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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv molekulové hmotnosti polypropylénu na izotermickou krystalizaci nanokompozitů / The influence of molecular weight of polypropylene on isothermal crystallization of nanocomposites

Krajčik, Ladislav Unknown Date (has links)
This work deals with the study of the influence of metallocene type polypropylene (mPP) molecular weight on isothermal crystallization of its nanocomposites filled with hydrophobic and hydrophilic nanosilica (1 and 2 vol.%). Real amount of nanosilica was determined by thermogravimetry. Isothermal crystallization was performed on differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) at 119–125 °C and observed in-situ under optical polarizing microscope (POM) at 128 °C using hot stage. The increase of mPP crystallinity degree in time was determined on DSC and spherulite type and growth rate was determined using POM. Supramolecular surface structure of the original and isothermally crystallited nanocomposites was observed directly or after chemical etching (mixture of mineral acids with KMnO4) on confocal laser scanning microscope. The crystal structure of mPP was in all tested materials verified by X-ray diffraction.

Optical nanoscopy of transient states in condensed matter

Kehr, Susanne C., Kuschewski, Frederik, Green, Bert, Bauer, Ch., Eng, Lukas M., Gensch, Michael 20 January 2016 (has links)
Recently, the fundamental and nanoscale understanding of complex phenomena in materials research and the life sciences, witnessed considerable progress. However, elucidating the underlying mechanisms, governed by entangled degrees of freedom such as lattice, spin, orbit, and charge for solids or conformation, electric potentials, and ligands for proteins, has remained challenging. Techniques that allow for distinguishing between different contributions to these processes are hence urgently required. In this paper we demonstrate the application of scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) as a novel type of nano-probe for tracking transient states of matter. We introduce a sideband-demodulation technique that allows for probing exclusively the stimuli-induced change of near-field optical properties. We exemplify this development by inspecting the decay of an electron-hole plasma generated in SiGe thin films through near-infrared laser pulses. Our approach can universally be applied to optically track ultrafast/-slow processes over the whole spectral range from UV to THz frequencies.

Volumetric HiLo microscopy employing an electrically tunable lens

Philipp, Katrin, Smolarski, André, Koukourakis, Nektarios, Fischer, Andreas, Stürmer, Moritz, Wallrabe, Ulrike, Czarske, Jürgen W. 11 October 2017 (has links)
Electrically tunable lenses exhibit strong potential for fast motion-free axial scanning in a variety of microscopes. However, they also lead to a degradation of the achievable resolution because of aberrations and misalignment between illumination and detection optics that are induced by the scan itself. Additionally, the typically nonlinear relation between actuation voltage and axial displacement leads to over- or under-sampled frame acquisition in most microscopic techniques because of their static depth-of-field. To overcome these limitations, we present an Adaptive-Lens-High-and-Low-frequency (AL-HiLo) microscope that enables volumetric measurements employing an electrically tunable lens. By using speckle-patterned illumination, we ensure stability against aberrations of the electrically tunable lens. Its depth-of-field can be adjusted a-posteriori and hence enables to create flexible scans, which compensates for irregular axial measurement positions. The adaptive HiLo microscope provides an axial scanning range of 1 mm with an axial resolution of about 4 μm and sub-micron lateral resolution over the full scanning range. Proof of concept measurements at home-built specimens as well as zebrafish embryos with reporter gene-driven fluorescence in the thyroid gland are shown.

Biosurfaktanty a jejich využití pro inkorporaci hydrofobních domén do moderních nosičových systémů / Utilization of biosurfactants for incorporation of hydrophobic domains into modern controlled-release systems

Nešpor, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
This work deals with the current topic of carrier systems. Since the biggest problem is the passage of hydrophobic drugs through the bloodstream, or through universal body barriers (eg blood-brain), it is necessary to chemically modify these carriers in order to be able to administer hydrophobic substances effectively. Based on a literature search, several systems are designed and subsequently studied, in which there is a presumption of possible use for carrier systems and at the same time they have biosurfactants incorporated in them due to their ability to solubilize hydrophobic molecules. The theoretical part of this work will describe the individual biosurfactants, the process of their production, their physicochemical properties, and the possibility of their use in carrier systems. At the same time, the individual carrier systems, the procedure of their preparation, the possibilities of their use are described, and their advantages and disadvantages are also compared. In the practical part, the screening of both individual substances and their mutual interactions, as well as methods used to study the emerging structures is then performed. The study of molecular interactions is primarily performed using the technique of dynamic light scattering. The next part describes the optimization of hydrogel formation with incorporated biosurfactants in their structure and then the formed gels are subjected to rheological and solubilization tests. The study of the internal structure of these gels is performed using a scanning electron microscope.

Aberration Corrector for an Exclusively Low-Voltage Electron Microscopy / Aberration Corrector for an Exclusively Low-Voltage Electron Microscopy

Bačovský, Jaromír January 2021 (has links)
Současný vývoj v oblasti nízkovoltové elektronové mikrokospie vede ke zlepšování prostorového rozlišení cestou korekce elektronově-optických vad. V posledních letech se implementace korektorů u konvenčních elektronových mikroskopů (50-200 kV) stává standardem. Nicméně zabudování korektoru do malého stolního prozařovacího mikroskopu pracujícího s nízkým urychlovacím napětím je stále výzva. Velmi vhodným řešením korekce otvorové vady u takovýchto přístrojů se zdá být koncept hexapólového korektoru založeného na bázi permantních magnetů umožňující zachovat minimální rozměry stolního transmisního mikroskopu. Přednosti a potenciál Roseho hexapólového korektoru vzhledem k použití v nízkovoltových systémech jsou předmětem kritické analýzy obsažené v této práci, včetně zásadního příspěvku tohoto korektoru k celkové chromatické vadě přístroje. Chromatická vada zůstává, navzdory veškeré snaze o její minimalizaci, zcela zásadním aspektem při návrhu korektoru. Koncept představený v rámci této dizertační práce je určen především pro skenovací prozařovací transmisní mód z důvodu omezení nárůstu chromatické vady způsobeného průchodem elektronového svazku preparátem. V práci lze také nalézt podrobný popis navržených kompenzačních systémů korektoru určených k precisnímu seřízení optické soustavy.

Studium tenkých vrstev molekulárních nanomagnetů připravených metodou Langmuira-Blodgettové a návrh úpravy Langmuirovy vaničky / Study of thin films of molecular nano-magnets prepared by Langmuir-Blodgett technique and drafting of an adapted Langmuir trough

Vaverka, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on studies of deposition of molecular nanomagnets doubledecker dysporsium phtalocyanine via Langmuir-Blodgett method. The thesis describes the influence of deposition parameters on structure of deposited molecular layer of doubledecker dysporsium phtalocyanine. The prepared molecular layers are analysed by X-ray reflectivity and Atomic force microscopy. Moreover, the proposal of structural changes of KSV Minimicro instrument, used for Langmuir Blodgett deposition, is described. The intended result is Langmuir trough of bigger dimensions than the recent one, which would enable to distribute molecular layers numbering about magnitude of hundreds.

Luminiscence polovodičů studovaná rastrovací optickou mikroskopií v blízkém poli / Luminescence of semiconductors studied by scanning near-field optical microscopy

Těšík, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This work is focused on the study of luminescence of atomic thin layers of transition metal chalkogenides (eg. MoS2). In the experimental part, the work deals with the preparation of atomic thin layers of semiconducting chalcogenides and the subsequent manufacturing of plasmonic interference structures around these layers. The illumination of the interference structure will create a standing plasmonic wave that will excite the photoluminescence of the semiconductor. Photoluminescence was studied both by far-field spectroscopy and near-field optical microscopy.

Porušování vybraných stavebních kompozitů v blízkosti rozhraní plniva a matrice / Fracture of selected building composites in the vicinity of aggregate-matrix-interface

Vyhlídal, Michal January 2018 (has links)
The interface between aggregate grains and matrix in cementitious composites is their weakest element. The topic is particularly significant in the case of high performance and high strength concrete technology for which the eliminination or reduction of these weak links are necessary. The aim of this thesis is to determine the influence of the interface on the fracture behaviour of the cementitious composites. The fracture experiments were performed for this purpose and were complemented by the nanoindentation’s results and scanning electron microscopy results. Numerical model was created in ANSYS software on the basis of these data and the fracture toughness values of the interface were evaluated by means of the generalized fracture mechanics principles. Conclusion of the thesis is proof that the interface properties have a significant influence on the fracture behaviour of cementitious composites.

Slepá Dekonvoluce Obrazu ve STEM Módu Elektronového Mikroskopu / Blind Image Deconvolution in STEM mode of Electron Microscope

Valterová, Eva January 2018 (has links)
Slepá dekonvoluce je metoda, při které je rozptylová funkce a skutečný obraz rekonstruován zároveň. Cílem této práce je představit různé metody slepé dekonvoluce a najít optimální metodu rekonstrukce původního obrazu a rozptylové funkce. Jako nejvhodnější metoda slepé dekonvoluce byl zvolen algoritmus střídavé minimalizace, který byl upraven a testován. Vlastnosti navrženého algoritmu byly testovány na uměle degradovaných datech a na reálných datech pořízených skenovacím transmisním elektronovým mikroskopem. Účinnost algoritmu byla hodnocena hned několika hodnotícími kritérii. Byla zjištěna omezení algoritmu a tím specifikováno jeho využití.

Magnetické stavy spinového ledu v umělých magneticky frustrovaných systémech / Magnetic spin ice states in artificial magnetic frustrated systems

Schánilec, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
Uměle vytvořené systémy spinového ledu jsou vhodným nástrojem pro zkoumání neobvyklých jevů, které se v přírodě dají jen těžko pozorovat. Speciálním případem umělého spinového ledu je kagome mřížka, která umožňuje zkoumat kolektivní chování spinů v látce. Tento systém má řadu předpovězených exotických magnetických fází, které zatím nebyly změřeny a prozkoumány v reálném prostoru. V rámci této práce se zabýváme úpravou kagome mřížky tak, aby mohla být využita ke zkoumání exotických stavů v reálném prostoru. Experimenty provedené na naší upravené mřížce ukazují, že jsme schopni detekovat nízko i vysoko energiové stavy, a tedy, že námi navržená úprava kagome mřížky je vhodná pro zkoumání exotických stavů v reálném prostoru.

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