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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In search of an appropriate leadership ethos : a survey of selected publications that shaped the Black Theology movement

Ndalamba, Ken Kalala January 2010 (has links)
<p>The understanding and practice of leadership in Sub-Saharan Africa, in all spheres, is at the heart beat of this work. Questions and concerns over the quality of leadership in most countries in this particular region are reasons which have led to revisit and investigate the formative training of the current cohort of African leadership with a special focus on the ethical aspect of leadership. It is an assumption, in this thesis, that the contemporary cohort of African leadership received their formative training especially in the 1960s and 1970s and that they were deeply influenced by the black consciousness movement and, in association with that, by the emergence of black theology. In this respect, this research project explores the notions of ethics and leadership with a view to determine ways in which an appropriate leadership ethos was portrayed and articulated in the writings of selected exponents of the black theology movement, namely ML King (Jr), Desmond Tutu and Allan Boesak. The purpose of this work is therefore mainly descriptive: to map discourse on a leadership ethos in the context especially of black theology.</p>

Spectroscopie Laser avec des cavités résonantes de haute finesse couplées à un peigne de fréquences : ML-CEAS et vernier effet techniques. Applications à la mesure in situ de molécules réactives dans les domaines UV et visible.

Abd alrahman, Chadi 25 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La communauté de la chimie atmosphérique souffre d'un manque de mesures rapides, fiables résolues spatialement et temporellement pour un large éventail de molécules réactives (radicaux tels que NO2, OH, BrO, IO, etc). En raison de leur forte réactivité, ces molécules contrôlent largement la durée de vie et la concentration de nombreuses espèces clés dans l'atmosphère, et peuvent avoir un impact important sur le climat. Les concentrations de ces radicaux sont extrêmement faibles (ppbv ou moins) et très variable dans le temps et dans l'espace, ce qui impose un véritable défi lors de la détection. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, un spectromètre UV robuste, compacte et transportable est développé, exploitant la technique ML-CEAS pour mesurer à des niveaux très faibles (pptv et même en dessous) des molécules réactives d'importance atmosphérique, en particulier, les radicaux d'oxyde d'halogènes, afin de répondre aux besoins émergents. La technique ML-CEAS est basée sur le couplage d'un laser femtoseconde à blocage de modes à une cavité optique de haute finesse, qui agit comme un piège à photons pour augmenter l'interaction entre la lumière et l'échantillon de gaz intracavité. Cela permet d'améliorer fortement la sensibilité d'absorption. La limite de détection obtenue pour le radical IO est de 20 ppqv pour un temps d'acquisition de 5 minutes, ce qui est un résultat impressionnant. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, une nouvelle technique spectroscopique est développée appelée effet Vernier, qui est également basé sur l'interaction entre un laser femtoseconde à blocage de mode et une cavité optique de haute finesse. Cette technique fournit une sensibilité de détection similaire à la technique ML-CEAS, mais l'avantage est que le nombre des éléments spectraux est donné par la finesse de la cavité optique et donc peut atteindre plusieurs dizaines de milliers. De plus, cette configuration simplifie le montage expérimental par la suppression du spectrographe qui est remplacé par une simple photodiode. Le temps d'acquisition d'un spectre peut être aussi réduit à moins d' 1 ms.

Génération automatique de tests à partir de modèles SysML pour la validation fonctionnelle de systèmes embarqués

Lasalle, Jonathan 29 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire proposent une méthode originale de génération automatique de tests à partir de modèles SysML pour la validation de systèmes embarqués. Un sous-ensemble du langage SysML (appelé SysML4MBT) regroupant les éléments de modélisation pris en compte dans notre approche a été défini et une stratégie de génération de tests dédiée (intitulée ComCover) a été créée. Cette stratégie, basée sur les principes du critère de couverture de modèles bien connu Def-Use, s'intéresse à la couverture des communications (envois / réceptions) au sein du système et entre le système et son environnement.La mise en œuvre opérationnelle d'un prototype, basé sur un générateur de tests à partir de modèle UML, a nécessité la définition de règles de réécriture permettant la transformation du modèle SysML4MBT vers le format d'entrée natif du générateur de tests tout en conservant l'expressivité de SysML4MBT. Finalement, les étapes de concrétisation des tests en scripts exécutables et l'établissement automatique du verdict lors de l'exécution sur banc de test définis durant le projet VETESS permettent l'établissement d'une chaîne outillée opérationnelle de génération et d'exécution automatique de tests à partir de spécifications SysML. Cette chaîne outillée a été étrennée sur plusieurs cas d'étude automobile tels que l'éclairage avant, les essuie-glaces ou la colonne de direction de véhicule. Sur ce dernier exemple, nous avons eu l'opportunité d'exécuter les tests sur un banc de test physique. Ces cas d'étude ont permis de valider chacune des étapes de l'approche proposée.

Αποκωδικοποιητής μέγιστης πιθανοφάνειας για κώδικες LDPC και υλοποίηση σε FPGA

Μέρμιγκας, Παναγιώτης 07 June 2013 (has links)
Στο πρώτο μέρος της παρούσας Διπλωματικής Εργασίας εισάγονται οι βασικές έννοιες της Θεωρίας Κωδικοποίησης και των Τηλεπικοινωνιακών Συστημάτων. Για τη διόρθωση λαθών στην περίπτωση της μετάδοσης μέσω ενός θορυβώδους καναλιού εφαρμόζεται κωδικοποίηση καναλιού με Γραμμικούς Μπλοκ Κώδικες, και πιο συγκεκριμένα Κώδικες Χαμηλής Πυκνότητας Ελέγχου Ισοτιμίας (Low-Density Parity-Check Codes, LDPC). Ορίζεται η μαθηματική περιγραφή των κωδίκων αυτών και διατυπώνονται σχετικοί ορισμοί και θεωρήματα. Επίσης, διατυπώνεται το κριτήριο Μέγιστης Πιθανοφάνειας, στο οποίο βασίζεται η ανάπτυξη του αντίστοιχου αποκωδικοποιητή. Το δεύτερο μέρος περιλαμβάνει την εξομοίωση του αποκωδικοποιητή Μέγιστης Πιθανοφάνειας στο λογισμικό και την υλοποίησή του σε FPGA, στις περιπτώσεις όπου χρησιμοποιούνται Soft ή Hard είσοδοι στον αποκωδικοποιητή. Ακόμη, παρουσιάζεται η Αρχιτεκτονική του αποκωδικοποιητή και η Μεθοδολογία Σχεδίασής του. Παρουσιάζονται βελτιώσεις στη σχεδίαση του αποκωδικοποιητή που οδηγούν σε μείωση της απαιτούμενης επιφάνειας στο υλικό. Τα αποτελέσματα που προκύπτουν από τις μετρήσεις των δύο υλοποιήσεων συγκρίνονται με την περίπτωση αποκωδικοποιητή βασισμένο σε επαναλήψεις και εξάγονται τα διαγράμματα ρυθμού σφαλμάτων bit και τα αντίστοιχα συμπεράσματα. / In the first part of this thesis, the basic principles of Coding Theory and Communication Systems are introduced. In order to correct errors in the case of transmission through a noisy channel, channel coding with Linear Block Codes is applied, and more specifically Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes. The mathematical description of such codes is defined and useful definitions and theorems are specified. In addition, the Maximum Likelihood (ML) criterion is specified, on which the development of the relevant decoder is based. The second part consists of the simulation of the ML decoder in software and its hardware implementation on FPGA, in the cases where either Soft or Hard information is used as the decoder's input. Furthermore, the decoder's Architecture and the Design Methodology used are presented. Improvements concerning the implementation of the decoder are introduced, which lead to a reduction in the required area on chip. The experimental results of the two implementations are compared to the case of the iterative decoder and the Bit Error Rate plots are produced, as well as the appropriate conclusions.

User-Based Predictive Caching of Streaming Media / Användarbaserad predektiv cachning av strömmande media

Håkansson, Fredrik, Larsson, Carl-Johan January 2018 (has links)
Streaming media is a growing market all over the world which sets a strict requirement on mobile connectivity. The foundation for a good user experience when supplying a streaming media service on a mobile device is to ensure that the user can access the requested content. Due to the varying availability of mobile connectivity measures has to be taken to remove as much dependency as possible on the quality of the connection. This thesis investigates the use of a Long Short-Term Memory machine learning model for predicting a future geographical location for a mobile device. The predicted location in combination with information about cellular connectivity in the geographical area is used to schedule prefetching of media content in order to improve user experience and to reduce mobile data usage. The Long Short-Term Memory model suggested in this thesis achieves an accuracy of 85.15% averaged over 20000 routes and the predictive caching managed to retain user experience while decreasing the amount of data consumed. / <p>This thesis is written as a joint thesis between two students from different universities. This means the exact same thesis is published at two universities (LiU and KTH) but with different style templates. The other report has identification number: TRITA-EECS-EX-2018:403</p>

Um metamodelo UML para a modelagem de requisitos em projetos de sistemas multiagentes

Guedes, Gilleanes Thorwald Araujo January 2012 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado está inserida dentro do contexto da área de AOSE – Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, uma área surgida recentemente voltada para a engenharia de software de sistemas multi-agentes que mescla conceitos tanto da Inteligência Artificial como da Engenharia de Software. Esta nova área surgiu devido aos novos desafios enfrentados pelos engenheiros de software ao projetar sistemas multi-agentes, uma vez que este tipo de sistema apresenta características que os diferenciam de outros tipos de software, precisamente o fato de possuírem agentes de software, entidades autônomas e pró-ativas que executam funções no sistema, possuidoras de objetivos próprios e capazes de perceber e agir sobre o ambiente que os cerca sem a intervenção de usuários externos. Este trabalho descreve um metamodelo UML desenvolvido para a modelagem de requisitos funcionais específicos para projetos de sistemas multi-agentes. O seu desenvolvimento baseou-se na constatação de que, apesar de já existirem linguagens derivadas da UML para o projeto de sistemas multi-agentes, nenhuma das linguagens estudadas desenvolveu mecanismos para a modelagem dos requisitos deste tipo de software, o que levou-nos a criar um metamodelo UML para este propósito. No decorrer desta tese serão descritas as linguagens estudadas derivadas da UML para ser aplicadas no projeto de sistemas multi-agentes, o metamodelo desenvolvido, sua adaptação aos princípios de projeto de Vicari (2007), três estudos de caso onde o metamodelo foi aplicado, além de uma proposta de mapeamento dos conceitos definidos no metamodelo para os conceitos das linguagens MAS-ML e AML, bem como uma proposta para a validação do metamodelo e dos diagramas criados por meio dele. / This PhD thesis is inserted within the context of the AOSE (Agent-Oriented Software Engineering) area, a recently-emerged field dealing with the software engineering of multi-agent systems which mixes concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering together. This new area emerged from new challenges faced by the software engineers when designing multi-agent systems, since this kind of system presents characteristics that set them apart from other types of software, precisely for including software agents, autonomous and proactive entities that execute functions in the system, owning their own goals and able to perceive and act upon the surrounding environment without the intervention of external users. This work describes a UML metamodel developed for the modeling of the specific functional requirements for multi-agent systems projects. Its development was based on the perception that among the studied UML-derived languages for the multi-agent systems project, none of them had developed mechanisms for requirements modeling on this kind of software, leading us to create a UML metamodel for this purpose. Along this thesis we shall describe the UML-derived languages we studied to be applied in the multi-agent systems project, the developed metamodel, its adaptation to the Vicari (2007) design principles, three case studies on which the metamodel was applied, plus a mapping proposal for the concepts defined in the metamodel into MASML and AML languages concepts, as well as a validation proposal for the metamodel and the diagrams created by means of it.

Um metamodelo UML para a modelagem de requisitos em projetos de sistemas multiagentes

Guedes, Gilleanes Thorwald Araujo January 2012 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado está inserida dentro do contexto da área de AOSE – Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, uma área surgida recentemente voltada para a engenharia de software de sistemas multi-agentes que mescla conceitos tanto da Inteligência Artificial como da Engenharia de Software. Esta nova área surgiu devido aos novos desafios enfrentados pelos engenheiros de software ao projetar sistemas multi-agentes, uma vez que este tipo de sistema apresenta características que os diferenciam de outros tipos de software, precisamente o fato de possuírem agentes de software, entidades autônomas e pró-ativas que executam funções no sistema, possuidoras de objetivos próprios e capazes de perceber e agir sobre o ambiente que os cerca sem a intervenção de usuários externos. Este trabalho descreve um metamodelo UML desenvolvido para a modelagem de requisitos funcionais específicos para projetos de sistemas multi-agentes. O seu desenvolvimento baseou-se na constatação de que, apesar de já existirem linguagens derivadas da UML para o projeto de sistemas multi-agentes, nenhuma das linguagens estudadas desenvolveu mecanismos para a modelagem dos requisitos deste tipo de software, o que levou-nos a criar um metamodelo UML para este propósito. No decorrer desta tese serão descritas as linguagens estudadas derivadas da UML para ser aplicadas no projeto de sistemas multi-agentes, o metamodelo desenvolvido, sua adaptação aos princípios de projeto de Vicari (2007), três estudos de caso onde o metamodelo foi aplicado, além de uma proposta de mapeamento dos conceitos definidos no metamodelo para os conceitos das linguagens MAS-ML e AML, bem como uma proposta para a validação do metamodelo e dos diagramas criados por meio dele. / This PhD thesis is inserted within the context of the AOSE (Agent-Oriented Software Engineering) area, a recently-emerged field dealing with the software engineering of multi-agent systems which mixes concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering together. This new area emerged from new challenges faced by the software engineers when designing multi-agent systems, since this kind of system presents characteristics that set them apart from other types of software, precisely for including software agents, autonomous and proactive entities that execute functions in the system, owning their own goals and able to perceive and act upon the surrounding environment without the intervention of external users. This work describes a UML metamodel developed for the modeling of the specific functional requirements for multi-agent systems projects. Its development was based on the perception that among the studied UML-derived languages for the multi-agent systems project, none of them had developed mechanisms for requirements modeling on this kind of software, leading us to create a UML metamodel for this purpose. Along this thesis we shall describe the UML-derived languages we studied to be applied in the multi-agent systems project, the developed metamodel, its adaptation to the Vicari (2007) design principles, three case studies on which the metamodel was applied, plus a mapping proposal for the concepts defined in the metamodel into MASML and AML languages concepts, as well as a validation proposal for the metamodel and the diagrams created by means of it.

Um metamodelo UML para a modelagem de requisitos em projetos de sistemas multiagentes

Guedes, Gilleanes Thorwald Araujo January 2012 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado está inserida dentro do contexto da área de AOSE – Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, uma área surgida recentemente voltada para a engenharia de software de sistemas multi-agentes que mescla conceitos tanto da Inteligência Artificial como da Engenharia de Software. Esta nova área surgiu devido aos novos desafios enfrentados pelos engenheiros de software ao projetar sistemas multi-agentes, uma vez que este tipo de sistema apresenta características que os diferenciam de outros tipos de software, precisamente o fato de possuírem agentes de software, entidades autônomas e pró-ativas que executam funções no sistema, possuidoras de objetivos próprios e capazes de perceber e agir sobre o ambiente que os cerca sem a intervenção de usuários externos. Este trabalho descreve um metamodelo UML desenvolvido para a modelagem de requisitos funcionais específicos para projetos de sistemas multi-agentes. O seu desenvolvimento baseou-se na constatação de que, apesar de já existirem linguagens derivadas da UML para o projeto de sistemas multi-agentes, nenhuma das linguagens estudadas desenvolveu mecanismos para a modelagem dos requisitos deste tipo de software, o que levou-nos a criar um metamodelo UML para este propósito. No decorrer desta tese serão descritas as linguagens estudadas derivadas da UML para ser aplicadas no projeto de sistemas multi-agentes, o metamodelo desenvolvido, sua adaptação aos princípios de projeto de Vicari (2007), três estudos de caso onde o metamodelo foi aplicado, além de uma proposta de mapeamento dos conceitos definidos no metamodelo para os conceitos das linguagens MAS-ML e AML, bem como uma proposta para a validação do metamodelo e dos diagramas criados por meio dele. / This PhD thesis is inserted within the context of the AOSE (Agent-Oriented Software Engineering) area, a recently-emerged field dealing with the software engineering of multi-agent systems which mixes concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering together. This new area emerged from new challenges faced by the software engineers when designing multi-agent systems, since this kind of system presents characteristics that set them apart from other types of software, precisely for including software agents, autonomous and proactive entities that execute functions in the system, owning their own goals and able to perceive and act upon the surrounding environment without the intervention of external users. This work describes a UML metamodel developed for the modeling of the specific functional requirements for multi-agent systems projects. Its development was based on the perception that among the studied UML-derived languages for the multi-agent systems project, none of them had developed mechanisms for requirements modeling on this kind of software, leading us to create a UML metamodel for this purpose. Along this thesis we shall describe the UML-derived languages we studied to be applied in the multi-agent systems project, the developed metamodel, its adaptation to the Vicari (2007) design principles, three case studies on which the metamodel was applied, plus a mapping proposal for the concepts defined in the metamodel into MASML and AML languages concepts, as well as a validation proposal for the metamodel and the diagrams created by means of it.

In search of an appropriate leadership ethos: a survey of selected publications that shaped the Black Theology movement

Ndalamba, Ken Kalala January 2010 (has links)
Magister Theologiae - MTh / The understanding and practice of leadership in Sub-Saharan Africa, in all spheres, is at the heart beat of this work. Questions and concerns over the quality of leadership in most countries in this particular region are reasons which have led to revisit and investigate the formative training of the current cohort of African leadership with a special focus on the ethical aspect of leadership. It is an assumption, in this thesis, that the contemporary cohort of African leadership received their formative training especially in the 1960s and 1970s and that they were deeply influenced by the black consciousness movement and, in association with that, by the emergence of black theology. In this respect, this research project explores the notions of ethics and leadership with a view to determine ways in which an appropriate leadership ethos was portrayed and articulated in the writings of selected exponents of the black theology movement, namely ML King (Jr), Desmond Tutu and Allan Boesak. The purpose of this work is therefore mainly descriptive: to map discourse on a leadership ethos in the context especially of black theology. / South Africa

"Running like big daft girls" : a multi-method study of representations of and reflections on men and masculinities through "The Beatles"

King, Martin S. January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to examine changing representations of men and masculinities in a particular historical period (“The Sixties”) and to explore the impact that this had in a period of rapid social change in the UK and the legacy of that impact. In order to do this, a multi-method study was developed, combining documentary research with a set of eleven semi-structured interviews. The documentary research took the form of a case study of The Beatles, arguing that their position as a group of men who became a global cultural phenomenon, in the period under study, made theme a suitable vehicle through which to read changing representations of masculinities in this period and to reflect on what this meant for men in UK society. The Beatles’ live action films were chosen as a sample of Beatle “texts” which allowed for the Beatles to be looked at at different points in the “The Sixties” and for possible changes over that time period to be tracked. Textual analysis within discourse analysis (based on a framework suggested by van Dijk [1993], Fairclough [1995] and McKee [2003]) was used to analyse the texts. Ideas advanced by the Popular Memory Group (1982) about the interaction of public representations of the past and private memory of that past were influential in the decision to combine this piece of documentary research with interviews with a sample of men, in an age range of 18 to 74. The interview stage was designed to elicit data on the perception of the participants of the role of representation (with particular reference to the Beatles) of masculinities on them as individuals and their ideas about how this may have had an impact in terms of longer term social change. Ehrenreich’s (1983) notion of a male revolt in the late 1950s, an emergence of a challenge to established ideas about men and masculinity, was also influential, particularly as it is an idea at odds with the “crisis in masculinity” discourse (Tolson, 1977; Kimmel, 1987; Whitehead, 2002) at work in a number of texts on men and masculinity. Examining further Inglis’ (2000b : 1) concept of The Beatles as “men of ideas” with a global reach, the chosen Beatle texts were examined for discourses of masculinity which appeared to be resistant to the dominant. What emerged were a number of findings around resistance, non-conformity, feminised appearance, pre-metrosexuality, the male star as object of desire and The Beatles as a global male phenomenon open to the radical diversity of the world in a period of rapid social change. The role of popular culture within this process was central to the thesis, given its focus on The Beatles as a case study. However, broader ideas about the role of the arts also emerged with a resultant conclusion that “the sixties” is where a recognition of the importance of representation begins as well as a period where representations of gender (as well as class and race) became more accessible due to the rise in popularity of TV in the UK and a resurgence in British cinema. The thesis offers a number of ideas for further research, building on the outcomes of this particular study. These include further work on the competing crisis/ revolt discourse at work in the field of critical men’s studies, ascertaining female perspectives on representations of masculinities and their impact, further work on the Beatles through fans and an application of some of the ideas at work in the thesis to other periods of British history.

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