcium poses a greater problem in sulphate solutions due to the low solubility of its sulphate salts. No conventional method exists for the control of calcium and magnesium. As part of this study a review of possible control methods was conducted, which is listed within. From this list the precipitation of fluorides was selected for further investigation. The results showed that it is possible to control calcium and magnesium through the precipitation of their respective fluorides, without the co-precipitation of nickel and cobalt. For 10% stoichiometric excess of fluoride 96.5% calcium and 98.5% magnesium were removed during batch experiments. It is known that mixing and hydrodynamics plays an important role on the characteristics of the formed precipitate, making these processes inherently difficult to scale-up. To evaluate these effects on a continuous process, the three-zone model proposed by Gösele and Kind (1991) was used. A precipitate with consistent characteristics was produced while varying the mixing on the macro, meso and micro scale. Additionally, methods were investigated for the removal or possible recycling of the unreacted fluoride, for which activated alumina was identified. It was observed that activated alumina could adsorb fluoride to low levels in the presence of the base metal solution, after which it could be regenerated again. The activated alumina (AA) had a capacity of 8.65 gF/lAA at a 10 mg/l fluoride breakthrough level during column tests. Based on the experimental results a conceptual process was devised whereby only a portion of the leach stream is subjected to the fluoride precipitation process, after which it is returned to lower the overall calcium and magnesium concentrations. This method would reduce the effect of the observed dominance of magnesium precipitation, in processes where the maximum removal of both elements is not required. The fluoride precipitation process consisted of three steps being precipitation, solid-liquid separation and adsorption of the unreacted fluoride. Sufficient information is provided on the process for a cost estimation to be carried out. Should this found to be feasible, a continuation of the project is recommended. Different reactor configurations could be evaluated for precipitation. The scaling observed during the continuous experiments should also be investigated to minimise its effect. The investigation of activated alumina was only a secondary project and more work is required on optimisation, particularly for the desorption cycle to enable the recycling of the unreacted fluoride. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Saamgestel in hierdie tesis is 'n studie van die beheer van kalsium en magnesium in 'n basismetaal-sulfaatoplossing, bevattende nikkel en kobalt. Die teenwoordigheid van kalsium en magnesium in dié oplossings veroorsaak 'n verskeidenheid van probleme, wat wissel van produkkwaliteit verlaging tot hoë energieverbruik en groot bloei strome tydens platering. 'n Groter probleem word ondervind met kalsium as gevolg van die lae oplosbaarheid van sy sulfaatsoute. Geen konvensionele metode kon gevind word vir die beheer van kalsium en magnesium gedurende die oorsig van moontlike metodes nie. Hierdie moontlike metodes is geïdentifiseer en kortliks bespreek in die tesis. Van die moontlike metodes is die presipitasie van fluoried-soute gekies vir verdere eksperimentele ondersoek. Die ondersoek het getoon dat dit moontlik is om kalsium en magnesium te beheer deur die presipitasie van fluoriede sonder om die basismetale saam te presipiteer. Vir 'n 10% oormaat fluoried toevoeging is 96.5% van die kalsium en 98.5% van die magnesium gepresipiteer gedurende die enkelladingstoetse. Dit is bekend dat vermenging en hidrodinamika 'n groot rol speel in die kwaliteit van die presipitaat wat gevorm word. Dit bemoeilik die opskalering van presipitasie prosesse. Vir die ondersoek oor die invloed van vermenging op 'n kontinu proses is die drie-sel model van Gösele en Kind (1991) gebruik. Dit is gevind dat die karakter van presipitaat relatief konstant gebly het vir variasies van vermenging op die makro, meso en mikro skaal, wat opskaling behoort te vergemaklik. Addisioneel is die verwydering of moontlike hersirkulasie van die ongereageerde fluoried ondersoek, en geaktiveerde alumina is geïdentifiseer as 'n moontlike adsorbeermiddel. 'n Eksperimentele ondersoek het getoon dat geaktiveerde alumina fluoried tot lae vlakke kan adsorbeer in die teenwoordigheid van die basismetale, waarna dit weer geregenereer kan word. Die kapasiteit van die geaktiveerde alumina (GA) was bereken as 8.65 gF/lGA by 'n 10 mg/l fluoried vlak gedurende die kolom toetse. 'n Konsep-proses is opgestel na aanleiding van die eksperimentele resultate, waarvolgens slegs 'n gedeelte van die logingstroom na die fluoried presipitasie proses gestuur word, waarna dit weer teruggevoeg word om die algehele kalsium en magnesium konsentrasie te verlaag. Dié metode sal voorkom dat magnesium presipitasie domineer vir 'n toepassing waar slegs 'n gedeelte van kalsium en magnesium verwyder word. Die fluoried presipitasie proses behels drie stappe waarvolgens die fluoriede eers gepresipiteer word, waarna dit geskei word, en dan die ongereageerde fluoried geadsorbeer word. Genoeg inligting is versamel sodat 'n kosteberaming van die proses gedoen kan word. As die koste van die proses aanvaarbaar is, word dit voorgestel dat die ondersoek voortgesit word. Verskillende reaktor konfigurasies kan vir die presipitasie stap getoets word en daar moet ook ondersoek ingestel word hoe om die korslaag wat gedurende die kontinu eksperimente geobserveer is, te verminder. Die ondersoek van geaktiveerde alumina was ondergeskik in die projek en nog werk sal gedoen moet word om dit te optimiseer, spesifiek gedurende die desorpsie siklus vir die hersirkulasie van die ongereageerde fluoried.

The development of a one-dimensional quasi-steady state model for the desulphurisation process at Saldanha Steel

Scheepers, Emile 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The pneumatic injection of reagent powder into molten iron has become the preferred way to carry out iron and steel desulphurisation. It is therefore essential to not only understand the thermodynamic implications, but also the kinetic principles that govern the desulphurisation process. Key variables that influence the kinetics of the procedure are the condition and composition of the top slag and the melt as well as the injection conditions. Notable injection parameters include reagent flowrate, injection-lance depth and carrier gas flowrate. Owing to sampling restrictions, the subsequent data from Saldanha Steel®, South Africa does not provide adequate insight into the kinetic behaviour of the desulphurisation process and it was therefore the focus of this research to provide an improved quantitive comprehension of the calcium carbide injection procedure at Saldanha Steel. For this purpose a one-dimensional quasi-steady state model for momentum, heat- and mass transfer in rising gas-liquid-powder plumes has been developed for conditions relevant to the Saldanha Steel refining process. Combined with a model predicting the contribution of the topslag to the process, the overall rate of desulphurisation as a function of time can be determined, thus affording the ability to quantitatively explore and analyse the influence of the afore-mentioned injection parameters, as well as the nature of both the topslag and the melt, on the kinetics of the desulphurisation process. Sensitivity analyses concluded that individual increases in the calcium carbide flowrate, the depth of injection and the amount of carry-over slag will result in a reduction in the injection time, while a decrease in the reagent particle diameter and the initial mass of iron in the ladle will have the same effect. Molten iron temperature losses brought about by prolonged injection needs to be electrically recovered within a steelmaking furnace at a high cost. Owing to the high cost of the desulphurising agent, any reduction in the required injection time, while still maintaining product specifications, will therefore result in diminishing overall production costs. Although all the results contained in this study is of particular interest to the Saldanha Steel scenario, it also provides invaluable information and insights into the important variables and parameters playing a role in injection desulphurisation processes in general, along with the influence that changing conditions can have on the end result of such a procedure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die pneumatiese inspuiting van reagentpoeier is die populêrste ontswawelingsmetode in die yster- en staal bedryf. Dit is dus van groot belang dat die gepaardgaande termodinamiese en kinetiese beginsels betrokke by die ontswawelingsreaksies baie goed verstaan word. Die kondisie en samestelling van die bo-slak en die vloeibare yster, asook die inspuitingkondisies is twee van die belangrikste veranderlikes wat die kinetika van die ontswawelingsproses beïnvloed. Beperkte monsternemingsgeleenthede het veroorsaak dat die relevante data, soos voorsien deur Saldanha Staal®, nie die nodige kinetiese insig in verband met die ontswawelingreaksie weergee nie. Dit is dus die doel van hierdie werkstuk om ‘n verbeterde kwantitatiewe begrip van die ontswawelingsproses by Saldanha Staal daar te stel. Vir hierdie doeleinde is ‘n een-dimensionele, kwasi-gestadigde toestand model vir stygende gas-vloeistof pluime ontwikkel. Die model inkorporeer momentum-, hitte- en massaoordragsprinsiepe en is verteenwoordigend van die ontswawelingsproses by Saldanha Staal. ‘n Tweede model simuleer die bydrae wat die bo-slak tot die algehele ontswawelingsproses maak en saam gee hierdie twee modelle die algehele ontswawelingstempo weer as ‘n funksie van tyd. Die modelle word ook gebruik om die invloed van die bogenoemde inspuitingsveranderlikes op die proses te ondersoek. Deeglike sensitiwiteitsanalise het gewys dat ‘n verhoging in die kalsium karbied vloeitempo, asook die inspuitingsdiepte van die lans en die hoeveelheid slak wat vanaf die boogoond na die ontswawelingseenheid oorgedra word, ‘n vermindering in die vereisde inspuitingstyd te weeg bring. Verkleining in die kalsium kardied partikels se gemiddelde diameter en vermindering van die hoeveelheid yster in die torpedokarre aan die begin van die proses, het dieselfde uitwerking op die vereisde inspuitingstyd. Geweldig baie geld moet aan elektrisiteit spandeer word om die temperatuur wat verlore gaan as gevolg van onnodige lang inspuitingstye, in die staalmaakoonde te herwin. Gekombineerd met die feit dat die kalsium karbied reagent baie duur is, beteken dit dat reduksies in die vereisde ontswaweling inspuitingstyd groot besparings te weeg kan bring. Alhoewel die saamgevatte resultate van spesifieke belang is vir die Saldanha Staal proses, verskaf hierdie studie waardevolle informasie oor die belangrikheid van verskeie veranderlikes, asook die rol wat veranderende toestande op die eindresultate van die ontswawelingproses kan hê.

On Aspects Relating To A Hydrochlorination Facility For The Processing Of Refinery Precious Metal Residue Materials.

Fortmann, Noel Alwin. January 1990 (has links)
A project report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering. / A hydrochlorination facility was developed for tile processing of refinery precious metal residue materials on the laboratory and pilot scale. Hazard elements were identified and evaluated using an Event Tree Analysis. An exponential technique was applied to estimate the cost of the proposed production hydrochlorination facility. The estimated cost was R120 000. The Expected Present Value Ratio was +190 which indicated satisfactory project economics. The reactor material for the pilot scale unit was selected using a weighted values quantitative material selection procedure. Stainless steel Type 316L and Type 310 were selected. Failure of the Type 516L reactor occurred after 40 hours service. The mode of failure was extensive surface scaling which was attributed to the hydrogen chloride, sulphide gases and 1 000 °c operating envirornment. Subject to certain provisions it would be feasible to commission a safe and profitable production hydrochlorination facility. The consumable reactor concept was based on its replacement after 40 hours service. This was justifiable because of the high value of the material and the saving in down-stream processing costs. / Andrew Chakane 2018

Studies on dephosphorisation during steelmaking

Basu, Somnath January 2007 (has links)
This work is aimed at understanding the thermodynamic principles influencing the phosphorus partition between slag and steel during steelmaking, particularly during refining of high-phosphorus hot metal using the basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS) process. Mapping of the slag path has been carried out using a mass balance model based on input conditions and off-gas analysis, which has been validated by intermediate measurements of slag and metal composition in an industrial basic oxygen furnace (BOF). The slag composition is found to vary over a wide range of basicity (%CaO/%SiO2) and iron oxide content. The partition of phosphorus increases with progress of refining but reduces during the intermediate period, corresponding to a decrease in iron oxide concentration and formation of “dry slag”. The phosphorus partition ratio increases again towards the end of the process. The equilibrium partition ratios for such conditions have been theoretically estimated using slag “model(s)”, based on the estimated slag compositions. It is seen that the partition ratio of phosphorus remains within 45% – 60% of the equilibrium value, showing a gradual decrease with progress of the refining process. Equilibrium phosphorus partition ratios for slags containing low concentrations of MnO and Al2O3 have been experimentally determined, over the ranges of basicity and iron oxide concentration approximately corresponding to that observed in the typical BOS process. It is seen that the equilibrium phosphorus partition ratio is practically independent of basicity greater than 2.5 – 2.6, over the entire range of temperature and FeOx concentration studied. Variation of the activity of P2O5 with basicity and FeOx concentration has been investigated to explain the trends observed in the variation of phosphorus partition ratio. It is seen that the activity coefficient of P2O5 is lowest, and hence most conducive for removal of phosphorus from steel, over certain finite ranges of basicity and iron oxide concentration. It follows that the efficiency of dephosphorisation is likely to be maximum if the basic oxygen steelmaking process is operated within these ranges. Simultaneous with this work, mathematical correlations have been developed for estimation of P2O5 activity coefficient and phosphorus partition ratio as functions of slag composition. The correlations are compared with those proposed by earlier workers and are found to result in better predictions over certain composition ranges. / QC 20100623

Formation of Inclusions and their Development during Secondary Steelmaking

Thunman, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
Al–O relations in iron were investigated. Pure iron with varying Al content was equilibrated at 1873 K. The oxygen content of iron with higher Al content than 1.0 mass % was found to be much lower than previous works, while the oxygen content for Al content less than 1 mass% was found to be slightly higher. Further, a classification procedure of inclusions was developed using the commercial software INCA Feature. Three classes were made, spinel, TP-(CaO-Al2O3), and (CaO-Al2O3) class, corresponding to the inclusions found during degassing at Uddeholm Tooling. The results showed that the spinel phase disappeared after degassing along with a reduction in numbers for the two phase inclusion (TP-(CaO-Al2O3)). Pure calcium aluminates however showed an increasing trend in a majority of the heats. The chemical development of inclusions at OVAKO Steel in Hofors, Sweden was also established. According to the morphologies and compositions, the inclusions were classified into 5 different types, namely, (1) alumina inclusions, (2) calcium aluminate, (3) spinel+calcium aluminate, (4) calcium aluminate surrounded by a CaS shell, and (5) spinel+calcium aluminate surrounded by a CaS shell. Thereafter refractory lining samples with attached slag layer were taken from used ladles at the two steel plants. The morphologies of the slag layers and the phases present were examined. The precipitated phases found in the refractory were 3CaO.Al2O3, MgO.Al2O3 and CaO in the case of Ovako Steel and 3CaO.Al2O3 and 2CaO.SiO2 in the case of Uddeholm Tooling. To help the understanding, model calculations using THERMOCALC were carried out. The model predictions differed somewhat from the experimental observation, the predicted major phases were in line with the EDS analysis on the refractory samples. Finally experiments were carried out to study the slag entrainment related to the open-eye during ladle treatment. Ga-In-Sn alloy was used to simulate the liquid steel, while MgCl2-Glycerol(87%) solution was used to simulate the ladle slag. No noticeable amount of top liquid was observed in any of the samples taken from the metal bulk during gas stirring. To confirm this aspect, slag-metal interface samples were taken from an industrial gas stirred steel ladle. No entrapment was found in the steel. The accordance of the laboratory and industrial results suggests that the entrainment of slag into the steel bulk around the open-eye cannot be considered as the major contribution to inclusion formation. / QC 20100812

Studies on High Alumina Blast Furnace Slags

Shankar, Amitabh January 2007 (has links)
In the present work, viscosities and sulphide capacities of high alumina blast furnace slags were investigated. The systems investigated were four component CaO-SiO2-MgO-Al2O3 quaternary system, CaO-SiO2-MgO-Al2O3-TiO2 and CaO-SiO2-MgO-Al2O3-CaF2 quinary systems. Viscosities of high alumina blast furnace slags were experimentally determined by the rotating cylinder method using Brookfield digital viscometer model LVDV-II+ pro. Experiments were conducted in the temperature range of 1573- 1873 K. The effects of temperature, basicity, TiO2, CaF2 and silica activity of slags on viscosity were studied. Viscosity decreases with basicity for high alumina blast furnace slags with increase in basicity and CaF2. At higher basicity (~0.8), slag viscosity decreases even with small amount of TiO2 (~2%) addition in the slag. With increase in silica activity in the range of 0.1 to 0.4,viscosity of slag increases and the increase is steeper below liquidus temperature. Sulphide capacity of the slag was measured using gas-slag equlibria. The liquid slag was equilibrated with Ar-CO-CO2-SO2 gas mixture. The slag systems studied were the same as in the case of viscosity measurements. Experiments were conducted in the temperature range of 1773 to 1873 K. Effect of temperature, basicity, MgO,TiO2 and CaF2 contents of slags on sulphide capacity were studied. As expected, sulphide capacity was found to increase with increase in temperature and basicity. At higher experimental temperature (~ 1873 K) TiO2 was found to decrease the sulphide capacity of slags. But, at lower temperature, there was no significant effect of TiO2 on the sulphide capacity. Sulphide capacity increases with increase in MgO content of slag if MgO content is more than 5%. Based on above experimental data, models were developed for estimation of viscosity and sulphide capacity of blast furnace slags. These models were later on applied for designing the slags for achieving the optimum slag characteristics so that slag volume can be reduced. With the help of these models slag volume was reduced to the extent of 5-10 kg per ton hot metal and also silicon content of the hot metal was reduced by around 10% with some improvement in slag viscosity and sulphide capacity of the slag. / QC 20100818

A Study on the Influence of Steel, Slag or Gas on Refractory Reactions

Jansson, Sune January 2008 (has links)
During the production of steel the oxide inclusion content partly depends on the reaction of the melt with the furnace lining, the ladle lining and the pouring system. The refractory material may be eroded by the molten steel and slag as well as corroded through chemical reactions with the slag and molten steel and the deoxidation products. In this report the effects of revolution speed, temperature and steel composition on the rate of dissolution of commercial MgO-C refractory samples into Al-deoxidised molten steel and CaOAl2O3- SiO2-MgO slag were examined by the rotating cylinder method. The study also includes tests with slag were doloma refractory samples are examined by the same method. Cylinders of MgO-C refractory material were immersed in to steel that was deoxidised by adding metallic aluminium. This was carried out in the temperature range of 1873 to 1973C° and at rotational speeds of 100 to 800 rpm for different holding times. The experimental results show that the rate of dissolution of MgO-C refractory materials increased with the temperature, rotational speed and immersion time. This supports the assumption that the diffusion of magnesium through the slag boundary layer formed around the refractory samples would be the rate-determining step. Mass transfer coefficients calculated on the basis of experimental results are in good agreement with earlier published results for pure ceramics. A formation of a thin oxide layer at the interface was found. It is due the reaction between magnesium vapour and the CO generated by the reaction MgO and C in the refractory walls. The oxide inclusions formed in the steel have been shown to mainly consist of MgO, Al2O3 and a mixture of them. The rate of dissolution of solid MgO-C into liquid CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-MgO slag at different temperatures was studied under conditions of forced convection by rotating cylindrical refractory specimens in a stationary crucible containing the molten slag similar to the MgO-C refractory/steel experiments. The corrosion rate was calculated from the change in diameter of the cylindrical specimens. The specimens were rotated for 15 to 120 minutes at speeds of 100 to 400 rpm in the molten slag. The rate of corrosion increased with temperature and with rotating speed of the rod and decreased when the slag was nearly saturated with MgO. The experimental results confirm the assumption that the diffusion of magnesium oxide through the slag phase boundary layer controls the corrosion process. The corrosion mechanism seems to be the dissolution of elements in the refractory materials into the slag, followed by penetration into the pores and grain boundaries. Finally, grains are loosened from the refractory into the slag. The investigation of doloma and doloma-carbon showed that the dissolution of magnesia into the slag was determining the corrosion rate. As for the other experiments, steel/MgO-C refractory and slag/MgO-C refractory, the corrosion rate was calculated from the change in diameter of the cylindrical specimens. The specimens were rotated for 15 to 120 minutes at speeds of 100 to 400 rpm in the molten slag. The results from the study showed that refractory materials that were impregnated with carbon had a much better slag resistance than the refractory that contained no carbon. This is due to the higher wetting angle between carbon and slag. Corrosion of MgO-C refractories in different gas atmospheres consisting of air, Ar, CO or Ar/CO was also studied. Experiments were carried out in the temperature range 1173 K to 1773 K and for holding times between 2 to 120 min. The reaction rate of the MgO-C material was determined from measurements of the weight loss of the samples. The results showed that the refractory weight loss increased with an increased temperature or an increased holding time. The thermodynamic conditions and the experimental results show that magnesium gas and carbon monoxide gas should form during ladle refining of steel when the refractory material consists of MgO-C. / QC 20100813

Thermally homogenous gasification of biomass/coal/waste for medium or high calorific value syngas production

Ponzio, Anna January 2008 (has links)
Today’s problems with emissions of green house gases, land filling of waste and depletion of the oil reserves calls for new energy systems based on alternative fuels like biomass and waste. Gasification is an attractive technology for the use of such solid fuels. Conventional gasification, in the vast majority of cases, uses in-reactor heat release from combustion of part of the feedstock, possibly coupled with a limited preheating of the agent, to obtain the necessary temperatures in the gasifier bed. During recent years, a new gasification technology, using highly preheated gasification agents (> 1273 K), has been developed. The extra heat brought into the process by the high temperature agent reduces the amount of feedstock that has to be oxidized to supply the necessary heat and the use of highly preheated agents has previously proven to have several positive effects on the fuel gas quality.In difference to the previous work on gasification with highly preheated agents, this thesis primarily focuses on the fundamental aspects namely, mass conversion, heating and ignition. It starts by considering single fuel particles or thin beds of fuel particles inserted into highly preheated agents. Mass conversion, heating and ignition are reported in function of the temperature and oxygen concentration of the agent and formulas for the prediction of ignition time and ignition mechanism are developed. The perspective is then widened to include the whole gasifier bed. Simulations of fixed bed batch gasification using highly preheated agents are performed with a mathematical model and used to study how the high agent temperature influences the mass conversion, devolatilisation front rate and the temperature distribution in the fixed fuel bed. Further, the gas quality and gasification efficiency are studied by means of large scale experiment. Ultimately, a thermodynamic analysis of the whole autothermal gasification system, including both a regenerative preheating system and the gasifier, is made.The particle study reports results from experiments with wood and coal and agents consisting of mixtures of nitrogen and oxygen in various proportions. It is shown that an increase in agent temperature from 873 K to 1273 K make the conversion process faster, mostly due to an early onset of the devolatilisation (fast drying) but also due to an increased devolatilisation rate (at least in the case of wood). The time to ignition also decreases significantly, particularly so between 873 and 1073 K. Further, it is shown that the higher the agent temperature, the more pronounced was also the tendency of the coal particles to heat significantly faster in oxygen diluted conditions (5,10 and 21% oxygen) than in inert (0% oxygen) or oxygen rich conditions (30, 50, 80 and 100% oxygen). An increase in agent temperature is also shown to reduce the dependency of the process on the oxygen concentration, at least in diluted conditions (5-21% oxygen). The results also indicate that for coal an increase in the oxygen concentration, specifically in the region above the atmospheric concentration, leads to a decreased dependency on the agent temperature. It is finally shown in the experiments with agent temperatures of 1073 and 1273 K that a flame is promptly formed even in very low concentrations of oxygen.The gasifier study reports results from simulation of batch air gasification and experiments in both batch and continuous up-draft fixed bed gasifier with wood and waste derived fuel and air and mixtures of air and steam. It is shown that the conversion process is faster the higher the air temperature. In particular somewhere between air temperatures of 623 K and 803 K the process behaviour changes. In fact, the devolatilisation rate is significantly increased in this region while it increases less sharply with air temperature below and above this temperature window. The temperature distribution in the bed shows less sharp gradients at high temperature (> 803 K) than at low temperatures (< 623 K). It is also showed experimentally and in fairly large scale that the use of highly preheated air for the gasification of biomass and waste derived fuels can produce - in continuous mode – relatively high yields of product syngas with relatively high fractions of combustible gases and probably also low content of tar. The efficiency of the gasification under these conditions, even when the extra heat input in the preheated agent is considered in the computation of the gasification efficiency, is shown to be comparable to that of conventional gasification techniques. The results also shows that with the use of steam in the agent, the content of hydrogen can be further increased with respect to gasification with only preheated air.In base of the results of the particle study and the gasifier study it is shown that a there exists two regimes of operation in function of the agent temperature, separated by the minimum agent temperature to guarantee spontaneous ignition regardless of the particle temperature. The value of this temperature depend on material properties and the kinetics of the reaction, thus also on the oxygen concentration. When agent temperatures below the minimum agent temperature to guarantee spontaneous ignition regardless of the particle temperature are used, the drying and devolatilisation are mainly controlled by the heat released by reactions. The heating of the fuel particles and their devolatilisation are relatively slow and the devolatilisation rate is highly oxygen dependent. In a fixed bed, the devolatilisation front rate is low and the bed is characterised by significant temperature gradients.When the agent temperature is higher than the minimum agent temperature to guarantee spontaneous ignition regardless of the particle temperature, the drying and devolatilisation are mainly controlled by the convective heat transfer from the preheated agent and the released volatiles ignite very fast even in diluted conditions. This results in very efficient heat transfer to the fuel particles. In the fixed fuel bed the process is characterized by a high devolatilisation front rate. Thus, the temperature gradients in the bed are significantly reduced and the gasification can be said to be thermally homogeneous. Thanks to high rates of heat transfer and mass conversion, the heating value of the dry produced syngas is high with high concentrations of combustible species. The ignition of the volatiles and the high temperatures all along the bed presumably contributes to the reduction of the tar content even in up-draft configurations. The high temperatures also allows for operation with reduced air – to – fuel ratios which further increased the value of the produced gas (thanks to less dilution by nitrogen).The system study presents a concept for an autothermal system including both preheating and gasification. Results from a thermodynamic analysis of such a system are reported. Autothermal operation of a thermally homogeneous gasifier is possible only in a twin component system in which the gasifier is coupled to a preheating system able to reach preheating temperatures well above the minimum agent temperature to guarantee spontaneous ignition regardless of the particle temperature. It is shown that to reach certain temperature levels of the gasification air, heat exchange between product gas and air is not enough and the preheating system has to improve the temperatures involved, for example by burning part of the produced gas in a regenerative preheater. Further, it is shown that in comparison to gasifier without such a system for additional preheating, the autothermal Thermally Homogeneous Gasification system has the ability to significantly improve the gas quality (in terms of heating value of the dry gas) without losing energy- or exergy efficiency to an appreciable extent. / QC 20100903

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