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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Betti Numbers, Grobner Basis And Syzygies For Certain Affine Monomial Curves

Sengupta, Indranath 09 1900 (has links)
Let e > 3 and mo,... ,me_i be positive integers with gcd(m0,... ,me_i) = 1, which form an almost arithmetic sequence, i.e., some e - 1 of these form an arithmetic progression. We further assume that m0,... ,mc_1 generate F := Σ e-1 I=0 Nmi minimally. Note that any three integers and also any arithmetic progression form an almost arithmetic sequence. We assume that 0 < m0 < • • • < me-2 form an arithmetic progression and n := mc-i is arbitrary Put p := e - 2. Let K be a field and XQ) ... ,Xj>, Y,T be indeterminates. Let p denote the kernel of the if-algebra homomorphism η: K[XQ, ..., XV) Y) -* K^T], defined by r){Xi) = Tm\.. .η{Xp) = Tmp, η](Y) = Tn. Then, p is the defining ideal for the affine monomial curve C in A^, defined parametrically by Xo = Trr^)...)Xv = T^}Y = T*. Furthermore, p is a homogeneous ideal with respect to the gradation on K[X0)... ,XP,F], given by wt(Z0) = mo, • • •, wt(Xp) = mp, wt(Y) = n. Let 4 := K[XQ> ...,XP) Y)/p denote the coordinate ring of C. With the assumption ch(K) = 0, in Chapter 1 we have derived an explicit formula for μ(DerK(A)), the minimal number of generators for the A-module DerK(A), the derivation module of A. Furthermore, since type(A) = μ(DerK(A)) — 1 and the last Betti number of A is equal to type(A), we therefore obtain an explicit formula for the last Betti number of A as well A minimal set of binomial generatorsG for the ideal p had been explicitly constructed by PatiL In Chapter 2, we show that the set G is a Grobner basis with respect to grevlex monomial ordering on K[X0)..., Xp, Y]. As an application of this observation, in Chapter 3 we obtain an explicit minimal free resolution for affine monomial curves in A4K defined by four coprime positive integers mo,.. m3, which form a minimal arithmetic progression. (Please refer the pdf file forformulas)

Divisors on graphs, binomial and monomial ideals, and cellular resolutions

Shokrieh, Farbod 27 August 2014 (has links)
We study various binomial and monomial ideals arising in the theory of divisors, orientations, and matroids on graphs. We use ideas from potential theory on graphs and from the theory of Delaunay decompositions for lattices to describe their minimal polyhedral cellular free resolutions. We show that the resolutions of all these ideals are closely related and that their Z-graded Betti tables coincide. As corollaries, we give conceptual proofs of conjectures and questions posed by Postnikov and Shapiro, by Manjunath and Sturmfels, and by Perkinson, Perlman, and Wilmes. Various other results related to the theory of chip-firing games on graphs also follow from our general techniques and results.

Résolutions et Régularité de Castelnuovo-Mumford / Resolutions and Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity

Yazdan Pour, Ali Akbar 28 October 2012 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse est l'étude d'idéaux monomiaux de l'anneau de polynômes S qui ont une résolution linéaire. D'après un résultat remarquable de Bayer et Stilman et en utilisant la polarisation, la classification des idéaux monomiaux ayant une résolution linéaire est équivalente à la classification des idéaux monomiaux libres de carrés ayant une résolution linéaire. Pour cette raison dans cette thèse nous considérons seulement le cas d'idéaux monomiaux libres de carrés. De plus, le théorème de Eagon-Reiner établit une dualité entre les idéaux monomiaux libres de carrés ayant une résolution linéaire et les idéaux monomiaux libres de carrés Cohen-Macaulay, ce qui montre que le problème de classification des idéaux monomiaux libres de carrés ayant une résolution linéaire est très difficile. Nous rappelons que les idéaux monomiaux libres de carrés sont en correspondance biunivoque avec les complexes simpliciaux d'une part, et d'autre part avec les clutters. Ces correspondances nous motivent pour utiliser les propriétés combinatoires des complexes simpliciaux et des clutters pour obtenir des résultats algébriques. La classification des idéaux monomiaux libres de carrés ayant une résolution linéaire engendrés en degré 2 a été faite par Froberg en 1990. Froberg a observé que l'idéal des circuits d'un graphe G a une résolution 2-linéaire si et seulement si G est un graphe de cordes, i.e. il n'a pas de cycles minimaux de longueur plus grande que 4. Dans [Em, ThVt, VtV, W] les auteurs ont partiellement généralisé les résultats de Froberg à des idéaux engendrés en degré >2. Ils ont introduit plusieurs définitions de clutters de cordes et démontré que les idéaux de circuits correspondant ont une résolution linéaire. Nous pouvons voir les cycles du point de vue topologique, comme la triangulation d'une courbe fermée, dans cette thèse nous utiliserons cette idée pour étudier des clutters associés à des triangulation de pseudo-manifolds en vue d'obtenir une généralisation partielle des résultats de Froberg à des idéaux engendrés en degré >2. Nous comparons notre travail à ceux de [Em, ThVt, VtV, W]. Nous présentons nos résultats dans le chapitres 4 et 5. / In this thesis, we study square-free monomial ideals of the polynomial ring S which have a linear resolution. By remarkable result of Bayer and Stilman [BS] and the technique of polarization, classification of ideals with linear resolution is equivalent to classification of square-free monomial ideals with linear resolution. For this reason, we consider only square-free monomial ideals in S. However, classification of square-free monomial ideals with linear resolution seems to be so difficult because by Eagon-Reiner Theorem [ER], this is equivalent to classification of Cohen-Macaulay ideals. It is worth to note that, square-free monomial ideals in S are in one-to-one correspondence to Stanley-Reisener ideals of simplicial complexes on one hand and the circuit ideal of clutters from another hand. This correspondence motivated mathematicians to use the combinatorial and geometrical properties of these objects in order to get the desired algebraic results. Classification of square-free monomial ideals with 2-linear resolution, was successfully done by Froberg [Fr] in 1990. Froberg observed that the circuit ideal of a graph G has a 2-linear resolution if and only if G is chordal, that is, G does not have an induced cycle of length > 3. In [Em, ThVt, VtV, W] the authors have partially generalized the Fr¨oberg's theorem for degree greater than 2. They have introduced several definitions of chordal clutters and proved that, their corresponding circuit ideals have linear resolutions. Viewing cycles as geometrical objects (triangulation of closed curves), in this thesis we try to generalize the concept of cycles to triangulation of pseudo-manifolds and get a partial generalization of Froberg's theorem for higher dimensional hypergraphs. All the results in Chapters 4 and 5 and some results in Chapter 3 are devoted to be the original results.

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