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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Long Road Ahead: Understanding Road-related Threats to Reptiles and Testing if Current Mitigation Measures are Effective at Minimizing Impacts

Baxter-Gilbert, James H 17 March 2014 (has links)
Reptile populations are suffering substantial global losses and roads are identified as one of the leading threats to their persistence. Currently, efforts to mitigate this threat are being implemented with various levels of success. I studied the effectiveness of exclusion structures (i.e., fencing) at preventing reptiles from gaining access to the road, and reducing road mortality. I also examined if population connectivity structures (i.e., ecopassages) were effective at reducing habitat and population fragmentation and allowing individuals to access habitats, resources, and mates on both sides of a major road (4 lane highway). I found that the fence was ineffective at preventing reptiles from gaining access to the road; however, reptiles were observed using the ecopassages to cross the road. Behavioural trials testing painted turtles’ (Chrysemys picta) willingness to use an ecopassage demonstrated that refusal was twice more likely than use of an ecopassage. I also examined the potential for roads to pose a physiological threat to roadside populations of reptiles by examining corticosterone (CORT), a stress hormone linked to negative health effects in cases of elevated levels over the long-term. To assess if individuals living near a major road had higher CORT levels than individuals from a less impacted population, I developed a novel means of measuring CORT from painted turtle claws in partnership with Dr. Gabriela Mastromonaco (Toronto Zoo). With long-term CORT levels considered as a proxy for chronic physiological stress, I did not find evidence that populations near roads had altered stress levels. However, this seminal study will provide the framework for further examination of more species, including species-at-risk, and a better understanding of effects of anthropogenic environments on wildlife health. As road ecologists strive to expand our understanding of the threats roads pose to reptiles, it is important that this field spans multiple disciplines, so that we can both understand the direct and indirect threats that roads cause and develop effective mitigation that preserves biodiversity within our anthropogenic landscape.

Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Forced Dispersion Modeling of LNG Vapor Clouds

Kim, Byung-Kyu 16 December 2013 (has links)
The safety and security of liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities has prompted the need for continued study of LNG mitigation systems. Water spray systems are widely recognized as an effective measure for dispersing LNG vapor clouds. Currently, there are no engineering guidelines available for water curtain applications in the LNG industry due to a lack of understanding of the complex interactions between the LNG vapor cloud and water droplets. This research applies computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling to investigate the forced dispersion of LNG vapor using upward-oriented full-cone spray nozzles. A Eulerian-Lagrangian approach was applied to simulate the energy and momentum exchange between the continuous (gas flow) and discrete (droplets) phases. Discussed are the physical parameters that are essential inputs to the CFD simulation of the water spray-LNG system. The experimental data collected from the Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center’s outdoor LNG spill work in March 2009 at the Brayton Fire Training Field were used to calibrate the physical parameters. The physical mechanisms of the water spray application were investigated using LNG forced dispersion modeling. The effects of momentum imparting from the droplets to the air- vapor mixture, thermal transfer between the two phases (droplet/vapor) and effects of various levels of air entrainment rates on the behavior of the LNG vapors are evaluated. Lastly, the key parametric dependences of the design elements for an effective water curtain system are investigated. The effects of different droplet sizes, droplet temperatures, nozzle cone angles, and installation configurations of water spray applications on LNG vapor behavior are analyzed. This work aims to investigate the complex interaction of the water droplet-LNG vapor system, which will serve in developing guidelines and establishing engineering criteria for a site-specific LNG mitigation system. Finally, the potentials of applying CFD modeling in providing guidance for setting up the design criteria for an effective forced mitigation system as an integrated safety element for LNG facilities are discussed.

Hodnocení fragmentace krajiny ve vztahu k dálkovým migracím / Assessment of landscape fragmentation in relation to long-distance migration

Šťovíčková, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the fragmentation of the landscape as a result of highway infrastructure and human settlement. The aim is to analyze the current level of fragmentation and permeability of the landscape for large mammals in the region of Moravska Brana, which is a significant migration area between the West Carpathian and Hercynian sub-provinces. The results confirm the increased degree of fragmentation in this area due to the accumulation of several line barriers from the Northeast to the Southwest, and it particularly shows the negative impact of Highway D1. By comparing the degree of fragmentation with supra- regional corridors, this thesis evaluates the Territorial system of ecological stability (TSES) and the habitat model of large carnivores. This thesis shows that the current migration corridors provide only a fragmented landscape with unsuitable habitat. While making a comprehensive analysis of the permeability of the D1 motorway, the effectiveness of the migration corridor between Klimkovice and Dolni Ujezd was evaluated with an emphasis on monitoring the ecoduct of Suchdol nad Odrou, which is used primarily by medium-sized mammals. The results show that large mammals in this area have found the most appropriate migration corridor a long elevated road through the river valleys. Key...

Prostupnost krajiny v kontextu její fragmentace dopravní infrastrukturou a sub/urbánní výstavbou / Landscape permeability in context of it's fragmentation by traffic and suburbanization

Štambergová, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
Landscape permeability is currently significantly decreasing mainly due to anthropogenic barriers - transportation infrastructure and sub/urban development. The construction of these barriers has various environmental impacts on animals that differ among taxa. Ensuring a certain degree of permeability of the landscape is crucial for the survival of many species of organisms. Effective tools for the planning protection and restoration of the permeability of the landscape are series of models, whose theoretical framework and practical use are described in this thesis. The practical part deals with the modeling of changes in landscape permeability in the southern hinterlands of Prague. The effectiveness of the implemeted mitigation measures is also evaluated. Keywords: landscape fragmentation, landscape permeability, ecoducts, mitigation measures, suburbanization

Avaliação de impactos ambientais de rodovias: análise de projetos de ampliação da capacidade rodoviária e proposição de diretrizes para o licenciamento ambiental

Roman, Maína January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a avaliação de impactos ambientais de empreendimentos rodoviários, no âmbito do licenciamento ambiental. As obras rodoviárias geram numerosos impactos ambientais e atualmente ainda existem falhas na gestão ambiental destes projetos, desde a pequena dimensão dada aos aspectos ambientais ainda na fase de planejamento da obra, perpassando por falhas nos estudos ambientais, dificuldades na previsão dos impactos e dimensionamento das medidas preventivas e mitigadoras, pelas rotinas controversas dos processos de licenciamento até o acompanhamento ambiental deficiente. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho visa propor diretrizes e procedimentos para o licenciamento ambiental de rodovias, tendo como base a análise de diferentes projetos rodoviários em licenciamento ambiental federal, localizados no Sul do país. Foram analisados os empreendimentos rodoviários BR 285 (Timbé do Sul/SC – São José dos Ausentes/RS) e BR 386 (Tabaí/RS – Estrela/RS), por meio de pesquisa qualitativa, com revisão teórica e documental. Ao final da análise foram apresentadas propostas de medidas preventivas e mitigadoras sistematizadas às etapas de instalação e operação de empreendimentos rodoviários, além dos estudos ambientais necessários ao licenciamento ambiental, de acordo com as tipologias pavimentação, implantação e duplicação de rodovias. Foram elaborados roteiros orientativos para o licenciamento de obras de apoio e para a escolha dos Programas Ambientais mais adequados às diferentes fases do projeto e diferentes tipologias de obras rodoviárias. Concluiu-se o trabalho com diretrizes básicas para os processos de licenciamento ambiental e de avaliação de impactos ambientais de rodovias. Para o processo de licenciamento: tramitação eletrônica do processo de licenciamento; licenciamento trifásico com possibilidade de fusão em duas ou uma etapa; criação de padrões para o estabelecimento de condicionantes para as licenças; participação popular em outros momentos do processo, além das audiências públicas; divulgação de impactos positivos e boas práticas adotadas; consulta aos órgãos intervenientes na fase de planejamento; exigência de manutenção de equipe de supervisão ambiental durante toda a fase de obras. Para a avaliação de impactos ambientais: criação de banco de dados nacional compartilhado com informações ambientais de empreendimentos já licenciados; elaboração de um manual de avaliação de impacto ambiental, com regras claras para a elaboração dos estudos ambientais; elaboração de manuais técnicos para temas relacionados ao licenciamento, passíveis de padronização de técnicas e metodologias; criação de roteiro metodológico com critérios para avaliação dos estudos pelos analistas ambientais; limitação do diagnóstico às variáveis ambientais com possibilidade de interagirem com o empreendimento e obrigatoriedade de um Programa de Controle Ambiental para execução durante a paralisação de obras. / This study discusses the environmental impact assessment of highways projects in the context of project licensing. Constructing highways create many environmental impacts and, nowadays, there are still flaws in environmental management of these projects, including the little importance given to environmental aspects in project planning, low quality of environmental impact statements, difficulties in impact prediction and mitigation design, common shortfalls in the project licensing process and, lastly, deficient environmental monitoring. In this context, this study aims to propose guidelines and procedures to improve the project licensing process, based on the analysis of different highways projects under government permitting process, located in southern Brazil. The following highways projects were selected: BR 285 (Timbé do Sul/SC – São José dos Ausentes/RS) and BR 386 (Tabaí/RS – Estrela/RS). The study was based on qualitative research with theoretical and documentary review. At the end of analysis, the proposals were focused on preventive and mitigating measures, considering installation and operation stages of highways projects, in addition to the main issues and statements to be considered in the licensing process, according to the different types of highways projects: paving, implementation and duplication. Some guidelines for the support project licensing were presented, as well as guidelines for the most appropriate environmental programs to be applied along different stages of the projects and to different types of highways projects. The study was completed with basic guidelines for environmental impact assessment and for project licensing of highways projects. Suggestions for project licensing: electronic processing, licensing processes in three phases with possibility of fusing into two or one, creation of standards for constraints imposed in the environmental permit, popular participation in all stages of the process, dissemination of positive impacts and best practices adopted, discussion with government agencies in highway planning moment, mandatory requirement of environmental supervision team throughout the construction phase. Suggestions for environmental impact assessment: creation of a national and shared database with environmental information from already licensed projects, development of environmental impact assessment guideline, with clear rules for the preparation of environmental impact statements, preparation of manuals on issues related to licensing with the possibility of standardization of methodologies and techniques, creation of methodological script with criteria for evaluation of studies by staff members at government agencies in charge of the licensing process, scoping on issues associated with the project (that truly matter), and mandatory requirement of a control program to run during the stoppage of works.

Kvalitetsgranskning av skadeförebyggande åtgärdsförslag i miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar

Westerström, Ylva January 2011 (has links)
I en miljökonsekvensbeskrivning, MKB ska en beskrivning av planerade åtgärder ges för att undvika, minska eller avhjälpa skadliga verkningar, då projektet antas medföra betydande miljöpåverkan. Eftersom det upptäckts allvarliga brister för skadeförebyggande åtgärder i forskningsrapporter utomlands, var det intressant att undersöka åtgärdskvalitén i några svenska MKB. Svagheter och styrkor i skadeförebyggande åtgärder i 6st MKB för 2st markkabelanläggningar i Sverige undersöktes. Metoden för undersökningen var två fallstudier som jämfördes mot varandra och analyserades mot teorier. Resultatet visade att kvalitén på det undersökta materialet var övervägande bra, jämförelsevis mot de forskningsrapporter som visat på bristfälliga åtgärdsförslag utomlands. Det var väl beskrivna åtgärder där identifiering och implementering av skadeförebyggande åtgärder skedde i ett tidigt skede, enligt Mitchells åtgärdshierarki. Det fanns dock brister som stämde överens mot nämnda forskningsrapporter i uppsatsen: Otydlighet i beskrivningen om hur en särskild miljöaspekt skulle åtgärdas samt avsaknad av åtgärder för denna specifika miljöaspekt, var en stor avvikelse mot de annars välbeskrivna åtgärdsförslagen mot betydande miljöpåverkan i föreliggande undersökning. Otydlighet om åtgärderna bara var förslag eller om de skulle användas, var den brist som ansågs allvarligast för att en MKB skulle vara verkningsfull. Denna allvarliga brist var gemensam för miljökonsekvensbeskrivningarna i föreliggande undersökning och för nämnda forskningsrapporter i uppsatsen. / In an environmental impact assessment, EIA there must be a description of planned measures to avoid, minimize and repair consequences that are damaging, when a project is presumed to bring significant environmental impact. Since detecting serious lack of failure for mitigation measures in science rapports abroad, it was interesting to investigate the quality for mitigation measures for some Swedish EIA. The weakness and strengths in mitigation measures in 6 EIA for 2 ground cable structure in Sweden was examined. The method for this study was two case studies that was compared against each other and analysed with theories. The results showed that the quality of the test material was considered good, comparatively to the research that demonstrated the lack of proposals for action abroad. It was well described measures in which the identification and implementation of mitigation measures were made at an early stage, according to Mitchell's mitigation hierarchy. However, there were deficiencies that were consistent with the mentioned research in this paper: Opaque in the description of how a particular environmental aspect would be addressed and the lack of action for this particular environmental aspect, was a major deviation from the otherwise well described action proposals for significant environmental effects in this study. Opaque if the measures were just proposals or if they would be used, where the shortage was most serious for an EIA would be effective. This serious deficiency was common for the environmental impact assessments in the present study and that research reports in the paper.

Avaliação de impactos ambientais de rodovias: análise de projetos de ampliação da capacidade rodoviária e proposição de diretrizes para o licenciamento ambiental

Roman, Maína January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a avaliação de impactos ambientais de empreendimentos rodoviários, no âmbito do licenciamento ambiental. As obras rodoviárias geram numerosos impactos ambientais e atualmente ainda existem falhas na gestão ambiental destes projetos, desde a pequena dimensão dada aos aspectos ambientais ainda na fase de planejamento da obra, perpassando por falhas nos estudos ambientais, dificuldades na previsão dos impactos e dimensionamento das medidas preventivas e mitigadoras, pelas rotinas controversas dos processos de licenciamento até o acompanhamento ambiental deficiente. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho visa propor diretrizes e procedimentos para o licenciamento ambiental de rodovias, tendo como base a análise de diferentes projetos rodoviários em licenciamento ambiental federal, localizados no Sul do país. Foram analisados os empreendimentos rodoviários BR 285 (Timbé do Sul/SC – São José dos Ausentes/RS) e BR 386 (Tabaí/RS – Estrela/RS), por meio de pesquisa qualitativa, com revisão teórica e documental. Ao final da análise foram apresentadas propostas de medidas preventivas e mitigadoras sistematizadas às etapas de instalação e operação de empreendimentos rodoviários, além dos estudos ambientais necessários ao licenciamento ambiental, de acordo com as tipologias pavimentação, implantação e duplicação de rodovias. Foram elaborados roteiros orientativos para o licenciamento de obras de apoio e para a escolha dos Programas Ambientais mais adequados às diferentes fases do projeto e diferentes tipologias de obras rodoviárias. Concluiu-se o trabalho com diretrizes básicas para os processos de licenciamento ambiental e de avaliação de impactos ambientais de rodovias. Para o processo de licenciamento: tramitação eletrônica do processo de licenciamento; licenciamento trifásico com possibilidade de fusão em duas ou uma etapa; criação de padrões para o estabelecimento de condicionantes para as licenças; participação popular em outros momentos do processo, além das audiências públicas; divulgação de impactos positivos e boas práticas adotadas; consulta aos órgãos intervenientes na fase de planejamento; exigência de manutenção de equipe de supervisão ambiental durante toda a fase de obras. Para a avaliação de impactos ambientais: criação de banco de dados nacional compartilhado com informações ambientais de empreendimentos já licenciados; elaboração de um manual de avaliação de impacto ambiental, com regras claras para a elaboração dos estudos ambientais; elaboração de manuais técnicos para temas relacionados ao licenciamento, passíveis de padronização de técnicas e metodologias; criação de roteiro metodológico com critérios para avaliação dos estudos pelos analistas ambientais; limitação do diagnóstico às variáveis ambientais com possibilidade de interagirem com o empreendimento e obrigatoriedade de um Programa de Controle Ambiental para execução durante a paralisação de obras. / This study discusses the environmental impact assessment of highways projects in the context of project licensing. Constructing highways create many environmental impacts and, nowadays, there are still flaws in environmental management of these projects, including the little importance given to environmental aspects in project planning, low quality of environmental impact statements, difficulties in impact prediction and mitigation design, common shortfalls in the project licensing process and, lastly, deficient environmental monitoring. In this context, this study aims to propose guidelines and procedures to improve the project licensing process, based on the analysis of different highways projects under government permitting process, located in southern Brazil. The following highways projects were selected: BR 285 (Timbé do Sul/SC – São José dos Ausentes/RS) and BR 386 (Tabaí/RS – Estrela/RS). The study was based on qualitative research with theoretical and documentary review. At the end of analysis, the proposals were focused on preventive and mitigating measures, considering installation and operation stages of highways projects, in addition to the main issues and statements to be considered in the licensing process, according to the different types of highways projects: paving, implementation and duplication. Some guidelines for the support project licensing were presented, as well as guidelines for the most appropriate environmental programs to be applied along different stages of the projects and to different types of highways projects. The study was completed with basic guidelines for environmental impact assessment and for project licensing of highways projects. Suggestions for project licensing: electronic processing, licensing processes in three phases with possibility of fusing into two or one, creation of standards for constraints imposed in the environmental permit, popular participation in all stages of the process, dissemination of positive impacts and best practices adopted, discussion with government agencies in highway planning moment, mandatory requirement of environmental supervision team throughout the construction phase. Suggestions for environmental impact assessment: creation of a national and shared database with environmental information from already licensed projects, development of environmental impact assessment guideline, with clear rules for the preparation of environmental impact statements, preparation of manuals on issues related to licensing with the possibility of standardization of methodologies and techniques, creation of methodological script with criteria for evaluation of studies by staff members at government agencies in charge of the licensing process, scoping on issues associated with the project (that truly matter), and mandatory requirement of a control program to run during the stoppage of works.

Avaliação de impactos ambientais de rodovias: análise de projetos de ampliação da capacidade rodoviária e proposição de diretrizes para o licenciamento ambiental

Roman, Maína January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a avaliação de impactos ambientais de empreendimentos rodoviários, no âmbito do licenciamento ambiental. As obras rodoviárias geram numerosos impactos ambientais e atualmente ainda existem falhas na gestão ambiental destes projetos, desde a pequena dimensão dada aos aspectos ambientais ainda na fase de planejamento da obra, perpassando por falhas nos estudos ambientais, dificuldades na previsão dos impactos e dimensionamento das medidas preventivas e mitigadoras, pelas rotinas controversas dos processos de licenciamento até o acompanhamento ambiental deficiente. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho visa propor diretrizes e procedimentos para o licenciamento ambiental de rodovias, tendo como base a análise de diferentes projetos rodoviários em licenciamento ambiental federal, localizados no Sul do país. Foram analisados os empreendimentos rodoviários BR 285 (Timbé do Sul/SC – São José dos Ausentes/RS) e BR 386 (Tabaí/RS – Estrela/RS), por meio de pesquisa qualitativa, com revisão teórica e documental. Ao final da análise foram apresentadas propostas de medidas preventivas e mitigadoras sistematizadas às etapas de instalação e operação de empreendimentos rodoviários, além dos estudos ambientais necessários ao licenciamento ambiental, de acordo com as tipologias pavimentação, implantação e duplicação de rodovias. Foram elaborados roteiros orientativos para o licenciamento de obras de apoio e para a escolha dos Programas Ambientais mais adequados às diferentes fases do projeto e diferentes tipologias de obras rodoviárias. Concluiu-se o trabalho com diretrizes básicas para os processos de licenciamento ambiental e de avaliação de impactos ambientais de rodovias. Para o processo de licenciamento: tramitação eletrônica do processo de licenciamento; licenciamento trifásico com possibilidade de fusão em duas ou uma etapa; criação de padrões para o estabelecimento de condicionantes para as licenças; participação popular em outros momentos do processo, além das audiências públicas; divulgação de impactos positivos e boas práticas adotadas; consulta aos órgãos intervenientes na fase de planejamento; exigência de manutenção de equipe de supervisão ambiental durante toda a fase de obras. Para a avaliação de impactos ambientais: criação de banco de dados nacional compartilhado com informações ambientais de empreendimentos já licenciados; elaboração de um manual de avaliação de impacto ambiental, com regras claras para a elaboração dos estudos ambientais; elaboração de manuais técnicos para temas relacionados ao licenciamento, passíveis de padronização de técnicas e metodologias; criação de roteiro metodológico com critérios para avaliação dos estudos pelos analistas ambientais; limitação do diagnóstico às variáveis ambientais com possibilidade de interagirem com o empreendimento e obrigatoriedade de um Programa de Controle Ambiental para execução durante a paralisação de obras. / This study discusses the environmental impact assessment of highways projects in the context of project licensing. Constructing highways create many environmental impacts and, nowadays, there are still flaws in environmental management of these projects, including the little importance given to environmental aspects in project planning, low quality of environmental impact statements, difficulties in impact prediction and mitigation design, common shortfalls in the project licensing process and, lastly, deficient environmental monitoring. In this context, this study aims to propose guidelines and procedures to improve the project licensing process, based on the analysis of different highways projects under government permitting process, located in southern Brazil. The following highways projects were selected: BR 285 (Timbé do Sul/SC – São José dos Ausentes/RS) and BR 386 (Tabaí/RS – Estrela/RS). The study was based on qualitative research with theoretical and documentary review. At the end of analysis, the proposals were focused on preventive and mitigating measures, considering installation and operation stages of highways projects, in addition to the main issues and statements to be considered in the licensing process, according to the different types of highways projects: paving, implementation and duplication. Some guidelines for the support project licensing were presented, as well as guidelines for the most appropriate environmental programs to be applied along different stages of the projects and to different types of highways projects. The study was completed with basic guidelines for environmental impact assessment and for project licensing of highways projects. Suggestions for project licensing: electronic processing, licensing processes in three phases with possibility of fusing into two or one, creation of standards for constraints imposed in the environmental permit, popular participation in all stages of the process, dissemination of positive impacts and best practices adopted, discussion with government agencies in highway planning moment, mandatory requirement of environmental supervision team throughout the construction phase. Suggestions for environmental impact assessment: creation of a national and shared database with environmental information from already licensed projects, development of environmental impact assessment guideline, with clear rules for the preparation of environmental impact statements, preparation of manuals on issues related to licensing with the possibility of standardization of methodologies and techniques, creation of methodological script with criteria for evaluation of studies by staff members at government agencies in charge of the licensing process, scoping on issues associated with the project (that truly matter), and mandatory requirement of a control program to run during the stoppage of works.


Noal, Tatiana Nardon 06 July 2012 (has links)
The society lives in dynamic pursuit of improved quality of life. The need for the supply of electricity, in increasing amounts, boosts the pressure over the environment. Thus, procedures as the environmental licensing, the environmental impact study have their importance and necessity recognized, especially in ensuring entrepreneurial actions that respect the principles of sustainability. This study aimed to identify problems in the effectiveness of mitigation measures of Dona Francisca Hydroelectric plant collaborating to methodological improvement of the planning process and environmental licensing in hydroelectric projects, aiming to better legislation compliance. This work is characterized as a case study, consisting of extensive research, drawing on multiple sources of evidence. The case choice for Dona Francisca Hydroelectric Plant was taken due to the development being located near the city of Santa Maria, with greater accessibility, facilitating the planning and execution of research activities. Data collection was performed in 4 phases; the first phase was characterized as exploratory, through literature review, followed by diagnosis and problem identification through obtained data, and on-site visit in the surroundings of Dona Francisca HPP and Conservation Unit. In the third phase, we performed a planning study setting, where ideas were structured according to the proposed goals, and finally in the fourth phase an assessment of the briefings was done. Based on the Basic Environmental Project were analyzed 5 programs relating to the physical environment, 7 programs related to the biotic environment and 4 programs for the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of the population. After the analysis it was concluded that even with some adjustments, all environmental programs produced were implanted. The identified deficiencies were in meeting deadlines, deficiencies in technical projects, superficial presentation and data exploration, besides the bureaucracy generated during the process. The importance of increased support from the government is revealed, faced with environmental projects, either in improving operationalizator institutions and supervisory bodies of environmental issues or investing in environmental studies, with the goal of forming an independent database, as well as in creating less bureaucratic procedures in order to facilitate the work of everyone involved in the licensing process. It is recommended the standardization and creation of document templates and procedures as a viable alternative to improve the licensing processes, and the use of multicriteria methodologies for carrying out the Environmental Impact Assessment. / A sociedade vive em dinâmica busca pela melhoria na qualidade de vida. A necessidade do abastecimento de energia elétrica, em quantidades cada vez maiores, impulsiona a pressão sobre o meio ambiente. Assim, procedimentos como o licenciamento ambiental, o estudo de impacto ambiental tem sua importância e necessidade reconhecida, especialmente na garantia de ações empreendedoras que respeitem os princípios de sustentabilidade. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar os problemas na efetivação das medidas mitigadoras da Usina Hidrelétrica Dona Francisca colaborando para o aperfeiçoamento metodológico do processo de planejamento e licenciamento ambiental em projetos hidrelétricos, visando o melhor cumprimento às legislações pertinentes. Este trabalho caracteriza-se como um estudo de caso, consistindo em uma pesquisa abrangente, valendo-se de múltiplas fontes de evidência. A escolha do Caso da Usina Hidrelétrica Dona Francisca deu-se em função do empreendimento localizar-se próximo ao Município de Santa Maria, apresentando maior acessibilidade, facilitando o planejamento e execução das atividades de pesquisa. A coleta de dados foi executada em 4 fases, a primeira foi caracterizada como fase exploratória, através da revisão bibliográfica, seguida pelo diagnóstico, e identificação do problema através de dados obtidos, além de visita in loco no entorno da UHE Dona Francisca e na Unidade de Conservação. Na terceira fase, foi realizada a configuração do planejamento do estudo, onde foram estruturadas as idéias de acordo com os objetivos propostos e, por fim na quarta fase foi realizada uma avaliação das informações apuradas. Com base no Projeto Básico Ambiental, foram analisados 5 programas referentes ao meio físico, 7 programas referentes ao meio biótico e 4 programas referentes as condições socioeconômicas e culturais da população. Após a análise concluiu-se que mesmo com algumas adaptações, todos os programas ambientais elaborados foram implantados. As deficiências identificadas foram quanto ao cumprimento de prazos, deficiências em projetos técnicos, apresentação e exploração superficial de dados, além da burocracia gerada no decorrer do processo. Revela-se a importância de um maior apoio por parte do governo, frente a projetos ambientais, seja na melhoria das instituições operacionalizadoras e fiscalizadoras das questões ambientais ou no investimento em estudos ambientais, com objetivo de formar um banco de dados independente, assim como na criação de procedimentos menos burocráticos com vistas a facilitar a atuação de todos envolvidos nos processos de licenciamento. Recomenda-se a uniformização e criação de modelos de documentos e procedimentos como uma alternativa viável para melhoria nos processos de licenciamento, bem como a utilização de metodologias multicritério para a realização da Avaliação de Impactos Ambientais.

Study on Mitigation Measures against Debris Flow Disasters with Driftwood / 流木を伴う土石流災害の軽減対策に関する研究 / リュウボク オ トモナウ ドセキリュウ サイガイ ノ ケイゲン タイサク ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

SHRESTHA, Badri Bhakta 24 September 2009 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第14913号 / 工博第3140号 / 新制||工||1471(附属図書館) / 27351 / UT51-2009-M827 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 / (主査)教授 中川 一, 教授 関口 秀雄, 教授 藤田 正治 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

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