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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Иновације у настави на примерима песника модерне у српској књижевности с почетка двадесетог века / Inovacije u nastavi na primerima pesnika moderne u srpskoj književnosti s početka dvadesetog veka / Innovations in teaching through the examplesof poets of modernism in Serbian literature atthe beginning of the twentieth century

Jovanović Suzana 23 June 2016 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији Иновације у настави на<br />примерима песника модерне у српској<br />књижевности с почетка двадесетог века<br />бавимо се методичким приступом<br />песницима српске модерне у средњој школи.<br />Наш задатак је био да истражимо, теоријски<br />заснујемо и емпиријски проверимо како нове<br />моделе тако и устаљене моделе методичких<br />приступа песницима српске модерне.<br />Трудили смо се да наше проучавање има<br />научни, али пре свега и практични значај.<br />Имајући у виду устаљени модел по коме се<br />епоха модерне обрађује у средњој школи,<br />понудили смо нове алтернативне моделе<br />чије ће се иновације односити на различите<br />методолошке и методичке аспекте од којих<br />се полази у изучавању појединих песничких<br />дела, а чија ће делотворност бити истражена<br />праћењем и провером рада експерименталне<br />групе како би резултати, до којих се<br />истраживањем дошло, били поткрепљени и<br />наставном праксом. Основна полазишта у<br />интерпретацији песама биће тематске речи,<br />мотивска структура, доминантна осећања,<br />песничке слике, наративни ток. У сваком<br />појединачном моделу тежили смо<br />методолошком плурализму и интегралном<br />методичком приступу.</p> / <p>U disertaciji Inovacije u nastavi na<br />primerima pesnika moderne u srpskoj<br />književnosti s početka dvadesetog veka<br />bavimo se metodičkim pristupom<br />pesnicima srpske moderne u srednjoj školi.<br />Naš zadatak je bio da istražimo, teorijski<br />zasnujemo i empirijski proverimo kako nove<br />modele tako i ustaljene modele metodičkih<br />pristupa pesnicima srpske moderne.<br />Trudili smo se da naše proučavanje ima<br />naučni, ali pre svega i praktični značaj.<br />Imajući u vidu ustaljeni model po kome se<br />epoha moderne obrađuje u srednjoj školi,<br />ponudili smo nove alternativne modele<br />čije će se inovacije odnositi na različite<br />metodološke i metodičke aspekte od kojih<br />se polazi u izučavanju pojedinih pesničkih<br />dela, a čija će delotvornost biti istražena<br />praćenjem i proverom rada eksperimentalne<br />grupe kako bi rezultati, do kojih se<br />istraživanjem došlo, bili potkrepljeni i<br />nastavnom praksom. Osnovna polazišta u<br />interpretaciji pesama biće tematske reči,<br />motivska struktura, dominantna osećanja,<br />pesničke slike, narativni tok. U svakom<br />pojedinačnom modelu težili smo<br />metodološkom pluralizmu i integralnom<br />metodičkom pristupu.</p> / <p>The dissertation Innovations in teaching<br />through the examples of poets of modernism in<br />Serbian literature at the beginning of the<br />twentieth century deals with methodological<br />approach to poets of Serbian Modernism in high<br />school. At first our task was to base and then to<br />establish theoretically, and finally to check out<br />empirically both the new and the established<br />models of methodological approach to the poets<br />of Serbian Modernism. The aim of our study is<br />not only to achieve scientific but primarily<br />practical significance. Bearing in mind that the<br />established model by which the epoch of<br />Modernism is taught in high school, we offered<br />a new alternative models whose innovations<br />relate to various methodological and methodical<br />aspects which are the starting point in the study<br />of certain poetic deeds, and whose effectiveness<br />will be examined by monitoring and testing<br />experimental groups in order to corroborate the<br />results of the research by teaching practice as<br />well. The basic starting point in interpreting<br />poems will be themed words, motif structure,<br />dominant feelings, poetic images, narrative<br />stream. In each model, we searched for integral<br />methodological pluralism and methodical<br />approach.</p>

A criação do SENAI no contexto da Era Vargas / The creation of SENAI in the context of Vargas age

Carvalho, Marcelo Augusto Monteiro de 02 December 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para o entendimento do significado político e econômico da criação da instituição de aprendizagem industrial, o SENAI, nascido em 1942, partindo da investigação de algumas das principais experiências regionais com o ensino industrial e das forças políticas e ideológicas que as sustentavam e de como estes conhecimentos acumulados na educação profissional em alguns dos principais Estados da União, entre eles São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio Grande do Sul, acabaram por pautar boa parte do debate sobre o tema do ensino profissional, influenciando as tentativas federais para a institucionalização da aprendizagem industrial no âmbito do mundo do trabalho operário, assim como também justificar as resistências do empresariado industrial a esta intervenção principalmente na segunda metade da década de 1930 e início dos anos 1940. Também discutimos a importância da aliança política entre o núcleo do Governo Vargas e o grupo industrialista sediado nas principais representações de classe da burguesia industrial daquele período, entre as quais o CIESP/ FIESP e a CNI, que objetivando o controle e direcionamento do mercado de trabalho dentro do consenso autoritário e nacionalista estadonovista puderam construir, no contexto econômico adverso da Segunda Grande Guerra e dos anos seguintes, um sistema escolar paraestatal de aprendizagem industrial de notável longevidade e adaptabilidade frente as diferentes conjunturas e demandas da indústria nacional por mão-de-obra qualificada, sistema de aprendizagem este que foi visto no seu formato e proposta pedagógica iniciais. / This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of political and economic significance of the creation of industrial learning institution, SENAI, born in 1942, based on the investigation of some of the main regional experiences with the industrial education and political and ideological forces that maintained and how these knowledge accumulated in professional education in some main states of the Union, including Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul, eventually guided much of the debate on the topic of vocational education, federal attempts to influence the institutionalization of learning within the industrial world of work laborer, as well as justify the resistance of the industrial business to this intervention especially in the second half of the 1930s and early 1940s. We will also discuss the importance of the political alliance between the core of Vargas government and industrial group based in the main class of representations of the industrial bourgeoisie of that period, including CIESP / FIESP and CNI, which aimed at controlling and directing of the labor market within the New State authoritarian and nationalist consensus could build, in the adverse economic context of the Second World War and subsequent years, a school system learning parastatal industrial of remarkable longevity and adaptability to face different circumstances and demands of the domestic industry for skilled labor, learning system that was be seen in its original format and pedagogical proposal.

Vestígios da tradição dos ofícios na indústria: o ensino da encadernação no Brasil até as séries metódicas do SENAI, nos anos 50

Brito, Fernanda Kelly Silva de 04 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Kelly Silva de Brito.pdf: 4283219 bytes, checksum: f90c4a88a4fdbf37fa4ede9b0680be0b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The presence of evidence of bookbinding craft tradition in industrial teaching methodology of the years 50 confirms our hypothesis that there is a stay of actions and practices that show us the continuity of this tradition, even with its fragmentation proposed by the Taylor s vision. Thus, this dissertation analyzes the methodology used by SENAI expressed in methodical series and its application to binding course and books used to teach it. The survey was conducted presenting the binding context from XVth century, with the typographic workshops, after the establishment of hierarchies in the craft guilds and further research was carried out on the binding offices in Brazil and institutions that ministered. We analyzed how was this teaching in Brazil during the industry to the creation of the SENAI, through published works in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Health Issues and the Brazilian American Commission on Industrial Education. At the end of our research shows the analysis of a task, from the book "Binding Course", one of the works published by SENAI, for demonstration as applied methodical series to the craft of bookbinding and references used in its making, checking the evidence on the tradition of bookbinding craft in the context of industrial training / A presença de indícios da tradição do ofício da encadernação na metodologia de ensino industrial da década de 50 corrobora nossa hipótese de que existe uma permanência de gestos e práticas que nos mostram a continuidade dessa tradição, mesmo com sua fragmentação proposta por visão taylorista. Assim, nesta dissertação analisa-se a metodologia utilizada pelo SENAI expressa nas séries metódicas e sua aplicação ao curso de encadernação e aos livros utilizados para ministrá-lo. A pesquisa foi realizada apresentando o contexto da encadernação a partir do séc. XV, com as oficinas tipográficas, depois com o estabelecimento das hierarquias nas corporações de ofício e na sequência foi realizada pesquisa sobre os ofícios de encadernação no Brasil e as instituições que a ministrassem. Foi analisado como se deu este ensino no Brasil durante a indústria até a criação do SENAI, através de obras publicadas em parceria com o Ministério da Educação e Sáude e a Comissão Brasileiro Americana de Educação Industrial. Ao final de nossa pesquisa é apresentada a análise de uma tarefa, retirada do livro Curso de Encadernação , uma das obras publicadas pelo SENAI, para demonstração de como foi aplicada a série metódica ao ofício da encadernação e as referências utilizadas em sua feitura, verificando as evidências sobre a tradição no ofício da encadernação no contexto do ensino industrial

A criação do SENAI no contexto da Era Vargas / The creation of SENAI in the context of Vargas age

Marcelo Augusto Monteiro de Carvalho 02 December 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para o entendimento do significado político e econômico da criação da instituição de aprendizagem industrial, o SENAI, nascido em 1942, partindo da investigação de algumas das principais experiências regionais com o ensino industrial e das forças políticas e ideológicas que as sustentavam e de como estes conhecimentos acumulados na educação profissional em alguns dos principais Estados da União, entre eles São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio Grande do Sul, acabaram por pautar boa parte do debate sobre o tema do ensino profissional, influenciando as tentativas federais para a institucionalização da aprendizagem industrial no âmbito do mundo do trabalho operário, assim como também justificar as resistências do empresariado industrial a esta intervenção principalmente na segunda metade da década de 1930 e início dos anos 1940. Também discutimos a importância da aliança política entre o núcleo do Governo Vargas e o grupo industrialista sediado nas principais representações de classe da burguesia industrial daquele período, entre as quais o CIESP/ FIESP e a CNI, que objetivando o controle e direcionamento do mercado de trabalho dentro do consenso autoritário e nacionalista estadonovista puderam construir, no contexto econômico adverso da Segunda Grande Guerra e dos anos seguintes, um sistema escolar paraestatal de aprendizagem industrial de notável longevidade e adaptabilidade frente as diferentes conjunturas e demandas da indústria nacional por mão-de-obra qualificada, sistema de aprendizagem este que foi visto no seu formato e proposta pedagógica iniciais. / This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of political and economic significance of the creation of industrial learning institution, SENAI, born in 1942, based on the investigation of some of the main regional experiences with the industrial education and political and ideological forces that maintained and how these knowledge accumulated in professional education in some main states of the Union, including Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul, eventually guided much of the debate on the topic of vocational education, federal attempts to influence the institutionalization of learning within the industrial world of work laborer, as well as justify the resistance of the industrial business to this intervention especially in the second half of the 1930s and early 1940s. We will also discuss the importance of the political alliance between the core of Vargas government and industrial group based in the main class of representations of the industrial bourgeoisie of that period, including CIESP / FIESP and CNI, which aimed at controlling and directing of the labor market within the New State authoritarian and nationalist consensus could build, in the adverse economic context of the Second World War and subsequent years, a school system learning parastatal industrial of remarkable longevity and adaptability to face different circumstances and demands of the domestic industry for skilled labor, learning system that was be seen in its original format and pedagogical proposal.

Governance a management služeb cloud computingu z pohledu spotřebitele / Cloud computing governance a management from consumer point of view

Karkošková, Soňa January 2017 (has links)
Cloud computing brings widely recognized benefits as well as new challenges and risks resulting mainly from the fact that cloud service provider is an external third party that provides public cloud services in multi-tenancy model. At present, widely accepted IT governance frameworks lack focus on cloud computing governance and do not fully address the requirements of cloud computing from cloud consumer viewpoint. Given the absence of any comprehensive cloud computing governance and management framework, this doctoral dissertation thesis focuses on specific aspects of cloud service governance and management from consumer perspective. The main aim of doctoral dissertation thesis is the design of methodological framework for cloud service governance and management (Cloud computing governance and management) from consumer point of view. Cloud consumer is considered as a medium or large-sized enterprise that uses services in public cloud computing model, which are offered and delivered by cloud service provider. Theoretical part of this doctoral dissertation thesis identifies the main theoretical concepts of IT governance, IT management and cloud computing (chapter 2). Analytical part of this doctoral dissertation thesis reviews the literature dealing with specifics of cloud services utilization and their impact on IT governance and IT management, cloud computing governance and cloud computing management (chapter 3). Further, existing IT governance and IT management frameworks (SOA Governance, COBIT, ITIL and MBI) were analysed and evaluated in terms of the use of cloud services from cloud consumer perspective (chapter 4). Scientific research was based on Design Science Research Methodology with intention to design and evaluate artifact methodological framework. The main part of this doctoral dissertation thesis proposes methodical framework Cloud computing governance and management based on SOA Governance, COBIT 5 and ITIL 2011 (chapter 5, 6 and 7). Verification of proposed methodical framework Cloud computing governance and management from cloud consumer perspective was based on scientific method of case study (chapter 8). The main objective of the case study was to evaluate and verify proposed methodical framework Cloud computing governance and management in a real business environment. The main contribution of this doctoral dissertation thesis is both the use of existing knowledge, approaches and methodologies in area of IT governance and IT management to design methodical framework Cloud computing governance and management and the extension of Management of Business Informatics (MBI) framework by a set of new tasks containing procedures and recommendations relating to adoption and utilization of cloud computing services.

Katechetické aspekty v díle Otty Rutrleho / Catechetical Aspects in the Work of Otto Rutrle

Černochová, Žaneta January 2019 (has links)
The Czechoslovak Hussite Church can be proud of professor Otto Rutrle's personality, because by his pedagogical and educational approach he helped to realize and revive religious education and catechetical teaching in the Church. In his publications The Road to the Child I. and The Road to the Child II. pays great attention to this activity and he touches on individual topics that are necessary for teaching and education in the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. He does not neglect the importance of a teacher, as a preacher, a guide and a helper on the path to the spiritual knowledge. He emphasizes the personal religion, that lives. He uses examples from the Holy Scripture for a practical spiritual life. His work is a legacy not only for our generation, but also for following generations. In my master's thesis, I have mostly tried to look into the activities of Sunday school, which was closely linked to the life of the Church. There were cultivated both moral and spiritual values needed for life. I have wanted to show by master's thesis, how important were the Christian education and teaching for children and youth. In the first chapter of my work, I have introduced readers to the topicality of topics, which were essential for Otto Rutrle and important for the education and teaching of children and youth. His...

Pojďme oživit nedávnou historii ... aneb jak na výuku soudobých dějin na středních školách / Let's give life to recent history ... or how to teach contemporary history in high schools

Hofnerová, Marcela January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis entitled Let's revive recent history… or how to teach contemporary history in secondary schools is conceived in the form of a methodological manual for secondary school teachers who would like to understand their teaching of contemporary history in an interesting, research and effective way. It outlines the obstacles due to which teachers avoid contemporary history, and compares and evaluates history textbooks, which are among the most commonly used in teaching at secondary schools. It is also clear here how much space is devoted to contemporary history in these textbooks and which topics of contemporary history are preferred by the framework educational program. The work is focused on Czechoslovak and Czech contemporary history, for which it offers the possibility of using various Internet platforms, which are directly intended for teachers or from them can draw inspiration for their teaching. Last but not least, it also offers several activities involving working with sources or other period artifacts that can be used in class. At the same time, it offers the possibility of thematic excursions with supplementary material, which can be used to effectively supplement teaching. The work also presents a small research, which aims to map the attitude of history teachers to the...

Beitrag zur Eignung sensorischer Panelprüfungen für rohe und lackierte Holz- und Holzwerkstoffoberflächen

Dekomien, Kerstin 24 June 2022 (has links)
Der individuelle Charakter von Möbeln und Interieur wird vom Erscheinungsbild des Objektes bestimmt. Neben anderen Kriterien entscheidet sich die konsumierende Privatperson aufgrund der Oberflächenerscheinung zum Kauf eines Produktes. Doch gerade dieser Aspekt ist in der Qualitätssicherung nicht befriedigend berücksichtigt, so dass auch Prozesskontrollen in der Bearbeitung und Beschichtung von Holz und Holzwerkstoffen unzureichend umgesetzt wer-den. Es fehlt eine über Ländergrenzen hinweg harmonisierte Definition von Merkmalen zur Be-schreibung der Qualität des Erscheinungsbildes von Oberflächen. Allzu oft scheitert die Mess-technik, die meist aus anderen Branchen adaptiert ist, sowohl an den Aufgaben der immer moderner werdenden Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten in der Beschichtung als auch an dem inho-mogenen Werkstoff selbst. Industrielle Produktionen behelfen sich aus diesem Grund eigener entwickelter Prüfmethodiken. Daher greift die Forschungsfrage nach einem geeigneten Prüf-prozess sensorischer Panelprüfungen noch heute. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es daher, Prüfmethodiken unter Einbezug der Kontextbedingungen hin-sichtlich ihrer Eignung zu prüfen. Zu den Kontextbedingungen werden insbesondere perso-nenbezogene Fragestellungen, wie z. B. die Tagesbefindlichkeit, Konzentrationsfähigkeit und die Persönlichkeit, analysiert. Diese Gesichtspunkte beschreiben die Prüfpersonen betreffs ihrer Beurteilungstreue. Im Zusammenhang zur Wahrnehmungsschwelle des jeweiligen Sinnes-kanals entsteht eine Bewertungsgrundlage der Prüfperson zu ihrer Eignung. Die verwendeten Methoden der Kontextanalysen zeigen keinen guten Eignungsnachweis zur Prüferauswahl. Lediglich die Persönlichkeitsanalyse lässt eine Sondierung der Personen zu. Die Schulung sowie die Prüferauswahl führen in ihrer Anwendung ebenfalls zu einem indifferenten Ergebnis, da der Schulungserfolg in Bezug zum Merkmal nicht nachvollzogen werden kann. Die einge-setzten Prüfmethodiken aus der Lebensmittelindustrie lassen sich gut für attributive Prüfungen anwenden. Auch die Auswerteverfahren der jeweiligen Normen führen zu einem nutzbaren Er-gebnis. Allerdings eignen sich diese Verfahren nicht zur Prüfprozesseignung. Die aus der MSA 4 und VDA 5 angewendeten Methoden zum Eignungsnachweis der Prüfprozesse führen je nach Auswerteverfahren zu einem „nicht fähigen“ bis maximal „bedingt fähigen“ Prüfpro-zess. Demnach können die Prüfergruppen maximal drei Qualitätsstufen voneinander differen-zieren. Bereits die abweichende Antwort einer Prüfperson oder einer ungeeigneten Probe führt zu der geringen Qualitätsdifferenzierung. Grund dafür sind die disketen Werte der Ergebnisse, die zusätzlich keiner Verteilungsidentität folgen. Die Anwendung parameterfreier Analysever-fahren zeigt auf, dass die Prüfpersonen sehr gut in der Lage sind, feine Qualitätsstufen zu differenzieren. Ferner verdeutlichen die Analysen die fehlerhafte Probe oder die ungeeignete Prüfperson. Schlussendlich kann aus der Arbeit geschlossen werden, dass die Prüfmethodiken ein gut funktionierendes Werkzeug zur Qualitätssicherung und Prozesssteuerung sein können, wenn der Aufwand der Schulung diesen Einsatz rechtfertigt. Die Methoden der Prüfprozesseignung lassen sich nicht anwenden, da sie das Ergebnis gerade bei kleinen Prüfergruppen verzerren. Für die wissenschaftliche Arbeit, z. B. zur Entwicklung neuer Messtechnik, ist diese Form der Vergleichsführung geeignet.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Einleitung in die Problemstellung der industriellen Qualitätssicherung zum ästhetischen Erscheinungsbild von Oberflächen 2. Qualitätssicherung der Oberfläche in der Möbelindustrie 2.1 Oberflächenmerkmale zur Gütebestimmung von rohen und lackierter Holz- und Holzwerkstoffen 2.1.1 Die Bedeutung der Merkmale für den Kunden und in der Produktion 2.1.2 Merkmale roher Holz- und Holzwerkstoffoberflächen 2.1.3 Merkmale lackierter Holz- und Holzwerkstoffoberflächen 2.2 Messtechnik zur Gütebestimmung des Erscheinungsbildes 2.2.1 Messtechnische Bewertung roher Holz- und Holzwerkstoffoberflächen 2.2.2 Messtechnische Bewertung lackierter Holz- und Holzwerkstoffoberflächen 2.2.3 Messverfahren im Vergleich zur menschlichen Wahrnehmung 2.3 Methodisch sensorische Panelprüfungen 2.3.1 Standardisierte Verfahren sensorischer Prüfungen 2.3.2 Methodische Panelprüfung in der Forschung 2.3.3 Grundlagen der menschlichen Wahrnehmung in der Panelprüfung 2.4 Verfahren der Prüfprozesseignung in Bezug zur Prozessfähigkeitsanalyse 2.4.1 Übersicht der Verfahren zur Prüfprozesseignung 2.4.2 Auswirkung der Prüfprozessfähigkeit auf die Prozessfähigkeit 2.5 Zusammenfassung 3. Zielstellung der Arbeit 4. Vorgehensweise und Versuchsplanung 4.1 Planung der Versuchsreihen 4.2 Charakterisierung der Prüfpersonen 4.2.1 Demographische Daten der teilnehmenden Prüfpersonen 4.2.2 Ermittlung der physischen Fähigkeiten des Menschen 4.2.3 Ermittlung der psychischen Verfassung des Menschen 4.3 Material 4.3.1 Beschreibung der Merkmale und Prüfkörper 4.3.2 Die Prüfumgebung 4.3.3 Messmitteleinsatz zur Überprüfung der Aussagenqualität von Prüfpersonen und der Panelfähigkeit 4.4 Methoden 4.4.1 Methodisches Vorgehen in der Panelprüfung 4.4.2 Auswertungsmethoden zur Analyse der Panelprüfung 4.4.3 Methoden zur Prüfprozessanalyse 5. Prüfprozessanalyse unter Berücksichtigung der Untersuchungsbedingungen 5.1 Untersuchung der Prüfer- und Panelfähigkeiten 5.1.1 Vorstellung der normativen Eignung von Prüfpersonen und Panel 5.1.2 Wahrnehmungsschwellen 5.1.3 Vorstellung alternativer Prüfer- und Panelbeurteilungen 5.2 Erörterung und Veranschaulichung der Panelprüfergebnisse 5.2.1 Rohe Holz- und Holzwerkstoffoberflächen 5.2.2 Lackierte Holz- und Holzwerkstoffoberflächen 5.2.3 Prüfergebnisse und Prüfumgebung 5.3 Analyse von Verfahren zum Eignungsnachweis von Prüfprozessen 6. Kritische Beurteilung der Ergebnisse 6.1 Auswahlmethodik geeigneter Prüfpersonen und Panelfähigkeit 6.2 Gegenüberstellung der Prüf- und Messergebnisse 6.3 Anwendung der Methoden aus der Prüfprozesseignung 7. Schlussfolgerung 8. Zusammenfassung

Prózy současných českých autorů pro děti předškolního věku / Prosaic works of contemporary Czech authors for children of pre-school age

Malá, Ivana January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the titles of the contemporary Czech authors of the books for the preschool children. The main target of the thesis is to find and recommend the valuable children's books (published after year 2000) to the preschool teachers, parents and other educators, with the main emphasis on the esthetic, literary-didactic and educational quality aspects. In the theoretical part of the thesis I aimed on the characteristics of the preschool child in relation to reading. I was mainly interested in child's psychological development in the context with the examined issue. The theoretical part of the thesis also provides the definition of the prereaders period and terms of non-reader and prereader are explained here. Prosaic genres intended to this age group are also examined in this part of the thesis. Criteria for selection of children's books by the adults and the knowledge of five book titles are examined through the questionnaire survey. The practical (analytical) part of the thesis contains the analysis of the selected children's books ("Medvídek Kuma" by Martina Skala, "Už se nebojím tmy," "Kozí knížka" by Tereza Říčanová, "Jak Cílek Lídu našel" by František Skála and "Dobrodružství pavouka Čendy" by Pavel Čech) according to the predefined criteria. The Conclusion provides...

Vzdělávání žáků v oblastech "Umění a kultura" a "Člověk a zdraví" na 1. stupni ZŠ / Teaching "Art and Culture" and "Health Education" at Primary School

ŠUPKOVÁ, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The thesis represents a brief outline of the educational system in the Czech Republic and a view into the Framework Educational Programme for Elementary Education (RVP). The main subject of the work is the content and the characteristics of two educational areas called "Arts and Culture" and "Health Education" at the first grade of an elementary school regarding specifics and needs of the pupils of younger school age. Individual categories of subjects correspond with the created methodical material aimed at the third class of elementary schools. Moreover, the thesis deals with the situation at schools and the attitude of the first grade teachers to individual educational subject such as Arts, Music, Physical Education, etc. The work focuses on what influences the teachers´ perception of the subjects, how they are taught and how they are evaluated in the framework of other subjects.

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