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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organický a organizovaný / The organic and organized

Šarkadyová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Anotation: The diploma thesis Organic and Organized is divided into two parts. The first part is concerned with the relationship between the singular and the general, possibilities of the knowing the singular and its delineation considering the general - with a special attention being paid to medical discourse. A question will be raised whether we can get to know and describe the organic, which is also necessarily singular, which we can't be approached using general rules and laws. Speaking in even more general terms, we should consider the following: if we accept the singularity of the living organism, we should ask what it means for the science which tries to get to know it. The second task of this thesis is to answer (or at least to attempt to answer) the question, what is it that makes the organism singular and henceforth what is the important factor in the process of getting to know this singular. The thesis relies on a detailed reading of those French philosophers (George Canguilhem, Julien Offray de La Mettrie, Claude Bernard) who dedicate their philosophical work to an analysis of the medical science and at the same time are doctors.

Realita v československých kriminálních filmech z 60. let (s důrazem na postavu vyšetřovatele a kriminalistické metody) / Realism in the Czechoslovak crime films from 60's (with the emphasis on the figure of criminalist and criminalistic methods)

Staňková, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
Films and series with criminal themes are very popular among audience. They also have quite a long tradition in the Czech (Czechoslovak) cinematography. Specifically in the 60's a lot of quality films with detective plots were made and they are appreciated among the audience until today. They are also repeated in television frequently. These films demonstrate both crime and further investigation, focused on the police activity. This representation is frequently portrayed as a reality and the audience tend to view it as such. Therefore, it is interesting to observe if this representation corresponds to real forensic practice. This diploma thesis deals with the given matter. It analyses five Czechoslovak crime films from the 60's and its goal is to determine if the forensic methods correspond to then reality. It also focuses on the figure of the investigator as the representative of the law and as the main character. The first part of the thesis is comprised of the theoretical background. It describes the principles of film narrathology and mainly the principles of forensic methodology and practice. The second part of the thesis is practical. The theoretical background is applied here to analyse each of the chosen films. The summary responds to the research question and summarizes results of the analysis.

Struttura e gestione degli spazi del castello di Monte Copiolo nel Montefeltro: Evoluzione di un sito incastellato tra X e XVI secolo / Structure and management of the spaces of the Monte Copiolo’s castle, in Montefeltro. Evolution of a castle between X and XVI century.

SACCO, DANIELE 16 April 2010 (has links)
Il lavoro si occupa dell'evoluzione diacronica del sito incastellato di Monte Copiolo (Italia, regione Marche, provincia di Pesaro e Urbino) tra X e XVI secolo. / The work deals with the diachronic evolution of the Monte Copiolo’s castle, in Montefeltro (Italy, Marche region, province of Pesaro and Urbino) between X and XVI century.

Tessellata vitrea in età tardoantica e altomedievale: archeologia, tecnologia, archeometria. Il caso di Milano / Tessellata vitrea in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: archaeology, technology, archaeometry. The case of Milan

NERI, ELISABETTA 30 March 2012 (has links)
La tesi indaga la produzione e la messa in opera delle tessere musive e dei sectilia parietali in paste vitree in epoca tardoantica e altomedievale, studiando in particolare il caso di Milano. Nella prima parte viene esaminato il processo di produzione del vetro musivo, poco noto nella documentazione edita, ma estremamente fecondo per la ricostruzione degli scambi commerciali e culturali del periodo esaminato. Con vari strumenti (etnoarcheologia, ricettari, analisi archeometriche, resti archeologici, fonti economiche, stime quantitative, documentazione di restauro) vengono rintracciati gli indicatori di riconoscibilità di un atelier che produce piastre musive colorate e a foglia d’oro, i marker di cronologia, provenienza e tecnologia ottenibili dalle analisi chimiche sul vetro musivo e l’esito materiale dei gesti eseguiti da chi mette in opera rintracciabili sui frammenti. Nella seconda parte sono affrontate le problematiche specifiche del caso milanese. In particolare viene riconsiderata l’ipotesi dell’esistenza di una bottega milanese per la realizzazione e la posa di tessellata vitrea. A fronte di una bibliografia contraddittoria sulla datazione e il contesto culturale in seno a cui sarebbero nate queste competenze, vengono valutati i resti archeologici di decorazioni musive parietali (lacerti e tessere sciolte) e vengono caratterizzati con analisi archeometriche. Viene così determinata la diffusione dell’arte, contestualizzato quanto ancora conservato e stabilito quali apporti commerciali e culturali ha comportato la realizzazione dei mosaici milanesi. I resti archeologici, le fonti letterarie, le attestazioni iconografiche, le analisi archeometriche, pur nella loro difficile lettura, permettono di riconoscere tre momenti di diffusione dell’arte musiva: l’età tardo-imperiale, l’età gota e i secoli finali dell’altomedioevo. Per ogni periodo vengono analizzati tre casi significativi: la basilica di San Lorenzo (fine IV-inizi V sec.), il battistero di San Giovanni alle Fonti (fine V-VI sec.) e la basilica di Sant’Ambrogio (V-VI e X sec.). La ricerca contribuisce a diverse problematiche aperte: la tecnologia del vetro, gli elementi di continuità e innovazione rispetto alle tecniche romane, la decorazione parietale dei monumenti milanesi, le scelte dei committenti che hanno finanziato gli edifici, l’investimento necessario, le relazioni intraprese per realizzare le opere. / The thesis studies the production and layout of wall mosaic tesserae and of glass paste sectilia in late antique and early medieval times, focusing in particular on the case of Milan. The first part examines the productive process of glass mosaics to reconstruct the commercial and cultural exchanges of the studied period. Different tools (ethnoarchaeology, technical recipes, archaeometric analyses, archaeological remains, economic sources, quantitative estimates, restoration reports) are used to track the indicators of a workshop producing coloured and gold-leaf mosaic plates, to identify the markers of mosaic glass history and technology from chemical analysis, and to detect the material results on the remains of the actions performed by the craftsmen. The second part investigates the specific issues of the case of Milan. In particular, it reconsiders the hypothesis of the existence of a Milanese workshop that manufactures and lays out glass tesserae, approached so far in a contradictory literature in term of chronology and cultural framework. The archaeological remains, literary sources, iconographic testimonies, and archaeometric analyses, despite their difficult interpretation, allow identifying three stages of diffusion of mosaic art in Milan: the late Imperial age, the age of the Goths, and the final centuries of the Early Middle Ages. Three significant cases are analyzed for each of these periods: the Basilica of San Lorenzo (late 4th-early 5th c.), the baptistery of San Giovanni alle Fonti (end 5th-6th c.) and the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio (5th-6th and 10th c.). This research contributes to the state of several open questions: the technology of glass, the preserved or innovative features with respect to Roman techniques, the mural decoration of Milanese buildings, the choices of the customers who have financed the buildings, the investment required, the social and commercial relations established in order to carry out the works.

CERAMICA DA CONTESTI ARCHEOLOGICI URBANI DI LECCE (XII - XVII SECOLO). ANALISI E CLASSIFICAZIONE / Pottery from urban archaeological contexts of Lecce (XII-XVII century). Data analysis and Classification.

CAPRINO, PATRICIA 25 March 2011 (has links)
Il lavoro si inserisce nell’ambito del progetto di Archeologia Urbana a Lecce, denominato “Lecce Sotterranea”, e propone la classificazione della ceramica databile tra XII e XVII secolo proveniente dai contesti archeologici degli scavi di Piazzetta Santa Chiara e di Palazzo Vernazza. L’analisi dei contesti di provenienza e delle associazioni di materiali hanno consentito la realizzazione di una classificazione tipologica per le forme meglio rappresentate all’interno delle classi più comuni. In generale si fornisce un ampio catalogo di forme con riferimenti cronologici molto puntuali. Inoltre, l’approccio contestuale e lo studio sui fenomeni di residualità hanno spesso consentito di fare delle considerazioni più puntuali sulle dinamiche di frequentazione dell’insediamento. ingrandire La lettura delle sequenze stratigrafiche e lo studio della componente residuale all’interno degli strati di età normanna, hanno consentito di chiarire alcuni aspetti circa le modalità di abbandono e di successivo ripopolamento dell’insediamento tra Tardoantico e XI secolo. L’analisi di classi ceramiche particolarmente diagnostiche ha integrato i pochi dati storici noti per il periodo svevo di Lecce mentre, per il periodo angioino e quello aragonese, è stato possibile definire un quadro cronologico più preciso rispetto alle produzioni ceramiche locali e ad alcune forme del vivere quotidiano. Infine, l’occasione di studiare contesti di XVII secolo scavati stratigraficamente ha dato modo di definire la datazione di classi ceramiche locali finora semplicemente classificate come “postmedievali”. / The work is part of the project of Urban Archaeology in Lecce called “Lecce Sotterranea”, and proposes the classification of pottery dated between the XII and XVII century and coming from the archaeological contexts of Piazzetta S. Chiara and Palazzo Vernazza excavations. The analisys of the contexts of origin and of the associations of materials has allowed a typological classification for the most represented forms inside the most common classes. In general, a wide catalogue of forms is presented, with very precise chronological references. Moreover, the contextual approach and the study of residuality worked out a better understanding of the dynamics of settlement. By reading the stratigraphical sequences and studying the residuality component inside Norman Age layers strata, some light has been shed upon the settlement's abandonment and later repopulation between Late Antiquity and the XI century. The analysis of particularly diagnostic classes of pottery has reinforced the scarce known historical data for the Swabian period in Lecce, whereas for the Angevin and Aragonese ones a more precise chronological picture could be drawn regarding local pottery production and some forms of daily life. Lastly, studying XVII century contexts stratigraphically excavated has permitted a more precise dating for some local ceramical classes previously classified just as “postmedieval”.

IL REIMPIEGO DEI MATERIALI DA COSTRUZIONE NEL CANTIERE MEDIEVALE. DINAMICHE DI TRASFORMAZIONE, LINEE EVOLUTIVE E INDICATORI CRONOTIPOLOGICI NELLE ARCHITETTURE MILANESI TRA TARDOANTICO E XII SECOLO / The reuse of building materials in the medieval constructions. Transformation dynamics, evolutionary lines and age-typology indicators in the architecture of Milan between the late antiquity and the 12th century.

GREPPI, PAOLA 12 April 2014 (has links)
La tesi è rivolta allo studio comparativo delle tecniche costruttive datate tra tardo antico e romanico (fine IV-XII secolo), con particolare attinenza agli edifici di culto milanesi. L'obiettivo principale è stato quello di delineare le linee evolutive delle tecniche costruttive e identificare la presenza di caratteri tecnici particolari che avessero valore di indicatore cronotipologico. Il quadro complesso e articolato degli studi pregressi sulle più note basiliche medievali milanesi ha reso necessaria l'indagine, per la presenza di ipotesi interpretative contraddittorie e la frequente carenza di indagini aggiornate sotto il profilo metodologico. Per questa ragione, la prima parte del lavoro è stata rivolta alla definizione della storia degli studi editi riguardanti temi di carattere archeologico e architettonico, che hanno costituito la base di riferimento per l'individuazione delle campionature murarie da analizzare. Nell'ambito di questa stessa sezione si è resa poi indispensabile la stesura di una parte destinata alla trattazione del metodo utilizzato che, per quanto riguarda l'analisi del materiale da costruzione in laterizio, ha previsto l'applicazione, in via sperimentale su un raggio di indagine così esteso, del metodo mensiocronologico al materiale di recupero. La seconda parte della tesi ha riguardato l'analisi dei principali contesti architettonici esaminati (S. Giovanni alle Fonti, S. Tecla, S. Simpliciano, S. Nazaro Maggiore, S. Ambrogio, S. Eustorgio), affrontata con schede apposite destinate all'inquadramento dei dati storico-archeologici pregressi, delle campionature murarie esaminate, in pietra e laterizio, e dei risultati delle analisi metriche. Ogni fase costruttiva individuata è stata poi approfondita in sezioni specifiche nelle quali sono confluiti i risultati raggiunti. La terza ed ultima parte del lavoro, è stata infine rivolta alla trattazione delle cronotipologie dei tipi costruttivi elaborate (in opus latericium, opus latericium spicatum e opera di spolia), a quella dei principali indicatori cronotipologici individuati e alle loro modalità di trasformazione nel tempo. Il lavoro di ricerca ha aperto molteplici prospettive di approfondimento, relative ai singoli monumenti trattati ma anche a problematiche di più ampio respiro nel settore dell'edilizia medievale, che sono state trattate nel capitolo conclusivo. / The thesis is dedicated to the comparative study of construction techniques dating from late antiquity and Romanesque (end of 4th-12th century), with particular attention to the religious buildings in Milan. The main objective was to represent the evolutionary lines of the construction techniques and to identify the presence of technical characteristics that have a specific age-typology meaning. The contradictory interpretative hypotheses and the lack of up-to date - in terms of methodology - investigations within the complex and extensive literature on the most known medieval basilicas in Milan has inspired this investigation. For this reason, the first part of the work treats the definition of the history of the published studies on the archaeological and architectural subjects, which have represented the reference for the identification of the masonry samples to be analyzed. As part of this section it was necessary the drafting of a description of the method used. With regard to the analysis of structural clay material, such process provided for the application - on an experimental basis on a so extensive investigation - of the metric-age analysis method to the recovered material. The second part of the thesis concerned the analysis of the main architectural complexes examined (S. Giovanni alle Fonti, S. Tecla, S. Simpliciano, S. Nazario Maggiore, St. Ambrose, St. Eustorgio), performed through dedicated files for the classification of former historic-archaeological data, of the masonry and the stone and brick samples tested, and of the results of the metric analysis. Each identified construction phase was then further investigated in specific sections where the results are gathered. The third and final part of the work concerns the discussion of the developed age-typologies of the construction materials (opus latericium, opus spicatum latericium and works in spolia), the main age-typology indicators identified and the different ways they changed over time. The research has opened up many scenarios for further studies, in relation to the individual monuments treated but also to broader issues in the sector of the Middle Ages building activity, as discussed in the final section.

IL VETRO A MILANO IN ETA' ROMANA (I SEC. A.C. - V SEC. D.C):FORME, PRODUZIONI, CIRCOLAZIONI / The Roman Glass in Milan (1st c. BC - 5th c. AD). Form, Production and Commerce.

UBOLDI, GIOVANNA MARINA 12 April 2014 (has links)
Il progetto di ricerca ha indagato la diffusione e le caratteristiche dei vetri in uso a Milano in età romana a partire dallo studio di un certo numero di reperti provenienti da scavi archeologici e tramite l’approfondimento di alcune tematiche relative ad aspetti produttivi e tecnologici. La ricerca ha preso spunto dallo studio dei materiali provenienti dagli scavi nei cortili dell’Università Cattolica (1986-2004), ed è stata estesa poi ad altri contesti di scavo per ampliare la base dei dati su cui ricostruire il quadro del vetro in uso nella città e delle problematiche ad esso inerenti. Il quantitativo di reperti individuati e la loro rappresentatività statistica permettono di tracciare un quadro dei materiali in uso nella vita quotidiana, le relazioni tipologiche tra alcuni gruppi di oggetti, vagliare le ipotesi sull’esistenza di una produzione locale e sui rapporti commerciali con altre aree, relativamente al periodo che va dall’inizio della diffusione dei recipienti in vetro (seconda metà del I sec. a.C.) fino al V sec. d.C. La ricerca si è avvalsa di analisi archeometriche ed ha enucleato anche alcuni temi di indagine specifica, in particolare sulle tecniche di lavorazione e di decorazione dei vetri a mosaico e dei manufatti con decori incisi. / Finds from recent archaeological excavation and analysis of older records are piecing together an increasingly detailed picture of the social context of Roman Milan: the material culture helps patch together a collage of the urban centre whose central position on the river plain North of the Po helped it become theatre to important events and intense industrial activity, attracting peoples of differing cultures and resources. This thesis studies Roman glass finds from Milan using the archaeological record and archaeometric analyses with the aim of reconstructing the framework of glass use in everyday life from the introduction of glass vessels in the mid-first century B.C. up to the fifth century A.D., considering relationship between individual groups of products, the hypothesis of a local glass industry and trade routes. The research, originating from post-excavation work on the courtyards of the Catholic University was extended to several unpublished Milanese excavations: the glass finds from these contexts, from both burial grounds and settlement sites, constitute a significant and statistically valid sample. Some in-depth technological examinations contribute to an understanding of certain questions still under debate: in particular on mosaic glass and engraved samples


CASTIGLIONI, GIOVANNI 20 February 2015 (has links)
La tesi si propone di studiare i processi che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo dei sistemi previsionali dei futuri fabbisogni professionali in Italia e nel contesto internazionale. La ricerca si focalizza sui differenti approcci utilizzati nelle analisi previsive approfondendo in particolare le metodologie adottate dai seguenti istituti: BLS (Bureau Labor of Statistics - Stati Uniti); CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training); ISFOL (Istituto per lo sviluppo della formazione professionale dei lavoratori). Studiare l’andamento e l’evoluzione del mercato del lavoro, in termini di rilevazione dei fabbisogni professionali, significa realizzare un’analisi complessa, seppure di ampia utilità, che si appresta a essere riletta in chiave sociologica ponendo l’attenzione sui processi di definizione e rappresentazione del mercato del lavoro e del suo rapporto con la società. Il quadro interpretativo che guida la ricerca mette in luce tre dimensioni attraverso cui sono state intraprese diverse misure per implementare i sistemi previsionali sul piano funzionale, meta-funzionale e metodologico. La tesi approfondisce inoltre come l’analisi dei fabbisogni professionali possa rappresentare una delle premesse di lettura delle dinamiche del mercato del lavoro al fine di rendere più efficiente l’incontro tra domanda e offerta e di sviluppare un efficace sistema di formazione professionale e di istruzione finalizzato a garantire maggiore occupabilità, ad affrontare le politiche del lavoro e a gestire le relazioni industriali. / The thesis aims to study the processes that have contributed to the development of the employment forecasting systems adopted in the Italian experience in comparison with the international context. The research focuses on different approaches to the methodologies carried out by the following institutions: BLS (Bureau Labor of Statistics, USA); CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) and ISFOL (Italian Institute for the Development of Vocational Training for Workers). Studying the evolution of the labour market, in terms of analysis of occupational needs, requires a complex process of analysis which can be interpreted from a sociological perspective with regard to the definition and representation processes of the labour market and its relationship to society. The interpretative framework that guides the research highlights three dimensions through which employment forecasting systems have been realized: the functional dimension, the meta-functional dimension and the methodological dimension. The research also reflects on how an analysis of occupational needs can represent one of the premises of understanding of the dynamics of the labour market in order to bring about more efficient matching between labour demand and supply and to develop an effective vocational and educational training system aimed at guaranteeing more employability, in order to address labour policies and manage industrial relations effectively.

Matematické modelování kurzu koruny / Mathematical modelling of crown rate

UHLÍŘOVÁ, Žaneta January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on mathematical modelling of exchange rate CZK/USD in 1991 - 2014. Time series was divided into 5 parts. First Box-Jenkins methodology models were examined, especially ARIMA model. Unfortunately, the model could not be used because none of the time series showed correlation. The time series is considered as a white noise. The data appear to be completely random and unpredictable. The time series have not constant variance neither normal distribution and therefore GARCH volatility model was used as the second model. It is better not to divide time series when using model of volatility. Volatility model contributes to more accurate prediction than the standard deviation. Results were calculated in RStudio software and MS Excel.

Poválečná historie Romů v Československu ve vzpomínkách pamětníků: Možnosti rekonstrukce poválečné migrace vybrané skupiny Romů ze Slovenska do českých zemí / Post-war history of Roms in Czechoslovakia in the Eye-Witness Perspective: Possibilities of Reconstruction of Post-War Migration of a Selected Group of Roms from Slovakia into the Czech Lands

Sadílková, Helena January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is concentrated on the topic of the post-war migration of Roms from Slovakia to the Czech Lands as the crucial process in the post-war history of Roms on the territory of former Czechoslovakia which had its effects not only on individual groups of Roms living in Slovakia and migrating to the Czech Lands, but also on the next developments in the relations of the Czech majority society towards the Roms and changes in the approach to them on the side of central state institutions. The thesis offers a presentation of a complex historic case study of post-war migration of a particular local group of Roms from south- eastern Slovakia to the city of Brno (Moravia), based on a synthetic research method combining both oral history and written sources of mostly regional provenience. The author has applied the method in two different contexts: while reconstructing the developments in the situation of the group of Roms and their relations with the majority society in Slovakia during 1920' to 1970's, and while mapping the post-war migration of part of these people in relation to two localities in the Czech Lands, with one representing a transit locality of their early post-war migration and the other their final destination where this group of Roms lives still today. The author places the case study...

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