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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Líderes e motivadores profissionais: novos trabalhadores a serviço do capital (dimensões ideológicas, disciplinares e cooptativas)

Vieira, Rodrigo Moreira [UNESP] 16 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2012-03-16Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:30:27Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 vieira_rm_me_mar.pdf: 689595 bytes, checksum: d14f48dce91d327c8571a866224ec862 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / A partir de meados da década de 70, a reestruturação produtiva desencadeada em vários países do mundo reconfigurou alguns elementos relacionados ao controle prático e subjetivo dos trabalhadores. Tais elementos se manifestaram em estratégias como a administração participativa, os Círculos de Controle de Qualidade (CCQs) e todos os seus congêneres com o objetivo de readequar a força de trabalho em torno das novas estratégias produtivas. Para quebrar a resistência dos trabalhadores quanto à implementação de tais elementos, foram desenvolvidas novas técnicas de cooptação de trabalhadores, dentre as quais se encontra o objeto deste trabalho: a motivação profissional. Para operacionalizá-la, tanto no contexto intrafábrica como extrafábrica foi criada a figura do líder motivador, que passou a ocupar a função de articulador da ideologia motivacional. O objetivo é arquitetar e colocar em prática mecanismos psicológicos de pseudo identificação entre trabalhadores e suas respectivas funções profissionais, na tentativa de motivá-los a adotarem uma postura participativa no processo produtivo de modo a ampliar a exploração da força de trabalho em nome da acumulação de capital. No entanto, a rigor, ao promover uma “motivação” fetichizada através de meras categorias abstratas distantes da realidade concreta, este tipo de ideologia só ampliou - e tem ampliado - a distância entre o trabalhador e o elemento que o efetiva enquanto ser genérico: o trabalho livre e autoconsciente / From the mid-70s, the restructuring process initiated in several countries of the world reconfigured some elements related to the practical and subjective control of workers. Such elements were manifested in strategies such as participatory management, the Quality Control Circles (QCC) and all its counterparts in order to readjust the work force around the new production strategies. To break the resistance of workers in the implementation of such elements, new techniques were developed to co-opt workers, among which is the object of this work: the professional motivation. To operationalize it, both in intrafactory and extrafactory context, was established the leading figure of the motivator, who has occupied the role of ideology motivating articulator. The objective is to architect and implement mechanisms for pseudo psychological identification between workers and their respective duties, in order to motivate them to adopt a approaching stance in the production process in order to expand the exploitation of labor in name of the capital accumulation. However, indeed, by promoting a motivation fetishized by mere abstract categories distant from concrete reality, this kind of ideology only expanded - and has expanded - the distance between the worker and the element that effective him as generic being: the free and self-conscious work

Líderes e motivadores profissionais : novos trabalhadores a serviço do capital (dimensões ideológicas, disciplinares e cooptativas) /

Vieira, Rodrigo Moreira. January 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Fátima Aparecida Cabral / Banca: Fábio Kazuo Ocada / Banca: Terezinha Ferrari / Resumo: A partir de meados da década de 70, a reestruturação produtiva desencadeada em vários países do mundo reconfigurou alguns elementos relacionados ao controle prático e subjetivo dos trabalhadores. Tais elementos se manifestaram em estratégias como a administração participativa, os Círculos de Controle de Qualidade (CCQs) e todos os seus congêneres com o objetivo de readequar a força de trabalho em torno das novas estratégias produtivas. Para quebrar a resistência dos trabalhadores quanto à implementação de tais elementos, foram desenvolvidas novas técnicas de cooptação de trabalhadores, dentre as quais se encontra o objeto deste trabalho: a motivação profissional. Para operacionalizá-la, tanto no contexto intrafábrica como extrafábrica foi criada a figura do líder motivador, que passou a ocupar a função de articulador da ideologia motivacional. O objetivo é arquitetar e colocar em prática mecanismos psicológicos de pseudo identificação entre trabalhadores e suas respectivas funções profissionais, na tentativa de motivá-los a adotarem uma postura participativa no processo produtivo de modo a ampliar a exploração da força de trabalho em nome da acumulação de capital. No entanto, a rigor, ao promover uma "motivação" fetichizada através de meras categorias abstratas distantes da realidade concreta, este tipo de ideologia só ampliou - e tem ampliado - a distância entre o trabalhador e o elemento que o efetiva enquanto ser genérico: o trabalho livre e autoconsciente / Abstract: From the mid-70s, the restructuring process initiated in several countries of the world reconfigured some elements related to the practical and subjective control of workers. Such elements were manifested in strategies such as participatory management, the Quality Control Circles (QCC) and all its counterparts in order to readjust the work force around the new production strategies. To break the resistance of workers in the implementation of such elements, new techniques were developed to co-opt workers, among which is the object of this work: the professional motivation. To operationalize it, both in intrafactory and extrafactory context, was established the leading figure of the motivator, who has occupied the role of ideology motivating articulator. The objective is to architect and implement mechanisms for pseudo psychological identification between workers and their respective duties, in order to motivate them to adopt a approaching stance in the production process in order to expand the exploitation of labor in name of the capital accumulation. However, indeed, by promoting a "motivation" fetishized by mere abstract categories distant from concrete reality, this kind of ideology only expanded - and has expanded - the distance between the worker and the element that effective him as generic being: the free and self-conscious work / Mestre

Motivation på distans : en studie om motiverande ledarskap på distans inom bemanningsbranschen / Motivation at a distance : a study concerning motivational leadership at a distance within the recruitment sector

Skager, Elina, Lindgren, Katarina January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur ledare arbetar med motivation när ledare och medarbetare har ett geografiskt avstånd mellan varandra. Studien kommer för organisationer med ledarskap på distans bidra med kunskap om hur motivationsarbete kan utföras trots en fysisk distans. Frågeställningen till studien är hur ledare motiverar anställda på distans och vad det finns för möjligheter till förbättring av motivationsarbetet? Då studien utgår från ett synsätt där vi utifrån intervjuer tolkat och analyserat individer och dess beteende har vi för att kunna besvara forskningsfrågan och uppfylla studiens syfte valt en kvalitativ metod med kvalitativa intervjuer. Vi har kommit fram till att motiverande ledarskap på distans i bemanningsföretag kräver resurser och tid på grund av det geografiska avståndet. Att motivera sina medarbetare kräver av ledaren extra ansträngningar då daglig interaktion uteblir. Därför har vi kommit fram till att motivationsarbete är något som måste planeras in i arbetet tillsammans med de dagliga rutinerna. Annars finns det risk för att motivationsarbetet blir bortprioriterat bland administrativa uppgifter. / The purpose of this study is to explore how leaders work with motivation when a geographical distance exists between the leader and coworker. The study will contribute with awareness of how motivational work can be continued despite the existence of physical distance for organizations that utilize leadership at a distance. The research question for this study is how leaders motivate their employees at a distance and what opportunities for improvement to the motivational work exist? Since the study is based on the approach of interpreting interviews and analyzing individuals and their behaviors, we have chosen to answer the research question and satisfy the purpose of the study using a qualitative method with qualitative interviews. The research has lead us to conclude that the required motivational leadership for recruitment companies demands time and resources due to the geographical distance. In the absence of daily interaction additional endeavors are required of the leader in order to motivate their coworkers. This is why we have reached the conclusion that any motivational work need to be planned and incorporated into the daily routines. Otherwise there is a risk that the motivational work is neglected amongst the administrative tasks.

Motivera i det bästa av två världar : En kvalitativ flerfallstudie om hur ledare arbetar med motivation hos medarbetare i hybrida arbetsplatser

Gagner-Geeber, Isabelle, Palm, Malin January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Motivera i det bästa av två världar Författare: Isabelle Gagner-Geeber och Malin Palm Handledare: Janet Johansson Bakgrund: Hybrida arbetsplatser har omformat företagsvärlden, och beskrivs som framtidens sätt att arbeta på. Då arbetssättet innebär en kombination av arbetsplatser där anställda arbetar både på plats och distans, skapas unika möjligheter och utmaningar för den hybrida arbetsplatsen. Dessa möjligheter och utmaningar kan medföra både positiva och negativa effekter på medarbetares motivation, vilket beskrivs som en central aspekt för ledare att förstå och fokusera på. Ledare har genom sin roll en stor möjlighet att inverka på medarbetares motivation, vilket gör det av intresse att förstå hur ledare arbetar med motivation hos medarbetare i en hybrid arbetsplats. Syfte och forskningsfrågor: Syftet med studien är att skapa en ökad förståelse för hur ledare arbetar med motivation hos sina medarbetare i hybrida arbetsplatser, utifrån ledares perspektiv. Studien ämnar undersöka syftet utifrån tidigare forskning om den hybrida arbetsplatsen, ledares roll i motivation och Självbestämmelseteorin. Forskningsfrågor: • Vilka utmaningar och möjligheter upplever ledare i att upprätthålla god motivation i en hybrid arbetsplats? • Hur arbetar ledare för att försöka hantera, respektive ta vara på dessa utmaningar och möjligheter till att påverka sina medarbetares motivation? Metod: Studien utgörs av en kvalitativ flerfallstudie och tar utgångspunkt i ett fenomenologiskt vetenskapligt förhållningsätt. Studiens empiriska material är insamlat genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer. I enlighet med studiens syfte utgör den aktuella urvalsramen ledare som arbetar på en hybrid arbetsplats och har medarbetaransvar. Med en iterativ ansats har ökad förståelse för fenomenet gradvist kunnat växa fram genom att röra oss mellan teori och empiri. En tematisk analys har därefter genomförts. Slutsats: Studien visar att den hybrida arbetsplatsen medför både utmaningar och möjligheter i hur motivation kan främjas. Några av de främsta utmaningarna för ledare i att främja motivation beskrivs som att finna balansen mellan behovet av autonomi och kontroll, den minskade sociala interaktionen och svårigheter i att skapa tillit. Den främsta möjligheten som tas upp grundar sig i den ökade flexibiliteten, vilket främjar motivation i flertalet olika aspekter. För att kunna hantera dessa utmaningar och ta vara på möjligheterna, indikerar resultatet på emotionell intelligens, en ökad vikt av att se till individers olika behov samt ökat fokus på relationsbyggande som huvudsakliga framgångsfaktorer för ledare att lyckas. / Title: Motivating in the Best of Both Worlds Authors: Isabelle Gagner-Geeber och Malin Palm Supervisor: Janet Johansson Background: Hybrid workplaces have reshaped the business world and are described as the way of working in the future. As hybrid workplaces involve a combination of on-site and remote work, unique opportunities and challenges arise for the hybrid workplace. These opportunities and challenges follow with both positive and negative effects on employees’ motivation, which is seen as a crucial aspect for leaders to understand and focus on. Leaders have a significant opportunity to influence employees’ motivation through their role, making it a topic of interest to understand how leaders work with motivation in a hybrid workplace. Aim: The purpose of the study is to create an increased understanding of how leaders work with employee motivation in hybrid workplaces, from the leaders' perspective. The study aims to investigate the purpose based on previous research on the hybrid workplace, leaders' role in motivation and Self-determination theory. Research questions: • What challenges and opportunities do leaders experience in maintaining good motivation in a hybrid workplace? • How do leaders work to try to manage or take advantage of these challenges and opportunities to influence their employees' motivation? Methodology: The study consists of a qualitative multiple case study and adopts a phenomenological scientific approach. The empirical data for the study were collected through seven semi-structured interviews. In line with the study's purpose, the selected sample frame comprises leaders working in a hybrid workplace with personnel responsibilities. Employing an iterative approach, a deeper understanding of the phenomenon has gradually emerged by moving between theory and empirical data. A thematic analysis was subsequently conducted. Conclusion: The study shows that the hybrid workplace follows with both challenges and opportunities in motivating employees. Some of the key challenges for leaders in fostering motivation are finding a balance between the need for autonomy and control, dealing with reduced social interaction, and difficulties in building trust. The primary opportunity identified is rooted in increased flexibility, which promotes motivation in various aspects. To address these challenges and take advantage of the opportunities, the findings indicate the importance of emotional intelligence, greater emphasis on addressing individual needs, and increased focus on relationship-building as key success factors for leaders.

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