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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neural coding of grasp force planning and control in macaque areas AIP, F5, and M1

in 't Veld, Rijk 20 September 2016 (has links)
In den letzte Jahrzehnten wurde viel daran geforscht zu entschlüsseln wie das Gehirn Greifbewegungen koordiniert. Das anteriore intraparietale Areal (AIP), das Hand Areal des ventralen premotorischen Kortex (F5), und das Hand Areal des primären motorischen Kortex (M1) wurden als essentielle kortikale Arealen für die Kontrolle der Hand identifiziert. Nichtsdestotrotz ist deutlich weniger darüber bekannt wie die Neuronen dieser Areale einen weiteren essentielle Parameter von Greifbewegungen kodieren: Greifkraft. Insbesondere die Rolle der tertiären, kortikalen Areale AIP und F5 in diesen Prozess ist bisher unklar. Die hier durchgeführte Studie befasst sich mit der Wissenslücke über die neuronale Kodierung von Greifkraft Planung und Steuerung in diesen Arealen. Um dies zu erreichen, haben wir zwei Makaken (Macaca mulatta) trainiert eine verzögerte Greifaufgabe auszuführen mit zwei Grifftypen (ein Griff mit der ganzen Hand oder ein Präzisionsgriff) und mit drei verschiedene Kraftniveaus (0-12 N). Während die Affen die Aufgabe ausführten, haben wir die Aktivität von “single-units“ (einzelnen Neuronen) und “multi-units“ (Gruppen von mehreren Neuronen) in den Arealen AIP, F5 und M1 aufgenommen. Wir berechneten den Prozentsatz von Grifftyp modulierten und Griffkraft modulierten “units“ (cluster-based permutation test) und berechneten wie viel Varianz in der Population von “units“ durch Grifftyp und Kraft erklärbar ist, separat für jedes Gehirn Areal mit einer modernen Dimensionalitätsreduktionsanalyse (demixed principal component analysis). 18 Wir zeigen hier zum ersten Mal die Modulation von einzelnen AIP Neuronen durch Greifkraft. Weiterhin bestätigen und erweitern wir hier vorherige Ergebnisse, welche solche neuronale Modulationen bereits in F5 und M1 gezeigt haben. Überaschenderweise war der Prozentsatz von “units“ welche durch Griffkraft moduliert werden, in AIP und F5 nicht wesentlich kleiner als in M1 und ähnlich zu dem Prozentsatz an Grifftyp modulierte Neuronen. Der Anteil an erklärte Varianz in F5 durch Greifkraft war nahezu so groß, wie der Anteil erklärt durch Grifftyp. In AIP und M1 war klar mehr Varianz durch Grifftyp erklärt als durch Kraft, aber der Anteil an erklärte Varianz beider Arealen war ausreichend, um zuverlässig Kraftbedingung zu dekodieren. Wir fanden ebenfalls eine starke neuronale Modulation für Griffkraftbedingungen vor der Bewegungsinitiierung in F5, was wahrscheinlich eine Rolle dieses Areals in der Greifkraftplanung repräsentiert. In AIP war Greifkraftplanungsaktivität nur in einen der beiden Affen vorhanden und wie erwartet nicht präsent in M1 (gemessen nur in einen Affen). Letztendlich, obwohl Greifkraftmodulation in einigen Fällen durch Grifftypmodulation beeinflusst war, war nur ein kleiner Anteil der Populationsvarianz, in den jeweiligen Arealen, durch interaktive Modulation erklärt. Information über Greifkraft können somit folglich separat vom Grifftyp extrahiert werden. Diese Ergebnisse legen eine wichtige Rolle von AIP und F5 bei der Greifkraftkontrolle, neben M1, nah. F5 ist mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit auch bei der Planung von Greifkraft involviert, während die Rolle von AIP und M1 geringer ist in diesem Prozess. Letztendlich, da Grifftyp- und Kraftinformation separat extrahierbar sind, zeigen diese Ergebnisse, dass Greifkraft vermutlich unabhängig von Grifftyp, im kortikalen Greifnetzwerk kodiert ist. / In de laatste decennia is er veel onderzoek gedaan om te interpreteren hoe de hersenen grijpbewegingen besturen. Het anterieure intra pariëtale gebied (AIP), het handgebied van de ventrale premotorische schors (F5) en het handgebied van de primaire motorische schors (M1) zijn geïdentificeerd als essentiële gebieden van de hersenschors die de vorm van de hand besturen. Maar er is veel minder bekend over hoe de hersenen een andere parameter van grijpbewegingen bestuurt: grijpkracht. Vooral de rol in dit proces van AIP en F5, gebieden van hogere orde, is nog nagenoeg onbekend. Deze studie richt zich op het gebrek aan kennis over de neurale codering van het plannen en besturen van grijpkracht. Om dit te bereiken, hebben we twee makaken (Macaca mulatta) getraind om een vertraagde grijptaak uit te voeren met twee grepen van de hand (een grip met de hele hand of een precisie grip) en met drie verschillende krachtniveaus (0-12 N). Terwijl de apen de taak uitvoerden, maten we de activiteit van single-units (individuele neuronen) en multiunits (collectie van enkele neuronen) in de gebieden AIP, F5 en M1. We berekenden het percentage van units die hun activiteit moduleerden op basis van grip vorm of kracht met een moderne statistieke test (cluster-based permutation test) en we berekenden de hoeveelheid variantie die werd verklaard door de grip vorm en kracht door de populatie van units van elk hersengebied met een moderne dimensie vermindering techniek (demixed principal component analysis). We laten hier voor het eerst zien dat individuele neuronen van AIP hun activiteit moduleren op basis van grijpkracht. Verder bevestigen we dat neuronen van F5 en M1 20 dergelijke modulaties vertonen en breiden we de kennis hierover uit. Verassend genoeg was het percentage units dat reageert op het besturen van grijpkracht in AIP en F5 niet veel lager dan in M1 en ongeveer gelijk aan de hoeveelheid units dat reageert op grip vorm. De hoeveelheid variantie die werd verklaard door grijpkracht in F5 was bijna net zo hoog als wat werd verklaard door grip vorm. In AIP en M1 verklaarde grip vorm duidelijk meer variantie dan grijpkracht, maar ook in deze gebieden was de hoeveelheid variantie dat grijpkracht verklaarde hoog genoeg om de kracht conditie te decoderen. We vonden ook een sterke neurale modulatie voor grijpkracht condities in F5 voordat de arm bewoog, wat mogelijk een rol voor dit gebied representeert in het plannen van grijpkracht. In AIP was activiteit voor het plannen van grijpkracht alleen in één van beide apen gevonden en zoals verwacht was het niet gevonden in M1 (onderzocht in één aap). Tenslotte vonden we dat, hoewel modulatie voor kracht werd beïnvloedt door grip vorm in sommige eenheden, slechts een kleine fractie van de variantie van de neurale populatie van elk hersengebied een gemixte selectiviteit voor grip vorm en kracht had. Informatie over grijpkracht kon daarom onafhankelijk van grip vorm worden geëxtraheerd. Deze bevindingen suggereren een belangrijke rol voor AIP en F5 in het besturen van grijpkracht, samen met M1. F5 is waarschijnlijk ook betrokken met het plannen van grijpkracht, terwijl AIP en M1 waarschijnlijk een kleinere rol hebben in dit proces. Tenslotte, omdat informatie over grip vorm en grijpkracht onafhankelijk konden worden geëxtraheerd, laten deze resultaten zien dat grijpkracht vermoedelijk onafhankelijk van hand vorm is gecodeerd in het grijpnetwerk van de hersenschors.

Detecção e quantificação do vírus da hepatite E (HEV) por RT-PCR em tempo real e estudo experimental em primatas neotropicais (Aotus azarai infulatus) infectados pelo genótipo 3 do HEV / Detection and quantification of hepatitis E virus (HEV) by real time RT-PCR and experimental study in neotropical monkeys (Aotus azarai infulatus) infected by HEV genotype 3

Souza, Alex Junior Souza de 15 March 2017 (has links)
O vírus da hepatite E (HEV) é um patógeno emergente de distribuição global, causador de hepatite aguda e crônica em humanos e infecções assintomáticas em animais. No Brasil a prevalência de infecção por HEV em humanos e animais ainda é pouco compreendida, assim como as características de virulência, patogenicidade e de infecção inter-espécies de isolados do genótipo 3, zoonótico, circulantes no país também são desconhecidas. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas, com os objetivos de 1) contribuir no diagnóstico laboratorial molecular do HEV a partir do desenvolvimento de um protocolo de RT-PCR em tempo real (RT-qPCR) para pesquisa do HEV em amostras biológicas, e 2) contribuir com a compreensão das características moleculares, sorológicas, clínico-laboratoriais, ultrassonográficas e histopatológicas associadas à infecção experimental em macacos-da-noite (Aotus azarai infulatus) por um isolado do genótipo 3 suíno do HEV previamente detectado na Amazônia oriental brasileira. O protocolo de RT-qPCR foi desenvolvido com a caracterização da curva de detecção e aplicado em concomitância com testes sorológicos para avaliação diagnóstica restrospectiva de 318 (n = 318) amostras de soros humanos suspeitos de hepatite E. O HEV-RNA não foi detectado em nenhuma das amostras humanas testadas, mas foi determinada soroprevalência de 3,4% e 5,9% de anti-HEV IgM e IgG, respectivamente, o que indicou baixa prevalência de infecção por HEV, mesmo entre pacientes com suspeita clínica e/ou laboratorial de hepatite E na Amazônia brasileira. O estudo experimental em macacos-da-noite foi desenvolvido durante 12 semanas e os animais infectados, por via intravenosa (n=3) e oral (n=3) (e dois controles), foram avaliados semanalmente para determinação dos parâmetros clínicos, bioquímicos, hematológicos, sorológicos (pesquisa de anti-HEV IgM e IgG por enzimaimunoensaio) e moleculares (HEV-RNA soro e fezes por RT-qPCR). Adicionalmente, os animais também foram submetidos a avaliação hepática mensal por ultrassonografia, histopatologia e pesquisa hepática de antígenos do HEV por imunohistoquímica. Os seis macacos-da-noite infectados apresentaram o HEV-RNA em amostras de soro e/ou fezes, e alguns apresentaram evidências de soroconversão, detecção hepática do antígeno viral por imunohistoquímica associada a alterações clínicas e laboratoriais de hepatite aguda oligossintomática. Assim, o protocolo RT-qPCR demonstrou ser aplicável na pesquisa molecular do HEV em amostras de humanos e animais, representando uma importante ferramenta de diagnóstico laboratorial. O estudo experimental permitiu a primeira validação de um primata neotropical como modelo experimental para estudos de infecção com o genótipo 3 do HEV. / Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an emerging pathogen with global distribution that causes acute and chronic hepatitis in humans and asymptomatic infections in animals. In Brazil, the prevalence of HEV infection in humans and animals is still poorly understood, and the characteristics of virulence, pathogenicity and inter-species infection of the genotype 3 isolates circulating in the country are unknown. The study was divided in two stages that aimed to 1) contribute to the molecular diagnosis of HEV infection by the development of a real-time RT-PCR protocol (RT-qPCR) for HEV-RNA research in biological samples, and 2) to contribute to understanding of molecular, serological, clinical-laboratory, ultrasonographic and histopathological features of HEV genotype 3 in owl monkeys (Aotus azari infulatus) experimental infected with isolate of swine HEV genotype 3 previously detected in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon. The RT-qPCR protocol was developed with characterization of a quantification standard curve and later applied concurrently with serological tests in the retrospective evaluation of 318 (n = 318) human serum samples of hepatitis E suspected cases. HEV-RNA was not detected in any of human tested samples, but seroprevalence of 3.4% and 5.9% was determined for anti-HEV IgM and IgG, respectively, that indicated a low prevalence of HEV infection, even among patients with clinical and/or laboratory suspicion of hepatitis E in the Brazilian Amazon. The experimental study in owl monkeys was developed during12 weeks and the animals were infected by intravenous (n = 3) and oral (n = 3) routes (and two negative controls) were evaluated for determination of clinical, biochemical, hematological, serological (anti-HEV IgM and IgG by enzyme immunoassay) and molecular (HEV-RNA serum and stool by RT-qPCR) parameters weekly. Additionally, the animals were also evaluated by hepatic ultrasonography, histopathology and immunohistochemistry research of HEV antigens in liver monthly. The six infected owl monkeys presentend HEV-RNA in serum and/or stool, and some monkeys presented with evidence of seroconversion, liver detection of HEV antigens by immunohistochemistry associated with clinical and/or laboratory findings of oligosymptomatic acute hepatitis. Thus, the RT-qPCR protocol demonstrated to be applicable in the molecular investigation of HEV infection in human and animal samples, and it also represented an important laboratory diagnostic tool. The experimental study allowed the validation of the first neotropical primate model for HEV genotype 3 infection studies.

Estudo anatômico dos plexos lombar, sacral e coccígeo do macaco Cebus apella - origem, composição e nervos resultantes / Anatomical study of the lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses in monkey (Cebus apella): origin, composition and resulting nerves

Barros, Roseâmely Angelica de Carvalho 17 October 2002 (has links)
Os primatas não-humanos tem se constituído em importante grupo dentre os animais submetidos a estudos diversos, o que se reveste de suma importância até para o entendimento de sua própria evolução, somando-se ao fato de que o conhecimento pormenorizado de sua Anatomia pode representar fator importante para sua preservação e proteção. Por outro lado, dentro do sistema neural, mostra particular interesse o estudo comparativo da composição do plexo lombossacral, representativo da origem dos nervos que se destinam aos membros pélvicos, segmento anatômico este de considerável importância, relativamente aos aspectos evolutivos de postura e locomoção. O objetivo deste trabalho é conhecer a origem, a composição e os nervos resultantes dos plexos lombar, sacral e coccígeo do Cebus apella, visando um melhor entendimento da inervação da pelve e membro pélvico desse animal. A literatura ao nosso alcance não revelou citação alguma específica sobre o tema, para essa espécie. Utilizamos 20 animais, sendo 10 machos e 10 fêmeas, os quais compõem o acervo de peças anatômicas existentes no laboratório de Anatomia da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, onde se encontram conservados. A preparação das peças anatômicas seguiu metodologia usual empregada em estudos anatômicos. Após análise cuidadosa das peças, verificou-se que o plexo lombossacrococcígeo do Cebus apella, está quase sempre separado em segmentos lombar, sacral e coccígeo. Há consideráveis variações entre espécimes e entre antímeros de um mesmo animal. Há participação na formação do plexo lombar, de raízes L2 a L5, com maior freqüência de L3 e L4, já o plexo sacral recebe contribuições de L4 a S4 e o plexo coccígeo de S3 a Co3. Em 75% dos casos, o plexo lombar direito está formado por L2, L3 e L4, em 55%, apenas por L3 e L4, em 20% por L2, L3, L4 e em 5%, L5 contribui, enquanto que no antímero esquerdo em 80% houve participação de L2, L3 e L4; sendo que, em 50% de L3 e L4, em 30% de L2, L3, L4 e L5 e em 15%, L5 está presente e em 5% apenas L2 e L3. O plexo sacral direito constitui-se de L4 a S4; em 30% de L4 a S2; em 25% de L4 a S3, em 25% de L5 a S2; em 10% de L5 a S3 e, 10% outras ocorrências. Já no antímero esquerdo 80% apresentou plexo formado por L4 a S3, sendo que destes, 35% recebeu contribuição de L4 a S2; 25% de L4 a S3; 15% de L5 a S2 e 5% de L5 a S4.O plexo coccígeo está constituído por ramos de S3 a Co3 sendo que em 65% o limite cranial é S3 e em 35% é S4. O número de anastomoses é variável em qualquer dos três plexos. O tronco simpático está presente e contêm cinco ou seis gânglios, cada um com o seu ramo comunicante cinzento. Os nervos oriundos do plexo lombar são: cutâneo femoral lateral, femoral, obturatório; do plexo sacral, o isquiático e pudendo e, do plexo coccígeo, o grande nervo da cauda. / The non-human primates have been considered an important group among the diverse studied animals, having a great interest not only for the understanding of its own evolution, but also due to the fact that the detailed knowledge of its Anatomy can represent a relevant factor for its preservation and protection. In addition, concerning the neural system, the comparative study on the composition of the lumbo-sacral plexus representing the origin of the nerves that are destined to the pelvic members, shows a particular interest for being an anatomical segment involved in evolutionary aspects of posture and locomotion. The aim of this work was to study the origin, composition and resulting nerves of the lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses in monkey Cebus apella in order to obtain a better comprehension of the pelvis and pelvic member neural supply in this animal. Previous studies have not demonstrated any findings on the topic in this species. Twenty animals, 10 male and 10 female, were obtained from the conserved anatomical piece collection of the Anatomy Laboratory of the Federal University of Uberlândia. The preparation of the specimens consisted of fixation and dissection according to the routine procedures used in anatomical studies. After a detailed analysis of the specimens, it was verified that the lumbo-sacral-coccygeal plexus of Cebus apella is almost always separated in lumbar, sacral and coccygeal segments. There were considerable variations among the specimens and between the sides. The roots L2 -L5 participated in the formation of the lumbar plexus, with higher frequency of L3 and L4, while the roots L4-S4 and S3-Co3 contributed for the formation of the sacral and the coccygeal plexuses, respectively. The right lumbar plexus was formed by L2, L3, and L4 (75% of cases), L3 and L4 (55%), L2, L3, L4 (20%), and L2, L3, L4 and L5 (5%), while on the left side there was participation of L2, L3, and L4 (80%), being that L3 and L4 (50%) and L2, L3, L4 and L5 (30%), and L5 is present in 15% and L2 and L3 in 5%. The right sacral plexus was constituted of L4-S4; of L4-S2 in 30% of cases; L4-S3 in 25%; L5-S2 in 25%; L5-S3 in 10%, and 10% other occurrences, while on the left side the sacral plexus was formed by the union of L4-S3 in 80% of cases, being that 35% received contribution of L4-S2, L4-S3 in 25%; L5-S2 in 15% and L5-S4 in 5%. The coccygeal plexus is consisted of branches from S3 to Co3, being that in 65% the cranial end is S3 and in 35% is S4. The number of anastomoses is variable in any of the three plexuses. The sympathetic trunk is present and contains five or six ganglions, each one with its grayish communicant branch. The resulting nerves from the lumbar plexus are: cutaneous femoris lateralis, femoralis and obturatorius; from the sacral plexus: ischiadicus and pudendus; and from the coccygeal plexus is the n. caudalis majos.

Genetic Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA In Cercopithecus Mitis Populations from Kibale National Park, Uganda

Unknown Date (has links)
Past sightings of red-tailed (Cercopithecus ascanius) x blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis) hybrids in Uganda indicates the potential for hybridization between C. Ascanius and C. mitis individuals. Apart from Gombe Stream National Park, there is no of evidence suggestive of C. ascanius x C. mitis monkey hybridization at investigated East African locations. Phylogenetic analysis was examined using Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data of twelve C. mitis stuhlmanni samples (from two populations) in Kibale National Park (KNP), Uganda to test for any evidence of hybridization. Strict mono- phylogeny among two new C. mitis haplotypes were detected. Genetic diversity measurements support neither interspecific or intraspecific hybridization among C. mitis individuals from populations within Kibale National Park. To intensify the implications of this study further examination should include an increase in sample size(s), mtDNA comparison of C. mitis subspecies from additional populations at East African locations, and assessment of nuclear and genomic DNA. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2018. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Coat Color Variation Between Red-tailed Monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius), Blue Monkeys (C. mitis), and Hybrids (C. ascanius x C. mitis) in Gombe National Park, Tanzania

Unknown Date (has links)
Cercopithecus monkeys are a species-rich radiation where interspecific mating leads to novel phenotypes due to pelage color and pattern diversity within the genus. The goals of this thesis were to (1) test a new method for studying color objectively in wild arboreal primates, and (2) apply a phenotypic hybrid index (PHI) to known individuals of a hybrid zone between C. ascanius and C. mitis in Gombe National Park, Tanzania through the use of digital photography. I scored seven pelage character states as 0 (C. mitis), 0.25 (mitis-like), 0.50 (intermediate), 0.75 (ascanius-like), or 1 (C. ascanius). Photos indicate most phenotypic hybrids express a white nose spot, but all other regions of pelage color and pattern are variable, and an assortment of hybrid phenotypes are seen at Gombe. Results indicate it is currently not possible to extend parameters for assessing color objectively with RGB values, but numerical non-RGB methods show promise. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Estratégias de forrageio e uso de informação por macacos-prego (Sapajus sp.) semi-livres / Foraging Strategies and information use in semi-free ranging Capuchin monkeys (Sapajus sp.)

Miranda, Maria Alice Loreto de 14 October 2015 (has links)
O comportamento observado de animais não humanos sugere processamento de informação e tomada de decisão. Diferentes espécies exibem diferenças qualitativas quando a como informação é processada e utilizada, parcialmente graças ao contexto ecológico. Macacos-prego são animais que forrageiam socialmente, com cada indivíduo vivendo em um contexto social distinto, o que afeta suas oportunidades de alimentar-se. O presente projeto propôs um experimento de campo, com plataformas de madeira e amendoins como recompensa, com o objetivo de identificar diferenças quanto à estratégia de forrageio. Ainda, compreender se fatores sociais como hierarquia, parentesco e proximidade influenciam na oportunidade de um animal forragear e utilizar fontes de informação distintas. Encontramos que hierarquia foi um fator crucial quanto à estratégia adotada e no tipo de informação utilizada. Ao utilizar informação social, indivíduos foram seletivos quanto à identidade da fonte de informação, mostrando uma preferência por seguir as escolhas de animais jovens e batedores ativos / When foraging, non-human animals are observed performing actions suggestive of information processing and decision making. Different species show qualitative differences as to how information is processed and used, partially due to its ecological context. Capuchin monkeys are primates that forage socially, with each individual living in a single social context, what affects its opportunity to forage. This project proposes an experimental protocol, aided by wooden platforms and peanuts as rewards, to identify differences in foraging strategies and understand if social factors, such as hierarchy, kinship and proximity, influence ones opportunities to forage and use distinct sources of information. We found that hierarchy play a major role on the strategy adopted and this is reflected on type of information used. Also when using social information, individuals were selective with respect to the identity of the source of information, showing a preference for following young and active foragers

Uso do espaço e dieta do Bugio-Ruivo ALOUATTA GUARIBA CLAMITANS (PRIMATES: ATELIDAE) em uma área urbanizada no Bairro Lami, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Corrêa, Fabiana Müller January 2015 (has links)
Entre janeiro e dezembro de 2014 um grupo de bugios foi acompanhado a fim de determinar o seu deslocamento e dieta, relacionando com a disponibilidade de recursos alimentares, em uma matriz alterada no bairro Lami, extremo sul da capital. Estes dados foram obtidos durante seis dias por mês, através do método de amostragem de todas as ocorrências e varredura instantânea, este último somente para dieta com 5 minutos de observação e 10 de descanso. As distâncias percorridas pelo grupo foram medidas e plotadas em um mapa, onde foi sobreposto um sistema de quadrados (25m x 25m). Adicionalmente foi feito um estudo fenológico, registrando as seguintes fenofases: folha nova, folha madura, fruto novo, fruto maduro e flor. O tamanho total da área de vida foi estimado em 4,9 ha e em média, a distância percorrida diariamente foi de 446 metros. Foi observada a utilização de diferentes elementos que compõem a matriz, como os fios da rede elétrica, que contribuíram em 23% no deslocamento. Os bugios incorporaram a dieta 30 espécies arbóreas, na qual oito são exóticas (20,8%), com destaque para Ficus cestrifolia (34,8%) e Morus nigra (9,7%). Houve um maior consumo de frutos (56,2%), seguido por folhas (39,8%) e flores (4%), onde foi observado uma alta correlação entre o consumo destes itens e a disponibilidade temporal dos recursos. De modo geral, os bugios mostraram certa habilidade em se deslocar em uma matriz alterada, utilizando os fios da rede elétrica para deslocamento quando ausência de árvores, para acessar os recursos. E mesmo estando inseridos em uma região fragmentada pela urbanização, esta área ainda oferece condições básicas à sua sobrevivência, com a disponibilidade de recursos de alta qualidade nutricional durante todo o ano. Porém, o crescente corte de árvores e a ocorrência de acidentes com estes primatas coloca em risco a existência das populações de bugios na região e reforça a necessidade de mitigação dos impactos causados pela urbanização. O conhecimento dos padrões de uso do espaço e preferências alimentares de Alouatta guariba clamitans em uma paisagem antropizada poderá fornecer subsídios para diminuir os efeitos da presença humana e evitar os acidentes com bugios, como choque na rede elétrica, atropelamentos e ataque por cães, no município de Porto Alegre, RS. / Knowledge of space use patterns and food preferences of Alouatta guariba clamitans in an anthropic landscape may provide subsidies to reduce the human presence effects and avoid accidents with red howler monkeys, as shock in the power grid, road kill and dog atacks in the municipality of Porto Alegre, RS. Thus, between january and december 2014 a red howler monkey group was followed aiming to determine its displacement and diet, relating to the availability of food resources in a modified landscape matrix in the Lami neighborhood, southernmost of the capital. These data were obtained during six days monthly, by all occurrences and scan sampling method, these latter only for diet by 5 minutes of observation with 10 minutes gap between samples. The distances covered by the group were measured and plotted on a map, which was overlaid a square system (25m x 25m). In addition was carried out a phenological study, recording the following phenophases: new leaf, mature leaf, new fruit, ripe fruit and flower. The red howler monkey group home range was estimated at 4.9 ha and the average distance daily traveled was 446 meters. It was observed the use of different elements that compose the matrix by the red howler monkey group, as the wires from the power supply, which contributed with 23% of the movements. The group entered the diet of 30 tree species, in which eight are exotic (20.8%), especially Ficus cestrifolia (34.8%) and Morus nigra (9.7%). There was higher consumption of fruits (56.2%), followed by leaves (39.8%) and flowers (4%), which was observed a high correlation between the consumption of these items and the temporal availability of the resources. Overall, howler monkeys showed some ability to move in a modified matrix, and even when inserted in a region fragmented by urbanization, this area still offers basic conditions for their survival, with the availability of high quality nutritional resources throughout the year. However, the increasing lumbering and accidents with these primates endanger the existence of populations of red howler monkeys in the region and strengthens the need to mitigate the urbanization impacts.

Estratégias de forrageio e uso de informação por macacos-prego (Sapajus sp.) semi-livres / Foraging Strategies and information use in semi-free ranging Capuchin monkeys (Sapajus sp.)

Maria Alice Loreto de Miranda 14 October 2015 (has links)
O comportamento observado de animais não humanos sugere processamento de informação e tomada de decisão. Diferentes espécies exibem diferenças qualitativas quando a como informação é processada e utilizada, parcialmente graças ao contexto ecológico. Macacos-prego são animais que forrageiam socialmente, com cada indivíduo vivendo em um contexto social distinto, o que afeta suas oportunidades de alimentar-se. O presente projeto propôs um experimento de campo, com plataformas de madeira e amendoins como recompensa, com o objetivo de identificar diferenças quanto à estratégia de forrageio. Ainda, compreender se fatores sociais como hierarquia, parentesco e proximidade influenciam na oportunidade de um animal forragear e utilizar fontes de informação distintas. Encontramos que hierarquia foi um fator crucial quanto à estratégia adotada e no tipo de informação utilizada. Ao utilizar informação social, indivíduos foram seletivos quanto à identidade da fonte de informação, mostrando uma preferência por seguir as escolhas de animais jovens e batedores ativos / When foraging, non-human animals are observed performing actions suggestive of information processing and decision making. Different species show qualitative differences as to how information is processed and used, partially due to its ecological context. Capuchin monkeys are primates that forage socially, with each individual living in a single social context, what affects its opportunity to forage. This project proposes an experimental protocol, aided by wooden platforms and peanuts as rewards, to identify differences in foraging strategies and understand if social factors, such as hierarchy, kinship and proximity, influence ones opportunities to forage and use distinct sources of information. We found that hierarchy play a major role on the strategy adopted and this is reflected on type of information used. Also when using social information, individuals were selective with respect to the identity of the source of information, showing a preference for following young and active foragers

Detecção e quantificação do vírus da hepatite E (HEV) por RT-PCR em tempo real e estudo experimental em primatas neotropicais (Aotus azarai infulatus) infectados pelo genótipo 3 do HEV / Detection and quantification of hepatitis E virus (HEV) by real time RT-PCR and experimental study in neotropical monkeys (Aotus azarai infulatus) infected by HEV genotype 3

Alex Junior Souza de Souza 15 March 2017 (has links)
O vírus da hepatite E (HEV) é um patógeno emergente de distribuição global, causador de hepatite aguda e crônica em humanos e infecções assintomáticas em animais. No Brasil a prevalência de infecção por HEV em humanos e animais ainda é pouco compreendida, assim como as características de virulência, patogenicidade e de infecção inter-espécies de isolados do genótipo 3, zoonótico, circulantes no país também são desconhecidas. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas, com os objetivos de 1) contribuir no diagnóstico laboratorial molecular do HEV a partir do desenvolvimento de um protocolo de RT-PCR em tempo real (RT-qPCR) para pesquisa do HEV em amostras biológicas, e 2) contribuir com a compreensão das características moleculares, sorológicas, clínico-laboratoriais, ultrassonográficas e histopatológicas associadas à infecção experimental em macacos-da-noite (Aotus azarai infulatus) por um isolado do genótipo 3 suíno do HEV previamente detectado na Amazônia oriental brasileira. O protocolo de RT-qPCR foi desenvolvido com a caracterização da curva de detecção e aplicado em concomitância com testes sorológicos para avaliação diagnóstica restrospectiva de 318 (n = 318) amostras de soros humanos suspeitos de hepatite E. O HEV-RNA não foi detectado em nenhuma das amostras humanas testadas, mas foi determinada soroprevalência de 3,4% e 5,9% de anti-HEV IgM e IgG, respectivamente, o que indicou baixa prevalência de infecção por HEV, mesmo entre pacientes com suspeita clínica e/ou laboratorial de hepatite E na Amazônia brasileira. O estudo experimental em macacos-da-noite foi desenvolvido durante 12 semanas e os animais infectados, por via intravenosa (n=3) e oral (n=3) (e dois controles), foram avaliados semanalmente para determinação dos parâmetros clínicos, bioquímicos, hematológicos, sorológicos (pesquisa de anti-HEV IgM e IgG por enzimaimunoensaio) e moleculares (HEV-RNA soro e fezes por RT-qPCR). Adicionalmente, os animais também foram submetidos a avaliação hepática mensal por ultrassonografia, histopatologia e pesquisa hepática de antígenos do HEV por imunohistoquímica. Os seis macacos-da-noite infectados apresentaram o HEV-RNA em amostras de soro e/ou fezes, e alguns apresentaram evidências de soroconversão, detecção hepática do antígeno viral por imunohistoquímica associada a alterações clínicas e laboratoriais de hepatite aguda oligossintomática. Assim, o protocolo RT-qPCR demonstrou ser aplicável na pesquisa molecular do HEV em amostras de humanos e animais, representando uma importante ferramenta de diagnóstico laboratorial. O estudo experimental permitiu a primeira validação de um primata neotropical como modelo experimental para estudos de infecção com o genótipo 3 do HEV. / Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an emerging pathogen with global distribution that causes acute and chronic hepatitis in humans and asymptomatic infections in animals. In Brazil, the prevalence of HEV infection in humans and animals is still poorly understood, and the characteristics of virulence, pathogenicity and inter-species infection of the genotype 3 isolates circulating in the country are unknown. The study was divided in two stages that aimed to 1) contribute to the molecular diagnosis of HEV infection by the development of a real-time RT-PCR protocol (RT-qPCR) for HEV-RNA research in biological samples, and 2) to contribute to understanding of molecular, serological, clinical-laboratory, ultrasonographic and histopathological features of HEV genotype 3 in owl monkeys (Aotus azari infulatus) experimental infected with isolate of swine HEV genotype 3 previously detected in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon. The RT-qPCR protocol was developed with characterization of a quantification standard curve and later applied concurrently with serological tests in the retrospective evaluation of 318 (n = 318) human serum samples of hepatitis E suspected cases. HEV-RNA was not detected in any of human tested samples, but seroprevalence of 3.4% and 5.9% was determined for anti-HEV IgM and IgG, respectively, that indicated a low prevalence of HEV infection, even among patients with clinical and/or laboratory suspicion of hepatitis E in the Brazilian Amazon. The experimental study in owl monkeys was developed during12 weeks and the animals were infected by intravenous (n = 3) and oral (n = 3) routes (and two negative controls) were evaluated for determination of clinical, biochemical, hematological, serological (anti-HEV IgM and IgG by enzyme immunoassay) and molecular (HEV-RNA serum and stool by RT-qPCR) parameters weekly. Additionally, the animals were also evaluated by hepatic ultrasonography, histopathology and immunohistochemistry research of HEV antigens in liver monthly. The six infected owl monkeys presentend HEV-RNA in serum and/or stool, and some monkeys presented with evidence of seroconversion, liver detection of HEV antigens by immunohistochemistry associated with clinical and/or laboratory findings of oligosymptomatic acute hepatitis. Thus, the RT-qPCR protocol demonstrated to be applicable in the molecular investigation of HEV infection in human and animal samples, and it also represented an important laboratory diagnostic tool. The experimental study allowed the validation of the first neotropical primate model for HEV genotype 3 infection studies.

Behavioral and neural correlates of auditory encoding and memory functions in Rhesus Macaques

Ng, Chi-Wing 01 May 2011 (has links)
Auditory recognition memory in non-human primates is not well understood. Monkeys have difficulty acquiring auditory memory tasks, and limited capability maintaining auditory information over memory delays, relative to studies of visual memory. Neural substrates of auditory discrimination and recognition memory depend on superior temporal gyrus (STG), instead of rhinal cortex necessary for visual memory (Fritz et al., 2005). The current project assessed behavioral and neural correlates of auditory processing and memory function in monkeys, particularly focusing on the dorsal temporal pole (dTP), the rostral portion of STG. Chapter 2 examined recognition memory of monkeys under influences of various sound types. In a delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS) task, rhesus monkeys were trained to determine if two sounds, separated by a 5-second delay, were same (match trials) or different (nonmatch trials). Results demonstrated monkey vocalizations served as better cues than other sound types for auditory memory performance. Memory improvements may be due to familiarity and biological significance of con-specific sounds, analogous to using facial stimuli during visual tasks. Chapter 3 examined neuronal activity of dTP, when two monkeys performed an auditory DTMS task and listened to sound stimuli. Population encoding of sample stimuli in dTP was closely associated with memory accuracy. Moreover, a suppression effect on identical sounds was present, similar to processing in the ventral visual processing stream, inferior temporal cortex (ITC) and ventral temporal pole (vTP). Delay-related activity of dTP was weak, limited and short-lived, in contrast to visual studies reporting sustained activity over memory delays in ITC, vTP and prefrontal cortex. The findings provide preliminary evidence on why monkeys show limited memory capability, compared to visual memory, for auditory information. Neurons of dTP were sound-selective, and mainly evoked by one to four discrete stimuli only. Sound types and simple acoustic properties of sound stimuli cannot completely account for response profiles of dTP neurons. The findings suggest dTP is a higher order auditory area, and receives information from various auditory areas along STG. Dorsal temporal pole fits into proposals of neural networks for auditory processing, in which a hierarchical organization of information flow exists within the primate auditory nervous system.

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