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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vilniaus miesto sveikatą stiprinančių mokyklų 11-12 klasių mokinių naudojimosi mobiliuoju telefonu mastas bei mobiliojo telefono naudojimo sąsajos su mokinių sveikata / Vilnius city health promoting schools 11-12 grade schoolchildren using mobile phones extent and using mobile phones coherences with schoolchildren health

Gurskas, Vitalijus 27 June 2014 (has links)
Įvadas. Per pastaruosius metus tiek Lietuvoje, tiek visame pasaulyje išplito mobiliojo ryšio technologijos. Lietuvoje mobiliojo ryšio skvarba siekia 148,4%, o tai reiškia, kad lyginant su 2005 metų duomenis (60%), ji ženkliai padidėjo. Reaguojant į spartų mobiliojo ryšio technologijų plitimą, įvairiose pasaulio šalyse atliekami tyrimai, siekiant išaiškinti mobiliųjų telefonų įtaką vartotojų sveikatai. Tyrimų rezultatai labai prieštaringi. Vienų mokslininkų atliktų tyrimų rezultai rodo, kad mobilieji telefonai daro neigiamą poveikį vartotojų sveikatai, tačiau kiti autoriai tokį poveikį paneigia. Taigi, mobiliųjų telefonų naudojimo sukeliami sveikatos sutrikimai nėra pakankamai ištyrinėti, kad būtų galima pateikti galutinį atsakymą dėl jų poveikio kenksmingumo. Todėl daugelis autorių sutinka, kad tai yra perspektyvi ir naudinga vieta tyrinėjimui. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti mokinių naudojimosi mobiliaisiais telefonais mastą ir sąsąjas su sveikata Uždaviniai: 1) Nustatyti mobiliųjų telefonų naudojimo dažnį ir trukmę. 2) Nustatyti moksleivių naudojimosi mobiliaisiais telefonais ypatybes: 1.1. Laisvų rankų įrangos naudojimo paplitimą. 1.2. Mobiliojo telefono laikymo vietą. 1.3. Mobiliojo telefono naudojimo paskirtį. 3) Nustatyti mobiliųjų telefonų naudojimo sąsajas su subjektyviais mokinių sveikatos nusiskundimais. Tyrimo medžiaga ir metodika. Tyrimui taikytas anoniminės anketinės apklausos metodas. Apklausti Vilniaus sveikatą stiprinančių mokyklų 11–12 klasių mokiniai. Anketą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Introduction. The mobile phone connection technology spreads both in Lithuania and worldwide in recent years. Penetration of mobile phone connection rate is 148.4% in Lithuania, which means that compared with the year 2005 data (60%) it significantly increased. There is done research to clarify the impact of mobile phones to consumers’ health in response to the rapid spread of mobile connection technology in different countries around the world. Research results are very contradictory. Some results of scientific studies show that mobile phones have a negative impact on the health of consumers. However, other authors deny such impact. Thus, health problems caused by the use of mobile phones are not sufficiently explored in order to provide a definitive answer on their harmful effects. Therefore, many authors agree that this is a viable and useful space for exploration. The goal of study - measure the extent of schoolchildren use of mobile phones and linkages with their health. Objectives: 1) Measure the frequency and duration of mobile phone use. 2) Identify the features of students' use of mobile phones: 1.1. Spread of hands-free equipment use. 1.2. Mobile phone storage place. 1.3. Purpose of mobile phone use. 3) Measure the mobile phone use links with pupils' subjective health complaints. Research materials and methods. There was used an anonymous questionnaire survey method in the study. There were interviewed pupils from 11 to 12 classes of Vilnius schools who are... [to full text]

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų 9-10 klasių moksleivių sveikata ir jos sąsajos su socialine aplinka bei fiziniu aktyvumu / Influence of surrounding environmental factors and physical activity for the schoolchildren health,who study in the 9-10 classes

Milkevičius, Edmundas 20 May 2005 (has links)
The main goal of study was to determine the influence of surrounding environmental factors and physical activity for the schoolchildren health, who study in the 9-10 classes. Three tasks were raised in the study: To evaluate the main disorders of children health, studying in the 9-10th classes. To determine the relationships of behavioral factors to the school-children health. To evaluate the relationships of physical activity to the pupils health. The methods and object. Totally 202 children (104 boys and 98 girls) who study in 9-10 classes, were interviewed. The methods applied in this study: 1. Questionnaire. 2. Analysis of data applying the MS Excel program. After performing the research the following conclusions were carried out: 1. After performing the research it becomes evident, that the health of pupils is far from good. Exactly half of them have various disorders of health (47%); mostly disorders of posture and vision predommating. 7% of all interviewed children suffer with chronic diseases, mostly there were cases of chronic bronchitis. 58% of all pupils were ill with various diseases during the course of the last year. The most common illness was influenza. 2. In the study pupils behavioral factors are very much prevalenced: permanently smoking every fifth, occasionally smoking every second, so often used alcohol drinks – every sixth, occasionally two third of schoolchildren, but relationships between behavioral factors and health not being evaluated. 3. Middle... [to full text]

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